Sunday, 19 February 2012

DAY 11 Live feed afternoon

I'm not sure exactly which day this was from (think it was 10) but I wanted to include it in my blog as some of the conversation is very sweet. 

Ben, Josie and John are curled up in Mario and John's shared double bed. Josie jokes that it looks like John is in bed with a geek!! John pretends that it will ruin his reputation :D She brings up the show 'Beauty and the Geek' and quips that they could be 'Becks and the Geek' which makes John giggle. After giving her coffee order she turns to Ben and asks if he has seen the show; he hasn't but has seen Ugly Betty. 

As Ben cuddles up to Josie, Corin checks that John has been given all his towels. John pokes fun of Josie sucking her thumb. 

JOSIE: I'm doing wonders for your street cred (!)
JOHN: Are ya? (she makes him look) Aww! I bet when I get out, they'll be like 'What were you doing with Josie?'


JOHN: Yeah, they will! 

JOSIE: Better big me up, mind.. better big me up!

JOHN: Yeah, I will. (laughs) 'Big me up!' I'll say 'she's looking for a fella..' (they laugh)

JOSIE: (Cutely) Come here!!

JOHN: Awww. NO nasty men toying with my Jose! (repeats the comment) 
JOSIE: Yeah. 

JOHN: That's what I'll say. 

Ben interrupts the cataclysm of cuteness to chat about FARTS and how he's pleased there aren't any farters in the bed (but he feels that some of the people Josie hangs around with are!) Ben can't believe they have no concept of time in the house but Josie and John like this. After a sound dip, John thinks it is strange that Josie mentioned a movie, as it is one he watches every 2 weeks! They also learn that they have a love of Prison Break and Sonic in common when discovering they had written several of the same things down on their application forms. 

After a further SC, they both discuss how they like all different genres of music. 

JOHN: I can go from Rod Stewart to Daft Punk! 
Between mooooore muted moments, we make out that Josie loves the song Daft Punk (I think) did with Queen and that is a song she listens to on a daily basis. Another dip da dip da do wop da dobidoo .. John 'that is strange, isn't it? What other music do you listen to?' She likes the type of music you hear in the Streets in Cuba, she loves samba and bass line but finds it hard to explain what this style of music is to John, when he asks and electro funky house. 

JOHN: I was supposed to see Daft Punk when they came out to Australia, but I busted my knee (so didn't go as he couldn't walk) 

JOSIE: Oh no! I've seen them at Global Gathering a couple of times. 

It is one of John's regrets in life not getting to see them, so Josie promises to take him when they are out. John had taken the week off work for it but as they were playing in a field where you had to stand, he couldn't risk it. 
Josie also lists: Break beat, Krafty Kuts and Jack Johnson as other artists she likes. After a 6 minute interval we return to JJJ in bed with Ben, John is saying that something isn't by choice. 

JOSIE: Not even now and again? 

JOHN: No, cos girls get really jealous, don't they? Don't you think? 


JOHN: When you go out with a guy to a club, the guy or girl doesn't get really jealous? 

JOSIE: Nah. I used to.. I don't anymore. 
JOHN: I don't understand jealous people at all! 

JOSIE: See, I can cos I used to be REALLY jealous. 

JOHN: Really?!

She puts this down to her age and not understanding compared to now, where she hangs around with a lot of blokes she thinks she knows them more now. John thinks that would give her more reason to be jealous. 

JOSIE: I just think, if your man's gonna cheat on you.. he's gonna cheat on you! There's nothing you're gonna be able to do.. so if it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen!

JOHN: Have you got such strong feelings about cheating because of what happened? 
Josie agrees this is the case but now thinks the more you go on about it, the more likely it is to happen and the more jealous you become. 

JOSIE: And the more insecure you are, they're more likely to do it!

