FIRST FRIDAY NIGHT EVICTION!!!! Every single year since UK BB has begun a female HM has waved goodbye on the first eviction. From BB1-BB10: Sada, Penny, Lynne, Anoushka, Kitten, Mary, Bonnie, Shabnam, Stephanie and Benazir.
Sunshine received the loudest boos on the first read through of the phone lines!!
10.06am, Big Brother is playing an alarm into the house to wake up any sleeping Housemates. Ife catches Caoimhe under the covers and tells her the alarm is going off because of HER!
John James and Dave are in the garden soaking up some sun rays from their deck chairs :) Dave decides that theirs could be 'one of the most volatile first sort of weeks they've ever had!' in Big Brother. I'm sure there have been far more explosive first weeks in some series somewhere around the globe!
JOHN: (Tongue in cheek) Are you thanking me for that? .. are you thanking me for that, or what?
Dave laughs that it's cool, he doesn't have a problem with it 'it's not ALL your fault, is it? People have been having meltdowns left, right and centre .. you haven't been arguing with everyone!'
JOHN: Nah, it's been with 1 person .. but they all seem to wanna f**king get involved, don't they? I'll take 'em all Davo, don't worry about that!
Dave looks at it like this - whichever of the trio go, will be on sticky ground for next week and will have to start mingling more and making friends.
JOHN: You don't have to tell me! There's no flies on me, Sunshine. I know exactly.. I know EXACTLY what's going on. You don't have to worry about that. I know what's f**king going on.
Here are several snaps of John in Josie's sunnies :D
1.17pm, most of the HM's are in the garden. Josie makes it publicly known that she is still trying to picture a wombat 'what's it look like?'
JOHN: (Quips) Well sorta like you but furry!
JOSIE: I want one!
They are cute cute CUTE loooooooooooooook :) :) :)
GOVAN: I heard they were really vicious.
John says they are which leads to Josie announcing to her captive audience that the most vicious animal is a SHETLAND PONY! This cracks up John and Govan :) Sunshine states that cockerels are really vicious and horrible.
JOSIE: Yeah, I got attacked by one the other day.. but it was a hermaphrodite one so it wasn't that bad! (John is shocked by this fact) Basically one in every 10,000 hens yeah.. turns into a cock! All we had was hens and I went out there and it started cock-a-doodle-dooing at me and I went 'whaaaaaat? You never had a cock!'
The He/She hen went for her! Josie says this one wasn't really nasty as it used to be a girl. Sunshine asks if she was sure it wasn't a cockerel from someone else's house but Josie is sure. She goes on to tell a story of their pet Psycho Shetland Pony (Will never see a 'My Little Pony' toy in the same way again!!) and how her siblings couldn't ever cross the garden as the pony was too violent. They had a miniature barrel top wagon and the pony had ran after them all, reared up and smashed the patio garden doors.
Josie describes the pony as evil and psychotic with 'little pony syndrome.' When she and her siblings were younger and lived in a council house, their Mother kept horses in the back garden. They had all gone out for the day and one was somehow 'only in the front living room watching the TV! He didn't make that much of a mess!' At home with the Gibson's would never have had a dull moment :D
2.22pm, Josie and Rachael are in the bedroom. Yesterday John James and Rachael had an argument at the dinner table. Josie had been asked in the Diary room why she reckons they aren't getting on. She'd answered that John must be going through 'his monthly cycle, cos you ain't done nothing wrong.' Rachael says she's sorry if Josie can see 'my foo.'
She feels embarrassed as she's said she fancies him and now it's just awkward. Josie puts it down to 'sexual tension' - the elusive term that it took John 60 odd days to fully understand the meaning of ;)
Rachael responds that when you like someone, you don't want to look rough around them. She thinks John took this the wrong way and perceives her to be vain. She feels like she can't join in now.. as when she has, he disagrees with everything she says. Josie can't slag him off as she really thinks it is down to sexual tension 'that's the only reason he's doing it.. because he likes you and he doesn't wanna like you!'
Shabby trumpets that she's got 'the HORN!!' Josie gets in the sunshine too :D Ironically, they have to blow through horns in the task later!! Shabby is struggling as she confesses that she really fancies Caoimhe which Rachael reveals 'everyone can tell!'
