The Raggy Dolls are in the garden, Shabby needs coffee to add to the e-numbers. She enthuses that Josie was right that BB knew they didn't need booze!
SHABBY: Booze makes us too giggly!
Caoimhe calls Ben a prick and Shabby thinks he looked like a worm! Shabby has returned to the living room with a bottle of cola as she thought she needed more sugar! Nathan has his hands down his boxers and is having a rummage, Josie makes her way over to the bottle of pop to take a swig 'I could kiss you!'
John reassures Shabby, that the only way he'd have believed it is if he'd seen it himself or Shabby had admitted it to him. She's not going to deny she rubbed her hands but has no recollection of it; she thinks she would if she'd done so maliciously. John jokes that she'll have to walk around not rubbing her hands when he looks at his stuff!
JOSIE: (Randomly recognises) I'm busting about 13 new looks tonight, aren't I?
NATHAN: (Flatters) You look like a Roman Empress!
Shabby asks why they are now in there arguing with Ben. Josie blurts out bluntly 'cos he's a kn*b, let's be honest!'
JOHN: I'd just prefer if everyone was straight with everyone!
JOSIE: I'll be straight, I think he's a kn*b! (Govan does too)
JOHN: If you've got problems, then go straight to that person..
JOSIE: (To John) Me and you are alright, you know what I mean? .. (cuts to bedroom where the boys are complaining about the stench in there and Steve is about to take his legs off)
John holds open the door for Josie as they enter the dark bedroom. While Mario makes it known to Ben that he will be there for him no matter what anybody says about him. He tells Ben that one hard lesson he's learnt from this is to fight his own battles and he only has to concern himself over himself. A while later, we can just about pick up on John and Josie laughing away in the closet.. but I cannot hear what is making them giggle so generously. Josie leaves but vows not to have a cigarette.. but John tells her she can as he has to wash his clothes again tomorrow anyway? Then John is off to make a drink, offering Ben and Steve one before going.
Ben is incensed that John hasn't even apologised and bitches to Steve that he can't believe it (*Victor Meldrew voice*)'It teaches you in life, don't do anything for anyone! You get your fingers burnt!' Ben felt he was owed an apology and fully anticipated that he would receive one, for what he saw as John betraying him! He didn't half get his boxers in a bunch when he acknowledged that John's words with him earlier were all he would get!! Wasn't his repeating over and over how sorry he was, sincere enough to constitute an apology to you, Benji boy? :P You should count your blessings he didn't give you a poke in the eye with a sharp stick!! :D
In the kitchen, John expresses to Caoimhe that he feels like a 'd*ckhead!' as he thinks he overreacted. Shabby is off on one about Ben not thinking without speaking, but storing a fact away and mulling over it and using it when he could. Ben seems malicious to her but Shabby accepts that the lads know him better than she does. Dave determines that Ben has made a mistake that he thinks he will learn from. Like HELL he did!! Shabby mentions that she'd made the same one last week.
SHABBY: I just don't want him to have anything to do with me..
She agrees that she will be civil, she won't ignore him in a group conversation or shoot him down because she's not like that. She doesn't want to make his life sh*t or make him feel bad as that's really not her intention. But she will not go out of her way to be his friend as she wants to devote her time and attention to HER friends as she loves them!
She wonders what it says that she feels perfectly comfortable about her time in the house thus far and Ben doesn't.. and believes he should spend less time sticking his nose into other people's business. She shrugs that Ben must know he's done something wrong.
Shabs stresses that Mario seems like a cool kid and then self-edits when it comes over in a patronising way to cool 'guy.' She adds further that she doesn't judge people on their friends; Mario just hates all the negativity. BUT adds a big BUT that she thinks he should back off from standing right beside Ben 'just because you love someone and just because they're a good friend.. doesn't mean everything they say is right!' Mario understands but at the same time doesn't want to abandon him.
SHABBY: You strike me as the kind of guy that would cherishes your friendships. I'm not saying abandon him at all.. but sometimes you've just gotta let him fight his corner.
