9.35am all the HM's are in the bedroom. Last night, following her eviction Rachael chose Corin to receive the special treat 'a day from Heaven.' To kick her day off Big Brother is waking the house up with Corin's favourite song.
The classic tune, 9-5 by Dolly Parton is cranked up into the bedroom (sung by John's biological mother if you believe the fable he fed Josie later on in the series) Corin is embarrassed but she and Sunshine spring out of bed to get down with some singing and dancing! John and Josie sleepily smile and sway in time with the music from the cosiness of their beds, waving their arms up and down. Ife cottons on that Corin will get to do things she likes throughout the day, Corin thinks the song is it!
10.24am Shabby and Nathan are at the carousel. Shabby has a superrrr burp and they talk to one of the carousel horses as an imaginary Rachael. Big Brother has called Corin to the Diary room. She is treated to a full English breakfast but she can't comprehend 'how come?' some chilled music plays into the Diary room for her to enjoy as she tucks in!
Ben, Steve and Dave are in the kitchen speculating over why Corin has been rewarded with a special day. They conclude it was either the eviction crowd or Rachael who had voted for her to receive it. Meanwhile, BB seeks permission to recite some Shakespeare to Corin ('Shall I compare thee to a summer's day from sonnet 18) :)
Corin thanks BB as it sounds good but can't quite make out what it means so BB has to translate for her that it means she is lovely! Before she finishes her breakfast, BB cracks onto Corin.
BB: If Big Brother told you, you had a beautiful body.. would you hold it against me? (SLEAZY Big B, sleazy!)
CORIN: No, I wouldn't you cheeky thing!
Dave wants to get his hands on Steve's nubs and command them to go. Steve laughs that he doesn't think it will work.
DAVE: Nothing is impossible with our Lord!
Steve thinks it is a bit too much even for the Lord. Dave fawns that he is so glad the Lord put him in the house with these boys as he loves them so much and can't think of anywhere else he'd rather be right then. After the break, 12.41pm some of the HM's are in the living room. Every day BB allows Dave access to his Bible; he's been reading for the last 23 minutes. The passage he reads to some of the HM's seated around the sofas is about the wise man who built his house upon the rock.. and the HM's try to suppress yawns. (Corin is unsuccessful)
Ben quotes some song lyrics from the musical Godspell and asks Dave where it can be found in the scriptures. Dave laughs that this isn't in the word but Ben insists they had taken it directly from the Bible.
Nathan, Shabby, Ife and Josie are in the kitchen. Josie notifies the group that she has learnt that she is a 'serial flirt' and 'a bit of a lesbian!' Nathan dismisses this as he doesn't view her in this way but Shabby DOES hold her in that regard.
SHABBY: She flirts with you, with me, with John James!
Nathan doesn't see her behaviour as flirting and neither does Josie.
JOSIE: Nor me, it's having a laugh in't it? But probably to people that are watching .. I'm going 'oooh you sexy bugger!' Oh yeah, I can't stop flirting with everyone.. even the women! It's a nightmare! There's nothing else to do is there.. but have a flirt? And I realised I'm really good at it! :D
Shabby acknowledges that she is!
Josie definitely is a friendly, flirtatious character and there's nowt wrong with that! However, if this side of her personality continued while she was with John.. despite his protests that he doesn't get jealous, I think that would have worn on him.. if he had seen her doing what he perceived to be flirting with another man.
Though there was never anything sinister in her flirtations, it is a little different when you have a boyfriend.. even if it is all perfectly innocent! I know Josie wouldn't have liked to see John flirting with another woman! When you are in a relationship you shouldn't have to suppress who you are.. but it doesn't hurt to be respectful to your partner.
In the living room, Ben asks Dave about when his career changed. Dave used to give out leaflets in the street saying that Jesus loved them and did some preaching in church. Then 4 or 5 years ago he gave up everything he did secularly to devote his life to prayer. Dave is here to show that God is a fun God of love.
Nathan cross-examines Dave to see if he had come on the show in a sense as a 'marketing ploy .. to spread the message of God and of your ministry!' This makes John grin as though he anticipates being a spectator to a showdown! Dave is resolute that he hasn't come as a marketing ploy but wants to stop the stereotype surrounding religion. He is here to be who he is and see what happens.