JOSIE: You're falling in love! (which Shabby scoffs at)
If Caoimhe didn't have a boyfriend, Shabby would have told her.
JOSIE: What is wrong with us all?
SHABBY: We're young, randy little b**tards!
JOSIE: You randy mare! (and whinnies like a horse before leaving the bedroom)
Rachael asks Shabby if she'd tell her in her final 30 seconds if she is evicted. Shabby doesn't have time to answer as Caoimhe and Ife come in.
Josie approaches John in the garden to let him know that Rachael is a bit upset.
JOHN: STILL? What have I done now? I haven't even said nothing to her.
JOSIE: No, no, no.. she just feels a bit awkward.
JOHN: And I don't?
I think this is partly why he doesn't come on twitter so much these days. Not that he was ever the world's biggest tweeter as it was :P But it can't be easy to still be questioned about Josie, have hatred fired on him or unconditional support and adoration. Perhaps he'd prefer tweets about random crap than the stock standard 'love you, keep smiling, you're gorgeous, 100% support' tweets. If anyone can get a smile on his face, it will be Phil with her hilarious pictures :)
JOHN: She said she wanted to sort it.. she hasn't spoken to me since.
JOSIE: I think she's a bit frightened.
JOHN: I'm not a scary man!
JOSIE: Sometimes you are..
You can both be a bit scary when you are angry :(
JOHN: Do you want me to go and apologise or something? Is now really an appropriate time? I'm sure a lot of sh*ts going through her head .. is it really an appropriate time?
Is there ever an 'appropriate' or right time to apologise, Johnny James? I hope he and Josie can one day each say sorry for the pain they caused one another. Not that it matters what I think, but I would think so much more of them if they had the courage to .. they both owe and are owed several apologies. I'm sure there are many more important things going on in your lives and a lot of sh*t going through your heads .. but they are two tiny words.. that can mean SO much if they are sincerely meant. Have they tried? Did the other slam a metaphorical door in their face? Do they even think they NEED to apologise? Are they even sorry?
JOSIE: I reckon if you start talking to her properly, you'd actually get on really, really well! (Ben doesn't - he thinks they are poles apart in terms of character!)
And I reckon this sorry mess could have been avoided if only they had spoken to each with kindness and respect over the phone. Instead of allowing anger and pride to boil over in an exchange of cruel, harsh words unleashed with venom. They may not have got back together but had they talked when in a better frame of mind, maybe they would at least be civil.. and speak of each other fondly :(
JOHN: I just don't like arrogant people, that's all.. but she can be arrogant.. she's entitled to how she feels.
JOSIE: I don't think she'll be arrogant again for as long as she lives, mate.. after what you've done.. (giggles) what you've done to her.. I just want us all to have a nice conversation together.. It's horrible when you like someone and they don't like you back.
Ain't it just? I hope one day they'll feel able to have a nice chat and bit of banter .. and who knows maybe someday we'll see some kind tweets exchanged... way, way, WAY in the future!!! It doesn't hurt to be hopeful :)
2.06pm, for this week's task - Commission Impossible .. HM's are taking part in 3 pilot TV shows. Yesterday, they won £200 towards this week's shopping budget. Today, they have a chance to win another £200 in the Totally RUBBISH Quiz! Caoimhe and John James are blindfolded and must guess what their team mates are throwing over them.
Rachael and Govan were eliminated in an earlier round which was unaired. John has a boogie in his bin when the cheesetastic gameshow music blasts out. At the sound of the klaxon Ife (to John on the red team) and Mario (to Caoimhe on the blue team) race to the buckets of to pick up the mystery item and then chuck it at their team mate! Josie cheers 'come on, come on!!' from the crowd.
John is covered with: croissants, banana skins, rice, baked beans and custard!
Caoimhe is covered with:marshmallows, potato peel, noodles, tomato soup and custard!
The red team celebrate making it through to the final round. Mario jeers that they'd cheated!! Rachael whispers to Govan 'I hate it, cos I fancy John James so much!' He glances over at them so Rachael thinks she's busted.
For the final part of the task, Ife has to answer rubbish-related questions and John is allowed 1 swing at the BINyata for every correct answer to try and break it open. Ife fails to answer the question: what does your boss give you if you're not very good at your job? She guesses a 'disciplinary' which she finds difficult to pronounce, the HM's groan in their seats having to grit their teeth. Shabby thinks she can't be serious!
