Some of the HM's are knocking back alcohol in the kitchen together.
JOSIE: (Discloses) I cannot believe what a p*ssy I am! (seems to be in regards to her panic attack prior to Rachael's eviction)
I don't perceive Josie to be a cowardly person but I think being gathered on that sofa for the first eviction.. is when it hit home to her what they were in the house for and how many millions could be watching!
Out on the bench Govan attests that he had felt under threat 'because you do form relationships really quickly in here!' I think it was natural for bonds and friendships to form at such a fast pace because of the intensity of the environment they were inhabiting. They only have each other for companionship and BB, to an extent too.. so they were bound to grow close at a comparatively quicker rate to the outside world. This is why within even the first 10 days, the HM's felt as though they had known each other far, far longer.
I do wonder how John and Josie's relationship would have progressed if they had met and been attracted to each other OUTSIDE the house. Or would they have even been attracted? Would they have given each other a second glance over? They possibly would have sex a lot sooner than they were physically able to in BB. On the outside, I don't believe they would have waited 77 days to sleep together if they had felt the same way. Yet, I don't think their emotional connection would have been as strong.. it could have developed with time. It's interesting, to conjecture about what might have been..
Govan asks the Raggy Dolls, if they honestly suspected that Rachael would go that night as he didn't!
GOVAN: People have got her SO wrong!
SHABBY: The stuff with John James isn't gonna have helped any, is it? Now we KNOW that John must be quite popular out there.
Am I wrong in remembering that John's popularity wasn't exceptionally high at the beginning? I think Rachael was evicted because the public didn't warm to her personality or behaviour and that was responsible for her unpopularity, not John. Had John not had any fights with her, I still think she would have been evicted but her arguments probably highlighted a side of her character (that maybe we wouldn't have witnessed for weeks to come) that swung it for her.
Ife was convinced by John when he spoke to her, she could then see his points really clearly. Govan did disagree with John's points but put it this way, he felt sorry for John 'because he kept on being gotten on at, whereas if he'd just been left alone.. '
If John had just been left alone by fans hounding him after the split.. and by Josie constantly DM-ing him and trying to speak with him, only to say unkind things when they did talk.. and he had been provided with the time he needed to ponder.. maybe, just maybe the outcome would be entirely different. They may not have got back together, but they could have remained friends .. or even just on civil terms.. John may have felt comfortable to return to live in the UK..
Back to the kitchenettes :)
JOSIE: I come in and as soon as I walked through the doors, I felt totally, totally relaxed and I couldn't understand it, you know what I mean? .. I thought 'why am I so relaxed?' .. and then, it's only cos I'm not that bright I hadn't worked out.. I can easily forget that we're being watched and then all of a sudden, it just dawned on me where I actually was and what I was doing!
And that's when her panic had set in, earlier in the evening.
BEN: (Brown noses her) But that's why you're really natural!
Nathan had been sh*tting it as well but had been right as rain all week.. until the nerves hit him.
All HM's are ordered to return to the house immediately. The kitchen crew reckon something was shouted over the fence in the back garden.
JOSIE: Do you reckon they heard it? (her attentions are then turned to Corin who makes her chuckle) Oh, I love you Cor!
Turns out, someone had been shouting but supposedly they hadn't heard what was said but they still have to come in.
JOSIE: And plus you sit there and it's like.. you realise where you are and what you're doing and you think 'OMG, what have I done?'
Ben had thought that tonight and reminds them that they are having lots of fun in their own little world but 'we have no idea what's gonna happen the second you step foot outside!' If John and Josie had known what was going to happen when they left.. would they still have started their relationship the way they did?
JOSIE: And you're just so worried, you think .. have I let anyone down? or .. Have I let my family down? .. or ..What's being written? Or..
Those tormenting thoughts would tear me apart if I were a BB HM.. by nature I am a paranoid little pony (as some of you will have gathered from our conversations) and I wouldn't have been able to squash them.
BB again demands that they return from the garden inside the house, only with a much sterner tone. Steve relays this message out to the HM's by the bench as it isn't being broadcast outside and the request has already been ignored once.
JOSIE: He'd be a wicked headmaster, wouldn't he? (after Steve has demonstrated his strict side!)
IFE: But I only treat people on..