Nathan continues to grill him that from an outside point of view that is essentially what it is! Dave doesn't see it this way 'that's certainly not my agenda' but if the message of God is spread then it happens 'I just want to show that God is a fun God!'
1.09pm, each week HM's will take part in a special task called 'You vs the HM's' where 1 HM will battle against a BBLB viewer. This week's challenge is to blow out a candle from the furthest distance possible. The HM's have chosen Corin as their contender. Representing the viewers is Andy from Dundee.
The HM's are shown a select part of Andy's attempt on BBLB. Shabby is confident that Corin can do better at the candle blowing; Nathan estimates Andy succeeded from approx 1.7 metres. Josie suggests that she practises in the kitchen after Corin collects her instructions and candles. Nathan proposes that she starts at the same length shown on TV as that is the distance she has to beat.
JOSIE: Cor, that's a good bit of blowing! (Impressed as she watches Corin bend down to demonstrate her techniques)
2.59pm, BB has gathered all of the HM's together in the living room for today's You Vs the HM's challenge. Corin is nervous and is then called by BB to slide the cake to the distance of her first attempt and then light the candle and take up her position. She checks with the HM's what distance she should go for first and settles upon 1 metre 20 as she knows she can do that. Josie advises her not to exasperate herself!
After she lights the candle for her first try, the group cheer her on supportively from the sofas. She limbers up with some upper body stretches and blows after the klaxon sounds. Corin manages to blow the flame out for a split second before it re-lights and she can't believe it. The HM's tell her not to worry about it and John instructs her to focus on her breath. The exact same thing happens on Corin's second attempt too which causes Josie to cackle. John, sitting next to Josie, scolds her gently as he doesn't want her to put Corin off when she's worried enough as it is.
On Corin's final attempt, 3rd time is a charm as she successfully blows out the candle from a distance of 1 metre and 15 centimetres. Corin is certain that she's probably not won. BB then announces that Andy had only blown the candle out from a distance of 1 metre! The group erupt into rapturous applause and of course Corin is LOVING IT .. which should come as no surprise! :)
JOSIE: Do you feel like you've just won the Olympics? :D
What an amusing Olympic event that would be! Imagine Corin trying to blow out an Olympic torch!!!
4.01pm, most of the HM's are in the bedroom. Shabby tucks her little marshmallows, Caoimhe and Ife up in bed which they love. BB has called Corin to the Diary room for the next part of her day from heaven. She chuckles when she sees the darkened Diary room complete with pampering products. BB entices her to put on her bathrobe and place 2 slices of cucumber over her eyes. Govan is in the nest.
Back in the bedroom Josie is jabbering with Ben as she doesn't understand his job or what he does for a living.
BEN: (Jests) That makes 2 of us! (But then goes into great detail about his career and how it mainly consists of TV work for foreign channels about political correspondance. As well as diary work for newspapers where they send him to parties and he has to obtain a quote from certain celebrities.) To be honest, I'm not very good at it!
JOSIE: (Gets down to the important questions) Have you got to pay for your dinner and all that? (He doesn't as it is all included) That is the best job I've ever heard of!
Back in the Diary room BB informs Corin that they have arranged for her to have a massage and manicure as part of her pamper package. Corin removes the cucumber from eyes in total shock as she's never had a massage before other than 1 by Ben which doesn't really count! She giggles as hands start to massage her and manicure her nails whilst relaxing music plays. Corin cautions the beauticians to be careful not to rub her eyebrows off as she doesn't want to be left with none!
Over to Ben and Josie in bed, she asks Ben if all his friends are quite upper-class. Not at all, they are a mixture but all are quirky and have something about them!
JOSIE: In your clique of friends, do they all do that.. old car keys in a fruit bowl kind of thing? (What kind of PERVERTED PARTIES are these? No offence to anybody who has participated in such fruity festivities!)
