Ben, Corin, Dave, John and Mario are in the nest. Ben introduces Sunshine to the Chatham house rules as she is not familiar with the political convention (it is basically what goes on in a room stays in a room) Sunshine complains that this could be her last night and so she wants to do something fun. Mario takes Sunshine away to dance or do something more fun since she doesn't want to spend it being bored by a political lecture!!
BEN: All I'm saying is, be a bit careful.. that's all. (as information is being relayed to John by someone .. presumably Govan)
John agrees that he will and Ben asks Dave for his take on all this to ensure he's not barking up the wrong tree. Dave just thinks along the road people will work different things out for themselves and he's trying to get on the best he can with people, in the parameters he's seeing.
Ben decides he won't bore them with something really boring but then begins to do just that! Dave determines that John is more aware than most people there anyway so knows what's going on. Ben thinks that there is no need for someone to run up to another person and say something negative (yet felt it quite appropriate to do this himself!) 'particularly between 2 people who are very good friends!' Or in the case of JJJ, there is no need for stirring between 2 people who were once the BEST of friends!
Ben says he's made no bones about his position of liking Rachael to John. Corin looks as though she could crash into a coma at any second. Nathan enters the nest and the boys are saddened he hadn't brought any toast! Cheeky gets!!
John checks that Nathan was happy with the shopping list and if he'd managed to order everything he'd wanted. John asks if Shabby and the others were really given an eviction present or if she was just joking. Dave answers that it was only a cheap bottle of coke. Rachael received a £1 token for hair straighteners.
At the bench Josie announces to Govan, Ife and Steve 'I reckon I've curbed my swearing!' If the amount she swore in the house was curbed.. I think my delicate ears would have fallen off had I heard her swearing pre-BB!!!
Back in the nest, Corin and Nathan both plead ignorance when questioned if they light their ciggies on the toast (as BB hasn't provided them with a lighter!) He plays along, that he guesses he invented that.
John asks Nath if he is having a late night but Nathan is too full of toast and coffee so wants to go to bed soon. John had thought that people may be staying awake longer with it being someone's last night.. had Nathan known it was Rachael's he just might have done.
Corin, Dave and John compliment Nathan on his culinary skills made from such meagre ingredients.
NATHAN: ('self-deprecates') I'm an amazing man!
John can't believe he's still going as it's a massive effort with him not only cooking but stirring it up and dishing it out as well 'like we're school kids.. I feel bad but..' Nathan likes doing it for the group, you crudies .. though he likes DOING IT TOO nudge nudge wink ;)
JOHN: And I don't feel bad for many things..
I wish I could have a butcher's inside the boy's brain to see if he feels bad about ANY of his behaviour since he and Josie broke up. The John, I think I know.. wouldn't be immensely proud of his actions, unless he has come to believe that Josie deserves everything she gets..
Nathan enjoys cooking as it was one of his passions, alongside women, boozing and partying.. oh and he likes his family as well!! :P And rugby .. and curry.. in fact he's just so 'f**king in love with things!' Corin imagines what they would have eaten had Nathan not been there making the food last 3 days.
John doesn't understand how the house would function without Nathan as chef. Dave can cook so tells them they would get by but Nathan is good. Corin had got giddy from the sugar lollies Nathan had made the previous night. John considers it to be strange that they only put in 1 person who could cook (to the standard Nathan could) and that nobody is even stepping up to help him.
I presume because Nathan was so territorial in the kitchen .. as others did express a desire to cook a meal for the group i.e. Dave and Josie. How's your cooking capabilities these days, John? Do you have a 'pizza de resistance' now? Or are we sticking to the takeaways and cheese on toast? That may be safer as I seem to remember you tweeting about burning pasta once!! Josie and JJ may have taught him to whip up a few basic meals in their apartment but he'll never be a Jamie Oliver!
After a long SC, John is still beating himself up about not winning his part of the task. He seriously thought they may have given them the benefit of the doubt as he did split it but hadn't ripped it open completely.
