Saturday, 2 June 2012

Day 16 live end of day and start of night

Live feed day time continued...

JOSIE: (Talks into her mic like a walky talky) Testing, 1, 2.. got the forensics ready.. (turns to Dave) I feel like I'm in.. you know the Forensics people (zips her suit up) Last time I was in one of these, I was giving it all the old.. (busts some rave moves) with Prodigy!

Dave sizes up John's shoulders while John chomps some food down. John says Dave shouldn't even bother but Dave demands that he leaves the gluing to them (him and Jose!) 

JOSIE: Do you want me to go and get some Vaseline? 

John points out an invisible line on the wall but Dave is insistent that it is not high enough. John appeals to him that it would be a waste of glue because he hunches his back. 
JOSIE: Work with us, John!

BB announces for group 1 to take their place by the tape rolls and group 2 by the glue. All of the non-participating HM's are told to be seated on the bench. Dave and discuss strategy for time to glue (15 minutes) and the time to hold John to the wall (30 minutes). Josie will hold his legs and she wants Dave to hold his body and get on the ladder. 

JOSIE: (Through laughter) I get to.. I get to hold your legs, John!

DAVE: She's on your bottom arse! (clip skips) All we can do is do our best! (Dave demonstrates how they are going to glue all over John's body) (SC)
JOHN: I'm telling you now that from there onwards.. (points to part of the wall) it's not touching anything.. my back isn't touching the wall.. cos my back isn't like a board! 

Dave asks John to mark it again so he can see where he wants to be glued. Josie checks if John is going to lie on the floor for them; he is. John shows the spot again and tells them to glue above if they have any leftover but he wouldn't go above there. (SC) 

JOSIE: You can!

JOHN: I couldn't even stand like that for an hour without glue!
JOSIE: You're strong, come on! (they have a small playfight/flirt with John pushing at Josie and her ducking and weaving. He grabs her hair and they giggle)

BB interrupts to begin the task at the sound of the klaxon. Josie takes charge and is taking the business of gluing very seriously! 

JOSIE: My mic's just broke! Doesn't matter, does it? 

John urges Josie to be careful when she does his arms, to ensure that she glues the parts that will actually stick. 

JOSIE: I'm getting high as a kite! (from the solvents! SC)

JOHN: What colour is it? Is it yellow? (Dave replies that the glue is clear)
The gluing process is now complete as Mario watches through his monitor! Josie hears the BBLB crowd cheer so woooooooo's back at them! John calls upon Dave to hold him up when Josie removes the block as he won't be able to support himself. 'So you try and hold me up but underneath my arms and then she can try and pull me away!'  He confirms that Dave knows what he means 'because if I just drop..'

JOSIE: Are you pressing right back? (SC) John James!!

JOHN: (Hee hee hee's, then sighs) COME ON!!!!!!! It's hot up here! (he tries to stop Josie who is teasing that she'll tape his mouth shut)
JOSIE: Shall I? 

JOHN: No! I can't breathe through my nose!

Josie is astonished 'Can't you? No way! I thought that was just an Australian thing!'

JOHN: Like when you said I was Darth Vader, that's why I was (exhales through his mouth) 

JOSIE: Don't pull! (after seeing John wriggle on the wall. She presses him against it more firmly) John!
JOHN: I'm gonna be coming down in a minute! It's not gonna matter! (looks like Josie is applying extra glue at the last second) Ah, that'll help (!) That was the extra bit that just did it!

JOSIE: Yeah! That's gonna keep you there a minute longer! 

Shabby suspects there must be more to the task since Mario hasn't come back. Several SC's one after the other as John appears to be swearing quite profusely. Josie offers John a drink of water which John declines, Dave suggests ice cubes (which is met with the same response) John wants Benny to stand on the post in case this is what BB is waiting around for. The instant John's suggestion has been carried out, BB speaks out. 
Josie is jubilant after removing the block as John stays STUCK :D She takes immense pleasure in pointing out the outline of John's penis (in the SC - see HL's show blog) She questions how long he has to stay stuck up, John doesn't know either and they just crack up!

JOSIE: Wedgieeee! (SC then she again is drawn towards his package and sniggles) 

Corin counsels John not to lean forward but he says sorry as he feels himself slipping down until his feet touch the grass. 

JOHN: Ahhhhh! It's pulling all my leg hairs out! They musta known that was gonna happen. There's no way I was keeping up there for an hour! (laughs and imitates the stern voices) 'Lean back! Lean back!' (sc) 
Some gratuitous, lingering shots of John's crown jewels! Sunshine can't believe John is apologising when it isn't his fault that he fell. Josie reminds Sunshine this is a chance to get her own back so Sparkles makes out she wants to pour an ice bucket over him!

