The live feed begins in the bathroom, Josie reeeeeeally wants to go out raving and have a boogie. John agrees but normally doesn't care about going out (SC) he questions Josie 'do you get absolutely hammered?' (SC) Josie confesses that she DOES get 'proper steamin'!' Nathan taunts John 'what ya looking at crab eyes?' John laughs despite not liking the insult; Josie claims that this is the longest she has been on a detox for since she was 12. John puts his want to go out down to the fact that they can't.
JOSIE: What, do you normally go out to those horrible clubs?
JOHN: Yeah, I suppose.. I stopped going to them in the end.
JOSIE: I really wanted to go to Australia before you told me that!
JOHN: It's f**king harsh, real harsh.. I don't care if you believe me or not, I'm telling the truth.
JOSIE: Of course I'm gonna believe you, if you say it.
JOHN: The city.. it's f**king harsh when they knock back..
Josie explains to Mario (who joins the convo) that in the clubs where John is from, if a person is a 'overweight or a bit ugly they don't let you in!' John elaborates that the local clubs are fine, so if she came down to Australia where he lives she'd be okay to get in 'you would be fine anyway!'
Despite John assuring Josie she would be 'fine' in Australia, I DO think this was in the back of her mind whenever they considered taking a trip to Oz.. as much as John loved her or told her how gorgeous she was, I think this would have always been a worry for Josie, had they ever taken up the chance to travel there together. Sad really.. because I think if they had been able to go as a couple, John's friends would have warmed to Josie a lot more as she would have won them all over with her fun-loving zest for life.
Josie asks if Melbourne city has a lot of gays and lesbians (believing it to be renowned for a big gay community) John thinks she means Sydney and answers yes. Josie then quizzes how far away Sydney is from where John lives. Nathan jumps in that it is 9 hours away. This stuns JJJ as they wonder how Nathan knew this; Nathan had heard John talking about it.
JOHN: Have I said that? That's got me a bit worried.. cos now I can't remember what I've said on camera and not. I totally forgot I said that.
Ife eavesdrops as she uses the sink but mishears what is said and asks John 'who do you love?' John sarcastically states 'um.. Sunshine.' Josie reveals that she wants to go out to a bar and get a rare nephew and coke. John plans to re-activate his facebook when he leaves, Ife recommends a Red bull! John thinks Ife had answered him so says that he'd said a facebook not Red Bull!
The scene switches to the kitchen, where Caoimhe is talking about the meal she'd enjoyed with Shabby and how they'd played violin music and everything. Dave thinks it sounds lush! Then bounces back to the bathroom again, where Josie confesses that she will struggle with being on her own when they get out (after BB) John hadn't heard what she said 'you what?' so she repeats the sentence for him.
Although, when they left the house, John and Josie had each other.. they both felt lonely at times (regardless of their relationship) because they had each given up their lives and sacrificed spending time with their friends and family. Although the distance was not so far for Josie in comparison to the continents separating John from his loved ones.. perhaps that felt just as far to Josie (who was used to seeing the people she was close to every single day.. whereas John had spent a lot of time in solitude in Australia) knowing she was only a stones throw away from her little sisters and best friends but not being able to see them at the expense of their work schedule.
JOSIE: (she, Govan and Nathan use cotton buds to clean out their ears) I'll really struggle with it, because we've got so used to having company all around us..
JOHN: I'll struggle the most.. I've got to go back to the other side of the world! I'm f**king spewin' about.. at the start I was like f**k ya's, I don't even care.. but now I'm starting to care a little bit! (Josie asks John if he's not going to stay in the UK a little bit) Yeah, especially when Seahorse offered to put me up for a little bit, I was like f**k! I didn't expect that!
Ife asks John if his parents had lived in Cambridge, John starts to reply that his Mum.. but the sound is cut as Nathan speaks of the cash they are earning from being there. Josie plans to pay off her overdraft. John says that he will stay for a little bit so he doesn't have to go home 'and stay here for the final, til the end of the series and then go out with all you guys.'
John reckons that will be better than being in there. Nathan thinks they'll have a 'f**king right laugh, big time!' (and it is nice that some of them do still spend time together, even if they are HM's which I didn't happen to be a fan of!) John is looking forward to that now and Nathan proposes to take John out on the pull to get some 'right birds!' (SOOOOO pleased that never happened! What with Nathan hooking up with Rachael and then falling out with John and then JJJ getting together too)
JOSIE: Nathan's gonna show you the ropes!
