Sunday, 1 April 2012

Day 14 HL's

9.48am, Ife and Nathan are at the carousel talking about Sunshine. Ife gets her now but Nathan thinks she puts a show on. Ife feels this is probably down to insecurity and her trying to fit in. Nathan doesn't think Sunshine would be able to speak in her exaggerated sunshiney voice in a hospital. 

Caoimhe and Mario are in the kitchen. Mario mentions that he saw a new side to Shabby yesterday, when she made peace with Ben. He 'totally never expected that!' He likes how even after 2 weeks in, someone can really surprise them. Mario had been at a loss yesterday as to how to stop Ben feeling completely isolated. He had thanked Shabby and given her a hug (unaware that she'd only called a truce with Ben because of her task from the Tree!) 
MARIO: So everything's hunky dory until the next argument between whoever it is! 

They have a feeling that when the nominations are revealed, the results will create arguments somewhere along the line. 

In the bedroom, Josie spills to Steve about something that has been alarming her. 

JOSIE: I've been having really bad nightmares!

STEVE: About what?

JOSIE: Well about loads of different things.. but whenever I have bad nightmares all the time, it means something bad's happening! .. They are trying to warn me of something, I know that. 
Caoimhe confides in Mario that she is concerned about her situation with Shabby. Mario thought it was sorted but Caoimhe shakes her head. Corin had told her the previous night that she thinks Caoimhe flirts with Shabby 'but I don't!' Mario sees her, Shabby and Ife like 3 sisters and asks her if she or Shabby feel uncomfortable. Caoimhe answers that she doesn't but it had got a bit weird last night when they had the meal together. 

Mario isn't too helpful, he is hopeful that it will 'all go away in a few days' or offers her another option of giving Shabby a big snog! 
11.13am, Nathan is in the Diary room. Nathan shares his thoughts, that he does think a lot but not as deeply as he has while in BB. He's been thinking about what he wants out of life and has come to the conclusion that his family and friends mean everything to him. He's not quite ready to turn in being a party boy but wants to get his business set up and get himself a 'hot chick!' and settle down. 
Some of the HM's are in the garden. Mario definitely believes that Extra-terrestrials are watching the human race and are being abducted and having DNA samples taken 'in case we just outright obliterate ourselves!' John yells 'WHAT IS THAT SMELL?' smack in the middle of the debate. Dave wants Mario to look at a different way and consider that they could be fallen angels trying to access the heavens. He knows that's a weird thing believe but balances this with a wonderment of whether it is more weird than believing in aliens. 
Caoimhe and Shabby are in the bathroom. The tree of Temptation, gives the terribly disobedient twosome a ticking off. The Tree has TWIGGED that Scabby and her friend (which the tree cannot pronounce) have conspired against him even after Shabby was told in no uncertain terms NOT to say a word! The tree is 1 step ahead of 'Scabby' and warns her he has her number and knows it's all about 'you, you, you' in the world of Scabby Kajagoogoo. So because of this it's not going to be her who will feel the full wrath of the tree but her dinner date. 

Later that day, Caoimhe will be called to the Diary room where she will experience just how nasty the Tree can be. If either of them tell anyone about this conversation or the punishment the WHOLE house will feel it's wrath and 'it won't be pretty!' They heckle horrid 'splinter face' and express their hatred for him! They are instructed to stick to it this time and 'NEVER EVER screw with me again!' Tree wants them out of his sight as they make him sick! 
SHABBY: Way to f**k the day up! (flips the bird to the Tree who calls her a loser) Penis!

11.51am, Ife and Mario are in the kitchen. Mario would just be happy doing anything to do with art and fashion - even doing commentary on clothes at a fashion show. Ife urges him not to sell himself short, knowing his ultimate dream is to have his own fashion line. Trouble is, Mario has so many wild ideas he needs a net to catch them all and attributes this to his fear of death. So the frantic race of life to achieve these means he actually ends up doing none of them. 
Shabby and Caoimhe are in the nest. Shabby is SO sorry but Caoimhe reassures her that she's grand. Caoimhe doesn't care, she'll just wait to see what happens but is glad Shabby gave her a good laugh the night before. Shabby doesn't want the 'f**king tree to ever talk again! Why is he so mean?' She found it a little unnecessary. 
Most of the (chimpanzees) HM's are in the garden.. monkeying around! (more like muttering ABOUT monkeys) Ben finds them freaky but Sunshine would love a little one. Ben kicks off the argument by calling them vicious and ugly!!

