Ben is put out that Sunshine hasn't even acknowledged him when he had been having spats with HM's. He finds it pretty pathetic that she Sunshine threw 'a massive hissy fit!' even though BB had gone out of their way to provide her with falafel, hummus and nice bread. 'She went mental over that.. cried, screamed, everyone felt guilty!' and that they'd all rallied round her despite her brattish behaviour. John mumbles his concordance with Ben's statements about Sunshine, as BB had given her food to meet her vegan dietary requirements.
BEN: (Irked) She complained to Big Brother to such an extent that she Kettle chips and bread provided!
Ben brandishes his view that he'd got himself into a major dispute by trying to stick up for somebody he believed in. He's also under the impression that Ife looks at him with pity, as though she'd misjudged him and that Nathan can't even look him in the eye. He goes on to enlighten John that people didn't want him to leave yesterday 'cos you're a generally universally popular person!' (SC) Ben realises that his own popularity has plummeted! He's not feeling guilty about the Shabby situation as he sees himself as being in the right. 'Even Steve, who is a top bloke, and I won't say a word against him..'
JOHN: (Interjects before Ben has the chance to say a word against Steve) I'm quite close with Steve (SC) I'm trying to work it out.. this is why I talk to people one on one.. this is why I said to you Mario, just be straight up with me (SC) Do you know what I mean? .. at LEAST they were straight up with you! Shabby said 'I don't like you. I don't wanna talk to you!'
I don't think John would feel like much of a 'universally popular' person these days.. he can see there is still lots of love and support out there for him, for which he is genuinely grateful (albeit slightly stunned perhaps that some people do sincerely care about him) I honestly think he expected his support to wane drastically once he left.. as it is showing no signs of doing so, that is testament to how fondly he is thought of.
Of course, there are those with bad feelings towards him and intense dislike too .. but this is reduced significantly during his non-tweeting intervals. I like to hope that all the 'haters' will begin to bore of abusing others now, especially since John is not biting back.. for the most part. If he does read the nastier tweets, I hope they do not get to him and are like water off a duck's back.. and I hope the exact same thing for Josie.
What I wouldn't give to have the opportunity to have a one on one talk with John and then Josie. There are so many nosy questions I'd like to ask if they'd permit me to.. in order to glean how they truly felt about particular instances. It would be interesting to see how their answers would differ or match up to the same questions. I did have the opportunity to meet Josie last weekend and talk with her :) But just general chit chat and me gushing like a fan girl, I didn't want to interrogate the poor girl!
The camera chops to the garden, where Dave informs Sunshine that Ben is stressing 'going over the same stuff!' and how Ben feels he was badly represented and as though nobody had stood up for him.
DAVE: He's gonna have such a hard time if he doesn't chill out! (Dave again comments that he's just going over it) We're all accountable for our own actions (SC Sunshine told Ben when she was in the nest she didn't like the way he was talking about people and wanted to remove herself from the situation. Dave finds it difficult being close to him and tries to advise him but he still does what he does. Another SC)
Dave continues that he believed Ben had misjudged the situation but Ben wanted them to stand with him 'when the reality was, he was undefendable! He should have been embarrassed by what happened!'
He deems that Ben ought to have been embarrassed by his behaviour 'the best thing he can do is apologise and get on with it!' Sunshine doesn't know what happened so feels it would be silly for her to comment on it. She was told but wasn't there so didn't experience it; Dave explains that Ben had presented his conclusion to John but it hadn't been the way Dave had seen the situation. 'Then it got back to the person, the person flared up and rightly so!'
So Dave decided to come out in the sun to get away from it. Sunshine confides in Dave about how she hadn't wanted to speak with her best male friend Sam about her Mum having cancer.. as she wanted him to be her friend that she could escape it all with. Every day he would bring round Game of life for them to play and he's never left her alone. (She was 17 when her Mother died) She views Sam as a true friend because he'd never say 'remember when your Mum died and I did this?' as those comments make her uncomfortable
SUNSHINE: (Sagely dispenses some wise words) When you're having an argument or a discussion or a dispute.. it's not about the positive qualities, you're well aware of the positive qualities.. it's about the thing that's just happened!
