Sunday, 29 April 2012

Live night 14 P1

In the kitchen, Steve, Ife and John have a brief discussion on whether it is gurgling on gargling (they decide upon the latter) as Ife can gargle a tune well, which is something she holds close to her heart. John informs Dave 'you look tired, Wiz!' Dave is 'whacked!!' even though it is only 12am. 

JOHN: Did they give you a bit of jungle juice in there? 

Dave had been in the Diary room ages as BB had given him half an hour of questioning on jungle juice and another half hour on nominations! John yawns (while laying across the kitchen table) that he'd only be called in once, since they got there. Ife accounts this to John always pressing the buzzer but then walking away (due to impatience) ..

JOHN: They can't have the best of both worlds!!
Sunshine is sneaking around the closet.. up to some sort of high jinks as she keeps checking the coast is clear! She comes out of the bedroom to collect some clothes from the living room then back into the bedroom to whisper to Ben. He asks her for a favour to make him a drink of water but he's then called to the Diary room. 

Sunshine has her hair up in a ponytail which doesn't look the greatest, when she waltzes into the kitchen John criticises it 'looks like it's been chopped with a lawn mower, doesn't it?' Josie praises John's hair as she thinks it has 'looked quite nice the last few days.. it makes you look quite handsome!' John is pleased by her praise 'thanks' but this only succeeds to irk Sunshine who doesn't think Josie should have complimented John's hair when he'd just dissed her's! 'If anything, that's the perfect time to diss his hair!' John's hair was only diss-able when it looked like a mop-a-top mullet!! 
Shabby briefs her co-conspirators that most of Sunshine's shoes are in the bathroom! She laughs if they reckon they could steal all her stuff while she sleeps that night. Normally Govan would be against this 'but after what she did earlier.. an eye for an eye and all that!' They realise they have time to take more, so Govan is on the look out to stall Sunshine (if need be) while Shabs and Keevs steal Sunshine's possessions!!! 

The camera keeps flicking between the thieves in the night and Sunshine, John and Josie in the kitchen. Sunshine is very happy being a vegan but thinks she should be better at it! The snipers stash Sunshine's belongings in the bathroom and Ife tells them she'd already stolen her nighty. 

SUNSHINE: (smirks) Careful Josie, you're edging towards John having to give me a compliment!
Govan is given 1 minute to get one more thing, he asks them to scream if she starts coming in! He doesn't want them to give the game away, so urges them to walk out if they can't keep a straight face. During another split second cut to the kitchen, Josie says that she was told not to eat beef when she had colonic irrigation (and that it really hurt!!) The girls and Govan convince Mazza (Mario) to clear out Sunshine's drawer, which doesn't take much arm twisting!!! He does instantly with much mirth! 
Shabby actually really likes that Sunshine wears a nighty and finds it cute! Mario goes into the kitchen to start a casual conversation, just as Sunshine announces she's going to bed. He tells her she can't go to bed just yet and Sunshine wants to know 'why not?' he says it's too early! Josie sings and dances merrily away at the sink while she washes up. 
Sunshine slithers off into the bathroom and makes the discovery that everything of hers is missing!!! Shabby feels that today has been the most boring day she's spent there. Mario and Shabby would like to watch 1 episode of their series before leaving but Govan thinks it would be cringe-worthy! Shabby says an earlier episode would be preferable, when they were all nice to each other. 

Sunshine is chatting to Corin in bed. She knew they would empty her drawers as it was too obvious and she'd heard them laughing. Aware of the trap they have set her, wanting her to go out and rant and rave she's staying put in bed. Corin lends Sunshine some PJ's even though Sunshine made out she felt like sleeping in her clothes. 
Ife notifies the HM's that she is not taking blame for any of it as she was only involved in taking the nighty 'as that was funny enough!' Shabby really wants a 'f**king ice cream!' Josie doesn't think it's funny any more about not having hair dye and she's annoyed that she had a really nice tan when they first came in! (as she'd just been on holiday)

