Sunday, 25 March 2012

Live Day 14

The live feed commences with Caoimhe imprisoned in the small task room, listening to the conversation between Shabby and Ben from the previous day (as her punishment).. the walls of the room are plastered with pictures of Ben and Shabby and she has been given snacks to munch on. 

CAOIMHE: OMG, Ben! You talk so much!! 

Caoimhe is clearly hacked off and would sooner be anywhere else! At the same time she considers some of the comments to be comical! 

CAOIMHE: This is SO weird! Like whatever you're trying to do here, I don't get it! (after several minutes of listening) You think this is funny, do ya? (Yawns)
After the break, the HM's have been assembled at the sofas ready for the nominations announcement. Mario muses that Caoimhe might be listening to all their nominations. BB broadcasts that the results of the 2nd round of nominations will now be revealed. 

The nominated HM's are: Shabby (who hates these guys!) Dave, Govan and Ben. After the 4 are revealed, HM's speculate there will be another 'AND'.... John rubs the shoulders of Govan, Dave and Ben in some form of masculine comradeship. Josie and Govan giggle as BB also announces that they will take part in a save and replace task. Josie coos that she loves Govan as she cuddles him to her chest. 
Shabby asserts that she was correct in her speculation for 4 people facing eviction. Sunshine had sat there thinking 'deja vu' expecting her name to be called alongside the other nominees. Govan would have thought it was funny if he hadn't been up against Shabby. John sits in silence just shaking his head. 

Shabby's flip out #55 commences as she whacks items off the table and then knocks the table over with rage too. John's legs lift onto the sofa and his arms raise up to protect his face from UFO's (not alien transport but unidentified flying objects!) The nominated HM's are called to the Diary room, much to their confusion.. as far as they are aware Caoimhe should still be in there!! Farrrrr too many sound dips for my liking.. 
Nathan has sidled his way in between John and Josie like a prick in a bundle of roses! He has 1 leg over Josie's knee and his other over John's, John nestles against Nathan briefly and Josie begins to thumb suck. Sunshine and Josie are very, very shocked that Govan's name was amongst the nominated quartet. Mario and Corin think it is unfair that the winner of the task has to swap their name with another HM. 

Nathan claims that it is the barneys which have caused the 4some to be up for the vote. John maintains that he honestly thought he would be up. Another sound cut.. 

JOSIE: (Of her row with John) Ours just looked like a little lovers tiff, didn't it? (Nathan nods) 
Nathan says they had a bit of a pop but then it was done and dusted! (SC) John is like a kid at Christmas 'Scooters!!!' when he sees Shabby scoot out on hers. John seems displeased about something to do with the task judging from his contorted face in the sound gaps. Then his and Steve's mouths hang open as they wince after Dave has an off screen collision on his scooter. 

Steve believes that Dave could have an advantage with his weight, depending on how wide the columns are. John asks Shabby if she has a scooter as she came sliding out like she was off 'Back to the future' and did a burn out! John tries to sooth a stressing Shabby that BB would have definitely told her if Caoimhe had gone. He and Steve say that she's probably outside doing something. Shabby knows Caoimhe wouldn't have chosen to go but can't shake the feeling that BB are deliberately not telling her about the situation until after she's participated in the task. 
Shabby used to ride a micro scooter a lot but hers has a twisty wheel and she doubts it will be made easy. In the kitchen, Sunshine hugs Govan and advises him not to worry until after the event 'if you're in the position after.. then that's the time to kinda deal with all the emotions..' That's what she had told herself last week and hadn't allowed herself to dawn on it. She bets that Govan is good on a scooter and then dances dysfunctionally for him :P 

John steps in as trainer to give his team a pep talk about the task ahead. 

JOHN: (berates) Benny, are you listening? Cos you don't look very focused! (Ben apologises and then John demonstrates how he wants Ben to go down the ramp rather than banging down) Yeah? (further sound cuts) 
Dave is annoyed by some of the people's attitude in the house, who think they are above everyone else. He believes more and more, some of the people who have got away with nominations won't in future. He and Ben are not surprised by the HM's who are up; Steve thought there would be more. Ben thought Johnny might be up too. Sunshine states that everyone needs to remember that at some point, the public WILL decide their fate. Dave isn't surprised that he is up!! Ben feels the need to mention again his surprise that John is not up. 

Dave's not sure who he would swap himself with, if he were to win the scooter save and replace! He'd like Shabby to win and Sunshine is concerned that Ben and Dave's size could be a disadvantage, as they are significantly larger than Govan and Shabby. (Ad break) Mario predicts that he will be the one replaced on the board, basing this on a weird feeling he has. 
Josie and John are giggling together at the sofas as they watch one of the HM's off screen. Then John turns serious and shakes his head in disbelief that Gov is up. John asks Josie why she thinks HM's put Govan up. They talk in hushed tones so I can't make out Josie's reply and there are also several sound cuts. It sounds like she considers it to be because Govan had stitched Ben up by grassing to Shabby. 

