Thursday, 8 March 2012

Live feed Night 12 P3

PREFACE: This was written BEFORE today's events on twitter...

JOSIE: My mates must be thinking 'oh God, she's got it about her!' Because I've had it right out with him, then I had it right out with John.. my mates are probably watching thinking 'please Jose, please, please, please calm down!' (then contradicts herself in the next breath) They'll be well proud of me!

JOHN: You didn't really go though, did ya? 

JOSIE: No, I didn't. I handled that situation SO well! 

JOHN: Cos I was rarin'! (SC) That could have got real nasty, couldn't it? 

Josie admits it really could have 'I think I'm growing up!' :D Govan rubs Josie's leg 'maybe you're a lot smarter than we all give you credit for?' John yawns that he had expected Josie to 'go!' 
JOSIE: No, you wanted me to go, I think.. (John nods 'yeah') But I'm glad I didn't. (Gets distracted by a cushion Govan has destroyed)

John wants her attention back so prompts 'what are you glad you didn't do?' 

JOSIE: I'm glad I didn't go off my off, right because.. If I would have went off my off with you.. you wouldn't have been as upset as you were.. 

Shabby finds that true and doesn't think John would have cried if Josie had gone off at him. 

JOHN: Nah, it would have just been anger! .. But I'm glad that you didn't.. because I'm the sort of person.. in case you hadn't noticed.. I just keep going and going and GOING .. and I probably would have been ejected, I think.. (SC)
JOSIE: Well you know what? I'm not gonna mention it in the Diary room. I'm not gonna be that girl! I'll try and make you look alright. (John tells her not to worry about it) Course I will.. I told them before that you were on your 3 month cycle! (SC)

Sometimes in their relationship, maybe they goaded each other into going off at each other.. raring to get that release they needed from a slanging match which then developed into something REALLLLL nasty! When one was feeling cooler/calmer than the other, perhaps they tried to handle the situation in a composed and restrained manner. Such blow ups could have been upsetting for one/both of them but in the moment, if one started firing the other would have reacted in anger too. They both come across as the sort of people who keep going and going and GOING in an argument.. 
Josie asks Govan if he has rotten egg on his top as she thinks this could be the offending article of clothing creating such a stink! Govan argues that it is too cold for the eggs to have gone bad. Dave points out that the t-shirt he had lent John got covered in egginess and he'd put the shirt down the side of his bed to be washed later. John doesn't think the  smell of the eggy tops can be the only factor causing the smell. 

JOHN: That's the smell of more than 1 top! That's a combined smell! 

Josie KNEW it was the washing and was thinking 'those smelly b*stards!' Govan and Dave return to the bedroom to figure out if the washing is the source behind the horrendous odour! Josie picks up a top and asks who it belongs to. 
JOHN: I don't know.. (jests) You gonna steal it? 

JOSIE: It's nice! (Govan comes back out and informs them of the findings from his sniffing) I know, I rolled over by our bed and thought it was our bed! And I was like 'oh nooo!' 

Dave walks out with the t-shirt in dispute in his hands and declares that it doesn't smell too bad. John notices that the egg is splattered on the sleeve too. 

JOHN: That's cos the b*stards .. they just got me! (Josie chortles) Don't smile! I  saw .. I got a quick glimpse of you ready to at cannon me! 
Dave deems that it is probably Nathan!! Josie's not looking forward to going to sleep in the bedroom as her house ALWAYS smells nice! 'That's 1 thing I can say about myself!' 

JOHN: Do you reckon at the end.. say we all come back for the final.. do you reckon everyone will just be friends again? Cos you see 'em all and the final and they're all friends! 

JOSIE: (Jokes) What? With YOU?? (Laughs)

JOHN: Hey? (but smiles back at her all the same) 
Govan conjectures that by that time everyone will have seen the show and things they wouldn't have liked! 

GOVAN: If anything, I would imagine there would be more conflict then! 

JOHN: But at the end you always see them just banging around with each other, don't ya? And they've forgotten about it.. and it's all in the past! 

It would be nice if one day John and Josie were spotted banging around with each other (not in a sexual sense!!) again .. that all the craaaap was forgiven and forgotten! They have both said that their relationship is in the past.. yet they both have numerous times brought it up in the present.. it is only now that I am starting to be convinced they have finally let it all go as they haven't mentioned/referred to each other in a couple of months. 
Govan bets them any money that there will be a conflict at the wrap party! (And apparently there was between Josie and Caoimhe/Caoimhe and Josie's family?) Josie brings up series 7 and how she'd watched it one time on someone's eviction when they had thrown a glass of water in the face of another HM. Govan thought that was awful and Josie asks who it was - it had been Grace and she'd chucked the water over Suzie. 

