Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Live feed night 11

This conversation takes place before the E4 live feed starts and after the dancing in the lounge. John walks over to the bed Josie is lying down in, it looks like Mario's double. 

JOHN: (Soft and concerned) What do you think you're doing?

Josie had felt someone was coming over as she could see the shadow. She looks peaky and as though she could be sick. John asks what she's doing and if she wants to sleep with Mario. She says 'alright' and they laugh then John asks her why. 

JOSIE: To teach Govan a lesson!! 

JOHN: (Giggles) Teach him a lesson? For what? What did he do? 

JOSIE: Um.. he tried to show me up!

JOHN: (Super sweet) Tried to show you up on TV? Yeah? Are you alright? 
Josie just doesn't feel very well and thinks she ate too much cake. John is so worried about Josie and asks if there is any way she can get the single bed. Josie will ask Ife (who is currently sleeping in it) 'what are you going to sleep with Govan tonight?' 

JOHN: She can sleep with Mario and I'll sleep with Govan or whichever.. it doesn't really bother me who I sleep with to be honest with ya. 

JOSIE: Oh, like that is it? (John smiles and raises his eyebrows cheekily at her) I haven't felt sick like this for ages. (John instantly turns back round to face her and gaze at her with such compassion) 

JOHN: That was one of the best moments, the dancing.. 
JOSIE: I know, I'm so p*ssed off! 

JOHN: I'm a bit p*ssed off that you weren't up there.. to be honest with ya.. 

The clip cuts out after Benjaminge comes over to see Josie. This is one of the sweetest qualities John has, that he is so sensitive to the feelings of others. Even after only 11 days he genuinely cared so much for Josie and didn't like to see her upset or feeling poorly and felt helpless that he couldn't make it better for her.. or take away her hurt. He was the same with the other HM's in that he would be there when one was down or in need of a friend or someone to talk to.. just not to the same extent he was with Josie. 
Now onto E4 night feed... The terrible trio are in the kitchen while Steve washes up. It didn't click with Ife that Rachael could be evicted until she saw Nathan as he is usually cool. The waiting around that evening was stupid in Shabby's eyes as she'd already gone past her most upset. The girls ask Steve if his tattoos have stories; then coo and aww over Steve's 8 children and how the youngest Pinki Precious just turned 2. He also has 2 grandchildren. 

SHABBY: You're a stud! Are you a stud, Steve? 

STEVE: Yeah! :) 

They ask him to name all his kids from the top: Angus, Natasha, George, Sam, Ike, Tiger and Chico (twins) and Pinki. Shabby likes that the names got crazier as the years passed. Steve has his wife's name Dionne tattooed on his hand and he doesn't wear a wedding band as the twins chucked his ring in the bin!
In the bedroom, Josie and Mario are curled up chatting in her double bed. Govan and John are sprawled out in John and Mario's double. Dave teases Ben about his Saudi Arabian robe as Ben had not put this on in the task (where they had to put on all their clothes) so doesn't understand how he got it. John agrees with something that Govan is whispering to him about. 

GOVAN: And I'm not being unfair.. it's just the truth. (But he'd like it if nobody had been like this as it would make it a lot easier) 

Ben teases Sunshine mercilessly for being the school swot and asking for more homework as she'd liked it!! Govan and John laugh at the show and John attracts Jose's attention 'hey Jose, I love the way he goes..' and imitates Ben's head nodding. Josie and Mario compliment Corin on her nightwear. 

DAVE: Is that a dressing gown or a dress Lord Lucan? 
Ben and Sunshine have a stormy spat as he feels Sunshine is being a pain and trying to get him into trouble, though he has been nice to her for 24 hours! 'Why would you do that?' 

DAVE: You look like Aladdin!

JOSIE: I love it!! 