JOHN: F**k that pinata was hard to hit!
He was so disappointed and thought it was going over the fence. Dave determines that he would have needed another 4 or 5 hits to it.
JOHN: I was bleeding.
Nathan believes that the sides of the bin liner were too soft and just taking the impact. John agrees that's what it was and he was well p*ssed off!
John continues to express his disappointment that he didn't hit 'that f**king pinata!' Dave thinks he could have maybe got it in another 2 or 3 pops at it as it wasn't the way he was hitting it. John thought he could have got it over the fence and is frustrated that £200 was riding on it. Steve is convinced BB knew all along he wouldn't have hit it! SHAFTED!!! Then we cut to Sunshine, Mario and Govan in the kitchen - they'd spotted more HM's came to the kitchen once her food was delivered. They tease that some hope she is evicted so they can have her crisps :D
She squeals that there have been so many dramas revolving her even though she was only there a week and that she'll take HER crisps out when she's evicted.. to share with Davina! Mario had been ruthless with Caoimhe in the bin. Back to the nest, Dave whoops when Steve joins them INSIDE!
Steve pretends he doesn't see what the fuss is about over the nest and Ben likens it to a shed.
STEVE: It's like being in a linen basket!!
Dave reckons they cost approximately between 15-20,000 grand for one. John and Steve really, really want one for themselves.
JOHN: It is just a fantastic house though, isn't it? Just everything that happens in here.. even though I've lost my temper a few times n' that..
Steve concurs that it is brilliant. Govan, Rachael and Corin chat at the carousel about how 24 hours is SUCH a long time in the house. And agree that the experience is a roller coaster , although they thought previous HM's needed to get a grip when they used that cliche.
They are repulsed by the dried up pee on the bathroom floor which is obviously a guy!! Govan declares he knows how to 'aim and shoot!' Rachael doesn't get why Ben doesn't wash the pots if he's such a clean freak :D Ben had made Rach a cup of tea and squeezed the tea bag with his finger and she'd been revolted that she had to drink that! They find him a lovely guy but they all have different habits.
Caoimhe, Ife, Shabby, Josie and Nathan chuckle that they keep getting so close to saying bad words. But Nathan knows BB won't show it as they will take the rap for it. Rachael is sad that after all those months of auditioning she could be leaving the next night.
Some of the HM's are in the kitchen discussing the virtues of cereal and how Rachael and Sunshine get to do anything they want tonight. Rachael wants to have a conversation with John saying to agree to disagree and not be friends. She doesn't want to leave with tension in the air (if she is to be evicted the next night) Mario thinks this would be good but wants to talk to him first. Rachael and Govan decide that will make the situation worse and they don't want to make it a big thing. The reason she wants to do this is because it has been really, really awkward for her and she wants to make her last day more bearable.
Back to the nest, the boys are listening to Ben give John his views on Govan. Ben lists that so long as Govan has spent time with: Rachael, Nathan, John and Josie he's happy 'and damn the rest of us!' John turns to Stevo to ask if he agrees with this, which Steve does.
JOHN: Cos, you know I look up to you.. I don't know why, I do know why.
JOHN: Cos it's so hard for me.. cos I'm not about the alliances.. I never wanted to be about that.. It did annoy me a bit, when me and Rachael had a blue, cos I felt like I'm good friends with him .. more so than Rachael, but he was nowhere to be found, like I was pretty much on my own.
Govan had come up to him to ask if he was alright but John had said he hadn't seen him since dinner yesterday and he'd just been with Rachael. Ben says the difference is he and Steve like Rachael but they don't go searching her out. John ensures them they can speak with whoever they want 'my tiff with Rachael is between me and Rachael.'
I'm aware that some people feel John has cut off anyone who has ties with Josie or an alliance with her. I'm not so sure this is the case, I think he just would like for people to see his side and he'd like to be agreed with.