He does know of some people who do that but most of his friends aren't that debauched. Ben doesn't engage in it as he doesn't have a car! :P
4.54pm, Shabby and Corin are in the bathroom. Corin asks Shabby why she thinks BB are doing this. Shabby believes (like others) that either the public voted for her or Rachael selected her to have the day. Shabby would love a treat day but thinks she is too difficult to do one for. Corin had considered that it may be to cause animosity amongst the group but Shabby rubbishes this as the group are happy when someone gets good things.
Some of the HM's are in the bedroom. John has jumped into bed beside Josie to chat with her and Ben. Ben asks John why he thinks he was given a double barreled first name. This is where the penny drops for Josie!!
JOSIE: Oh, what.. I thought that was your last name.. James!
JOHN: No, Parton.. the same as Dolly.
JOSIE: John James Parton? Is that what it is?
John explains that his father's name was John and that all the way back through his family (on the Parton side) the men were named John. However, his Mum hadn't wanted to call him John but had to.
JOHN: But Dad's Mum piped up and said 'you have to call him John, cos it's part of family tradition' or whatever.. and she said 'alright then!' .. and when she went in to the whatever.. wherever you go to register your baby's name or whatever.. and she put 'John James.' That's my story..
Govan asks if his Mum is still grieving and Ben adds that his Dad had died unexpectedly. John nods that he had in a work accident. Josie asks what he'd done for a living and John informs them that he was a rigger.
JOSIE: What, like oil?
JOHN: Nah, rigging in Australia is like putting up um.. buildings, like scaffolding and stuff.. and the building fell down.. yeah..
JOSIE: Bl**dy hell!
JOHN: He was the only one (that had been killed) .. so I didn't get a chance to really..(to grieve) cos I sorta had to be there for her.. so I didn't really get a chance to sorta worry about myself .. you never get over it.. but I learnt to deal with it better.
Many of you have remarked before that you don't feel John had the chance to grieve fully for his father. John confirms this to be the case in the conversation. He was so concerned about his mother and needing to be there and look after her that he wasn't going through the grieving process himself.
Taking the time to mourn is vital when you lose a loved one. Due to him not being able to have this time, maybe this contributed to a lot of anger building up inside him.. to repress and bury painful feelings and memories isn't healthy and at some point they inevitably re-surface.. when you are not equipped to address or handle them. It can't have been an easy couple of years for John and Helena :( I am glad they have such an incredible mother-son bond so that they can be of some comfort to one another.
JOSIE: How long ago was this?
JOHN: About two years.. so I don't know (so more like 3 and a half now but even that is no time at all) I've been pretty realistic.. these things happen.. he was in the wrong place at the wrong time.. that's what happened..(shrugs) :(
5.57pm Shabby and Josie are at the carousel. Shabby confides that she isn't feeling very sociable and is avoiding Caoimhe. Josie had suspected such!
JOSIE: Oh, I thought you were! Cos she was asking where you were earlier .. 'where's Shabby?' (Corin comes out and asks Jose to roll her a ciggy) wanna say why or wanna keep it to yourself?
SHABBY: Well, it's a difficult situation.
Josie gets that and tells Corin that Shabs is avoiding Caoimhe 'Your feelings are getting stronger..' Shabby reasons that she can't tell her so thought it'd be better for her to stay in the bathroom.. when who should come out seconds later but the woman in question herself!
Ben, Sunshine and Govan are in the bedroom. Ben bets Govan loves the film A Devil wears Prada but it isn't really Govan's thing. He only watched it as he's a big Meryl Streep fan! Shabby goes to the Diary room to get some advice from BB as she thinks it is plainly obvious for anyone to see that she's having 'a terrible, terrible girl crush' on her straight best friend! Shabby is finding it a bit much and doesn't want to avoid her.
SHABBY: She's just really fit and amazing and I'm a terrible, beastly horndog!
She really doesn't know how Caoimhe would react to her speaking about her feelings. She thinks they have a really great connection which she thinks Caoimhe feels too but not in a relationship perspective. Shabby feels about 12 as she's happy that Caoimhe would have snogged her had she come in the house single.
7.12pm, some of the HM's are in the living room. Shabby and Corin are at the carousel talking about Shabby's feelings for Caoimhe.
