John is munching away on the remnants of pizza half lying on the table. Dave summons Sunshine to celebrate with them and to get out the crisps. John sits up to say he misunderstood as he thought Sunshine wasn't getting the crisps out not realising she was waiting for bread (to go with them so she can have a crisp sandwich)
DAVE: Maybe we can have one crisp each, just a single crisp!? (John says they can wait for the bread) cheer up, child.
JOHN: Has anyone ever told you you're probably a little bit .. slightly picky? Just a little bit.
SUNSHINE: No, but they did say I'm picky about men! Is that not a compliment then? (prods him then folds her arms huffily as the implication is he ought to be flattered that she fancies him!!)
JOHN: I've never met a vegan that doesn't eat vegetables!
SUNSHINE: I eat potatoes!
JOHN: (Scoffs) Well that's alright then!
SUNSHINE: In the crisp variety!
John lists that she won't eat chickpeas, sweetcorn. When Caoimhe is called to the diary room Sunshine complains childishly as she'd asked first! She demonically screeches at Caoimhe through the back door 'CAOIMHE DIARY ROOMMMM!' John covers his ears in irritation and curses 'f**k!', then points to leftover pizza on the table to check if anyone is eating it before getting his laughing gear around it. Sunshine saunters over to ask John if he's enjoying that pizza there.
JOHN: No, it tastes like sh*t! Absolute sh*t!! (after demolishing it!)
Sunshine smiles freakishly at John and sustains that the pizza normally tastes better as they are home made not Domino's.
JOHN: I don't care if the Queen made it!! It's sh*t!!
Out in the garden, Josie, Ife and Corin are smoking still in bewildered at the boos Govan had. Ife points out that none of them have to hear the boos or listen, as they can put their fingers in their ears to block it out!
Corin leaves to put her sunglasses on so she is kind of shielded. Josie remarks that BB stole hers! She imitates doing the peace sign (not the other way round so that it is swearing) at a booing crowd and laughs at the prospect of being booed. Josie is quite looking forward to it 'because at least they know who you are!' Ife thinks silence would be worse - no cheers or boos.
JOSIE: I'd rather someone booed than silence, would you? Cos I hate being ignored!
Ife acts out being evicted to silence with her waving and smiling to a crowd that 'don't care' and 'don't have an opinion'. Josie is in hoots!! :D John comes out and climbs 1 of the horses. Ife remembers 1 year someone left and there was silence; Josie tells her it was Jade.
JOSIE: John, would you rather be booed or total silence?
Ife thinks she'd feel like she was insignificant 'it's not worth clapping' if there was nothing. 'I can't be assed to boo for them they're not important. They don't p*ss me off enough.'
JOSIE: I'd rather someone had an opinion on me than not have an opinion on me.
IFE: Yeah, definitely! Definitely! I would be livid if there were silence!! LIVID! Can you imagine.. you could hear a pin drop? (Josie cracks up which causes John to chuckle too) Was I that pointless, was I? Was I?? (screeches)
IFE: F**kin' boo! BOOO!! No, I think if that were the case Terry would at least boo for me.
Sunshine is snapping in the kitchen for being called stingy over the crisps. She now wants nothing to do with the crisps; Steve sweetens the blow that they will be far more appreciated when the bread and butter arrives. Dave doesn;t mind waiting for it!
SUNSHINE: I can tell you now, ALL the people who've had a go at me.. aren't getting any crisps!
Steve doesn't blame her and she spells out that Dave is one of them! Though he thinks he's been good and nice to her :D He winds her up more saying that she has changed since she's been out with the smoking group 'you're going downhill!'
Josie says she hadn't planned any poses on her entrance, neither had John 'I just walked..' She demonstrates the only thing she could think of to do to the press by putting her thumbs up with a toothy grin :D
IFE: No, you did the running man!
JOSIE: I'm not a poser, I'm not 1 of those pouty girls so the only thing I could think to do was (does it again. Ife and John crack up with her)
JOHN: I can see it in the papers the next day (mickey takes her pose)
Ife is irked as she is a (self-confessed) poser and didn't pull it off. In her head she imagines herself to be posing and flaunts it as she does a demo! Then exhibits how it REALLY looked.