JOHN: I can im-f**king-agine! (laughs)
NATHAN: You stay with me, pal!
JOSIE: You'll (John) be going home a different man! I don't like things like that .. cos when you sleep with someone you don't realise who they've slept with .. who they've slept with.. who they've slept with..
The camera cut to Caoimhe in the kitchen all on her lonesome until Shabby comes out of the Diary room and then joins her (after a cheeky ciggy). Neither of them want to make the other's life difficult and want to know what they'd said in the Diary room. Caoimhe had complained it wasn't fair to be doing that to any of them. Shabby sods it and comes clean about the Tree of Temptation task (see HL's blog) so Shabs is sure that she will be up for eviction, on top of incurring the Tree's wrath.
It was really getting on Shabby's nerves when everyone was telling her she was such a good person (for making up with Ben) .. when she didn't really have a choice in the matter! Shabby calls the Tree 'horrible' and explains that she'd been crouched over the bath pretending to watch her pants at the time. Caoimhe can't stop snorting and Shabby had felt like a twat the entire duration of her task. She tells the Tree that she looks forward to the wrath! :D Caoimhe can't believe they'd made her do that and had been wondering what she was doing.
Caoimhe sniggers that Shabby had even complimented Ben that he'd make a really good gay. Caoimhe confirms she'd done an amazing job 'I bought it!' She demonstrates the Ben bear hug and how Ben had been trying to pull away throughout. This conversation was what was needed to cut the tension between the girls. Caoimhe swears on her life she won't say anything and Shabby is actually scared of the tree as he's really evil! Caoimhe twigs that the Tree (geddit?) might make HER do something horrific instead of Shabby. At the beginning, Ben had been saying things that p*ssed Shabby off but she used it to get a lot off her chest. They need to pee so make their way to toilets.
Back to the bathroom, John decides he might f**k off to bed and calls out 'night, guys.'
JOSIE: Night, love. I might go to bed as well.. (leaves the bathroom too)
John can be heard saying 'night boys' to the lads in the lounge on his way to the bedroom. As Shabby re-applies more layers of eyeliner, Ife checks if she and Caoimhe have been able to chat now. Shabby had asked BB if her and Caoimhe could have 5 minutes without microphones and cameras. Out at the carousel, Caoimhe laughs that she'd told John he couldn't go in the toilet after her (presumably as she'd done a stinky poop!)
BB had tried to get Shabby to blab what she would say if they permitted her to talk to Caoimhe the way she had requested. Which would have defeated the aim!
SHABBY: Sometimes it's not about the show! Sometimes it's about real people and REAL situations!!
In the bedroom, the lights are already out as HM's are in bed. John admits that he doesn't want to leave now. Josie couldn't make out what he had announced so he repeats it for her.
JOSIE: Can you come and sit on this bed for a bit, let's have a chat!
JOHN: I don't think people like our chats!
NOPE - WE LOVED THEM!! Hence why so many of us purchased hardcore headphones and stayed up til the butt crack of dawn when we were certain you were both sound asleep! And then we would wake up before the morning alarm went off so as not to miss a second off JJJ-ness! Some of us are still suffering from insomnia thanks to your nocturnal naughtiness!! :D
Corin cranks out that she likes listening (join the club, Coringe!) and John gets in Josie's bed anyway. John laughs that he knows Corin does and that she was awake. Josie asks if John had wanted to leave before and he tells her, he had. Back to the remaining smokers, Caoimhe and Shabby outside where they wonder if they ran outside the fire exit and had a really quick chat if they'd be evicted.
Shabby gets sick of conversations in there as things get skirted around.. and you have to think of a million different ways of saying something so ONLY the person you're talking with understands what you're saying but nobody else. Shabby explains that she had told Josie earlier that the thing she is finding the most difficult is that (her feelings for Caoimhe) 'this is a real thing.. in an artificial environment.' This is an issue I feel John shared with Shabby later in the series.
After the break, Govan has now hopped into bed with JJJ for a gossip. Govan finds Josie just as 'f**king hysterical!' Josie completely disagrees 'no, I'm not!'
JOHN: Just your voice makes me laugh! (Josie grumbles 'oh thanks!) 'Who do you think you are?'