JOHN: (Cuts in) Tell me more about Rex!

JOSIE: He's like you!! (laughs but Govan shakes his head)

JOHN: Someone said I was like him. (Govan asks who) I don't know.. but she brang it up.. (Govan can't see any kind of resemblance) 
JOSIE: When he goes off his off! 

JOHN: (Eager to find out) Was he an arsehole? (Josie giggles 'yeahhhh!' ) How long did he last? (camera cuts to the bedroom and back) Off my off? 

JOSIE: That was TOO off for me!!

JOHN: (Extremely surprised)Yeah? Realllly?? 

JOSIE: Yeah, when you're horrible when you're meant to be my friend.. of course it is. (Govan doesn't want them to dwell on that any more) I know. I'm just telling him! (laughs)
JOHN: (Eating his mic wires) It's gonna be weird now.. cos I'm gonna feel weird what I say to you and what I don't.. (Josie asks why?) Oh f**k it! (Chuckles cheekily while chomping on his mic) 

Josie is sure John will be back to normal in a minute.  

JOHN: When you said your ex was mean to you or whatever, right.. that.. (SC and quick camera cutaway) I don't care if you think I was lying or not.. that was the deal.. I'd packed up my sh*t.. 

JOSIE: Yeah, but you didn't ask me to come in.. 
JOHN: Yeah, I know.. I wasn't going to cos I was more.. I wasn't.. I had too much pride to come and get ya .. well you gave me a greazy and told me to 'jog on!' .. Why would I, why would I come and chase after ya, after you told me to jog on? 

JOSIE: That was a good one though, wasn't it? Jog on, John! (They both laugh) 

JOHN: You told me to jog on.. so that's what I was going to do! I didn't care if Rachael told me to jog on .. cos I didn't really like her but.. 

JOSIE: (Teases) Oh and you really like me, do ya? 
JOHN: (Plays it cool and looks away) I did, yeah..yeah..

Of course, after the bitter break up Josie considers John as an arsehole/prick and he probably considers her a cow/b*tch :( In their arguments, I presume some got out of hand and they went TOO off their off, for people in a loving relationship.. to the point where they each could have thought that treatment was TOO horrible considering they were meant to be a couple. If John shouted at Josie, she would have thought that isn't the way my boyfriend should speak to me .. and if Josie yelled at John, he wouldn't have liked to be spoken to that way by his girlfriend. 

Not only are John and Josie stupidly stubborn they are also precariously proud.. Pride prevents us from following our heart and from doing ANYTHING in our power to prove that we don't really want our partner to 'jog on!' And so.. they pushed each other further and further away.. they did CARE a hell of a lot.. but why would they put themselves out there and chase after that person they had sent packing in the first place? Pride is one of the most painful pills to swallow.. 
Govan brings out a blue t-shirt which makes Josie's jaw drop! Govan giggles asking if she'd done this and displays the egg all over it, which she protests. 

JOSIE: You've done that, 'an't you? 

GOVAN: To my own t-shirt?? 

Josie thinks it is hers as she has a blue t-shirt like that and giggles 'I didn't do that! I didn't do that!' As he holds it out to inspect it further and gasps 'what have you done? You spiteful, evil b*tch!' She can't help but laugh but swears she didn't do anything. 

GOVAN: Be careful of her John, cos she'll sabotage your sh*t!

JOSIE: Yeah, you wait! 
Dave and John head for bed. After Josie swears some more, Govan eventually believes her and she sucks her thumb. Josie laughs that they are all learning stuff about themselves in there. She wants to keep their comic routines up :) (ad break)

JOSIE: (Whispers unkindly) Do you know what's SO sick about all this? I'm so glad he started crying. (Govan giggles that what John said had been out of order) When he started crying I was like (smugly) HA! I'm horrible, aren't I? (Govan mm's) But at the end of the day, what goes around comes around. 

GOVAN: (Jokes) You'll be getting yours soon! But I did feel sorry for him. 
JOSIE: (Confesses) I did quite fancy John before today.. well not really, but I'd have a little perve now and again. But after today? .. Not at all! He looks uglier! 

Govan acknowledges that when someone does offend you in such a way they do become uglier. 

