Govan gets the giggles filling in Mario on the mini-row between John and Ben the night before over the intelligence of Australians! Josie is pouring herself a cold glass of water.
GOVAN: Here comes the man with the highest rate of intelligence in the world! (Josie and Govan crack up)
JOHN: They really are though, they really are! Seriously! I was having an argument with him because I don't really like Australians!
Mario expects that the Japanese are the most intelligent!
JOHN: But yeah, I was having a fight with someone on Youtube..
JOSIE: OH MY GOD! Get a .. why don't you go and get a job? (laughing)
JOHN: Nah, sticking up for Britain and they said.. (SC) Wikipedia it's pretty good!
Govan again disagrees that it isn't because it can be edited at will. He makes the point that if there was something about John on there he could edit it to say that 'John James is the biggest' (clearly something rudey as there is a sound cut!)
JOHN: Where we live, he tried to write up a little something about himself.. to make himself out to be famous.. within 10 minutes, if you change anything on Wikipedia that's false they're onto it!
JOSIE: I would never ever, ever have time to do anything like that on the outside world! (chuckles)
JOHN: That's all I do! Just have arguments on Youtube. (It makes me sad that at one time, this is what his life largely consisted of)
JOSIE: I've got 10 minutes a day just to go on Facebook, let alone to bl**dy have arguments with..
JOHN: That's when you stood up to say you fight with people on Youtube, I thought 'oooh, might have been you!'
It seems Govan also had internet feuds with heinous people. John confesses that he got into 'massive blues with people over Mariah Carey vs Eminem and that.. MASSIVE blues! Sticking up for Eminem, I just go on and on!' This reminds me of the Youtube warning he cut and edited as an admonition to Josie, one of the most nasty things to come out of this other nastiness :( I'm still shocked by the obscene vulgarity and threatening nature of the Youtube and hope one day he will take it down.
JOSIE: (Her and Mario are open-mouthed) Yeah, I can imagine! (giggles then SC)
Mario feels John should have supported Mariah so John asks him if he thinks Eminem is lying. Mario doesn't and Josie starts to tell John what he's got to remember when the cameras change to a cigarette-rolling Ife.
Out in the garden, John is lying down on his towel catching some rays.
JOSIE: John, have you asked them for some protein?
John hadn't but he wouldn't mind some though. Josie asks why he doesn't (SC) She tells him to say that he's gone a bit weak in there but he doesn't hear her, so hollers 'pardon?'
JOSIE: You've gone a bit weak!
JOHN: YEAH! I wasn't on the best diet since we got here. I said, it hasn't been the best diet since I got here! Let alone now! (SC)
JOSIE: I don't think so! If I had that, I'd just bloat right out! Cos you gotta train on it, don't you? You've got to train on it!
JOHN: Well, I can't train in here.. but anything would be better than what I'm eating.
Sunshine says he can, as people have trained in there before doing exercise. Josie advises 'just do some press ups!' John has been doing press ups but sees no point 'I'm losing weight by the day!' Josie wishes she were like that.
JOHN: (Sarcastically) Oh, yeah.. it's great (!) Um, what were you saying?
Sunshine again says that they have people to act as resistance if John wants to train. He states that there are no weights. Sunshine remembers contestants in a previous series getting the pole off the broom and getting someone to completely lean on it. John means proper weights as they were given dumb bells on BB10. Sunshine remarks that he can supplement it, he doesn't have to do nothing!
JOHN: Exactly, exactly! Which is why I'm doing nothing. What's the point?
Steve points out that he would be draining any remaining energy he had if he were to work out. He punctuates his sentence with a burp.
JOHN: Good try anyway, Sunshine!
BB calls Ben into the Diary room, as he passes John calls for him to ask for some protein.
Josie is discussing with the group how going to the gym to her is just for a chinwag, really. 'As there's certain times when people aren't at the pub, so you gotta go to the gym! So sad!' Govan calls her for the lighter.