JOHN: (Defensively) Ah, they are NOT! I love monkeys!! 

BEN: I would like a wolf!

JOHN: (Supremely sarcastic) Oh, cos they're not vicious at all! 

Ben backs himself up pointing out that wolves are pretty, whereas 'monkeys are hideous with their bums sticking out and they've got their bits and penises hanging out!' John argues this is because monkeys don't wear pants 'if we were naked, that's what we'd look like!' 
Ben blurts out that he deems monkeys to be akin to 'ill-trained people!' John asks if he doesn't believe we're some relation to monkeys. Ben believes we probably are which is why he doesn't want one hanging around. 

JOHN: All's you had to say was, 'yeah, I don't like monkeys' but no.. you had to keep going 'I don't want a monkey slobbering around, jumping around.. they're hideous with their arses hanging out and their balls going round! They're hiiiiideous!'

Ben is resolute this is true and questions how they could be toilet trained. Hopefully the chimpos wouldn't ask Johnno, he'd have them peeing sitting down and wiping from the 'wrong' direction! :D 
JOSIE: (Jumps in to give her two cents worth) You've got to wipe their ass all the time! (Sunshine suggests they could wear nappies)

BEN: But then that's a baby substitute! 

JOHN: Yeah, that's what you want - except for it doesn't talk. Win win! 

Sunshine strings together a shiny spiel that babies can be annoying as they draw on the walls with make up 'a monkey doesn't do that.. usually! So it's like a good substitute for a baby!' 

JOHN: (Nods) Go Sunshine! 
I hope Josie has been able to visit Peanut, the monkey that a fan sponsored for JJJ. I know she had hoped to visit him at Monkey World but not sure if she ever got around to it. 

12.59pm, some of the HM's are in the bedroom. Minxy Mario mischievously makes attempts to disrobe Josie by tugging her dress down. 

JOSIE: (Shrieks) MARIO! I've gotta put my babbers away.. Come on, I've gotta put my babbers away! (as she had been sunbathing earlier) 
The rest of the HM's are in the living room. John is waiting beside the Diary room dangling his legs over his head and sticking his heiny out (a la monkey although not so hideous!) .. when much to his chagrin, Caoimhe is called in to receive her punishment. 

JOHN: Ahhhh! WHY????? I wanted to go in there!!!! 

Caoimhe groans and clutches her belly as she has knots in her stomach. BB merely tells her that the door to the right of her is open. She ponders aloud 'WHAT THE F**K is this???' 
as she beholds the room wallpapered with photos of Ben and Shabby. Caoimhe is locked inside the confines of the small task room where she is subjected to the shrine of her HM's.  She is constrained in a chair while the conversation between Ben and Shabby plays continuously on a loop. 
Sunshine scares her side kicks with her.. gah it can't even be described as singing.. but she spoils Lady Gaga's 'Paparazzi' and Chicago's 'all that jazz' spectacularly, darling :P Mario snaps at her 'sing in the right bl**dy key!' but Sunshine doesn't know what keys are and is tone deaf! Ben quite liked it; Mario misleads her that her voice is better suited to Broadway. 

BEN: In a weird way it sort of works! 
Yesterday, the Tree of Temptation set Shabby a mission, to pay compliments to Ben and remain by his side for over an hour. Caoimhe must now listen to their entire conversation on a loop! Caoimhe clamours that she doesn't want to hear Ben's voice. She crouches onto the floor and cringes at the sound of Ben's voice. 
1.20pm, 21 minutes later.. while Caoimhe endures her exile, the nominations are revealed in no particular order. The unlucky ones are: Shabby, Dave, Govan (who classifies them as 'treacherous b*stards!') and Ben - they must face the save and replace task in the afternoon. Josie immediately comforts Govan but he gnarls and gnashes 'no one better talk to me today!' but Josie gargles that she loves him. 