JOSIE: I even forgot to breathe in! :(
JOSIE: It's not that, it's like how can you boo a 20 year old? He's like our baby int he? I felt like he was my little brother out there going to get booed. I was SO angry! So angry!!
Ife reckons he'd be alright as soon as he saw Rachael and his family and friends. 'It takes what, 10 seconds to get past the boos!'
JOHN: I reckon I'm gonna get a world record (Josie cackles) for the most tear ups in the Big brother house!
JOSIE: Yeah, but a lot of people like that, don't they?
JOHN: And do you know I used to be the biggest bagger ..EVER! (Ife asks what one is) people that would like bag the sh*t out of people ..I was like pfttt 'Look at that! Look at that sissy crying over ..' And I've cried more times than anyone else including the girls. (Josie finds it funny) my friends will be waiting .. They'll .. I bet they'll loop it on a f**kin' tape! (John laughs) every f**kin' time .. (Ife says it shows he's sensitive) I seriously didn't know it would get to me. I thought I was like 'I don't give a f**k .. I'll walk in there, I'll be the f**kin' coolest.. ' Govan was actually going 'it's alright mate' like I was going. He was going 'it's alright, mate. It's alright!' And here I am f**kin' tearing up! And he's giving it the gnarly (motions a hug)
JOSIE: I hope they don't show me when he gave me the like.. who won the day .. Cos I was like (teary) thank you (she cracks up)
JOSIE: But it's not that.. It's like your little brother going out and getting booed, isn't it? I've never been so angry.
JOHN: I never ever saw that coming!
JOSIE: Nor me!
JOHN: When they left Govan and Ben to the last 2 that's when I started to worry cos I thought they're gonna do a shock cos .. I think everyone in the house expected it to be, including themselves, expected it to be Dave and Ben for the last 2.. Even they thought it themselves! So it was gonna .. That was a 50/50! But because it was Ben and Govan, I was thinking 'f**k!' Unless it was gonna be a massive shock, what was the point of.. (SC) and even he thought that!
Ife is glad Ben is still here. Josie finds him funny.
JOHN: Cos he is as funny as f**k! Even though he doesn't think he is! I'm not gonna lie he does get on my tits sometimes but overall.. He admits it!
Ife, Josie and John joke over how Ben takes stuff but admits it so they can't hate him. John impersonates Ife huffing and puffing when Ben stole her towel so she missed out but Ben said 'I just thought I'd get an extra towel' and Ife just accepted it without disputing 'alright then.' Josie shushes them as they hear noises being shouted over the wall.
JOHN: What? Are they having a pop at..
Josie overhears Sunshine's name called which peeves John 'oh well done! I thought it was something good!' Ife and Josie had heard a man shout and John wants to know what they had made out from the yells.
JOSIE: 'Josie,come out here and give me one!!' (Giggles)
JOHN: (Outrageously flirtatious) That was me!! ;) (she gave you more than one, son!!!)
Josie laughs bashfully while Ife thinks it is the 'tidy uppers' (as she calls them) saying 'you take that wire!' (SC)
JOHN: .. I don't remember anything from that night ..
Josie spots a giant moth by the spa. Ife seems sad that it may be dead but it looks alive. John tries to pick it up as Ife pleads 'fly, little moth, fly!'
Shabby and Caoimhe chinwag in the bathroom. Shabby classes Ife as the most easy going of the 3 of them but feels she makes it blatantly obvious when she doesn't like someone .. Where as she doesn't think Caoimhe makes it obvious which could come across as her being two-faced. Shabby gives her hugging Dave back as an example but she believes Caoimhe's behaviour will get her reasonably far in the competition. Caoimhe claims she isn't playing any games and feels vulnerable as it was automatic for her to hug Dave back. Caoimhe seethes that she could have had a huge go at Sunshine but had to walk away.
Split second shot of Mario racing around with John on his back in the garden and John smacking his bum.