JOSIE: But I don't like being in my house. I'll literally go anywhere, just to be anywhere!
Josie thinks it's worthless her joining a club as she just spends the whole time chatting and gets on everyone's nerves! Govan can imagine this being the case and people yelling as a warning 'she's coming!' Josie's noticed people putting their head down at the shopping centre to pretend they don't see her :(
JOSIE: But I go (extremely loudly) 'HELLOOOOOO! Woooooo!!! Alright?' if they do that. (Govan scrunches his face up in hysterics)
Sunshine screeches that Josie will be like one of those old ladies that show up invited. This leads on nicely to Josie's story about never getting invited to weddings.
JOSIE: So I just turn up.. and then I go 'oh, I hope you don't mind me coming!' They're not gonna go .. 'no, don't be stupid!' I've been to a few house parties where I'm unwanted.. yeah, they ask me to leave! (Govan thinks that is rude, her being asked to leave) But my friend was swinging from their beams!
This was one of her friend's called Lana, Govan wants to go out raving with her. Josie now has a right knack to it, when she hasn't been invited and shows up anyway.
JOSIE: I go 'hello, alright? Thanks for having me!' like I've actually been invited.
Sunshine warns her if she is going to do that at Ben's party 'make sure you don't drink the lemonade!' Josie wants to know why. Sunshine waits for Ben to tell the story, then realises he's not outside. Somebody had once turned up unannounced and was being rude, then wanted Ben to bring him a lot of lemonade, so Ben did a wee in it and then gave it to him! REPULSIVE!!!!!!! (SC)
The group all find that disgusting and John eeeeeeeewww's and asks where Ben is. Sunshine starts up with her sparkly story of glitter to Mario.
Mario starts to tell Sunshine about a dream he'd had about them both, BB wanted them to collect 100 envelopes from different locations then deliver them to 150 Ridgeway Drive. After a minute, John cuts in but Sunshine admonishes him to think about his words carefully first.
JOHN: Yeah, alright.. well, you just listen! Did Big Brother say that you wearing too much glitter was never enough? (Sunshine recites that BB told her there's always room for more) I've heard that story about 10 times already.. since we've been here!
SUNSHINE: And? No, you've heard it 4 times because that's how many times I've told it and you just happen to have been there on every occasion.
John asks her once more what BB had said. Sunshine lies that BB had said they think John fancies her, and when she asks him his reasons for not fancying her will be something really silly like 'I can't sit at dinner while you eat salad!' John begins to protest this but Sunshine's not finished 'and he doesn't want to call you Sunshine!'
JOHN: I didn't say that's why I didn't fancy you, I said that's why I wouldn't go to dinner with you. That's why I would find it difficult to go on a date with you.
SUNSHINE: (Mocks) You don't go on dates anyway, do you?
CORIN: Ah, not that again! Give it a rest! (SC)
Mario moves to sit with John, John rolls over to face the sun and wind up the weather personified 'Hey Sunshine, what did Big Brother say?' Sunshine is aggravated that John just wants to hear the conversation again and again. So John delivers the line instead. That had been the first time BB had given Sunshine an answer like that, usually they just reflect it back.
SUNSHINE: 'Sunshine, Big Brother would like to see how much glitter you have on.. can Big Brother see your arm?'
JOHN: Is that what he said?
Sunshine is unglittered today! John sits up to ask if they've not got any bread.
JOHN: Your beaches have pebbles, don't they?
Sunshine informs him that not all of them do. Dave declares that Tenby is lovely (SC)
JOHN: I hate sand! (SC)
So of course, Sunshine has to spill that she is exactly the same and had shorter hair so that salt water from the beach wouldn't mess her hair up. She's not a fan of sand, but likes being in the sun by a pool. John's the same, he'd rather be at a pool than the beach. One of the worst mistakes Sunshine ever made was buying a sandpit for her baby brother as the sand is everywhere! (SC)
John's Mum doesn't want a pool as they are too hard to clean. Sunshine has a hot tub in the gazebo at her house - well ladifrickindah! (SC) Sunshine says John should just get a hot tub as you can have it hot or cold. John found it really weird that Sunshine went round Australia on her own (Sunshine says it was the World) 'it takes a lot of guts to do that!'