Shabby thinks she and Govan get this for 'being gobsh*tes!' Shabby threatens to kick the f**k off after demanding to know what has become of Caoimhe. To show she's not f**king about she furiously flips the table over .. John recoils on the sofa. 
2.10pm, Caoimhe has been facing the wrath of the tree for the past 1 hour and 11 minutes.. at the sofas, John watches his woman walk on by.. It dawns on Dave that he doesn't have a clue who he'd pick if he won the task. Mario advises him to focus on the task and worry about that part after. 
Caoimhe rocks backwards and forwards on the ground, like a patient in a mental asylum! Shabby beckons Govan over in the kitchen as he asks if they're thinking on the same level, for the person they will swap with themselves. Shabby asks him to confirm if his is male/female .. they both agree theirs is male and then the not-so-subtle pasta chat is brought to the boil! Pasta is not Shabby's favourite meal :P They snicker at their sneakiness. 
2.22pm, Caoimhe's been listening to Ben and Shabby's conversation for 1 hour and 23 minutes. Housemates have been gathered in the garden for today's task. HM's whoop and cheer as their metallic mates take their positions. John and Josie are sat next to each other :) 
Nominated HM's: Ben, Shabby, Govan and Dave will be scooting for their survival. They must attempt to scoot through the columns without knocking any over. The winning HM will be exempt from eviction and must choose a HM to replace them and face the public vote. Scooting has never meant so much! 

On the blast of the klaxon, blundering Ben bumps off his bike before even leaving the ramp! Davo also collides off the slide which has Josie's sides splitting. Govan's first go goes better than his predecessors as he manages to glide further but knocks columns down. Shabby is not too Shabby on a scooter and makes it through with relative ease. 
Ben takes another blitz at it but apologies for having no sense of balance 'sorry about that' as he comes off once more :( Shabby again sails through and celebrates knowing she is the successful victor. The HM's are on their feet to congratulate her! BB delivers the results that Ben, Dave and Govan completed no successful runs but Shabby completed one. She is delighted, kisses her elbows and dances with glee as she sniggers that they nominated her but she has one more week!! 

BB instructs her to replace herself, as she removes her picture she realises that it is actually really hard. She says a simple 'sorry Mario' as she selects 'PASTA' for the swap. He looks dreadfully devastated by her decision but is comforted by John's head rub. And yes, he does have to lean across Josie's babbers to rub Mario's mane.. any excuse to sidle closer to Josie's lovely lady lumps and he was on it like Sonic - the saucy scalliwag! ;)
Sunshine also rushes to Mario's side as he goes through the mourning process, she proclaims she knows 100% that he's not going! He figuratively sends out invites to his not-so-private pity party.. which is not too pretty! Breaking the stony silence, Shabby sighs that it is so harsh. 
3.51pm, John James, Sunshine, Ben and Mario are in the bedroom. Sunshine had presumed it would be between her and John for the swap. John was also convinced that he would be up in the first place. You guessed it! Mario STILL has a poopy in his tighty whitey primark panties! :P 

MARIO: (Laments) I've had to work so much harder than any of you to get my housemate status! I had to betray all of you in the middle of the night to get my housemate status.. and now because I don't act like a spoilt brat (pot, kettle spoilt brat!) every single day in here and get nominated.. I find myself nominated!
JOHN: (Empathises) You don't deserve it, mate! 

MARIO: F**k it! I'm not gonna be nice any more.. screw it! If every week it's just gonna land me nominated anyway! 

Caoimhe has been facing the wrath of the Tree of Temptation for 3 hours! BB calls Caoimhe to the Diary room to ask her if she's learnt her lesson, she laughs that she has. She pleads with BB to let her out. BB releases the prisoner, who has done her time much to her relief .. as she was convinced Shabby would be freaking out thinking she'd left the house (which Shabby was!) 
Shabby is straight to her side and Caoimhe is quick to clarify the chilling circumstances she had to cope and contend with. Shabby thinks this is really trippy and Ben hopes they at least said really interesting things. The group crowd around her at the carousel to cross-examine her. 