Govan makes the point that there is nobody who can be on top of the world ALL the time. John thought Josie was 'until you told me!'
JOSIE: Did you think.. sorry I keep bringing it up.. when we had our little row, did you not expect me to shout back at you?
JOHN: Um.. why do you keep trying to show me up on the telly? I told you, I asked you .. nicely and you fired up! You weren't having a bar of it 'I don't care John .. if you don't like it, don't talk to me.. I don't care if you don't talk to me ever again!' (Govan scorns this being the nasty side of Josie coming out) and then I said 'why did you keep going Jog on?' You didn't even wanna explain, so don't give me that sh*t! The camera doesn't lie.. the camera doesn't make you look like a nasty person!
I truly think that before Josie, NO girl had ever EVER dared to speak back to John! This was not a scenario he had prepared himself to deal with. And the fact that it wasn't just any old girl but the one he was closest too and cared about the most.. made it so much tougher!
Govan jokes that Josie had got nasty with him last night. John is miffed that Govan had rubbed egg on Josie's face and 'alls I asked you to do was explain.. ' Govan cuts in that Jose had nearly broken his back, which makes them all laugh. He adds, that if anyone else had done that to him it would have KICKED OFF!!! Josie can't recall what she did so Govan elaborates that she had shouted at him in the kitchen. Jose observed that it had looked like he was firing right up.
Govan claims that she had only tuned into the conversation midway through it but he was getting a bit annoyed.
JOSIE: Do you think we're all know each other in 6 months time?
Govan thinks he'll stay friends with the 2 of them but probably won't see John as much if he's in Australia.
JOSIE: I'll be like 'ring ring' (phoning them) 'Oh no, it's them 2 again!' (all giggle) Don't answer it, just don't answer it!
Camera cuts to Caoimhe and Shabby on the bench, smoking in silence. Shabby leaves making the excuse that she is off to brush her teeth. Caoimhe sighs and follows her shortly afterwards.
JOSIE: The only thing I find hard in here, is not being able to pop to the shops or anything.. or not go for a walk. But other than that, I'm not finding it that difficult cos there's nothing I like better than sitting on my ass, having a chat!
Back to the blackened bedroom, where sounds of giggling fills the room as the trio whisper to one another. John leans closer to Josie so that he can hear Govan's voice. Govan thinks there is a good chance he'll be up for eviction. John is astounded 'WHYYYY?' I think Josie adds that she will be too which judging by John's reaction he reckons this is ridiculous! This leads to some bickering banter between the Bristolian and Bristralian but it is not very audible :(
Govan guesses that they'll see anyway. Josie asks 'do you reckon I'll ever stop sucking my thumb?' John voices his view that he will be up before Govan is 'let's not f**king beat around the bush here!'
In the bathroom, Caoimhe confirms that it would be sh*t without her (Shabby) there and she knows Shabby has things she wants to say and ask but can't. Caoimhe has a lot of respect for people on the outside and for Shabby as well. All the girls have been telling her they need to talk but she thinks it is difficult with people twisting what they might or might not say. Shabby shouldn't even worry about the editing and she feels like the tw*t and is embarrassed over the situation. She's really struggling to find a way to get past that as she doesn't think there IS a way to get past it.
They are both finding the experience much more difficult than they had expected to. Caoimhe has had such fun with Shabby the last few days 'it doesn't change anything!.. I don't let it ruin anything like.. '
Back to more bedroom buffoonery where they are trying to figure out who Becks should be (though I'm not sure why) Govan suggests a 'geek!'
JOSIE: I reckon he should be like Screech off Saved by the Bell. (John scoffs)
JOHN: What's his real name? Like Diamond something? (Dustin Diamond)
They giggle as Govan demonstrates it being a lot easier once you find the right accent, to get into character. John found Ife funny when she was talking in an American accent (for their Jerry Springer show) Govan wanted her to be a bit more ghetto like 'I'm gonna f**k you up!' he plans to be a vicious Jamaican hooker next time. Josie will be 'a farmer's wife nymph' John repeats her sentence with a smile, the way he always does when he finds something especially humourous.
JOSIE: And I always get caught in the stables with the horses! .. and I love c*ck!
JOHN: You've got a c*ck?