GOVAN: It's as if their face changes! The way you see them is completely different. (Josie's turn for an mm before more thumb sucks) (This EASILY could have happened to John and Josie in their relationship.. after they kept offending and hurting each other, their appearance may have looked uglier, making them less attracted to one another as they were now seeing them in a different light) 
Govan is angry as that morning he'd wanted to leave but has now decided he's not ready to go. Govan and Josie decide to go to bed so the camera go to the usual suspects in the bathroom. The girls discuss songs that make them want to stab themselves in the eye!! After a few minutes, the cameramen realise that a more interesting conversation is taking place in the bedroom and switches to the action there. 

Only we don't get to see ANY of the action, only HEAR it - as throughout the next transcripts all we are shown on the screen is a sleeping Mariooooo. Because that is obviously a prettier sight than the actual people still awake and speaking!! GGGGGGGGRRRRRR THEM!!!!!!

JOHN: (In his Bristolian accent) I'm telling you cos we're mates..
JOSIE: You didn't like your last warning, did you?

JOHN: No, I didn't! What kind of friend gives you a last warning? (laughs) Not an 'oh, we'll see what happens' no, no.. I got a 'if you do 1 more thing wrong, you're out of my friendship and life FOREVER .. and I will NEVER talk to you EVER again!!' 

He giggles at the insanity of the things Josie had warned him with earlier after their bust-up. Did Josie warn him of similar things in their relationship? Did John think what kind of girlfriend would give me warnings?? Did he try Josie's patience soooo much that she felt it was warranted? I can imagine the NEVER talk to you ever again line being thrown around between the two since splitting up.. 

JOHN: That's something you say to your ultimate villain! .. 'If you do 1 more thing ..I'm gonna kill you!!' 

I hope like hell they don't consider each other as their ultimate villain :( Maybe now, they just think of the other as 'just somebody that I used to know'..

JOSIE: I thought you were my ex for a minute.. that's what I used to say to him.. 'you've got 1 more chance.. or you're out of my life forever!' 

JOHN: (Continues to entertain himself with his Josie impressions) 'And I won't talk to you ever again, John .. if you do this again.. this is your last warning! I'm laughing but I'm not joking!' (Josie joins in laughing at how ridiculous it sounded) 'No, I'm serious!' .. what a b*tch! I'm not happy about that, no.. (Govan interrupts to announce that he needs a sh*t - just what the world wished to know!) Well go and have 1! (Govan mutters he can't as there is pee round the rim of the toilet) Why is there p*ss running down the bowl? ..Don't blame me, I sit down most of the time!.. I get blamed for f**king everything else! I might as well get blamed for p*ss on the floor!

JOSIE: (Banters) Get the violins out!

JOHN: (Snort laughs) Don't f**king start, don't f**king start!

Dave jokes that it was probably Shabby trying to spell her name on the floor. 

JOHN: (Hisses) 'You've got 1 more warning' .. and if I hear Crab eyes one more time.. I'll knock your teeth out!

JOSIE: I didn't make Crab eyes up! (John didn't say she had made it up!) Well, why don't you have a go at the person who made Crab eyes up? 
JOHN: (Counters) I didn't make Lobeywonkanobi up!

JOSIE: (Sweetly) Oh, alright. I'm sorry John. I love you! 

JOHN: No, you don't!

JOSIE: Yeah, I do!

JOHN: You gave me a last minute warning! Who saysss.. who resolves anything like .. (he can't speak for laughing too hard) who resolves.. who resolves.. who resolves a friendship on a'you've got 1 more warning left.. you've got 1 more chance!' I'm not happy! You could have just said 'we'll see how things go and we'll address it when the situation comes.'

JOSIE: When I came in here, I said 'are you still gonna go on about this now?' and he went 'is this how you resolve all your arguments?' 

JOHN: She didn't even let me explain what had happened.. and then I got in trouble for not apologising after you told me to jog on.. and saying 'I don't wanna hear about it no more! Stop talking about it!' So I stopped talking about it and then I got in trouble cos I didn't f**king keep going with it!

JOSIE: It was quite funny, wasn't it? 

JOHN: (Sarcastically) It was a p*sser! You could see I was clearly laughin' (!) Big Brother's trying to talk to me and I'm just giving him 'I want out. I want out!' 'Big Brother suggests that you talk to Josie after you've calmed down.' NO!

Josie asks John to be honest with her if he'd slagged her right off in the Diary room. 

JOHN: I swear to God.. I hope.. I hope to God that when you leave you still remember me ..and you listen to what I said in there! (SC) and then.. and THEN.. when you ring me up and it costs you $1400 a minute to ring me from Australia to apologise .. you make sure it's a good one! And there'll be no '1 more warning!'

JOSIE: Alright then!

JOHN: (Winds her up) Your friends would have been watching that and been thinking 'awwww!' They'll probably wanna be friends with me now after that and you're out!

