Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Day 13 HL's

9.34am, John James, Govan and Shabby are in the bedroom waking up to another day in the BB house. Corin and Nathan chat about catching the sun while having a ciggy in the garden. Mario and Ben are in the bathroom. Ben remains apprehensive about last night's altercations so Mario tries to make him feel a bit better. 

MARIO: Don't worry about what happened last night! Today's a new day.. (he briefs Ben that he had spoken to Shabby and she is happy to carry on as though it hadn't happened) if we carry on exactly as normal, everything will go back to normal.. 

Ben expresses how John has disappointed him (while flopping his head on Dave's shoulder) as he'd walked past him 3 times and hadn't asked if Ben was okay. Mario voices that John probably feels like 'the sh*tiest person in the world! (Ben thinks he deserves to as he'd been savaged!) He'll come to you when he's not feeling so guilty.' Ben believes he ought to and appeals to Mario and Dave to stick to his side like glue today. Mario doesn't need to be asked twice (he wants Ben to stick his hand in his pants!) and jumped at the chance to be in such close proximity to his crush. 
Everyday is a brand spankin' new day with the slate wiped clean .. with the fresh opportunity to be a little better than yesterday. But forgiving and forgetting isn't always a piece of cake, is it? Sometimes the pie of anger and resentment holds more appeal .. but in the long run it doesn't fill you up.. and instead leaves you feeling hollow and empty with a pain in your gut. 

Carrying on as normal, is generally easier said than done too. I'm a person who struggles with this massively - but big kudos to those who can. I think John and Josie are likely to have felt like sh*tty people at one point or another since their split or eaten up by some form of guilt.. (not that they would ever admit to this!) and there is still some small hope that remains inside of me, that one day they will come to each other for closure/friendship.. when they are ready.. 
Back in the garden Ife spills that Steve had told her someone had died of wind. Nathan had heard that if you sneeze and fart at the same time you combust! John joins Ben, Dave, Mario and Sunshine in the bathroom and immediately shows remorse for his actions the previous evening. 

JOHN: (Sincerely) I apologise for what I said last night..

BEN: It's alright.. you know how much I regard you and I like you.. you know all that.. that's not gonna change. 

JOHN: I didn't mean to get you into sh*t. 

Ben knows John wasn't being malicious and that he likes him but 'you just did exactly the wrong thing to the wrong person.' John nods that he knows. Ben accounts that today will be an awkward day for him so he'll need company. 
JOHN: (Promises) I'll stick by ya. 

The smallest word or action if misinterpreted or meant in a malicious manner can indeed be taken the wrong way, or get someone into sh*t! I'd rather hear heartfelt honesty than insincerity to mask true feelings or for fear of rubbing someone up the wrong way .. even if the things said DO cause unintentional upset. John's actions were not pre-mediated with the intent that everyone would turn on Ben.. he simply wanted Josie and Govan to know HE wasn't speaking badly of them. The way it went down the night before, was an argument waiting to happen..the fireworks would have been lit irrespective of John blabbing to his mates. 
12.24pm, Josie, Shabby and Caoimhe are in the bedroom. Josie confides in the girls about her relationship with John. 

JOSIE: I wanna be friends with John James again and I wanna trust him.. but he's lost a lot of my trust from yesterday.. 

Caoimhe clues Josie in that she has concluded John has a really low self-esteem. Shabby wholeheartedly agrees 'but he tries not to show it!' Josie has no idea this was part of his character 'you're joking?' They inform her that they are absolutely not joking with this. 

JOSIE: I just thought he was sensitive.. I feel really bad now! (sucks her thumb. Caoimhe continues that John has a nervous disposition) Sometimes he gets all a bit like ..
CAOIMHE: (completes her thought process) Jittering! 

JOSIE: Yeah.. awww! I feel really bad now.. I've been calling him a b*tch to everybody! (Shabby says that she knows now) (sweetly) I'm gonna be extra nice. 