JOHN: I went round Europe.. but that was with 4.. 3 other people. And you went on your own? You didn't go with a tour group or nothin' did ya?
She didn't because you meet people in the dorms of your hostels. John asks what the hostels in Australia are like; they are quite expensive according to Sparkles. John questions whether she'd go back, she would but next time in the summer and wouldn't want to do the East coast like everyone does. She'd like to go to places that aren't touristy in the North and West and gives Ayers Rock as one of the places (because that isn't touristy!) John has been there in the Northern territory!
JOHN: I hate the bush.. Ayers Rock.. well I suppose it's not very interesting to me because I'm nowhere near it! You stayed in Melbourne, didn't ya? (she had) Yeah, I'm only like half an hour away .. if that, from Melbourne.
He asks whereabouts she had stayed there and she can't remember but it was in the city. She had gone out to a Neighbours party but not the casino (after John asks) even though she loves them! John clarifies if she was near the casino but Sunshine doesn't remember seeing it. She has memories of using the trams (which John doesn't even know how to use) and going to the market. Sunshine went to Australia when she was 21. The sound is cut to respect the privacy of people outside the house.
John watches Josie as she soaks their laundry in the kitchen sink. The way he just has to stand in such close proximity to her and gazes at her so intently, said so much even this soon into the series.
JOSIE: (Laughs) Do you know John, you're gonna be known as the Australian booby grabber? (she starts to walk away)
JOHN: (chuckles and flirts) I think you um.. quite liked that! Cos you keep bringing it up now and again, don't ya? I think..
JOSIE: Yeah! Cos it shows how you actually do.. like.. like women!
She and John laugh!! This also shows how much he liked Josie and her boobies!! :D He was quite taken with her lovely lady lumps :)
The live E4 afternoon feed begins with some of the HM's eating some grub in the garden. Shabby would be happy to heat up some canned tomatoes and whack them over the top.
IFE: We're doing that cycle again.. eat, sleep, eat, sleep.. food makes you so tired!
JOSIE: I know, cos it's all carbohydrates isn't it?
Shabby really likes the new eviction idea they had. John agrees 'yeah, it was a good one, wasn't it?' She suggests instead of nominating 2 people, the house have to nominate 2 people they want to save. The top 2 would then be immune from eviction and everybody else would face it that week. Ife also thinks that would be better. Ben believes that it would just be Steve and Corin who would be permanently safe if that were to happen.
Shabby disagrees as she feels it would change on a weekly basis. Ife feels that way would just be nicer 'and they don't want it to be nicer for us!' Govan has reservations over this as people would pretend to be nice in order to be nominated to save. Shabby argues that people already act nice to try and avoid nominations with the process they already have.
She doesn't think it would make a difference as it would just be the other way round. Shabby would basically nominate the same 2 people every week if they were her way. (SC) She thinks that it would give them a fairer idea what the public think and how it is said that BB is 'the public's show' but it's not really. 'They vote to evict whoever we say we don't want!'
Ben brands the public as getting 'manipulated' as well as they do 'just not in the same way.' Because Josie asks what he means BB flip to Nathan being domestic in his domain in the kitchen. He ladels himself out some spaghetti then sniffs and snots on the back of his arm. After a spoonful he scrapes the spaghetti he took back in a bowl!!
JOSIE: I've acted like a cow! (Though it is never divulged what has led her to think this way as her conversation is cut)
Ife is called into Diary room and becomes excited that she is seeing someone from the outside world! 'How do I look?'