After a SC, John/Josie seem to have found a pube in the bed which John denies being his because his are black and not as long (since he'd shaved before coming in!) ... tell me if this is too much information!!! John jokes that maybe it is one of Josie's and finds it funny that she had to think about it. He asks if she likes Calvin Harris as well which she does. After a looooooooooooong SC, Josie checks if John had been listening to her earlier conversation as they realise they both like the Rock. John can quote all his lines :D 

JOHN: You like him cos he's hot! I like him cos I like him. 
Josie likes that the Rock is funny and John used to cry with laughter over some of his lines. 

JOSIE: (Fluffs his catchphrase) I DON'T CARE WHAT YOUR NAME IS!

JOHN: (Corrects her) It's 'it doesn't matter what your name is!' 

Josie asks if the guys (Dave and Steve are in the room too) remember Hulk Hogan. John says that he still wrestles now, Dave wants to know if the fights are real or staged. John thinks it is very clever the way they remember so many moves as the matches last for approx 40 minutes and they know beforehand who will win. It seems as though they are talking about which wrestlers use steroids or other muscle-enhancing drugs .. from what I can gather between the sound being silenced. END OF THIS PARTICULAR VID now onto Day 11 live videos:) 
In the morning, Josie is having a shower while John brushes his teeth (other HM's are in the bathroom too) and Josie catches him staring away as she washes. John smiles mischievously at being caught in the act :D 

JOSIE: Don't look! DON'T LOOK! Stop iiiiit, I don't like it!! (Instead of turning his gaze, John leans right against the glass of the shower for a closer inspection) I don't like people looking at me, stop it! Go away! Please don't look! 

After the party in his pupils (and possibly pants!!!) he does as she pleads and walks away but keeps hovering near by to sneak a cheeky peek! :D At one point he just stands right in front watching her scrub herself. 

JOHN: (To Ben) You are the longest person at a sink in history! (Ben knows) Well, that makes it all the better (!!) 
Govan points out that there are 3 other sinks but John is pedantic that it is his 'favourite sink!' He's not happy that someone has mangled the toothpaste and asks Jose where her horse brush is!?? 

John starts to brush his teeth at another sink and keeps turning round for the most unsubtle glances at Josie. Shabby then takes a turn at lusting after her and pushes her face right next to the shower screen .. making John feel it is then also acceptable for him to look MORE :D 
Nathan, Govan, Sunshine, Josie and John are in the bathroom (later in the day) John is laughing at Josie 'as if that means 2/5ths of anything, idiot! What a stupid thing to say!' Sunshine asks if any clothes have gone missing and Josie says her pink cardigan has. John wishes he had cheated in the clothes task and arranged his case so that he could have put 5 singlets on at the same time. Josie had done this for Steve. 

JOHN: I should have just done that. But no, no.. wanted to play by the rules! Now look at me. 

Josie asks if John actually has other clothes to wear. 

JOHN: Nah, it looks like I'm wearing the same clothes everyday! Cos I've got 2 pairs of shorts that look the same, all my singlets look the same and all 3 jackets that I've got are the same. 
JOSIE: (Laughs) Oh, I just thought that's what you wore! I thought that's what you liked to do. 

JOHN: (Sarcastically) Oh yeah, I'm loving it (!) What do you reckon? Wearing the same clothes everyday? 

Josie quizzes him on what other clothes he wears. John chuckles that he could tell her if he had his case! Sunshine doesn't see why he selected so many white vest tops but John has black ones too and had just grabbed what was on the top of his suitcase. 

JOHN: They'll think 'does he wear ANYTHING different at all? He's been in here 2 weeks and he hasn't changed!!' (Josie jokes that's what it looks like) Yeah, I know.. My best bits will look like it was all done in 1 day! I'm not happy about this. I wish I'd drunk those Breezies now! There's no way I could have drunken 10 though. 
Josie asks if they were really that hard and mimics the way John scoffs 'Oh yeah!' 

JOHN: You'd have had to nearly died to get to 10! 

Josie thinks she could have as she can crunch ice. John doubts it 'nah! You couldn't have!!' Sunshine collects the prize for understatement of 2010 that the slush puppies were really cold!!!! :D
Mario, John and Josie chat in the garden. John thanks Josie for washing his top. 