GOVAN: (Intercepts) how they treat you!
Twitterazi judge John and Josie on a near daily basis on their actions, past misdemeanors, their actions both in and out of BB, the way they look, the people they associate themselves with, comments they make etc etc etc.. every little thing is savagely scrutinised. Even supporters analyse away but are hopefully kinder and more understanding of why they do some of the things they do.
Some of the beliefs people 'out there' have are so harsh, some completely unfounded and others totally fabricated or exaggerated! I find it unfair that anyone with any level of fame are sooooooo heavily criticised by people who don't really know them at all. How can we judge someone when we don't see every aspect of their world.. that makes them 'them'?
How is it reasonable to come to cruel conclusions about a person, when you've never walked in their shoes? How easily people forget that John and Josie are just 2 regular human beings who were thrust into their position in the spotlight! Like everyone, they mess up and do stupid, horrible and hurtful things..we all have and we all do.. But fortunately for most of us, we do not have our imperfections placed under a microscope in the same spectacular fashion as they do/did.. When did the rest of us become perfect candidates for sainthood?
The garden is then shut down for the rest of the night and Ife and Govan are hurried into the house. Dave and John are playing sock ball in the living room. Steve seats himself on the sofa to spectate their match but then gets involved in the game. He fills the fellas in that the group reckon they'd heard 'We love Rachael' shouted over the fence but he doesn't believe it.
JOHN: (Queries) You don't reckon?
Steve doesn't think so, not with the percentage Rachael would have received. Dave lobbed the ball a little too low which nearly walloped John 'right in the tatas!' as Steve puts it! John isn't sure himself about what they heard. John wonders why they have locked the doors to the garden since and Steve says that there's loads of security and that they would be removed from the premises.
Steve and Dave compliment John's 'crackin' catch!' which was one-handed.
JOHN: (Warns) Stevo, don't test me!!
Dave takes the mickey out of Steve's sporting skills and Steve confesses he's a 'bit crap tonight, can't catch!'
John has been pushing the Diary room buzzer every 10 seconds as he just wants some toilet paper. Dave needs to poop and says it is beyond a joke now!
JOHN: It's hard enough to sh.. it's hard enough to crap in here as it is! Let alone without toilet paper!!
John checks Dave is okay and ruffles his hair after accidentally throwing the ball smack in his face and hurting him. Then John and Govan discuss the way John dealt with his dislike for Rachael.
GOVAN: You knew the score, didn't you? You said..
JOHN: I thought I saw it.. but I was against everyone.. but why? Everyone was against me.. everyone thought I was wrong and didn't see what I'd see!
Many of us didn't think much of the way John and Josie handled their break up so publicly.. it is never wonderful to see dirty laundry aired but even worse when it is with 2 people you care for. It makes for uncomfortable reading and watching ANY time one of them speak/tweet badly of the other.. especially as we were once so used to them saying such LOVELY things about each other.
Neither of them have held back on what they think.. and while they are the ones who are entitled to think those thoughts, I wish they had never descended into a war of wounding words. I hope sincerely that they have come to a total halt now! I don't doubt that there is plenty more they could say and sometimes are biting to spill..but PLEASE DON'T!!!!
I have to try and see it from their perspectives, they were bitter, hurt and resentful (and possibly still are nearly a year on!) but they LIVED in the relationship. In anger, they have possibly elaborated with details to make each other out to be worse.. they could be trying hard to convince themselves that they feel these things and they are in the right, more than anything. It must feel as though SO many people are against them with this team crap.John may feel as though ALL Josie supporters are against him and vice verca for Josie with John's supporters.
GOVAN: Just because I didn't agree with you..
JOHN: (Retaliates) NO ONE backed me before! No one..
Govan informs him that Ife and Shabby felt he'd made some valid points which surprises John. Neither know what John had said to the girls, Govan thinks he probably didn't go into it the same way John had with him and Jose 'they were quite intense!'
JOHN: I said to Davo, the way I went about it was very, very harsh.. but what I said, to a certain extent had truth in it! I obviously didn't handle it as well as you guys did..
John and Josie both have their uber backers these days and it isn't always a pretty sight! The way some delve deeply through sources, disrespecting the privacy of others is disgusting quite frankly! And for what? To point score and cause contention within the rival 'camp!'
