John plants himself next to his Josie (again, parts of this conversation will be missed out because I have already blogged about it on the HL's blog)
JOHN: What did you say about me in the Diary room? You make me sound like a right tosser in there, don't you?
JOSIE: No, I don't!!
JOHN: You do, you make me sound like a right tosser!
Then Sunshine pipes up and drowns out their voices as she shouts so loudly! GRRRRRR! Can make out John saying that someone had approached him to say they'd understood where he was coming from.
JOHN: Where was that support when I needed it? I thought the whole house was against me!
JOSIE: How dare you say that!
JOHN: I said, I thought.. (in the background a mention can be heard of 'ganging up on me') your best friends have sorta gone..
Then Stevo susses that Bob Righter is an anagram of Big Brother so Sunshine screams this at the top of her lungs (in the hopes of winning a prize and being let out of bed!) After wittering on about this for a while the camera swivels around back to our fave gruesome twosome :D
This is the point where Jose tells him he'll make somebody a really nice boyfriend one day but he reminds her she'd said he was a prick! After Josie explains that she'd actually said if he spoke to her that way he'd have no teeth .. and since John still has his pearly whites, I gather he didn't ever speak to her 'that' way!!
JOHN: Don't start! Or weekends will be out! ;)
JOSIE: Alright, you're looking reeeeally nice today!!
JOHN: Oh, shut up! You said I had a mullet! I remember.. I remember EVERYTHING!
And the scary thing is he does! His memory is better than an elephant's.. so when things ought to be let go, he can't let them drop (Josie is guilty of this too but her memory is not so hot at recollecting things!)
JOSIE: (Winds him up) You have got a mullet! You just try and chop it a little bit!
JOHN: Do you know when I felt the worst? When everyone was going against us on the task.. we were both trying to win the task and they were all up for the blue team!
Steve speaks up that Bob Righter is an anagram of Big Brother but Josie doesn't get it. Mario explains what it means and Josie thinks this is 'cleeeeever!' Shabby and Caoimhe are furious that BB was laughing at them and won't be providing any more alcohol. John had thought an anagram 'was like a mirror.. but it just means all the words are muddled up?'
JOSIE: Like Countdown? (not sure if this is aired in Australia so John might not have had a clue what she was on about!)
John is leaning very closely towards Josie, which looks very coupley even at this early stage of the show.
JOSIE: (Laughs at herself) I'm not the shiniest tool in the toolbox.. do you know what I mean, Steve? (makes John giggle too)
Corin, Ife and Govan chat in the kitchen. Ife vows to be the best fiance to her Terry as she has now learnt that it doesn't matter if he doesn't pick up his socks! The girls agree that Govan is a sensitive person but that is endearing. John's sensitivity is one of the qualities that endeared him to me most strongly .. from about Day 12 after I saw him cry and become so sad after arguing with Josie :'(
They think they are lucky people to be in the house as thousands of others would have liked to have been. Ife is glad Corin is in there as she thinks she is right, when she says that there is nothing wrong with being down and upset but you have to eventually pick yourself up. In a way, Govan is glad that his sensitivity was shown as people who know him at home think he is quite hard and never lets it show when he is upset.
IFE: So, you're finding yourself! (one of the perks of the experience is discovering their true identity)
Ife rebukes Caoimhe and Shabs for going to speak to BB without her and tells them she is livid. But Shabby jokes that Caoimhe had already broken the Diary room chair 'with her fat arse, let alone with 3!' They give her cuddles to make her feel better and then Shabby comes on to Caoimhe for smelling lush!
JJJ and Steve can be spotted heading in to chat with BB in the Diary room. Josie becomes a little self-conscious as she'd just removed all her make-up.
JOSIE: Oh, I've got no make-up on going to the Diary room! Who do I think I am? (looks in the mirror) Oh nooooo, what a ..
Steve moans that his leg is flat and hanging off! John also complains that he looks 'washed out!' Josie and Steve WOOOOO HOOOOO once they are allowed entry into the Diary room.
Caoimhe and Ife are having jam and marmalade on brown bread.. which sounds mingin' if you ask me!!
CORIN: What a sh*t meal it sounds!!
They think they should have got chocolate so they could have made cornflake cakes. Sunshine is tucked right under her duvet while Nathan calls Govan and Mario BB geeks 'it's not my type of TV at all!' Back in the kitchen Corin is describing her girlfriend to Caiomhe and Ife. She is 'dead attractive, a bit smaller than me, dark curly hair, dark skin, dark eyes, really olive skin, she's very very attractive.'
