Sunday, 10 June 2012

Day 17 HL's

9.51am, Corin and Ben are in the bathroom. Tonight Ben, Dave, Govan and Mario face eviction from the Big Brother house. 

Ben has a weird, apprehensive feeling because he doesn't know what is going to happen. Dave feels that it will be either he or Ben that go and he is ready to leave. Dave hasn't adjusted and keeps thinking about his family 'if I was to go, it will probably be right, you know.' 

In the kitchen, Josie inquires who they (Govan, Ife and Mario) reckon will go. Mario is pessimistic that it will be him because of the curse of the reverse nominator, as Rachael had been booted out the previous week. Govan has his own suspicions but would never be so arrogant or naive to say so. 

JOSIE: Well, I thiiink it might be Dave.. and I know Mario won't wanna hear this, but possibly Ben because he's been a bit sneaky. Ben is SO funny, don't get me wrong but he's.. he has been a bit sneaky, hasn't he? 

Ife contests that Dave has been equally as sneaky 'at least Ben's been funny!'

JOSIE: I mean, who else are we gonna nearly kill? :D
10.10am, John and Josie are in the bedroom stiiiiiiiill laughing over nearly murdering Benny. 

JOSIE: I've never laughed so much like that! Like my .. you know when you can't.. you heard me, didn't you? 

JOHN: Yeah, yeah! I was the same! I was just glued to the wall! So you couldn't see the full extent. 

JOSIE: I was like Mutley!

EXACT SAME SENSE OF HUMOUR instilled in those J's!!!!! They literally laughed for hours over this.. no matter how much they made each other cry, sigh, or want to die.. I HOPE like hell they sometimes remember how heartily they made each other laugh :) I doubt they'll ever be with anyone else who can the way, or as much as they could!
2 days ago, Big Brother put HM's onto basic rations of lentils, chickpeas and rice, as punishment for discussing nominations. 

The Baron observes that the lack of food and drink has killed the house! Dave has also detected a definite shift of climate and atmosphere in the house. The credentials of chickpeas are cogitated at length and the cons outweigh the pros considerably. 

They find that the chickpeas bung you up, are boring without being mashed with oil and lemon (to make a hummus paste) and pretty tasteless. Ben classifies lentils as even worse and can't cope with them at all. 
11.50am, Caoimhe and Shabby are in the kitchen, neither of them are good at cooking rice (Join the club!!!!) Josie comes in to soak the washing in the sink. Some of the other housemates are in the garden, John and Sunshine talk about her trip to Australia (as blogged about in the previous live feed blog) 

Sunshine went because she was mugged in Turkey, left really badly injured and too scared to do anything. Determined not to let this beat her, she decided to go on a trip round the World and see all the places she wanted to. 

JOHN: That's a fair effort for a girl, on your own. I wouldn't do it. 

Good on you girly for not letting such evil pr*cks stop you living you life and fulfilling your ambitions! As much as Sunshine gets up my nostrils, I'd never wish that on anyone and really admire her courage to just go and do the things she dreamed of. 
Back in the kitchen the babes bond over embarrassing mothers! Shabby's likes to dance when she has a drink, Josie's Mum does too. Josie does an energetic performance of her mother inebriated and whoooooooooooo-ing manically as she busts some Mumma moves!

JOSIE: She used to come down town with me when we were speaking, it was so embarrassing! They'd be like 'is that your Mum? Is that your Mum?' She'd be like (shrieks piercingly while dancing like a wild wildebeest) 'YESSSSSSSSS!' .. That is her!

Caoimhe's Mum gets down with an air guitar and Shabby's mother moves with her fingers in the air as she twists. Shabby laughs that her mother says 'if you don't like it, don't look it!' This is such sage counsel for so many areas of life - particularly apt to those who like to tyrannise everrrrrrrrrrrry single thing Josie says/does! WHY ALL THE INTEREST THEN? WHY WASTE YOUR LIFE LOOKING AT IT AND TAKING THE TIME TO RESEARCH IF SHE IS LYING/CONTRADICTING HERSELF? Fools!
12.19pm, some of the HM's are in the garden. John has picked up on the fact that Ben gets into a lot of stuff. 

