Nathan and Govan gossip with Josie as they smoke in the garden.
JOSIE: If he'd have just said, 'look Jose, come on.. I've got a really bad headache..
NATHAN: (Continues her train of thought) Lay off this sh*t..
GOVAN: I didn't like that.. I didn't like that.. that was nasty!
JOSIE: Yeah, but you were taking the p*ss as well.. he didn't start on you, did he? Wonder if he's asking if he can leave..
Interestingly, she knew this aspect of John's sensitive character .. and that she had some power over him already, to make him feel that he didn't want to stay if they were not friends.
GOVAN: I hope he doesn't go..
JOSIE: No.. I don't dislike him that much!
GOVAN: (Making light of matters) So obviously we can't make a joke out of his breath anymore now (tuts)
JOSIE: Well, he should f**king brush his teeth then, shouldn't he? (they all laugh)
7.34pm, some of the HM's are in the living room. The house has given Nathan a huge amount of time for reflection on his life. John is packing up his possessions in the bedroom. From what I can remember, John had cried with Corin and Mario in the closet and someone had run to warn Josie what his plans were.. this is all from memory of the live feed that day (none of this was shown in HL's) John has his belongings lined up on the floor and is zipping up his wash bag. Josie pokes her head around the bedroom door as she comes to stop him.
JOSIE: Why are you packing your stuff for, John?
JOHN: If you don't wanna talk.. I don't care but..
JOSIE: You're gonna go? (walks over towards him)
JOHN: If I have to! (Meaning: if she won't talk to him or if she wants him to)
JOSIE: Oh don't be so stupid, put your stuff back. Stop being an idiot!
JOHN: (Irked) Nah, don't.. like it f**ked me off.. like you knew I was serious and you..
JOSIE: No, I didn't .. (starts to unpack his belongings)
JOHN: (Defensively) Don't touch my stuff, don't touch my stuff!
JOSIE: Do you think if I was serious.. I can't be bothered to talk to you when you're like this!
JOHN: Alright, I'm willing to listen to what you have to say..
How many times have we heard one or the other, or both, use the old 'I don't care' line or some variation of it? More often than not, it seems to be said on the occasions when really they actually DO care.. but they don't want to give a damn about it .. and they absolutely do not want anybody to see through them and suss that they do care .. a HELL of a lot!
How sucky would it have been if John had left as early as Day 12? :( How adamant he was about leaving, I don't know.. he was packing up the items that mattered most to him but was this to: alarm Josie into talking to him again and patching things up? Or was he really 100% resolved to leave the house there and then if BB had allowed him to? I don't think so. 'If I have to' puts the ball firmly in Josie's court. He wants an indication from her, before making his final decision .. he's searching for a signal that she wants him to stay.
JOSIE: I haven't got time for it.. I've had enough arguments.. I've had enough strife and arguments in my lifetime.. to be doing it in here with you, right..
JOHN: (Sighs and leans against the drawers in the closet) Okay.. okay.. I won't say anything.. just.. just talk to me then. (Lowers his head to the ground and licks his lips slightly)
JOSIE: You can't just be nice as pie and then go off like a little b*tch when you want, cos I won't stand for it! I will.. I'm not one of those girls!
JOHN: I didn't say you were one of any girl..
Although, Josie didn't want more arguments, least of all with John, because she'd had too many in her relationships before.. I guess a lot of differences in opinion and misunderstandings did lead to them.. because that was the only way she knew how to attempt to 'deal' with such situations. That, or the ignore tactic (which never worked out that well for her either, eh?) would come into play.
John always came over as less mature when it came to emotions within relationships than Josie.. as he'd never experienced such intense feelings before.. Josie was used to these battles but didn't want anymore. Their combined tempers, inevitably led to heated discussions and full on rows (particularly as they didn't have anyone else to unload on, so they took EVERYTHING out on each other) ..