In the bedroom, Nathan thinks the papers will scrutinise him to bits but he doesn't believe he is a bad person. This is his last fling and last hoorah :D
After the break, at the bench Ife reveals her friends had told her not to get too attached to anyone as it's a game show. She laughs that after the first night, she was like 'aw, I love you guys!!' Shabby already has her nominations sorted (not that she should be discussing this with them!) Corin and Govan try to stop her but she continues that she has her reasons and they aren't particularly nasty ones.
What Ife is finding most uncomfortable about this process is that she'd been expecting a few 'sh*t heads! Where are all the nasty people??' Terry had told her that on the BB11 website they were looking for people who were: inspired, motivated and loved life. Swapping back to the bedroom, Sunshine looks tearful alone in her bed and the lights go out.
JJJS trip return from their chat with BB laughing :)
STEVE: That was funny, weren't it?!
Josie agrees that it was WELL funny as BB had given them a flat out 'NO!' after they had asked for a prize for solving the anagram.
JOSIE: No thinking about it.. 'NO!'
They go to the bedroom and John cheeks 'who do you think you are turning out the lights?' as the HM's are settling down for sleepy byes. Josie thinks she's going out for a rolly and invites John along 'you coming out for a rolly, John?' John imitates BB's 'NO!!' and starts to sing 'love is in the air everywhere I look around' when Mario hugs Ben.
JOSIE: (Calls into the bedroom) Well done for working it out!
JOHN: (In a squeaky helium sounding voice) Goodnight Sunshine!!
He screws with her sunbeams, that BB had told them where she had hidden the packets of crisps. John tells Mario that Steve had solved the Bob Righter anagram so they'd gone in to request a reward . When BB refused, Steve had asked if Sunshine could come out of bed and they received another 'NO!' Steve also asked if BB could disclose where Sunshine had put the kettle chips only to again be told NO!
Ben whinges about having the lights turned back on
JOHN: (Counters) Well, TOO bad.. we need to get ready! Steve needs to see what he's doing!
STEVE: (Mimics BB) 'John James and Josie, how do you feel about Steve's role in the Big Brother house?'
They had answered that Steve was 'Papa Steve' and 'he's Big Daddy!' they think BB had been laughing at their replies. Steve liked BB's comic voice :) All Steve had wanted was a little prize for working it out but was denied!
JOHN: He must have been! They can't not laugh!!
John awwww's at seeing Mario hug Ben in bed and loves how Ben got all embarrassed :D He thinks it depends upon BB's mood as to how long they make you wait before letting them in the Diary room (as they'd waited ages!) Mario once more tries to make Sunshine feel better that there had not been GET SUNSHINE OUT chants (although there were!) before kissing her good night.
The smokers congregate at the carousel. Ife thinks it is funny how they'd all connected with someone (who got into the house) BEFORE coming in! Then we shoot straight back to the bedroom where Sunshine demands to be told what John was saying (since he'd been talking quietly with a couple of the HM's) .
JOHN: (Snipes) I didn't say a word!
So she nosily asks Ben! Mario teases that they had said they hate her and were going to cut off her hair when she's asleep!!! Sunshine whines that she doesn't like secrets in their non-smoking group.. really she means, she doesn't like not being able to hear what John had been saying!!
Dave also decides he wants to know what he was missing out on and Ben gives in, that John had been asking him about his family and speaking to him about his Mum. Sunshine doesn't believe him - boofreakinhoo!
Dave had been hammered drunk most of the day and is interrupted by a poking of a 'pointy thing'
BEN: It's called a penis!
STEVE: Do you have to talk like that? (a chastisement from someone who could be one of the crudest chaps of the century when the mood took him!)
Dave wants moisturising from the 'man with many creams' but Ben is not so keen as 'they already think I'm running a brothel!' They giggle that they'd have to use WD40 or break fluid on Steve's legs!
Out in the garden, Ife lists the HM's she had seen during the lock down: she had passed Josie on the way to their photo shoots, stood behind Govan on BBLB when he was cussing someone and saw Dave as everyone had been talking about him.
Corin can be heard saying sorry to John in the background of the bedroom.. I thiiiink she walked in on him in the toilet?
JOSIE: (Booms) Come on guys! Let's see how many BB HM's we can fit in the bath!