John and/or Josie supporters go over the 'same old stuff' almost on a daily basis! Maybe some of us need to chill out :D Sometimes John and Josie are 'badly represented' by their supporters or those they are associated with, to some degree. They ARE judged by the company they keep and by the actions of those who champion them so tirelessly and ferociously. I find that most unfair.. it would be like ME getting the blame for befriending a person who has shoplifted or chatting with someone struggling with an addiction! Does this then too mean that I am mixing in the 'wrong' circles? Or that I am a 'bad' person because I see some good in people who have faults and failings?
We ARE all accountable for our own actions not the actions of others! Although, does this then make it acceptable to vilify the person in question for their indiscretions? Does it really give these people satisfaction to revel in the misfortunes and misery of others? (whether they feel it is deserved or not is irrelevant!) Billi B is someone I do not hold in high regard whatsoever.. but I did not jump for joy at the breakdown of his marriage or feel like he deserves everything he gets in his personal life! Not in the slightest! Some get a perverse gratification from kicking someone when they are down :(
Some fans leap to John and Josie's defence in such extremist ways - they are both ADULTS!! They don't need ANYONE wielding a sword for them - we've heard the mouths on both of them!! :D If they have something to say to someone who has angered/upset them, you can bet they will not be backwards in coming forwards.. words will not be minced and the sharp side of their tongue will not spare any fool! I know, I know we are fiercely protective of our pair and don't like bad things being said about either but they do NOT need us to be their heroes! Just continue to show your love and support :) It is honestly not worth lowering yourself to engage in warring words with this type of *insert negative noun of your own choosing* It eggs them on to be more cruel and abusive. They thrive off attention, so don't give them ANY!!! Leave them alone in their miserable existence and eventually they'll become bored..I guess John and Josie have skipped over the 'apologise' part and moved hastily onwards to the 'getting on with it' chapter .. which is all very well, if they are happy doing so. I can appreciate that some well-meaning tweeters like to remind John and/or Josie of each other's lovely qualities and what they once shared but THEY KNOW THIS ALREADY!!! THOSE WERE THE THINGS THAT MADE THEM FALL IN LOVE IN THE FIRST PLACE :p When you fall out with someone in such spectacular fashion, this sort of tweets are probably the last thing they want to see constantly.
If they want to remember the positives, they shall of their OWN accord .. if they don't, then that should be respected. On the forums we are free to discuss, debate, "psycho" (HA!)analyse etc etc etc as we are not thrusting our thoughts down their throats! The only way John and Josie should come across our views is if they decide to SEARCH or SEEK them out! They know the Appreciation threads exist on DS, so if they felt inclined to read our opinions they know where to come :)
Dave and Sunshine just want to enjoy their time there as they may be up for nomination again. The scene switches back to the bedroom, where Ben reasons 'that's why you surround yourself with the people you really like!'
JOHN: (Determines) In time, people will show who they really are (long SC) for the reason that I actually was worried and was struggling with today cos I didn't know what to do.. I still don't.
MARIO: (Forewarns) You guys are gonna drive yourselves insane!
DAVE: (Exhorts) At some point you've just gotta draw a line under it and walk on.. jog on!
MARIO: Like I said earlier, John just go with your gut instinct. It will very rarely let you down! (But in this situation even if he did get a bad feeling he would try to work at it. He had fought against his gut but it didn't steer him wrong last night)
BEN: John, where I agree with you is that you've gotta do what you've got to do. And it's not right of me to try and give you views of people. You have to follow your own mind.