Shabby wishes she'd heard the rest of the convo between Josie and Sunshine. As she had heard Josie say to her how she thinks she ought to share as it makes her look tight instead of a nice person. But then she walked through the doors when Starscreen retaliated! 'I don't care about looking like a nice person..' Didn't hear the rest of it, wish I had!'
Caoimhe feels bad as she genuinely didn't know what to do. Shabby 'at least you're in his good books!' Caoimhe doesn't want to be in his good books! Shabby understands they are happy not to have been evicted but wishes Govan was as loved by others as they loved him. Then erupts upon spying a game of sockball commencing in the lounge (as she hates it) Ife comes in after Caoimhe tells her not to get angry and Shabby snaps 'don't tell me what to do' and says Shabby asked them to tell her not to get angry. Shabby leaves. Ife 'seriously sometimes all you need is a nice big cuddle' and says Steve is a great cuddler.
Caoimhe feels she's being totally herself 'and that's probably the problem!' Steve thinks they 'just gotta be yourself no matter what.' Ife rationalises if they start over-thinking and over-analysing everything 'that's when you get to the mental stage.' And that you have to do what makes you feel good even if it makes them look like a floater or game player etc.
Ife and Steve roam into the living room and John can be heard talking and playing sockball. Off screen in a different room Josie makes oinky piggy snorts to Caoimhe making her crease up laughing. Then she announces 'it's all about the pearl drops!' (That make her teeth so gleamingly blingingly white)
Jose bursts out of the bathroom to rant: 'Conf**kingratulations guys! I've lost my little man! Look what you've f**kin done!!'
IFE: You strut, Josie!!
Ife joins her girls on the bench to squeeze Shabby with a snuggly hug. Caoimhe conspires to rob the crisps from Sunshine's drawer.
SUNSHINE: John by some miracle that I last longer than you can I have your hat?
JOHN: No!!
SUNSHINE:(Pleads pathetically) Pleeease.
JOHN: (Relents reluctantly) I'll see how I'm feeling.
SUNSHINE: (As though he ought to give her anything she wishes) I made you a bracelet!
JOHN: I like this hat. Maybe .. If you bring it back to the final.
Sunshine says she'll be back at medical school then but John says she'll still have to attend.
Off screen Sunshine asks Josie if she likes what she made and 'can you tell what that is?' Mario scolds her 'give the girl a chance she's brushing her teeth!' while Josie scrubs at her teethpegs!
Other HM's come in to brush their teeth (Caoimhe, shabby, Dave, Ife) and there is a delightful close up of Dave's spit up in the sink :S
In the bedroom John says something about his little man and we hear Josie respond.
JOSIE: This is how sad it is, I wouldn't even mind if he farted on me now! (John giggles) I always .. I've got a double bed at home, but I always sleep on 1 side. Govan won't tell you so, but I do. Awww..
Mario goes over to her bed to kiss her cheek and check she's ok.
JOSIE: Yeah I know that he ain't died or anything but he was my brother from another mother!
John is settling down in his bed. Josie hopes they play one of her good songs (for her good day!!) SC. While John uses his facial creams Josie walks past in her undies and it looks like she flips him the bird! As he says about giving an aerosol back or something and he's not having a 'bar of it!' (SC) She chats with Mars in the walk in wardrobe.
JOSIE: Do you reckon I should go to bed with some really thick .. I aint got no sexy PJs, how about that!
MARIO: Dance in your underwear!
JOSIE: No way!!
JOHN: You would sleep naked (but she doesn't hear him)
MARIO: You'd be rockin' it!
JOSIE: That's if they play any of my songs. (She sighs) no more midnight chats, John James ...
JOHN: Oh, there'll be plenty of those!! (He wasn't prepared to give those up without a fight even if their little man had gone) Midnight chats out? (Josie 'huhs?') I said are midnight chats out?
JOSIE: No way!!
Can't hear much of their exchange as the other HM's are too rowdy. John says something along the lines of it not being the same without Gov and Jose agrees (little did they know it would get BETTTTER!!)