Ife comes out again! The camera man has a wobble as he zooms in on Ifster peering in the mirror. She has a small scratch of her arm on the sofa (riveting viewing) then races into the bathroom to brush her teeth before she meets the doctor. Steve asks what they'd been eating and we learn that it was rice with salt and pepper - which is disgusting! Ife is let back in to see a doctor and we have to endure 30 seconds of watching the door! This also angered me when nobody was onscreen in a house with that many HM's!
Mario and John are in the kitchen putting pans into the sink. Mario thinks the food looks alright and John doesn't even know who made it.
JOHN: Like birdseed!
MARIO: It's not exactly tasty! It's not the tastiest dish I've ever had.
JOHN: (drinks water to get rid of the taste) I'd rather not eat. That was beyond bad! I've never tasted something so disgusting! (Until he tried Josie's home cooking in their home on TSAJ?!)
They head back out to the garden. Dave comes in to serve up a bowlful of food from the pot. Stevo asks him if it is disgusting but Dave hadn't had any of it yet. He is hopeful that BB will have to give them more stuff and they don't even have any milk! (As many of them are struggling to eat and suffering from the poor nutrition)
SHABBY: That was foul! (Something ALL the HM's for once seem to be in agreeance upon)
Stevo gives a spoonful a shot, judging by the sour expression on his face, he wished he hadn't! Ad break
Ife, Jose, John and Nate are sat under the carousel.
NATHAN: You smell nice, John! Like burning mahogany!
JOSIE: They do! They look like 2 chunks of mahogany (chuckles) I feel like I wanna carve 'em and make a little ornament (talking about John's mahogany knees - if you were a punny person, you might even say mahogaKNEE!) sand 'em down!
JOHN: (Moaning) I'm sick of having nothin' to do, I'm sick of the food, I'm sick of ..
NATHAN: (Patronises) Awww BABY!!
JOHN: I'm sick of having no clothes .. (SC) I already told ya!
JOSIE: People who have a monobrow are really angry!
Corin doesn't like to think of her loved ones having to make the journey when she faces eviction. In particular, she worries about her Mum dreading it as she hates trains, escalators, trams etc.. The conversation comes to a close when Corin is called to the Diary room by BB.
Ben is losing his hunger, not wanting to eat anything as they find the food so rancid. The men in particular are suffering but Steve is not starving. Steve would rather go home and have some proper food. Right from the beginning Dave didn't think he would walk out but doesn't know based on the circumstances they have found themselves in.
Mario pledges not to leave 'I'll see it through to the bitter end!' Ben thinks that's a different category for Mario, as it is has been his life and he's wanted to be on the show for 10 years.
BEN: And John's flown from Australia! I can't imagine anyone wanting to fly from the other side of the world to do this!
Dave adds that, 'yet he nearly walked out the other day!' Steve is glad he didn't, Ben too. Mario grabs Ben's shoulder 'you're such a sensitive boy, Ben!' Ben disparages this, but finds it interesting that some can take teasing but not being teased - he thinks he's reasonably good at both!! In the house I would not have agreed with this profession from Ben based on his annoyance at being teased. However, when I met him and gave him quite a lot of banter, he took it all in good spirits and bantered back :)
Mario muses whether they'll get a task today. Ben thinks it will be ghastly tonight. Ife is bored out of her brain and thinks they should do something fun. Ben suggests 'question time' Ife wants to do it now, Ben wants to give it half an hour to wait til Dave's finished his lunch. Alas, Dave is 'too demoralised to do anything. I'm just going to lie here in my demoralised state!' Ife tells them 'okay maybe not then, if you're just gonna bring me down!' Ben says they can in an hour or so.
Ben reassures Dave that he shouldn't be demoralised as his partial reasons for doing BB for the church have been achieved. 'And you're going home to your family that absolutely love you.' Ben says he's trying to get a career. Dave is just finding it tough food-wise and being sleep-deprived.
IFE: They said don't come in here expecting to get a career or for a platform..