The trouble with trust, is that when any measure is lost, it is tremendously tough to re-build again. John and Josie overcame these hurdles with time in BB because there weren't many other options.. and they felt their friendship was too important to lose. Outside the house, the options and alternatives were endless.. they didn't have to resolve issues in their relationship (the way they felt necessary to in BB as they had to live with each other) because they could choose to walk away from the problems they faced.. if they felt they were too great or challenging to conquer as a couple. I'm sure they both had differing techniques to try to tackle any they encountered .. who is to say which was 'right' or that they didn't try hard enough?? 
In the garden, John stretches his arms and sings 'Sunshine on a rainy day.' Sunshine strikes up a subject, betting that John will be doing pant adverts when he leaves 'will you do it?'

JOHN: I guess.. er.. yeah.. You take any opportunity, don't you really? I wouldn't.. I certainly wouldn't be expecting anything though. (Josie walks outside carrying a large pot of veggies and John's attention is instantly drawn to and distracted by Jose) What's in there? 

JOSIE: Spuds. 

JOHN: (Bemused) What the f**k is a spud? (Sunshine enlightens him that they are potatoes) OH Potatoes! What did you call em? (Josie repeats 'spuds!') 
JOSIE: (Declares) I've just, just, just worked you out, Becks. (John laughs) No, I seriously have. 

JOHN: Oh have ya? Just now? (Josie laughs 'yeah') Oh really? Care to elaborate? 

JOSIE: Not in front of everybody. 

JOHN: Nah, give it a go. (Josie refuses) Is it good or bad? 

JOSIE: It's good but it's bad at the same time. 

JOHN: (Bosses her) Tell me!

JOSIE: Nooo! Come here a minute .. (quickly he obeys and gets up to sit right beside her) I've just worked you right out! (with a little help from her friends) 
John commands her to tell him 'and I'll tell ya if it's true!' 

JOSIE: You've got low self-esteem. 

JOHN: I'm not as confident as what I make out? (Josie repeats that he has low self-esteem) Um.. you think that I'm insecure? (Josie admits 'yeah' and she hits the nail on the head) Yeah.. (Josie smiles at him) yeah, you're right I am.. (then retreats back to his original spot on the grass and laughs nervously) because of my past .. that's why I am the way I am.. that's why I feel sorry for .. er.. so many people. (Josie asks what happened in his past) oh cos all the cool girls used to f**king.. used to give me sh*t .. not give me sh*t, but I didn't like that .. you know like Mean Girls. Have you seen the movie Mean Girls? 
JOSIE: What? And they used to be horrible to you? Did you not always look like that? 

JOHN: Yeah but I was always.. I always looked the same but I was short. So obviously that's a disadvantage when.. I was really short.. like the shortest in the school . 

JOSIE: What, you used to get picked on by all the girls in school? 

JOHN: I didn't get picked on cos of what I looked like.. I got picked on for being short.. people used to call me a'little midget bull fighter' 

JOSIE: Little midget what? (John repeats the term) Bull fighter? 
JOHN: (Confides) Yeah, but that's what started it.. yeah and I was really insecure as a kid.. yeah, I still am.. I'm not unhappy though. I'm happy, I just don't like the p*ss being taken out of looks and that, but yeah.. I guess it's caused by an insecurity that I've got.. yeah, so there you go. Took you all that time to work out? 

JOSIE: Yep. (laughs) I'm not the sharpest knife in the.. 

JOHN: I pretty much told you that last night.. (when they were talking in bed for about an hour but BB didn't show us ANY of it!) 

JOSIE: Yeah, but I didn't realise that you were SO insecure.. I didn't understand. 
JOHN: (Admits) It's bad.. I don't like it but I don't know what to do about it but.. 

JOSIE: I just thought you were an angry, little man (immediately apologises recognising that these words could be offensive to John) you're not little.. sorry.. you're tall! 

JOHN: That's why I um.. don't give many people the time of day.. 

John's insecurities have always shone through in my eyes. Those insecurities never fully go away, they can be suppressed but they always linger within you.. it takes only the smallest of comments to attack them. While in BB, John and Josie helped each other feel more secure in themselves, as their relationship developed day by day (maybe even hour by hour) .. the insecurities didn't vanish, but their love for each other made their self-confidence grow in other areas.. they still made an appearance from time to time but they were able to talk it through and give each other the comfort and consoling they needed. 
Outside their BB blanket of bliss, as their relationship took a nose dive, they both spoke of having insecurities in their relationship.. they can rise swiftly to the surface in such circumstances. Sadly, they both took shots and swipes at the insecurities they KNEW (all too well) the other had .. they knew exactly how and where to wound each other most :( And they did so, because they had been hurt by the other and lashed out. 

