Sunday, 24 June 2012

Live Day 18

The HM's are awoken by an alarm shortly followed by the National Anthem playing around 9am.

9.40am - Josie appeals to Sunshine that 'People in here are dying for a crisp!'  although she is not one of them herself. Sunshine again stipulates that she would keep them until they received their bread, so she can make herself a crisp sandwich then share them. Josie apologises to Sunshine for calling her tight last night. Which is a hell of a lot more than anyone else had!

10.12am - Steve briefs the other HMs about the England vs Germany task. Everyone cheers with jollity! Nathan is especially ecstatic that England made the last 16 in the World Cup. Steve chooses Mario, Dave, Nathan, John and Corin to take the penalties in the shoot out competition.

10.28am - (taken from the JJJAT) Mario enthuses to Josie that she will get to see John in a football kit!  

JOSIE: And the rest! John James is a divorcee, I've divorced him! 

MARIO: You could have a reconciliation. 

JOSIE: Its amicable. 

JOHN: Whats that mean? 

MARIO: It means both of you have agreed 

JOHN: I haven't agreed!! ;) 

10.49am, Ben asks Josie to show him how to handwash his clothes. He will do it himself but just needs showing. He thought he would have the use of a washing machine when he was evicted - as he expected to be. 

11.16am Awww, Ben brown-noses that he thinks John's Mum sounds lovely. "You must bring her up to London and we'll all take her out!"
11.17am - JOHN: What is the difference between guyliner and eyeliner?
11.39am John and Steve wash and dry up in kitchen John was not impressed with Dave's celebratory stance last night just after Govan left.  Or how Dave had been 'talking about the Lord and all that'  as John had  just not been in the mood for Lord jokes. 

11.57am – Josie reveals that her family have prophetic dreams.  She has had dreams with stars, the world and somebody's face just before the person has died. Her brother also dreamt about Superman taking somebody called Douglas up to heaven just before Christopher Reeves had his accident and Douglas died.

Josie asks Ife if she's ever been to Stonehenge. Ife is confused as to why she recognises the name of the place "ooh why have I heard of that?" Josie questions if anyone has ever been to one of the festivals there. Her mum had taken her to one when she was about 13 (SC) (Josie told us about this on the Bristol Walk for Menigitis, she had gone to school the next day despite being out to the early hours and everyone queried why she was so tired. She had told the truth about going to the festival but nobody believed her!!)

John has not seen the stones either; Ife wants to know where they are. Dave informs them that the stones come from Wales. John and Dave find it interesting and Mario believes that extraterrestrials were involved in it somehow. 

12.05pm John jokes to Dave about the whiteness of his body "Wizard put that top back on the suns reflecting off you"

12.10pm crisp gate crunches on and there is a discussion in the garden as to whether they are crisps or chips in Australia. Ben disagrees with John, despite John having lived in Oz all his life (so he would know what they are called out there!) Ife etc take it upon themselves to share out Sunshine's soya milk (which they have warmed up) without even asking her. They offer some of it to Josie and John, but they both refuse as they dont like it.

12.19pm - John guesses that BB had purposefully given Sunshine those crisps to cause trouble. One of the HM's pipes up that BB hadn't made her hide them! John believes they had known that she would! Shabby thinks they put Sunshine in the house because she's a picky eater and John had been thinking the same. Now none of them want anything to do with the crisps as they've had to plead her for some.

12.29pm John comes inside and Sunshine offers him some crisps. He declines them as he's 'not a big crisp fan!' and they'd probably just make him more hungry. Jose comes out of the Diary Room after completing her crappy Generation style game. She had remembered a total of 14 items which she will received later. Some of which include: a wig, biscuits, choc ice, thai green curry, and make up.

JOSIE: (jokes) Everybody who cares about me can have a biscuit.

Nathan calls Sunshine out on being spoiled. Sunshine looks really uncomfortable as Nathan won't let the issue drop. She is under the impression that she can share her crisps when and with whom she wants to. 