Shabby can't deal with it and Corin thinks Caoimhe probably already knows. She advises Shabby to just say that she really fancies her today which Shabby thinks is a good idea 'then it's out there but it's not this big thing!' Corin thinks now she doesn't have to concentrate on being up for nomination she has realised the depth of her feelings for Caoimhe.
Josie and Steve are in the bedroom. She asks if Steve's son is into basketball too and he is as he can play as an able-bodied person.
JOSIE: So are you any good then?
Steve's teams are doing alright, 1 is in the 3rd division and the other in the 1st. Steve is the coach for the 2nd team. Josie asks how they afford it; Steve admits it is hard and they are always on the bandwagon trying to raise money and awareness. They have small sponsors but both teams cost £10,000 a year with all the court hire etc.
Steve complains that his legs are a right cow to get on!!
10.54pm, Shabby, Caoimhe and Ife are at the carousel singing their Raggy dolls theme tune.
"It's not much of a life to be just a pretty face.. just to be whoever you are is no disgrace! Don't be scared if you don't fit in.. look who's in the reject bin! It's the raggy dolls, raggy dolls.. dolls like you and me!"
The rest of the HM's are in the living room. BB announces that the store room is open for Corin to collect her suitcase. She falls to the floor, so buzzing and waggling her feet in the air! She discovers that BB has left her a gift inside of leopard print PJ's, dressing gown and slippers with a note attached 'for being you, Big Brother x'
CORIN: (Calls out to the girls at the carousel) Can you imagine how buzzing I am? (they are so pleased for her and Shabby calls Corin one of her favourites)
Corin comes into the bedroom with her case and shows Josie her treats. Josie is lying down in bed (if I remember rightly she wasn't feeling well that evening) but is so excited for her.
JOSIE: Awwwwww that is so lovely! They're so soft as well!
Corin is so thankful to whoever picked her as she's just so happy. As further gifts to Corin, BB blasts some more of her favourite songs into the house. The HM's have a ball dancing around to 'Give a little respect' with the exception of Josie who sits and watches on as she's not feeling good. Mario notices that she is sat down so sways her shoulders :) I think this could be the first time those watching the live feed caught sight of the infamous shoulder shuffle from the Parton :D It was a lovely happy moment seeing all the HM's singing and enjoying themselves :)
11.33pm, Shabby and Caoimhe are at the carousel. They agree it was so good to dance even though the songs were not their choice of tunes. Ben, Dave and Steve are in the kitchen also chatting about the songs they put down as their favourites but they aren't exactly music you could dance to. Steve had chosen The British Soldier as one of his which is the story of a paratrooper who gave his life in Northern Ireland. The song brings back so many REAL memories and emotions for him, just thinking about that song makes him feel funny.
Steve had never seen so many grown men cry as it was played while sailing across the Atlantic and wreaths were laid down. Steve says the emotion was unbelievable. Dave calls him a hero 'I'm so proud of you!' Steve hopes he and Dave are treated right tomorrow as it is Father's Day which Dave hadn't even realised until earlier.
After the break, 1.06am most of the HM's are in the bedroom. Corin laughs that she and Ben look like a couple in their dressing gowns and share a quick peck on the cheek.
CORIN: They must have thought I were a right slapper!
Josie tells Ben his robe is lovely after he boasts that he bought it in Saudia Arabia.
SUNSHINE: (Sneers) It's like a bumblebee! Ben, how many bumblebees were killed to make that?
BEN: (Bites back) Not enough!
Caoimhe is in the Diary room. BB asks her about the mood in the house, she, Shabby and Ife had great fun! She says it is unbelievable how close they've become in 11/12 days and they are like sisters.
CAOIMHE: We can slag each other off and not take offence. We laugh so much! I've made 2 friends for life I think.. I mean they're amazing!
She considers Ife to be lovely with a kind heart and Shabby to be pure mad and is a person she bounces off. She loves that Shabby is completely different and does it her way.
Shabby and Ife are in the kitchen where Shabby confesses her feelings for Caoimhe and wonders if she should tell her. Shabby doesn't expect anything to happen and knows Caoimhe loves her boyfriend but doesn't want Caoimhe watching all this footage if she leave first. Ife encourages her to because Caoimhe is very easy-going and would feel flattered.