Once upon a time.. and it seems very long ago now, John and Josie cherished THEIR friendship and relationship.. to the extent that the prospect of it possibly ending the way it has.. terrified and chilled them to their very core :(
Maybe for the foreseeable future, John and Josie really don't want anything to do with each other.. and it shouldn't be so difficult seeing as they live in 2 entirely different continents! (That is until John visits/ returns to move back here!) At least, you'd think so wouldn't you? Twitter lessens the thousands of miles that they are apart, or at least makes the distance feel smaller.. and as though they are still able to fully 'escape' from the memories and reminders of each other's existence! I hope that if their paths ever were to cross again that they could be civil and not ignore one another.. and that they won't do anything to make each other's future lives sh*t!
I'm one of those girls that DOES cherish her friendships (and lots this past 18 months or so have come about BECAUSE of John and Josie! How many people can say they have become actual friends with people because 2 reality tv contestants touched their hearts?) I am not about to fall out with any of my new good friends over any pesky pickles.. purely brought about by different views to my own.. and some not so nice! I definitely don't like all the people John and Josie ally/associate themselves with (or some of their more extreme and ardent supporters).. and I make no secret of that.. but I won't judge them for the company they choose to keep!
Also, just because I have a LOT of love for John and Josie, by no means does it imply that I am a fan of EVERYTHING I have seen/heard from them! There is not a single person I know of in the world that I can say this about in total honesty.. as every person I know has done something I haven't liked/agreed with/would have done in their position.
Nathan has a glass of water and announces that he is going to wear his shirt (denim) a lot now and call himself Lance. Alrighty then! :D We catch a quick glimpse of Josie in the closet with her thumb firmly fixed in her gob. Then cut to another ad break!
After which, John and Dave are back at the sofas mulling everything over. Dave isn't surprised at all by what had gone on that night 'Ben shouldn't have said what he said!' but assures John he didn't do anything wrong at all! John exhales deeply.
DAVE: As far as you're concerned, Govan's a were having it out with a mate. That's not a problem. (As far as Dave's concerned Ben shouldn't have come up with the scenario that he did and said anything to John.. and Govan certainly shouldn't have repeated it to Shabby. John obviously didn't think he would do that.) Why would you know he'd do that? You haven't done anything! (Dave wouldn't have trusted him as he's seen things that week, John nods that he knows what he means. He explains that he had witnessed Shabby doing the same thing Ben had but didn't know how Ben had drawn that conclusion) Ben was indefendible!
Mario retreats to bed having had enough excitement that day! Dave throws his head back laughing and then returns to the matter at hand, Mario had tried to defend Ben but couldn't. Ben had been trying to get around it but what he'd said was stupid.. which is why when John asked Dave about what he saw he said he didn't have an opinion on it!
John is listening intently to all of Dave's words, taking it all in and allowing it to process.. when who should walk in (off screen) and distract him and turn his thoughts to :) <3 :) <3 only Josie Jo, H'OBVIOUSLY!!!!!
DAVE: (Winds her up) We were talking about you! Go away!!
JOHN: (Mocks the whispering from earlier) Pssst pssst pssst pstt! (Smiles the gorgeous way he only did at the sight of Josie) Benny was right but.. I should have made something up, but I wasn't f**king quick enough! I went in there with the intentions of clearing everyone's name.. cos I knew it wasn't about them two.. I knew they fired up cos I could see 'em! Benny was like 'what's their f**king problem?' I'm like 'they heard what you f**king said, they heard you whispering something cos you're f**king loud when you f**king talk!'
Ben was taken aback that they would pipe up about that so John had replied that 'people pipe up about f**king anything in here!' He'd seen Govan storm in there 'give me the f**king greazy of the year!' so he'd hopped up to sort it out.
JOHN: And I just naturally said 'it wasn't even f**king about you, it was about Shabby! Cos I was having a go at Govan as well cos he f**king went me! I said 'you don't even know what it was f**king about.. so f**king drop it!'