Ife predicts they can get 13 HM's in there but that would be a pile up of people!! In the bathroom, Shabby says she gets a thrill whenever she sees her name on the bottom of her mic. She thinks it is a shame they can't have any booze with their bath and how 4 HM's have been declined their request for more alcohol!
SHABS: But he's in a jokes mood tonight.. he was blatantly laughing at me and Caoimhe!
Nathan thinks as tomorrow is a new day it can be one for an attitude change 'all smiling happy faces, yo!' :)
Shabby can't promise she'll change but has worked out how to channel her rage as she's discovered a blind spot. Nathan is curious as to whether she has yet christened it ;) Baaaack to the bedroom!
JOSIE: Benjaminge!! Are you up for seeing how many BB HM's we can fit in a bath?
Ben wonders 'is everyone else going to bed?' not really reaping with joy at the prospect.
DAVE: How much hard work is this gonna be?
John has exited the toilet to delightfully declare that 'um.. whoever is leaving skidmarks on the toilet is still doing it!' Deepest apologies to anyone who may be eating while reading this! :S
Josie pings John with her bikini as she passes him. Dave denies that he is behind the poop stains and John is nottttt pleased that he'd had to use the toilet brush when it wasn't even his sh*t!
JOHN: Surely, it can't be a girl! (Dave says it could be but John refutes such depravity!) It CAN'T be!!
Dave is insistent that it certainly isn't him and makes sure Johnny J knows that he uses the brush every time without fail! *THINK I'M GONNA VOM!!* John doesn't care who it is but doubts it is a girl; Dave doesn't think it is very nice. John and Govan chat from their beds but we can't hear them as Ben banshee roars at Dave for being a 'bloody b*tch!' over him taking a cat wash instead of showering everyday. Dave wants him to define a cat wash.
BEN: Where you take a sponge over your loins!
In the bathroom Shabby reveals that she's been wearing a bikini that doesn't even belong to her (Rachael's) -
JOSIE: (Laughs) You're such a squatter!
Nathan wants to spray some of Sunshine's stuff on it as it will no longer smell of Rachael. Nathan takes the mickey out of the way Josie laughs.
JOSIE: (Languishes) I don't think no one wants to play my little game! We'll do it tomorrow then :( (walks out)
Shabby resolves that she is still going in the bath but Nathan is unsurprised as she's always in the tub 'you've got gills, kids!'
Nathan sings 'Take me to Chinawhites, keep me dancing all night' and proclaims that Mario is going to hook them right up when they leave the house. Mario turns around and unintentionally sees Caoimhe's hairy Minnie Mouse :S She didn't mean to flash it at him but he's not bothered cos 'a Minnie mouse is a Minnie mouse!' Mario turns down Ife's bath invitation as he doesn't like being in water.
Josie returns briefly to the bedroom to banter with the Aussie bloke :D
JOSIE: But it's a bit of face cream! You need the whole bottle!!
Their laughter is heard in the background before Josie bounces back to the bathroom. Mario takes the mick out of Shabby bathing with her hat on (you can leave your hat on!!) Ife remarks that the hat is her trademark.
Josie saunters back in with a silly walk which makes them smile :) Ife muses if they really think they could fit 13 HM's in the tub (for Josie's game) Josie decides 'when it's really hot, we'll get in the pool!'
SHABBY: This is the soup of insanity!
Ife believes that as soon as you step into the spa it removes all your inhibitions. The ragdolls demonstrate to Josie how they don't laugh properly, with no sound. Josie expresses that she hates those laughs. Ife has noticed that Caoimhe has a really annoying fake laugh and tells them to listen out for it. Shabs also observes that Caoimhe continues staring longer than she should when a conversation has finished (when most people would look away) Ife doesn't know where to look when Caoimhe's fake laugh comes out.
JOSIE: Right, if it's really hot tomorrow.. we'll ask BB to heat up the pool!
Shabby doesn't think the selfish b*stards will heat it up.
Govan educates Dave and Ben that if a person is missing for over 24 hours in Jamaica they are pronounced dead, although the authorities will still search for them. Nathan passes round the biscuits to the bathers. Back to the bedroom once more!! She joins in the chat about how when she went to Mexico she managed to somehow end up in the Bronx 'who does that?'
STEVE: Obviously you! (only our Jose, eh?)
