Will begin this blog with some DM clips throughout the day courtesy of James32 account :) John and Jose are still in their sleepy beds, Josie can't believe how messed up her dreams have been in the house. John doesn't think he's had a dream inside BB, Josie looks over at him and laughs at his messed up hair 'why are you trying to straighten down your hair?
JOHN: (Jests back) Don't get me started on your hair!! (they laugh) You look like the scarecrow off The Wizard of Oz!
Josie plans to get hair dye and straighten it and then 'it might look half alright!'
JOHN: Nah, nah, nah.. it's gonna take more than that!
After John has taken a shower he has wrapped the towel around his waist in the bedroom. Ben asks him if he will be returning to Australia straight away after he is evicted, John answers yes. Snapped a few sexy shots for your saucy surveillance that may send some of your temperatures soaring!!!! :D 'Glory!!'
Dave asks Josie how late they had gone to bed the previous night and decide upon 3/4am. John is tucked up in his towelling still and seems to be struggling with drying particular parts of his bod.
In the kitchen, John watches on at the table, as Ben cuddles and kisses Josie on her cheek .. not jealous at ALL, you understand..and he is off and up from his seat after approx 10 seconds. The boy is straight in there with a bit of a flirt!! Their banter spreads a glowing grin above Josie's chin and John is equally happy and also pleased with himself :D
The sound cuts are too numerous to detect what is said but after one, Josie jokes that she thought she'd 'left all that behind' her! He saunters back over to her, having to have that tactile contact with her and her body.. one of the comments left on the video of this points out that John was having to compete with other men for Josie's attention - a concept which was alien to him. This cheeky chappy side of John wanted to engage her in physical play fighting and turned him into a giddy, giggler :) Josie and John are laughing away, but she soon apologises as she hadn't meant to actually kick him.
Later on in the living room, John imitates the way Josie walks with her head lowered down. This makes him laugh and wonder 'why do you walk like that? Why do you walk like that??' Long SC as he does his impression of Josie's walk again, he chuckles as he'd thought she just didn't want to look at him but he observes that her back is straight and head down.
Josie has a turn too and then the scene cuts to the garden swiftly.. and switches back just as speedily to see the school kiddies having a slap off!! Josie then changes the subject 'game of rounders anyone?'
JOHN: Yeah!! I'm surprised you're so keen!
JOSIE: We need to play this today cos it's stressing me.. (SC)
After a SC Josie explains that something is because she comes from a big family.
JOHN: 4 boys too!
John feels bad as he thinks Shabby isn't in the mood for doing anything else. So while she's out in the garden he doesn't want to go out there and 'sorta go "Hey does anyone wanna play rounders?" in front of Shabby..' Josie doesn't comprehend why and John doubts Shabby will be playing but Josie thinks it could take her mind off things.
Josie exclaims that her lips are so dry and hops off the sofa to locate some lip balm. Instantaneously at the mere mention of Josie's lips, John licks his own subconsciously and hurriedly follows after her into the bedroom.
Steve laughs at whatever Josie jokes to John about in the SC.
JOHN: Yeah, I know.. every time I think I'm going alright, she throws something in the bag like.. 'but you need a haircut!' 'you're trying to pull off the mullet!'
JOSIE: I'm breaking you down!!
JOHN: I know.. I don't think you did go in there and put in a good word for me! (Jose laughs that she did) (SC) Probably.. I'll get out and there'll be all these Josie diary room entries ..
JOSIE: I think he thinks I'm friends with him but..
JOHN: Really he's just got a mullet and I don't like him!
Josie offers out her lip salve to John who gets grabby 'give me that!!' More sound cutting and then John jokes that he doesn't know how she has any friends left.
JOHN: It's so funny, cos normally I dislike people like you and I hate people that stare and pick out things.. cos I normally I dislike those people. Cos I've got a friend that does this, every time I talk to him I feel like I've got a booger up my nose cos he's like this!! (leans forward and stares right at Josie's face and then points!) What's down there?
Josie admits she always does that to her friends and gets a little intimidated when John keeps looking and pointing 'alright, it's a spot!' John discloses that he doesn't like looking face to face with someone as he hates breathing on them.
JOSIE: (Joshes) I'm not surprised!!! (John faces back to Steve cursing himself for walking headfirst into that one!)
JOHN: I thought she was gonna be nice to me..
JOSIE: I normally do it to really good looking people as well.. because they're so good looking and perfect I've got to find a little fault..