JOHN: You love .. like the English monarchy!

Ben is just interested in things and is befuddled that some could not be interested in the outside world. He doesn't see Politics as being restricted to just elections 'what we're doing in here is political! Every person's actions are political, why they do what they do, why they ally with who they ally with, why they c*ck up when they c*ck up, why they succeed when they succeed - it's all politics!' 

He uses Diana Ross leaving the Supremes to become a solo artist as an example - it was political 'not because her voice was better necessarily!' 

JOHN: That sorta stuff interests ya.. I couldn't give a sh*t!

BEN: Don't you? Not at all? 
JOHN: Nah, cos they asked me.. do you care about politics and I said, no. 

Ben turns to Steve for back up about caring for Politics but Steve doesn't really either. Ben finds this so curious as John is interested in a local level about the people he spends time with but doesn't want to know about outside. 

JOHN: It's not that I don't wanna know, I just don't care! Yeah, nah.. I just don't think it has an effect on me really. I just like trusting people that I'm around, everyone else - couldn't care less!

Ben is the reverse he's less worried about those he can see, than the ones he cannot! Ben asks whether John had voted in the last election, John informs him that it's illegal NOT to in Australia. 

JOHN: Realllly? You don't have to vote? Uh.. UHGGG .. That's the worst.. I'm not happy about that! I have to line up every time I vote for someone else.. 
Ben boldly quizzes John on who he had voted for in the last Australian election. 

JOHN: I just make up my own box and write something like 'Yoda' on it!

Steve snorts! Ben is asking the wrong person (with John) about who is the head of the Liberals in Australia. John has seriously no idea and doesn't even care!

JOHN: I don't watch the news. I haven't watched the news for probably.. uhh.. 3 years.. not 1.. nothin'!

BEN: (Worried) Doesn't that worry you? 

JOHN: Nuh! I couldn't give a sh*t what's going on. 
12.54pm, as the food is served up in the kitchen, Caoimhe exhorts them all to lash salt and pepper on top! Ben is in disbelief that this is where they've got to - eating such bland rice!

Shabby consults Caoimhe on how her salted rice is; hers is not so bad as she had peppered it. Steve shovels some in his pie-hole and is repulsed by the f**king rancid results! 
1.40pm, Caoimhe, Shabby and Josie are in the bathroom. Shabby is caressing Caoimhe's cranium while campaigning that she doesn't think it is fair for people to be on the Dole when they could get a job!

JOSIE: (In agreement) Everyone thinks like that, don't they? 

Shabby has a few friends who could get work, but choose not to and it p*sses her off 'as that money was put there for people who really need it!' 
In the bedroom, John and Sunshine speak about his bizarre Barbie collection (see previous Day 17 blog so I don't have to repeat myself!) Sunshine then buries her head beneath the quilt like a turtle (not a Sexy one!) in its shell!

Govan is in the Diary room. He'll be very sad to leave 'some of these lot here'  and that his experience would be over, especially after he has just sorted himself out! But knows that it is the nature of the beast and he'd have to grin and bear it if he was ousted! He feels okay about the kind of reception he will receive and isn't particularly worried on that front. In some ways, he believes his behaviour has been 'beyond reproach' but doesn't think he's been a bad boy! The audience begged to differ, buddy :P 
2.48pm, Josie is in the kitchen. Some of the HM's are in the living room. Ben is having Corin buff his cuticles for him. Earlier today, Caoimhe and Shabby were chosen to take part in Big Brother's human sponges task! BB has delivered task costumes via the Store room. (This is basically a wet suit covered in sponges) 

Corin lovesssssss it, of course!!! Sunshine suggests that they get in the pool and hug each other but Shabby snipes that this is what they've already been asked to do! 'We have to hug each other or roll around on the grass!' I wish John and Josie had been given this task!!!!
John comes into the kitchen to watch his woman wash his laundry!!! Josie giggles like a school girl and John has the whole bashful school boy thing going on too :D

JOSIE: I thought you was gonna be my assistant!

JOHN: (Chuckles) Got a little bit distracted! What's going on? Is there bleach in there?

JOSIE: No, you can't put bleach in coloureds!