Josie sits on the side of John and Mario's double but you don't hear much. She is still only in her undies and as she walks past John has a good, long, lusty look (sorry I don't have a pic of any of this scene)
JOSIE: Even when I broke up with my bloke after 6 years I didn't cry like that (or wtte. John laughs) Ooooh AAAAH!! I stubbed my toe! (As she climbs back into her lonesome double)
These lyrics remind me of Josie: "Don't cry out loud, just keep it inside and learn how to hide your feelings.. fly high and proud, and if you should fall, remember you almost had it all." Not crying in front of people, doesn't mean that you aren't upset.. or even absolutely heart broken.. those are the people who sob hardest into their pillows every night :( Everybody thinks she is so strong - that she keeps trucking on, she is a trooper and doesn't want people to feel sorry for her. I'm sure she cried a LOT after breaking up with John.. and he probably did too.. they really did nearly have it all!
These lyrics remind me of Josie: "Don't cry out loud, just keep it inside and learn how to hide your feelings.. fly high and proud, and if you should fall, remember you almost had it all." Not crying in front of people, doesn't mean that you aren't upset.. or even absolutely heart broken.. those are the people who sob hardest into their pillows every night :( Everybody thinks she is so strong - that she keeps trucking on, she is a trooper and doesn't want people to feel sorry for her. I'm sure she cried a LOT after breaking up with John.. and he probably did too.. they really did nearly have it all!
STEVE: Well, that were silly weren't it?
JOSIE: Alright, Steven!
JOHN: No need to rub it in!
JOSIE: What? Hurry up and snore. (Chuckles)
Thunderstorm and Ife natter about Madonna in the bathroom. Mario thinks when 'Old mother hubbard' aka Ben comes back in that they'll have to be quiet. Josie clearly wants some bed companionship and extends an open invite to everyone in the bedroom.
JOSIE: Mario, do you want a midnight chat? Where's Mario? Does anyone want a midnight chat? (The first volunteer is surprising)
STEVE: Come in my bed, Jose! It's a bit small but..
JOSIE: Yeeah Stevey! Tomorrow I will..
STEVE: It'd be nice to have a chat to you. (Josie aww's in the background)
Camera focuses on Shabs and Keevs as she cringes about earlier. Caoimhe wants to know who Josie is talking to so Shabs informs her it is Mario 'are you really that bad at telling peoples voices?'
Ben sniggers as he is released from the Diary room.Then the cameras return to the bedroom.
SHABBY: (Exclaims) Don't you be forgetting your f**kin' wife!! (To Josie who says 'obviously!')
CAOIMHE: And your hairdresser!
JOSIE: You're my cleaning up. Husband, shut your mop! Only joking, Steve!
MARIO: And he gives you big cuddles!
JOSIE: Yeah! I've got my cuddler, cleaner up husband, I've got my chef husband, I've got my divorcee (points towards Johns bed!) I've got my main man just for a night out obviously I wasn't giving him the right bed time and then .. Mario..
MARIO: Your gay husband!
JOSIE: (Affectionately) My gay husband!! (Mario and Steve giggles and compares it to something out of Dallas) Who do I think I am anyway claiming everyone as my husbands? Do you know what I mean?
MARIO: And your wife!
JOSIE: And my wifey, h'obviously! With her cheeky little smile and her 'tamper tentrums!' I love her!!
SHABBY: Don't be talking about my tamper tentrums!
Caoimhe thinks she has a cheeky little smile herself.Shabby is embarrassed of her smile as she didn't know she did it.
JOHN: Hey?
JOSIE: Midnight chats! Midnight chats!! (Wanting her divorcee in her bed. He immediately gets up 'hang on a sec!' to use the bedroom toilet. Josie jokes that he's going to use some mouth wash) look at him!
JOHN: (Protests with a gamesome glare) I don't have any! You f**kin' pinched it all!
SHABBY: Where's my crisp sandwich?! SERIOUSLY?!!
JOSIE: Here! I only traded 1 man in for another (meaning Mario who is in Gov's spot in the bed)
Caoimhe yells at the top of her lungs that she just wants a few crisps. 'Is it that much to ask for?!' Shabby laughs as Sunshine isn't even in there. Josie and Mario have their heads nestled together cutely.
JOSIE: I am glad you're here though.
