9.29am, Corin has been doing her make up for 3 hours and 12 minutes!!!! Wowzaroonie!!!!!! I think I am excessive if I take 45 minutes :S Sunshine and Ben are in the bathroom talking about having a late night and how tired Sunshine looks. Most of the HM's are in the bedroom.
Steve starts to sing 'I love you baby' and Josie joins him :) This song will always remind me of JJJ singing it on one of their twitcams. Steve acknowledges that it is a big day today, the reason for this is lost upon Josie as she has to ask 'why?' Steve informs her that it is 'thingy day' AKA day of dreaded doom .. EVICTION DAY!
Shabby snidely sneers a sarcastic thanks to Steve, clearly displeased at his lack of sympathy towards the HM's facing the chop and stomps out. Josie cheerfully chooses that she is going to have a 'good day today!' John makes an observation about Shabby that has not gone unnoticed by others.
JOHN: I'm gonna suggest that maybe she gets ticked off a little too easy!
SUNSHINE: Have you annoyed someone again?
JOHN: (Incredulous) ME? It wasn't my fault!
JOSIE: (ribs him) Yeah, stop winding everyone up - you!!
Shabby is straight away slating the insensitivity (that knows no bounds) to her senoritas outside. She is super peeved!!
SHABBY: They're gonna hope for tears and tantrums .. I feel sick, I feel really f**king sick!!!
Some of the more sinister supporters of one of the two, take a sadistic sense of satisfaction in the tears and tantrums from John/Josie. Goodness knows, we've had plenty from them when they were a pair.. hoooooopefully there will not be more now. It used to make me feel physically sick to see them so angry at each other and see the things they were saying but now I take it all with a pinch of salt.. things are said in the heat of the moment.
10.19am, John James, Steve and Josie are in the bedroom.Steve is struggling to put his leg on and Josie asks how his legs work. He explains that it is a vacuum unit which surprises her.
JOSIE: Oh, is it? And that's what makes the ..*makes buzzing sound*
Steve summarises that he has a computerised knee which is why he has to charge it up.
JOSIE: (Astonished) OMG! That's so clever!
The leg is worth about £25-30,000 which makes Josie's jaw drop! She pretends that she is going to pinch it.
Shabby has come to the Diary room to speak with Big Brother as she is feeling so, so sick.
SHABBY: One week in here, feels like weeks and weeks out there!
Which is why they felt they'd known each other for years at the end of the series, after residing in such an surreal and intense environment.
Shabby feels settled in the house and it scares her that she could be leaving that night. She likens the first eviction to a 'public lynching' and thinks anyone out first is pretty much guaranteed to not come out to a positive reaction. She hadn't expected to be up for eviction in her first week 'maybe I should get my head out of my own arse' as it could have been anyone. The thought of the whole process that evening makes her feel so sick as she's 'just not ready to go yet.'
12.05pm, some of the HM's are in the bathroom.. where Shabby is singing 'I think I'm going ccccccrazy' from the song Never be lonely by the Feeling.. which is murdered when Ife and Caoimhe sing along.. The rest of the HM's are in the living room. Josie is lying down on top of the sofa turned to face John who is giggling while she quizzes him on his sex life.
JOSIE: When's the last time you had sex then, Becks?
JOHN: Ummm.. it wouldn't have been that long before the house.. I don't think.
JOSIE: And how long .. How many times do you have it?
JOHN: Oh, not often at all.. I've only been with probably.. well, yeah.. I don't know, I think .. probably 7 different girls that you could count.. only 7 different girls I've been with..
JOSIE: Whatttttt??
JOHN: Yeah..
JOSIE: (giggles) I don't believe you!
JOHN: Why would I lie about that? I don't know if 2 would count though..
JOSIE: (cheekily) Why is that? Cos you got a small widger?
JOHN: (Mocks offense in a Brizzle accent) Are you saying I've got a small widger? Are you telling everyone I've got a small widger?? :D
JOSIE: No! (through laughter.. they are both having to bend round Ben's big hair in order to have their conversation) What have you always been in relationships?
JOHN: I was in one for nearly 2 years.. yeah.. and then after that..
JOSIE: Yeah, but you're 24 aren't ya?