JOHN: Okay.. (he moves to the other side of her and edges a little closer. Josie asks if his Mum does all his washing) Um .. sometimes I have to emergency wash something (Josie laughs) like one item! And she normally shows me how to do it! (Takes his turn to get his hands wet but complains about the water temperature) Ohh it's cold in there! 

Josie knows, she's waiting for the kettle to boil. John ohhhhh's like a little child who's been told he can't have any ice cream. 
JOSIE: (Chides) Can't have everything! It's boiling now. I'm a bit like your Mum in here, aren't I? 

JOHN: Yeah.. what do I have to do? (smiles sheepishly) What do I have to do? (buries his head against his chest and sniggles) 

JOSIE: (sensing his shyness) Why can't you.. why can't you look at me straight? (they both laugh) Why can't you look at me straight anymore? Every time you look at me, you're like (guffaws goofily making John teehee timidly) Have I got summat on my face? 

JOHN: (Tongue-tied) Um.. what do I.. what do I have to do? (curls his hair coyly round his finger) 

JOSIE: (Suggestively flirts) What do you wanna do, John? (he pulls his hood up) 
They were utterly adorkable with their giggles. Irish girl thought Josie played this nicely, as she'd already planted the idea in his head that men go for women that remind them of their mothers ;) I asked Muddy why she thought he became so bashful around her. Muddy considered that he was obviously feeling bashful and sheepish because he was attracted to her and his embarrassment intensified when Josie noticed his discomposure. 

His timidity was made worse as she pushed him on the matter. Josie lacks tact when it comes to this sort of situation and perhaps was not sure how to react herself, as she doesn't usually (in her eyes) have this incapacitating effect on men .. whereby they are rendered into rambling admirers in her  mere presence. Not sure she'll ever figure out what it is about her that floors so many men.

In the bedroom, Shabby is sprawled on the bed looking like a peeled banana, as Ife helps her put on her sponge suit. She owww's in pain as her bum gets caught in a zip!!
Back to the coquettish creatures in the kitchen, getting all hot under the collar doing their washing. John is still battling his binding backwardness around the Bristolian babe.

JOSIE: (Giggles) What's the matter with you? (neither of them can talk for laughing) What is the matter with you? 

JOHN: (Stubbornly self-deprecating) Notttthing! Stoppp it! Stop it!

JOSIE: Why are you so ..Why are you getting all bashful? 

JOHN: (Through coy giggles) What do you want me to do? 

JOSIE: Why are you getting all embarrassed? 

JOHN: (Blushing) I'm not!
JOSIE: (Teasing)Yeah, you are!!

JOHN: I'm nooot! (Govan comes in and asks what he's getting embarrassed about)

JOSIE: I don't know! Every time he talks to me he goes (Oz accent) 'What do I have to do?' (impersonates John's self conscious ha ha ha's) He keeps going all bashful!

More of Muddy's musings: "Actually he was bashful in a lot of scenes but he covers well, this was a rare instance where Josie picked up on his body language. I think John had a lot of those moments when he was with her, where it seemed a struggle for him to keep his brain focused on what he was saying and he would appear distracted and say 'hey' or yawn and stretch out his hands. I think these were all signs that he was experiencing some sort of internal conflict and I believe that internal conflict was the fact that Josie knocked him off his feet"
3.07pm, most of the HM's are in the garden. Caoimhe and Shabby are standing in their starting positions above the spa, fully dressed in an ensemble that Jedward would be envious of! They feel like kn*bs! If the human sponges, Shabby and Caoimhe can drain the pool in 3 hours, they'll win iced treats for the house. 

John stares on like a stunned mullet as BB broadcasts that the human sponges will begin on the sound of the klaxon. They commence on their more-draining-than-the-argumentative-Aussie quest by hopping in the pool and floating around. They cling to each other like limpets (?) and hug from behind to wring out as much water as they can. 