I don't believe he would ditch/block friends or supporters just because they still like Josie. He's not stupid, he knows that a great proportion of his supporters are/were joint supporters of him and Josie. How, I wish this 'tiff' .. okay, huge, enormous bust up had stayed strictly between him and Josie :(
Ben has physically watched Govan and noticed that he loves being where all the bitching is. Then he'll see him pull Rachael into the garden and whisper in her ear for 5/10 minutes 'gossip, gossip, gossip!' and when Rachael's off with The Addam's family he jumps into bed with John and Josie and says that Rachael's overreacting. Ben doesn't think this is the way to behave as it is duplicitous! Steve says that is Govan's game. Again, John asks Stevo if he has seen that which Steve has. This leaves John wondering if he's 'a bit blind to it?' and he just doesn't know what to do.
John is becoming quite distressed over the situation so Steve suggests that he just watches. John now feels he is in a position where he has to choose who he is friends with which he didn't want to do.
JOHN: But I don't like what you've just said there! (how Govan comes to him when Rachael is in the toilet)
BEN: Just watch your back and question the motive of someone who wants to become your friend really quickly!
This is good counsel for John and Josie (more Josie now as John is relatively unknown in Oz) when they meet new people. It may not be THEM as a person that interests them but their level of fame (which I call J list for obv reasons!!) People will and have entered their lives to take advantage of this which can make them very wary and distrustful (particularly of people they didn't know pre-BB) They encountered sharks in their life together and have hopefully managed to spear them with a harpoon and swim far away from the menacing creatures now!!
John doesn't see what he's got 'if he was smart, he'd stay away from me.. not be close!' Ben calls Govan a 'clever little fox' who has realised that if Rachael is evicted he still needs a mentor figure. Ben believes Gov will be crying and weeping if Rach goes but will then forget her in 3/4 hours. (ad break)
Caoimhe and Shabby consider their Diary room entry to be the funniest yet as Caoimhe had pulled custard and tomato soup out of her ear (from the totally rubbish quiz!) Josie can't believe Shabby had pulled a mooner at Big Bro 'who do you think you are?' Shabby had got up and 'it just sort of slipped out!' and exposes her butt cheeks so instead of getting embarrassed she rode it out! Ife scolds Shabby 'pull your trousers up!' Nathan saw her 'clacker' when she strolls into the kitchen.
Ife, Mario and Josie are at the sofas talking about 'The Secret' and how it isn't very well known in England. Josie's friend was telling her about it right before she came in the house 'it's all about conspiracies, in't it?' Ife enlightens her that it isn't and explains it is about the power of positive thinking.
JOSIE: Oh! I've got that totally wrong then!!
Her friend had been telling her about secret conspiracies which BB cut away from faster than a fat kid is on a cupcake!! (Or a John James is on a McDonald's burger.. or Josie is on a jaffa!) Out of curiosity, has anybody watched The Secret DVD or read the book? I have watched the DVD and found it all a bit trippy.. I don't think I believe in that in the slightest.
We hear a small snippet from the nest from John about how sick he is over everyone coming up to him telling him how good looking she is! (assuming this comment is about Rachael!)
JOHN: I'm aware.. I've got eyes! I know if someone is good looking or not..
The camera cuts to Shabby pledging to the nation that she will be a better person. The Diary room whore (as she calls herself) is jacked up on the Diary room!! Then back to John talking about the look Rachael gives.
JOHN: And I just don't appreciate .. I just don't think that look is very nice.. that's just me though.. I don't like it.. it really annoys me, I'm sorry. Especially when she does it to someone like Sunshine, cos she is a very fragile girl.. if she does it to me, I can hold my own..
I get the impression John may get sick of being swooned over and told how fit/hot/attractive someone finds him! He KNOWS he's a good looking guy but there's a lot more to him than his appearance. Praise him for his personality, his views, his morals etc.. I think John struggled to accept that Josie loved him for the Parton package (not his widger!) as she told him how handsome he was constantly when maybe he'd have preferred to hear WHY she loved him.. not just why she was attracted to him.