Shabby is concerned Caoimhe will believe she was only friends with her because she fancied her. Shabby claims Caoimhe would be a good girl for her which makes Ife awwww but she knows it isn't meant to be 'and that's difficult!' Shabby would rather it was out there as she feels sneaky, Ife can't believe she was so oblivious to it.
Ife pleads for Shabby to tell her as it will just make her on edge if she doesn't.
SHABBY: Don't put that on me you terrible, heinous blackmailer!
1.24am, most of the HM's are in the bedroom. Dave deliberates that he and John may have the most hated day tomorrow. John stretches as he mulls over the possibility. If the vengeful side of Rachael had been dominant at her eviction, John would have been the recipient of one.
Govan and Nathan are at the carousel and are still amazed by the Wonderland they are living in! Shabby is rocking Nathan's world, which is surprisingly considering how their relations became less amicable as the days went on. Back in the bedroom, Bet Lynch is enthusing about how much she loves leopard skin!
After Nathan hugs the raggy dolls good night, Ife puts her foot in it when she meddles mid-way through Caoimhe chattering away.
IFE: Stop talking! Shabby has something she wants to tell you!
To say Shabby is seething would be an extreme understatement.
SHABBY: Are you actually serious? (Ife says she is) Aw Ife, that's not cool, man.. that's not cool! (the girls follow a growling and snarling Shabby in and out of the bathroom)
Shabby stomps out to the nest huffing and puffing, with an apologetic Ife hot on her heels. Ife timidly opens the nest door where Shabby is laying down mortified and wishing Ife hadn't said it. Ife feels so bad but thought it was better to get it out as Shabby had been torturing herself. Caoimhe then comes on the scene demanding to know what's going on.
Shabby squeals that this is not the way and retreats to the Diary room to get it all out of her system.
SHABBY: I am absolutely mortified! I feel like my heart has just dropped out of my bumhole!
She thinks Ife has made things so awkward 'could that actually be any more embarrasing?' Caoimhe is trying to prise it out of Ife who is refusing to say a word as she's said too much 'it's not coming out of this horse's mouth!'
Shabby gushes to BB over just how gorgeous Caoimhe is and 'crudely disgusting which is very attractive!' Ife asks Caoimhe about her boyfriend, she has been with him for 10 months but completely in love for 4.
CAOIMHE: It's magical.. I know how cheesy that sounds but that's how I feel!
Shabby really hopes that she doesn't lose her best friend in the house over it. 2.01 am, most of the HM's are asleep. Corin loves her new nightwear and counsels Ife not too stress in the kitchen.
Caoimhe and Shabby are at the carousel. Shabby sheepishly exited the Diary room and a little while later plucked up the courage to spill her guts to Caoimhe about her feelings.
Caoimhe giggles that she likes Shabby too but then Shabby has to spell out she LIKES her likes her. The only reason she wanted to tell her is that she'd had a massive dread that day, that if Caoimhe left before her she'd see the footage and think she only wanted to share a bed and bath with her because she liked her. Shabby says this is really not the case.
Caoimhe apologises that she keeps chuckling as she's 'just really awkward!' Caoimhe never would have realised and admits she really had gone through a stage where she fancied a few girls but hadn't planned on falling in love. She does think there is a bit of a bisexual in her and has so much respect for Shabby for telling her. Caoimhe doesn't wants Shabby to feel awkward 'and this will NOT change anything at ALL!'
Closing credits roll..
It was all about the Shabbs/Keevs/Ife show at the start lol...I think John got his stubbornness from his Mum,the way she gone about the nam process lol:D
ReplyDeleteAlso another thing i have to say,Jose looked so much better and prettier,than she does nowadays tbh,i think she's too thin in the face area,and that's not suiting her.
Cozza is scary!
Judging by this I reckon John has never opened up to anyone about his dad and how close he is to his mum, I think he opened up because he felt comfortable talking about it to relative strangers at the time. Probably felt a bit like therapy for him.
Deletejohn really should have had councelling to help him deal with his fathers death particularly given the circumstances of his untimely death