Most alarming, is that the majority of this behaviour is from grown adults who really ought to know better! This contemptible conduct should be discouraged! In no way do I hold John or Josie to blame for this, however.. I know some are under the impression that they are condoning these appalling actions or spearheading hate campaigns against the other.. by following those that are notoriously known for despising one.. Okay, it probably doesn't help matters by following or communicating with foes of their ex.. and neither putting an end to it.. but they cannot be held accountable for the despicable tweets of their followers.
Govan would have probably acted the same as John 'had it been someone that I didn't feel greatly for..' John was never certain that Rachael was going but obviously 'you have people that you wanted more to stay than someone else.. it didn't mean I wanted her to go, I didn't want anyone to go.'
GOVAN: (Rationalises) What you said, might have been how they (the public) saw her.
John supposes it could have gone either way 'if it went Sunshine's way, I may as well have walked right now! If Sunshine went I may as well have gone up there with her!' Govan doesn't understand his logic here so asks him why. I guess the logic would be, in John's mind it would have shown that the public approved of Rachael's behaviour and so would have disapproved of HIS actions?
Govan reveals that 'them lot' were saying John had a huge fan base but he doesn't think that's necessarily how it works and nor does John.
GOVAN: Just if, someone offends you.. they offend you! (shrugs)
And when someone offends John he makes sure they know about it!!
JOHN: I don't think I've got a big fan base at all.. I just speak my mind and see what can never predict anything like that!
I don't think anything could have prepared John and Josie for the big fan base and haters they would receive. I don't think they expected anything even close to that or would have predicted during the show that they would attract this level of attention or a following.
I never thought John was calculating with his behaviour in BB, in that he would do or NOT do certain things in order to gain 'fans.' I think he just tried to stay true to himself in the house; he spoke his mind and it constantly got him into pickles! I don't see that he would have changed this trait with Josie in their relationship outside.. if anything it may have turned up several notches especially when they fought, same with Josie. It must have been so overwhelming for them to mentally cope with such a fan base.. how could they have ever have equipped for that?
JOHN: It depends.. I thought if they showed the truth and what really went on in here.. if they show what I see and that's what BB shows, then I thought she would go.. but if they didn't and showed other parts, may have stayed..
Had we been given 24/7 live feed access to John and Josie's relationship during the filming of TSAJ our views may be entirely different to the way we think now. Those who hold out hope for a reunion may understand better why it wasn't working.. those who think there was never any chance and they were too different, may have seen moments between them which showed how compatible they were..We just don't know EVERYTHING about their relationship in those months - we can just speculate and formulate our own verdicts based on the edit of the series and things John and Josie have revealed from their sides.
My view is, that they did love each other deeply, no matter how bad things became.. and maybe they could have worked through their issues and been happy, had that been what they wanted..that's just my opinion. But I believe that the producers carefully selected clips that would best convey the 'story' that they wanted to be shown/sold to the viewers.
John tells Govan that he had described Rachael as a completely different person 'to what I did.. you said she was funny!' Govan grants that Rach had been arrogant but he'd liked that about her. He then proceeds to discreetly tell John about a hard time Rachael had in her life which is sound cut. John hears him out and after the SC he doesn't understand why she would be like that after whatever she had gone through.
Even at the couch that night she was still doing it and John had noticed that Govan was avoiding looking at him, knowing he would be onto it!!
After an ad break, Josie and Govan are performing their 'mooooooom' routine in the lounge and Nathan joins in too.
GOVAN: Don't you guys go anywhere or I'll have a f**king breakdown!
The HM's are concerned about the lack of toilet roll!! Josie is a bit juiced up and does some of the Caoimhe kind of thrusting and 'oh yeaaaaaah!'
JOSIE: What? It's nuffffffin'!
In the kitchen, Ben and Dave discuss what a night it has been! Dave believes as he got away with being up this week, he WILL be facing eviction again next week. Ben dismisses this and believes himself to have gone from 'fairly well liked' but because he has messed with 'one of the Holy trinity' he thinks that will go badly against him.
Josie can be heard giggling in the background and then we see John join her for some laughter (through the kitchen doors). Dave counsels Ben just to be himself as he's a lovely guy but sometimes makes things more complicated for himself. If you squint at the piccie, you should juuuuust be about to make out JJJ in the distance!