Whereas, Josie was constantly being told the sweetest things by John and only occasionally complimented by him in public for being gorgeous.. she knew he loved her, but maybe doubted that he was as sexually attracted to her as she was to him.. although he definitely WAS! And we've seen him hold his own, many a time.. but he may not be capable of doing so ALL the time with ALL people!
Steve states that he has also seen Ife as a recipient to one of Rachael's looks.
JOHN: Yes! That's when I'm like no, I'm not having that! Because you are a strong.. she's like one of the big girls, like the stronger girl.. she's higher in the pecking order ..
DAVE: (Observes) You're not being led around by your genitals.. at the end of the day, you've got a brain.. and you're a morally.. in some ways, you're a morally sound person.. so for you, it's not about what you've seen on the outside - it goes a lot deeper for you..
John is definitely not led or governed by his genitalia! More so, by his mind and heart .. if only more men could be the same way inclined. Dave is correct, SOME of John's morals are to be commended, others .. not so much..
John starts to say that he regrets something but the sound is cut and he is interrupted by Nathan's surprise at Stevey being INSIDE the nest. Dave tells John that people have to see things for themselves. And that when he spoke to John and they were threshing things out he'd heard some things that totally shocked them but had kept them to himself but he knows where he stands.
It is for these reasons that I try not too judge John and Josie too harshly for things they have SAID about the other person .. and what they have supposedly done/said.. as I was not there to see or hear it. Comments in print or tweets sent out, I have my opinions on.. as they have put those out there directly. But when they talk negatively about each other and I personally haven't seen evidence to substantiate it - I try not to think badly of either.
I have been entrusted with a few things that have shocked me and made me sad.. but keep these to myself as I don't want to break any confidences. Anyone who has broken such confidences is LOW! And I don't know how they can have that on their conscience..
BEN: There were some attempts to portray you as a not nice person.. and I'm not having that, as you're one of the nicest people I've ever met..
Dave deduces that over time the reality 'will become more and more evident.. and people will see what's going on. ' He thinks the public will already be aware of certain things. Ben disagrees as the power of television is that the producers will choose what is shown. But Dave feels that they will show John kicking off on TV but also the REASONS why he had and the people will vote accordingly.
BEN: The public will be right behind you!
Ha, this opinion from Ben didn't last for all that long, hmm?
There have been attempts by John, Josie, their supporters, friends, family and egg accounts to portray either John/Josie/both as a 'bad person' I may be naive in my thinking, but I consider John and Josie to be fundamentally good, kind people.. who have made mistakes and and said and done some not-so-nice and not-so-kind things .. but who hasn't? As such, they will both still have supporters to stick by them through thick and thin.
Nathan rejoins the 'working Men's club' and sits next to John he asks what the time is.
JOHN: Is it f**king midnight already? (Dave points out it must be nearer to 1am as they got their shopping at 12am) Oh, far out! Bedtime!!
And with that, the tired little bear (as Nathan - the buzzing-on-coffee-boy titles him) flies away from the cuckoo's nest :D
The next time we see John on the live feed he is talking with Rachael in the bedroom (see the HL's blog for more of the chat as I'm only filling in the gaps)
JOHN: I think they'll be loving our two's discussions to be honest.. I would leave if that's what it meant .. so like if everyone was out sunbaking or whatever..
Rachael insists she doesn't want him to leave. John doesn't want her to be sat inside and wasn't even aware Rachael felt that way until Josie told him.
JOHN: It's hard because.. people get involved and have said certain things and that's not easy for me because I was just willing to ignore the situation.. it's not what I wanted to do..