SUNSHINE: You do it, Josie! He won't kill you! He will kill me. 

JOSIE: Yeah, he will! You seen what he did! 

Dave thought Ben had died at one point and Josie had believed he was going to collapse. 

JOSIE: But if he'd collapsed with all that black tape, they'd have been in a bit of trouble, wouldn't they? 

Steve would have thought so, yes. More cheers and applause can be heard outside the BB garden from the BBLB crowd. 
The garden remains quiet, sirens can be heard in the distance. 

JOHN: (Doesn't look impressed but then chuckles) What are we waiting for? (SC)

Dave deduces that it obviously didn't work but Josie is pleased that they got him up there quite well. John is still stuck to the wall but they aren't sure if it counts as his feet are fully touching the ground now. 

JOHN: Have we just got to sit like this for an hour? Good job, Benny! Good work for the team! (laughs and throws in a few cheeky head nods)

JOSIE: I laughed so hard then, my darby's still hurting! That was so funny!
JOHN: And cos it was him it just made it so much funnier than it was!

JOSIE: His head was going .. (she flops and rolls hers around) 'guys, I don't feel right!' 

John fails to suppress laughter when he looks over at Ben. Josie also doesn't desire to wait around for an hour especially as John's feet are on the floor. BB permits them to assist John off the wall and hopes they had fun 'hanging around together!' Such a punny fellow!! :D Josie is quick to yank him down. 

JOHN: Ah! They did this because me and you had an argument yesterday probably! (him and Ben) 
He is relieved to have been freed from his sticky prison. Josie exclaims 'wicked, I love peeling glue!' Ife notes that she had only been saying that the other day. 

JOSIE: Everything I say there's been a little task to do with what I say! 

John mops his brow and stretches his legs. Josie is really enjoying this 'it's been my favourite task!' probably because she got to get up, close, personal and sticky with John and they flirted non-stop all the way through the task ;) Dave decides John needs a bit of ice down his neck to cool off. 

JOHN: Ah, that was so funny when you put the .. you didn't even .. all I heard was (imitates growls) 'I can't do it!' Ah that was so funny!
In the bedroom, Josie and Govan are having a bit of a gossip.. and some of the viewing is not pleasant :(

JOSIE: I told you, didn't I? That I was a cow! 

Govan guffaws that she did and he was quite shocked at her with John 'even though it was deserved!' Govan had been under the impression she'd have just blown a raspberry at him! 

Josie was always upfront with Govan and John about the fact that she was capable of being a cow ..aren't we all? This is what irritates me about some claims that Josie 'hid' her true colours in the house.. we saw lots of different colours to Josie (and John's) personality in BB - the whole rainbow of emotions from the angry reds to the happy yellows and sad blues.. we saw at least slices of all of that. 
John was never under any false impression that Josie was an innocent angel, he knew she could go and Josie knew the same about John.. they weren't on their 'best' behaviour in BB.. some less favourable traits had been exposed already and they still felt they had something valuable enough to make a go of things. 

JOSIE: When I came in here and he was threatening to leave, he went 'WHY DID YOU CARRY ON..(SC which makes Govan snigger all the more!) and then after I said that, (WHAT WAS IT???) he broke down crying. (Govan covers his mouth with his hand gleefully) so it looks like I made him cry! 

Govan deems this the dangerous thing about being in here and the reason why he is avoiding Ben. 
How many times did they make these threats to go, to leave each other.. before John actually carried through with his? How many dramatic fights did these threats result in? Enough to tire them out physically and mentally, I'd presume.. they obviously didn't enjoy fighting but carried on asking WHY the other was carrying on.. and so the arguments escalate and escalate .. until one or both break down.. how many tears did they shed? 

JOSIE: Even though I do love John James now.. and he's alright.. when he cried.. and I know this is gonna sound terrible, I thought ha! 

Govan still maintains it was completely uncalled for (SC) Josie still thought, up until possibly the previous night 'that he worked all that!' 
Did Josie still feel a smug sense of satisfaction seeing John upset, after he had also hurt her? You can love someone so much but still hurt them so much simultaneously.. if a person you have this fiercely passionate love for has made you feel so crap, then maybe if you see that you have been able to wound them just as deeply .. it could be some perversely pleasurable penance. 

JOSIE: This is what I thought in my head.. cos I still think about things .. and I thought.. until last night, I still felt the same.. I thought what happened was, he broke Rachael down and then he tried to break me down but realised he tried to break the wrong person down! 

The conversation halts as they ask Nathan if he is listening to their conversation, while he lies down in a nearby bed. Nathan totally agrees with them. 