8.48pm Sunshine is in the Diary room reading out the shopping list. Shabby, Mario and Ben are in the kitchen. Corin is in the bathroom. The Tree of Temptation offers her the chance to win someone's suitcase back. She has until 10pm to tell a total of 13 different outrageous lies about herself; one to each HM. She chooses Rachael which irks the tree as he hates do-gooders 'hark at Mother Theresa!' If she mentions anything about her conversation with the tree Rachael will face its wrath!!!
HL's end and Davina announces that Shabby is safe and that she will announce the first evicted HM shortly - Shabby is over the moon while Rach is on the verge of tears. Rachael is the first HM to be evicted. The crowd are clearly chanting 'GET SUNSHINE OUT!' not get SOMEONE out like John and Dave were under the impression of. Davina tells Rachael she is getting the boot and she takes it on the chin.
Ain't it just? I hope one day they'll feel able to have a nice chat and bit of banter .. and who knows maybe someday we'll see some kind tweets exchanged... way, way, WAY in the future!!! It doesn't hurt to be hopeful :)
2.06pm, for this week's task - Commission Impossible .. HM's are taking part in 3 pilot TV shows. Yesterday, they won £200 towards this week's shopping budget. Today, they have a chance to win another £200 in the Totally RUBBISH Quiz! Caoimhe and John James are blindfolded and must guess what their team mates are throwing over them.
Rachael and Govan were eliminated in an earlier round which was unaired. John has a boogie in his bin when the cheesetastic gameshow music blasts out. At the sound of the klaxon Ife (to John on the red team) and Mario (to Caoimhe on the blue team) race to the buckets of to pick up the mystery item and then chuck it at their team mate! Josie cheers 'come on, come on!!' from the crowd.
John is covered with: croissants, banana skins, rice, baked beans and custard!
Caoimhe is covered with:marshmallows, potato peel, noodles, tomato soup and custard!
The red team celebrate making it through to the final round. Mario jeers that they'd cheated!! Rachael whispers to Govan 'I hate it, cos I fancy John James so much!' He glances over at them so Rachael thinks she's busted.
For the final part of the task, Ife has to answer rubbish-related questions and John is allowed 1 swing at the BINyata for every correct answer to try and break it open. Ife fails to answer the question: what does your boss give you if you're not very good at your job? She guesses a 'disciplinary' which she finds difficult to pronounce, the HM's groan in their seats having to grit their teeth. Shabby thinks she can't be serious!
IFE: They fire you? A telling off?
Other questions include: What infamous terrorist has a really rubbish middle name? (BIN Laden) What was the name of the bush kangaroo star of the Australian TV series? (SKIPPY!)
With £200 at stake, John James has just 5 chances to smash the binyata and grab the cash!
JOSIE: Get all your aggression out on that, John .. you should do the trick!
John is unsuccessful and only manages to split the bin liner slightly with crap spilling onto himself! BB commiserates the HM's for being totally rubbish and failing to win anything :(
JOHN: Ratsp*ss!
Leaving Ife and John feeling like rubbish and the other HM's disappointed that they didn't win more money for their shopping budget. Ad break.
Davina deems that John James is taking it too far with the whole 'treat em mean, keep em keen' mantra with Rachael!!
7.20pm, Some of the HM's are in the kitchen completing this week's shopping list. Caoimhe, Shabby, Govan and Josie are at the carousel talking about Rachael.
JOSIE: I just think this whole John thing is getting to her now. (Govan agrees it is) I reckon they'll sort it out in a minute.. (Govan would like them to) I reckon they'll get on really well.
When we first heard about John and Josie being on a break, I really thought they would sort it out in a minute.. not literally a minute but I just never imagined we would be where we are now. I truly anticipated that they would be back together within weeks - how wrong was I?
Govan doubts they will work it out as he sees it as more of a personality clash. John and Rachael never received the opportunity to get along well as she was evicted the next night!! No big loss in their lives, I should imagine.. Some people say that John and Josie had a massive personality clash which led to them breaking up.. I would agree they had massive clashes but I wouldn't pin those on their personalities.. more over situations and emotions. John James and Rachael are in the bedroom attempting to resolve their differences.