Sunshine pins the blame on Dave for starting this task cheating talk. Dave thinks he'd have noticed if Ben had put THAT on in the garden! Corin assures him they are only winding him up. Scene swaps to Nathan and Shabby on the bench having a smoke. Nathan is living the dream but Shabby is not loving his toenails and thinks he should take the nail varnish off and become a real man again and buff up his chest. The house is sending him a bit bonkers and he looks down at his toenails and thinks 'what the f**k?' 

SHABBY: You're lovely! (not an adjective you'd normally hear associated with Nathan) But you seem in a strange mood these past couple of days, babe. 
Neither of them wanted Rachael to go 'not one iota' and they think a wrong choice was made. Nathan has missed her strutting around and not just'for the sheer perve of it.. which helps!' It p*ssed Shabby off that she went out to such boos when they don't believe she did anything wrong. It's strange to see the two of them start out on such friendly terms at this point in the series. I didn't remember them having such a close bond initially and thought they had always disliked one another. 

They think they are good judges of character and call Rachael a softy who got the rough end of the stick with her reception. 

NATHAN: She got royally f**ked!

Shabby thinks Rachael would have been a character that developed and just wasn't as mouthy as the rest of them. She doesn't think any of them can rest on their laurels after she'd been booed without (from their perspective) doing anything wrong. 
A small cut to Josie and Mario huddled together laughing at Ben in his robe. Then to Steve and the ladies in the kitchen and after back to Nathan and Shabby at the bench. Nathan isn't one for the conspiracies but believes something is a bit iffy! (not to be confused with Ife the HM) There is far too much whispering going on which is irritating Nathan - he blames Govan, John, Dave, Ben and Sunshine. 

NATHAN: I'm getting f**king strange vibes, mate! 

He hates to admit that he could be wrong and maybe yesterday had just knocked the stuffing out of him. They have both voiced to each other their feeling of a strange undercurrent in the house. After the break, Shabby has pulled Ife aside in the kitchen as she needs to talk to her about how much she likes Caoimhe. She'd been speaking to Corin about it all day but doesn't feel she was in the situation enough to give her the best advice. Shabby drops the bomb and Ife scratches her chin but encourages Shabby to just tell her. 

IFE: I'm a bit annoyed you don't fancy me though! What's going on? 
Ife is confident Caoimhe would be cool about it and she, herself would be flattered. She reminds Shabby that there aren't supposed to be secrets in the Raggy Dolls :D 

IFE: What would you do if she had a crush on you too? 

Shabby had already spoken to Corin and Josie about this, as they agreed she responds to her flirtation. Ife has noticed that Caoimhe keeps banging on hoping that her boyfriend will be here for her but could be overcompensating.. when she has feelings for Shabby. Shabby definitely doesn't think Caoimhe returns her feelings and thinks her hopes over her man could be because Shabby flirts with her and Caoimhe doesn't tell her to nob off!! 

Shabby speaks hypothetically that IF Caoimhe did reciprocate her feelings in any way she would not tell her or anybody in BB (as they are covered in cameras and microphones). Shabby knows Caoimhe wouldn't run the risk of f**king things up with her boyfriend. All she wants to hear from Keevs is that it's okay and that nothing will change.. she doesn't expect more than friendship but it is driving her mental. 
Shabby asks when an appropriate time to tell Caoimhe is as she doesn't think there is one. 


Shabby is stressing about what Caoimhe's family would think watching this on the outside. What Shabby feels for Caoimhe she is describes as very genuine, not tainted or sleazy.

SHABBY: I'm not in love with her or anything it's not like that! 

She's annoyed that she knows in her heart of hearts that Caoimhe would be a very good girl for her. It is tough for her to admit that it isn't meant to be.. I think John and Josie were GREAT for each in BB, they brought out a better side in each other and helped and supported each other through the more difficult times.. they had the foundation and potential to continue being good for each other.. but somewhere they maybe lost sight of what really mattered to them.. and began to bring out the worst in each other instead :( 
SHABBY: All emotions and feelings are amplified in here.. potentially that's the reason why I think I feel so strongly. 