JOHN: Yeah but I didn't have sex until I was like 19 and I was in a relationship! I went on a little bit of a spree when I was probably with like 4 in a month.. and then I just calmed down after that!
JOHN: I was with this girl on and off for a while .. probably about the same time (as he was with his serious girlfriend.. you know the one he didn't love!)
JOSIE: What, you never slept with anybody else?
JOHN: Yeah, once on my er.. ex.. once!
JOSIE: Did you feel really guilty?
JOHN: Yeah, I broke up with her.. yeah.. I didn't tell her why, I couldn't do it to her..
I think most people tend to agree that John was far less experienced and mature than Josie, when it came to relationships and sex. Although, John has instilled within him morals and integrity towards them ..this is very rare to find in males these days. I know some like to bleat on 'once a cheater, always a cheater' but I believe John learned a very valuable lesson from making that mistake .. and it won't be one he'll repeat.
JOSIE: I reckon the reason you're like that is because you're so close to your Mum .. so you've got a lot of respect for women.
THIS, I believe is a big reason why John was reluctant for his relationship to progress too far in the house .. not because he didn't fancy her.. to the contrary! Not only did he fancy her and found himself in LOVE with her but he respected Josie. He didn't want to cheapen what they had or use Josie in any way .. or for viewers to get the wrong impression that they were engaging in a fauxmance to boost their popularity and prolong their stay in the house.
JOHN: Yeah, I think it is .. do you know..I don't really talk about it too much in here cos men sorta look down on that, do you know what I mean? (possibly even including his loys or other males in his circles of friendship! When really it is an admirable trait)but that IS the reason..
JOSIE: Yeah, but that's nice.. (John raises his eyebrows and smiles cheekily) and that's why its been drummed into you..
JOHN: It hasn't been drummed into me.. I just sort of took it upon myself to make my own decision.. but I see where she's coming from.. I think it's sad that if women didn't offer sex, they probably wouldn't get a man ever again!
I'm right with John on this!! Sad, but true in the society in which we live :(
JOSIE: Do you know what, you're gonna make someone a really perfect guy?
Little did she know that she would be that very 'someone' if only for a short spell. As the cliche goes 'nobody is perfect' but moments CAN be perfect.. and we witnessed so many of those in the summer of 2010 :) And hopefully they can preserve some they shared privately too.
JOHN: (Laughs) But I think that's sad.. don't you reckon? (Josie agrees) if someone wants sex.. some women do..
JOSIE: Men are built like that! You're built differently to us!
JOHN: Says who?
JOSIE: It's from Cavemen days!
JOHN: (Scoffs) Oh, Cavemen days (!!) That's not a scientific fact!
JOSIE: It IS! Men are built differently to women..
JOHN: Sex wise? (Josie says yes)
Nathan interjects with some crude comment about big boobs and f*nny!
JOSIE: A lot of men, even if they didn't really, really fancy them.. they could still sleep with them (Nathan's facial expression proves this is true in his case!) Couldn't you, Nath?
NATHAN: I could sleep with anyone, me! Absolute anyone! And I have done!
JOSIE: You've got 2 ends of the spectrum, here.
On paper, I suppose Josie and Nathan would have made a more probable pairing. How different our summer .. and ultimately (corny as it sounds) our lives could have been watching that develop! Would we have become friends? It is scary how the course of a person's life can be altered so completely by ONE action..
1.09pm, today 7 lucky HM's will take part in a special World Cup experience. HM's chose John James as the biggest football fan; he's been assigned the role of referee.
On his release from the Diary room he reveals that he needs 7 people 'who wanna play' Before they volunteer, Nathan wants to know first what it is for so John elaborates that they'll be experiencing the South African experience! The HM's seem to believe they're being enlisted for a footy match .. what they don't know is they'll actually be taking part in Endurance Vuvuzela blowing! John was looking mighty fiiiiiiit in his referee kit that day, gotta be said :D
JOSIE: (Worries) Oh no, I don't have to dress up as a footballer, do I? (oh no Josie, it is much MUCH worse!)
John asks for someone to swap roles with him 'I don't wanna be the ref! I'm not happy about this!' Even Steve appreciates John's attractive appearance in his attire 'you look good as a ref, mate!' :D John reels off the list of his 7 blowers who will be competing: Shabby, Davo, Nathan, Mario, Caoimhe, Ife, and saves his 'Jose' for last.