Josie does have this habit of thinking on things long after the event.. and then deciding what she believes actually happened.. facts are blurred in her mind.. when it is replayed through her head the version probably alters drastically to suit her mind-set. So then she settles upon the 'edit' that she feels fits closest to what she remembers and won't be told otherwise.. there is no changing her view; no altering her perspective.. 
How much have memories about John blurred in her mind and heart now? Has she tried to erase any of the happy, loving ones altogether? Does this happen consciously or not? I'm sure anything she thinks she can still remember about him, now is  warped, tainted or completely eradicated from her memory :( Does she think she drove John away and broke him down? Or has her mental re-playing in her head made her unshakably 'know' that he wanted to break her into breaking him.. to push each other away? 

I wonder if John ever thinks back upon the times they shared together.. although his emotions will be in a totally different place now.. he may be able to look back upon it all more analytically.. can he ever remember any of the happiness? ANY of the love? Or does he feel that they just got caught up in the JJJ-Mania and climbed aboard that train for the ride.. does he ever wish their journey had continued and that he had not got off at the stop when he did.. 
JOSIE: And even though I do like the kiddy, he's sound.. he does make me laugh .. I thought (she repeats her theory about John trying to break down Rachael followed by her) (SC mocks him crying much to Nathan's delight) and then cos I wasn't the one who broke down and I fired back (SC) what I thought.. so he didn't look that bad.. up until last night, I thought that was how calculated he was!

Govan doesn't perceive it to have been John's plan. Corin critically broaches that as he knows so much about the show it could be pre-meditated to get more air time. She finds it funny as it doesn't seem real, she does an impression of 'I'M GETTING ANGRY NOW!!' (SC) Josie and Govan agree that John wouldn't ever say anything to Nathan! 
I'd like to think that one day they could at least chuckle remembering all their laughs together.. because they REALLY laughed a LOT :) I don't doubt there was a lot of 'firing back' from the 2 cannons over the course of their short relationship. And I expect Josie now regards John as more calculated than ever. John may even behold Josie to be a calculated person.. as if she was only ever in there relationship for press and public/media attention.. 

NATHAN: He's young in the mind!

JOSIE: (Re-iterates that she'd thought he was calculated) I thought he was going round.. and only until last night, I changed my mind on it. 

Sunshine quizzes why it was only last night that she'd changed her mind. 
JOSIE: I'll think about things for a while.. and I'll think about 'em.. and what  I do, I watch em.. and if you see, I've been quite close.. I've been watching him.

NATHAN: I think now you want a piece of the Johnmeister! (wolf whistles) 

JOSIE: (Protesteth too mucheth) It'd be like going out with a 15 year old boy, Nath! (thumb in the mouth - quelle surprise!)

It seemed as though Josie was trying to persuade HERSELF more than anyone else that she didn't have those feelings for John.. that she wasn't attracted to him! She didn't give a CAPITAL LETTER NO - more a reason why she felt like she shouldn't let herself like him. 
Govan genuinely thinks John had considered Josie as a friend 'and then went in .. and it all got.. and it kinda hit home to him what.. the way he'd been towards you!' (SC) Govan also feels that John used to go for Rachael cos he knew he could. Sunshine doesn't agree with what John said at the table (about the magazines and people thinking they'd be rock stars) 

Corin makes the point that when Rachael was crying, John didn't get upset. Govan speaks truthfully that it was because John didn't care. 'Someone could be in here crying and I'm not gonna enjoy it but I wouldn't care' unless it was Josie. Josie was upset with herself that she'd made somebody 'well, I didn't.. he upset himself, but I was upset with myself that I made somebody feel that they wanted' to go home! 

Was Josie upset that John HAD gone home because their relationship was failing? Did she blame herself solely? I know that she beat herself up really hard for a good while until she switched the blame onto John .. after all the nastiness. If they stumbled upon each other again and the other was crying.. would they care? Could they really be immune to compassion seeing each other so upset? Or would they just walk on, apathetic and unaffected by seeing that person who once meant EVERYTHING to them fall apart? :( 
Nathan assures her she did nothing wrong which makes her switch to that point of view too 'but I was a bit of a cow!' Govan explains that Rachael was upset because she'd wanted a piece of John but he wasn't having it 'cos she wanted some!' He views it as an ego bruise because not only had his words hurt her but John didn't want her. He's not saying Rachael wasn't genuinely upset but he believes these are the reasons. Govan just couldn't really understand them but it didn't make it any less upsetting to see her hurt. 

JOSIE: But I have got a lot of time for him, he does make me laugh! 