I trust that John and Josie are surrounding themselves (hopefully) with people they really like.. that they are friendshipped by those who genuinely have their best interests at heart and care deeply for them. I guess they may feel as though the other showed them who they 'really' were months and months after leaving BB.. when the way I see it is, that John and Josie always had these negative traits, as well as their lovely ones (they had already seen them exhibited in BB) but circumstances outside the house and stresses and niggles etc etc.. made the harsher side of their complex characters surface more than it had previously.. and left them wondering if this was the pre-dominant part of their personality.. the 'real' John and the 'real' Josie manifesting themselves!
I'm sure they drove each other insane from time to time (as is commonplace with couples living in each other's pockets!) and those times became more and more frequent towards the end of their relationship.. I'd like to believe that despite this, the good, happier times outweighed the bad and sad (even if they don't want to remember them!) Seemingly, both John and Josie have drawn a line under all this anger and hurt and are now getting on with their individual lives.. or HAVE THEY??
John is summoned to the Diary room, Mario quips, believing himself to be a comic genius 'the prodigal son of Big Brother returns to the Diary room!' The instant John is out of earshot, Ben unleashes his true thoughts and sharpens his claws.
BEN: I actually wanted to see you on you own as we'd have more interesting analysis. I don't understand him. I know I talk but I always listen to what the other person says. He never listens to what I say, he always talks over me! (Mario puts John's behaviour down to his youth) YOUTH? He's 5 years younger than me! That's nonsense! (long SC)
I would debate that in a lot of respects, John actually demonstrated more maturity than Ben. Mario is made to sound like 'an old fuddy duddy' as he is sure they were the same at John's age!
MARIO: (Mopes) All this self-moping is not becoming of you! (Ben knows it's not but wants to talk about this before they leave the room)
BEN: (Belly aches) What hurts me most, is he puts us in the same category of friendship of people as Govan and people he barely knows! (Mario points out this doesn't mean it is an insult. Ben feels it IS as John had told Ben he didn't know whether to believe him or not) I know he doesn't do this intentionally.. (He is too cowardly to say this to John's face for fear of him going 'off the deep end!') But he is being disloyal.. he's been hugely disloyal to me. The reason I got upset (when he had come in from the garden) He comes over and tries to be friendly by saying 'alright Benny?' and sits with me but that's not good! That's not what you do when someone's upset, you strike up a conversation with them.. you try and take their mind off it! You try and talk about something that they're interested in (SC) It's like him and Sunshine were just sitting there like lemons just talking to each other! Then he moved to another point in the garden and left me on my own! Well you just don't do that to a friend who's upset! Mario thought he'd be happy John moved if he wasn't talking to him. Ben sneers that you need to rally round and his beef that when John had cried yesterday 'It's unbecoming of someone his age to be CRYING!' (OH! But it IS 'becoming' to bitch, bellow, brown nose and bewail as a 30 year old man, is it Ben??)
BEN: But anyway, he cried and I respect that .. but when he cried everyone rallied round him!
Mario presents the two reasons for this. 1: Half the people just wanted to get gossip (SC so we don't hear the 2nd reason)
MARIO: You're a 30 year old man, who knows who he is and is independent.. and doesn't require that emotional support! (Yet, he did require both Mario and Dave to essentially hold his hand when he had a squabble with Shabby!)
MARIO: You're more sensitive than you let on (SC) Other people in here appear to be more fragile.. I would say on the outside, people probably see you as a quite a strong tower.. so they don't feel the need to have to cushion you! Anyway, you've got my shield to cushion you. (Ben knows that)
BEN: How can 1 person have so much following in a bl**dy house? Ridiculous!
Mario wants Ben to divulge who he is referring to so Ben reveals it to be Shabby. Ben sarcastically remarks that maybe he should go around burping and breaking wind. Mario thinks he is wrong and that there is no cult of anyone person in the house. It seems like there are followers as a large percentage of the group smoke and congregate under the carousel.