Corin is blinking in the mirror while awaiting BB to allow her entrance to the Diary room.
Josie is washing and rinsing a cloth in the sink. Then hangs it out to dry in the garden.
Ife asks if anyone has seen Bucket list. Josie says she has and loves Jack Nicholson.
John and Sunshine are playing(off screen) paper, rock, scissors but John laughs as he wasn't paying attention as she tries to outsmart him by second guessing his moves. As John is counting down '1, 2, 3' too quickly Sunshine chastises him as it is not allowing her enough time to think.
JOHN: (Giggles) That's not my problem! (the game resumes)
Josie says she can't hear very well so wouldn't know what they were saying as someone shouts over the wall. She thinks it was 'Shabby I love you!' again. Ben believes that Shabby is arousing a lot of interest 'good for her!'
John and Sunshine are sat on his double bed and Sunshine gives him a pretty present she's made for him. John asks if she made the wire; she hadn't. It was a necklace that she cut up, re-threaded it and put a T-bar on - he looks disinterested while she talks jewellery jargon and tries to wrap the bracelet round his wrist like a cobra. John asks Govan what he's doing as he'd gone looking for him.
BB announces that due to essential maintenance the garden will be out of bounds for a short time and the HM's have to make their way inside. This day Sunshine was all over John like a rash and Nathan was sniffing around Josie too!
Now I guess this is what Davina had been watching between John and Sunshine and interpreted it as flirting. I would call it simply interaction! John seemed to humour Sunshine a lot of the time, as he found her needy, attention-seeking and whiney. Though saying that, I think he was flattered that she fancied him even though he definitely did not reciprocate that attraction to her.
Where this could have become messy, is if John continued to engage and playfight with Sunshine. At any opportunity she could, she would broach the subject of 'them' under the guise of a 'joke' but really more in the hope that she could fish for any sign that he returned her amour/infatuation! Although this was not forthcoming from John, she still seemed to feel she had a shot with him the more they fooled around together. She never had a chance; it was always Josie he had feelings for! At that early stage he was just too hesitant to really put himself out there with Jose.
John, being the sweet guy he is, was so uncomfortable when it came to rejecting a girl's advances - why do you think he legged it from clubs? He doesn't have the heart to break it gently to someone that he's not interested.. when he tried to tell Sunshine how it was he was very forthright that 'NO' he did not fancy her.. but she didn't pay any attention, because in her eyes maybe she was receiving mixed signals as he liked her company and did spent time with her.
Govan is the either side of John in his bed. John tells Sunshine she doesn't really moan and whinge that much. She is amazed as he'd previously told her she moans all the time.
JOHN: Yeah you moan about things but not to do with the.. you don't really moan at the food situ or whatever ..
The HM's make their way inside. Ben gives Dave a hug and Mario squishes his way in. (SC)
BEN: Maybe we should throw some sock? SOCK-er!
Josie is in the bathroom removing her eye makeup. Shabby thinks she looks like she's been hit round the head with a saucepan in a photo she shows Jose, Caoimhe and Ife. Josie says it's a 'very Kurt Cobain picture!' Shabby had been in a heinous mood the day it was taken.
She is looking through the photographs she brought in the house, with Caoimhe. She tells of a happy day when she had seen deer in Victoria Park, Hackney.
SHABBY: Seemingly, I spend quite a lot of my time in parks!
Haaaa evidentally John and Josie do too - just not together! :(
Shabs checks Josie isn't scared of little spiders as 1 crawls on Caoimhe's legs. Josie likes money spiders. Caoimhe they wonders if the insect is actually an ant! Shabby concludes it can't be an ant as it was attached to a web.