Cuts to the kitchen where Govan informs Caoimhe and Shabby that John and Ben had been having an argument about food .. and it had all boiled from there. Josie comes in and rar's at them while Shabby demands to know who the others were that supposedly had bitched about her too as she thinks he was lying.. unless it was Dave.
JOSIE: Well, you know it wasn't any of us!
Shabby believes Ben was trying to make her think it was. Josie rubs Govan's bald head and then smothers hiss face in sloppy kisses and tells him she's going to bed 'you know I don't like going to bed without you!'.. (yet we spot her in the background shortly after, leaning against the sofa and gabbing to the guys in the lounge.) Shabby is angered that Ben tried to make himself appear virtuous about not dobbing anyone in but then doing so - which results in a chorus of 'f**k off's' from the clan!
In the bedroom, Mario again pledges to use his shield to buffer Ben as best he can. Ben professes he would be a miracle worker if he could!
MARIO: Miracles have been known to happen! (then they try to sleep)
Back to the kitchen, Shabby laughs that Dave keeps commenting how she had tamed the baying crowd and she'd found it funny the first time. Govan thinks this is because he is very aware of what's going on and is constantly bothered about it. The kitchen crew consider that nearly every conversation they have with Dave, the public are referred to. Caoimhe can't stand how he calls her so precious and believes he obviously has nothing to say if he is licking her arse! Shabby questions his motives for making a massive effort with her. She knows he doesn't want to fall out with her but she can't fathom why.
Govan elaborates that generally, genuine people (in the house) are LOVED (which is why he thinks Dave has latched onto Shabby in that respect) and he thinks more than Ben, Dave is aware of what is going on outside and acts accordingly. He asks why Dave had replaced himself with Rachael and answers it was because everyone secretly knew she was vulnerable. In addition, Shabby states Rachael couldn't get rid of the first initial perception people had of her. Caoimhe condemns Dave for using the she'll be saved as she's so beautiful bullsh*t!Shabby states that she doesn't mean to be derogatory to Rachael but she knows who the popular ones are: Steve and Josie! 'They were on the first night and they probably still are now! They will go far in this competition, we all know that! It wasn't Rachael, was it?' Govan admits that even as Rachael's friends they knew she was bottom of the pile! Shabby thinks there will be more and more drama for 13 weeks now and it won't stop. Govan learnt from tonight just to completely ignore people like that as it is playing into their hands.
Shabby is worried as John is good friends with them and she doesn't want sh*t whispered in his ear.
SHABBY: They're using John James as a tool! (To which Caoimhe mmmm hmmmm's like a Gospel preacher! Govan has noted from his chats with John that John is clocking onto certain things they do)
Shabby lists that Dave is there to preach and Ben to land his own TV show. She is fuming that some are arrogant enough to believe they will win the £100,000. Govan glances into the lounge and gabs that Dave is grilling John. Caoimhe can't believe she is letting herself be so bothered by weirdos!
Shabby gathers that the whole thing arose because John had a go at Ben and Ben was affronted that John was arguing with him when Shabby had rubbed her hands!! Shabby feels Ben has made it plainly obvious that he wants her out of the show because she won't take any bull crap. Also that, Ben had underestimated Caoimhe as the quiet one of the two. Shabby needs to stop picking her toenails on the kitchen table! As they walk into the garden, Shabby says as far as John's concerned she has to trust that he will make a good call on this. Caoimhe confesses that she LOVED (and revelled) in saying her bit tonight, as she wasn't going to stand for that sh*t!
Switch to John and Dave at the sofas speaking about Ben.
JOHN: He could be a very, very, very good actor! Do you know what I mean? And when you get people coming up to you and saying that he could be playing the game .. I think it's a bit more obvious who has said that to me.. and I see things like that.. I'm like 'oooh! Maybe they're right' Cos how I meant to know? Do you know what I mean? Like I know, you've got people that you trust.. but we've all got our individual brains.. (which is what he'd been trying to say to Benny but Ben rolls his eyes) but how do I know that? I feel as though I'm trying to be legit.. that's why I speak up when I speak up! I don't try and hide anything.. but how do I know that he's being legit? So I've gotta question his motives and that's what I don't understand.. (repeats the whispering when Josie returns)
From the minority of viewers, John and Josie were accused of being actors from the beginning of their relationship. John was fearful of being branded 'fake' when he knew his own feelings were genuine.. but because he was being protective of their relationship and because of the HL's horrific editing, even John said he could understand why some people had come to this conclusion!