While I agree that every emotion the HM's encountered were indeed intensified.. I don't think this dilutes the depth of John and Josie's love for each other inside BB. I just think their feelings hit them harder (like John said they nearly knocked him off his feet!) and not being able to fully explore them and be as physically intimate as they'd have liked WHEN they wanted to be must have been difficult. 

I don't consider their feelings to be any less 'real' or 'true' because of the circumstances they were in. Without even trying to romanticise this, they fell in love in that house - pure and simple.. at one time or another, they both told us this was how they felt. After Fire exit day, they stopped fighting their feelings (that were growing stronger by the hour) and followed their hearts. It must have been scary as hell falling in love with your best friend in front of a nation live on television. I apologise for my Soppy Sally side .. it gets the better of me sometimes but I try to keep it in check! :) 
Shabby feels better for confiding in Ife and that she hadn't reacted like 'whaaaaaat??' Ife is shocked that she didn't see it but Corin and Josie could see it from both sides. Shabby is quite proud of bringing back old school surfer lingo as 'heinous' is being bandied around the house. Next on her list to spread is 'bodacious!' 

IFE: The worst possible outcome is that she doesn't feel the same way.. that's it. (This is what Shabby is expecting anyway) 

Today Shabby realised she'd probably fancied Caoimhe the whole time. They leave the kitchen and giggle that this is like a 'Shabby soap opera!' The girls peek their heads around the bedroom door to see where Caoimhe is. John nosily calls from off screen 'what are you rascals doing?' They rush to the bathroom after using 'just looking' as an excuse. Caoimhe heads their way after leaving the Diary room (ad break) Ife hints for Shabby to get on with it after Shabby suggests going for a smoke. 
During the E4 break, Ife had executed her well-intentioned but ill-advised interference. As broadcast on the HL's, Shabby tries to escape her Raggy dolls and has a frenzied, freak out before hibernating in the nest. Ife follows her to apologise for both upsetting and embarrassing her. Shabby is cringey and Caoimhe sneaks up on them which forces Shabby to leave the snug swearing 'f**king hell!' and that this wasn't the way! 

While Shabby unleashes to BB, Caoimhe attempts to extract information from Ife, who refuses to say another word. She confirms that it isn't anything bad and is obviously itching to spill but knows it could make it all worse. Caoimhe wants Ife to promise that it's not something that will ruin the Raggy Dolls. As they smoke, Caoimhe probes if it will make her feel embarrassed or awkward. Ife tries to change the conversation by asking Caoimhe to describe her and then Shabby. Caoimhe then becomes paranoid that it is something bad about her personality that she needs to change. 

CAOIMHE: So really you aren't being very rag doll-ish! You aren't and Shabby isn't! Cos we tell each other everything! (She asks Ife if they can go on a double date with their boyfriends when they get out!) 
Ife broaches the subject of Caoimhe's boyfriend, Dave which results in Caoimhe gushing about how in love they are. They had been toying with the notion of marriage as Dave wants her to be his wife forever! After a break, we are back in the bedroom FIIIIIIINALLY, the lights are off presumably at Ben's beseeching. Dave is keen to know if Mario has ever been with anyone famous. Just as we are about to hear something juicy, the camera of course cuts away at the critical moment. 

MARIO: I really shouldn't say but.. (which is a blatant YES!!)

Ife comes into the bedroom calling out for Corin, while Caoimhe rests her eyes in the snug. Ife and Corin converse in the bathroom where Ife explains the situation as it stands and why Shabby is so, very exceedingly irate with her! Though she had the best of intentions trying to help Shabby with her heart's dilemma, she inadvertently made matters worse! Shabby is now out of the Diary room and is having a smoke alone. 
IFE: It's just a very awkward situation right now. 