I think this is the technique John is now employing.. to IGNORE any ugliness evolving from the situation. To ignore any digs from Josie or haters.. and is even ignoring his supporters to an extent. Does he WANT this support anymore? It takes 2 seconds to send a tiny tweet .. and we know he has accessed twitter recently as he followed someone this week. How nice would it be to see some new photos of him and to hear how life is back home?
John explains that Josie had told him and obviously he had been annoyed as he'd heard Rachael speaking to Gov in the garden. Rachael just wants to forget it and John feels bad.
JOHN: I spoke to Josie and she said you're feeling bad or you're feeling uncomfortable.. and I was like 'did she SAY that or are you just thinking that?' She said you actually said that.. I went 'you're certain that's what she said? Tell me exactly what she said..' (as he didn't want to come up to her and say what Josie had said for her to tell him to 'f**k off!') but if you actually said that, then I'm concerned cos I don't want you to feel like that.
He seriously doesn't want her to feel uncomfortable especially around the group and knows that he's probably mentally stronger than her. 'Like I can handle certain situations.. (cuts to break)
Who do you think is mentally stronger between John and Josie? We know they are both strong people .. but also break down when hurt by the people they are closest to.
Rachael doesn't tend to get involved as she didn't want to make it awkward for other people. She asks if they can draw a line under it, if tomorrow is her last day to which John agrees as she doesn't want to drag it on. After the hug demanded by Rachael, John tells her if she needs to talk for her to get him. She says if she does it will be one on one and she won't get anyone else involved. John takes some time alone to breathe deeply in the closet.
Dave comes to check John is alright. John just hates 'how everyone thinks I was out to get her.. cos I seriously wasn't!' Does anyone think John was out to 'get' Josie as such, before his latest bout of twitter silence? I don't think he was.. but I thought he was growing increasingly frustrated with things he had been accused of and hit back when Josie e-mailed him. I'm not one of the people who believe he has set out to destroy Josie or Josie to destroy John.. if they were, they haven't been very successful in their quest. If they truly wanted to RUIN each other.. I don't doubt they have far dirtier dirt that they daren't dish out (thus far!) ..
Dave consoles John that he certainly doesn't think this; he just sees him as 'a forthright guy, dude.. if you've got something to say, you say it! I don't think you're out to get anyone. I just think you're an honest guy..' Dave doesn't think anyone thinks badly of him at all, that he's playing a game or being evil towards anyone.
DAVE: People just think you're a straight-talking guy!
Whenever John STOPS being forthright and saying anything back.. I either think he has nothing left to say on the subject that he hasn't already gone over.. is bored BRAINLESS by it all, or will soon be revealing home truths (from his perspective) at an opportune moment.
Dave thinks Rachael is cute and has some good qualities about her but he sees some underlying things that don't connect with him (but others may not have a problem with it!) John nods along when Dave tells him he handles things differently to him 'you see it and then address it!' He admonishes John to watch his temper as it could seem like he becomes really angry and even as bullying her. Dave knows he's not but it could come over as John being verbally aggressive towards Rachael.
DAVE: I don't think there's anything wrong with being straight-talking and addressing stuff.. nothing wrong with that at all.
Dave knows John doesn't give a rip if they do or not, but assures him that the public won't be against him.
JOHN: (Sighs) It's so hard because.. they don't know the situation.. do you know what I mean? If they knew what was happening I think they would.. I think they WOULD be for me.. not for me, but understand. But because I'm in here, I might be portrayed as something completely different.
Just as we, don't know the ins and outs to the breakdown of John and Josie's relationship .. and nor should we. We only know their take, THEIR version of the 'truth'.. they each see the same situation from polar opposite perspectives. So we can only glean a somewhat distorted interpretation of what went on and make up our own minds on what we believe.
