Steve is having a conversation with John in the background in the bathroom (about things messing with your head) while Dave tries to persuade Ben that nobody wants him out and for him to bury the hatchet with Shabby.
DAVE: They've misjudged the situation and they've misjudged you! It's easy to do. (He advises Ben to go and see her and say it seemed like that)
Ben claims that he will humble himself (as Dave recommends) but then asks Dave and Mario to walk with him, he wants them there as he wants 'witnesses for that sort of thing!' John disapproves of this 'you need to speak to her on your own!'
BEN: (Bites back) WHY? None of you spoke to her on your own! You did a public bl**dy broadcast! (bites his nail)
JOHN: I spoke to her, on her own just now.
Ben bickers that the room had been full of people. John points out 'it was only.. it was Josie' and fails to see why Ben is too cowardly to approach and talk with Shabby alone.. without having any back up or someone holding his hand.
JOHN: Why don't you do it on your own? Why is it a big problem? (Mario would personally want to as then there are not others there twisting facts)
Ben says he will gladly talk to Shabby but he wants a witness as to what was actually said. Mario suggests taking Steve as he is the most objective person but Ben refuses as he doesn't want to get Steve involved.
Ben says he will gladly talk to Shabby but he wants a witness as to what was actually said. Mario suggests taking Steve as he is the most objective person but Ben refuses as he doesn't want to get Steve involved.
Of course it would make me a Happy Harriet to have John and Josie someday bury the hatchet with each other.. but the more people try to push this on them.. and pester at them, the more they will be opposed to the idea! Maybe they WOULD each like to make amends, but don't know how to go about it.. or fear, of how the other would react to them doing so could prevent them from even trying. I wouldn't want this forced upon them.. if they WANT to make peace with each other, they should be left to do it in their own time and of their own accord.
Does anyone think John and Josie have had a number of twitter showdowns (so to speak) so that there would be witnesses, as such? (also because the other lines of communication had seemingly been cut off) On the first one, John was clearly angry at what he perceived as Josie, playing games. and Josie was putting herself out there for the world to see that she hadn't meant whatever she'd yelled at him.. and that she believed he was her 'lobster.'
Most of us, were in agreement that twitter was not an appropriate medium for the battle.. but for whatever their reasons, it seemed they wanted their followers to view this! Or else, they had just become so caught up in their emotions that they didn't care who saw /read.. and they just had to have it out with each other..
JOHN: You're f**ked off with me as well aren't you, Mario? Tell me.. tell me how it is, man..(Mario admits he is a little bit) I know you are.
MARIO: Cos you told the snake! (referring to Govan) I can guarantee you as soon as he found out he couldn't wait to start.. and this is exactly what I told you last night!
JOHN: (Hollers) F**K! (Drops his head in his hands, sighing sharply) But it's so f**king hard..but then.. f**k .. it's no secret that.. (explains his predicament that both groups have been saying exactly the same things about the other) what the f**k am I meant to do, Mario? I'm disappointed in myself.. I didn't know he was gonna f**king do that.. I told him to get him out of the sh*t, not to put him f**king IN the sh*t! I didn't know he was gonna go ranting off to f**king Shabby and she was gonna come in on the f**king and f**king give it to me!
John and Josie both follow a couple of snakey characters on twitter, don't they? And the instant they find out any small scrap of scandalous goss they are all over it like a bumblebee on a flower! Some people practically pleasure themselves over inventing sordid sagas and passing it off as 'fact' .. and then get cheap kicks out of observing the fall out .. or alternatively their own little circle of 'fans' eat up every word!
It can be hard not to be fooled on twitter as it is SOOOO simple to make up anything.. and pretend it is true! Who do you trust? Who do you believe? When it comes to this type of twitter account, the answer is I don't .. I take every word they say with a saucer of salt!! Just because it is written, does not make it so.
JOHN: (Continues to stress out after Mario asks John what warning Ben had given him earlier) But they say exactly the same thing to me about the other person!!