John is cynical of their chances 'there's no way they would get that much water out in 3 hours! It would take you all day, easily!' Not to be thwarted by the tiring nature of the task, they realise they must make a better attempt at squeezing each other! Their half-hearted squidgies were not cutting the mustard and Shabby was not going to argue with an excuse to rub up against a wet Caoimhe! 
4.33pm, 1 hour and 26 minutes later.. the water babies look more shrivelled than a raisin and their suits are unzipping and sponges falling off! The pool water level doesn't appear to have dropped even slightly! Their splishing and splashing is in vein but they still continue to roll around on the grass, determined not to quit. Shabby has a screechy fit and Nathan states the H'OBVIOUS 'that's not happening, kids!'  

Nathan's no brainiac, but by simple volume of the pool water deduces that it is physically impossible in the time they have remaining! 
4.49pm, Caoimhe and Shabby are taking part in today's human sponges task. It's been 1 hour and 42 minutes since they started. Caoimhe discerns defeatedly  that the water hasn't even gone down! Nathan notes that it is a hell of a lot of water to shift! A shafted and shivery Shabby could literally fall asleep for the rest of the day. Nathan expounds that it is because she isn't even eating 2000 calories a day. 

Struggling to slither along with her spongy suit, Ben makes an offer she can't refuse (even from him!) to yank her!!!!! (OUT of the outfit) 
Nathan crawls up to lay the other side of Josie (with John the opposite) babytalking to her 'How's it going, Josie Jose?' 

JOSIE: (covers her head with her hand) Alright thanks, Nath. 

NATHAN: How about you, JJ? 

JOHN: Yeah, I'm alright.. 

NATHAN: (Cockney geezer voice) Alright? 

JOHN: (Copies the Cockney) I'm awwright, mate!

Nathan impudently inquires whether John has had any temper tantrums that afternoon. 
JOHN: Noo, getting a bit angry about the food.. but what can you do? Nothing! The lack of food.. probably nearly dying but .. we'll work it out!

It struck me that John and Nathan had very little in common with the exception of their interest in sports. Had it not been for Josie, I don't think John and Nathan would have even tolerated one another.. since they were vying for the attention of the same girl, their paths crossed so they had to remain civil.. but I doubt if Josie hadn't been a factor - they wouldn't have had a lasting friendship of any form.

Though Nathan seemed to be interested in any woman with a pulse, I do think he genuinely liked Josie as she was easy-going and up for fun. So he never seemed to be too far behind John and Josie (breaking up potential squee moments) and John did pick up on this so he asked Josie if she liked Nathan that way. I don't think John was up for entering into some contest to fight for Josie, so didn't want to be in the way of something blossoming between her and Nath - if that was what she wanted. He needn't have worried as he was the winner :) 
The towelled twosome (Shabby and Caoimhe) go to the Diary to inform BB of how SPONGED off they are! Caoimhe parrots and elaborates on everrrrrything Shabby has to say about how much it took for them to quit as they do not give up easily. They did their best under the circumstances and laugh when BB cracks my joke about them being sponged off!

Caoimhe lays some of the blame at BB's feet because the sponges kept falling off! By taking off their suits and going to the Diary room, BB deems that they have failed the task. They ham up being emotional and feeling weepy after such a wearying task. It wasn't a total wash out, I'm sure Shabby loooooooved squeezing against Caoimhe :D
6.14pm, at the carousel Shabby and Caoimhe criticise how little support they had during the task. They realise that the HM's didn't give a 'sh*te' as they were just laying out in the garden. Shabby can't believe that Josie basically ignored them when they were trying to get their wet suits off!

Josie is in the Diary room. BB asks her about the mood in the house that afternoon. 

JOSIE: I'm alright, cos I got a bit of meat on me.. but everyone's feeling um.. really weak cos.. they're really, really hungry! And I feel quite sorry for people like.. Sunshine.. because she looks so pale at the moment, she's almost see-through!

BB asks how she thinks she would have fared in the task. Josie splutters slightly with amusement. 
JOSIE: I am a bit of a trooper.. a bit of a soldier, so I probably would have carried on but I would have been a bit more tactful (guessing she means TACTICAL) about it! Cos if I would've jumped in the pool.. if you jump in it in a funny way, ALL the water goes out then, doesn't it? 