Shabby is amused by Josie's story that she'd never had nails in her life, then had an injection tan and it made her nails and hair grow! Jose also realised that once she stopped wearing her hair straight but curly instead it had been growing so quickly! Govan has observed that Josie has stopped smoking but she responds that she's 'not really a smoker!' and only does so when she's on a bender. 
Mid-way through the conversation, she stands up in surprise 'OMG!!! Who's been mashing up my yard?? Have a look!' Govan then inquires why she's been smoking so much in there if she's not a proper smoker, as he would stop if he could. Normally, she just smokes when she's on a bender, at the weekend and maybe 1 or 2 during the week.. 'but if you were in the Big Brother house and there was f**k all to do but have a fag, you would as well!!' 

Govan isn't criticising but cites that he hates smoking and wishes he could stop. Josie vows to try and stop when the fags run out, for everyone's sake.. that never happened!!! When she first came out of BB she cut right down to 1 or 2 a day. I know she was still smoking as of March, as we had a photo with her just after she finished a sneaky one (and was trying to hide it from her Aunty Kay, not wanting her to see her smoke! We reminded her she would seen this a LOT from watching BB!) but she may been trying to quit/stop smoking as much. 
When Ben comes out of the Diary room he says they were asking him about nominations. They bid him good night and Josie then worries 'you don't reckon they'll tell them who nominated them, do you?' 

JOSIE: Do you know what I would love more than anything else in this house? For John James to stop speaking out of his nose!! (they all crack up as she holds her nose to do a quick impression) He talks like that, Govan! He gets so mad with me, don't he? (as she always points this out to him but he says it about himself too!) 

GOVAN: I reckon it's gonna look like there's some love going on between you two!
JOSIE: Yeah, I know it does.. cos .. 

GOVAN: And they're always teasing each other!

JOSIE: And I swear today I've been following him around a little bit .. because I just said to him then in the kitchen, 'John, have I been following you around?' And he said 'no, I've been following you around as well!' And I was like 'good! Cos I don't wanna look like a desperate whore!' 

Caoimhe creeps that Josie could give him a little kiss. Josie is adamant that she couldn't 'NO! I don't know why but I feel about 25 years older than John James!' A retort that has Govan blah blah blah-ing! Caoimhe feels older than John too. 
JOSIE: It'd be like kissing a kid, wouldn't it? It'd be like kissing someone who's just walked out of the school gates, waiting for him at half past three!! (laughs but then sticks her thumb immediately in her mouth for a suck) Ice cream, John James? Sweets? 

Govan thinks people watching at home would probably be quite disturbed by their conversation and Josie would probably be arrested. She starts to say that is something that's really p*ssing her off in there but the scene swaps. 

Govan, it didn't just look like there was love going on.. there *WAS* an incredible love flickering away! Though, I'm not sure if they hadn't realised it at this point, or if they were just suppressing the way they felt and trying to deny it.. but even the HM's picked up on the chemistry between the pair even 2 weeks in! Those who watched live feed were well aware that something special was starting to sparkle here.. but those who only relied on HL's maybe didn't have the smallest inkling!
The way Josie was sometimes edited to look like a desperate bunny-boiler whore at certain points, made my blood bubble and my earlobes steam!! It was always a two-way, mutually reciprocated 'thing' from where I was sitting.. even if JJJ couldn't see this right away or didn't want to admit to it. 
Dave, John and Steve are having a gab fest about how entertaining Ben may come across to the public. Dave thinks Ben has a chance to do very well in this show. 

JOHN: Whether or not they see that out there, I'm not sure.. even the way he sings songs and the way he describes things.. everything about him is funny!

STEVE: Even the way he tips his head!

JOHN: Yeah!! (does an impersonation of the head twitch) Everything, everything.. EVERYTHING he does is hilarious! (giggles at Steve saying how Ben taps him to stop him snoring) 
John determines that the way Ben is perceived, depends on how much BB go into their arguments. He has absolutely no f**king idea if viewers would have seen things Govan's way or Dave's. However, he does believe that Mario is safe and would be against most people in the house  'just because of his personality in general.' which he considers to be genuine. 