She admits she had been watching him the past couple of days to see if John was that tactical. Govan calls John loyal but Josie doesn't see where he's coming from, for John to have switched on her 'out of the blue that day' 

JOSIE: I lost a lot of trust in him.. and I won't just totally.. thing with him .. I'll keep a little eye on him.. I'm a bit sneaky, really (giggles) sneaky Josie!
Sunshine defends John that he had broken down because he was so upset thinking he'd hurt Josie. Josie had believed that was just an act. Govan reminds her that when a person is vexed,  it later hits home what you've said and done to people. 

Not only did they lose respect for one another in their relationship, they lost their trust :( did they ever fully trust their partner? Were they always suspicious, looking over their shoulder.. expecting the other to hit them where it hurts.. and to eventually leave? Has it now hit home to them the effects that their words and behaviour had? :(

JOSIE: I think it hit home, yeah.. that he picked on the wrong girl! I'm not being horrible.. cos imagine if like it had been someone else .. and I get on with everyone in this house, imagine if it had been someone who didn't get on with everybody in this house and he picked on her and she went off crying. I don't think he would have felt too worried about it, Govan.. it's only cos I told him to 'jog on!' 
Govan knows that doesn't explain the way John did 'just go' but he knows John did consider Josie a friend. Josie is starting to think that now with the way he's been but up until that point she honestly thought it was all a big act. Govan thinks it just depends on how you feel about that person. He gives an example of how Josie had spoken to him the other night and gotten involved.. 'if anybody else had spoken to me like that, we would have had it out because I was seething' But because Josie is a friend he hadn't reacted that way. 

GOVAN: Although, I know that doesn't explain the fact that he could just turn (snaps his fingers) so quickly and say such awful things so quickly!

Sunshine asks what John had actually said that day; she hadn't heard as she'd been asleep at the time. Josie accounts that they'd been taking the p*ss out of each other since they got there but he started getting nasty. 
In the hut Ben hushes John to talk more quietly, after John explains why he'd been questioning Ben. Mario makes it known to John that Ben finds it difficult to be rude to people, which is why he is courteous to people he doesn't like. 

JOHN: You don't have to be rude.. I don't believe I was .. well, I probably was a bit rude to Rachael.. but she over pushed the mark.. she clearly knew that I wasn't.. that I didn't like her but she kept pushing it and pushing it and pushing it!(Mario pushes John's knee) And eventually .. 

Mario pries as to what Rachael was doing that was pushing him. John lists 'she kept asking me to take off my top.. yeah, but not just once.. over and over and over .. eventually got..' Ben brands that as a compliment which John accepts but it became over the top. 
John didn't want to say anything on TV  (to Rachael about not reciprocating how she felt) 'hey listen, (SC) so I sorta let it go for a bit but then I saw things that I just didn't agree with.' 

MARIO: And so the greatest love story never told began.. 

John simply ignores the monstrous imaginings from Mario's mind! That was NEVER going to be a 'love' story!!  John feels Rachael probably did pretty much the same thing to him as she had to Ben; although he hadn't chased her like Ben had!

JOHN: She just didn't give people the time of day! And I just didn't appreciate.. and you being the person you are, was very persistent and kept going and going and going and going! And towards the end she was singling you out.. it got to the point where not only was she willing to not do that.. but she was willing to single you out! Do you know what I mean? 
John reels off that Rachael had singled out Ben with the milk and with the singing 'to the person that was probably the nicest to her in the house.. and she singled you out, made you look like an absolute dipstick.. and I don't appreciate that at all.. with anyone!' Ben laughs that John knows how to make him feel good about himself!!

To John, the worst thing about it was 1- Ben couldn't see it and he can't come up with a second. Ben can agree with what John is saying but corrects him that he actually could see some of this. Ben knew Rae Rae was self-obsessed and not remotely interested in talking to him and did NOT fancy him! He admits he did fancy her but other than that had no time for her either but just went along with it making her drinks to see how nice he could be! 'I was almost seeing how BRAZEN she would be.. how many more nice things I would do before she would acknowledge any of them!' John nods along to stop himself nodding OFF. 

John doesn't think Ben did anything wrong but 'you are who you are!' As John stretches, Ben replies that John was right 'if you try too much to be friends with everyone, people think you're false!' John had which is why he questioned him about, he didn't care that he was doing it as he can be nice to whoever he wants.. he just thought 'WHY though?' John sees a difference between being nice to someone and doing what Ben does. 
JOHN: There's a difference between tolerating and.. or making coffees for someone in the middle of the night.. going out of your way to get to know someone.. and you were going out of your way to get to know Rachael because you were getting nothing in return. 