BEN: The interesting thing about John is everything comes down to vanity in the end! (HARDLLYYYYYY! Why? Because he has some metrosexual tendencies? Because he takes care of his skin, uses hair straighteners every now and then.. and dares to to check his reflection in a mirror when passing?) He got pushed over the edge cos they made a couple of physical criticisms about him .. and that's why he went mental yesterday because someone called him Crab eyes! (laughs) And it's as simple as that! (We've been over this, he had sunstroke and it wasn't what was said but WHO it was said by that had hurt John most. If Ben had called him this, John would have told him to go jam it!!)
One area in which Ben doesn't understand John is 'where I can be vain and narcissistic, as can you..' he continues that they like to look nice and place a lot of value on clothes and cosmetic products. He yawns that everyone there has a degree of vanity or they wouldn't be on that programme. He blames his cover being blown and the trouble starting because John wants to think everyone in the group likes him. Ben would never have approached Shabby to ask whether she liked him or not.
BEN: John's so narcissistic in this area.. his only concern was how they viewed him. Correct? And that concern of how people viewed him, overrode his concern for me! That's why I got busted. Right?
Well, John was upset himself.. and the whole world does not revolve around Benjaminge Duncan and his crisp!! Plus, everybody likes to be liked. Those who say they don't care are rarely being truthful about not caring.
MARIO: (Admonishes) The lesson to be learnt now is.. just don't.. Just be very careful what you're saying to who! (Mario realises it is a hard lesson to learn as John didn't do it intentionally but once the cat's out of the bag that's what happens)
BEN: I like him .. and I always will like him but I can't trust him with things like this anymore! (As time went on in the house, John's lack of trusting Ben became mutual .. in that he trusted Ben about as far as he could spit him!)
Josie joins her buddies in the bedroom. Mario calls her over to quiz her on whether she has a problem with Ben now - she hasn't. (ad break) Josie is still chatting with the chaps while lying on the end of Mario's bed. Mario is sure that in a few days this argument will have been forgotten (as no doubt another would be brewing!) Josie agrees.
JOSIE: (Has come to the realisation) Mind you.. I was a complete cow yesterday the way I was carrying on! I tried to batter all the eggs with my horse (SC) and I lost a lot of trust in John after that .. and I thought he was talking about me on the sofa. (Mario says she should know they weren't as he had been there) Oh yeah I know that.. But when you walked past and everyone's going pssss psss (imitates the whispers) but imagine, Mario if you walked past and all you could hear was ssss psss .. and then John gets up, looks at us both and goes 'oh thank God, I know that! Thank you for bringing that to light for me!' Or something like that..
BEN: So it's a mixture of me saying something ill-judged and that was wrong.. and I accept that.. but it's also everyone else's bl**dy tempers! (He doesn't feel he has a temper just ill-judgment) You put the two together and you get a toxic combination. True?
John and Josie's tempers, insecurities and forthrightness combined had the potential and potency to be tremendously toxic too.
JOSIE: Yeah but what you .. what happened was it looked sneaky! (Changes the subject) Do you miss being a mole, Mario? (Mario is vehement that he doesn't!) Don't you reckon Mario's getting better looking by the day in here? (Mario jokes that he's been having secret cosmetic surgery in the Diary room like cheek fillers) Do you know what it is Mario? It's definitely that bit of sun, cos when you came in here you looked a bit pasty! That bit of sun's just lifted up your eyes.. (Ben adds to be fair that you couldn't tell in the mole outfit but Josie knows what Mario looked like having spent lockdown together. Mario plans to get more sun but only on his face) Yeah! Bring that Italian Stallion back out!
MARIO: What you want me to strip again?
JOSIE: (Saucily) Oooooh! Do you think Mario's getting better looking, Ben? (Ben butters up Mario that he always has been) Yeah but he's getting better looking by the day! (Ben thinks Mario's hair looks better now than mole-like) I didn't realise how handsome you were!
MARIO: Thank you. Maybe we can get it on later?
JOSIE: (Feigned disappointment) Oh no, you don't swing for my team. I know that!
BEN: You could have a test tube baby, couldn't you?