Steve and John are in agreement that Ife has a really nice character. John is glad that Ife is sorta moving away from Caoimhe and Shabby as that's what he'd wanted from the start. He'd thought 'good on you' when Ife had told her previous partners in crime that she didn't want to talk about what they did all the time. 
JOHN: Straight up! They weren't happy about it! (laughs) She was honest.. I'm glad because she's so nice and you wouldn't expect that .. for her to say that.. she was dead on and she's entitled to do what she wants. 

Neither Dave nor John know who they would have swapped themselves with on the board. Dave decides it was a tough one. John reasons that for him it would have been a process of elimination 'all you know is who you wouldn't have.' 

Ife interrupts to ask John if she can borrow something of his. He asks in his Bristralian way if she is trying to embarrass him on the telly but gives his consent all the same. As they pass through the living room he calls out 'what did you do with my towels?' 
JOSIE: Why are you looking at me? (seemingly she is the person John suspects)

Govan protests their innocence and appeals for John to remember that they are not involved 'when you kick off!' John heads into the bedroom to hunt down his towels. 

JOHN: (Abruptly yells) Are you f**king serious? What the f..sorry guys. (apologises to the few HM's trying to sleep, then leaves) What's happened, guys? What's happened? 
The second he strays from the scene, Sunshine comes clean (while in bed with Corin) that she had taken his as someone had taken hers!! Govan gets shirty that John always talks but never listens to his God's honest truth that Sunshine took John's pillow/towel! (ad break, followed by 1 minute of silence as the sound is cut) In the background, John and Josie have begun their game of catch in the living room. 

GOVAN: (Imitating John's accent) What's up JJ? JJ? JJ? Do you have hearing problems? (asked as John hadn't replied but John answers that he doesn't and asks 'why?'so Govan queries again but in a serious manner) But do you? Honestly? (John murmurs that he hasn't so Gov snipes) You're just ignorant then! (John and Josie laugh followed by a SC)
Govan takes it upon himself to grass on Sunshine that she was playing him! As Sunshine had announced to some of the group that she had taken John's pillow and that he was 'gonna kick off!' Ife intercepts so that John realises Sunshine hadn't said this in a nasty manner. Govan backs this up and gabs that it was in a cheeky, fun and playful way and then jokes that Sunshine wanted some of John's undies to see if they had any spunk in! 

GOVAN: We could call her FUNshine!! Isn't that the name of a carebear or something? 

JOHN: (Groans) She's definitely NOT fun! 
John continues to express that he does like Sunshine 'I don't mind her.. I like winding her up.. though since she insulted me..' 

JOSIE: (Enthuses) I quite like this! (playing ball) 

Josie and John tell Govan that they have been ousted into the living room for their chats from now on as people 'were harking up' about their night time talks! (PARTY POOPERS!!) Govan wants names of these meanie pants! 

JOSIE: Everyone.. um the priest! (John laughs and wipes his brow) 
GOVAN: Well, what's he done about his snoring then? (John giggles at Govan's gasps and his aghast face) 

JOSIE: I'm going to start playing with my left hand to get my left hand alright.. (as she wants to make it stronger)

GOVAN: (Storms to the kitchen with mock repulsion) Can you two just stop flirting? You make me sick!!! (this teasing ignites a broad beaming grin above Johnny boy's chin)
JOSIE: (Feigns innocence) What, by chucking a sock to one another? (pretending that what her and John do could not constitute flirting) 

GOVAN: (Evocatively) Oh, Josie there's a wet patch on the floor where you're moving, babe!!

JOHN: (Taken aback) Whaaaaatt?? (Though the comment cannot wipe off the dazzling smiles from their faces as they re-commence the catch game) What did he say? (most of the HM's leave them and head to the kitchen)
JOSIE: (Repeats Govan's remark) 'There's a wet patch on the floor' where I've been looking at you! (John smiles with bewilderment and they laugh in spite of themselves) I think that everyone thinks we fancy each other, John! (Josie has to say the sentence again after John 'hey's?' 
JOHN: I think they'd like to think that, definitely! 100%! .. of course!! They always look for um.. romances in here, don't they? If it's possible, yeah.. I don't doubt that when I leave my first question will be 'what's going on with you and Jose?' 