John believes if Ben had stopped talking to her and done what she was doing to him, he still would have never connected in any way, shape or form. Mario reminds them that Rachael is a very beautiful girl, he's sure she's well aware of the power she has over men with her looks. 

JOHN: Exactly!!!

Ben starts to blab about an incident in one of the holding rooms before they came in the house.. but the sound is cut to respect privacy!
Later on in the evening, Josie is beautifying her already beautiful self in the bathroom. John is lying back with his hands by his head enjoying watching her get ready :) 

JOHN: (Winks cheekily, beams broadly) What's going on with Josieeeeee?? (very obviously liking what he sees and not even hiding it.. as you'll see in the pics below) ... and Sunshine's putting on glitter I'm like uhh (SC, Sunshine near pounces on him) Get your wet claws o..
SUNSHINE: (Referring to herself in the 3rd person) Sunshine doesn't have claws, okay? (then immediately returns to gazing at her reflection in the mirror)

Govan checks with John it is okay to borrow something of his if he is evicted the next day, if he asks BB to return it. 

JOHN: Yeah, yeah, yeah.. for sure, man!
GOVAN: (Doesn't just want to wear his shirt) Thank you Ben.. (muddling up John's name TWICE!) I mean, thank you James.. John!! 

JOHN: (Stretching) No worries, my friend! But I don't think you'll have to be too worried about that. 

JOSIE: (Blushering her bosom!!) I like getting ready! 

When she hears that Ben's not having any booze she celebrates with a 'YESSSSSSSS!' John wuhh hoo hoooo's Ife when she comes in for 'a bit of Mario jacket action!' 
John and Josie come out of the Diary room together (they went to request a song) 

JOHN: Get outta here!

JOSIE: See what I mean they always ..

JOHN: You embarrassed me on the telly!

JOSIE: They always ask me questions like that about you! (they both laugh)

JOHN: And now, I know what you say! You made me look like a right.. tonk!

JOSIE: Why? 
JOHN: What do you mean why? You said.. you just told 6 million people that I had a bad temper! (they giggle more) This! (teasing) Imagine what you say when I'm not in there! They said 'what do you think of John James?' and she said 'oh, he's got a bad temper!'

JOSIE: Every time I go in the Diary room they keep asking me questions about John James.. yeah! I think they think that we fancy each other! .. Do I fancy him? Um.. only in a football kit!

Steve labels it 'a bit of a brother sister romance' Josie mumbles a 'yeah' and nervously laughs. Ben blindly believes they could be related!!

JOSIE: Yeah, I know!! Oh and in his overalls he's alright ;) (more than alright, Jose.. SUPER HANDSOME, you told him!!)
Steve is more concerned about whether BB will be playing some music. John can be heard bantering in the background 'now I know where my loyalties lie!'

JOSIE: Why? Why? I just bigged you right up to the nation!

JOHN: You told 'em I grabbed your boob! (they laugh away together off screen)

STEVE: Pair of f**kers they are, aren't they? 

Ben blunty asks the question 'do you think there will be any bonking in this house?' Steve thinks eventually.. perhaps.. John and Josie definitely went the furthest in that series towards the bonkage.. It seems safe to assume there were further boob grabbing incidents beneath the sheets ;) By the end of the programme, they wanted to have sex BADLY with each other!
John sneaks away from the setee to steal some smiles with his future squeeze! (under the pretence of needing salt) Alas, they are sadly interrupted by the Neanderthal Nathan WOW-ing at John's woman!!

JOSIE: Oh my God, I embarrassed John James like you wouldn't believe!

JOHN: Yeah she did! Told me I was a boob grabber!

JOSIE: The Australian.. the Australian boob grabber!!

GOVAN: He's gonna be known as the Maori Molester!

JOHN: And now Yvette's gone in there to f**king dog me some more!

JOSIE: Oh no! What's it gonna do to your street cred, John James? 
John was regularly blown away breathlessly by Josie's boobs, wasn't he? Quite an impressive pair, gotta be said :) #boobenvy Whenever the opportunity arose to have a bit of a gander at them or a bit of a grope - he was in there like a tramp on a sandwich!! 

He managed to get his hands on them cheekily as often as playfully possible! Not that Josie was ever complaining ;) Forget Josie being a mare - they were a randy PAIR :D
As seen on the HL's show Josie recites her 'doing it for the big girls' mantra. Govan thinks she will be shocked at the guys screaming 'JOSIE, I WANT YOUR FL*NGE!' Nathan seizes the stroke of luck to close in on Josie without the other conquest for her affections in the nearby radius. The rest of the clip is the same as the HL's :)
Sunshine is unleashed from the Diary room to verify that BB won't be playing any music. She'd reminded BB that they told Josie they would have music. BB responded that Josie had said she wouldn't swear for a week so Sunshine smirked 'starting from after the music was played!' She'd also asked BB if they thought she was wearing too much glitter or not enough glitter, BB replied 'Sunshine there is always room for more glitter!'