JOHN: Do you feel as if it's my fault .. or do you..
Rachael isn't saying it is his fault or her fault but that she feels really uncomfortable now.
JOHN: And you say that you wanna resolves this or whatever.. but why do you have .. why do you have cheeky little dips at me?
Like the cheeky little dips and cruel, big digs John and Josie have been dishing out since John went back to Australia. If comments of a similar nature continue, then they are making it more impossible for them to ever resolve anything.
John is referring to the remarks she made in the garden with Govan.
JOHN: When you were saying sly, little remarks. You don't have to bullsh*t me and tell me that you didn't but I heard ya! And I'm NOT stupid!!
So any attempts there MAY have been (not to our knowledge) to make reconciliation could have been rebuffed and rejected because of the sly remarks the other has made. John/Josie may believe the other was bullsh*tting if they had tried to make amends in any way because of the behaviour they've exhibited.
RACHAEL: (Retorts) Yeah, well maybe I WANT you to hear .. cos you hurt my feelings.
I can come up with 2 candidates who could be accused of doing the same. Maybe, just maybe the reason they still do mention the other (and not in a positive way .. and it couldn't be that they still care, riiiiight?) is because they were so deeply hurt.. the other won't hear them out, so they voice it where they can, when they want (knowing it will get back to them) so the other knows how much they hurt them!
JOHN: Why, why would you approach the situation like that? That's more immature than everything that's been done!
You said it Parton! It IS immature to approach a situation that way and say the things you and Gibson have both been guilty of doing.
Rachael considers his treatment of her to be like bullying when he had shouted down the table at her in front of everyone 'making me feel like sh*t!'
JOHN: So, how is that worse than you being immature in the garden? You wanted me to hear what you said in the garden! (Rachael admits she did) Well, then what's the difference? I wanted you to hear what I said in the kitchen!
Rightly, or wrongly John and Josie STILL want their comments to reach each other and know they SHALL. Despite blocking any personal communication via twitter and any place else.. there are ways around that! They can't bring themselves to be grown up and communicate privately (Josie did try that, unsuccessfully due to her insulting John and his supporters!) so they resort to inappropriate channels to let the other know EXACTLY what they think!
RACHAEL: Okay then .. we're both acting completely fine .. normal..
JOHN: No, I don't think we're acting completely fine and normal .. I think the way YOU went about it was immature! I think what I did was wrong but only because there were other people at the table!
Their tweets have definitely been immature and unfair as they can be read by so many people! This makes their words all the more cruel and humiliating.
JOHN: You might have everyone else bluffed and you might crap on about how it was a joke .. but I KNOW that is deep down what you are thinking. I HEARD YOU!
I expect they've both felt that the other has their supporters bluffed at one point or another.. as they lived together all those months and are witness to unpleasant situations that we wouldn't have a clue about! We saw glimpses of their negative traits in BB but we weren't privy to their entire relationship outside the house - just what they wanted to put out or have made known since. We think we know .. but we know &*%£?!!!
John rages that she is more worried about leaving tomorrow and looking like an idiot in front of her friends, as she doesn't want to go out first.
RACHAEL: You don't know me at ALL! (She had guaranteed to all her friends that she would go if up in the first week)obviously people like you hate me!
At this point Govan and Josie enter the room. John assures Rachael that he doesn't hate her so Rachael reminds him that he doesn't want to get to know her.
RACHAEL: So we should just stay out of each other's way!
Which should be easy enough for John and Josie to do now - living so many continents and thousands of miles apart. You'd THINK so anyway!! They aren't physically getting in each other's way .. but they seem to be emotionally and mentally intrusive.
JOHN: Because you overreact about eveeeeeerything! (Rachael prompts him as she'd thought he hadn't finished his sentence) Look, YOU'RE the one who kept going on about this.. I was quite happy not to talk to you!
This seems to be the case for John and Josie now.. they are quite happy not to talk TO each other .. but will talk ABOUT each other!! I'm intrigued as to whether John will now stick to this or if there is anything left that Josie could say that will make him blow his lid!
John fumes that Rachael was the one who started whispering sh*t to Gov in the garden so that he would hear.
JOHN: And you admitted it! I was finished .. I'd finished!!
RACHAEL: So you didn't want to talk to me ever again, that's what you're saying?