JOSIE: That's alright, love. 

JOHN: Oh yeah, it's not that.. when you said, do I get my Mum to do seriously is because.. 

JOSIE: She likes doing it.. 

JOHN: She really does yeah. Because when Dad died she's got nothing to do anymore so if I.. cos she gets involved.. cos she comes in for chats every day (laughs) likes to know what's going on with everything.. so that.. 

JOSIE: Are you open with her? 
JOHN: Yeah, really open.. she knows everything!  (SC) 


MARIO: I'm not quite that open with my Mum. 

JOHN: Yep, she knows everything. Everything. 

JOSIE: I couldn't ever chat about stuff like that with my Mum. 

JOHN: Always has! Cos she's a nurse as well.. and she works (Josie asks if his ex-girlfriend was a nurse as well) Nuh, she worked at retail. I was at one surf shop and she worked at a competing surf shop in the same centre. So yeah, because she's a nurse .. you know when you talk to a doctor, they don't just talk about medical stuff.. 
The relationship John shared with his mother is one that sounds so special and unique. It must have been so hard for him to be so far away from her, the worse his relationship with Josie became. Although, he was always able to talk with her on the phone - that's just not the same and he must have missed her terribly. 

Having a parent that you are so close to, be thousands of miles apart .. when they are the one person you trust totally and the only person you want to see, makes me so upset. If Helena had lived in England, just maybe taking a drive to see her in person and sound off to her could have been such a comfort to John.. if she'd been in the same country during those tough weeks/months would she have done damage control, mediating and relationship repair? Or would she have advised John to cut the cords on the fraying ropes of their relationship much sooner? I'm just glad he has her now and I bet she has been entrusted with EVERYTHING from John's perspective. I wonder if their bond was something Josie was envious of considering the rocky relations with her own mother :( 

At the sofas, Dave is telling Ben, Govan, John, Mario and Steve about how he gave up his job as a Christian Youth worker and his pest control business a few years back, to concentrate on his ministry. John looks completely disinterested although it is possible that he is just tired. He even re-mortgaged his house to give his life to prayer and then started to encounter God and angels. 

His ministry is now known globally; he was contacted by a guy in Australia who paid for him and a friend to fly over and do a week session with them (and paid all their expenses!!) Cut to the garden where Ife, Caoimhe and Corin are at the carousel. Ife is chatting about how she has got into Project Runaway and told Terry she'd love to have a friend who is a designer. Then she met Marioooooo and he offered to make her wedding dress :) Ife mischievously chuckles that now she knows BB can't show any singing they can sing as much as they want!! 
Dave is still harping on about God and their relationship. He doesn't just want some guy telling him how it is meant to be 'I want to encounter God.' The camera men may be bored with the happy clappy chat so switch to Shabby cleaning the shower. Govan comes in to the bathroom and speaks with Corin about how long he'd been waiting for the Diary room 'do you think they're trying to mess with me?' He thinks it is bad that BB tells the HM's they can come and talk to them at any time but then don't let them in! After some shots around the house while the sound is cut, we go back to the guys in the lounge. 

NATHAN: You may as well be wearing a T-shirt saying 'I'm here to promote God' 

Dave understands what Nathan is saying but doesn't think it is that clear-cut. He'd come to enjoy the experience but inevitably 'this' was going to come up as it is part of who he is. 
John and Govan have moved into the bedroom and have a bit of a moan about BB not letting them in the Diary room after they press the button. 

GOVAN: I'm always there buzzing, but they never ever ever.. 

JOHN: Yeah, I know.. they're good aren't they?! 

John meets Josie in the bathroom for a short domesticated discussion. 

JOSIE: What are you doing now the colours?