John hops in to Josie's double. (SC)
JOSIE: You better believe it, kid!
MARIO: (lewdly) I'll take the back.. Literally!
JOSIE: OMG, Mario - you're so wrong! (Giggles)
MARIO: (Creepy voice) But so right!
John edges closer towards Josie. On the other side of the bedroom Ben is blabbing to Dave about his Diary room entry.
JOSIE: Govan will be p*ssing himself when he sees..
JOHN: (Sits upright) What happened, Davo when you were outside? (Lays back down when no reply his forthcoming because Ben is deliberating with Monk man in the glory)
JOSIE: He's gonna be like look at her the tart! .. It always used to be me, John James and Govan!
MARIO: John can make Sunshine jealous and I can make Ben jealous!! (Camera changes to Sunshine dropping an earring and fixing it back in her ear, before coming back to the bedroom)
Josie sucks her thumb (like a little baby in bed in between her parents) John turns to face her and spots it instantly!
JOHN: Get your f**kin' thumb out of your f**kin' mouth!!
Mario mentions that Josie's feet are cold.
JOSIE: I know! Feel my feet, John (must place hers on top of his)
JOHN: (Laughs) Get them off!!
JOSIE: No, Mario's warming 1 of them up! What a tart! My husband's walked out on me, I've got 2 men in me bed already :D
They giggle at the cognition that Ben looks like a giraffe roaming round in the dark.
BEN: (berates) You're meant to be grieving for your beloved friend, not making fun of my walk!
JOSIE: I am grieving for my friend, look at me I've got 2 men in me bed! (Ben can see that) Wanna make a third?
JOHN: Me! (In a more giddy voice) It's meee!!
BEN: Mario too? Mario's never been in this bed he normally wants to come in my bed.
JOSIE: Err, you wish, right. Josie's in the house now!!
MARIO: Told you we'd make him jealous!
Ben was asked by BB how he thinks the house dynamics will change 'I think I may well be assassinated before the night's up! I don't think I'm gonna make it through the night!' Ben crawls on the carpet beside his bed with his bum in the air like a babboon!
JOHN: (Jovial) What's he doing down there? (Josie wonders if he's collecting all the food he stole but he lost his cream)
Mario surmises that Govan will now be at McDonald's but Josie bets he'll be 'right on it!' (SC)
JOHN: Nah, I hold it together! (About Josie crying. Mario tickles him)
Mario surmises that Govan will now be at McDonald's but Josie bets he'll be 'right on it!' (SC)
JOHN: Nah, I hold it together! (About Josie crying. Mario tickles him)
JOSIE: (SC) I had a panic attack 1 time and cried the second, when Govan was evicted but you've cried more times than anyone in here!
JOSIE: My God, what's the matter with you?
JOHN: I had to, I had to walk out and say 'get a grip' I couldn't take it anymore.
Josie asks Mario what his speech was about. Ben announces he's coming into the bed :D
JOSIE: Oooh! Mario's been waiting for this moment forever!
BEN: Well, I'm fully clothed so I'll be no use to him.. Right, where shall I go? (Puts his body directly over Josie who cackles)
JOHN: Where shall I go? He goes right on top of Jose! She's got her knees up! What's that tellin' ya?
BEN: She's ready for action.
JOSIE: Nooo, Benjaminge!
BEN: Like a propeller plane ready to have petrol put in!
JOHN: (Chides) Get off to the side! (doesn't want any man on top of Josie except himself!!)
Ben sidles right between Mario and Josie under the covers. Josie thought he was going to lay on top and exclaims again that she feels like a 'right tart' with her dirty laugh making them all giggle gregariously.
JOSIE: Govan would be SO f**ked off if he sees (through chuckles)
JOHN: I'm .. I'm a regular! So I'm .. (Laughs and Mario hops out of bed)
JOSIE: (Playing footsy under the doona) Whose feet is that? Is that yours?
JOHN: I don't know who's touching who!!
BEN: Will Johnny be in here with you now?
JOSIE: (Before John has any say) No, he likes it too much over there with our Mar.