Govan breezes into the bedroom to gossip with the gang.. well not gossip as such, but I like alliteration in case you hadn't noticed! :D He asks Josie if she'd ever watched Sunset Beach.
JOSIE: (Jolly jesting) Why? Do I look like some really beautiful character on there? (Govan stays silent for several seconds)
GOVAN: (Stays silent for several seconds then repeats) Um.. did you ever watch Sunset Beach?
JOSIE: No (through laughter) Why? Do I remind you of one of the b*tches on there?
GOVAN: (Gravely) No, but one of the women got carted off to a mental institution!
BEN: I think we all need to go to a mental institution! (He and Mario laugh that they are IN a mental institution!)
JOSIE: (Mario asks if the meal being cooked is lunch or dinner) I reckon it's gonna be lush whatever it is! (Has her priorities straight) We'll all try and forget what happened last night and we'll all try and enjoy our dinner, yeah? I know you will, Ben you're like me, you like your food don't you? (Ben laughs and agrees. She oinks like a pig)
Ben thinks he's acquired a reputation for being greedy and Josie chuckles that she has the same reputation. She asks if his parents wanted him to be in the army after Ben jokes about it being a good job he's not! The camera changes t the garden and then back.
BEN: (Puts on an absymal Aussie accent) Do you know what I mean? I just don't know who to trust, Big Brother. I just don't know who to trust. I hear one thing from one person and another from another.. I just don't know what to do!
JOSIE: (Mario believes the problem is BB doesn't give them enough to do) Yeah! And I'm from a small town anyway, all we do is talk about each other! It's really hard for me! (Josie leaves the bedroom)
I'd anticipate that the amount Josie's small town talk about her has increased one hundred fold - in light of the fame she now has (which was essentially handed to her on a platter) All the positives of being well-known are extremely deserved as she gives so much back. Sadly, the down sides and crutches of 'celebrity' can be crippling but she takes it all in her stride.
Josie is such a strong woman and I envy that. She rolls with the punches and is showered with crap but somehow manages to keep a bright, beaming smile on her face, that really is admirable. I know there are plenty who are delighted to believe the worst of her at all times (and John too for that matter) but I respect her resolute fortitude greatly.
The camera changes to the garden where Shabby compliments Sunshine for having a lovely bum! Shabby, Caoimhe, Ife and Nathan talk about summer music festivals as Caoimhe's boyfriend is going to Glastonbury. John is freed from BB's dastardly detainment in the Diary room and cranes his neck to see if anyone is still in the bedroom, before walking in. Mario chops out his catchphrase for maybe the MILLIONTH time in desperate hope for it to catch on 'magical adventure in there?'
JOHN: Actually, yeah.. I'm pretty.. (SC - Aren't you just Johnny boy? *Smooshes your ickle cheeks*)
Quick shot of Josie and Shabby's silhouettes as they smoke at the bench. Bounces back to Ben being disgruntled that BB always probes them further, desirous for dirt to be dished as they want them to elaborate on everything. At the end of the day, John doesn't care about something to do with someone not really liking 'her!'
GOVAN: (Admiringly) John, you look fantastic in that shirt!
H'obviously John DID look fantastic in the checked shirt. I remember a certain thread commenting on how appreciative they were of John wearing this ;)
JOHN: (Happens to be borrowing Govan's shirt hence the compliment) Shut up!
Govan insists that his flattery is sincere 'you do!' BB beckons for Josie to go to the Diary room to give her nominations; John watches her through the window :) John explains how he hadn't known what to say for his next nomination and had just sat there as BB barked that he MUST give his second nomination now and that he'd cheeked BB back.
JOHN: 'Hang on, I just waited for you for 5 minutes, now you can wait 5 minutes while I think about mine!' (shivers)
He makes his way outside and groans about the sun going in. He checks with Dave if it is still warm out in the garden. He sees something in the garden that aggravates him and points to it.