JOHN: Well she said she's doing colours .. so may as well chuck 'em in! May as well not waste it eh? (he'd gathered up some of his laundry) 

Do you think John does his own washing at home since Josie taught him? Or has the Marvellous Mama Parton resumed her role? 
Corin sticks her head in to ask if anyone is up for rounders. John and Josie exclaim 'yeeeeeeeeah!' in unison, they'd been wanting to play the day before :) Their plans are scuppered by the scheming BB who gathers them at the sofas immediately, the second after everyone had planned to play. As they take their seats, John can be heard sweetly singing 'hey Jose!' Shabby is going to start getting antsy as she really needs to finish cleaning the bathroom. 
The sound is cut to respect the privacy of people outside the house who are being spoken about. After the break John affectionately banters with Dave about the Lord.. and seems to observe that Dave may feel a little sensitive about it so laughs that he's only joking. 

JOHN: We all appreciate the Lord and all the good things he brought us.. like the Mole!

Did we ever hear John's thoughts after he attended Glory Fest back in January 2011? It must have been such a strange experience for him but it was good of him to support his friend. Maybe he couldn't remember much of the weekend after Andrew got him wasted on Jack Daniels and coke!! He was a poorly puppy after that, wasn't he? :( 
BB has briefed the HM's that they will be participating in a You vs a HM challenge titled 'candle in the wind.' As it was her day of good things, Corin was chosen to represent the HM's in the task. Part of the viewer's attempt is played on the plasma screen in the living room. After it has been shown, some of the HM's dispense their advice to Corin about blowing 'techniques' ;) She laughs that she has death breath and Nathan jokes that she has some 'lungs on her!' 

SHABBY: Use some from your boobs!

On the sound of the klaxon, Corin is given a total of 1 hour to practice and refine her skills using the practice candle. Josie is in hysterics after BB fluffs up when trying to announce that the results will be given after the practice session is complete. Corin reads out her instructions from the hatch, that she must blow out a standard birthday candle from the furthest distance possible. The candle must be at mouth height and can only be blown out with breath. One blow can be as long as she can continuously blow before re-filling her lungs but she only has 3 attempts when competing. 
JOSIE: That cake looks lush!!

Corin goes to practice in the kitchen and is closely followed by a swarm of supportive HM's. John embraces Dave with a long man hug after his continued teasing about the Lord.  This appears to be appreciated by Dave as it shows that despite John's different beliefs he didn't want to hurt or offend Dave's faith. John thought if it was convincing someone they'd have come out believing in the Lord even if it was a conversation about football! :D 

DAVE: You're a bad boy, Oz!

JOHN: I know you got in in you, Wizard. Don't try and hide it, you've got a few skills! 
Ife and Govan chat on the sofa as she didn't think he'd had a mini breakdown in the house yet. He reveals he had a few days earlier and hadn't been himself and had cried lots (maybe when Josie cradled him against her as he sobbed?) he'd been thinking about issues outside. He'd only went back to bed after Josie came to find him at 4.30am, BB had seen him in distress and hadn't called him in to ask what was wrong. 

Govan is particularly upset as BB are the only support base they have (beside the other HM's) and he can't expect a HM to always be there when he needs to get something off his chest. He doesn't want to bring down anyone else's experience with his crap :( 

IFE: This is a well high intense experience.. we're all gonna do out of character things. 

Sometimes we all do things that are 'out of character' but I feel blessed that when I do, there are not thousands of people waiting to pounce on me every time I screw up.. desperate to point and laugh at my failings.. how horrible must it feel to have so many rejoicing in their trials, misfortunes and errors in judgement? 
When John and Josie's arguments became progressively worse and more recurring.. I think John would have struggled severely as Josie was his sole support. He had JJ too and a few other friends but they weren't able to be there all the time when he may have needed a friend.. as they had their own lives too. His main support system was on a different continent TOO many miles from him.. and the distance feels even further when your relationship is strained. 

Though Josie, was his partner he may not have felt able to talk this hurt through with her.. not wanting to burden her with 'his crap' and also because she was the SOURCE of his sorrow.. When they left BB John and Josie had a public profile as a couple and were chucked from one intense environment WHAM BAM into another.. trying to find their feet and acclimate with all those pairs of watchful eyes. I can't comprehend how much immense pressure that must have been on them :( 
It irritates Govan that BB isn't there when he wants them and how others are let in though he has buzzed. Ife believes they are preoccupied with this task and sincerely offers herself to listen whenever he needs someone to talk to. Goooo-van (BB pronounces his name as though he is French!) is then called to the Diary room!!!! Shabby, Caoimhe and Ife decide to run around in circles on the sofas to let off some steam. 