I truly feel if John KNEW some of the things HIS supporters were saying he would be utterly sickened! It goes against all the principles he stands for and morals he has. I don't understand how fans can think they are being supportive and appreciative of John by slating Josie and calling her every horrible name under the sun. And likewise for Josie fans, doing the exact same thing to John. I would NOT want this kind of support from anyone .. and it appears that the very accusations they throw at John/Josie are over the same negative traits they have themselves. TAKE A LONG, HARD LOOK IN THE MIRROR! 
1.00pm, today HM's will nominate for the 2nd time. Ben is the 1st HM to nominate. 


BEN - GOVAN (as he enjoys watching the fall out of people's problems and doesn't trust him) and SHABBY (despite her charisma and her being a hugely divisive figure. She loves fights and drama, has a terrible temper)

CAOIMHE - SUNSHINE (she just gets on her nerves and acts like a spoilt child and is an attention seeker) and BEN (as he's going behind people's backs, backstabbing and bitching)

CORIN - BEN (she likes him as a person but he doesn't take other peoples feelings into consideration despite his dorm background) and MARIO (she just doesn't find his streaking about funny!) 

DAVE - GOVAN (because he thinks he's playing the game, cannot be trusted and his motives are not as pure as they should be) and SHABBY (Dave thinks she overreacts and is very volatile and dramatic and has an 'it's all about me attitude)

GOVAN - DAVID (every time there's a situation he is involved and he'd rather not spend his time around him) and BEN (as he's the only person whose behaviour in the past 24 hours, besides Dave, who warrants a nomination but he doesn't particularly want him to leave) 

IFE - BEN (as some of his actions have led her to believe he is trying to influence opinions about other HM's) and DAVE (because he made a comment about not agreeing with same-sex marriage which she thinks is a bit shallow-minded)

JOHN - CAOIMHE 'I guess I can nominate Caoimhe .. there's enough bitching in here already, without her eavesdropping on people's conversations.. and that just makes me question her motives. So maybe if I knew her better, I would know that her motives weren't bad.. but at the moment I don't know.. I'm only assuming that they are bad.' And SHABBY 'Because I'm friends with Benny and he was in a difficult situation last night .. although what he did was wrong, he tried to sort it out.. and um she was having none of it .. if people aren't willing to forgive and forget in such a small environment, then what f**king hope have we got? 
JOSIE - DAVE 'He's going around saying that gay marriages are immoral when there's a gay man sat in the room .. and then he's there telling everyone that God loves them.' And BEN 'I really don't wanna give this nomination.. it's Ben.. because I didn't like what happened last night because it was a bit under handed and I don't like the sneakiness of it .. to say that Shabby would do something like that is really wrong. 
MARIO - GOVAN (because he thinks he very deliberately set off the argument between John, Ben and Shabby and that he wanted to antagonise the situation to cause discord and disharmony in the house) and SHABBY (because when he had implored her if she and Ben could have a fresh start she'd said no way and he doesn't like that. 'I don't think any situation is unrepairable or unfixable!')

NATHAN - SUNSHINE (because she gets his on his wick - really, big time! Is very me, me, me, nothing seems to be good enough and she p*sses him off) and BEN (he doesn't know what he's about, it's like he has an ulterior motive with everything and is constantly whispering and having little secret chats then saying he's such a happy chappy!)

SHABBY - BEN (she thinks he's manipulative, a snake in the grass and that people don't dislike him because he's posh but because he's horrible! She quite frankly doesn't like him) and DAVE (she feels he has come in there to preach and doesn't want his views thrust upon her. His views on gay marriage made her feel he was essentially saying gay people don't have the same rights as straight people 'and hello it's 2010.. it is right?') 