JOSIE: You're joking?
JOHN: NUH! So don't plan on.. 

JOSIE: (Confesses) I'm so sorry.. I called you a little b*tch! 

JOHN: (Laughs at the revelation) Um .. your friends probably watched that .. and probably thought 'yeah, Josie's harassing that poor boy! He really likes her and he's just got the last minute warning!' I'm not happy about that!! (We KNOW!!!! You've mentioned this once or twice before) I'm just gonna sit here and look up at the stars!

JOSIE: One day, John.. one day.. 

JOHN: NO don't 'one day' me! (His curiosity quickly gets the better of him) Yeah, come on.. what?

JOSIE: (Flirts) When you tell me something now - I'm gonna do it!

JOHN: What? 

JOSIE: Nothin'!

JOHN: (Brizzle accent) Nuffffinnnn! (Josie can't be bothered to explain) You wanna drop it? 'I don't wanna talk about this no more!' (Josie um's) Yeah go.. I looked like a right t*sser in there! You made me look like a right tonk in there!

JOSIE: That's my job! I made you feel like a right tonk? (John admits 'yeah') Why? 

JOHN: Hey? Cos I said, the only reason you got to me .. was because I thought you were one of my best friends in here.. and you just told me to jog on.. and that I really liked ya but I must have misread the situation.. because obviously you didn't give a f**k.. because you told me to jog on and you didn't care if you never spoke to me ever again! So I said 'I want out!' cos a REAL friend wouldn't do that .. or call me Crab eyes! (hoorrrrray we catch a look at John's neck and ear in the bed with Mario!) 

GOVAN: Yeah, but you don't act rationally when you're angry! (SO WE HAVE SEEN FROM JJJ!) 

JOHN: Yeah, I do get a bit angry don't I? (Govan elaborates that his comment was meant in general)

JOSIE: (In a cutesy voice) I think I love you now, John!

JOHN: I guess at the end of the day what happened was.. 

JOSIE: You're so sweet!

JOHN: You didn't think I was serious but I was.. and that's pretty much the bottom line (ad break) It's cos she.. she gave me the last minute warning, that's why!

JOSIE: I'm a straight-talking girl, Govan .. that's why!

JOHN: But surely we're.. I thought we were better friends than to be giving  last minute warnings!!! I've never had a warning off of one of my mates before! 

JOSIE: But none of my mates have spoken to me like that before! (John laughs) EVER!!
JOHN: You got fly-kicked.. !! (SC) And you're my mate so I'm gonna be formal with ya and give you a last warning.. cos you're my mate! .. You're my mate and that's what mates do! 

JOSIE: (Giggles at John's impressions of her) So I'm on my last warning with you as well, am I? 

JOHN: No. I would like to say that to you .. but I just couldn't. (Josie asks why) Cos I'm gonna be honest with you.. that's pretty much the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life.. but if that's the way you feel, then fine.. but I'm not gonna give you a last warning .. yeah, yeah.. you could have just said 'I don't appreciate being spoken to like that!' You didn't have to say.. you didn't have to give me a last warning! That's like me saying to you, if you call me Crab eyes ever again you're got 1 last warning! And if you ever call me Crab eyes again.. you're out! And I'm never gonna talk to you ever again!

JOSIE: But I don't even think you've got crab eyes.

JOHN: (Bristolian accent is belted out again) I know you're my mate but if you ever call me crab eyes again.. I'm gonna smash your teeth in and then kneecap you! Cos you're my mate .. you're my mate. 

JOSIE: (Fesses up) I actually thought you were quite fanciable before today!

JOHN: Huh?!! (Josie repeats) What do you mean? (Govan translates that Josie could see why girls find him attractive) What before today? (Josie admits yes) Oh and now you've realised why they don't? 

JOSIE: (Laughs with Govan) No.. 

JOHN: (Pesters persistently) Tell me what you mean!! (snoring sounds interrupt the chat) It's Stevo! Who else would it be? 
JOSIE: We're too far away to go into it!

JOHN: (Not about to let Josie worm her way out of this one - boy wants answers!) Well, I'll come into the next bed then! (His hint for an invite to join them in the double is about as subtle as snot!) No! Tell me what you mean .. tell me what you mean! (Govan calls him hither) (John pretends to be put out but secretly his stomach is doing somersaults) Oh f**k! (But obeys and moves nearer their bed)

GOVAN: Get next to Josie!

JOSIE: Stop being stupid! You can have that pillow!