Then she'd had a go at them before asking 'do you think John James fancies me?' to which John scoffs noisily!

JOHN: (Points) Caoimhe loves it!
BB had spun the question around on Sunshine, asking if SHE thought so. Caoimhe cross-examines 'and do you Sunshine, do you?'  John is amused that Caoimhe gets right in on it! She answered that she had thought that John did 'because he kept smiling at me but now he keeps saying no' BB did not answer back.

Caoimhe has a proposition 'why don't you have a little kiss?' John looks scared until Sunshine declares 'NO!' Caoimhe fills Shabby in when she shows up on the scene. John comments that BB always reverse the question. Sunshine feels that John only started saying 'no' (to fancying Sunshine) after they'd persisted about 50 times. Caoimhe dares the 2 of them to kiss, even just as friends. 
Sunshine doesn't want to because John 'doesn't wash enough!'

CAOIMHE: Why? Does his willy smell? (snorts as John's jaw drops)

Also according to the 1st JJJAT thread (which is GOSPEL) Nathan and Josie continued to flirt in the kitchen. Josie announced that she wanted a romantic meal with Nathan. It was also reported that her heart wasn't really in that as she invited Govan to join them :D
Josie is now lying the other side of John on the sofas, saying to Sunshine that she thinks John 'has a little soft spot for you, Sunshine! Because he's always picking on you!' John exclaims that he'd just said to Corin that he did feel sorry for her. Josie doesn't think it's a 'feel sorry, I think it's a .. '

JOHN: No, I do.. I do.. because when you tell me about your ex-boyfriends and that.. I do believe you are the sort of girl that would do a lot for their boyfriends! Like when you said you used to bake them cakes .. that's not the sort of sh*t that I would be into, but .. you do a lot as a girlfriend.. and then they just told you straight away that they weren't fans anymore, that's pretty harsh!

Sunshine is irked that he hasn't answered the question. John hadn't even heard a question as he was still talking; Sunshine points out that Josie had posed the question. Josie doesn't remember asking one at first but then repeats that she thinks John has a soft spot for Sunshine. He freely admits 'yeah, I do.'
After a flying visit to the garden, the camera are back to this conversation. John was serious about the Vegan thing, he would find it hard to go on a meal with a Vegan. He doesn't know if he could handle it although he knows Sunshine doesn't push her views on other people. 

JOHN: I would just feel guilty. I could go out to a club with you ya.. but meals would be strange I think. On a serious note, have you had any guy that's had a problem with it before? Not a problem, cos it wouldn't be a problem.. just uncomfortable. 

Sunshine wonders what he is uncomfortable about. John doesn't know what her actual beliefs are as she just avoids the question. So without him knowing what her beliefs are it's hard for him to answer the question, but he couldn't go for a meal with someone who thinks it's wrong to eat meat. Sunshine explains she only feels it is wrong for herself to eat meat. John doesn't understand the difference between him and her 'this is where it gets complicated.' 
JOSIE: So what you're saying is, if Sunshine started eating meat again, there might be a chance?

JOHN: Nuh.. nah it's not just about that! But I'm just saying .. you said, would you go to have dinner with her or something, didn't you? (Sunshine corrects that Josie had asked if he'd go on a DATE with Sunshine) That is a date, isn't it? What.. I've never been on a date in my life.. ever! (Josie is shocked 'what?') I've never been on a date.

JOSIE: You've never been on a date?

JOHN: Not met a girl and then gone out on a date, no..

JOSIE: What sort of man are you?
JOHN: If you meet a girl at a club, you mack on with them - that's it! (Josie's mouth widens) And then you meet up with em later.. 

JOSIE: (Flabbergasted) I thought that you weren't that guy! (sucks her thumb)

JOHN: No, I said then you meet up with them later.. but I wouldn't classify it as a date! Most girls .. most girls.. most girls just come to my house.(UNTIL JOSIE!) 

JOSIE: Oh, God!

JOHN: I could count the amount of times I've been to a restaurant with a girl on 1 hand! And I was with someone for 2 years!

JOSIE: You've got some serious learning.. (thank goodness he landed himself a terrific tutor!!!)

JOHN: Yeah, not really interested in um.. having a.. well it's not really an appropriate place to discuss anything is it? (Sunshine thought he meant the BB house) No, at a dinner table!
JOSIE: It's the best place to discuss something.