JOSIE: What were you being punished for? 

JOHN: Did they say it was a punishment? 

JOSIE: I think that is punishment enough! (having heard about her ordeal) 

Caoimhe classes it as the worst situation of her life as it had nearly sent her crazy! 
4.04pm, most of the HM's are in the garden. Shabby assesses that those nominated are being very gracious about it; she's proud of them. That is, until the cameras turn to Mario mourning in the corner with Ben. Ben bluffs that literally everyone loves Mario - but he knows this is not true! Ben feels bad as Mario has associated himself with him which can't have helped his cause! Ben attests that he (himself) deserved nomination in a way as he's been involved with controversy. 

MARIO: I tried to solve your controversies! Look where it's landed me!
Ben is bothered about the same thing with John as he'd spent the day 'representing him and saving his bacon' but John hasn't even been put up for eviction! This hurts him a bit as he thinks if it wasn't for that.. then he and Mario might not be up for nomination. The only thing Ben regrets is that the public may have a perception of him as a back-stabbing, bitchy person 'and I'm not that.. or am I?' 
4.42pm, some of the HM's are in the living room. Mario has a snivel on the sofas to a comforting Caoimhe, who wraps him up with a kiss and a cuddle. She knows he'll be okay as he's a 'lovable little cutie pie!' In the background, Ben can be heard asking what Crab eyes are.. John tells him they are beady eyes! Mario languishes that he's worked so hard to get here and won't have any family waiting for him when he gets out :( Govan interrupts to ask, 'if that's the case, what's the difference in leaving now or in 9/10 weeks time?' Mario doesn't know. 
Caoimhe reports back to Shabby in the kitchen that she'd just given Mario a big hug. Shabby groans that she doesn't want to make him cry and considers the other problem to be that she'd done it really quickly. She confesses that her and Govan had already agreed upon this. 
5.04pm, Nathan is in the kitchen. Most of the HM's are in the living room. Caoimhe, Ife and Shabby pencil in some bathroom bonding time as they think Ife has been distant from them. She tells them straight up that she'd become a bit bored of their conversations! Caoimhe gets up to go for a cigarette and calls Ife a 'little biatch!' They are actually really offended, although she says she meant it in the nicest possible way and stomp out to the garden! Caoimhe claims it is bizarre when Ife is the one who talks the most crap. 
Ife goes to the Diary room to cool off.. she loves Shabby to bits but isn't used to being around people who throw tantrums. She understands her rage and sometimes envies that she is able to explode like that but sometimes gets annoyed as she finds her so wrapped up in herself.. she doesn't realise her reactions affect anyone else. 

In the garden, Shabby doesn't get what conversations Ife is bored of because they talk about different stuff all the time. She thinks maybe it is more that Ife gets bored of hanging out with them, as opposed to their conversations. Ife really doesn't know what to do when Shabby is having a flip out or how to calm her down and this always makes her feel a little bit awkward. 
6.33pm, some of the HM's are in the garden. Shabby is tremendously thrilled and turned on sitting atop Josie in the garden by grabbing her chest! Josie giggles and screams for Shabby to get off her 'you dirty b*tch!' Caoimhe and Shabby seize the opportunity to clutch Corin's credit-card purchased boobs as they haven't felt plastic ones before.. they insist it isn't in a pervy way! They have a good grope, expecting them to feel hard so are surprised to confirm they feel real after a squeeze. 

SHABBY: Well, they did a very excellent job! 

Corin wishes she could feel them as they are still numb. 
Govan is in the Diary room. He giggles that he's up for eviction but isn't taking it as badly as he could have. He's disappointed that there is 1 traitor in their midst 'and that's unfortunate cos I really liked them!' He won't mention any names as he's not 110% sure but he thinks being in love isn't any excuse to lose sense of what's right or wrong. It seems he is referring to Mario...
Nathan and Mario are in the kitchen. Mario thanks Nathan as he always manages to cheer him up. Nathan is glad as he doesn't like sulkers!!! He advises Mario not to take his time in their for granted as you never know when your number's up. To an extent, this is how Nathan believes people should live their lives too. 