Back to Govan, John and Sunshine in bed. Govan and Sunshine talk about theme park rides; Sunshine thinks Oblivion is boring. John asks 'have you been to London eye?' (SC) (But he knows it isn't a ride) Sunshine went on a foggy day so it was a bit rubbish and because they put a lot of people in each pod. Then she bores them with details of a special romantic picnic she packed for her ex bf - they shared in a .. (You guessed it!) PARK before riding the London Eye. SHE is the one who bored him with all this and put him off going with Josie!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunshine's eyes are fixated upon John as she hopes he will be impressed but he doesn't even look her way. All he wants to know is whether she baked him a cake .. She did! She is creepily close to him and the photos make it look like she is only wearing lingerie, scheming to seduce John.
JOHN: I've never had a picnic before! (Maybe why he was so enthusiastic for the planned picnic double date that never was)
Govan reeeeally wants to go to Thorpe Park now but loves Alton Towers. as it has the best log flume and rapids. Sunshine thinks it would be amazing if they gave them mask makeovers and took them there for the day and then brought them back.
John blows ferociously into his fluffy mic!
Sunshine's brother buys fruit machines from E-bay! Nathan has lost a lot of money on them over the years so just stopped playing on them completely. Govan had been under the impression that they were rigged. Sunshine explains the science behind them about how about 20 people would have to play before someone wins. Govan is called to the diary room. Nathan believes it is purely down to luck not skill (as some say they can play them) when it comes to winning.
John shuts his eyes and rubs his head while laying down on bed. Sunshine stares (into his soul!) 'We're not entertaining John enough' (he just wants you to leave him alone!!!) Nathan asks if they have fruit machines in Oz. John has to ask what they are - after Nathan describes them he says they do.
Shabby is massaging Caoimhe's head in the bathroom.
Sunshine now has put her body under the covers while still trying to converse with a sleepy John. Sunshine tells Corin she looks 'like Barbie today or 1 of Barbie's friends.'
JOHN: I've got a brown-haired Barbie at home!!
SUNSHINE: So have I! I bought 1 to look like me.
JOHN: I collect them.
JOHN: Yeah, I've got 5!
NATHAN: (Scornfully) You collect Barbies?
JOHN: I've got 5 .. 1 brown haired one.
JOHN: It does look a bit like you, Corin..
NATHAN: You're a football playing, Barbie collector!
SUNSHINE: But he's only got 5. You're not a big collector, are you?
JOHN: Nah, nah! I just like.. I just like toys!
Nathan used to have over 60 wrestling figures (his favourite was Shaun Michaels, The Heartbreak Kid) and all the Turtles. SC as they speak about Wrestlers who have just retired.
SUNSHINE: He didn't tell me to get off anyway!
JOHN: I'm so glad that this house is filmed sometimes!
SUNSHINE: You didn't tell me to get off the bed though, did you John James?
John bobs his head up when Gold dust is mentioned (another wrestler?) he used to make Mario laugh so much. Mario doesn't know how he managed to keep a straight face portraying his character. Talk then turns to wrestlers who have died such as Owen Hart (I was so upset when he died as I used to watch WWF with my brothers and loved Owen's brother Brett The Hitman Heart) , Bulldog, Yokazuma etc.
Ben yawns and uses his side as a musical instrument. He, Dave and Ife amuse themselves with a guess the celeb game ..Ben has met Dame Kelly Holmes 'she's really nice!'
Ben's clues: Welsh person, Gordon Brown's last minister for Europe who's married to a former Labour leader. (Answer - Glenice Kinnock! Nope, I've never heard of her either)
Dave feels so drained with the lack of food and everything. Ben also feels really tired. He requests for Corin to give his fingernails a buff but not to worry about his toes, as that would give her too much work to do. She consents so long as they can locate the nail file; Dave decides his nails could also do with a filing!
Ben praises Corin 'she's amazing! She manages to be cheerful all the time. I guess if you have to put up with what she's had to put up with all of this seems trivial.' Dave thinks her partner looks so nice 'it's sad.' Ife says they need to snap themselves out of this! So they plan to continue playing their game until they have something better to do.