There is NO way John and Josie could have feigned their feelings and been false for their entire duration in the house! They were not playing a game in order to prolong their stay.. actually, they tried to resist and deny how they felt several times .. but they couldn't help it. They DID fall in love and it WAS real! (At least these are the beliefs in my individual brain) They wanted to see if their emotions were legit and they were. Anybody who enters BB as a HM, will always have their motives and intentions questioned - both inside and outside the house and so it continues..
DAVE: We're not talking about you again! (Josie laughs and asks if she can interrupt, John permits her to go for it)
She and Ife fill John in about a little bet they had made together, nothing bad. John is bemused 'a bet?'
IFE: Okay, would you say this glass was.. don't speak Dave! Half full or half empty? (She holds up the glass for John to make an informed decision and tells him to say the first thing that comes to mind)
JOHN: (Plays along) Oooh.. I haven't used.. yeah, I would say half full!
Ife squeals with delight at her victory and makes her winning demands of Josie. 'You need to make me breakfast! You need to make me breakfast! I want eggs, bacon, mushrooms.. I want it all!'
JOHN: (Watches Ife's rejoicing with amusement) I don't use either of those terms, but when you said half full, yeah.. I wouldn't have said either but when you said I had to pick one .. if I had to describe that glass I would say half full.
Ife begins to brag if they wanna know how she knew that he would pick that.
JOHN: How? Why??
IFE: (Gleeful) The secret! (John laughs and Josie says she's got to get into that)
JOHN: The secret? Um.. it's pretty intense sh*t! I haven't read it.. I've seen, I've watched the DVD.
I too, watched The Secret DVD several years ago and (as our Finnish friend would say) I think it is the biggest bunch of boohaggy I've ever watched. It was quite dark and trippy .. I believe there is SOME power in positive thinking just not to the same extent that this *secret* tries to suggest. Sorry Ife, I just don't buy into this at all.. but if it works for you and makes your life a happier one, then FABULOSA :)
JOHN: (Resumes where the discussion with Dave left off) And that sorta makes me question like.. whether you know what's going on or not.. we're talking about Benny, if you have to .. I don't give a f**k if you (Josie giggles) .. just repeating what I spoke to him in the bathroom about.
Govan wasn't there so asks if they'd argued.
JOHN: Yeah, I went off at him because .. yeah (chuckles softly) no, I just questioned him about the whole Rachael thing.. I just said if you felt the same way about her as what I did .. and you felt that she wasn't a legit friend.. I felt that she was sorta.. she didn't have time for him really . That was obvious! And to him as well.. I just said.. and he went 'yeah, yeah, you're right. I can see that!' Cos he asked me about it.. he was like 'what do you reckon?' So I told him but um.. he kept getting up and making her glasses of water and I said to him 'that makes me question motive.. like.. why, why are you doing that? Are you doing that cos you wanna bang her? Are you doing that cos you wanna get the Mac Daddy on with her? Are you doing that just because you fancy her? Because you wanna avoid her nomination? Why are you doing that?' And that's just what I said to him in there!
JOSIE: (Asserts) He's just making her a glass of water!
JOHN: Yeah, but if you.. (Josie says she wouldn't think twice about making John a glass of water) Yeah but you.. (wink wink) I think you like me though (Josie giggles) whereas.. why is that funny? (folds arms across chest) But no, Benny said that she had no time for him, he KNEW that she had no time for him.. it was as f**king obvious as a smack on the face.. but yet he was like.. she continued to have a go at him and sh*t.. yet he continued to suck up her arse! And I just wanted to know why.