John was wrong about Josie not being a clever cookie - she is also a BRAINY BOURBON :) 

BB questions why she hadn't put herself up for the task. She had put put her name forward but Caoimhe wanted to do it - so she thought she'd let Caoimhe do it with Shabby. Wanting all the beans to be spilled, BB gropes for more gossip as to WHY Josie had allowed Caoimhe and Shabby to participate together. 
JOSIE: Because they get along really well, don't they? I'm sure you've noticed!! (BB asks if anyone else in the group gets along well) Um.. me and John James! I've never actually met anyone quite like John James!! (giggles) He's like um.. Have you ever seen that series of Friends.. where Rachel.. or is it Monica go on a date with that bloke from school and he (laughs) he's called Chuck and he's like 30 but he still hasn't grown up .. and he's still living with his Mum and Dad .. and he's still working at the Drive-thru and that! No, in a cinema! That's.. that's John James! (chortles cheekily) 

BB: Is there anything else you'd like to talk to BB about, Josie? 

JOSIE: Have you g.. can I have a Magnum? ... Please!
6.58pm, Mario, Josie, Ben and Shabby are in the bathroom. Josie consults Ben if she can put some mascara on him; he permits her to as everyone already thinks he wears it! It is the 1 cosmetic he alleges that he has never applied but believes enough should be worn to improve your appearance.

Ben once dated a stunning girl, but didn't recognise her when she stayed at his flat, as he was used to seeing her wearing so much make up!
Sunshine and John James are in the nest. 2 days ago, Ben admitted he nominated Sunshine in the first week. Sunshine is curled up like a caterpillar and John sat on the other side swearing about how f**king hard it is without any food!

A frail and pasty, Sunshine yammers on about her not desiring to eat something that will make her sick and mess up her electrolytes, making her even iller. 'If they provided the rations they had in the war, that would be better than this!' 

JOHN: I've got a headache.. my stomach's cramped up.. if I don't eat, I'm gonna be ill.. but I refuse to eat that sh*t! I would rather pass out and get carried out by a medical team than eat that sh*t! It's f**king disgusting, it's not even food! It's like seriously eating bird sh*t .. bird seed. I may as well eat the f**king fake grass out there!
The thing that gets to Sunshine the most, is that all those involved in the rule-breaking don't seem that bothered. She perceives that it is only affecting those who have not broken rules 'so what's the purpose of it?' John heaves a heavy sigh and asks if she's worried about tonight, she deflects the question onto John. 

JOHN: A little bit, yeah. I'll be glad when it's over!

She can't talk to Ben because what he did hurts her. John asks if she's not spoken to him since but she doesn't know what she's supposed to say. She relays that Ben had said to her after the argument that he really needs her help and for her to be on his side. She continues that he had bleated and repeated how he was one of her best friends in the house and had always stuck up for her! She is astounded at his nerve to ask her to be there for him, after knowing what he had done! She genuinely doesn't have time for people once they have let her down and doesn't see the point. 

SUNSHINE: I'd rather surround myself with people that are nice!
Likewise, it sometimes feels like the 2 J's are not that bothered that their relationship ended.. it is more their joint supporters that are feeling the effects over 1 year on!!! Like Sunshine couldn't bear to talk to Ben because she felt hurt and betrayed.. could this be why John and Josie have cut off all contact? Was it a hammer through their heart each time they had any communication since splitting? So they thought it best to sever all ties altogether.. or did they just not know what to say to each other? Have they got ANYTHING left they would like to get off their chest?

When Josie e-mailed John asking for his assistance.. he sure seemed astounded at her gall, requesting favours from him after all the countless cruel comments she'd made about him! (KNOWING that he would know about them!!) Do they both feel SO excruciatingly let down by each other that they don't have any time at all for once another? :( Are the people they are surrounding themselves with now, people that they consider to be much nicer? :( Or are they simply, people who appear to be nicer in comparison.. because they don't care for them nearly as much? 
8.19pm, BB has gathered all the HM's in the living room. Over the tannoy, BB reminds them that they have been placed on basic rations due to persistent rule breaking. BB hopes that all HM's have learned their lessons and are warned that future punishments will be WORSE!!!! (DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNN) Their punishment is now over which has Sunshine's mouth open so widely a Combine Harvester could drive through it! 