Sunshine emerges from the Diary room with an announcement she wants to make. She insists that someone grabs the guys from the kitchen, so the spotlight can be solely on her. She broadcasts that earlier she had said something, which had been interpreted as discussing nominations and BB's punishment is for her to go straight to bed. The group laugh at the revelation but Sunshine isn't allowed to repeat what she had said but that they'd all heard it.
She is then summoned straight back to the Diary room and chastised for not going directly to her bed.
SUNSHINE: I can't talk, I'm going straight to bed!! (pulls the duvet up around her)
Shabby thinks she is taking the p*ss but alas, the lass must not gas! :D
JJJ are chatting on beds next to each other.
JOSIE: (Resumes her plucking patrol duties) What do you want me to pluck for you, love?
JOHN: I don't want you to pluck anything! I'll pluck my own!
I am unable to make out much more of what is said in the conversation, as the camera chooses to focus on Sunshine. A brief sentence I can make out from John is 'I was willing to get on with her and willing to give her a chance.. they asked me what I thought, so I told 'em!'
The rest of the bedroom are too damn loud (Corin especially) to hear any more of the chat but JJJ laugh throughout. Nathan gives Josie another glass of wine which makes her happy.
Cut to the kitchen, where Ben is bumming out so Dave is 'loving on him!' Dave is in disbelief that 6 bottles of wine have been drunk!! They congratulate Shabby for staying and she is pleased for herself and Sunshine as they are the 'oddballs of the group.. and people could have hated us quite easily!' She thought the public were really going to hate her. She shouts at Caoimhe who wants her to 'come and play' as she is in the middle of a serious conversation.
Back to the bedroom, John is quizzing Sunshine on what she'd said about his football kit.
JOHN: Josie said you said something about my football kit? (she tries to squirm out of an answer using her punishment as an excuse) Don't be avoiding the question!
SUNSHINE: (Spills) I did say openly that you looked quite attractive! But I'm pretty sure I said that to you.
JOHN: (Heckles her) And then you had the nerve to say that I fancied you! You said in front of everyone 'you fancy me!' What sort of a person says that?
SUNSHINE: (Corrects) No, I said 'you fancy me as a person'.. I just find you attractive!
JOHN: (Persecutes her further) Cheeky b*tch! She goes 'you keep smiling at me, I think you fancy me!' In front of everyone and I was like 'what??'
Sunshine then tries to embarrass him by disclosing that he'd told her his heart was beating so fast and that he hadn't wanted her to go. John HADN'T wanted Sunshine to go but didn't want anyone to be evicted that evening 'when you're in a position like that, you don't want anyone to go.'
MARIO: (Teases them) Maybe I should swap beds with you and Sunshine then!
JOSIE: (Jumps on the bandwagon of banter) Yeah, it's all about the macdaddies, John James!! Get the Macdaddies on, baby! (John goes all shy unsure what to say back and Nathan takes hold of John as he gets up) You could have the first BB baby!
Sunshine shatters this delusion by stating that there are lots of BB babies. Ife kisses Josie in the background and checks she is alright, Jose is knackered.
JOSIE: I'm not.. cos obviously we've lost someone but..
IFE: Happy you're still here.
Josie is also happy that Shabs is still here as 'she's one of my crew!' Ife deems that it shows 'being yourself pays off.'
Mario is mixed with mirth that Sunshine is the first person sent to bed by BB!! Govan got wind of the Sunshine and John teasing 'so I hear there's a new love interest?' gagging for goss.
MARIO: It's hot off the press, John admitted it! (He did no such thing!!)
Sunshine summarises that she had seen John smiling at her so was kinda joking when she'd said she thought he fancied her. She then confesses that he looked quite good in knee high socks! Govan squeezes for more juice 'but you fancy him, don't you?' He remembered her saying that John was the eye candy of the group and he'd thought 'ahhhhhh!' She maintains that John fancies her as a person but she only finds him attractive.
GOVAN: There might be some lovin' going on! (just not between THAT pairing!)