STEVE - GOVAN (the lad goes from one group to another giving out information to cause fractions in the camp and isn't overkeen on cleaning) and BEN (as he rubs everyone up the wrong way and if he wants to settle something he has to take along 1 or 2 members of his posse)

SUNSHINE - CAOIMHE (as she feels she hasn't made an effort to get to know her and she just walks past her) and NATHAN (as you can't just go into the kitchen to cook something as everything is 'his' and she'd like to make something in there without feeling she needs his permission to do it)
Ben received 8 nominations. Dave, Govan and Shabby each received 4 nominations. Ife, Corin, John James, Josie and Steve received no nominations. 3.37pm, most of the HM's are in the garden playing rounders. 

JOHN: What's the score? Does anyone know the score? 

Ben is lying in state in the bedroom with cotton wool patches over his eyes. Meanwhile, the tree of temptation talks to Scabby Kagagoogoo(as he calls Shabby) and sets her a task. She must hang around her 'best mate Ben' for the afternoon and remain within touching distance until 5pm. Shabby should also give him 20 compliments and rely upon her all her acting skills in order to win a treat for herself and a friend. Tree also chastises Shabby for her overuse of her favourite word 'stop saying heinous! It gives me splinters!!' 
Shabby, ever the seasoned professional, approaches Ben in his bed instantly after receiving her mission. 'Alright, mate. You don't seem like you're doing very well today.' Ben admits he f**ked up and didn't mean to do what he had dishonorably. He feels very ashamed of himself, stupid and as though he had let himself down in a big way. He had 'arrogantly thought, when I first saw you that we would sort of automatically hit it off!' 

3.55pm, 15 minutes later. Shabby and Ben are now by the kitchen sink still discussing how the viewing public may think he's a 'sh*t!' 

BEN: I've obviously been really dreadful to you in a couple of ways.. but I've also potentially really harmed an opportunity which could have been a good one. (Much like our lass and lad!) 
Having to keep Ben by her side, she coridally invites him to join her for a foot bath whilst she washes her 'minging' knickers! 5.09pm, all of the HM's are in the kitchen. Shabby has been within touching distance of Ben for 1 hour and 20 minutes but she's failed to give him any compliments. Throughout her tedious task she was constantly asking what the time was, so it was evidently dragging and she couldn't wait for it to be finished. 

A small squabble lights up between Shabby and Steve over whether cigarettes should be bought on future shopping lists. Shabby argues if dietary requirements are catered for (i.e Sunshine's veganism) than social requirements should be too as vegan food costs more than a pouch of tobacco the smokers would share. Steve thinks it is fair do's if they win £500 budget as smoking 'is not a necessity!' Shabby shouts this down as it IS for those addicted to nicotine such as herself. She has to ask Ben along for a 'bl**dy smoke' with them making out that she is quite enjoying his company today:D 
Unbeknownst to Ben (who is eating up her acting) that he must stay by her side he declines the invitation. But jokes that he should be a b*tch more often so they can then be nice to each other after. Before they go outside, Ben who's 'not sucking up' sucks up to Caoimhe that he'd been a bit jealous as she was *his* friend. Ben likes it when his friends become jealous over him as it cheers him up!! Caoimhe is delighted they sorted it out. 

5.14pm, Sunshine, Ben and Caoimhe are in the kitchen. Ben believes of himself and Shabs 'We've actually got a lot in common. That's why we sometimes don't get on cos in some ways we're too similar' (which is something I repeatedly say about John and Josie.John even said words to this effect in one of their first interviews.) Ben lists that they both have egos, their little groups and like to be the performer .. all of which Caoimhe mm's along with. 'And we're both very sensitive and we've got hearts.' 
The tree kindly allows Shabby a further 30 minutes to complete her delivery of 20 compliments (as Shabs had forgotten!) And to add insult to injury, she must also give Ben a bear hug for an entire minute without a break .. because she had p*ssed off the tree! The tree scolds her that she doesn't want to mess with him or she'll face his wrath. 

T of T: Now sod off and do what I said!