JOHN: Yeah, yeah.. that's what you do!! And you're like 'what's going on with your little toe?' and you said something to someone the other day.. it was something so small and I'm like.. it wasn't me, it was someone else she said it to! And then when Sunshine said 'what do you think of my bruise?' I thought, you're asking the wrong person, don't ask her! If you asked Stevo he'd go 'oh yeah, it's alright Sunshine' not Josie!! She's like, 'yeah that's not very good, is it?'
Josie realises she is terrible and does this to her friend Amy all the time so Amy tells her not to even dare!
John believes that if someone had a pimple she'd be straight onto it.
JOSIE: OMG, look at that massive boomer!!
She'd done this to Steve the other night when commenting 'got another Housemate?'
JOSIE: Yeah, I was looking forwards to.. he's gone though, hasn't he? He's been evicted!
JOHN: (Giggles) She's a b*tch, in't she? I don't know why I'm friends with you.
He adds that she is one of those people who will continue to stare until they can find something! 'You're like, "you haven't had a shave for a while!" Video ends with John tracking down his alcohol wipes as Steve is after one.
In the living room, Josie is sorting out which husband she has on which night for some sort of sex rota :D She asks Ben if he is a 'Friday man or a Monday man?' Ben would rather be Friday.
JOSIE: (breaks the bad news gently) Becks, is my Friday.. (Mario is Monday)
JOHN:(gloats) I.. I've got the weekends!!! (Josie smiles 'yeah') All the weekends, mmmm mmm mm! Saturday AND Sunday :D
Parton, wasn't prepared to give up that prime position for no person!!
JOSIE: I'm just putting my husbands in order of what day's who.. (John scoffs and mimics her asking Ben if he's a Monday man or Friday man - SC)
John asks Josie how often she goes in a week, she has to check that he is referring to sex.
JOHN: (Nods) How often?
John appears taken aback by whatever total she tallies up in the sound gap. He edges closer towards her on the couch, behind Ben's ear, perhaps so they can speak in more hushed tones. Josie's sleeve is being tugged at by whomever is seated on the opposite side to her, interrupting their sex talk.. drat them!!!!
It is interesting to me, that John always took this special interest in getting to know more about Josie's personal life. He was particularly intrigued with all the intimate details.. I didn't notice him asking these sorts of questions with the other girls in the group. It was Josie who demanded his attention!
In another scene, John appears to be agitated and tense on the sofa as he watches intently on while Josie plucks hairs from Nathan's arms. His eyes are glued on what is going on before him, as Josie and Nathan flirt a little. I honestly think by this point, John was already smitten with Josie.. I'm not sure if he realised it yet but his body language here speaks volumes. Nathan leaning in further towards Josie, was too close for John's comfort .. and I don't think he liked the feeling of having a rival for wooing his woman.
When Nathan has to invade Josie's body space even more, John looks as though he'd like to lug Nathan's lights out .. before he offers 'do you want me to get it?'
Now onto live E4 feed, John and Josie are still at the sofas chatting.
JOHN: Don't say something stupid, cos if you're gonna take the p*ss I don't wanna hear it.
I'm not sure what he was talking about because the cameras chop abruptly to the bedroom where Sunshine is telling Corin a story about her egg allergy. Josie, the Bristolian beautician is tweezing away at Ben's brows while John and Mario converse.
JOHN: I didn't know Mum cared that much.. (glancing at his ring)
Mario mentions that silver and gold are very malleable. Dave demands to know where the coffee machine he won has got to!? I think John something has happened to his ring (maybe his Mum bought him this) as he shows Sunshine and wonders into the closet alone fiddling with it.
Nathan is keen for Josie to have a trim at his eyebrow and John seems to be waiting to go to the Diary room. Sunshine puts in a special request to Chef Dunn for mushroom fried rice with chips despite him having already made a vegetarian-friendly soup.
NATHAN: Doesn't want much, does she?
Sunshine wants to see if he can make it like her Chinese takeaway, which Nathan doubts as they would use a different type of oil for the dish such as sesame oil. Corin chats with Govan about how she likes 'owt for free!' Nathan enlightens us that up North the curry houses have different dips to the South.. supposedly Southern ones are more yellow in colour.
Dave starts up a Jesus sermon in the background about how he performed miracles and raised people from the dead.
NATHAN: Raised the DEAD? That's a bit steep! Come on!
Josie cuts in that she believes there was a man called Jesus but that he was a preacher. John agrees with this viewpoint.
DAVE: Son of a preacher man!