JOSIE: Nooo! I could pass for a bloke though, couldn't I? (Govan thinks it depends what kind of things she does) I'm more masculine than John. (John hmm's which is followed by an SC then more giggling)
The cameras change to the chickadees chilling in the bathroom. (ad break) John laughs about something to do with 'when I knew that you were in the same bed as him..' Govan explains that it wasn't that he didn't want to be friends with John but he hadn't seen his VT. Changes to Caoimhe changing in the bathroom.
Shabby was in bed but because she can hear JJJG making noise she gets out of bed. She and Caoimhe hug as Shabby tells her she does want to be friends. Shabby and Caoimhe come to bed so we see a shot of Govan, John and Josie huddled up together in their double. The cameras focus on the chicks clambering into bed.
JOSIE: If my friends were listening to you, they would be like 'what the f**k?' they would, they would! (John laughs 'why?') They'd be like 'what's the matter with the man 'dem?'
GOVAN: Some people are just different, Josie.
JOHN: Are your friends like Benny? (She replies that they aren't at all!) (SC)
Josie asks the girls where Ife is as she's not in her bed. Shabby jokes that she went to the Diary room about 20 years ago 'I'd really hate to be BB for Ife's diary room conversations!' Josie thinks it's sweet how Ife takes about 20 years to explain something 'it's cute, I like that!' Shabby agrees that it is endearing, mostly!
JOSIE: 'So Ife, you like cupcakes that are blue, yeah?' 4 hours later, but she wouldn't be Ife if she wasn't like that! .. I might change my name when I get out of here..
The camera chops to Caoimhe and Shabby's bed, but we keep hearing John chuckling in his mischievous way very loudly.
Caoimhe pleads with Shabby not to be embarrassed but Shabby thinks she's made an utter 't*t out of herself on television!' She is sure that her reputation with the ladies has probably taken the biggest nose dive as the whole situation is embarrassing. Caoimhe doesn't feel it is as they aren't going to give them the satisfaction by talking about it.. she says, while talking about 'it!' Caoimhe checks if she has led Shabby on because she is such a touchy feely, flirty person. Shabby wouldn't say that necessarily.
Nathan hops out of bed in a huff and exits the room. (SC)
JOHN: Is that the Seahorse? (the camera returns to their bed.) Yeah that's a good name! (Govan blows a raspberry when Dave gets up to pretend that he's farted, making JJJ laugh)
John shakes his head when Caoimhe calls out to ask if Dave farted as Govan alleges that it stinks!
JOHN: Nathan doesn't like whispering? (Josie presumes that Dave doesn't like it)
They have been talking about names they like for babies and Josie likes one that Govan suggests 'Lucian' but he's not sure if she is taking the p*ss. John thinks it's a good one too!
JOSIE: No, I love it! I'm gonna steal it! I'm gonna end up with 10 kids at this rate, poppin' em out, poppin' em out, poppin' em out! (John asks if they get money for having kids in this country) Yeah, you get loads of money..
Govan likes the name Anya for a girl, which John hears as 'ONION?? I don't like onion!' Govan spells Anya out to him so he knows what he actually said.
John tells them the Government in Australian give parents £8,000 straight away when they have a baby (for their first then £5,000 for any other babies) In the garden, Nathan and Dave complain about the volume of the bedroom antics. Even though it is only 1 am (Dave had thought it was 2/3am) they find it unfair as some of the HM's are knackered!
Back in the boisterous bedroom, John jokingly proposes to Josie 'will you marry me?' Sounds like they had struck a deal to get married and have children in Oz for some dosh :D Davo comes back in so John asks him if he's struggling to sleep.
DAVE: What do you think?
JOHN: Yeah, Steve can be loud, can't he? :D (Dave and Josie laugh)
JOSIE: You're such a p*sstaker! (John thinks someone will fire up) That's what we thought.. we may be giggling and having a chat, but we'll always be quieter than Steve!!
John would love to see Benny react to Steve's snoring one night and for Steve to just whack him in the face!!
JOSIE: Um, guys.. can we sort this out now? This little love triangle! So you go in Becks and say 'I've asked Josie to marry me!'
John worries that BB will pipe up about not tolerating fake romance and kick them out of the house! Govan asks if that was in Australia.
JOHN: No, here! Remember last season when Kris got with Dogface? They piped up massively, they weren't happy about it! (Josie asks why) Cos they (BB not Kris and Sophie) said they were faking it!
GOVAN: Fauxmances! (coined as one because Kris and Sophie began locking lips within the first 10 days of the series! At least JJJ waited a very respectable 48!)