Shabby skedaddles to throw herself into the further task in the kitchen. John's eyeballs almost pop out of their sockets!!! Ben apologises to her for being awful. Shabs uses the pretence that she really misses hugging while wrapping her arms awkwardly around Ben. While Shabby and Ben endure this hug of horror (which actually lasts several seconds over the 1 minute), John continues to watch on with amusement and a side of suspicion as he dries up the dishes!!! YES YOU DID READ THAT CORRECTLY. The HM's harangued him for not helping out around the house and here it is caught on camera! 
Some of Shabby's compliments to Ben:

*'You're a legend!'
*He's good at hugging
*Would make an excellent gay (which Ben takes as a compliment!) 
*He's nice despite everything, she guesses
*Quite good at the old talking thing
*(My personal fave) You'd make an excellent Dick! (when they discuss the Famous Five book series by Enid Blyton. She starts to say he'd make a great Julian but he thinks he'd be better as Dick as he's a bit cheeky. How I snorted and sprayed my juice halfway across the room when I watched that live!!! I also like how John tells nobody in particular, that he has a friend called Dick.. which I predict to be Sexy Turtle Dikals!) 
*You're kind of very good at making me feel a bit grounded today 'which considering I detested you last night is kinda good.' 
*He's sensitive and hardened in the best kind of way because he lives in London
*He's a wonderfully complex person that is neither here nor there because they are multi-layered onions. 
She fibs that from here on out she will see Ben as a brother which means they are allowed to argue sometimes. Shabby gets up and makes her excuses but says she will be back. I feel for Ben as he confides to Caoimhe this had made him feel a lot better. She seizes the chance to return to the tree who tips her as a devious charmer! She opts for Caoimhe when told her reward is a dinner date with a HM of her choosing. Tree reminds her that she must not tell anyone how the date came about. 

9.31pm, some of the HM's are in the living room. They've decided to entertain themselves by re-creating a popular American talk show. (Jerry Springer) Ben is the American talk show host and the topic of the episode is 'Tarts and Tantrums' Ben begins by asking the audience if they know any tarts. Josie calls out, 'ER no, not at all!' But Steve points to Josie 'HERE'S ONE!' 
Ife, Caoimhe and Shabby are in the bathroom. Shabby and Caoimhe are called to the Diary room, where they are then told to make their way into the small task room and be seated at the table. They laugh on seeing the romantic meal which has been set up for them and Shabby pretends that she doesn't know why they have received this reward. Caoimhe's not even hungry but Shabby could eat and is happy they have prawns as a starter! Pretty music plays into the room to create an atmosphere for amore. This makes them suitably awkward but they go along with it and flirt away. They are cringing but tell each other not to be embarrassed. 
Back to Ben's chat show where the audience members are becoming bored until a fake cat fight kicks off. Nathan (aka Darleen from Alabama) is jumped on and repeatedly hit and called a b*tch by Ife. The crowd chant Jerry JERRY JERRY as Darleen is dragged away :P 
Shabby states the obvious that Caoimhe is at dinner with a lesbian. She plays that she could sue her for false advertising (off the back of her bisexual claims on her VT) Caoimhe excuses that at the time she believed she was and possibly still now. It really p*sses Shabby off wearing microphones all the time as there are so many things she wants to tell Caoimhe but can't. 

CAOIMHE: But we're great friends, Shabby.. aren't we? I can't believe I found you. 

10.25pm, the girls return razzled from their wining and dining. BB asks Shabby if she was fully satisfied with her meal. She is but then wonders if their is a double meaning and Caoimhe is concerned she has something in her teeth! Shabby is sorry that Caoimhe is 'such a heinous wench!' 
They are let out where they return to their HM's with the leftovers of their meal. John seems envious that they had been treated to tasty tucker 'did they give you a meal?' The meal was coq au vin with garlic tiger prawns to start and coffee cheesecake for dessert. Mario asks how they'd scored this and Shabby shrugs that BB are trying to set them up 'blates!' Some of the group wolf whistle after them as they leave the room so Shabby screams for them to SHUT UP! At the sofas, Steve muses that they might be missing something. 

Shabby asks Caoimhe at the carousel if she's worried her boyfriend will be p*ssed off but she's not. Caoimhe is certain he'll be laughing but Shabby sighs that this is a very complicated situation for her. She thought things would get easier once she'd told her about her feelings but sniffs that 'it hasn't.' She soon becomes exceedingly embarrassed and leaves Caoimhe to hide under her duvet.
Josie and Corin come to find her for a girly chat. Shabby is saddened as she always gets the girl that she fancies in the outside world and knows that sounds heinously arrogant but it's true. So it is causing her heart a lot of distress that she's not having any success seducing her sister from another mister. 