And yet the camera remains on Mario! Clearly, the nocturnal sleeping habits of the Mole provides FARRRRRRR more fascinating footage than those who are awake! We can barely hear the JJJG conversation and the camera keeps cutting to the bathroom and then  returning to the bedroom but still WON'T show John, Josie and Govan. Were they worried they would indulge in some menage a trois action??? 
Govan goes to make amends with Ben and they chat in bed for a long time.. leaving John and Josie alone in the double. But are we allowed to see or hear them? HELL TO THE NO! Every so often they laugh audibly and Josie repeats 'that is so stupid. That is SO stupid!!' Again, the cameramen cut between the trio in the bathroom to Ben and Govan. There is more laughter coming from JJJ's direction and we'll never know why :( 

Random sentences I can make out from John and Josie:

JOSIE: (Impressed) You've got a 6 pack!!! (giggling - was he telling her or showing her? Or was she having a feelski???) 

JOHN: You could see my nostrils were flaring up! (now discussing their earlier argument before chuckling) I was just raging.. I know you muck around with your mates.. 
Ben thinks what he did was wrong but he did it for the right reason. So it is hurtful for him that 50% of the group are now against him and he is sure to be up for nominations and because he tried to stick up for a friend (John!) Ben gets up to shove Steve as his snores reach Tyrannosaurus rex levels and John can be heard telling Josie he was raging. Ben believes he had been unwise blabbing about Shabby but thinks he has never said a bad thing and doesn't even consider Shabby to be a back stabber. 

Ben is hurt at what's happened as he is totally loyal to John and loves him to bits. He claims that in the outside world he never has arguments and has lots and lots of friends 'maybe it's an ego thing!' he just can't relate to Shabby in any way. As Ben and Govan both get up to use the toilet, we sneak a tiny peek at JJJ in the double (from a great distance so it is blurry but they seem closely huddled together in bed)
Ife and Govan chat in the kitchen about the events of the evening. Ife doesn't think Ben is a bad person but considers him to be a manipulative person. She isn't saying that 'he walks around and spits on the poor people' but he manipulated the situation. Govan and Ife peck good night and she gushes to somebody off screen that she is so in love with Govan (not in a sexual way!!!) she wants to be his big sister. Govan goes back to Ben's bed to continue their conversation. 

BEN: Everything gets amplified here! 

Ben theorises that cliques of convenience have formed between the smokers and non-smokers .. but these are not bonds of natural attraction. He knows it sounds like he is having a general whinge that he's hard done by but he isn't!! Ben thinks his Dad would say he'd behaved very badly today and that one of his crimes was in getting caught bitching!! In a way he has held up his hands but did not viciously set out to cause problems but was basically trying to convince John to stay. 
BEN: It was wrong of me to do that! It was unprofessional.. 

Ben makes the point that BB is ultimately a game but they HAVE made some good friendships. 

BEN: I have acknowledged that I am human.. I've acknowledged that I will screw up over things like that.. 

GEM OF WISDOM FROM GOVAN: (During the chat with Ben): Nice people do bad things. 

Govan leaves to speak with Shabby and apologise if he'd put her in an awkward position. 
SHABBY: He's trying to reflect back at us - what he is! He's vindictive! He's malicious - not us!!

Govan blames himself and Shabby re-iterates for the millionth time (so she reckons) that she won't make his life a misery.. even though Ben tried to f**k her over! 

GOVAN: It's awful when you don't see that side to somebody and then it comes out!

Shabby doesn't think Ben ever liked her as she'd rumbled him straight away. We finally catch some glimpses of Pumpkin and Peanut in the double as Shabby goes to bed :) after an HOUR of being alone and off screen! More laughter ensues, as John explains 'that's why I put the white cream on!' 
JOSIE: (Jokes) Do you reckon you should have been born a girl? 

Alas, we do not get to hear John's response parce que Shabby's microphone is switched up too high.. and she feels like she is lying in a rock pool?!!! This place is driving her UP THE WALLLLLL! Caoimhe just wants to go to sleep so Shabby ooooh's that she is a crabby Caoimhe! 

CAOIMHE: (Cautions) Australia!! You're asking for trouble! Only joking! (as John and Josie are talking too loudly but NO NO NOOOOO we still can't catch a word they say just hear mumbles and sounds of merriment) 

The feed comes to a crashing finish after Shabby groans that it is 3.45am (yet JJJ are still wide awake nattering away!!!) 

1 comment:

  1. So this is what he did at the end,jog on,they both said how many time he was told to go back to Australia....

    Gosh,how many hints does a girl wants?He told her he cared,he really liked wonder he gave up trying in his own awkward way!:D