JOHN: With a little bit of Mario. (Asks him what he's up to as he's hiding pillows) don't hide ours!!
JOSIE: It's not 1 husband out, 1 husband in, is it?
John asks Mario which pillow he had hidden in the closet; it was Ife's!
JOSIE: (Cheers) Awww, I got all me men! Yayy!! I tell you what .. Couldn't wish for a happier woman right now! (Chuckles)
Mario asks them all to move over as there is hardly any space for him. Josie says they'll have to go on their sides.
JOHN: (Put out about rolling over) Oh, I'll just..
JOSIE: Come on Steve, there's room for you at the bottom! Come over here, love. Stevo!
John asks Ben what he had to go outside for. Ben bleats that BB had wanted to 'yap to' him.
JOHN: Oh, ok! I thought something was going on outside. (Closes his eyes in the bed. You'll notice he has practically half the bed with the other 3 squished in the other half. He's not budging from his spot or surrendering how close he is with Jose)
Ife smokes alone outside practically falling asleep in the process. Back to the bedroom banterdom, where Josie is cackling her cheeks off :D
JOSIE: It's not about having a McDonald's! (So Mario instead suggests a KFC)
JOHN: You'd have to go straight to the hotel after this, wouldn't you?
JOSIE: Would you?
JOHN: I would say so after the interviews. There's precautionaries you have to take, make sure you don't get hurt or anything.
JOSIE: (Moans gently) Oh..
Back to Ife coming inside from the garden.
MARIO: .. Squeezed between 3 men! (Josie giggles)
JOSIE: And I bet you feel most comfortable squeezed between Ben! (The bedmates and Steve laugh. Johns eyes remain shut so he seems comfy) I don't like when someones been evicted, you feel like someone's just died, don't you?
MARIO: It does feel a bit like that.
Ife downs a glass of water at the kitchen sink in her bobble hat and is then called into the Diary room. The giggly gang are giggling back in the boudoir ;)
BEN: It's alright! I'll lend you John for a while, while you have her.
JOHN: What do you mean lend?
JOSIE: What's John? Your little rent boy now?
JOHN: (Poshly parrots Ben) 'I'll lend you John for a while!'
BEN: (leans across Josie to pat John's head) John belongs to all of us, he's shared!
Mario thinks he technically is his as they share a bed.
JOHN: Do I get a little bit of a say or am I just getting passed round?
Ben jokes that he squeezes his scrotum in the middle of the night.
JOHN: Stopppp it! (In Josie style after a grossed out Stevo says 'stop it!')
JOSIE: (laughing) John! It's not about squeezing Mario's scrotum in the middle of the night, is it? In the big brother house?
JOHN: No. It's about squeezing Josie's boob when she's not expecting it .. I'm a .. (With a cheeky cat that got the cream grin above his chin)
JOSIE: Oooh cheeky!
STEVE: (Scolds) Sunshine'll get jealous.
JOSIE: Sorry. Sunshine, it's not what it looks like! (John giggles)
MARIO: It is exactly what it looks like! 3 men in bed with a woman.
Ben wonders if you can design Sunshine contraception in the shape of a crisp which greatly amuses the bedroom buddies 'it would be vegan friendly of course!' John guffaws.
Back to bedroom. Caoimhe asks for two crisps. Sunshine bellows when 'the bread comes I will give them to the people who care more about me than the crisps!' (John giggles) This does not go down well with her HM's. Shabby cares about the crisps! Caoimhe is incensed as it's the most immature thing she's ever heard and she's starting to get really angry.
JOHN: (rests his head on Josie's then giggles, SC) If I'd have gone like could've been jail..
JOSIE: John's face straight in me chest!
Mario says he used to get dared to have his head between a woman shaking their boobs like a motorboat! Ben asks if it was a punishment for Mario but he describes it actually as 'quite pleasant!'
JOSIE: Ben! What is that in my ass?! Calm down!
BEN: Oh sorry I'm getting excited!
JOSIE: If my auntie's watching! She's gonna go spare!
Ife out of the Diary room and heads for the bathroom to apply some type of lotion or potion to her arm and neck. Back to more hysterical laughter in the garden over CRISPS!