BEN: (Tries to cajole John into valuing their friendship more and insinuate that he shouldn't worry about trusting him or not.. as something he'd said had been confirmed by Dave and Ben so he can't understand that John believed others over them) We've been friends with John from day one.. he's only been friends with Govan a few days and believed him! (John interrupts to correct him that he has in fact been friends with Govan since the start) (drones on snivelling) Literally from Day one? Look, you're my friend and will always be my friend but I'm genuinely, genuinely hurt! .. and they can understand why .. I've spent the afternoon saying to other people, nameless people.. cos I'm never gonna mention names ever again.. 'you've got John wrong, he's not this.. he's not abusive.. he's got this.. he's got a headache.. he's a bit highly strung.. he's had a bad day!' all this sort of stuff.. (appealing that he's spent all day sticking up for John to everyone there and made himself virtually ill doing it) And then you dump me in it.. with the person that reviles me more than anyone else. How can you have done that to me?
BEN: (Condescendingly) I'm not talking about him, you silly boy!
John is definitely not a bad person and for that matter, neither is Josie. Sometimes they may do 'bad' things, same as any one of us! Only difference is that sometimes with them it is put out there in the public domain.. for others to pull and strip apart, to be criticised and condemned.. When we do similar things, who really cares? Those who are close to us, maybe.. but we don't have legions of fans and supporters following every word we say and trying to catch wind of anything we do.. People snooping and spying.. pretending to be our friend in order to extract information to then use against us!
It has been out of hand for so long now and I don't see that situation becoming better any time soon.. unless Josie and John team up to take action.. which is unlikely to happen after the fiasco of Josie's ill-advised e-mail to John back in December (had she worded it better and left out insults and requests to promote herself, John could have been receptive) They each have or do follow an account of a person that reviles their ex .. Is this now becoming a case of anything you can do, I can do 'harder, better, faster, stronger?' as their favourite band Daft Punk would sing.
JOHN: (Frustrated with himself) I f**ked up .. I'll admit that.. the point is, I f**king told him, that's the point.. and I'm willing to f**king cop that on the chin .. And I wish I could've taken that back but I can't.. it's my fault, 100% my fault.. I f**ked up! I did.. I didn't f**king know he was gonna rant and rave .. obviously, I didn't know that.. but that doesn't take away the fact that I f**king told him.. so I'm willing to take the blame for that.. and I understand if you guys are f**ked off .. because I would be f**ked off as well.. but besides that, you continue to f**king talk to Shabby. I know you do!
Mario points out that he never does and Ben assesses that he is polite when she walks past and they nod to each other awkwardly 'you've got basic politeness muddled up with.. ' Dave concludes the sentence 'friendship!'
JOHN: Let's f**k this sh*t! I wanna hear it all.. out in the f**king open! Let's.. if you've got a f**king problem with me tell me .. if you've got a problem with someone else.. I wanna know what you think, Mario. Just f**king.. I know that you're a nice bloke but just f**king give it to me! Nah seriously.. just f**king tell me.. cos I'm not scared. (Mario makes out he isn't angry, just disappointed. John orders him not to mince his words) No, you don't have to give me that f**king sh*t! Just lay it out straight!
Mario insists he is telling the truth 'when I'm angry, I scream and shout!' .. and pout and throw a temper tantrum and huff and puff.. and stomp around with a face like a slapped slug!
Has John even ONCE since the split, taken ANY blame for his actions leading up to the break up? I truthfully can't remember reading it if he has. (That's not to imply, that he doesn't hold himself accountable at all .. he must see that it wasn't just Josie who led to the breakdown of their relationship) Josie definitely did.. but may have since taken back her words. As we know, it takes TWO people to break up! The blame doesn't lie solely at the feet of only John/Josie, they both contributed to it.