Ife feels so guilty about instigating this and then hearing Caoimhe go on about how much she loves her boyfriend. The ladies spot Shabby having a smoke, Shabby confesses to Corin that she wants the ground to swallow her up. Shabby thanks Ife sarcastically at the carousel 'when is that hole getting here?' Corin thinks it's not the end of the world and that Shabby's doing NOWT wrong. Shabby runs away to the bathroom declaring herself to be a massive bell-end. 

John is lying under the buzzer waiting to speak with BB. Ife asks where Shabby has gone but he doesn't know. 

JOHN: What are you's doing? The usual smoking?  I'm surprised you smoke!  (Ife asks why?) You don't look like a smoker. (How does one look like a smoker? Do they give off some smoke signal??) 

IFE: Why, thank you!

JOHN: That's alright. 
Corin comes to the nest to wake up Caoimhe and make small chit chat with her about the warmth and cups of tea.. so that Ife is free to have a private talk with Shabby in the bathroom toilet. Corin leaves Caoimhe to finish her cuppa and then Caoimhe comes in too and passes John whistling as he hangs up his washing on the line. 

On the HL's editing, it seems as though Shabby tells Caoimhe instantly after speaking with BB.. but it actually takes her some time to pluck up the courage to. As she whispers with Ife in the toilet, Caoimhe bursts in demanding to know what is going on. We see a split second shot of Josie and Mario still awake in bed. (After the break) Shabby spills to Corin (as she brushes her teeth) that Caoimhe came in to do a wee. Ife urges her to stop being so theatrical and Caoimhe confronts them that they are not her friends any more 'not when you keep sh*t from me!' 

Shabby concedes that she shall speak with Caoimhe only not with 'a million trillion people here!' Ife works out that BB had bought Corin's dressing gown from Miss Selfridge from the pink label. 
Shabby and Caoimhe walk past John who is now sitting down alone at the sofa. 

SHABBY: What's going on John James? Causing trouble? 

I can't decipher his response as his mic volume is too low or he is not wearing it at all. He seems to be mimicing their sneaky heads around the door. Shortly afterwards, Shabby seizes the opportunity to spell it all out to Caoimhe at the bench.. as Caoimhe can't comprehend the way Shabby likes her at first, Shabby has to make it painfully obvious how she feels. 

Caoimhe feels awkward and constantly giggles and doesn't really know how she should react. Caoimhe wants to know everything from the beginning. She wants Caoimhe to know that she is fully respectful that she is in love with her boyfriend and doesn't want her to think of her as some heinous lesbian. Caoimhe would never think that as they've become best friends. She admits telling Ife had been regrettable and that she'd spoken to Corin and Josie about this and they found it f**king obvious. So she'd been deliberately avoiding her today due to the awkwardness. 
Cuts to the bedroom where Govan and Sunshine are chatting in bed about how she'd been so scared after being mugged. Then back to the bosom bodies on the bench, Caoimhe respects Shabby for telling her and thought she was 'one of the most beautiful people' she'd ever seen in her life, when she saw her in the warehouse. Caoimhe does think BB put them in with the hope that something would happen between them, not realising that she was completely in love. She keeps babbling as she tries to make sense of her thoughts but can't. 

Shabby ducks back inside under the pretence of needing a cup of tea. John, Ife and Corin are chatting on the couch, Shabs calls Ife a c*ck and bell-end. Ife offers to make Shabby the cup of tea her desert-ridden mouth requires as it is the least she can do! John appears amused at the scene around him, though I can't tell if he was aware at this point what they were cryptically referring to.. or was it all flying over his peanut head? :D 

IFE: She just called me a d*ckhead, as she was walking into the kitchen! Loud enough so I could hear it! Cheeky b*tch!

CORIN: (Laughs) What they like, John? 
IFE: Can you just not sleep tonight?

JOHN: Nah, I don't know why really.. I'm just not that tired.