JOSIE: I don't give a sh*t! I've got 3 men in my bed!! .. Well, it's been emotional hasn't it? Ben nearly died ..
JOHN:(Cracks up) Don't get Shabby going on the story! Shabby's about to walk out!
JOSIE: My blokes walked out on me (Govan)
STEVE: Ben's nodding his head (John finds that hilarious)
BEN: If people start doing their Jack Russell impressions I'm going home! (Josie ruff ruffs an impersonation)
JOSIE: (Imitates) Do you want a drink of water? (Rufff ruff)
BEN: When you're about to die and you have slush puppies going down your head you're a bit confused! (John creases up)
JOHN: Don't! Shabby's gonna leave (x2) I can feel her anger!
SHABBY: Can you actually feel it?
JOHN: Yeah I can feel the aura!
SHABBY: Like a green fog! (Explains to Ben that she had a migraine last night so the impressions were a bit too much)
BEN: Try being the person the impressions were about!
Ben says the stories get bored on the 100th time. Josie gets up to have a tinkle telling Ben to save her space. She straddles John accidentally as she climbs over him.
JOSIE: (Laughing) that looks really bad! (John laughs too) I'm sorry Govan! It's not what it looks like!
The 3 boys in Josie's bed huddle their heads together sweetly. John chastises Steve as he pretends to snore. Caoimhe and Shabby don't believe he could fall asleep so quickly. Ben 'that's not humanly possible!' The camera does a close up of a smirking Steve mid snort!
JOHN: That's not possible, surely! You can't just go to sleep and then snore straight away.. Not even warm up to it! (Ad Break)
Josie is back in her rightful place in her bed by the time we return from the ads. Josie warns Steve to 'watch yourself tomorrow, buddy' as she'll be in his bed!
Josie rebukes John for being a quilt grabber! John tries to pull it back telling her to 'work it out!' I loved their married couple bickering back then (even as early as this) Ife is down the end of the bed in her bobble hat. I hadn't even noticed she was there until she sat up!
John asks Benny if he likes having a single bed and if he wants to swap with him for a few days. Ben may go in with Josie!!! Ife gets out of bed due to someones bony legs on her!
STEVE: You won't get that with me, duck!! (Quite possibly the funniest sentence he uttered during his entire stay in the house)
Josie wonders what song of hers they will play of hers in the morning. Ife hopes it will be Marvin Gaye.
JOSIE: I don't! Cos I'm led in bed with 3.. (SC) did someone just hear a miaow?
Steve blames Shabby for this. Ife asks if Mario would object to her getting in his double.
SHABBY: Would you object to me asking everyone to keep their voices down?
Ben bids his bedmates good night as he leaves the Josie bed of love accidentally elbowing Jose in the head. Then he goes to John's side of the bed and embraces him in a tight cobra-grip good night hug.
JOSIE: It's not what it looks like Govan, it's not what it looks like!
Mario kisses Josie night and makes a hasty exit too leaving JJJ alone as they huddle up for a chat (not that we hear much as ever with other HM's speaking loudly over them)
JOSIE: It's not what it looks like Govan, it's not what it looks like!
Mario kisses Josie night and makes a hasty exit too leaving JJJ alone as they huddle up for a chat (not that we hear much as ever with other HM's speaking loudly over them)
JOSIE: Mario, you've turned into a right tart! You bedhopper!
John hears the camera whirr in their direction and glances their way. Then they talk too quietly for me to make out their entire conversation. They seem to be whispering about how it already feels weird without Govan.
JOSIE: I feel like he's gonna come home in a minute. You're like me, you get attached to people.
JOHN: Yeah, I know. But it's not always a good thing, is it?
She confides how when her brother came home from boarding school (it sounded like?) She would get attached to him and when he went back she would be heartbroken (SC)
JOHN: It's not good to be like that.
JOSIE: I know but you can't help the person you are.
JOHN: That's what I mean. I wish I wasn't. I wish I could .. You know some people make it look easy. I wish I was that sort of person.
He continues to say he honestly didn't think he was the type of person to get attached to someone.