Sunshine snaps at Ben for him to 'shut up!' after he asks her if she is on medication or ritalin (which he defines as calming hyperactive people down) She says she'd know if she had the medical condition (even though she wouldn't be able to self-diagnose) and that it isn't something you joke about.
SUNSHINE: Sometimes, you should think, before you talk!
BEN: I know, good advice you should follow yourself sometimes :D
MARIO: I think you two should date :P
But Ben could never go out with a vegan and he likes foie gras and veal too much! He whispers to Mario that Sunshine has been a 'little b*tch to me today!' Mario urges Ben not to let it get to him and blames it on Sunshine's nerves (over eviction)
2.29pm, as referee, John James must motivate and encourage his team for 90 minutes of non-stop vuvuzela blowing. Thank small mercies I was spared from listening to this on live feed!!
RACHAEL: You've got a massive pitch, babe! (John awkwardly laughs that he knows)
Steve is scared that the sounds for 90 minutes will drive them 'f**king insane!' Rachael reckons it will do John's head in being stuck in front of it.
JOSIE: (Clowns) It's not the kind of blowing I'm used to, you know what I mean? (Yes, we do you saucy scrumpet with a .. trumpet .. kinda!)
The competitors faces have been painted like South African flags and they are plastered in other South African get up. John is like a music conductor, pushing them to 'keep it going!' Rachael, Corin, Ben, Steve and Sunshine cheer on everyone, from the sidelines as they blow off ;) Such a noisy racket!!
3.12pm, most of the HM's are in the garden. They've been blowing their vuvuzelas for 38 minutes.
Josie is starting to feel the strain so John supports her 'go on Jose, come on Jose, breathe breathe breathe breathe!!' All the kind of encouraging phrases that could be associated with a woman in labour :D Every so often John allows them a breather and they take the opportunity to shake the spit out of their instruments!
Some of the HM's are in the bedroom talking about snacks of falafel and hummus. Ben is frightened that him being cold is a sign of getting ill. Sunshine quips that it is a 'sign of standing under air conditioning vents!' Ben scolds Sunshine for not being very caring sometimes so she says she'll add it to her list of flaws that he's mentioned that day.
BEN: We're all flawed characters.. there isn't one person in the world that isn't flawed! (Amen broooooother .. except Mr BUBLE h'obviously!)
Govan is grunting about toilet roll not being replaced in the toilets when that would be the courteous thing to do! Corin chastens Govan and Sunshine for being under the covers sulking when they are in BIG BROTHER! She orders them to get on their feet, particularly Sunshine as it could be her last day there.
4.04pm, HM's have been blowing their vuvuzelas for 89 minutes!
The HM's who aren't blowing have come out to support their friends in the few remaining minutes and are clapping along with them.
JOHN: Come on, Josie.. if you can, if you can!
The final whistle blows, BB announces that they have passed today's task :) and that they will be rewarded with a South African BBQ which will be served before the eviction. HM's celebrate and Mario hugs John and gives his back a rub for his 'good refereeing!'
4.47pm, most of the HM's are in the bedroom. John fills Josie and Mario in some more about his sexual exploits!! :D
JOHN: Sometimes.. I went 8 times in 1 night, 1 night..
JOSIE: (Astonished) EIGHT times in one night?!!!!
JOHN: I was really sore! Nah, I don't go in 30 seconds.. I go for longer than that.. but I HAVE gone in 30 seconds!
This conversation reminded me of the film 'Gone in 60 seconds' .. if John ever made a sex tape of some his less successful sex shenanigans it could have been titled 'Gone in 30 seconds!' :D And some remembered this very conversation when the magazine article came out that Josie and Luke had sex NINE times in one night.. as it just happened to be one better!
Ben apologises to Sunshine for the rude things he'd said to her which he shouldn't have. He calls her up on her constant disagreeing with him the last couple of days 'if I say something is blue you'd say it was red! Every time you contradict me!' She says it is because she believes them to be wrong and he points out every flaw in her; she knows she's not perfect. But she doesn't need them pointing out continuously as her enemies do that. She doesn't think the things he says are very nice as he says them in insulting ways and reminds him that her family are watching.