I'm sure they have both said and done things they wish they hadn't.. things they know they shouldn't have and would want to take back, but they can't. I think they have shown regrets with some comments they've tweeted - either instantly or even weeks and months after and then delete them. Though, this doesn't ever really erase the words.. it deletes them from their twitter profile but once they are first put out there for their followers to see - they STAY out there!
JJJ-er's are worse than elephants, in the sense that we never forget! I don't get angry with anything John or Josie say/do but I am disappointed every now and then .. it's some of their fans I can get realllll angry with! I'd even settle now for John and Josie merely being polite to one another, if their paths were to ever cross again.. for we are all painfully aware how they behave when angry!
JOHN: But you're disappointed cos I said Shabby? (Mario isn't disappointed because of that but because of who he told!) In my defence.. I know you guys don't trust him.. I'm well aware of that.. I'm not f**king stupid!!
DAVE: You've got to look at it from Johnno's point of view, he's talked a lot with Govan the last few days.. he considers Govan a mate and he did not think Govan would do that!
JOHN: I'm trying to work out who's my f**king mate and who's not.. I spoke to you Mario about this last night, man.. (snaps) You roll your eyes, Benny but what the f**k am I meant to do? You could be lf**king ying, just as much as what he could! And if you can remember, I came to you the first day. (Ben knows) so.. I'm not a f**king snake!
BEN: (Tells John he is strong and tough) But you don't trust your instincts! From day one, I've known who my friends are, there's been no confusion.. (he says Mario and Dave have had the same and that John is the only one swinging around)
JOHN: What about you, Mario? You're f**king friends with everyone!
BEN: Acquaintances!
It must be immensely difficult for John and Josie now to be able to verify those who are trustworthy now.. particularly when a new person comes into their life. We saw how John struggled with who he could trust in BB, knowing who he can trust now must be more paranoia-inducing for him now (other than his close friends he's known for years) .. And how does Josie know who is sucking up to her, only to turn on her at a later date? (She has spoken about getting rid of all the sharks in her life.. I hope they have had their teeth ripped out so they don't return to bite off more of her flesh!!)
How can you work out who are your true friends, who is using you for their own gain and who genuinely likes you and has your best intentions at heart? It's all very well to say trust your instincts.. but instincts are not always right.. time will usually tell.
JOHN: I never knew that you were sussing out, Gov .. (infuriated again by Ben) YOU ROLL YOUR EYES, BENNY!! But what the f**k am I meant to do? Do you think this is common sense?? (Ben screams yes and can't believe this! Mario intercepts that Ben had mentioned this before, John thought he'd been speaking about Shabby) I didn't know that! It doesn't f**king matter.. at the end of the day.. Does anyone see this from my point of view?
MARIO: Inevitably, there was gonna be a blow up ..bust up between Shabby and Ben! At least now it's done and dusted! (probably not the best day before nominations!)
JOHN: Don't for a second think that I don't f**king regret that! Don't think that I put you in the sh*t on purpose .. or f**king came in to rat anyone out or anything like that.. cos I'm the number one person against that! But I f**ked up.. I thought I was doing the right thing by telling him .. it wasn't about them two.. he kept f**king pushing it.. because they were about to go out there and f**king give it to ya.. because they thought it was about them.. and they were gonna attack all of us!
Ben belts out that John should have let them do that because then it could have been contained and he could have defended himself.
JOHN: I had to defend myself first, cos I wasn't involved.. all's I did was f**king listen! I understand you don't like them .. (Ben rebukes him for putting words in his mouth and making it sound like he's gone around slagging 4/5 people but confirms he has big reservations on 2 people) But you continue to talk to them .. I didn't talk to Rachael!
BEN: Yes, you did.
JOHN: F**K off, I did! (Ben presses that he'd had a couple of chats with Rachael) Yeah.. to f**king chats like this.. Not to generalisations.. 'Hey, hey, hey? How are you doing? I'll make you a coffee and get you a glass of water?'