Josie is unfamiliar with this term so John elaborates that BB believed they were 'faking it, in order to get publicity for the show. I don't know if it's the same rule this time but they were kissing!' This is possibly part of John's original reluctance to start up a relationship in the house.
JOHN: And Kris was legit! He was serious.. I reckon he was..
Govan disagrees with John but thought there was a mutual attraction between Kris and Sophie. I believe it was largely lust and they were both bored and fancied each other. The connection didn't go deeper than that and was not deep or emotional, purely physical.. whereas John and Josie connected on all levels as well as a physical one.
JOSIE: (Pretends) I reckon you two fancy me! (through laughter)
John asks where they got the phrase that they do in the Yoda voice 'feisty one you are' from. Josie educates him that it from The Inbetweeners 'you would love it!'
JOHN: Is that about gangsters? (Josie and Govan laugh as he is clearly unfamiliar with the show) Is there a book called The Inbetweeners?
JOSIE: Where've you been for 24 years?!!!
Govan explains that The Inbetweeners is a sitcom here in the UK. (ad break) So it would seem that Josie introduced him to the programme outside the house and he DID love it :) Is the show now broadcast in Australia, or was it just the movie that hit cinemas there? Because John has tweeted clips from the film so has obviously seen and enjoyed it!
After the break, Caoimhe and Shabby notice that bits of their boobs are hanging out. Caoimhe sits up to ask who's laughing 'can you keep it down, yeah? Or there'll be trouble. No, I've had enough of your sh*t and your talking with your loud voice!'
John protests that they're not even loud! Nathan threatens to take him down tomorrow :S
JOHN: You talk the talk!
Shabby and Caoimhe leave as they think there's not really much point trying to sleep. Dave's not happy that the A/C is on as it will freeze them to death! Ife fills Shabby and Caoimhe in while in the kitchen about her talk with BB. Shabby jokes that BB may kick her out and Ife adds because she's not as interesting as maybe she pretended to be. Josie and Govan join them in the kitchen. Josie asks Ife how long it took her to answer the questions. She then whinnies and bucks like a bronco off the back of the table.
Josie stands on a chair and Shabby asks her to give her a piggy back. Josie politely responds 'oh, f**k off!' so Shabby returns the cursing at her!!
John saunters in exclaiming he'd heard something about a twisted nipple! Shabby exposes that she had simply exposed her nipple as it had fallen out!! Josie still stood on her chair announces that it's nice to have a little convo when you're led in bed. Apparently someone in the bedroom had turned round and whined that they were getting it from all angles in there.
Dave had moaned to Nathan but they think it is 'fine' for him when the angels attack him! John didn't know Dave was being serious and declines Ife's offer of beans on toast. BB reminds HM's to wear their mics at all times.
JOSIE: (Chastens cheekily) You've got to let us down, haven't you, John?
JOHN: Well, f**k! I didn't know! (Josie mimics him hilariously and John leaves)
Caoimhe complains that she feels so ill. Josie asks if she reckons she has a hangover already; Caoimhe DOES and would happily stick her fingers down her throat to be sick! Josie can't see that there will be headlines about the house as she doesn't ever read anything about it. Shabby explains that the Daily Star is the unofficial official BB paper throughout the summer 'the BB rag' and that it fills up every f*king page!
In the bedroom, John makes it known that he hadn't realised he was that loud! Dave asks him if he can't bring them down with him and Mario. John assesses that Mario's not a talker but Dave appeals for him to take Josie and 'flippin' Govan down with you, let us get some kip!'
In the kitchen, they laugh at how grumpy Govan gets in the morning but Govan had warned BB of this. Ife understands that they can't all be 'happy, happy, happy!'
JOSIE: Do you know what? I'm quite liking the lentils! I'm loving 'em!
Govan gasps that tomorrow will be awful with the revelation of nominations.
JOSIE: But um.. to know that you might be going.. it's horrible innit..
Govan grieves for 'poor Rachael' then proclaims that the outcome won't be as bad as it was for her as she wasn't nominated. He believes Rachael, by rights should still be in the house.
IFE: Just say what you think.. well to an extent where you're not gonna offend!