They clap, cheer and scream with ecstacy and will receive an economy shopping delivery. Alas, the hot water remains off until further notice! The store room opens for HM's to collect pizzas; the rapturous and ravenous HM's rejoice :) The way John wooooo's with his arms in the air as he races to reach the store room, you'd think he'd never swallowed a slice in his life!! 
Nathan and John joke with Sunshine about her getting extras - as she is not only given crisps but 2 of her very own Vegan-friendly pizzas! (Sunshine saunters that they obviously thought she was wasting away! Through bounteous bitefuls they offer up their thanks to BB for delivering them from starvation with their delivery of Domino's! They savour every cheesy sniff, as though it were manna from heaven and guarantee they'll never be ungrateful again! 

Sunshine bets nobody wants to leave now. Shabby grunts under her breath that she'd like a crisp now! 'Where's our f**king crisps, eh?' She and Caoimhe enjoy a small b*tch about it!

10.23pm, some of the HM's are sitting around the sofas stuffed from their slices of pizza! Josie is sick of the sound of the eviction crowd playing on a loop through the house!
Davina speaks live to the house, John has to jump over a sofa to return to his seat! She announces that the votes have been counted and verified; she reveals in no particular order, that the first person safe is: MARIO! John is straight to his side to embrace him with a congratulatory cuddle :) Dave is saved next which makes Ben believe he is out. 

Davvy D leaves them dangling on a thread as she will reveal the fate of Ben and Govan shortly. Mario and Dave are given pats on the back while Ben and Govan are wished luck. 
10.31pm, Govan could either fart or vomit he is so apprehensive. John has an arm around both Ben and Gov as he sits in the middle of them. Josie checks if Ben is alright; he's fine! Govan finds it weird to think that one of them will be off but felt worse last week if he's honest. 

BEN: What will be, will be!

Ben's only worry is that he will slip on the steps (Nah, Nathan was the one to do that!!!) The crowd noise is switched off so Davina can communicate to the house. Govan's ears prick up at the jeers to get him out and probably grasps that he is doomed! He and Josie laugh nervously as she rubs his arm before Davina announces that GOVAN is the 2nd person to be evicted from the BB house. 
John clutches Govan and cries into his chest :( Josie is set off too as she doesn't want him to go :'( Corin is also crying (crocodile) tears as the 10 second countdown for Govan to say his goodbyes begins :( He is mobbed with hugs and love as he makes his way to the door. John has one final hug and then he turns to look at Josie to gauge how she is holding up. 

They clap and woof as Govan climbs the stairs. He mimics the boos of the baying crowds 'the spiteful b*stards!' The doors to his destiny open and is greeted by a chorus of overwhelming boos! The HM's are paralysed with disgust as the boos bowl them over!

JOSIE: (Steve comforts her with a cuddle and kiss on the cheek) I feel like going out there and smashing their faces in!
She extracts herself from his grip and walks away to the bathroom. On her way, Sunshine asks if she's okay.. knowing that she isn't.. Josie answers with a curt 'yep!' Corin wipes away her tears with her plastic talons, while Dave and Steve try to console Johnny boy who is sobbing softly :( They share a small group hug and tell him to be strong. 

NATHAN: (To John) I'll look after you, big guy. 

10.47pm, it's been 14 minutes since Govan became the 2nd HM to leave the BB house. Steve is still stunned at how seriously harsh the reaction was. 
MARIO: He'll be okay out there, John.. remember we'll all see each other in 9 weeks.. 12 weeks time!

BEN: Some of us before then!

Corin kisses and cuddles the 3 who escaped eviction and Dave apologises that she lost her friend. 

In the bathroom, Josie hopes that Govan is alright. Shabby reassures her 'he's gonna be fine, babes!' 

JOSIE: (Tear-stained cheeks) Govan's got the whole world on his shoulders.. he's got.. he's come in here and.. no.. no one knows what .. who he is or what he is.. 
Caoimhe can't understand why the f**k they are doing this if *that* (reception) is what they will have to face. Shabby works out that 11 out of the 12 will have to face that (although Caoimhe and Shabby never had to as they walked!) Mario comes in and Shabby says sorry for being crap but congratulates him for surviving. 