Govan always feels really guilty when he comes across people who are poverty-stricken and gives what money it has. 'But it's never enough, that's not gonna help them. John strolls back in snacking on something.
JOSIE: (Ponder aloud) Is it just me or does it stink in this house?
JOHN: (Concurs wholeheartedly) It's really hummin' in here, isn't it? Like boy's under arm! (Josie announces that she is putting on some perfume, setting herself up for some lip!) Yeah, it might be you!!
JOSIE: It's not me.
JOHN: It might be.
Josie insists it isn't but she doesn't really like her perfume (if only she'd had her own exclusive, named after herself perfume to take in the house!!) 'oh sh*t! I just sprayed my chin!!' John is sympathetic with his shock but then sits down to scoff his sandwich. Govan can't help but be generous when he sees someone who has slept in the doorway of somewhere like McDonald's (John's ears prick up at the mention of the M word!) and share half his meal. Ben doesn't if the vagrant becomes aggressive.
In the bedroom Mario whimpers that he looks like a 'lovesick cracker' following Ben around. Ife feels for him as they've put in his ideal man! :S Caoimhe believes Ben is definitely both ways.
Nathan's joined Josie in her bed and John needs to get Josie's attention, while they talk.
JOHN: Jose? Hey Jose!! Are you doing the washing tomorrow?
They'd already discussed this earlier in the evening, so John knew the answer he just needed an excuse to speak to her!!
She replies that she is and then resumes her chat with Nathan. Govan asks if anybody has noticed that everything that has been broken, Josie's had some involvement in.
BEN: (Rudely quips) I thought the only thing Josie had ever broken was wind!
JOSIE: Whatever, Benjaminge!
STEVE: (Kindly adds) And a few hearts, I bet! (John can now be added to this total and he broke hers too!) :(
JOSIE:(confides) No, do you know what.. no one's ever loved me!
This sad statement, causes John (who was obviously listening to the conversation) to 'awwwwwww' loudly. How ironic, that the man who awwww-ed her with pity here, within weeks of this, fell head over heels in love with her himself! Not only did Josie become the first woman John had ever been in love with, but in turn she was the first to ever break his heart too :'(
What is super sad about this for me, is that Josie has now convinced herself that John NEVER loved her.. and that she didn't love him. That breaks my heart a little, because we could all see they did.. even if it was only for a little time that the love lasted.
GOVAN: She's really hard on herself but she knows she's a good-looking girl!
JOSIE: (Dismisses this) No, not really.. I'm not joking, Govan.. no one's ever been in love with me!
GOVAN: Come to Leicester and you'll get molested!!
I doubt Josie will be going to Leicester any time soon. Not only has she fallen out with Govan.. I don't think she was ever on the best terms with Sunshine (who is also from there) but the girl who John went out with only weeks after they broke up was from Leicester too.. so I wouldn't expect it would be very high on her list of places to visit.
GOVAN: (Continues to boost Josie's self-esteem) Honest to God, Josie when we did the task yesterday everyone was like 'WOOOWWWW!!' (When they had done the Munchtermind task)
GOVAN: (Gives John a verbal elbowing to get involved with complimenting Josie) Didn't she look good on screen, John?
JOHN: (Plays it too cool for school) Oh, yeah during the eating task! (Then puts a dampner on it) You weren't looking too good at the end! (when she was vomiting into her bucket)
Govan does an impression of Josie puking her guts up whilst everyone else was giving a gameshow-y wave :D
JOHN: That's cos you ate the skin of the lime!!
Nathan leans over Josie to reach for something. John watches on like a hawk from his double bed as they laugh away.
Nathan seems to have latched onto Josie as his new 'piece of ass!' Josie jokes with him that he doesn't know the tricks (whatever they may be!!) 'your name's Nathan Dunn and you 'dun know!' Steve asks if the power has come back on yet in the kitchen as he's gagging for a brew. Josie wonders what the time is, Ben guesses between 1.30 and 1.45am.
JOSIE: Is that allllll?
John thinks it is later than that. Mario asks if everyone is going to bed now as he switches off the light, John wasn't planning to 'but it looks like I am now!' (as some of the other HM's in the bedroom have already drifted off to Planet ZZZZZZ) Mario teases that Josie has promised him a hand job and that he was going to collect it now.
JOSIE: (Swears) No, I bl**dy am not! I'm not that sort of girl, get on!
NATHAN: Jog on, you slag!
JOSIE: My Auntie's gonna think I'm a right tart!