John just NEEDED Josie to talk to him, as he was already heavily emotionally reliant upon Josie .. and it suffocated and tormented him when she wasn't.. Josie is not the kind of girl to take things lying down or be walked all over.. she isn't a submissive woman who will be obedient or pander to her man.
Likewise, John is not the type of man to let things go when he is angry or upset .. he has to voice his views and come to a resolution. Nor would he just allow anybody to make him do something he didn't want to .. and refused to give any person power on control over him.. something which Josie naturally obtained.
JOSIE: (Sits on John and Mario's bed) Don't.. don't think you can talk to me like that .. you should've come over and said 'Josie, please give it a rest!'
JOHN: (Sat on the floor) What? In front of everyone?
JOSIE: We've all been taking the p*ss out of everyone.. what when you decide it's alright.. I've gotta stop..
JOHN: (Hurt) When have I ever taken the p*ss out of you, Jose? Seriously?
JOSIE: We always had a little banter.. that's the way it is in here!
JOHN: But I do not ride you nowhere.. not even CLOSE to anything..
JOSIE: You said.. oh, and you didn't then?
JOHN: Yeah, but that was the only time!! Because I asked you to stop.. (voice breaks slightly) but you didn't! Why didn't you? I don't know why you didn't stop..
Josie thought it was okay for her to be making jokes at John's expense as he hadn't had an issue with it before. John realises that he did make THAT comment but it is almost as though he feels it was Josie's fault for the words that came out of his own mouth.. he wasn't willing to accept any of the blame..
JOSIE: Well, I've learnt my lesson so you don't need to pack your stuff, do you? Come on buddy.. (John is sat down near the closet and starts to cry) what's.. oh stop being stupid.. (she puts an arm on his shoulder) stop.. don't do this! (Puts her arm behind his back and plants a little peck on his head, bites her nail) stop being an idiot.. (he lets out a loud, strangulated sob) stop being stupid (rubs his head) don't cos, I'll feel really guilty now. (He sighs and lays his head on Josie's shoulder) Jonathan James, from this day on.. whenever you've got a headache, I will not take the p*ss out of you! (she laughs)
JOHN: Nuh! That's not the point (dries his eyes on his sleeve) it's just .. f**king this house.. like it just f**ks ya..
JOSIE: (Sucks her thumb) I'll be your friend again then, alright? (laughs)
JOHN: Nah, but I don't even give a f**k..
JOSIE: Yeah, you DO!! Don't lie!
JOHN: Nah, not about that.. about this house.. like I don't even give a f**k, do you know what I mean? (wipes tears with the sleeve of his hoody and Jose sucks her thumb more) I feel bad.. cos like.. you just made me snap.. (Josie laughs) like I would never say that to anyone in my life.. like EVER!!
That he got to the point where he DID snap like this, seemed to shock him to the core.. yet he was not taking on any of the responsibility himself. They had a hell of a gift for making each other snap by going for the jugular!
JOHN: If it was anyone else, it wouldn't have got to me.. but because it was you.. and I asked you to stop.. and you didn't.. and I had a headache.. it just got to me.. and I didn't know why.. I don't even know what I did wrong and you just..
Here, he acknowledges that it is because JOSIE had been behind it, which had made him react so strongly and cut him so deeply.. But he doesn't know WHY she could bring out such intense emotions in him.. even back here, Josie had the power to devastate him and it just grew stronger everyday that they became closer and closer..
JOSIE: Well, I think I've learnt my lesson now. (Pokes his cheek with her finger)
JOHN: (He sniffs and exhales sharply, still teary) And then when I tried to talk to you about it you just f**king panned me off.. and I was like f**king..
JOSIE: Cos, I knew you were turning into 'that' guy.. and I didn't wanna speak to you.. You're one of my favourites, but when you're that guy I haven't got time ..
JOHN: Like fair enough, maybe I insulted you worse..
JOSIE: Cos, you switched on me when you I walked in, I thought 'nah, I'm not.. I'm no gonna speak to that guy!'