JOSIE: I've always been like that. (Talks about her friends)
JOSIE: Sometimes twice a day. My friend Luke I speak to everyday. (And how they chat for a long time) but I know they're attached to me as well and it's nice. (Can't make out much but sounds like Josie planned to fix him up with a friend when they got out!)
JOHN: I bet everyone thinks I'm a weirdo. Everyone watching. (laughs) Because I am!
JOSIE: Why are you a weirdo?!
John mumbles something about having a bad temper.
JOHN: You know when we kept going and going? I don't think I'll be able to stop that.. But I don't want to have a temper. I don't wanna get angry. I'm gonna try and control that. (They giggle about vegan-friendly something but someone is making noises stomping around the bedroom)
JOSIE: He is funny!! (They wet themselves as they do more impersonations of Ben when they nearly murdered him)
John writhes and wriggles around demonstrating Ben's body movements. And each time Josie makes him unable to breath with laughter he throws his head onto her. They re-live the hilarious moments from Ben over and over! He leans his head right beside Josie's in order to hear her whispers more clearly.
JOHN: Looked like a f**king broken water balloon on his f**king head!
JOSIE: And his ears were still popping out!! (they both do their Ben ear impressions)
They laugh harder that Steve had told him to take smaller breaths and at least Ben had tried it! John imitates Ben panting like a pregnant dog :D Josie whispers to John but I can only make out the odd word and not decipher what the conversation is about. Josie asks John if he had been shocked.
JOHN: Looked like a f**king broken water balloon on his f**king head!
JOSIE: And his ears were still popping out!! (they both do their Ben ear impressions)
They laugh harder that Steve had told him to take smaller breaths and at least Ben had tried it! John imitates Ben panting like a pregnant dog :D Josie whispers to John but I can only make out the odd word and not decipher what the conversation is about. Josie asks John if he had been shocked.
JOHN: Yeah! Yeah, that's why it got to me so much. I honestly didn't expect it!
Josie confides to John that Govan was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders while he was in the house.
JOHN: He had a lot of personal sh*t going on? (lengthy SC )
JOHN: He had a lot of personal sh*t going on? (lengthy SC )
JOSIE: I've been more of a cow. But now .. what happens happens.. (Can't make out what she says)
JOHN: What you have to think of is um.. Gov honestly thought you had a big chance to go all the way.. So you should do it! Gov obviously thought you were (another long SC) You can just keep doing what you're doing and people will respect that.. and Govan will be happy ..(SC)
JOSIE: If that's what the viewers are thinking .. (SC) If they have love me for me then they won't ever take you away from me. I don't think they would .. I think you think people think ... But they're obviously not thinking that, or they wouldn't have done that, would they?
JOHN: (Reassures) I don't think that had anything to do with you (I.E Govan was evicted as a result of his own behaviour and not as a consequence of anything she had)
JOSIE: Might have ..
JOHN: No it wouldn't have ..
Josie laughs that she's being so self-absorbed. John can't believe Govan's not there now as it meant so much to him getting on the programme. (Long SC)
JOSIE: I don't know why I'm here really..
JOHN: That's the best way to be! People that are here for certain reasons aren't themselves. Do you know what I mean?
JOHN: If they're here for the money or here for whatever reason.. like.. you're here for the wrong reasons. Not for the wrong reasons.. but it will cause you to play a game without even realising it, do you know what I mean? (Josie answers softly) Can you hear us whispering Shabs?
She doesn't know as she had just led down on her bed but tells them to carry on.
JOHN: No, no, no.. it's cool. Is that why you hopped up, cos you could hear us?
Shabby had a headache but they both say it is cool. So John turns paranoid chicken and tells Shabby not to be stupid , he just wasn't sure if she could hear them or not. Shabby doesn't mind so long as they're not shouting or doing dog impressions!
JOHN: (Strokes Josie's arm, sweetly) I'll speak to you in the morning, alright.. night Jose. (and with that he swiftly jumps out of bed!)
Lol,each year you have housemates aging about food...must be the house surely:D
ReplyDeleteI am the same as John,i get attached to ppl very quickly:(Definitely not a good thing.