John strikes me as the sort of person, who sets out to do the right thing (or what he perceives to be the right thing) .. sometimes he makes errors in judgments.. but when he realises he has, he wants to rectify or resolve them (at least he used to, above all when it revolved Josie).. Josie said John used to try and talk things through with her when they fought .. but after so many fights, I suppose you wonder how worth it all the rowing really is?
John and Josie have both used twitter and magazines as tools to defend themselves from comments they have made and comments those who dislike them have made about them! John, of course is quiet on twitter these days (but that's not unusual.. when he has something to say he'll come out with it!) when there ARE some comments he is tweeted that he could defend himself against .. but maybe he is just over it all and couldn't care less what those who can't stand him have to say about him. Hopefully their opinions mean nothing to him :( I hope the horrible tweets to Josie don't get to her either :(
Mario placates John to calm down and Ben bluntly informs John that he is not antagonistic and 'we're not identical!' He continues that they handle things in different ways and how he is under the impression that John prefers to not have a relationship with someone and then to have a blow up.
JOHN: Not to have a blow up.. but to sort it out and if you can't sort it out.. then just drop it! And I think that you should do the same with Shabs if you've got a problem with her.. if she doesn't want to sort it out F**K her .. (which is exactly how he viewed his situation with Rachael) I don't see the point beating around the f**king bush.. there's a certain extent to being friends with someone and doing what you do.(Ben butts in to ask what he does which enrages John at the interruption) Well if you f**king let me talk, I'll talk!!
BEN: Why are you being so rude to me?
JOHN: Then why do you keep interrupting? (Man, he hated being interrupted didn't he?) (Ad break)
I don't think John prefers to have a blow up .. I just think he and Josie share the same fiery temperament so these collisions, eruptions and explosions were always going to be inevitable. If they felt that they weren't getting the message through to the other .. of that they couldn't reason any other way .. their voices were going to be raised.
I think this is exactly how John has viewed his split with Josie .. they felt they couldn't 'sort' it out so split up.. after all this time of nasty digs and nasty exchanges they SEEM to have dropped it now.. it is the supporters who have not!! *I HOPE THIS ISN'T JINXING ANYTHING.. QUICK, EVERYONE TOUCH WOOD!! DON'T TAP YOUR HEADS.. THEY FEEL HOLLOW BUT CONTAIN AT LEAST A FEW BRAIN CELLS!!*
Out on the bench, Shabby is fully expecting to be up for eviction now and is convinced that Ben is manipulating everyone against her. Ife tells her not to underestimate her HM's and Steve reminds her that she was saved in the public vote and may be over reading into thing. She re-inforces that is what she thinks he is TRYING to do! Steve doesn't consider Ben a strong enough character to be successful in such a scheme. Shabby crosses the garden yelling 'b*llocks! B*LLOCKS!' at the top of her lungs and comes inside.
The house is driving Shabby mental and 2 grown men trying to cause trouble are making Govan feel the same way! She divulges to Josie and Govan that all she wants to do is spend time with Caoimhe and Ife in the nest!
SHABBY: You guys can come too, if you like! (She is soothed briefly by a really delicious wine gum)
JOSIE: Oooh stop it! Thank you very much! (Josie can't shake off the belief that all the commotion was her fault. Caoimhe hugs her) It all started cos I went on a paranoia! You know that, don't you? (laughs awkwardly as she blames herself) Do you know who's caused all this? .. Jazz! (The name of her alter-ego that she dressed up as)
SHABBY: Can she not come here again?
All I want is a combination of the mansicles that are: Michael Buble, Johnny Depp, Ryan Reynolds, Declan Donnelly, Gary Barlow and Dermot O'Leary.. surely that's not too much for a girl to ask? :P But in John and Josie land, I would like very much for them to one day put all the crap behind them, remember what they once shared and how they at one time LOVED each other.. and for a friendship to be salvaged.