John thinks he would have surely got at least 1 vote. Their conversation is soon drowned out as Sunshine desires to pledge her love for Brittany Murphy 'she's the best!' She and Ife then start quoting Clueless. John goes to help Govan with his metallic jumpsuit as it looks like he has it on the wrong way. Dave's package is caught in his so he starts dangling his ding dong right in front of Josie to unwedge it!!! :D Josie and Corin zip him in but catch his hair in the zipper. 
John and Josie return to the sofas. John can't resist pulling Dave's hood up over his head and looks around to see if Josie is impressed by his high jinx .. but she is talking to Govan. In the bedroom, Ben is being assisted by Mario to get into his shiny suit! Mario hates the save and replace task and thinks you may as well be an absolute arse and get nominated. The outfit doesn't close totally because of the width of Ben's shoulders. 

Mario calls him into the lounge where the others are changing and says he is the slowest one there so needs to get ready. John joins the guys in the bedroom (SC) he dismisses Ben's negativity 'no, don't think that, don't think that! Think positively!' telling him it is a fair task and that they are aware of HM's physical challenges. 

BEN: Am I the only one that needed a dresser? 
Ben compares himself to the Anti-Christ because he was booed on the way in and has upset Shabby. 

BEN: What bits go where? (as John gets Ben's elbow and knee pads out of the box) Just help me how do I do them? (John straps his elbow in) 

John asks Ben to slip in his leg through the knee pad and then tightens it for him. Ben asks if he hadn't handled the news (of his nomination) badly. It is like a father helping his son with his soccer shin pads :) John instructs Ben NOT to focus on anything else! (ad break) The HM's are back at the sofas, John and Josie sitting on the top next to each other. Shabby is still stressing out over Caoimhe not being back. 
JOSIE: (On catching sight of Govan's shininess) He looks like a Quality Street, don't he? 

CORIN: Like the coconut one, you don't like! (Josie sneezes) 

Shabby has scootered enough in her childhood to think that she can do this (despite a twisty back wheel!) They think it would be too dangerous to do the task on water, even with protective gear. (sound cuts) Shabby surmises that this 2nd round of nominations makes her the least popular female and Dave the least popular male in the house. Josie vaselines (yes I'm inventing a new verb!) Govan's lips and is delighted by how soft they are! 
Shabby senses that seemingly, the best way to not be nominated is to not say anything! She and Govan feel they have been real but that their 'real' selves are probably quite antagonistic. Shabby feels weird without Caoimhe there as she should be giving her a pep talk! She lays her head in Nathan's lap as he tells her she'll be 'reet!' Shabby startles some as she near-shouts that they are ready.. just wanting to start the task. 

Chat changes to talk of Thunderbirds and Power rangers :S The sound cuts as they seem to be singing theme tunes from these children's shows. Govan is pleased that they got his measurements just right. Josie asks Gov if he's ever scootered before though, he did when he was little. Josie had a teenage mutant hero turtle scooter :) 
Josie gets up and ba ba bum's to the bathroom humming her heart out. Steve asks at the sofas if Dave would even want to be there if the public didn't want to keep him in. The guys agree that they have to do it and try their best in the task. Nathan urges Dave to keep his head down and get stuck into it but Dave says it's a crap situation. 
Josie can be heard off screen merrily 'alright, lovvveeeeeee?' John didn't realise that the UK had the brand 'No fear' he thought it was an Australian thing. Dave rubs his package fiercely so I'm guessing it had got caught in his costume again. Josie is talking to Mario in another room but her mic is picked up as she assures him there's more chance of her being switched as she's a 'gobby cow!' Sunshine is picking skin off her leg - tasty! :S

John orders once more for Ben to worry about the task, that's it.. rather than figuring out whether he got 6 or 5 nominations. John closes his eyes and has a lie down on the sofa. 
Meanwhile in the kitchen, Shabby and Govan concoct clues to reveal who they would replace themselves with, but in the worst code in history! 'Do you like pasta?' Although Govan has no aversion to pasta it is not his favourite because it works against him and gives him a bad tummy! They hug and laugh at their lack of cryptiveness, as Josie enters the room. 

Govan confirms he would be gearing to go if Shabby wasn't amongst the nominated HM's. Josie sprays her hair while BB announces that HM's must wear all safety gear provided. 

JOSIE: Do you like my new look? (Govan and Shabby affirm their approval)
Josie accidentally squirts Nathan in the eye with hair spray as he walks past her. She apologises and asks if he's alright, which he is! At the sofas, Sunshine is now plucking out her leg hair!!! Mario asks why she doesn't just shave them but she responds that she does. 

In the bathroom, Josie cor's that Shabby really has raver mouth. Shabby supposes it is because she has drunk so much coffee and that dries out her lips. Josie leaves to see if she has a nice necklace to where with her outfit but she doesn't think she has! 

Corin's helpful counsel for Shabby is just to remember not to put her foot on the floor! As if she wobbles that's it, she's out. Because the task involves balance and precision, Shabby doesn't think Dave or Ben will be very good at it. She doesn't mind which way it goes between her and Govan. Ife thinks it will be better if they could save themselves and then someone else rather than replacing themselves. End of E4 feed :)


  1. John really liked helping others,doing stuff for them lol.

  2. they always seemed to sit next to each other on the sofas, no matter what reason they were there, always together.....awwwwww :'o{

  3. trust bloody nathan to go shoveing his self between them,had forgotten how self absorbed ben was