JOHN: Yeah, cos if you weren't willing to sort it out, I would have just left..
JOHN: Yeah. (This makes Josie smile, seemingly she is flattered by this) yeah.. I would've.. I don't give a f**k! (His legs are on top of Josie's as she lays on the floor underneath him, they laugh at their ridiculousness!) F**king b*tch!
JOSIE: What a joke!
Whenever, Josie wouldn't talk to him, John wanted to leave.. so if Josie was refusing to resolve their differences in the relationship, he would have thought what's the point, it'll be better if I just go. Maybe, she wasn't learning the lessons John wanted her to and kept panning him off.. and maybe John didn't learn the things Josie would have liked either.. and kept switching on her and turning into 'that guy' she didn't have time for.
Their insults would have gradually become worse and worse, hurting and upsetting the other more and more deeply.. If John didn't perceive Josie as being willing to 'sort' the issues between them.. he wouldn't have been able to stand that for very long before packing up his suitcase and returning to Melbourne :(
8.25pm, Ife, Shabby, Sunshine, Govan and Josie are in the bathroom. Shabby crudely comes clean to Josie, that she was so horny earlier she could have 'cracked one off right there and then!' Josie roars raucously with laughter and asks if she has yet, nay Shabby has NOT cracked any part of her anatomy! ;)
JOSIE: You're joking! I thought you'd be right on it!
The smallest things are setting Shabby off, like Caoimhe's knee went into her back and she 'literally could have had an orgasm!'
Govan is in the Diary room as BB believed he was adamant to go in the morning and wants to see if this is still the case. He wouldn't like to go but wishes he could see his loved ones. The prospect of him losing out, on the experience that he was so lucky to get doesn't sit well with him. Govan thinks he'd be silly to duck out and vows to wait until his HM's nominate him and he's given the boot.. he only has to wait a few days! :D
Mario and Ben are in the nest. Ben is positively paranoid that everyone will be gunning for him in their nominations. He reels off 5/6 people that he expects to vote for him.
BEN: Shabby still doesn't care for me particularly.. I've stopped trying to be friends with these people, cos it's never gonna work.
Mario's feelings for a few people have changed this week, one of them being Gov. Ben describes his feelings for Govan as going 'from him being a complete twit to being quite pleasant and that's what confuses you, correct? But he's a bit stupid and sh*t stirs like crazy!'
BEN: Govan literally swings from the Nathans and Shabbys of this world to .. John and Josie, depending on who he thinks is in the ascendancy. No Govan is tricky, very tricky!
11.12pm, most of the HM's are in the kitchen. BB has provided HM's with nibbles, non-alcoholic drinks and music (as a reward for their EGGsiting task that was bumped from the HL's in favour of the JJJ and Ben vs Shabby dramas!) John courteously checks with the other HM's around the table 'are we starting? Are we? Are we eating?' While Ben tucks into his nosh without a second thought for anyone! Shabby and Dave answer that they are.
Bad Romance is played into the house, which puts the SUNSHINE into Sunshine's soul as she sings and spins and skips around like a *fill in the blank with your own adjective of choice!* John continues to ensure that the guys are getting fed.
JOHN: Are you alright, Nate? Wanna sausage roll, man?
11.23pm, 11 minutes later.. JJ's mates, JLS have their track 'One shot' played as Sunshine, Corin and Josie dance along to it. Shabby and Caoimhe repulsively suck up lots of jelly with their hands behind their back (part of the party food) Shabby spits it all back out again.
Ben, Dave and John James are in the bedroom chatting. John is on his bed and it looks like he is SEWING his Peter Pan ripped shorts! Man of many hidden skills if he is able to sew!!
JOHN: It was funny when you went to grab the sausage rolls! You couldn't wait to get stuck in!
BEN: (Grants this) Of course not, I can't stand these ridiculous.. I'm not a collegiate person. (John asks what this means 'if you're gonna use words like that, you have to explain' so Ben does) I'm not obsessed with.. Like we're not sort of a Communist unit, who have to vote before we do anything! We do what we want..