Back in the bathroom the squabbling has not come to a cease-fire as Ben asserts that he hadn't had a problem with Rachael.
JOHN: (Blazes as Ben had admitted to knowing) It was as f**king obvious as a slap in the face! (That Rachael didn't return Ben's feelings for or attraction.. and Ben knew! John groans and drops his head to his lap) But you still made her f**king glasses of water.. so that makes me question you .. Do you think she's f**king playing the game? And that makes me think about you! .. I want to believe you.
BEN: You have a right to disagree with me .. Forget about wanting to believe me.. what genuinely hurts me.. all day.. and the other two can confirm this.. I've been trying to represent you.. (another ad break)
Ben is having another altercation avec Shabby in the lounge. See HL's show observations for more on that but I will go into more detail about the snippets which were excluded from the highlights. Ben bemoans to Shabby that he has tried to stay out of her way and not annoy her which she mm hm's along to. He concludes that's what has happened in the house that week, under various guises is little disputes between people which has spiralled to involve others. He uses the example of her issue with John over Rachael and by her facial expression he deems he may have misinterpreted that.
Shabby addresses that her issue was resolved at the time as she spoke to him straight after and they understood each other. 'I really think that has F**k all to do with anything!' She continues that she was concerned as Rachael was her friend and John can be heard voicing his agreement with this off screen. Shabby rubs her temples and mutters 'cringe' as Caoimhe pipes up that today had nothing to do with any of them but 'we all just got involved! It was John and Josie's problem and that's it.. and now we're all involved!'
John has joined them in the lounge and is listening to the events unfold. He looks a combination of afflicted, perturbed and amused all at once... but not at the same time as the expressions on his face change to reflect his conflicting emotions within about 60 seconds.
SHABBY: So to find out, that apparently I'm f**king thrilled' that you're leaving.. you know what I said? I said I'm 98% sure that you're not leaving! (As she herself as done the 'I'm leaving' thing about 20 million times since being there but knows in heart of hearts - no one will leave as they want to all be there)
JOHN: (Addresses Shabby) You don't even have to explain yourself to me! (chuckles after Ben says that's between them)
Ben believes that only John should be judging if he thinks Ben is malicious or not. Josie and Nathan are cosied up on the couch. Nathan is leaning into Josie.. after a short time she gets up and John watches her move away (possibly due to feeling uncomfortable as she often did in Nathan's company) Ben brands them all as liars if they can all sit there and hand or heart say they haven't gossiped or relayed information to anyone - as they've all done that! Josie interrupts declaring that it smells of sh*t in one of the rooms then says sorry.
John pops a snack in his mouth while the evening's entertainment endures. Shabby cites that Ben is too clever to see his comment as a throwaway one! This is where Ife asks why Ben had even felt it necessary when telling John. Nathan involves himself too that Dave had seen the same incident hours ago but felt it was innocent but Ben had felt obliged to mention it.
SHABBY: (Accuses) You saw this at the back of your crafty little mind and saved it for later! (She won't believe Dave that Ben had miscontrued it as everything she has come to see from Ben she views as malicious! Then announces that Ben doesn't know her but has judged her)
As Ife's interrogations draw out, Ben answers that they had been swapping information on suspicions they had, which is when he'd blurted the Shabby stuff out.
SHABBY: Let's get down to the crux of it - you had a general b*tching session.. where you had little theories of everyone's motives.. cool! Carry on!
IFE: We're going round in circles here! (Sounds like somewhere a little closer to home, eh?)
This is the part where Shabby screams that she doesn't want Ben to know her and she doesn't like him before stomping into the bathroom in banshee fashion!!! Ben thinks it it totally unfair for Shabby to keep mouthing off at him but then not listening to his viewpoint.