He again apologises for being rash but gets cross when she interrupts him. She can forgive him for the things he is saying but believes he still thinks it is all HER. Ben had come to make amends knowing she could be leaving today but considers them both to have sharp tongues.
Sometimes it gets to me when people continuously point out all the flaws in either John/Josie's character especially when they do so in such a cruel manner. They both have enough 'enemies' calling them everything under the sun for these flaws.. they don't need it from those who supposedly support them too. This doesn't mean to say, you can't acknowledge their faults or express disappointment or anger .. there are just kinder ways of expressing such feelings..
Sunshine thinks it is all very well to apologise but he just needs to NOT say such comments. She concedes that she has been snapping but blames this on the horrible things he has said. The store room opens for the nominated HM's to have 1 hour to pack their suitcases.
Maybe John and Josie felt justified in their 'snapping' as they believe the other said such horrible things to them?
5.36pm, Ben and Mario are at the sofas talking about Sunshine. Ben thinks Sunshine will be funny with him from now on, as she'll present it as though he's said really cruel things 'and you know I'm not a cruel person!'
BEN: I've got a sharp tongue and I give back.. of course I do!
Ben believes that if you give out comments you should expect to receive some back (only he never liked them being dished in his direction, did he?) Mario has mulled over that Sunshine has to toughen up a bit and accepts that Ben delivered a heart felt apology. John joins them and wants to know who they are talking about. Ben blurts out that he is in trouble with Sunshine.
I will always reason that John and Josie are not out and out cruel people.. but they are capable of saying cruel things. They both possess sharp tongues and give back when they feel it is warranted.
JOHN: Ah, cos you two had a little lover's tiff?
Caoimhe, Ife and Shabby are in the bathroom. Shabby is sickened by her grubby face as she thinks it looks as though she has stubble!! The girls are concerned about Govan who is in bed, they think he is bothered about tonight as he's a 'very sensitive lad!' Shabs scowls that people are coming up to her showing her support for the impending eviction when some of them nominated her.
IFE: That's what we think! Shabby, BB can make up the rules whenever they want!
John dispenses from sage advice to Ben at the sofas.
JOHN: Everyone's gonna go up and down.. but try and keep up as much as you can! Because if things like this get you down, any day could be our last.
JOHN: And you'll be like 'if I can't have this 1 day back, when I was fighting with Sunshine when I shouldn't have been..
He's exactly right here, everyone in the world has ups and downs, bad days and good days.. not a single person on the Earth hasn't! But we shouldn't let the bad, crappy times get to us or destroy us.. we don't know how much time we have left to live, so why waste it in misery? Why squabble? Why fight and hold grudges for the rest of our days? Personal tragedies in our own lives and daily around the globe, show us how short and precious life is. Once a day has been lived, you can't have it back.. you CAN'T re-live or re-do, or change what's happened or UN-say things you shouldn't have said.. but it is never too late to apologise .. no matter what One Republic sing :P
Sunshine interrupts as she walks through the living room as she can hear her name being mentioned.
JOHN: Yeah, you should! And I'm willing to tell you if you wanna hear.. I said, you shouldn't be down and we never know when our last day's gonna be.. and we don't wanna look back on this.. and we don't wanna potentially leave on a bad note.. like whatever he's done, he's done many a things that are good and so have you!
Some day, long in the future John and Josie could have regrets over the way they treated each other .. and the horrific way in which they ended their relationship. Currently, they seem to be in the stage of ever getting together and kicking themselves for not breaking up sooner.. I'm not sure at all where John's head is at right now, as we hear from his so rarely :( I think this is partly because he knows how analysed his tweets are .. even a ;-) Though I am laying a large ladle of blame at John's door as he kicked off the whole 'read between the lines' deal.. so naturally, there will be 1 million different interpretations!
When John and Josie said their goodbyes at the airport, it was a sad farewell, but they had made some sort of peace before and seemed to still have some love between them. It wasn't until a couple of showdowns on the phone that things were left between them on a 'bad note.' It became bitter, ugly and all-consuming for them for a few weeks afterwards.. to the point where they were behaving like 2 people I didn't even recognise at all.. but this is what emotions have the faculties to do.. eat us up and possess us!