We flick across to the living room to get a nano-second glimpse of John and then an ad break. Immediately, after the break Shabby, Caoimhe, Nathan and Josie are gyrating and grinding through the window suggestively teasing John and Sunshine (who are in the bedroom) .. This made Sunshine hide under the covers. Nathan moans with pleasure 'Oh Johnnnnnnny!'
STEVE: She wants to be Posh Spice, does she? Or Sunshine Spice!! They're getting it on, girl! :D
In the bedroom Ife is saying how girls had sh*t on her leaving her group and joining another and she's been in the dance industry since she was 16/17. She never thought she was the best dancer but has worked bl**dy hard and she couldn't wait until she was 40 as then she will know who she is. She's already learnt so much from her first week in BB - that she's a bit pedantic, anal and self-righteous etc.. and even though the girl group fell on its arse that is what she wants to do!
Josie theorises that Mario likes Ben but 'Ben's not really sure..' Shabby thrusts more as she just has the f**king horn!!! Josie goes in the bedroom with an erotic 'oh yeeeeeah!' Steve eggs her on to jump on Sunshine.
STEVE: Go climb aboard Sunshine, girls!
Shabby starts whipping herself with a towel while stood on top of the sofa. The 'unscrupulous cow' then whups Nathan and has to say sorry for hurting him, with a hug. After Steve has made the sleazy suggestion another 3 times, Caoimhe and Shabby finally take him up on the command. He wants Josie to get involved.. was this giving him some sorta thrill? We don't see them being seedy with Sunshine but we hear the oh yeeeeah-ing and Steve enjoys the show!
Ife is now longer consumed by dancing and doesn't go to auditions even though she knows she's not bottom of the barrel. Dave lays with Sunshine in bed and tells her he believes the right thing happened tonight.
DAVE: John handles things differently to me.. John James saw similar things but he was like really aggressive about it. (He says he used the Diary room to discuss it and used the picture swapping as an opportunity)
I wouldn't use the adjective 'aggressive' to describe the way John would handle things.. it was more assertive, forthright and unrelenting. Maybe some people considered the tone of his voice and the way he would raise it when really, reaaaally angry to be aggressive.
Dave is so glad Sunshine is still here and was saved and says they are going to have some fun. Dave doesn't think that the public won't waste their votes on Shabby now as they obviously like her. Sunshine stops him from talking about nominations.
In the garden some of the HM's imagine what Rachael is up to now and joke that she would have slagged them off in her eviction interview with Davina. Govan doesn't care what previous HM's could say about him when he leaves.
NATHAN: Bring back my piece of ass! She was gorgeous!!
JOSIE: I couldn't stop looking at her she was so pretty.
This results in the rest (Caoimhe, Shabby, Govan and Corin) also gushing over how stunning Rachael is. Nathan and Shabby found her fitter without make up on! Corin only wishes they'd say the same about her when she's evicted. They seem to believe that Rachael surpassed the beauty of ALL HM's but I wouldn't go that far. There's no doubting that she was a very pretty woman but because of her stinky attitude she didn't seem as attractive as some of the other females in the house. Maybe they outshone her because they were kinder and had fun personalities!
Josie also considers Caoimhe to have a model look about her.
After a brief interlude, we bounce back to the back yard where Shabby informs Josie of her future desires to grope her!
SHABBY: One day I will touch your boobs and your bum and you won't know what to do about it!
She wasn't the only one with a lust for Josie's lovely lady lumps!! Once ol' Johnny James allowed his hands to wander, he couldn't stop touching his woman! ;) And even Mario, who wasn't even a heterosexual often spoke about how much he liked Josie's boobs! :D
Caoimhe joins the Josie Gibson fan club and lets her know 'you're a sexy b*tch!' But as Shabby misheard this as 'sexy d*ck' she changes it to sexy lady! Josie blushes for them to 'stop iiiiiiit!'
Caoimhe proclaims that she can't wait to talk to John James about Sunshine.
SHABBY: We've got to get some sort of romance going!
They were trying to light a bonfire with no wood - between John and Sunshine. I wonder if the HM's were surprised that the one romance of the show was John and Josie.
CAOIMHE: Did he say his heart was beating? (I sure hope John's heart was beating when they were gathered at the couch or else he would have died!!)
CORIN: Someone needs to get in OK Magazine!