Josie is doing some washing in the kitchen. Dave tells her he's never boiled them before but they come out so clean. (A bit of a domestic goddess is our Jose!)Dave leaves Josie to it and will return when she has finished to do his.
Shabby and Caoimhe ask Mario if he has a twin. Caoimhe had suspected that he had a twin and kept swapping like on Aus BB but they believe Mario when he promises he doesn't.
SHABBY: Because sometimes you're a bit different!
Mario puts this down to having multiple personalities. They laugh that this explains it!
They want further information on this Tree business and quiz him through soundcuts (even though they've had their own secret communications with the TofT)
SHABBY: Is he a cockney geezer? Is he as horrible in real life (SC)
They want to know if he's seen the secret room where new HM's are gonna live - he hasn't! They continue their interrogation 'are you still a mole? But an undercover mole now!' He vows that he isn't and couldn't do another day as the mole. They are convinced he has some secret and are intrigued and inquisitive to discover it but he won't tell them.
Josie has returned to the bathroom to fix her face but then leaves just as quickly as she arrived! Mario nods that their guesses are close as to the location of the T of T, unaware that they already know!
MARIO: (Offers up a cryptic clue) Sometimes things can hide in plain sight and never be noticed until someone points it out!
They would love to know his other secret. Govan returns from having a really nice chat with a BB he really likes, calling 'hello lover' to Josie. He tells Corin in the kitchen that he'd asked BB for some food and BB had bantered 'I think you know the answers to both those questions, Govan!' how the chickpea sandwich (lovingly made by Josie) was the BEST!! 'It was like a party in my mouth!'
Govan had told BB he was waiting for the abuse to start for him over the wall. The way he sees it is he's not that bothered about people who've 'gone out of their way to make someone feel bad about themselves, when they've been holed up in here and have no idea what's going on outside!' (SC) Corin comforts 'you won't be hearing nothin' bad' orrrr (rages) 'LET ME AT 'EM!!!'
Back in the kitchen, after listing beef tacos and Shepard's pie (presuming meals he wishes they had) Govan expresses that he's not horrified at the prospect of leaving even though he doesn't want to and doesn't get that. Mario is also looking at it the same way that he would be upset to go but it wouldn't be the end of the world either.
He will be sad to leave his friends and would like to stay longer (though knows he'll see them all again) yet can't wait to meet Davvy D (Davina). Corin tries to excite him about having BBBM to look forward to. Govan groans .. not keen at the prospect of appearing on that. Mario has discovered that if he sticks his head in the refrigerator he can hear what the camera men are saying if they speak.
Mario, the supposed super fan, doesn't even know if both BBLB and BBBM still exist. They seem to believe BBBM now doesn't have an audience which Govan thinks would be better but doesn't know how that would work. He is worried as the audience is notorious for sometimes being brutal. He could handle a flyaway rude comment by just giving something back, but if they started saying something really, really rude and awful 'I can kick pretty hard!'
The sofa-ites continue to play their celeb game. Ben's next one is: A Zimbabwean tyrant known for grabbing farms! Dave finds it difficult to think one up but then settles upon Margaret Thatcher; Ben resents the 'stealing milk' remark as part of Dave's clue.
The alarm blares alarmingly in the bedroom to wake up John. Sunshine has now siddled back next to him and pulls at his hood to get him up. John ruffles her hair and then lies on his front. Sunshine watches him like a hawk and says how peaceful it was before that happened (she hops out of bed)
Back to the most 'scintillilating' of games .. Steve seems to be having trouble thinking of a person.. 'Let me think, let me thiiiiiink..' (Repeated as he um's which sounds more like a deep burp) The alarm can be heard blaring out once more in the bedroom.
Josie, Govan and Shabby are in the bathroom talking about adoption. (viewers come in mid-way through their discussion)
JOSIE: You might even love them more!
Shabby says it is possible although you won't have that biological connection.
JOSIE: Still be your child.. Plus, if you adopt you don't have to give birth!!
SHABBY: Definitely a bonus!!