If they ever enable themselves moments to reflect and look back on their relationship .. I hope they are able to remember that they did LOTS of good things together and for each other in those few months. Hopefully, that can provide them with some brief happiness .. no matter how fleeting. I'd hate for them to never again recognise that they once could and did, make each other very, very happy :(
Sunshine would rather that they didn't talk about it.
JOHN: Everyone has disagreements, just try not to let the house win! Alright? Cos it's the house that's getting the better of you's two, not the situation.. cos if it was outside, you would handle it completely differently..but in here you've just gotta make that little bit extra effort cos of the situation that you're in!
John and Josie, surely couldn't have truly thought they'd leave BB and never have an argument in their relationship! In BB alone, we saw constantly that they were 2 hot-headed individuals, with somewhat volatile temperaments.. there were ALWAYS going to be fireworks between them in all varieties. Part of me, feels that they did allow outside influences to 'win'.. if there can ever be a winner in a ruined relationship.. as I don't view either of them to be the winner in this sense.
These outside influences (as well as there own relationship issues) succeeded in destroying a friendship .. at least for the time being.. and very possibly for the rest of their lives.
They had already made the decision to finish their relationship, due to their own personal reasons and several factors that outweighed the positives in it. But the interfering, meddling, abusing, side-taking, mud-slinging, and hatred from others have all contributed to sticking a dagger in a beautiful friendship! John and Josie were thrown into situations that were too much for them to take and handle as a couple.
Outside the BB bubble, they were able to handle situations in ways which were not possible in the house. They could walk away, have time apart, yell and yell without mediators, do their own thing, make all their own decisions..In BB, they were always in that same, small proximity of each other.. separated on occasions for short increments of time, intervened by BB or other HM's and helped to resolve their arguments or told what to do. So they HAD to work things out every time because of the conditions they were living in! The imposed restrictions were removed outside the confines of the house, giving them the freedom to react in more extreme and explosive ways!
Sunshine reels off the insult after insult that Ben has subjected her to but Ben considers this to be his sense of humour. He doesn't understand why she doesn't laugh at things more.
JOHN: (Chides) I think you's are too intelligent to have an argument, to be honest with ya. Too smart for each other! This is like listening to 2 geniuses having an argument it's gonna get you nowhere.. he can't do anything else, he has apologised.
Sunshine thinks that's fine if Ben is going to joke 'but don't insult me!'
JOHN: He's not gonna say it again, he's understood everything you're saying. If you's two have a problem with anything in the meantime, just pull each other up at the time! Just say 'I don't appreciate that and that's it!' But he HAS apologised, he has said that he won't do it again.. so unless he can go back in time, there's nothing else he can do!
Maybe some of the anger that has been made manifest between John and Josie stems from them NOT pulling each other up at the time? Potentially, they could have left what was bothering them.. swept it under the rug and let it boil and fester away until they could do so no longer! When they did pull each other up, seems to be months after the event and in public.. which is more humiliating.
I'm not sure if there have been any apologies from either in any of the private contact that has come to light. If John and Josie were able to turn back time, would they do things differently? Would they have tried harder? Not made certain decisions like becoming public property? Would they have whisked themselves away to Australia and lived a content life? Or, would they have never got together in the first place??
Sunshine and Ben shake hands, stretching across John but Sunshine has to let go as her pants are showing.
6.01pm, Rachael, Ife and Josie are in the closet. Ife thinks she looks rough but Rachael tells her not to be silly as she looks gorgeous! Some of the HM's are in the living room. BB announces that the store room is open for the suitcases to be returned.
SHABBY: I haven't cleaned my teeth, you a*seholes!
JOHN: (Observes) F**K! The house is in a right f**king mood, isn't it? I'm glad I'm just sitting here!
Dave determines that it starts okay as they wake up and seems to deteriorate as the day goes on.
JOHN: It is a REAL f**king moody house right now, isn't it?
Finally i can comment on your blog Buble loveerrr:p
ReplyDeleteAs i said before,i enjoy the way you words things,makes it a pleasant read,even though i already watched it,there are many things i forgot.The pics are a great bonus too;)
Thank you for doing this,and hope it continues....no pressure lol:)
cheeky this is brilliant im feeling like im watching bb11 all over again