JOHN: I disagree with that actually.. We have to work as a unit, cos if we don't, we'd be in arguments all the time - wouldn't we?
John was irritated that Ben had helped himself to a sausage roll before anyone else had even arrived at the table, to start munching themselves.
BEN: (Boasts) I go to more formal dinners and functions than any of those people in that room! I know protocol.. I know the way things are meant to be done! If you're at a bl**dy crisps and jelly bean party, formal rules don't apply.. I'm not gonna bl**dy wait to say grace before I have a sausage roll, I mean that's just bl**dy ridiculous!
John feels that he should have done so as 'it's just common courtesy when you're at a table with 14 people!'
BEN: (Grasses on Shabby to John, as he whines) I don't understand why you're giving me a hard time! I think you're being really unfair about that .. and as Dave will now confirm, I'll tell you something that I wasn't going to tell you before.. but I will tell you this.. when you had your big blow up with Josie today, bl**dy Shabby was walking by smirking and SO happy that you had had a massive blow out with someone! That's what's upset me, John! So I think you're being totally out of order and unfair to someone who has shown you real loyalty.
JOHN: (Objects) But I'm not being unfair.. I'm talking to you as a mate, not as someone that's having a dip at ya! You need to be a bit more aware of the 14 other people in the house!
Ben debates that he thinks he is aware, 'if they think I'm so unworthy of living here, that they are going to judge me on whether I have asked everyone's consent before I pick up a sausage roll, then I shouldn't be here.. if that's really how petty and pathetic people are!'
Most of us, have seen just how petty and pathetic people have the potential to be on twitter this past year or so.. especially the eggheads!!
11.56pm, Shabby and Caoimhe are in the nest. The 'little f**kers' scare Nathan with a big boo as he opens the door! Most of the HM's are in the living room, Dave is talking about Shabby.. he discloses to John how she had earlier seemed to take great delight in his fight with Josie.
DAVE: She came in here, threw her coat down there, stormed in there (the bathroom) then came out.. had a little look.. I don't know what she was doing.
Ben enquires if John believes him. John makes it known that he does.
JOHN: Yeah, I do.. I'm glad I do. We'll just leave it at that.
He laughs at the appearance of Josie who is dressed as her alter-ego Jazz. She looks superbly silly wearing a black wig, sunglasses and red lippy smeared all around her mouth to make it look larger. She has Ben's white dressing gown on and her cleavage is hanging out.
GOVAN: You don't feel Jazzy enough, Jazz!
JOSIE: Cos we're in here with the (mouthes) b*tches! (Govan asks 'what?') Yeah. (They mock whisper, copying the group and go into the bathroom. John observes them walking away and senses why they have) I'm going to turn into a right b*tch now! Did you hear all them lot? They've been saying summat to John, John went 'well I'm glad I know now!' and looked at us.
JOSIE: Don't rise to it! (Govan thumps his fist to his other hand) No come here, come here, Govan..
GOVAN: So funny (!)
Skips to nest, where Shabby wishes someone would get their 'twins' out and wonders if Sunshine will for her! Caoimhe asks if that would turn her on and YES it probably would!! John comes in to address them as he has picked up that Josie and Govan think he was slyly whispering about them.. and wants them to know this was not the case.
JOSIE: What you lot all talking about then? (Govan turns away when John enters and walks in the opposite direction into the toilet)
JOHN: (Fumes) Are you f**king serious, Gov? If you f**king think I was involved in any f**king whispering.. (Josie demands to know what they were talking about then) I heard .. I saw that you's heard.. (Josie knew) Yeah! But if you think I was involved in that..
Josie asks again what they were talking about.
JOHN: I didn't talk. I didn't say a word..
JOSIE: You did! You just said 'I'm glad I know that, thank you' and then looked us both up and down!