JOHN: YES! That's how I would have handled it, yes!
Which is what I think he is trying to achieve now .. as maybe it is the only way he can handle things with Josie.. by burying it all .. suppressing any happy memories he shared and blocking it all out of his life.
John blasts her that she kept going as he'd upset her and she cried. Possibly, the longer Josie keeps her comments regarding John going .. shows the depth of how deeply John had devastated her.
Govan tries to intervene as John is becoming increasingly frustrated which makes Rachael become more upset. He'd been willing to drop it as she was upset but she had kept going.
Through all Josie's mentions of John, I think the penny dropped for John how much he had hurt her.. so he stopped. But then the comments continued so he had a rant on twitter and has maybe now decided the best course of action is to drop it all together.
RACHAEL: I'm really sorry, I've got to leave. (exits swiftly)
Govan apologises for interjecting and insists that Rachael had only been saying complimentary things about him. John won't let it go that she'd admitted what happened and that he'd dropped it but SHE kept going.
Govan knows John doesn't like her but is only bothered that it will effect John's time in the house. In that, he may be evicted earlier than he ought to be?
JOHN: Don't worry about my time.
Govan does worry as he cares.
Rachael takes refuge in the Diary room and cries over John AGAIN! She reveals she's not very happy as John James hates her.
RACHAEL: And I feel so stupid, as I actually really like him .. and he hates me :(
She's so annoyed that she's crying as tomorrow could be her last day. She doesn't want to spend potentially her last day being upset .. she wants to be happy.
That is the worst feeling in the world, crying over someone who doesn't care about you .. or who tells you that they don't.. :'(
John is yelling out to Josie and Govan in the bedroom.
JOHN: I didn't say F**K ALL! She's the one who kept going .. so if she wants to..
JOSIE: How come she's making you so angry? I don't get it!
JOHN: Because you f**king .. who approaches a situation like that?! Who goes in the backyard and whispers sh*t LOUDLY so I can hear? WHO DOES THAT???
Govan suggests that they leave him as it will only get him more angry at Rachael. This is also a consequence of all the twitter meddling.. this would have contributed to John and Josie becoming angrier and angrier with one another! Even today, the tattling and interfering is a daily occurrence!! Is it any wonder that John barely tweets?
JOHN: WHO DOES THAT? Why can't she come and speak to me about it?
JOSIE: Look, you're upsetting her! And I think if you and her actually had a chat .. I reckon you'd get on really, really well.. If you just gave her a chance..
If they hadn't cut so many ties for them to speak to each other things wouldn't have become so hostile. They both upset each other and lashed out when they felt hurt.. I reckon if they actually happened to chat (somehow!!) if they gave each other that chance to be civil .. they may remember why it was that they did care about each other so much..
8.01pm, Nathan, Rachael and Govan are at the carousel. Govan reckons everyone else 'should just keep out of it now!' TOO LATE for any of the JJJ-er's/J-er's/JJ-er's now, eh? Damage has been done LONG ago and it was destructive!!
GOVAN: If you wanna say things to him, you're welcome to .. but anyone else is just making it worse.
NATHAN: Correctamundo! That's what I thought from the start.
Rachael moans that some had told her John wants to make up with her when he doesn't. He hadn't wanted to apologise but 'just shout at me even more it seems!'
Nathan is surprised to learn that John had shouted at her and that she'd moved to the other side of the room (as she felt so uncomfortable!)
NATHAN: He just needs to f**king drop it, big time.. cos he's doing himself no favours!
Amen to that Mr Dunn! Didn't ever foresee me agreeing with a word that came out of your mouth!! I'd very much like for both Josie and John to drop this - unless they choose to speak respectfully or kindly about each other.. or to show remorse for their actions.. as neither have done themselves or the other any favours at all!
Some of the HM's are in the bedroom.
JOSIE: Why does another person here make you feel that angry? It's not heard of!
JOHN: Because of the way she approached the situation!
Shabby explains that nobody else has seen how she (supposedly) approaches situations and that hypothetically maybe it is more to do with him than her. John agrees that it is DEFINITELY more to do with him and he's not denying that.