NATHAN: (Steps in with his take on the situation) That argument was caused by you saying you wanted to talk .. and she said she didn't wanna listen .. That's why that got ugly! She didn't wanna listen to ya! She wasn't interested, she just wanted to go seperate ways.. and the more people keep talking about the same sh*t.. day in, day out.. it drags that kind of sh*t on.. she didn't want to talk to you, so fine .. just walk away and leave it, boom! (And says that they'll keep mentioning it next few days) Sh*tting out of control! We're f**king adults! You know what I mean? F**king tittle tattling and all that b*llocks..
It is interesting that there are a few who see either John/Josie as having a crafty mind and malicious intents behind everything they do. These people tweet them demanding to know WHY when John and Josie don't have to explain ANYTHING they do/don't do! Some of the twitter terrorising is out of control and these adults are the ones dragging the sh*t on!
CAOIMHE: (Counsels Ben) This place is too small for it to be a b*tching session.. cos we find out and then the drama starts! Say it to people's faces!
Ben and John confirm that it wasn't a bitching session that had taken place. Nathan believes they are bound to b*tch but it depends how that is handled.
BEN: (He realises that Shabby's first loyalty is to Caoimhe but he thinks he has a friendship with Caoimhe too.. but with Shabby) We don't understand each other.. we don't see eye to eye! And that's just the way it is! (Maybe it was wrong of him to express this to his friend and his motives were questionable but he doesn't understand why she gets angry.. as when she looks at him weirdly he just accepts she doesn't want him in the bathroom)
CAOIMHE: (Calls him up on driving Shabby to that hostile reaction as she hadn't wanted to talk! She then dispenses more wisdom) The best thing to do is just apologise and walk away.. (she doesn't think there is any point twisting things and making people uncomfortable from stupid things)
NATHAN: If you don't like someone, don't knock about with them! But we don't have to make it uncomfortable.. stay out of each other's way!
Who knew there would come a day where I would be in absolute agreement with words that had passed the lips of Caoimhe and Nathan??? SOMEONE QUICKLY TAKE MY TEMPERATURE!! I MAY BE COMING DOWN WITH SOMETHING EXCEEDINGLY INFECTIOUS :S
If you upset/offend someone - apologising is the decent thing to do.. if they allow you to! Don't get caught up in warring words on twitter or any internet forum, if you disagree with someone's opinion. Simply put your own across in a courteous manner and let it go! Try not to twist words/tweets or take any to heart (fine one to preach I know!) it is sadly, a daily occurrence on twitter and I'd hate for any of you to be sensitive to it.
Shabby feels it necessary to justify herself to John that she's never had a problem with him.. with his behaviour 'over the Rachael stuff' being the only exception.
JOHN: (Defends his actions from the past week) I said to you straight up.. do you .. I didn't f**king wanna go around asking people.. I'm not interested in that sh*t.. that's why I went straight to you.. I don't know anyone's opinion about the way I looked at Rachael tiff.. but I never went behind her back.. everytime.. alright I mighta been right or wrong but at least I did approach her face to face and you gotta admit I did it face to face (UM.. you did confront her face to face AFTER bitching about her behind her back several times to Govan/and/or Josie) My opinion and views may not be right but at least I.. (Josie is sucking away at that thumb)
SHABBY: (She just wanted John to know that even with that she said she could see his point of view) Obviously, I was closer to Rachael and she was crying.. and I don't like it when girls cry!
JOHN: (Crudely) I didn't exactly f**king get off on it either! I wasn't having a w*nk over it! (Shabby knows) I didn't like it.
NATHAN: It's old f**king news! That were last week's sh*t!
JOSIE: (Jumps into the convo in a way that only she can get away with) Can I just do a quote of the day? 'It is what it is, and it ain't what it ain't!' and that's that! (Nathan voices his hatred for that quote!!)
After Ben's apology, Shabby just wants it very clear 'before we stay out of each other's way, that I did nothing to you! Cos I didn't.. thank you!'
MARIO: So now Ben's apologised.. for the sake of Shabby and the sake of Ben and the rest of the house.. can we just drop it now?