JOHN: Who did? (Josie tells him he had) Whaaaat?
JOSIE: You went 'I'm glad I know, thank you.' (John appeals that he hadn't looked at 'you's two!') What was it?
JOHN: Ahhhhh! He f**king said, that when they went to eject me.. no when I went to leave (Govan comes back out of the toilet, so John informs him of what went down matter-of-factly) Gov, f**king don't even think, that I'd f**king rat you for a second, man! For a F**KING second!! Like don't f**king think that little of me!
JOSIE: Well just tell us!
JOHN: (Agitated) Oh f**king hell! I f**king hate this sh*t!! F**K! He said, that when I was threatening to leave or whatever.. I didn't threaten to leave.. but when I was going to leave.. Ben said to f**king Davo 'oh, you'd better' or you or something 'you better go talk to Johnny, cos he's packing up his sh*t!' Shabby walked past and went like this (demonstrates the smirk that Ben and Dave had shown him) and then came in here and went like that! (rubs his hands together)
Govan demands to know who had said this 'Ben?'
JOHN: Yes! (Govan makes as though he is going to have a word with Ben) no, wait.. (Govan tells them to carry on as he needs a slash anyway!)
JOSIE: (Instructs him assertively) Noooo, don't do that Govan! Cos he'll never tell us anything again!
JOHN: Look, I'm aware you guys don't trust certain people in that group.. do you? (Govan talks over John) What the f**k am I meant to do? (x2) What am I meant to do??
JOSIE: I like Ben! (John laughs)
GOVAN: Ben licks the sh*t out of my arse! He licks the crack of my arse, day in day out!
JOSIE: (Reasons) But he didn't say anything about you!
GOVAN: (Thinks Ben is trying to cause trouble) It's not the point! It's the principle! People are trying to cause trouble in the group. Think about it, a 30 year old man.. a 30 year old man telling you that kind of petty bullsh*t! Do you really think that was for your benefit? That's because you were in a vulnerable position today.. it's glaringly obvious, glaringly obvious! Do you know what I mean? And you've not been yourself all night and he's trying to capitalise on that!
JOSIE: Govan, don't even get.. don't sink to that level!
JOHN: F**K! It's all f**king happening, innit?
12.18am, 22 minutes later.. Govan is sat alone in the garden rolling a cigarette. Shabby comes out of the nest and asks him what's wrong. Govan sighs deeply before tattling to Shabby.. it doesn't take much coersion for him to spill ALL the beans 'go and ask John.. put it this way, there's sh*t stirring going on guys!' Govan then sh*t stirs himself and reveals what Ben had told John at the sofas.
GOVAN: Basically just playing on the fact that John's feeling very sh*t today and I believe just trying to cause trouble between you and John!
SHABBY: Have you spoken to John and told him it was b*llocks?
GOVAN: (Confirms he and Josie had) That kind of behaviour, as far as I'm concerned is sly and underhand. It's pathetic!
Shabby walks away instantly to go and confront the others in the bathroom.
JOSIE: I just had a massive sugar rush!
SHABBY: (Storms in) What the f**k?
JOSIE: What has Govan just said to you?
Shabby just wants to know what the heinous thing she has supposedly done is! Mario is surprised 'that you've done??'
JOSIE: (Brushing her teeth) OMG! He's such a tattle tat! It's just Ben.. But he knows you and Ben don't see eye to eye anyway, so I don't know why he had to do that! All Ben said was that you rubbed your hands when John was on his way out..
SHABBY: (Sarcastic and irate) What? I rubbed my hands? I RUBBED MY HANDS?
JOSIE: (Giggles at her response) I know!
SHABBY: (Directed to John) And you believed that?
JOHN: I'm not.. I don't.. (smiles) Do you really think that I'm the sort of person that would even care? (giggles)
Shabby doesn't think it is the point whether or not John cares, her issue is 'why is he trying to cause sh*t?'