JOSIE: I'm gonna say yeah.. 

JOHN: I'll wind 'em right up, don't worry! I'll have a field day with it, I'm not scared.. as long as they don't say 'what's going on between you and Sunshine?' I'll be alright.. 
JOSIE: I'm gonna say 'yeah, he really wanted me but ah.. obviously I had to say no!' 

JOHN: (laughs along) Oh, yeah obviously (!!)

JOSIE: Because he's got too much of a bad temper!

John asks Ife what she's doing (as she's sat on the sofa) she replies that she's painting her nails - something she'd never do in the outside world!
JOHN: (Not wanting to seem unmanly, fibs) Yeah, me neither.. (then tells the truth) although mine were painted before I came in.. Mum's non-chip!

Josie apologises for a sh*t throw and warns John that she's going to make it ('it' being the  catch game, for all the smutties out there!) a bit harder for him now. 

JOSIE: We'll try and fasten it up now, right? 

JOHN: (With such sweetness, I melted into goo!) Okay! You've got so much better within the last like.. hour! At the start, you were catching like Ben.. but now you're going alright! (shows Josie how she was originally catching) 
JOSIE: You don't use any co-ordination for a while, do you? (super chuffed with herself for a one-handed catch) 

John finds it SO strange, in fact, really, REALLY strange some men aren't co-ordinated like that! Josie points out John had said he can't dance 'that's co-ordination!' 

JOHN: (Concedes) I suppose it is.. I can dance.. I've got no rhythm though. My friends are really good at.. cos 2 of my friends are DJ's and they're really good at picking up beats but.. they can pick songs before they come on! Like real early! I can't do that, (Josie observes she's getting better at catching with her left hand) I'm never really into.. I'm into music but.. (Ife asks if they can recognise songs from an instrumental part) yeah, they can pick a song as soon as it's mixing in! They're really good! But I don't even know what I'm listening for. 
Ife explains it is more to do with your ears rather than rhythm. John doesn't even know what he'd be listening for; Ife yells 'a beat!' He supposes you'd have to have a lot of knowledge of songs. 

JOHN: But they're riiiiiight into it! That's their thing.. my thing's obviously football. (Though on CD's he would always know what song was coming next) But I listen to weird stuff like Britney Spears! 

JOSIE: (Can't believe her own ears and laughs) You are soooo.. (can't even find the word to appropriately describe John!) 
John exclaims that he loves Britney Spears and went to her Circus concert. He describes this as 'amazing' and how she made 'a little bit of a comeback!' 

JOHN: She was pretty rude but I still liked her! People were waiting for days .. just to get a glimpse of her on her veranda or whatever.. she wouldn't come out! 

John tells Josie he would have given her a tenner if she had caught a difficult throw! 

JOHN: Are we ever gonna get the full 500 for our shopping task or what?! I'm still bleeding over not getting that garbage bag! God, that hurt so bad! I haven't been that angry for a while!

JOSIE: (Guffaws in disagreement) Urm, I think you have!!
Ife asks John if he had won Rachael's suitcase back for her (as their prize for winning the rubbish task) but John doesn't know what happened with that. He makes it plain that it wasn't anything to do with him but he'd asked if Ife at least could have hers back. Both Ife and Josie had thought John was behind Rachael getting her suitcase back but John doesn't know if he was. 

The girls are happy when BB announces the hatch is open for HM's to collect a brand new lighter. John boo's! 

JOHN: Are you going out for a smoke? (not quite ready to be parted from Josie's side as he's enjoying her company) 
Josie tells him she's not as she's brushed her teeth and doesn't smoke after she's brushed her teeth! 

JOHN: (Pleased to hear this) You're giving up a little bit, aren't ya? 

JOSIE: I don't smoke that much. 