JOHN: Because she doesn't dislike me.. (while he couldn't have made it any clearer that he didn't like her in the slightest)
John James is jubilant when BB calls him into the Diary room 'yeah, f**king bet, I will!' He sits down on the Diary room chair with a heavy sigh and his arms folded across his chest. BB asks him how he is feeling and his answer is extremely succinct.
JOHN: I'm p*ssed! I don't think I can h.. I can't take it any more.. I seriously can't even be bothered. Seriously!
I think John felt like he couldn't take things any more so needed to leave. This may sum up his current feelings .. the things Josie says may still p*ss him off but he seriously can't be bothered .. although he may prove me wrong..
JOHN: I can't deal with someone like that in the house.. I just can't! She annoys the SH*T out of me!
BB: Do you think that raising your voice in these situations helps to resolve them?
Which I can fully imagine is how both John and Josie reacted when they became angry with each other and argued.. Raised voices only fuel more anger and hostility.. and we know neither like to be the person to back down.
JOHN: (relents) No, I don't .. no I don't..
Where were you BB to step in when tempers flared AFTER Big BROTHER? HMMM? HMMMMMMMMM??
BB notes that John's emotions seem to be running high and asks what he would advise a friend (if they were in his position on how to handle the situation) to do.
JOHN: Just to relax! (BB asks if he can take this advice for himself) Yeah, I can..
BB advises him to take time to calm down, collect his thoughts and avoid any further conflict. I hope John and Josie have collected their thoughts and will now do all they can to avoid any further conflicts.
John is kicking himself for f**king it up.
JOHN: But, I've done what I've done and that's it.. isn't it?
Do you think they ever feel any measure of remorse for their actions? Or do they just shrug it off - that this is what they've done and what has been done to them and that's it.. don't feel like they could/should do more. They'll never be able to undo any actions or unsay any words .. and perhaps this will haunt them for the rest of their lives if they have regrets but never take any steps to make amends. 8.48pm Sunshine is in the Diary room reading out the shopping list. Shabby, Mario and Ben are in the kitchen. Corin is in the bathroom. The Tree of Temptation offers her the chance to win someone's suitcase back. She has until 10pm to tell a total of 13 different outrageous lies about herself; one to each HM. She chooses Rachael which irks the tree as he hates do-gooders 'hark at Mother Theresa!' If she mentions anything about her conversation with the tree Rachael will face its wrath!!!
She then proceeds to tell porkies, most of which consist of allergies.
Never used a washing machine in her life
Allergic to washing powder
Allergic to nail varnish
She ate a bit of garbage from the task
Never tried tea
She usually has that 'colorical indigration' once a week .. month (as she puts it)
Got sack from job as a lap dancer for being too friendly to the punters
Body lotion had been taken off shelves as made a girl's face swell up
That Caoimhe had been snoring
Last time she had that pizza she was sick everywhere
Last time she had hummus she came out in a rash
Asks John to get a mushroom away from her as she's allergic and comes out in a rash
Cracked one of her fillings
11.37pm Corin is in the closet. Some of the HM's are in the kitchen. The store room opens for HM's to collect their shopping, providing a distraction so that Corin can talk to the tree. He doesn't give a toss that this was the best she could do and mocks her feeble fibs. Since tree is feeling uncharacteristically generous, if she is able to tell an absolute WHOPPER of a lie then Rachael will still get her suitcase.
6 minutes later.. Corin pulls Sunshine aside and confides that she should be due on her period but hasn't come on and how she's sh*tting it that she could be pregnant.
SUNSHINE: But your girlfriend's a girl! (then snaps into Dr Martyn mode and urges her to ask BB not to broadcast their chat and see a GP to provide a pregnancy test)
The tree is very happy with her work as THAT'S what it calls lying :D
12.40pm, Steve, Dave, Ben and Mario are in the nest. They LOVE this place and plan to have a boy's night chinwag in there every night!! No smelly girls or duplicitous people allowed :D
Shabby and Caoimhe are in the Diary room. Shabby states it would be social suicide if she is out first.
SHABBY: I'm not a bad person.. I have a HEINOUS temper but I'm compassionate and I mean well and at least I've been bloody real!!
Ditto Shabby's sentence above for our John and Jose!!
John James and Rachael are in the bedroom. Rachael reasons that tomorrow could be her last day and wants to forget everything 'so can we be normal?'