JOSIE: Don't rise to it, Shabs! (scrubs her tongue furiously) Shabs, just don't rise to it, mate.
SHABBY: I despise him. I f**king despise him!
Back out in the living room with the boys -
BEN: Shall I pack my bags now? (now feeling he shouldn't have reported this to John. Mario says for him not to be ridiculous)
Steve decides to have a look as he wants to know what's going on. Ben speaks out that they will be slagging him off as he'd told John how happy Shabby was when the dramas were kicking off (and inadvertently creating another!!) Mario reassures Ben, that he is going in the bathroom to make sure things don't get exaggerated. Ben pleads for Mario to stick up for him which Mario confirms he shall be.
MARIO: I'm going to make sure facts aren't misinterpreted. (Ben wants to go to bed)
Shabby swoops in, nostrils flaring to challenge Ben on the defamation of her character that he had spread.
SHABBY: Ben, what is your problem? What is your problem? Who are you? WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM? Why are you trying to cause sh*t for me?
BEN: I wasn't trying to cause sh*t for you.. we were having a general analysis earlier..
SHABBY: A general analysis of what now?
BEN: Just the whole situation earlier.. I shouldn't have mentioned you.. that was wrong of me.. but I did.
SHABBY: You've mentioned me .. because I think you would prefer it if people here didn't like me. That's the issue! (Maybe John believes this is why Josie mentions him in magazines still?)
Ben bleats that this isn't true. Shabby states that she's had nothing but rubbing up against him the wrong way when she's left him alone and not said anything about him.
SHABBY: So just leave me out of it Ben.. I don't want to be part of your dramas!
Ben blabs that it wasn't just him, that others were involved but he won't 'dob others' in.
SHABBY: Grow the F**K UP, Ben man! You're 30 years old!! (Ben acknowledges knowing his age) Stop acting like a f**king bell-end! (she leaves the room)
Ben feels betrayed by John despite Mario insisting that it wasn't deliberate on John's part. 1.01am, Sunshine and Corin are in the bedroom (sleeping) Most of the HM's are in the living room. Mario acts as a go-between to try and get Ben and Shabby on speaking terms. Shabby doesn't wish to speak to Ben or resolve anything.
SHABBY: Ben, I literally have NOTHING to say to you! I don't want to hear it. (Ben momentarily concedes) Cool..
BEN: (Leans on Mario for physical support and emotional back up who protests that this won't resolve anything) But that's unfair..
SHABBY: I didn't say I wanted to resolve anything!!
BEN: But when things happen between individuals they often spiral to involve other people!
The way it looks between John and Josie is that they have nothing more to say to each other (only perhaps ABOUT each other!) .. and if the other were to try to communicate with them, they wouldn't want to hear it. Unless they had that mediator or go-between, they don't really stand a chance at resolving any kind of friendship.. but then maybe one/both of them DO NOT want to resolve one!!
Ben's sentence above is very true of John and Josie.. because we got so invested in them and their relationship.. we feel involved, and others became TOO involved and interfered post break-up.. most probably widening the gulf further and doing far more harm than good..
The thing that Shabby is amused by is that he had said all this to John in the sense of being a friend.
SHABBY: But if you were really his friend, you wouldn't want to make him think people didn't like him! You aren't his friend.. you are NOT his friend.. because you tried to make him feel like sh*t.. and I wouldn't do that to my friends.. (John is looking distressed as he watches on)
Those on twitter, reporting back to John or Josie about nastiness that had been said about them.. under the pretence of caring/being a supporter.. make me so angry!! If you really cared why would you bring this to their attention? It will only make them feel more crap.. like Shabby, I wouldn't do that to my friends if I'd heard someone say something awful about them.. not unless they pleaded with me to tell them.
JOSIE: That's what they've done, just riled us right up!
Caoimhe guarantees that Shabby has absolutely nothing against John.