The midnight owls make a snack of beans on toast at 1.30am and although Ife doesn't consider herself a cook she knows she can feed her man. She would like to think she is a good girlfriend but has learnt a lot in there as sometimes she's a bit irate with Terry 'like PICK UP YOUR SOCKS!! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME??' Govan is displeased with how cold it can get in there and just doesn't appreciate the mornings!Josie enthuses that she just loves it in there!
Shabby wails that she had been kicked out of the Diary room as Caoimhe had been called in solely. She's scared of that BB as he shouts at her and had pulled the 'cheeky b*gger' up (as Ife calls her) for conversing with BB through her mic.
JOSIE: Imagine being in here with a bunch of people that went to bed at 9 o'clock.. wouldn't it drive you crazy?
Shabby thinks they basically are in a house with that kind of people. Ife would like having the house to herself. Josie offers some of her food to Shabs but she turns it down as she'd had her 3 course meal earlier.
JOSIE: Imagine just being on your own then! (she goes on to envisage winning £500 for the shopping if she were in there alone) I'd be like a pig in sh*t!
Shabby would go bonkers! Ife thinks it would be the best life in the world. Caoimhe comes out of the Diary room and rants to the rest of the group that she doesn't get them (BB!)
BB had wanted to check Caoimhe was okay as they'd noticed she wasn't feeling well and had vomited water. They refused her request for medication so she resolves to 'relieve it' herself! She wants instant relief as she can't sleep like that 'they must think I'm mental!' Shabby says this is true :D Govan would like the snorers in the bedroom to re-locate but Josie thinks she snores too; Govan says she doesn't stop him sleeping and she's next to him!
Shabby doesn't think it is fair that they must just deal with it! Josie is the only one who finds the snoring quite therapeutic. Shabby supposes that none of them shall 'start sh*t with Steve! His arms are too beefy!' and she's scared of him being cross with her.
JOSIE: Cor, it's lovely tonight, isn't it? No rows!
GOVAN: Well done, you've jinxed us now.. tomorrow's gonna be hell!
JOSIE: If I'm nominated, I'm just gonna try and be a bit of a smoothie about it.
Ife would need an hour on her own if the votes swung her way. Govan is crossing his fingers that his name won't be called. Shabby believes she knows who will face the chop and that her thoughts are quite well put together. Ife states that Shabby's predictions don't tend to pan out. Govan is hoping one person won't be, he pauses 'that's me!' this has them all cracking up :D Shabby feels that more than anything they should hope SHE doesn't have to go through the heinous torture again.
IFE: You don't know how tactical people are gonna be. (Josie doesn't understand) Imagine, yeah.. to be up against someone who's already been saved, by the public. You might feel like hmm..
Josie asks if they need 2 or more votes to be up. Shabby explains that it depends but 2 or more people will face eviction. Jose can't believe Govan is still munching on the same piece of beans on toast 'you take about 100 years!'
SHABBY: Josie, you look like a beautician! (as she is wearing Ben's white dressing robe and looking BEAUTY-ful to boot)
Josie wouldn't mind doing something like that as a job as she likes chatting. Caoimhe thinks she would make a great barber; Shabby can't wait to go to Josie's barbers when they are out.
GOVAN: Yeah, going round 'Josie's' for a cut!
Josie wouldn't name it that but would call it 'Missy Moo's' (ad break) Josie is called into the Diary room. At the table, Govan, Shabby and Caoimhe complain about how BB would call them by the birth names when they phoned them (during the application process) and mispronounce their names too. Caoimhe was angry that they hadn't spelt her name Keeva the way she had asked and had kept the passport spelling.
Shabby labels Ife a 'lick arse' as she refuses to bitch against BB. Caoimhe and Shabby tiptoe into bed while Ife and Govan head out to the garden for a smoke. Ife thinks Govan is off the radar for nominations as there are more annoying people in the house. Ife thinks as time goes on her own nominations will get pettier. They miss seeing someone so youthful (Rachael) sashaying about the house. Govan felt like he'd known Rachael longer than he actually had. They discuss Sunshine being pedantic and always compelled to give the answers in an argumentative manner.
Ife struggles to spark up another cigarette; Govan farts which disgusts Ife, who felt the vibrations go up her bum!!! Govan has a belly ache but thinks why should he go to the toilet. Josie comes out of the Diary room and scans the living room to see where everyone has gone. Spotting Ife and Govan in the garden she goes out to inform them of the knuckle wrapping BB gave her.
JOSIE: OMG, I've just been told off for saying a word which I NEVER would've guessed was offensive!