In a perverse kind of way, Mario thinks a loss would be a good way to test his metal against the public. On a gamble, Nathan would put his 'f**king balls' on a chopping block that Mario is going nowhere. They make a pact to strip naked if Mario survives Friday's eviction and hi-5 to seal the deal!
8.22pm, Shabby, Ben and Caoimhe are in the bathroom. Ben brags that he was sent by a newspaper to a party to talk to Joan Collins (and this is what he does for his bread and butter!) which was his idea of heaven as he's hero-worshipped Ms Collins since he was 4! He stood next to her, for 5 minutes but Joan was still talking to her husband so he made the error 'of doing what I would do to lesser mortals and tapping her on the shoulder!' She turned around, with that stare of hers and demanded 'do you mind??' 

He'd felt like a 'total d*ckhead!' having always dreamt of meeting and speaking to her! Then he met Gloria Hunniford, who was nice as pie and they became 'semi-friends' 
Some of the HM's are at the carousel. John is sitting on one of the carousel horse's wearing Nathan's blonde mullet wig and they are planning a talent show. John smartly suggests that Sunshine can be Lady Gaga and impersonate her for 5 minutes!! Sunshine signals that someone else would have to sing for her but Ife pulls the plug on that. 

SUNSHINE: I thought I could, until John told me I couldn't!

JOHN: (Wise cracks) Yeah, you gotta let 'em know! 

Sunshine says she'll wait until John starts singing and come in to say 'Oh God! I thought someone was swinging a cat against a wall!' 
JOHN: Yeah but the difference is when you know you can't sing! 

Sunshine near screams that she KNOWS she can't sing!!

JOHN: (Teases her with dastardly delight) I don't know why you keep doing it then! (Sunshine asks if he really thinks she's rubbish at singing) No, you're really funny to watch. 

Sunshine's not impressed that he won't answer the question, as it is like him asking her if she finds him good looking and her saying 'you're funny!' 

JOHN: If I'm out here, if I'm out here.. and you're in there singing .. absolute p*sser!! 
Sunshine is stony-faced and more STORMY in appearance than SUNSHINEY! Ife politely asserts that Sunshine has her own individual style, which John definitely agrees with. 

10.29pm, some of the HM's are in the living room. Corin is dread-locking Sunshine's hair with plaits 'this is my new hair do!' Dave is in the Diary room very, very intoxicated on the love of his Lord 'his love is like wine!' So much love is bubbling up in his belly for everyone. He is slightly disappointed to be up for eviction but wasn't surprised at the same time as there are groups forming. 
Mario, Ben and Govan are in the bedroom. Mario asks Govan if he's being paranoid or had Govan been off with him today. Govan turns the question around on him, 'have you done anything for me to be off with you about?' Mario hasn't but Govan does have some gripes with him but isn't allowed to talk about them or he'll get in trouble. Mario doesn't know why, out of all the people in the house, Govan has got funny with him! 

They agree it feels sh*t being up for eviction. Govan adds that it does especially when he knows that someone who poses as his friend is partly responsible which Mario doesn't think is necessarily true. Mario doesn't know how the nomination votes could have gone. Awkward silence reigns, then Mario asks if they are okay, Govan mumbles 'yep' and walks out of the room. Credits roll as Marcus B announces the phone lines for the public to vote. 

1 comment:

  1. Mario could sulk for a life time eek

    John & Ben bickering pmsl,did they ever agreed on one thing?:p

    Oh loved John and Sunshine banter pmsl,she sometimes took it to heart bless:D

    And Jose was the only female John was comfy,thouchy with,don't think he ever rested his head on someone's lap/shoulder?:p:)

    Nathan topless in the kitchen...sight for sore eyes lol

    Some nice pics chopsy,you're spoiling us:p
    Damn it i miss BB11:(