JOHN: As much as you think that I dislike you, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable around certain situations .. like when everyone's outside and stuff like that.. I'm probably a little bit stronger than you like mental-wise.. like I can handle certain situations probably a little better than what you can like I'm not getting upset over this.. like I AM.. (contrast this with his argument with Josie 4 days later and how upset THIS makes him! Rachael didn't upset him as he didn't care about her she just made him see red!)cos of course I want the group to work as a unit, do you know what I mean? But it's very hard for me.. like you think that I hate you and I don't.. I don't HATE you. Like I'm aware that I probably said some things I shouldn't have said..
Is he aware that he has said some things to and about Josie that he probably shouldn't have either? And same goes for Josie to and about John..
JOHN: I'm not going to hold you to that for the rest of our time together..
Rachael expresses that she doesn't hate him at all and as tomorrow could be her last day she'd rather just enjoy it and not have that awkwardness.
JOHN: Like f**king hell, I do feel really bad because .. me and you fighting is one thing, but for you to be left out of sh*t .. that's when I do feel bad..
Have any of their actions pricked at their conscience and made them feel bad? Are they ashamed with the way they have dealt with things, deep down? Would they admit it openly if that was the case? Highly doubtful!
She isn't saying he leaves her out but she chooses not to be around when he's there. John doesn't think it should be like that and Rachael doesn't want it to be this way any more. She'd just like to be able to sit in a group conversation and not feel like she can't join in (if his opinion of her doesn't change) Rachael wants to draw a line under everything and keeps making sure that is okay.
JOHN: (Laughs) Yeah, of course.
RACHAEL: Are you gonna hug me now, please? Get up!
John obeys and gives her a one-armed, half-hearted, split-second side hug while checking she is alright.
1.09am Sunshine and Corin are in the bathroom. The storeroom opens and Rachael is ecstatic that her suitcase has been returned she wants to know who's done that. John asks those in the bedroom if it was anyone in there who had asked for it to be returned. Corin plays dumb and some suspect John of getting it back which he strongly denies. HL's end and Davina announces that Shabby is safe and that she will announce the first evicted HM shortly - Shabby is over the moon while Rach is on the verge of tears. Rachael is the first HM to be evicted. The crowd are clearly chanting 'GET SUNSHINE OUT!' not get SOMEONE out like John and Dave were under the impression of. Davina tells Rachael she is getting the boot and she takes it on the chin.
Her HM's cheer and clap her up the stairs; she didn't get the chance to hug Josie or John goodbye in the 10 seconds. The crowd reaction is pleasant and no atrocious booing.
They show her a montage of her crying over John and him saying how much he can't stand her which upsets her. Davina can't believe she'd said she liked him when he'd been AWFUL. She says this is what Josie and Govan had said but she'd wanted to change his opinion. John gets some boos from the studio audience while Rachael is awwwwed. She and Davina don't think he fancied her or like her but can't think why, Rachael puts it down to a personality clash.
Rachael does find him really good looking but doesn't want a relationship with him. She thinks he may have made up with her just to make her last day more bearable and that he frowns all the time. She let him feel bad about her apparent arrogance as she has insecurities like any girl but puts a brave face on.
When Davina asks her for any potential romantic couplings Rachael responds that Nathan and Josie are very touchy feely which broke her heart as she thinks he's wicked. But she doesn't think there will be any romance. WROOOOOOOOOOOOOONG :P There was only the loveliest romance Big Brother has EVER had - bar NONE!!
In John's message to Rachael (he is booed briefly) he tells her (like Rach had previously said) they had a bit of a personality clash and he regrets that now.
JOHN: If I could change it, I would have approached things in a different way and probably given you a little more of a chance.. to prove that you weren't the person I thought you were.. and yeah, I hope you enjoyed your time in the house and I didn't make things to difficult for ya.
The audience try to chant for Rachael to give John the day from hell but she picks the day of Corin's dreams. When Bob delivers the message John quips 'anything from that little weasel is never a good thing!' Corin is convinced she'll have to paint herself bright red :D
This is actually very insightful for how he approaches conflict in general and unfortunately reminds me what an unyielding person he can be. I hope Josie hasn't fallen in his estimation to how he felt about Rachael, because the future is very bleak if that is the case. The only hope we have for them making amends is if he still gives a rip.