JOHN: Especially with a girl that's across the next seat from ya, eating a salad! (Sunshine is sarcastic about how she doesn't eat salads) I go to McDonalds a lot and if I was driving through the drive-thru you'd be asking.. 

JOSIE: John's perfect date would be to take you to McDonalds! (Sunshine is emphatic about how much she loves McDonalds!) 

JOHN: I'd go like this 'can I have a large double quarter pounder with a extra cheeseburger and 10 nuggets' and you'd go 'can I have a McDonalds bun?'

JOSIE: But John, that's not the sort of place you take a girl on a date, love! You take them to a (can't make out what she says)

JOHN: Nah, no I don't do that sh*t! (UNTIL JOSIE!) 

JOSIE: We need to teach you. 
JOHN: Why? I don't care en.. I don't care enough .. not that I don't care about girls, I just don't care whether I'm alone or not.. so if a girl was to say 'this is what you have to do'.. I'd say 'ah, well I'll just be alone then! Catch ya on the flipside!' (UNTIL JOSIE!) 

JOSIE: You just obviously haven't met the right one yet, cos if you did.. 

JOHN: I just don't put in any effort. 

JOSIE: If you did meet a girl that was like .. the proper love of your life (AHEM - YOUUUUUU!) 

JOHN: How would you know that?

JOSIE: Cos, you'd want to do these things for her! My ex used to take me out for meals 3 times a week.. 

JOHN: Yeah? I like going out.. I eat out with my friends a lot, a lot .. with my mates!
Sunshine starts on about how when you kiss someone that you are in love with it is amazing! And that it's not just dinner, it's about wanting to be with someone and really enjoying being with them. John thinks you can do that anywhere or go to the movies.

JOHN: (Directly to Josie) You just spend time together, you don't specifically have to go to dinner.. if that's what you wanted to do, I would do it but.. it wouldn't phase me if we didn't. You like going out for dinner and that? (scribbling mental notes furiously)

JOSIE: No, I would rather go like um.. like..

JOHN: And do stuff! (Josie agrees) not actually dinner.. like actually do something! Yeah. 

JOSIE: Like paintballing and .. 

JOHN: Yes, yeah.. yeah.. (Josie asks if they have paintballing in Australia) Yes, stuff like that.. yeah. Yeah, so there you go. So I was right!
Josie went paintballing not long before she came in the house. John seriously doesn't think he's ever gone out to dinner with a girl 'as a meeting thing! Most girls just drive to my house. You just hit them the message and they say where do you live, and I go so and so, so and so.. and I say you can just come round if you want.. they come round, that's it. So there you go!' Josie gives him a tarty thumbs up. 

JOHN: (Doesn't remove his gaze from Josie after Sunshine sarcastically comments that it 'sounds romantic!') There's definitely no romance about anything that I do! I'll admit that. I've never done any..


JOSIE: Sunshine, I think you're tapping at the wrong guy here!

Sunshine testifies that she hasn't been trying to tap him! Mario makes his way over to John and puts an arm around him warning 'stay away from him!' 

JOHN: See, Mario loves me!
Josie emphasises that John needs a few lessons; Mario is an eager beaver to teach him. 

JOHN: What lessons? 

Corin comes into the room so Sunshine replays the conversation for her benefit about how Josie asked John if he fancied her. 

JOHN: No, she didn't say that. Don't lie! Don't lie, she didn't say that. She said, would you go out for dinner with Sunshine? 

Sunshine stresses that Josie had said 'a DATE!' John definitely wouldn't call her Sunshine, that's for sure - as it would annoy the sh*t out of him! He would only call her by that name if she changed it by deed poll, not just because she'd woken up 1 day and wanted to go by that name. 

JOHN: And that is exactly what you did! So that would annoy me, yeah.. I'm gonna be honest with ya. I would call you Yvette, cos that is your name. 

Sunshine allows him to call her Yvette on the outside world but not in there. 

JOHN: If I was your boyfriend, you would be getting 'Yvette!' You wouldn't be getting what you choose! Yeah, nah I couldn't call you Sunshine.
Glitterguts claims that most of her close friends don't 'but in here, I'm Sunshine!' That makes him feel a bit better about it, as he couldn't take that seriously. But then remarks that she walks into a place and says (camply) 'HI, I'M SUNSHINE!!!!!' John tuts after she insists that she is Sunshine!