Nathan doesn't even want to get involved in the religious discussions as 'it could get out of hand.' But then gets involved asking a controversial question on whether Dave believed Mary Magdalene was a prostitute. Dave accepts that she was 'but that wasn't the Mary of our Lord' the conversation is closed by BB asking HM's to remain on the sofas. John is let into the Diary room to be given his role of referee for the vuvuzela task. The chat changes to World Cup and how Ife only likes football at that time. Nathan thinks all birds do then and that it's an easy time to pull women and pats himself on the pack for being a 'top predator.'
Sunshine applies eyelashes to Josie's eyelid, Josie thanks her after she shows her a trick to use a cotton bud to wipe away excess glue.
Dave cheers at the sight of John in his referee kit and John announces that he needs 7 people to volunteer for the South African experience. John has been given 3 minutes to select who will be participating.
DAVE: David Beckham's now a referee!
John looks for 1 more but Nathan is eager to know what they are signing up for.
JOHN: I don't know if he's tricked me or something.. but alls he's told me is that I'm the ref..so it could be something different.
He hopes it is penalty shoot outs after Ife voices that it could be that (possibly inspiring the penalty shoot out contest with Germany?) Shabby would be so pleased if she finally gets to dress up in an animal outfit as BB would have finally done something she'd actually enjoy 'I wanna be a rhino!'
The HM's burst into song, but as the sound is cut I can't make out what they are singing as my lip reading skills aren't up to scratch! They are gathered back on the sofas immediately by BB and the referee is then told to confirm the 7 names in his notebook (as per HL's) Caoimhe realises her leg is injured so asks if anyone wants to swap but then decides against this. John is ordered to re-read the names for BB and John laughs that BB wouldn't give him any World Cup results in the Diary room (as he'd asked!!)
John was told by BB 'put on the ref outfit!' but he was spewing as he wanted to play. Dave makes fun of the job Jose did on his eyebrows as he'd wanted J Lo brows but has ended up with Liza Minelli ones :D Sunshine shows Mario that his eyebrows are not very symmetrical and that one is higher than the other.
Mario says that it was cringe-worthy in the last series when Rodrigo met The 'Queen' as he didn't even know the National Anthem! John presents a piece of trivia that England doesn't even have a National anthem but Ben says Great Britain does.
John laughs that someone gets right into it when they sing (I think he means Sunshine as she says she's the type of person who goes on X Factor when they can't sing) Sunshine KNOWS she can't sing! So if she is aware of this fact, why in HADES did she subject our eardrums to suuuuuuuuuuuuch pain? Rachael reckons that those auditioning probably think they sound good as they have to audition in front of producers before they reach Simon. She thinks it is hardly fair that they put people through to that round as they want idiots on telly.
Then the E4 feed seems to skip a massive amount as in the next shot Shabby is sat on the sofa coloured green and yellow!
Caoimhe is called to the Diary room and John is concerned 'has she been limping?' Dave determines that Corin will have to sit on the sub bench but she doesn't want to do it as she's done her make up.
JOHN: (copying Cozza's comment) Corin's not doing it, me!
Nathan leaves the bathroom to complain to John for not telling them it lasted for 90 minutes. He'd forgotten!! Leaving Ife and Josie to paint their faces in the bathroom. Caoimhe comes out with her knee bandaged up so that she can still take part. Josie adds the finishing touches to her flag face with paint on a cotton bud; she praises Mario on the good job he has done when he fishes for a compliment :) Mario makes it known that he's having more fun painting his face than he will doing the actual task.
HM's are given 5 more minutes to finish their face painting which sends them into a panic!
JOSIE: I got right into this! I'm quite proud of my flag!
They frantically work at finishing their flags before BB calls the HM's back to the sofas. Caoimhe is completely unrecognisable in her South African ensemble! Ife and Caoimhe eventually join their comrades on the couches as they await further instructions. Josie wants to know how they all know that this lasts for 90 minutes, Nathan teases that this is something John neglected to tell them!
Shabby is quite digging her whole outfit.
SHABBY: I'm going for Avril Lavigne, Jamaican style :D
The hatch opens for John to read the instructions aloud to the group.
JOHN: HM's, today selected HM's will take part in a task called 'boo hoo'zela .. this task will give all participating HM's the full World Cup experience. The 7 participating football fans must each blow a .. (this is how he pronounces the word) vuluza horn? Velahooza horn.. for 90 minutes (Josie starts cackling) the referee must ensure that all horns are (he laughs) blown at all times during the whole 90 minutes. Any break in sound may occur in a fail. Football fans must remain in the stands, the referee must remain on the pitch for 90 minutes. HM's will be rewarded for successfully completing this task. RULES:
Referee and football fans must wear their costumes at all times.
As a collective, the HM's must keep a constant blow of the horn for the full 90 minutes.