Josie stands up on the sofa and miaows softly .. suggesting that the guys were being catty perhaps and leaves the lounge briefly. Ben didn't strike Govan as a dishonest person until John had mentioned the whole thing to him. Govan didn't really know his motives behind that but after today it has changed completely the way he sees everything.
JOHN: I think it's changed the way everyone's f**king views on everyone, hasn't it?
GOVAN: Because at the end of the day (my most despised BB phrase of all time) there was no.. I feel personally, no other motive for his behaviour tonight, other than to make you dislike her (Shabs - when she and everyone else could tell John that Shabby's never had a bad word to say about him ever!) When you asked me earlier 'is she p*ssed off?' I told you straight, I don't think anybody who heard what you said about Josie thought it was a nice thing to say .. but that's as far as it goes.
Govan grunts that it was made worse by Ben insinuating that people around him agreed with him.. and then insinuating that people in the little group had seen and agreed that Shabby had done the same thing. 'That in itself is dishonest, do you agree?' Dave accepts that initially when Ben brought this up, he too had seen the same thing but interpreted it differently.
Dave's declaration above is one of the things I like best about the little home we have. We all see the same actions from John and Josie but we all interpret/analyse/dissect/view them slightly differently.. we don't know the exact reasons why they have behaved in certain ways - but we discuss, speculate and draw our own conclusions. Maybe some of us are spot on and others wayyyyyy off the mark.. but we don't know whose perspective (if any) is most accurate. So long as we debate with kindness and courtesy and do not thrust our thoughts forcefully onto others, I don't see any reason why anyone who wants to post on the JJJAT can't do so. (So long as they are in keeping with the Appreciation thread rules and not singling anyone out or outright slating John/Josie/both - there is room for you)
To appreciate, is defined as 'to be grateful or thankful for' and 'to value or regard highly' And to be appreciative is 'feeling or showing gratitude or pleasure.' which is what the majority strive to do in their posts. Appreciating doesn't mean swooning over or thinking every little thing they do is perfect/brilliant or that they are the BEST at anything they try their hands at! Because while I DO appreciate John and Josie to death.. I definitely don't appreciate and agree with EVERRRRRYTHING they have ever done. But I will appreciate them for the people they are, for their summer in BB and beyond that we were blessed to joy them for the ride and most of all, for bringing us all together. Josie is filing away at her fingernails and has some grapes to munch on.
JOHN: (Desires to feast on her fruit) Give me one of those! Come over here! (He orders Jose to sit beside him as she is next to Govan)
GOVAN: Give him a grape.
JOSIE: Do you want a grape, do you? Are you gonna give it to John? I wanna give it to him! (I bet you did, randyyyyyy mare!) (Govan tells her not to throw it as it's wasteful) Come here then!
JOHN: (Refuses while laughing) No, because I know what you're gonna do! Cheeky b*tch!
GOVAN: She's like that! She does stuff like that! (Josie is lobbing grapes in John's direction)
JOHN: You don't have to keep throwing 'em at me! One woulda been fine!
JOSIE: We've got blueberries as well.
Seemingly, John and Josie were getting fruity with each other much sooner than I had even realised ;)
After Josie's fruit flinging fun, she grumbles at the sour grapes amongst the group! (Knew there would be a fruit funny punny in here somewhere!)
JOSIE: Why, why, why are we even worried about it anymore? F**k it! F**K IT! (Govan acknowledges that she is right! Sound cut. Shabby comes in and sits next to Jose on the sofa) I'm sick of all the ner ner ner! F**k it! I'm not like that at home.. that's why I hang around with boys. Alright, sexy b*tch?
SHABBY: (Parrots playfully) Alright sexy b*tch?
Govan wonders if it still smells in the bedroom. John says it does and that it is cold. Dave professes his innocent that he his clothes had not contributed to the stinkiness!
JOSIE: (Disbelievingly) Are you sure?
Dave attempts to shift the blame 'it might be his clothes!' and that it can't be his stuff. Josie realises the stench is emanating from her and Govan's side of the bedroom!!
JOSIE: There ain't no skidders in your pants there, is there Dave?