After the break, we watch Corin blowing off in the kitchen!! :D HAAAAAAA! 

JOSIE: I love sweeping! (It's the simple pleasures of life!)

Dave finds this declaration of love funny :) Our Josie, shall make an H'AMAZING hottie of a housewife someday! Dave, John, Nathan, Steve and Sunshine are captivated by Corin and her candle on the cupcake. Dave speculates whether the viewer got the distance of 1.7 metres or not. 
Corin is failing to extinguish the flickering flame under the watchful gazes from the group glued to her side. John suggests for her to see if she can try and spit on it. Steve reminds her that either way she's getting a treat later of chicken tikka (BB asked her what she'd wanted for tea)

CORIN: And then if I lose this, I'll be gutted! 

As Dave wraps his arms around John and Ben, John reveals that while he doesn't share Dave's religious convictions 'I believe what it means to you!' but has never seen anything for himself to believe. John re-lights the candle for Corin as her lung exercising continues. 
BEN: (Requests to be beautified) Will you do my nails, Josie? 

JOSIE: I will indeed. 

Of all the BB seasons I have watched (from 1-7 and parts of 9 and 10 before 11.. not any post BB11) I don't remember a more metrosexual household than the year 2010! Most of the men liked to take great care of their appearance and took pride in this. 

John has a turn to try and blow out the candle but is unsuccessful from such a distance. 

JOHN: (bellows)Go out you son of a b.. God, that's hard! How did you do it Benny? (he then locates the lighter to re-light the candle for Josie to have a go) 
John instructs Josie where to stand so that her face isn't over the measuring tape. After an almighty blow she manages to blow it out! 

JOSIE: Yeah, you've just gotta go Pfooooooot! *demonstrates a powerful puff*

Dave suggests that Corin tries to blow the candle out from 1.5 metres on a regular basis as they aren't sure if the viewer was able to from 1.7 metres. John laughs that he has taken on the role of personal trainer in the art of blowing out candles. Corin continues to be concerned that she won't be able to do it. 

JOHN: (Reassures her) Nah, you'll be alright. 
Most of the HM's sit down to slurp some soup served up by Nathan. Josie is back to her Stepford Wife ways sweeping more than Cinderella!! Dave again starts a conversation about his manifestations of joy and how he gets overwhelmed with joy. John is unsure of the definition so inquires 'what do you mean by a manifestation?' Steve swears down that 'people will think (Dave) you're a crazy nutter!!' Corin barely pauses for breath from her blowing! 

STEVE: I think our local vicar would think you were la la! 

Nathan believes that essentially all religions speak about the same things but some make it more accessible. Surprisingly, John comments that he likes hearing about. Dave decides that the reality is either God is real or he's not 'if he is, he will manifest himself in the way that he said in his word.' He believes that in a lot of Churches there are a lot of words without substance and he wanted something tangible - encounters with God. 
Dave continues his sermon that he is a Spirit living in a natural realm. John asks when it all changed 'you know when you said, you were like a rebel and stuff (as Dave was heavily into her drugs when he was younger) .. when it changed, can I ask.. are you allowed to tell me what you saw that day?' 

Dave explains that it was more what he experienced. 

JOHN: Where were you exactly?

Dave describes how he'd gone to visit his mother and was talking down a hill when suddenly he just became aware of a presence and John's curiosity causes him to ask further questions. 

JOHN: Like a light?  

DAVE: Like a warmth, like a heat.. like electricity.. it was divine! (It had sort of wrapped itself around Dave like a cocoon) 
JOHN: Like an aura sorta thing? 

DAVE: (After a SC) At that moment I knew God was real and I knew I was a sinner.. and I knew if I died that day I wasn't ready to meet God. 