JOHN: You should give up, Ife! (Ife thanks him for that!) 

JOSIE: Yeah, but you've started!!

JOHN: Who, me? Well, I'd never puffed on 1 of them before.. so I thought, if I'm gonna do it, at least now I'll remember when um.. I did it. 
JOSIE: I could play this for hours! When I was in Thailand, you know ping pong? (John 'yeah's) I went out and bought a ping pong set.. I used to pay this like Thai person to play with me for hours!

JOHN: (Enthusiastically) Yeah, I could do this for ages too! 

IFE: Looking at Josie, I think we should have her on our team next time (for rounders) 

Josie wants to try and do some really good throws. John notes she's trying to spice it up :D Jose urges John to 'try and do some twists and all that when you're catching it!' 
Nathan stomps out of the bedroom in a huff as Dave is chatting loudly in there. 

JOHN: (jests) Can't blame me Seahorse, I wasn't in there!! (knowing full well he's not responsible this time) 

After Nathan walks out into the garden, John and Josie snigger like naughty school kids!

JOHN: When he snaps, I hope I'm not here for it.. cos it's coming! It's coming..

JOSIE: I bet he's got a bad temper, he's got a monobrow! (SC)
JOHN: I don't think he'll get physical, but I wouldn't wanna ...

IFE: He'll put you in your place!

JOHN: Yeah! I saw him sorta get a little bit wound up when Benny came in and gave his speech.. Benny came in and gave his apology or whatever, around the whole table .. I could see Nathan get a little bit twitchy in his eye, I thought 'ooh!!' (Ife says she gets that with John) Do ya? I don't mind if people think I get a bit angry, but I don't want people to be scared .. of me.. I don't like that feeling.. I don't want people to feel like that .. cos I'm not like that! Because I .. I.. 

Ife reveals she isn't scared of him but that she can tell when John is not happy, like round the table with Rachael. 
JOHN: I was p*ssed off when .. oh, I was getting real wound up that day!

IFE: I could tell, I could feel it!

The camera changes and pans around the entire bedroom before focusing on Ben and Steve. Steve suspects they are after some snoring action!! (ad break) Caoimhe and Govan  slate Dave for getting drunk of the Lord as their religious relatives would be horrified!! 
Ife thinks it would be like her setting up her own religious cult to swear after every word. Govan thinks they've come on the show 5 years too late.. he thinks if they'd been in an earlier series by now, Nathan would be 'sh*gging some bird, Caoimhe would be passed out in a deck chair, Shabby would be doing a naked something.. John and Josie would be getting it on behind the clothes horse!!' 

This is a bit of a crude thing for me to be curious over.. but I do wonder potentially how much longer John and Josie could have 'held out' in the house.. towards the end they were H'OBVIOUSLY eager to get out and get it on .. and we know they got a bit 'cheeky' under the covers.. I think even if they had been in there together just another 2 weeks, they'd have struggled to resist any more and left - any thoughts? 


  1. i think they could have held out, mainly cos they had to really!! neither would have done that on tv, but as to less energetic shenanigans under the doona......most definetlwy lol!!!
    funny what govan said though, about if it had been an earlier series, john & jos would have been getting it on!! and still only 2wks in!!

  2. Welcome back Cheeky...was looking forward to reading another instalment:D

    John,was such a weird guy,okay i too love Britney Spears,but for a 24yrs old guy?:oLoves his weirdness though:pAnd imo that was a thing that attracted Jose to him;)He was different to all the men she used to date,something she said herself:p

    John and Sunshine...always made me giggle,the way he used to tease her,and how she used to react to him pmsl:D

    As the answer to your question...well i think they would've,and for all we know they might have;)

  3. welcome home were much missed,in answer to your question I think they wanted to but did'nt out of respect for Josies's aunt and John's mammy,and anyway who would want your big o in front of half of Ireland Scotland England and Wales, apparetly they kept some football team up half the night,the first smoothing over.

  4. i dont think they would have either, and i actualy think this would have been down to josie rather than john