Dave decides it is more than skidders 'that's a full blown poo!' Which Josie imitates with amusement :D Govan is concerned that there could be real sh*t in there as his clean clothes are out.
DAVE: What the ones you had your toast on earlier?
Govan points the finger at Josie for this 'You did that! You know when you were finishing off that cupcake .. then miraculously it appeared down the side of the bed and fell all over my clean shirt and my clean trousers!'
JOSIE: (Wheels it back round to Govan) What the cake YOU had?! (Govan jibes and the cake she finished off which Josie denies) I didn't finish any cake off. I played with it!
GOVAN: Over my side of the bed?
JOSIE: I can't 'member! Sorry about that. (Govan sighs that it's alright, he'll just have to do another wash load) Go and have a word with Big Brother about it! (SC)
Josie giggles as she makes an observation about Shabby 'OMG! You've got the tiniest little, big toenail!!' She shows Shabs how large her own beauty of a toenail is in comparison.
SHABBY: (Teases) Nearly as big as your earlobes! (which gives Jose the giggles)
Dave asks if it is normally like this in BB with that amount of arguing in the first week (as he hasn't seen many of the previous series) Shabby and Josie agree that it's not usually until after 4 or 5 weeks.
JOHN: I think they did the right thing by putting me in then!
JOSIE: Um, yeah so do I. (Shabby feels the producers cast very well)
JOHN: I think they knew.. They didn't fly me half way over the f**king world for no reason! They knew they had to fly a bloke half way across the planet to get some..
Dave commends them for having 10 years to get it right 'and now they've got it right!' :) Govan adds 'talk about going out with a bang!' (I really wish BB11 had remained the final series.. as the magic has fizzled out for me. I didn't watch the last channel 5 one which Aaron one.. but from what I hear, if they had been the final Channel 4 show - it would have gone out with a whimper!)
DAVE: We'll fly someone in Business class from Australia, he'll stir it up! (SC)
Shabby states if BB send in a really fit girl she won't be getting into any arguments. Josie reckons 'they'll put in a really fit girl and a really fit bloke!' Govan believes there would be trouble if that was the case.
DAVE: We don't need any more stirrers!
JOHN: No, I don't know if they'll do that.. because then the fit bloke and the fit girl will probably just hook up and that'll be the end of it.
Shabby hopes that they'll put in a fit girl that's bisexual that she and Nathan will really fancy and fight over.
JOSIE: And John! (Shabby shakes her head, that it will be her and Nathan because they always joke about fighting over girls!) (ad break)
After the break, John is demonstrating the whirring sound of the cameras, that he heard when the cameras were whizzing around after him earlier in the day when he and Josie were fighting.
JOSIE: They weren't on me!
John could hear them running around. Dave determines that he and Govan had given BB a whole day's viewing 'a whole programme out of us!'
JOSIE: You know what's gonna be on tomorrow?
JOHN: Me packing up my f**king sh*t! (JJJ have a good laugh about what will be aired on the HL's the next day)
JOSIE: And me going 'Jog on, John!'
JOHN: (Ribs her back) You told me to f**king jog on!
Shabby thinks the John and Josie argument will definitely be used as Josie hasn't been in anything majorally yet.
SHABBY: Today you called him a pr*ck! (Govan during the egg task) And then promptly had an argument with John!
JOHN: I'm glad I'll make the Highlights show on a regular basis! It'll be John strikes back..
Govan laughs that it was so ironic 'Humpty Dumpty did have a great f**king fall!! Legs in the air, flipped over!'
Exhausted just reading that,wonder how they felt!Don't think John had any idea what the glass half full/empty meant lol...i don't see him as a glass half full,more half empty,as he expect the worst!
ReplyDeleteJose is more likely a person that would go for the glass half full thingie!
Thannks Cheeky,it is weird reading back,now that u'm not attached to either anymore,i can see they were a miss match tbh:(John is too sensitive/dependent and a resolver,while Jose is very independent,too strong,and needs to time to process situations!
They do share some things,banter,but especially stubbornness,hotheaded,wanting the other to see it form their pov all the time,both want to be the top dog.