She was really shocked as her Mum used to call her brother by the term all the time. She says she'll spell it out so they go to an ad break. Josie shivers at the sink as she, Govan and Ife start to clean and wash up in the kitchen.
Ife brings up the topic of J Lo employing a person to tweak her nipples on her video shoots. Josie declares that is an amazing job and wonders whether it was a man or a woman. Josie is feeling really guilty about the word she used after her rebuke 'but Mario didn't say anything!' Govan thinks he may not have known what it meant. Josie is really really shocked, Govan asks if she understands the connotations now. She does and starts to speak about her Mum again so the sound is cut.
JOSIE: Words that you've grown up every day using are .. (Ife interjects 'now so offensive')
The trio agree that PC has gone mad and how it may even become politically incorrect to use 'mixed race' in a minute. Ife and Govan compliment Josie over how wearing her hair up really suits her as they can see more of her face. Josie is flattered and thanks them 'when someone says you look nice, I get really embarrassed. On the outside, I'd be like 'yeah thanks' but in here I go 'stooooop it!'
Govan is grossed out that the water tastes contaminated, Ife tries a little and thinks it has chlorine in. Every time Josie has a glass of water she thinks it tastes like crap. She laughs that they are so ungrateful 'every time we.. I've never .. every time I .. oh I can't get my words out tonight! What's the matter with me? What's going on?' she sucks her thumb.
Govan awww's that he loves their little chats with John James as they are so funny. Josie mm's in concurrence. Ife exaggerates that it was the longest she had chatted with John for longer than 5 minutes. Josie thinks he's really enjoying himself now 'whereas before he didn't feel comfortable.' Ife adds that John didn't let it out or speak to anyone about it.
JOSIE: He's started to feel more comfortable and better in his own environment.. and I think.. I do feel bad that he got to the stage where he started crying .. but then again..
Govan thinks John is quite sensitive like that, as he'd told Govan that he thought he had a problem with him. (The other day when Govan was having a hard time and barely spoke to anybody) It is Josie's turn for an awwww. Govan continues that John had confessed he'd been considering leaving as he doesn't like feeling like that with his best friends in the house.
JOSIE: If I'd known he was that sensitive, there's no way I'd have been taking the p*ss out of his breath since I got here!
Govan is now really conscious of that every time he goes to make a joke. Josie finds it quite funny that her and John had a massive row 'cos out of anybody in here, he does make me feel really good about myself!'
JOSIE: There's not many men that would sit there and paint your nails! He's quite in touch with his feminine side.. I like it!
Ife likes John as he is so different, Josie agrees that he is SO different. Govan thinks it is a shame John lives so far as he is someone he definitely wants to remain friends with. As Josie sweeps she hopes that John moves to England (and he DID - only for her!) Govan thinks it would be great if he did.
JOSIE: I tell you what, my friends would eat him alive! They would love him!
Ife is certain that John will do very well with the ladies outside of the house as he's a younger version of Beckham, who she describes as having gone a bit 'grizzly' now. Josie strongly supports this 'Definitely! VERY well!'
Josie believes 'the best thing about John is that he doesn't realise he's that good looking!' Govan thinks John knows he's a good looking lad but he just doesn't focus on it.
JOSIE: D'you reckon?
GOVAN: No, he does, he does, he DOES! We've had convos! But he's just not arrogant. I think he's vain if anything.. you can call him vain but not arrogant.
Ife imagines that John just wants to make the best of what he's got. Josie blabs that John felt awful when Sunshine had said 'you fancy me, don't you?' Govan knows that John hadn't wanted to turn around and say no.
JOSIE: What makes me laugh and think 'aww, bless your little cotton socks!' .. every time now, before he gets in our bed, he swigs some mouth wash!
Govan thinks that is TOOOO funny but Ife calls it a bit smart coming from a smoker, as John doesn't smoke himself. Govan confirms that his breath DID smell like sh*t but John had asked him.
JOSIE: But if I was as good looking as that, I'd be SO confident and he in't.
Govan reminds her that everyone has lived in their own skin all their lives, so can see themselves from a perspective that only they see themselves from. 'You're always a lot harder on yourself than you need to be.'