The horn should be played by pressing the lips together in a similar fashion to how a trumpet is played, then holding the horn against the mouth and blowing hard causing their lips to vibrate. Done correctly, this creates a loud, deep horn sound.
HM's are forbidden from blowing their horns directly at other HM's (this makes them giggle). This particularly applies to blowing the horns in HM's ears.
Individual toilet breaks are permitted, but the rest of the football fans must continue to make a constant sound in that HM's absence.
The referee should stand in the white marking on the football pitch for the full duration (duri-ation) of the task. (This displeases John profusely as he PHWOARS!)
Should the referee need to take a toilet break, they are permitted to do so, but they should try and keep the time they are absent from the pitch to an absolute minimum. As an extended absence from the pitch will result in failing the task.
The referee should motivate and encourage the football fans to continue playing as loudly as possible in the full duration of the task.
HM's should apply sun cream and a regular drink of water will be provided.
Non-participating HM's have access to the house and garden but must not enter the task area.
In a short clip after the task, Josie laughs at how John kept saying 'Blow Josie, blow!!'
JOHN: I was so lenient on you, I felt sorry for everyone else!
Later on, as Sunshine starts to prepare for possible eviction she says how she'd have rather not been up in the first week but she'd expected it.. especially after everyone had turned over their card with her name. John watches on as she beautifies herself, looking sad and worried for her. Ife comes over and John asks if she is alright. BB announces that in 1 hour the bedroom, kitchen, garden and Diary room will be out of bounds until further notice.
JOHN: (to nobody in particular) What's the point of telling us the time? We don't know the time!
Sunshine is sickened at the sight and severity of her bruises which she describes as 'horrible.'
Dave and John have a talk together on the sofa.
DAVE: Are you alright, man? What you thinking?
JOHN: (sounds close to tears) I don't really want Sunshine to go, eh..
Sunshine's ears prick up at John's sweetness and she dashes over to give him a squeeze. She thinks it is funny how her being up has 'been overshadowed by certain people!' She prods John playfully so that he picks up on her implication of him :D Sadly, sometimes John's sensitivity and empathy for others are overshadowed and his less soft virtues are all that some people now see :(
Sunshine firmly feels that all of them could be loved or hated but John and Dave disagree with her.
DAVE: (Believes it depends what has been aired on TV) It could either make you look like a total idiot or a total hero! You understand?
JOHN: Oh yeah.. I know.. I know that.
DAVE: If they do it fairly..
JOHN: (exhales) We'll see.. (sticks on a brave smile)
Some time has passed, Corin jokes for Sunshine to tell them where the crisps are in case she goes. And Dave requests that she puts in a word for him and Johnno 'just tell Davina we're really nice people!'
SUNSHINE: I reckon John fancies me, he's always smiling at me!! (SC)
JOHN: (Voice reaches a high-pitched decibel) Who says that about themselves??
SUNSHINE: Every time you look at me, you're always smiling!
CORIN: Oooooooh, it's all coming out tonight! (Sunshine asks if he does that to Corin) NO!
SUNSHINE: He can't help himself, even right now he's trying to NOT smile!
JOHN: You haven't really got a face you can look at and go aaaaaaahhhh.. well you're so innocent aren't ya? (She twirls with her curls) You just come across as harmless, as a nice person.. and then you come out with that 'I think you fancy me!'
Soweeeeeeeee this one is soooooo long!!!
John looked alright in that outfit.....ooh yeah:D
ReplyDeleteHe really was protective of Sunshine,til she got on his last nerve lol
Like the banter between John and Jose early days,in a way i wish they stayed like that,just friends having fun,instead of getting more complicated.
Absolutely love the photos on this particular day, although that task was not a particular favourite of mine
ReplyDeletehmm my comments, John looks hot in black and in a towel.....lol
ReplyDeleteLove how you see how enamoured he was with her even back then, he was literally drawn to her like a moth to a flame. You can see how they excite each other in their eyes!
It's so strange looking back, seeing just how many incarnations their dynamic took. Back here it was still the attraction phase - then there was that awkward moment when they both realised it was getting serious and the ensuing drama and finally just 50 odd days later they are snuggling and in love like they have been all their lives. Similiarly Johns personality develops with those stages but Josies stays pretty much the same.
It was nice to be reminded of Johns lighter and more sensitive side in this post.
Thanks Cheeky
thanks cheeky, very sad to think what might have been,if they only could take a step back they would see love at its best and truest form
ReplyDeleteanother good one lovely and in some repects im glad i have'nt been able to read them till now it just feels right to be reading them all in follow on xxx