And guess who did just that?? And various other rag/magazines with a large readerships! That's right our girl and our guy :)
GOVAN: What? Do you think he's into her?!!
Shabby is waiting for her hot lesbian to be sent in and Caiomhe is concerned that Shabs will ditch her for the lesbian. Govan can't believe they didn't put in a hot bisexual girl who was really dirty; Nathan makes Gov stop as it is turning him on after 1 1/2 glasses of wine. Shabby can't believe she was selected over Miss Gay UK!
After a small switch of scene, those at the bench toast to Rach again! Josie feels like she's in a porn video (I think because of the glasses she is wearing??) In the bedroom, Dave rejoices 'YAY!' when John returns armed with toilet roll, they were beginning to panic desperately. Dave tells John off when he waltzes into the bedroom loo without knocking.
JOHN: (Laughs) I did the Sunshine effect!
JOHN: No one could be 100% sure you weren't gonna go..
He and Mario agree that they'd thought Sunshine was the safest from the public vote. John doesn't think he can comment as he doesn't really know Shabby. Mario's problem is that he's spoken with her, in an attempt to get to know her (as he's on really good terms with Ife and Caoimhe) but finds her a 'hard nut to crack!'
JOHN: It's funny you should say that, cos I was just talking about her in there.. (BB had asked him in the Diary room if there's anyone he would like to get to know better and John answered - Shabby, Caoimhe and Ife) I don't think they're bad people, I didn't describe 'em like that (Mario mentions The 3 Witches of Macbeth).. I just said they're always in the bathroom, I don't really go in the bathroom.. or outside smoking.
He believes if Shabby had gone it might have given them a chance to get to know Caoimhe and Ife a little bit better.
JOHN: When I first met her, I thought she's just this girl that's entertaining .. that sorta went off in her little girl group and just was like out there and that.. and just had a tiff every now and then.. But I think there's more to her, than I first thought..
He'd only felt like that the past couple of days as he'd got talking to her and was discovering - there's more to her than meets the eye. Mario muses that Shabby is the kind of girl that has to come to you 'you have to wait for her to be comfortable with you before she opens up.' John thinks it is hard because he's not just going to walk into a spa with 3 girls.. do you know what he means? :D
After the break, Josie is in the bedroom and she tries to entice John to put his kit on (instead of taking it off!!)
JOSIE: Are you putting on your football kit then, John James? (child's voice) Coooooome on! (Mario mentions that it is Josie's turn to streak which makes her nearly shriek!) er.. I don't think so! The ratings will go waaaaay down!!
MARIO: Isn't it time your Minnie mouse came out?
JOHN: (Changing the saucy subject and asks who something belongs to and then apparently chucks it aside like a used condom!) Are you doing the washing tomorrow?
JOSIE: What are you trying to say? You want me to do YOUR washing tomorrow?
JOHN: (Flirts) Yes, I am! (Who did he think she was, his wife?)
JOSIE: I already said I would do it.
JJJ have a playful banter in the closet (I won't include the parts previously blogged from the HL show)
JOHN: You said I was a weird unit!
JOSIE: You are a weird guy.
JOHN: She must have asked why? (eager for her to spill the beans)
JOSIE: It weren't all about you, you self-obsessed f**king..
JOHN: (Persists) But I wanna know what you were taking about.. I would tell you if I was talking about you.. especially when you made it obvious! You weren't exactly looking away, were ya?
JOSIE: I just said you were a bit weird. What's the problem with that?
JOHN: I love how you do impressions!
JOSIE: I would tell you what I said if I could remember.. oh I was just saying that you're quite thing when it comes to women..
JOHN: (Mishears) Clingy?
JOSIE: Like you wouldn't just.. you would think you were a player but you're not!
JOHN: (Seems disheartened) Oh really? You would think that?
JOSIE: Yeah..
JOHN: Seriously? You actually thought that? When you first saw me, that's what you thought? (He never liked Josie to think badly of him, did he? When she first saw him she told him he was a bit handsome!!)
JOSIE: (Brushing her hair) Yeah, I thought you were an arrogant player!
JOHN: (Laughs with disbelief) Aaah, why?
JOSIE: (spins it around on him) Cos.. well.. what did you think of Rachael when you first met her?
JOHN: Yeah, but I wasn't.. I didn't say on my VT what she said on her VT!