JOHN: Ahhhh! Who... Have you got a minute, Stevo? Are you doing anything? Who hung these out? (Dave admits it was him and Sunshine. Maybe his washing fell off the line? Ad break) When we return from the ads, Sunshine is giggling with Govan that she's not 'fussy fussy.. I'm just Vegan!' In the living room, Corin shares fondant fancies with Ben and Mario thinking this will cheer Ben up. He thanks her and wishes he was more like her but declines going outside while it is cloudy.
Ben continues to conjecture to the founder of his fan club that he never thought he was an antagonistic person. Mario is surprised by how laid back he finds himself in there and supposes Annie his dog and being in love had mellowed him out. *This* has all come as a bit of a shock to Ben (being inside the house and his reactions) as he doesn't have a temper. Mario thinks his friends will be surprised that he hasn't kicked off an argument or thrown himself into the middle of one yet. (Though the previous evening, he did throw himself into the middle of Ben and Shabby's spat!)
BEN: So with John, it's not that he means to be sort of disloyal or treacherous in any way.. he just .. much more than he admits, he wants to be really liked by people, doesn't he?
MARIO: Isn't that why we're in here? (SC) People who say they don't care too often, actually do.
BEN: And the people who say they do care actually don't.
I think there is an element of truth to Ben and Mario's words here. I often believed in certain instances, where John would fiercely brush off situations with a defensive 'I don't give a rip!' or 'I couldn't care less!' to in fact be some of the times when he COULD most of all. That's not to imply this was always the case.. but John's facial expressions can betray him (particularly when he was with Josie) His emotions were always written all over his face, even when they didn't match up with the words coming out of his mouth.
To an extent, I do agree that John likes to be liked (who wants/yearns to be hated?? Not I!) but at the same time he knows it is not possible to be liked by everybody .. and as much as possible he had psyched himself up and prepared mentally to be despised by some. Twitter followers are not an accurate indication of how loved/detested you really are - as lots of followers are spam, one-time tweeters and it would be an impossible task to count up those who are supporters and who are not from the remainder.
It seems John believes or has been led to suppose that he has a great deal more haters than supporters .. I don't feel that is a true supposition but perhaps I am biased. The levels of abuse he receives on twitter has reduced drastically but this can probably be accredited to his lack of twitter activity. If he was to tweet more regularly, the nasty tweets would no doubt resume.
Mario pokes fun at Ben for being unlucky but Ben believes he brings some things upon himself.
BEN: (Bitches) Interesting enough, John had already annoyed me last night. before all this kicked off.. by having a go at me for taking a sausage roll and stuff! (Then complains that they weren't even very nice)He's got weird morals about things. It's fine to go shouting and screaming at someone.. but wrong to take a sausage roll off a plate!
MARIO: I think the biggest lesson that you're gonna learn from here, is that you can't look at everyone through the same .. not even rose-tinted glasses.. but you can't look at people through the same framework that you look at people with.. and I think that's what's really confusing you and puzzling you.
Maybe this is one of my biggest downfalls as I DO try to look at everyone I meet and know through rose-tinted glasses. I don't like to uncover the bad; I know everyone has failings but I don't have a need to seek them out or persecute a person for them. But when I look on twitter, I become so saddened and angered with humanity as a collective.. I realise this is a complete contradiction but am hoping that you'll understand what I am attempting to say.
Josie is back from BB's barbaric nominations , Ben asks how it went.
JOSIE: Alright. They just went 'fuller.. fuller.. fuller!' (wanting more in-depth explanations as to why she nominated certain individuals. Ben hugs her tightly and plants a couple of pecks on her cheeks)
Ben asks Josie what her plans are for after the series. She replies either to do a barber's course because 'if you mess up a bloke's hair, you can just sweet talk them' but doesn't feel that would be possible with a female customer. Ben asks Josie what her other option is.