I think they've both spoken some truths, some half-truths, some exaggerations, some fabrications and have omitted a LOT.. the reality lies somewhere in the middle. I don't actually think they even know themselves what really happened .. they tried to piece it together but puzzled themselves as some jigsaw pieces are missing so they couldn't complete it. All we know for a fact is, that they were in a relationship, had some very happy times, had some hard struggles and it ended :(
Dave decides the public will hate the negative characteristics Rachael has and will 'see her as some sort of wannabe prima donna.' John had brought this up with her as it was part of the reason he had a go at her. Ben comes in and John has a burning question he desires an answer to.
JOHN: Benny, can I just ask who did try to portray me as a bad guy? Who tried to make me out to look like a nasty bloke? Can you just tell me their names?
Ben cites that they are part of the Addams Family (referring to Shabby, Caoimhe and Ife) John presses to see if Ife had participated in that. Ben nods but asserts that she hadn't said he was a nasty bloke but was in the bath when he'd had a row with Rachael. Govan had come in and gossiped 'OMG! It's all kicking off now!' Ben spots that whats-her-face Caoimhe is coming in and promptly changes the subject to no longer being able to get a direct flight between London and Sydney!
Once they have got rid of Caoimhe, the chat continues and Ben takes on a camp voice to impersonate Govan. Govan had apparently said that he liked John but thought what he'd said to Rachael was 'unacceptable!'
JOHN: (Sad) He said that? (chews his cheek)
Ben goes on to say that Ife had looked up and commented that she guessed people aren't quite what you imagine they are. He asked what she'd meant by that, she'd replied that she didn't think John was behaving in a very nice way and had seen a different side to him. John looks troubled and bewildered; how can he know who to believe?
Ben maintains this is why he'd been sensitive towards John that day as he can vouch for him in every way.
BEN: He's the most decent and honest guy you can find. I said even I disagree with him a little bit, on some of his appraisals with Rachael.. but in no way is that in any malice, unpleasantness or intent whatsoever.. he has no .. he has such a strong sense of ideals that he doesn't.. it frustrates him when people don't live up to those ideals. (Ben gave an example that he agreed with John as Rachael doesn't have any time for Sunshine)
John is predominantly a decent and honest guy, I can't dispute that. But I do think he has been unpleasant and shown malice towards Josie since they split up (as has she).. most of his tweets have had intent behind them when aimed at her. Although, he had already seen elements of the less positive aspects of Josie's character in BB.. he still chose to start a relationship with her and was now seeing them surface in different circumstances. Outside the BB bubble, the idealised Josie he had spent so much time with.. fell short of John's ideals for her and their relationship and that would have frustrated him. Vice versa for Josie, John could never live up to BB John outside that environment.. as although he IS that person, this side to him couldn't exist permanently in their new life and surroundings.
They've both behaved in ways they cannot be described as nice or acceptable (either to each other or their supporters) after the break up. As their relationship developed while living together they were bound to see different sides to each other.
At first, anything they disliked about one another they were willing to overlook and tolerate as they were so in love. Over time, their negative traits would have begun to bug them and taken a toll on their relationship.. nobody is at their sweetest when arguing.. we know they can both say cruel, horrible things and I bet they did! If their less pretty characteristics were becoming pre-dominant over the positive, this could have been a massive source of contention between them.. and left them wondering who the 'real' John and Josie were.. (try the yellow pages, I don't know!) And questioning, if they'd ever been in love with the REAL them, or with the person they believed them to be?
Ben briefs John that Caoimhe had also criticised John for his behaviour as it had shocked her. John wants to extract more information 'do you know what they believe?'
Ben admits to being a bit annoyed with him earlier as he'd spent the past 2 days sticking up for John. Ben had wanted to do so, as John is one of the 'most honest and decent people I've ever met.. and you don't have a bad bone in your body!'
BEN: And bloody for the 3 witches from Macbeth to be stirring the pot.. (like he'd had from Shabby a few days ago.. this makes John snicker)
He expects that he and John could be up for eviction the next week 'and you'll get preserved cos you look like David Beckham!'
Just as the witches on twitter continue to stir their pots.. until 1 day their spoons shall snap :D mwah ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaa!
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