JOSIE: And you can pick 1 the like the look of.. JOKE!!
Shabby wishes more people were up for adoption and appreciates that it's natural to want to give birth to your own children but it's not like we have population problems. Shabby's views are that their are already enough kids with no homes that need to be 'dealt with' and believes it quashes the selfish urge 'I need to have offspring.'
Govan asks Corin how she would have babies with her partner, Rachel. Corin reveals that her girlfriend doesn't want any children whatsoever.
The snoring game continues around the couches, but there are too many SC's from the potty mouth HM's to determine who the celebrities are. Live feed ends with Corin declaring 'just take life as it comes!'
JJJ MOMENTS STOLEN FROM JJJAT (that I can't find vid clips of):
* John asking Josie if she is ready to do their washing. At the sink, he puts an arm around her and stroked her softly. Before they are rudely interrupted by Nathan prowling around her in the kitchen.
* JJJ sat at the smoker's bench chatting, John tells her girls are more forward in Australia. Some of the posters weren't happy Day 17 with them playing hot and cold with each other. As they didn't crack even a smile during this conversation.. when really they were probably just nervous having Govan up for eviction.
* John lays down sunbathing in between Josie and Sunshine, Josie says she wants to visit Australia. John tells her to come to Melbourne.
*An interesting post from HelixK observed 'I think in a way this might make Josie even more keen towards JJ. Unlike Nathan, he isn't hounding her every move and touching her up. I'd imagine Josie might feel a little uncomfortable by all of that attention. JJ put a lot of time into Josie just by talking and getting to know her (not feeling her up like Nat is) since they went into the house but JJ has let up that attention in the past few days. Pulling away, letting Nathan ruin his chance by smothering Josie, could work in JJ's favour.'
*The cameras didn't stay on them long enough to hear the full conversation but Josie agrees to tell John something when they are out 'it'll only be a couple of weeks!' John teases back 'oh, thanks!' They share a laugh.
*Happily chatted about John's financial situation home in Australia. He confesses he doesn't have any bills to pay or any responsibilities. Josie laughs at him and calls him one of those sad, lonely blokes who never moves out of home and has a Star Wars duvet cover.
*John and Josie still lying next to each other chipping in ideas as Shabby and Caoimhe are sponging out the pool water (task) Josie tells him she's never met someone so interesting who has such a boring life!
* The thread was 'getting angry now' when Nathan led next to Josie, Mario came out to ask John to go in the bedroom as Sunshine wanted to speak to him. John went in and Sunshine feebly flopped on her bed requests that he carry her out as she has no energy. There were screams when she flirted that her energy levels had now gone up having seen John. Mario nudges 'that's because you fancy him!'
* John had a headache so asked BB for paracetamol. As BB gathered them at the sofas, John rests his head on Josie as he's sat beside her. He told her to get closer 'cos I'm gonna be leaning on you in a minute when the 2 hour countdown starts!' Govan weaseled his way in between them and Josie and Nathan walked off to the store room together hand in hand!!!!!!!!!!!!
* The basic rations are lifted so the HM's sit around the table to be treated to pizza. Sunshine sits next to John and Josie is opposite with Dave.
On BBLB from Day 16 -
Martin Kemp said his pet hate was John :( and that he thought he needed anger management! He described John as one of the types of people he really detests 'as he's one of those people who leave a big black cloud over a room when he leaves!' He shouted for the public to get rid of him!!!
On BBLB from Day 17 -
Rachael calls John a hypocrite after hearing that he 'wants' to pose in his underpants, after all the grief he have her over doing Mags (and she already had done lads mags!) Vanessa Feltz was a guest and used to find John a looker but not anymore as he doesn't stop moaning and takes himself too seriously. She goes as far to say she would prefer to see him with a bag over his head, quite frankly!
Arguing on YouTube?Seriously!
ReplyDeleteCollecting Barbies???
Sometimes it's like his brain never matured:o