JOHN: Did you hear anything? 

DAVE: It was like a strong knowing.. like a premonition but it was very, very, very real.. strongest thing that had ever happened to me. 

JOHN: Can you explain deja vu? That is something that I do believe in cos I've had that many times. Is that anything to do with anything? 
DAVE: I think somehow what's happened is, because we're spirits we've contacted stuff that's gonna happen in the future. But what's happened is because you're a spirit being, without you even realising it.. you've contacted things that are gonna go on in your future and then when you're in it you're like 'man this is strange!' Cos although we live in this natural, physical realm and in this physical body that's not who we are - we're spirit beings!

The greatest revelation for Dave over the past few years was discovering he was a spirit being. 

JOHN: (Smiles) Hm.. I love.. I love that stuff. You can get me talking  about (SC then Dave says he gets fed up with being called a Christian) You don't have a certain religion, do you? 

Dave considers himself to be a son of God as some mindsets of what a Christian is are totally shot. He wants people to see a side of Christianity that will break those mindsets. 
JOHN: When you say, you get high right.. like how.. at what times.. does it just switch on and off like a light switch? 

Dave sometimes just gets intoxicated with God's love and joy and becomes full of drunken love. He'll wake up in  the morning and can still feel His presence. The longest length of time Dave has been under this intoxication for was 3 months!! 

JOHN: Do you talk about it with your wife, obviously? 

DAVE: (He does talk about his experiences with her) She understands perfectly.. She doesn't get affected in the same way.. but she does get really touched by God. 

JOHN: Have you ever physically seen or heard anything? Anything? 
DAVE: Oh yeah, all the time!

JOHN: Like what? 

DAVE: Everyday, I encounter God. 

Cuts to Govan, Nathan and Shabby in the garden chatting about how they'd told lots of people how far they had progressed with their auditions - although they weren't supposed to. Shabby thinks that Sinister of Ravens would be a good name for all-girl punk band as she plans to begin a new one when she leaves BB. Govan still seems upset and suddenly gets up and the cameras follow him into the bedroom toilet. 

Back to the kitchen, where Dave and John are still engrossed in their heavenly conversations. Dave had felt angels come into a room so took photos but nothing shows on the pictures. Another cut to Govan pacing around the bedroom. Sunshine and Nathan ask if he is ok but he is SO angry at the way BB has treated him. 
Back in the kitchen, Dave is aware that people will think he is a total nutcase!! :D Dave wants them to see God's love and experience his joy and wine of intoxication. Steve's opinion is that people who believe will listen and others WILL think Dave is a nutjob! Nathan thinks that Dave will make religion more accessible to those who don't want the monotonous grind and that he's making it appeal to a younger generation. 

STEVE: That doesn't appeal to me!

NATHAN: Basically, to put it in a stranger way.. you're making it cool to believe in God! 

Steve is uncomfortable with the supernatural twist that Dave is spinning. Dave claims he has sometimes seen airplane crashes in dreams before they have happened!! Dave professes that a lot of people consider church to be about monotonous readings of the Bible and stained glass windows but that's not HIS Christianity. 
Before a SC Steve starts to tell the guys about some sort of spooky encounter he experienced.. it seems to be about a ghost and Steve thought his house had been broken into. 

STEVE: We've had numerous things happen in our house.. but that was freaky!

John is interested in Steve's story and appears to believe what he is hearing about the supernatural. Steve isn't sure whether or not he is a 'believer' in such things so decides that he is 'tipping on the scales!' as he'd wondered if what had happened was in his own head. 

JOHN: I'm really interested in talking about this!

Steve would like to see the happenings at one of Dave's meetings with his own eyes 'to see what people are and what they do!' Steve plans to go to one then shooting with Dave and have curry and sushi after. 



  1. Guess that's why John wanted to go the the GF...he was interested in what Dave was saying,though i'm not sure if he had seen the YouTubes,he would've still gone,or maintained his contact with Dave.

    Great pics btw;)

  2. yes john did seem curious, but i think in a you'll have to convince me way