Ife seems incensed that he's still 'having a go at her!' John clarifies that if he were Sunshine's boyfriend he'd refuse to call her Sunshine as he couldn't take that seriously. Just in case you hadn't gathered that the first 480 times he told her!!!!! :P

JOHN: (furrows his brows) Seriously, all sh*t aside.. you couldn't take that seriously. I just have to laugh every time.. I'd call her Yvette! (he maintains that he would only if she changed it by deed poll)n That's like me waking up one day and saying, 'oh well, I wanna be called The Rock today!' Cos that's how stupid it is!

JOSIE: No, it's not stupid. 
John believes it is stupid but understands why she's doing it for her job. Ife asks if he met her in a club would he call her Sunshine. He would until he found out she'd made it up because she wanted to be called Sunshine. 

JOSIE: So you're saying there's a chance!

John would shorten Yvette to Yvie if she wanted but not Sunshine 'Come on.. Sunshine? Let's have a think about that! That's not Sunny or Sun.. that's Sunshine!! How can you take that seriously??'

Ife can see her point and John concedes he can too and respects it in BB. However, outside the house is a different matter and even if her name were Sunshine he would shorten it to Sunny. Long SC after Dave queries if there are other Sunshine's out there!

IFE: I think John just likes to make an issue out of anything!

Sunshine's noticed this too and Benny calls it part of John's charm.

JOHN: There's no charm.. there's definitely no charm, no charm about it!
Mario teases that their relationship (John and Sunshine's) is going to have serious problems after Sunflower spells out why John won't go to dinner with her. 

JOSIE: So if you were at the altar..

JOHN: And she referred to herself as Sunshine? I'd walk! Definitely! Definitely walk! Definitely!

JOSIE: So you wouldn't say 'I give you Sunshine!'

JOHN: AH! Definitely not! That is ridiculous!! Her name isn't Sunshine, it's a name that she made up. Her name is not Sunshine! She made it up one day, she literally woke up and said 'I wanna be called Sunshine!' (Sunshine sniggers that this is actually what happened) People call me Johnny, that's not actually my real name.. I didn't make it up! (Sunshine's room mate changed their name to Raindrop) That's ludicrous! They're not real names, she's made it up! His real name is Steven, I call him Stevo.. but he didn't just decide 1 day that he wanted to be called Freckle or something like that!
Caoimhe considers if Sunshine ever has to think twice when someone does call her Sunshine. Sunshine doesn't because it's her 'name!' John screams that it's not her name 'that's annoying me!'

JOSIE: If she wants her name to be Sunshine, her name's Sunshine - that's it!

JOHN: No it's not!

JOSIE: Yeah, it is!

Sunshine wants to be called Sunshine in there, the same way Shabby is called Shabby. Josie calls out that she feels Sunshine should be called Sunshine. John agrees to do so in the house but will refuse to on the outside. John asks if she really introduces herself as Sunshine on the outside, which she does but allows John to call her anything he wishes when they leave. 

JOHN: Riiiiight, yeah. (The HL's part of the conversation takes place where Sunshine doesn't want to graduate with her name as nobody will take her seriously)
Josie, Shabby and Caoimhe are smoking ciggies by the carousel. 

JOSIE: You know what I mean, it's not like I can have  pickings in here!

SHABBY: I think you're a babe!

Caoimhe calls Josie 'beautiful!' Shabby brings up how they were speaking with Govan and he'd said something very apt, how he wished Josie could see how attractive other people think she is 'cos you don't see that in yourself.'

CAOIMHE: You have a beautiful, beautiful face!

JOSIE: Maybe I do deep down.. joking!

Shabby doesn't think she does 'that's the problem! You're beeeeautiful!' Josie self-placates for them to stop it 'you're embarrassing me now!' as they continue to shower her with compliments :) 
SHABBY: With the skirt and the little top and your cardi!

Caoimhe bets in the office they're all 'can't wait for Josie to get here!' Josie refutes 'no way, no way! It's not like that!' she leaves to brush her teeth as she has to after having a roll up in there. Shabby swears down that she brushes her teeth about 20 times a day in there. 

Josie truly is one of the most stunning women I have ever seen in the flesh! Her beauty emanates all around and is so much more than skin deep. The humbling thing is she really STILL doesn't see just how attractive she is! She doesn't understand what all the fuss is about over her.. I wouldn't like her to ever get big-headed and feel 'WOW!!! I'M SOOOOOOOOO GORGEOUS!' but it would be great one day to hear that she has realised she is pretty :) 


  1. ah yes day 16 was a good day :) thanks for this Cheeky xx

  2. Ife was right,he likes to make a big fuss about silly things lol,especially when he thinks he's right,which he does most times:p

    Yeah,Jose talking about John to other HM,wasn't nice to hear most of the times,something John never did to her i think.