JOSIE: (Rejoices at this idea) Whooooo!
NATHAN: Well done, Mario! Summed it right up. If you'd have said that from the start we wouldn't have had all this! (Mario wants everyone to agree to it) That's it kid! You've hit the nail on the head! Well done, Mario!
If the JJJAT etc. dropped any of our discussions and debates then it would eventually cease to exist.. and that would be a sad, SAD day :( :( :( Though there would be a great throng of people who would rejoice at that prospect - let's not let it! Keep that place alive, even if we find ourselves getting dizzy (my head is spinning.. like a whirlpool it never ends!) from going over and over and OVERRRRRRR the same ol' stuff!
NATHAN: Let's chill the f**k out! Stop rowing. Everyone will have our little niggles.. but chill the beans, man! Let's get f**king messy! (John scrunches his nose up at these sentences but that could be because he is chewing food)
Ben finds a bright side, that at least he can't be accused of currying favour before nominations. Josie swears that it stinks in the bedroom, to which Mario cheeks that it 'didn't smell before Jazz came in!'
JOSIE: She's a dirty b*tch, mind our Jazz! Look, she only came out for 5 minutes and look at the trouble!
NATHAN: She's a b*tch, yo!
Ben insists he'd never made a negative comment regarding Caoimhe or Ife, which anyone could vouch for. Nathan calls across that he doesn't need to justify himself to nobody. Caoimhe knows and it's fine!
MARIO: The dragon is asleep now, just leave it asleep now!
CAOIMHE: (Adds her own admonition) Just be careful what you say! Careful how you put things.
Ben, Dave and Mario bid the others good night and head for the bedroom. Shabby rants 'is this merry f**king house now?' as Caoimhe reports back what Ben had said. Shabby is furious that she's been made to look like a tyrant again. Caoimhe confirms that everyone in there is rooting for her.
In the bedroom, Ben panics about the percentage of the house that now possibly hate him. Mario will, will Ben with his energies to stay in this house as he had willed himself in! Dave doesn't want Ben to be so concerned about who is voting for him 'just be yourself! You're one of the best personalities in here!' but thinks he has got caught up in the game of Big Brother and needs to leave it. This is where the HL's end with Mario giving Ben a pep talk about nominations.
MARIO: The public will love someone, then villify them, then love them again! (He thinks the whole evening was blown out of context and things will be ok once they've all slept on it)
On the AT, our main objective is obviously for the mutual appreciation and support of John and Josie, as individuals. Although, we are constantly told that we are favoured/biased towards Josie or the same for John, by others. How can we both?? Unless, we are what we say on the tin .. and appreciating BOTH unitedly! :D
This does not mean that every, single post has been appreciative or positive. We have made negative comments too about the characteristics and behaviour of John and Josie, alike. These comments are not to insult.. belittle.. patronise.. mock.. slate.. slander.. disrespect.. abuse.. or vilify either!! (as we are sometimes unfairly accused of being) I think we can say when we do not agree/like something about one of the two because we actually LIKE them! Hopefully, for the most part the line is not crossed and the appreciation thread rules adhered to. Mario's last line is bang on the money here - the public are a horribly fickle beast!
Arrghh! It's logged me out twice now as I tried to comment! Very deep and meaningful those lost-for-ever thoughts! This time I'm just going to say what a treat it is to click on your blog and find a new entry - thank you SO much xxx
ReplyDeleteLol,nobody looked in Gov direction,as he was the one who caused all the drama!I remember that night on the MF...boy it was entertaining,and heavy,and for once everyone was united in their views about Gov!I think everyone involved was a bit in the wrong that night.For someone with trust issues like John,it must've been hell,going on and on and on in his head,who to trust etc....It was a great series,even now we're still talking about it!:o
ReplyDeleteLoved Sunshine doing the Gaga act,ans her tiffs with John lol,he wound her up,like his little sister:D