STEVE: What do you mean 'think'? (implying that she IS a tart!)
JOHN: (Gets onboard the boat of bagging) You've got Mario's left ball in your hand!!
Josie says she doesn't but Mario pretends it feels good! So Josie banters back to John 'it makes a change that it's in my hand and not yours, doesn't it John James?'
MARIO: Not that hard, Josie! Be gentle! Think of it as cookie dough, don't squeeze it too hard!
John laughs as Josie scoffs that she wouldn't be able to fit 'that planet' in her hand anyway :D
Nathan and Mario leave Josie's bed to go to their own. Mario fibs that John gets very jealous of him being away from him; they exchange good nights to each other.
JOSIE: (Funny voice) Goodnight guys, love you guys!
Nathan warns Mario to watch John incase he slinks out of bed to get in with Sunshine! POOOOFT! They hope Corin hasn't disappeared as she's been in the Diary room over an hour. Josie proclaims that she misses her single bed! Nathan bids 'Josie Jo' goodnight and then a hillbilly version of the Walton's goes around the room while John applies his face cream.
JOSIE: Good night, John James!
MARIO: Good night, camera man!!
Quick cut to Corin coming out of the Diary room then straight back to the bedroom. Mario points out to John that when he is up for eviction it will be so expensive for BB to fly his friends over. John predicts his reception will be like BOOOOOOOOOOO and he'll have 3 friends who 'will be like YAY! yay..BOO! You gotta welcome all receptions, don't ya?' John is amused that Nathan plans to stick his finger up at the crowd on his eviction which John can imagine watching.
Nathan is adamant that he definitely will if they give him a load of sh*t! 'If they're nice to me, I'll be nice to them!' by hi-5ing,shaking hands and blowing kisses. John loves how the camera always goes to Steve waiting for him to start up (snoring!)
BEN: Waiting for lift off!
STEVE: (To the camera in his face) I'm not there yet, mate.. I'm just gonna start my engines in a minute!
John impersonates 'and here's Steve's best bits' and then belts out his supercalifragilisticexpialidocious snores! (Mighty impressed with myself for not even having to look up the spelling for that!)
JOHN: (Moves on to an impression of Dave) I love the Lord! (Steve is so impressed with the impression and thought for a second Dave was in the room) He's so good the Lord, he gave us the mole!'
Josie asks where Dave is and Mario answers that he's waiting outside the Diary room to yell at BB. The lads can't believe BB haven't given them any World Cup scores whatsoever. Nathan hopes that if they guess correctly, BB will let them know.
JOHN: Oh really??
Caoimhe and Shabby had guessed 3-1 in the Diary room and since this wasn't confirmed they think their guess was incorrect.
John cracks up at Ben accepting Ife's invite into the bathroom as they aren't in there anymore! The guys tease Ben and he says 'the m*nge is alert and ready for action!'
JOSIE: (appeals) Right, please, please PLEASE can we finish this game of rounders tomorrow?
Which is met with a resounding yes! John is pleased to hear her say this :)
JOHN: I like that Josie, I like that!
JOSIE: (Copies his Oz accent) Why do you like it, John James?
John explains that he'd been thinking of it before 'but I think everyone's getting sick of me saying it.. but when a girl says it, it's alright! Cos it means that someone else wants to play and you're the least likely to bring it up!'
I think Josie was forever taking John by surprise by things she liked, the interests they shared in common and the funny sayings she'd come out with. He really liked that about her, didn't he? You might say, his torch started to scorch for her from these early days.. The more he got to explore the facets of her personality and peel away at her layers the more and more he fell in love..
Corin is filling in Ife, Dave and Govan on the possibilities she had gone over in the Diary room for her day of brightness tomorrow. Govan expresses his view that this is the only house where BB had put in so many likeable characters. Shabby can be heard from the bathroom saying that Josie has a great personality. Which is why she won and the reason so many people warm to her when they meet her :)
Although Govan still has his reservations about Dave but has seen the genuinely nice guy side of him that Corin talks about. He is happy that Dave doesn't hold grudges the way most people would after falling out with someone.. the way an argumentative Aussie and belligerent Bristolian seem to be :(
End of E4 feed :) xx
Enjoyed the night times at the start,but the thought of Mars left ball as a cookie...yikes.:(
ReplyDeleteknow what you mean bb got fed up with him running round with no clothes on. another brilliant one cheeky xx