JOSIE: Oh yeahhhhh!
JOHN: I didn't give myself a 10/10 on the looks department, I bet you she did!
JOSIE: What did you give yourself, John?
JOHN: I think an 8.. but it wasn't a 10!! (they both giggle and Josie exclaims 'well then!) But I was joking!
JOSIE: Stop being so self-obsessed!
JOHN: There's a difference between joking and being serious and she was being serious! (Josie stammers and John mocks her playfully)
JOSIE: So you were being serious on yours when you gave yourself an 8??
JOHN: That was the rating at the start!
JOSIE: Well, you are about an 8, aren't you? With your football kit on!
JOHN: (Scoffs with hand on hip) What is the deal with that? Why is everyone saying that? What happened with that?
JOSIE: I don't know .. but I know what boat she's catching, yeah!
JOHN: (Not understanding) What's the boat?
JOSIE: (Clarifies) With your football kit on!
JOHN: See this is what I mean! Remember how I was telling ya about girls that I start talking to? That I like.. but don't want to .. just.. do you know what I mean? This is what happens! (Josie asks 'what?') this is what happens.. people start winding it up and then I end up looking bad! (that's the price you have to pay for being pretty, Parton)
JOSIE: (Reassures) No, you don't look bad.
JOHN: Now I'm gonna look bad if I don't get the Mac Daddy swerve on with Sunshine!
JOSIE: No, you won't.. don't be stupid.. don't be silly!
JOHN: Like I do like her but she's not my type, really.. like she does talk a lot but I like her I really do!
JOSIE: (Encourages) You'll find the right woman one day, John James! (It still amuses me watching her back saying things like this, not having the faintest idea it would be HER.. for a short spell!) She'll be just like your Mum, cos that's what I think you're aiming for.
Perhaps Josie was spot on with this.. Mama Parton sounds like a wonderful woman. Kind, someone John can trust totally, funny, doesn't take any nonsense from him but at the same time spoils him and would do anything for her only child. I do think Josie possesses many of the traits John was seeking in a life-time partner BUT also some he wished she did not have.. and I actually believe, that the these qualities he'd have preferred Josie not to have, are ones he has himself! Hence my view, it could have been their similarities that tore them apart, rather than solely their differences.
JOHN: Do you reckon?
JOSIE: Yeaahhhhh! That's what happens. Men that are close to their Mum, go for women that are like their Mum.. honestly, take my word. (John is stunned into silence) Cor, that's the first time I've heard you stuck for words mate! (they chuckle)
Josie exclaims abruptly that she needs hair dye. John was just thinking..
JOHN: I'm not really worried about..
JOSIE: What are you not worried about?
John's not sure he's just going to try and have fun (see HL's blog) He thinks he's going but doesn't care, Josie tells him not to be stupid.
JOHN: Only because.. I didn't mind going first week but it's good to sorta see at least how they do it.. cos that would have been hell sitting there for that long .. and not knowing what's going on.. but at least next time we know we're gonna be waiting 2 hours before! Why do I think I'm going?
He is firm that as soon as he is up he's out! WROOOOOOOOOOOOONG John, so very very wrong! They couldn't get rid of our man until the last week.
I love how even at the beginning they were so interested by each other. They constantly asked each other questions to learn more and understand one another better. They were just genuinely fascinated by the other's life and character.. which made it all the more fascinating for us as viewers, to see them get closer and closer in their relationship. Ah, happy HAPPY days they were :)
Cuts to Ife, Steve and Govan in the garden and how they felt for Rachael having this opportunity ripped away from her after only 10 days. They believe she isn't the way she was perceived and was bright and driven. Ife is adamant that a book should never be judged by its cover. Steve also found it quite nice when she walked around in her pants! :P Steve is sure that her VT wouldn't have helped her popularity with the public.
In the closet, Corin has joined JJJ. Josie pretends to shave her 'moustache' with John's electric shaver. Corin wants to shave John's hair with it but he protests as it took him so long to grow. She says for him not to worry about what he thought of Rachael.
JOHN: Obviously, I saw.. certain things did annoy me .. it was obviously no secret that these things did annoy me!