Mario sits next to Josie and asks if she's okay, she murmurs that she is. Mario was gearing himself up for Ben to go as he didn't think it would be Govan. 

JOSIE: Nor me.. I've gotta be honest. (sniffles)
The guys and girls in the living room are still feeling gloomy from Govan's unexpected departure. Dave laughs that Ben will be able to wish Steve a happy birthday as Ben hadn't thought he would still be there. Bobby Righter (the demon of darkness) plays his freaky fairground music to attract the HM's attention. They predict that the present will be for John or Josie; Josie stays behind in the bathroom completely covering her face.

SUNSHINE: (Reads the message aloud) Bob Righter's eyes are full of fire, for Josie tomorrow, her heart's desire :) 

Since Govan left, this was the first event to put a small smile back on John's face. 
Shabby snatches (not in the literal sense) the card from Sunshine's hand to take into Josie. Josie thanks Govan and then breaks down as her heart breaks for her little man :'( Shabby leans over her to give her a much needed cuddle as Josie's tears pour. She leaves so Josie can have some time on her own but calls for Josie to shout if she needs anything. Her muffled cries are gut-wrenching and her whole body shakes as she sobs. 
11.15pm, Dave is in the closet. Ben is amused that he's so reviled by the people inside the house and yet he was kept in by the public. He is sorry but 'they're such f**king bad losers!' He is appalled that they didn't even have the good grace to say congratulations to him. Ben lambasts them further (but he's 'not being horrible') as he was 'really good' and went to everyone one by one to say sorry about Govan. He finds it the funniest thing in the world that they are as p*ssed off as it is possible to be, that he is still there! 

BEN: Even Sunshine's upset that we're here!! Do you realise how Sunshine is now fully integrated with the 'cool' group? She's going to take Govan's place! She's going to start smoking and farting soon! B*stards! Absolute, bl**dy b*stards!!
Caoimhe and Shabby grieve over Govan in the nest. They cannot grasp how that 'monk weirdo' stayed over Govan as he's full 'of f**king evil sh*t!' Shabby accepts that her time may be running short and is 'dumbfounded, flabbergasted, stupified and really, really furious! I'm scared for us! They're just gonna take us out one by one - until they're left!'

In the bedroom, Mario infers that Govan's eviction will have come as a shock to the other group as they had presumed they were in a position of real power. He won't be surprised if they suddenly decide to start being their friends but Ben knows they aren't because of how they behaved tonight. 

BEN: Josie summed it up best, I said 'I bet you're sad I'm still here' and she said (faux Farmer's accent) 'no, I didn't want anyone to go .. but I've got my favourites!' It might be true, but you don't have to put it like that, darling. 

MARIO: At least she was honest with you. (He manages to sink his mole claws into him for a closet cuddle)
12.19am, 3 hours ago BB delivered large pizzas to the house, Sunshine received 2 small Vegan pizzas and a bag of crisps.

As Josie is clipping her hair in the lounge she broaches Sunshine on the crisp subject 'why don't you share your crisps out with everyone?' Josie took her up on this face to face instead of bitching behind Sunshine's back like the others were! In reply, Sunshine whines that she had already shared her pizzas with everybody. 

SUNSHINE: Josie, when we get bread I really want a crisp sandwich before all the crisps are gone. So I thought, I'll give everyone my pizza now..

JOSIE: It's not that, it looks like you're being tight. 

Sunshine offers to share them when she gets the bread. Josie doesn't want the crisps as she's not hungry. 

SUNSHINE: Well, everyone can have my crisps them.. doesn't bother me!
JOSIE: It looks like you're a good person if you do that.

SUNSHINE: (Plaintively protests) I don't wanna be a good person, I wanna be the kind of person that has a crisp bread sandwich. (Josie laughs) Do you not remember when I shared my crisps with people on the bed? People can have my crisps if they want, they don't mean that much to me!

Corin and Josie leave for a last fag of the night. Sunshine moans morosely to Mario 'are people really annoyed that I don't want to give out all my crisps today?' He mollifies her that it is because Govan has left and emotions are high. 

SUNSHINE: (Wails) Why is everyone trying to guilt-trip me into giving them crisps? I've just given them a pizza but now they want the crisps! They can have them, if they mean that much to them, they can have them! I'd rather eat nothing. 