SHABBY: But you wouldn't have made that throwaway comment without any intent behind it, Ben! That's the point.. (Ben tries to contradict this) OF COURSE THERE WAS INTENT BEHIND IT, OTHERWISE YOU WOULD NOT HAVE SAID IT!!
Ife meekly asks if she can say one thing, turns to Ben and asks what he'd hoped to achieve from telling John about the rubbing hands thing in the first place.
Shabby seethes that Ben had attached his own judgment knowing he would use it later. Mario defends Ben as not being a malicious person. Shabby doesn't believe him.
SHABBY: I believe he is a malicious person. EVERYTHING I've seen from Ben has been malicious! Why the f**k did you say it?!!
All Ife wants to know is why he'd felt the need to. Ben reasons that John had been asking about the general mood of different things at the time and he'd been honest about the way he'd seen it - just as she would have been with her friends.
SHABBY: But you DON'T know me! You don't KNOW ME!! You made a judgment on a person, you knew nothing about.. and I don't want you to know me!
Ben accepts that and is sure that she's made judgments on him which he hasn't known about either. Shabby rages that she doesn't give a sh*t about him.
SHABBY: I've not made any judgments because I couldn't give 2 shiny sh*ts about you!
BEN: Then why are you being so rude about it?
SHABBY: (Blasts) BECAUSE I DON'T LIKE YOU, BEN!!! (Stomps into the bathroom where John is keeping his head down)
BEN: I know that. Do you not think I realise that?
Caoimhe presents the problem of having these little b*tching sessions and talking about people 'it's going to get found out!'
NATHAN: We're bound to f**king b*tch! We're not all meant to get on hunky dory!
Caoimhe claims the best thing to do is leave it and apologise 'two people have been made uncomfortable tonight because of it!'
BEN: We are where we are.. I had my reasons, but anyway I apologise to you.. I know you don't like me .. I guess we've just got to stay out of people's way and at least we know where we stand. (He bites his thumb while Shabby nods and mm hms)
1.22am Shabby, Ife and Caoimhe are in the garden.. (bitching) talking about Ben and Mario. Shabby believes Ben looked pathetic in the argument and Caoimhe couldn't believe he was leaning on Mario 'sit down and let the man speak for himself!' Shabby reveals that Mario has gone down in her estimations and that he is 'thinking with his c*ck.. being blind to the obvious truth that Ben is an utter w*nker because he fancies him!'
Caoimhe too has lost a bit of respect for Mario, after the way things were dealt with. Some of the HM's are in the bedroom. (Meanwhile) Mario tries to make Ben feel better, about all the tension between them. Ben is still harping on about packing his bags while Caoimhe tells Shabby she has her back.
MARIO: In a few days, there'll be a new drama and it'll be forgotten!
Ben is convinced he is now hated by 40/50% of the house. Mario resolves that he may well receive nominations tomorrow but that doesn't mean he'll be facing the vote.. and if he does the public decide! Ben doesn't think the events have helped his popularity contest. Mario checks with Steve that he doesn't hate Ben, he doesn't. Mario thinks he's in no worse position than he was previously as he still has the same friends.
MARIO: I may have been the mole, but there's definitely a snake in the house!
THE END of HL's!
Lol John sewing his pants!!
ReplyDeleteHave to say i was not a fan of Jose/Gov at this moment,and i do think Gov getting evicted,was the best thing for her.
John was naive,he was guilt-tripped,Ben only said that about Shabbs,so he could change the subject,and make someone else looks bad,cause he was int he wrong,John was right when he told him they should work together as a unit!
Liked Shabbs,she silneced Ben that night!Although she liked the drama lol....
It wasn't an easy few days for John lol,he seemed to be involved in every drama
Also,lol at Jose trying not to laugh,when John started crying!
ReplyDeleteAlso he should have apologised,he said later to Mario,that he was wrong to say a certain thing to Jose(probably about the face insult)Yet he couldn't apologise to her,cause in his mind,she pushed him to that point....bloody kids they were sometimes!