Josie expresses her horror at the prospect of her 'fat ass being on TV in someone's front room' is making her feel sick! Govan tries to put things like that out of his mind or he'd be a state but Josie thinks he has a nice little body. Ife argues, that guys would love Josie's body. Josie refutes this 'NO!' so Ife refutes her refute 'YES!' Guys that Govan knows would 'dig it! They'd wanna bang you!'
Ife points out how guys go for Beyonce. Josie growls that she's not like Beyonce 'I'm just big!' Govan insists that she has meat on her but isn't big, Josie retaliates that Beyonce is meant to be tiny as Rachael had met her. Ife decides it must have been during the Dreamgirls stage as she'd met her too. Josie asks if Rachael is a dead ringer as she thinks she is. Ife's not sure as she was starstruck when she met Beyonce and had a 'Davina moment' with her. Josie wishes she'd interacted more with Davina 'I made myself look like a right f*nny in front of her!'
As Govan has watched her on TV since he was a child, he wanted to die when he was with Davina incase she disliked his VT. Josie lists Davina and Jonathan Ross as her favourite TV presenters. He was happy when Davina put her arm around him to comfort him as he'd been scared that everyone was going to hate him. 'She said, who gives a sh*t?'
JOSIE: Aw, wicked! Did you think it was like a dream?
They all agree that it was very surreal and that Davina is even more beautiful in real life. Govan had smelt her and describes her scent as 'delicious!' Govan had caught sight of her at the Dress rehearsal after coming out of BBLB and waved yelling 'Oi Dav! You alright babe?' They were also impressed with her ad libbing (ad break) Josie, Govan and Ife walk to the bathroom, Govan shows something on the toilet floor and grimaces 'how does THAT happen? It's nasty!' Josie vows to give it a good clean out the next day.
They laugh that Josie helps herself to another HM's cream but don't mind 'because it's Josie!' Govan thinks she and Ife are taking the p*ss as they are convinced the cameras are not motion sensored.. because they think they saw a woman moving it on a piece of string! Josie soons get tired of the topic 'oh right, lovely!' as the camera chat and how they are controlled continues.
Josie is a bit worried about employers not wanting to employ them 'cos all I've been doing is lounging around in bed!' Govan thinks more opportunities could come their way because of BB. Josie again comments about her desire to do fundraising in Africa and then have a bar or barber's somewhere 'I can just have a chat to people when they come in! I love that!' Ife tells her she could easily do that.

(she plucks an ingrown hair from her leg then Govan discovers one on her face) Govan's finger nails are like tweezers! (she feels her face but can't feel the one Govan found but discovers one on her neck, so holds it up high like a giraffe for Govan to tweeze!)
Govan jests 'are you starting your beard?' and notes that he does the same for his Grandma. Josie swears down that BB told her off for swearing and told her to stop. Govan hurts Josie by squeezing a zit on her forehead, she owwww's and asks 'anything else?' Then Josie inspects Govan for spots and he thinks something is a bite; he hopes people don't have fleas.
Josie points underneath Govan's eyes and asks if he'd been bruised there 'oh no, it's bags!' Gov calls her a cheeky b*tch in response so Josie tells him she was only joking.
JOSIE: You're beautiful! You know you are!
Neither of them are tired so Govan asks if she wants one more smoke. Josie turns this down as she doesn't want to smoke anymore.
JOSIE: I don't wanna be the girl that swears and smokes on TV!
Govan realises there is a remnant of egg on his top. Josie already has a washing pile 'why don't you put it in there, love?'
Josie asks Govan if he's heard anyone say 'God alive-o' which he hasn't. 'They all say that round my way.' Govan grunts his chagrin at Dave's gall when he'd asked Josie if she was doing the washing earlier. 'He's a big man!'
JOSIE: (Stares into a camera) It's weird innit, that people are watching us.. I can't get me head around it! (SC) Me being a cow 'GET JOSIE OUT!! GET JOSIE OUT!!'
Govan thinks if the public are like that with her 'God knows what they'll be like with me.. I'll have to leave the country!'
JOSIE: I'll move to Australia with G.. er John! With me baby fadder. It's about time he started paying some child support.
Govan relents that they should get some sleep or they'll be f**king shattered tomorrow. They climb into bed and settle down for the night. Josie bids him 'night, love!' End of live feed my friends :) xxx
Lol at John thinking the Inbetweeners was gangsta hahahahah
ReplyDeletetoo true about the inbetweeners, she did introduce him to it, then him to his they should be thanking jos or such a fab watch ;o) xx