MARIO: (Pacifies) Sunshine, in this world - you can't please everybody. 
Out in the garden, a famished fella (in the shape of John James) calls over to Josie 'Jose, you don't want any of her pizza?' 

IFE: Pizza, no! Crisps though! :D

JOSIE: She just said if anyone wants any of her crisps, to have some crisps. I just told her how tight she was being. (John giggles)

Shabby doesn't want Sunshine to be pushed into it as she should have done it anyway 'it's not like that's all she got, babe.' Josie laughs that she's given Sunshine the benefit of the doubt 'but I didn't realise how tight she was!

Sunshine simpers into the kitchen holding Mario's hand, ready to play the victim over her stinginess. Steve asks what's happened so Mario makes fun of the situation 'she's trying to make John jealous' by stringing him along! Sunshine turns to John and asks if he's eating Vegan pizza. 
JOHN: (chuckles) I'm eating anything that's f**king  on the table! (she asks how it is) It's not.. it's alright, yeah.

Dave's conclusion is that it tastes crap without cheese on! (This is the way I have to eat any pizza as I am intolerant to cheese) They don't think it can really be counted as pizza because it is just bread with tomato paste on! 

JOHN: Thanks Sunshine! (hand on hips) Now where are those crisps? (laughs) Are you.. are you getting the crisps out? (to Mario) Have you got the crisps? 

Dave decides she ought to be celebrating with the crisps! Mario tells them to leave Sunshine alone as she looks all sorry for herself with a 'please-pity-me' expression slapped across her mug! She snaps that they can all have the crisps as people keep being really mean and she won't have any. Steve thinks it is fair enough to wait for some bread as it will taste even better!
DAVE: Sunshine, why you not looking happy? All your friends are still here!

SUNSHINE: (Resentfully) Because I've had 2 people that aren't my best friends, come up to me and have a go at me about the crisps and be like 'why won't you share them? Why won't you share them?' (sacrificing her precious carbs) So you can all have my crisps and I'll just go to bed! 

Sounds like the best idea but she is telling a bold-faced lie! Josie did NOT have a go at her  (or even raise her voice in the slightest) she just suggested that she share the crisps knowing how hungry the HM's were (and that they had all been slagging her off for not sharing) so she spoke up! By this day, I was so sick of Sunshine 'suffering' with the Damsel being distressed card!
12.56am, Sunshine and Ife are in the living room. Ife hums that tomorrow is a new day which has Sunshine howling out 'It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for meeee.. and I'm feeling good!' Most of the HM's are in the bedroom. Shabby scowls 'where's my crisp sandwich?'

CAOIMHE: (Screams) I just want a few crisps! Is that much to ask for?? 

They laugh loudly realising that Sunshine isn't even in the bedroom with them. 
Ben is in the Diary room. They meet again much to Ben's surprise who definitely thought it was curtains for him that day. After Davina had called the names of the 2 HM's who were safe he had resigned himself to leaving 'that's it!' He isn't deluded into believing that the public love him but they have given him another chance and ultimately it is their show. He finds it enormously humbling and is very proud that he is still there. 

Apart from his close friends i.e - Mario, Dave, Steve 'and up to a point, John' none of them could even bring themselves to congratulate him or attempt to look pleased for him. 'The heavens opened and the tears were just draining down faces! Talk about amateur dramatics gone wrong! I've never seen anything like it it my life! Floods of tears.. several people had near nervous breakdowns!' 

He perceives Shabby to be majorly p*ssed off and he feels like Margaret Thatcher did at the time of the Poll tax - 'I've got a few people hopefully, on the outside who like me.. but I'm sort of loathed by the people in here' he calls it a night of mixed blessings. 

To quote Dame Shirley Bassey 'there were times I felt like running away, but that's too easy! So now I'm here to stay, you ain't heard nothing yet!' 

1 comment:

  1. That was a pointless task lol,they were never gonna empty the pool:D

    Felt so sorry for Sunshine that day,Shabby,Jose and Ife etc were out of order,it's just sodding crisps,felt they were isolating her in a way:(