JOSIE: To manage a bar. (Ben thinks this is what she should do as it would be 'very you!' and encourages her to go for it) Alright!! (they go their separate ways, Josie into the garden)
I always liked the idea of her Holiday Bar that she described to Brian Dowling in UBB. I think she would get a lot of customers for that and we could hold one of our meet ups there :) She mentioned this aspiration again in the media a while back so perhaps this is something she would still enjoy at some point. Though since her career shows no signs of drying up imminently (despite the protests that she has no talent, is NOTHING without John and that it will come to a crashing halt any day now! *rolls eyes*) she may have a while yet before she is able to fulfill this ambition.
Govan and Sunshine are chatting about Leicester in the bedroom. Mario is called to the Diary room for noms leaving Ben to find his own amusement. John kicks something in the garden and we hear an OWWW as it hits Ife! John holds his head to his hands. Whoooops!
JOHN: I always hit people with things! (unintentionally) I hit Corin with an egg yesterday and you (Ife, I think) with the socks today (and he was constantly accidentally whacking Jose in the nose or elbowing her in her tuppence!)
The previous day Corin had been sat down, John stood up when Mario piffed an egg at him so John wiped it off his egg costume and it had got Corin. John expresses to Corin how bad he felt over hitting her with an egg.
Back in the bedroom Govan tells Ben and Sunshine about his hamster called Pikachu (after the Pokemon creature) then back to the garden.
JOHN: You're grateful for anything that they get you to do (the camera moves away and then comes back when the topic of conversation has changed) .. specific set of people, cos they know they'll pack out the club. Like in Melbourne you'll always.. fill it. (He says they will fill it with the people they want as they know they can get who they want. Shrugs) Yeah.. it's pretty bad, it's awful! (SC) They'll wait for 2 or 3 hours, get to the front and say it's full. I don't know, I just don't.. I just think they should let everyone in .. well if it's full, it's full - that's fair enough but to discriminate like that is really bad.. really, really bad.. they probably won't let me back in the country now! (he and Corin laugh) I'll be in the newspapers 'Australian boy slags off his own country' Ah well, they'll have to work it out.
Corin wonders whether he will be in the press in Australia. John doubts it.
JOHN: I spoke about it with Mum when I came over. I literally told no-one! (Goes on to say he is glad he didn't as if I didn't get in on launch night) I wouldn't have felt bad but all my friends would have given it to me a fair bit! Cos that's the sorta people they are. (reveals he only told his Mum and best mate. And because he had got reasonably far in Oz auditions) I thought obviously maybe I've got the personality.. or A personality that they'd be interested in and I thought.. since it's your last one and um.. and I've got a British Citizenship I thought just go over there and see what happens! I literally decided probably 2 days before.. see what happens.
John had first considered auditioning in November 2009 (the previous year) Corin gasps that he'd flown over twice for auditions in the UK in 2010. (John and Caoimhe were in the same group at auditions) He'd lined up for 9 hours when it was pretty much snowing and thought 'WHAT am I doing here?!' John was convinced on the plane back that he'd totally stuffed up his interview due to being so jet lagged.
JOHN: Don't think I would have been the person I was. It's hard to get your personality out in such a short amount of time! .. and I was like kicking myself on the plane home.. was so tired that I just thought 'what a waste of time and money!' .. Mum said 'don't worry about it, it's done.' She goes 'You gave it a shot.' and yeah.. then I heard back.
Corin thinks John must have been the Housemate to have come from the furthest distance for the UK BB. John agrees that he 'probably' was. Some of the HM's try to think of somewhere geographically further away from the UK than Australia. Dave offers up the Solomon Islands. I need a map to work out where that one is!
JOHN: It was a fair risk to take. But I wasn't really doing a lot at home, so..
Fortunately it paid off as he was selected for our show! :) Not only that, but John made some friends for life during his stay in the UK and of course.. fell in love for the first time with Josie :)
Corin then considers how long it would take to walk to Australia 'a year?' Dave guesstimates 500 days! Looks like John spots Josie as he smiles and pshh psssh pss's at her mocking the whispering from last night. John laughs that he loves Corin's conversations. Josie sits with the sun bakers and poses another question for the group.