I don't think John has the capacity to conceal or hide when something does annoy him to the extent of irritation .. it just has to erupt .. he can't secretly seethe inside or it screws him up! We have witnessed some of his eruptions of fury on twitter - the latest bout being in December.. it seemed John had been biting his lip for some time but just couldn't hold back any longer as he felt lies or distruths were being broadcast.
JOSIE: Oh, we ALL know! It's no f**king secret!!
JOHN: Yeah, but everyone's got their own opinion .. it just got to me when I wasn't talking to Govan..
CORIN: Upset you then?
JOHN: So, I just thought.. well, I don't know, it's difficult ..
CORIN: Everyday something different happens.. tomorrow, there'll be another argument! Hopefully not!!
JOSIE: Hopefully we won't feel uncomfortable.
JOHN: That's the thing! That I did feel bad for because I didn't feel uncomfortable, but I did feel sorry for her because she did feel uncomfortable .. and felt like she couldn't come outside when I was there and that.. I did feel bad for.. because I never meant it to be like that.. and that's why I just used to come in here towards the end ..I can handle myself, that's different.. As much as people think that I disliked her, I would never .. I would rather be in that situation she was in tonight than put her up. Do you know what I mean? I don't like seeing people hurt like that.
When John and Josie hit breaking point, their relationship was obviously strained and made living together an uncomfortable, unpleasant and draining environment for them both (let alone how uncomfortable it must have felt for JJ to be living in the middle of a couple who were having immense relationship troubles) .. Not only would John have been dying inside to see how he was hurting Josie but he was also having his own heart broken by her too..
John couldn't stick around under those conditions when things became so uneasy and tumultuous between them.. and due to the fall out surrounding their break up, I'm not sure John would ever feel comfortable living in the UK again.. hopefully when things calm down he'll feel like he can come for a visit at least.. but I don't think it would be for a while yet. This is also why I believe he is barely tweeting at all now (not that he was ever a World renowned tweeter!) but his twitter appearances have drastically reduced. I just don't think he knows what else he can say and is aware of the crap that will be flung his way :(
JOSIE: We know you're a sweet guy! You got her suitcase back for her and that!
I wish she could remember the sweet side of John sometimes and not just paint him as the villain in the relationship..
JOHN: No, I didn't!
JOSIE: Yeah, you did!
JOHN: I didn't!!
Josie just thinks John isn't allowed to say it was him, Corin plays along with this pretending she had no clue who got the case (so as to not give the game away that it was in fact - HER!) Another tiny cut to the garden and almost immediately back.
Ben compliments Josie 'you look like Miss Moneypenny!' Is this actually a compliment? I'm not sure what she looks like.. *hits google image* I'm undecided.. some she looks pretty in, others meh!
JOSIE: (Takes it as such) Do I? Thank you very much!
Though I'm not totally convinced Josie knew what Miss Moneypenny looked like .. she doesn't strike me as a Bond watcher.
John is trying to get Sunshine to cave in and tell him where the crisps are (as she's hidden them) but she won't tell him so he messes 'John, who is your first nomination?' and Sunshine dares him but he's joking. He announces his intentions to go in the kitchen for a little bit.
SUNSHINE: (Tries to get her flirt on) You do that! (John asserts that he WILL do that)
He soon puts Sunny out of her misery and confesses he was only mucking around as he doesn't even eat or like crisps!! Steve thinks Sunshine is a sourpuss for not sharing her crisps with John so he has to admit to him too that he was just winding her up!
JOHN: (Laughs) I don't want your stinkin' crisps!!
But then changes his mind, that it's not that he doesn't like then but like anything else he just wouldn't go out of his way to get them! He spots Jose 'what do you think you're doing?' and goes to sit with her on his single bed, as she removes her make up.
P.S A massive thank you to those of you who still like to read my 'stupid blog!! SO stupid in fact, it has had nearly 6000 views :P (Though now I have made it private because of moronic eggs like the one last night, it will get significantly less!) xxx
Thanks Cheeky...Maybe John will learn to bite his tongue,and be subtle about thins that do irritate him,but then being in that environment is different to the outside world,where he could have just ignored Rachael and walked away.
ReplyDeletehey bb fancy seeing you here lol
ReplyDeleteanother brilliant one cheeky im thinking john feels responsible for raechel going when he was'nt xx