JOSIE: (Empathises) I never get the bloke I fancy! (that is UNTIL John James) 

Caoimhe comes to the Diary room to pick her bone with BB as she wants to know why they are doing this. She doesn't feel it is fair as she has a boyfriend that she's madly in love with as they are messing with Shabby's emotions. Caoimhe does love Shabby to bits and thinks she's amazing and beautiful but she's taken and doesn't know what to do in the difficult situation.
Shabby shares the goss with the girls that she sometimes feels it is mutual but then Caoimhe remembers she has a boyfriend. Corin thinks it is sh*t as it would be perfect if Caoimhe were single and that she'd be 'buzzing your t*ts off!' 

11.37pm, some of the HM's are in the living room. Shabby is sat alone in front of the doors to the garden. John senses she is feeling down approaches her to ask what's wrong. Shabby explains that she is feeling really claustrophobic as it annoys her that there is nowhere she can go; there are people, microphones and cameras everywhere. 'It's just not quite like I expected it to be.' John can appreciate that 'yeah, I feel like that sometimes too.' Shabby asks Caoimhe if she wants to talk or just sit away from her, as she is curled up on the couch with her hand on her head. Caoimhe does want to talk but is tired. 
In the bathroom, Josie, John and Govan are sympathising over Shabby's plight. 

JOSIE: She's really upset, in't she? (Govan thinks she needs a minute) She's finding it hard. That must be so horrible. SO horrible! (John's staring like a stunned mullet so Josie fills him in) Basically, Shabby's falling in love with Caoimhe. 

JOHN: What does Caoimhe think about it?

JOSIE: Well it's her mate innit. 

JOHN: (Presses) She's not interested? (Govan doesn't think so.. and neither do I, not in a romantic sense at least. I believe Caoimhe found a soul sister in Shabby and loved her company and even flirting with her but didn't return her feelings of lust) 
In the living room, Shabby snaps at Caoimhe who offers to roll her a cigarette. Then she goes to the Diary room to sob softly as she feels like sh*t :(  She isn't finding it amusing that Caoimhe keeps laughing though she's sure others are finding it a barrel of laughs. She feels like saying 'lesbians have feelings too!' It hurts her when people take the p*ss; she just wants Caoimhe to talk honestly but she doesn't say anything, she skirts around the issue. She feels she has opened the door for Caoimhe to tell her that she DOESN'T have feelings for her but she hasn't. She literally has NO clue what's going on inside Caoimhe's head and wants to be able to tell her about the task. Aside from everything else, she doesn't like having secrets from her best friend in there. 
12.02am, some of the HM's are in the bathroom. Nathan natters with Johnny pops that he seriously can't see him f**king leaving not for a few f**king weeks at least! 

JOHN: (Genuinely taken aback) Really? 

NATHAN: You haven't p*ssed that many people off! You p*ssed Josie off but.. 

JOHN: But I think I'm the only one that has p*ssed someone off, aren't I? (Are we forgetting the furore with Ben? The scenes caused by Sunshine? The disastrous holes dug by Dave? The spats with Shabby? etc etc..) 

Caoimhe and Shabby are in the kitchen. Caoimhe asks if she is okay but they both feel like tw*ts and aren't trying to make each other's life difficult. Shabby says b*llocks to the Tree of temptation and will take on it's wrath as she lets Caoimhe know that she organised the meal after completing a task. Caoimhe snorts checking she is sure she wants to tell her but it is too late anyway. 

Shabby confesses that she had to stay within touching distance of Ben for 2 hours, then had half an hour to pay him 20 compliments and give him a hug. Caoimhe finds it all highly hilarious and the highlights come to a halt :) 

1 comment:

  1. Lol,loved that task Shabbs did...John was more confused than ever:D

    It was always clear how insecure he was,being mean and angry was his way to hide it.

    I don't think Jose ever believed or understood he was insecure,the way he looks etc...