JOSIE: How long do you reckon it would take to walk the Great Wall of China? (John answers six months but doesn't know how he knew that. Josie explains she had wanted to do it for Great Ormond Street hospital) They said at work it would only take a couple of weeks.. and I said 'don't be ridiculous! If you walked 8 hours a day, it would take you just over 6 months!'
John was going to do the trek with his friends. Josie expresses her desire to go to Africa and volunteer there. John adds that he might go to Brazil in 4 years for the next World cup. He is bleeding about missing the current World Cup (he didn't miss much!!)
JOSIE: (after lots of SC's) I don't really.. I'm not really into football!
JOHN: That's so strange for me, coming over from Australia, speaking to all the taxi drivers and stuff (SC) Now you's have told me you don't care.. I thought everyone loves football! 'Everyone like football, if you don't like football, see ya later' everyone thinks that.. everyone in Australia!
Ife wants him to make sure Australians know this is not the case. Josie says in Bristol they watch the World Cup on big screens at the Harbour.
I hope that when life quietens down for Josie she will be able to accomplish her goal of volunteering in Africa. Not that she doesn't do enough for charity as it is!! She contributes so much of her time and love to many worthwhile causes when she is able to. Even when she has a bloomin' broken ankle! But as I know it is something that she has longed to do, I'd love for her to have the opportunity for another of her dreams to come true. Let's also hope that John makes it to Brazil for the next World Cup.
John holds up Nathan's golden rounders trophy in a trophy lift. Ife says they have to give it back in but John wants to keep it! Josie hopes to God that Sunshine won't be up for nomination again this week. John, always looking out for his Jose, urges her to be careful what she says .. not wanting her to get in trouble. John asks Ife if she'd thought the chants were 'get Sunshine out' Ife answers that she'd heard get SOMEONE out! Ife and Sunshine say they have both grown to like Sunshine a lot.
JOHN: (Concedes) I do like her a lot obviously.. I just don't want to get the Mac Daddy swerve on with her! (Think Ife asks if he would not date her at all) Nuh.. I probably wouldn't.
JOSIE: He's not like that at all!
IFE: (Grabs the wrong end of the TREE) What? You're not straight??
JOHN: (Thinks he is Josie's mind reader) She's gonna tell you that I don't like girls. (giggles)
JOSIE: No, he does like girls. He's not like that.. he's very um..
Ife offers 'picky' as an adjective. John starts to suppose that 'Nuh.. I suppose you could say..'
JOSIE: But he wouldn't just get his Mac Daddies on with anyone! He's like us. He's like a woman like that!
Ife likes that John possesses such an admirable trait of integrity. Josie stresses that she's never met anyone like that before in her life; Ife has.
JOHN: Ah, all this time I've been talking to you (Josie) I should've been talking to you (Ife) she would have been calling me normal!
IFE: One of my friends is really sensitive like that! (the camera cuts away to the living room)
The fact that John was so 'picky' with women should have been high praise for Josie that he fell for her :) It was John's sensitivity and integrity that warmed him into the hearts of so many watchers and made him all the more endearing.
Dave is talking Ben through how his issues with Shabby are becoming a bone of contention.. while he was able to be civil with Rachael. Dave decides that his issues have displaced who Ben is and that he's got caught up in that instead of being who he is. Ben feels Dave's analysis is spot on!
The lads in the lounge talk about dogs. Dave asks Steve if communities form with those in similar situations to himself (those who have lost limbs) Steve talks about all the events his organisation hold yearly, so the ex-servicemen can get together. Such as sailing in the Cowes race, which he'd have been due to go to the following week.
Afternoon feed finishes.
I forgot just how much time Ben used to complain about gooood,never knew what his problem with John was????
ReplyDeleteAgree with Ife,John is picky.
Oh,and John did look good in that shirt.It was a lovely shirt too:p