Shabby has gone back to Caoimhe in the garden, Caoimhe suggests they have an awkward hug which Shabby declines. Caoimhe just doesn't know what to do but is happy to keep sharing a bed with Shabby, who promises not to touch her inappropriately. Shabby pretends she is really pleased Caoimhe is in love with her boyfriend but hates that there is no escape in the house. 

After the break, Shabby admits she'd been debating whether to say anything or not but this way was 'CRINGE-O-CLOCK!' Caoimhe claims she has done far worse in her life and tells her not to be silly. She schemes to ask BB for a can of beer to calm things down. 
Caoimhe and Shabby wait outside the Diary room desiring to score some more alcohol off BB. John asks Caoimhe how her ankle is after injuring it when tripping some days ago. It is really giving her pain! Caoimhe just wants a G & T, Corin laughs that she looks like she's come out of the red light district!! :D Corin, Govan, John, Mario, Shabby, Caoimhe and Ife are now sat around the sofa.. *INSOMNIAC'S ANONYMOUS!* 

Ife keeps seeing flashes of light in the living room. 

CORIN: (With her new-found 'brightness' acquired from her day that was due to look bright!) What was it a UFO?? (Ife thinks it was more like lightning or a camera flash)

John and Mario make their way to the kitchen and have a mini heart to heart while he munches his heart attack on bread!
John checks Mario is okay after a conversation which had upset him earlier in the day. 

JOHN: Are you cool .. about the whole.. what happened? (Mario is) Are you sure? 

Dave had been discussing marriage and made some remarks which made Mario feel crappy. John asks if that's what Dave had meant 'did he admit it?' Mario thinks he'd taken the comments the wrong way and thinks he's made himself look a right fool following Ben around. Ironically, Ben makes similar retorts to John about HIM following Josie around, in a later episode. 

JOHN: (Puzzled) Why? (He thought Mario had said 'fooling around with Ben!' The chat comes to an abrupt halt when John is called into the Diary room, finally) Alright, I'll speak to you about it in the morning anyway.. 

Mario again confirms everything is cool, but John's not so convinced 'is it?'  Mario describes everything as peachy before John enters the Diary room, scoffing on his sarny. 
The smokers who are still up all go for a ciggy at the carousel. Corin does an impression of Marcus Bentley mocking them smoking about 1000 cigarettes. Shabby speaks directly into her mic to address BB about the moth they think is dying in the garden. Shabby doesn't like it and wants to know what she can do to help it 'do you know anything about moth health?' 

John eventually emerges from the Diary still snacking on his sandwich. 

JOHN: (Hollers) Well that gave me nothin' did it? Absolutely nothin'!!! 

Back in the bedroom everyone is either sleeping or snoring so John jokes for Stevo to keep it down :D Caoimhe apologises to Shabby once more at the sink for how she'd reacted as she wasn't expecting it. Caoimhe starts to run a bath and Ife asks if she needs time alone but she doesn't. Ife hopes everything will be okay tomorrow and that it won't be the end of the Raggy dolls. Caoimhe DOES feel flattered but is so awkward as a person. 
Several minutes after John has settled down to sleep, Shabby storms out of the room. Govan and John instantly burst out laughing. 

JOHN: What happened? 

The camera cuts to a distressed Shabby sitting on the step by the door to the garden. Caoimhe comes out to check she is okay and apologises again for her reaction. She re-iterates that she is flattered but had been completely taken aback with shock. Caoimhe tries to persuade Shabs to join her and Ife in the soup of insanity (more commonly known as a bath tub!) but in light of recent events, Shabby passes up and sits alone instead. 

There is no more John and Josie footage in the remaining live feed.. not that they featured very heavily in this as it is! The main focus was surrounding Shabby's saga and Caoimhe's awkward reactions to her revelations. 

1 comment:

  1. Gosh,i forgot how the lF was so focused on Shabbs/Keeva & Ife trio lol

    John was very sensitive to others feelings,but sometimes,he was brutally honest,that he really didn't consider the possibility of hurting ppl's feelings.