Shabby talks to Caoimhe about how she has always liked John,  apart from the Rachael incident. John is really growing on her and she distinguishes that he has got a good heart. Caoimhe agrees, they like it that he speaks up even if one of his friends is in the wrong. However, Caoimhe can't stand 'that girl!'and it is obviously in regards to Sunshine, the girl who had kindly lent her nail polish remover not long before!!
LIVE FEED commences on E4 (sorry that I don't have photos for any of the earlier action, it is because I got all this off the JJJAT and WHATM threads)

A gloomy-looking Caoimhe sits at the bench with Shabby preparing for a smoke. They are all hungry and anxious to receive some shopping and Ben doesn't believe there is any way they haven't had a chance to go to Tesco! Supposedly the shopping was supposed to arrive at 6pm the previous day. 

SHABBY: (Communicates to BB through her microphone) Big Brother I don't want any fruit and please don't put tomato in my sandwich, thanks.  (she can eat it cooked not raw; Ben is the opposite)

Shabby and Caoimhe will also not eat jam sandwiches. Shabby educates Ben on how the cameras operate. She describes the monitors they are watched on and how they move the cameras using joy sticks! Caoimhe knows the cameras game! Shabby has observed if they are having what BB deem to be a really boring conversation they won't bother to look at you. 'But as soon as you start bitching or something, there's like this..' (makes mechanical noise to indicate the camera whizzing around!)
All three of them are bored today and not looking forward to the football task later as it's not going to give them any pleasure. Caoimhe really doesn't like football.

SHABBY: This is a bad day!
Ben brands half the tasks as being sports-related and Shabby even categorises the sponge task as physical. She is bummed they haven't had any creative tasks yet as in past BB's they have painted portraits of each other and had musical tasks. 

SHABBY: I wish I'd had a crisp!  

Ben offers to go and get her one as some are left. Shabby refuses as she is going to stick to her guns on this one, 'I love cutting off my own nose to spite my face. Standard procedure!' They plan to 'nest it for an hour' and  sit up then go straight back to sleep even if the alarm plays. Caoimhe arms herself with pillows and they head into the nest to catch some Zeds. 

Ben and Corin talk about their fave conversational topic - Coronation Street. Ben likes Janice, Les and Cilla (who was one of his other favourites) Corin also found her funny. Ben also enjoys how Gail and Eileen brawl in the street. He had been surprised to see Gail at a bizarre society party he attended just before Christmas. Someone had introduced him saying that Benjy loves Coronation Street and he'd had a nice chat with her. He doesn't like Eastenders as he finds it depressing but loves the humour and plot-lines in Corrie. 

'Gail' was not amused when he told her he laughed lots when her son pushed her down the stairs. She'd sniped that it wasn't very funny him laughing as she'd been pushed downstairs! Corin says Gail has a lot of hair and Ben compares her to a chipmunk as she has an odd, small face with big cheeks. They agree that she even has more hair than Ben!! He prefers her mother, Audrey played by Sue Nicholls.
The Storeroom is now open for HM's to receive their packed lunches! Wonder if they'll be any crisps inside for them to squabble over :D They head inside to collect them and wow at the fresh cream cakes :) The lunch consists of all the things Ben likes!!

Sunshine has not moved from her bed sulking despite the news of food. Ben wraps his arms round John like a cobra and jokes 'where are the Vegan sandwiches?'. This gives Steve and Caoimhe a cheery chuckle as they all begin to fill up their plates. Soundcut as they sit down at the table ready to scoff away. Josie is nowhere to be seen!

JOHN: Where's Jose? (not noticing that Sunshine is also M.I.A too)

MARIO: She's having a sleep! 

JOHN: You want me to wake her up? (Translation - I want Josie in here, sat next to me!!!!) 

Corin says she had shouted about the food in the bedroom. 

Next thing we see John has made his way to find his Sleeping Bristolian! 

JOHN: Hey Jose?  
JOSIE: Yeah?  

JOHN: We've got food! 

JOSIE: Is there a drink?  

JOHN: Yeah, what do you want? (Mic turns up as their voices were very faint) Um like orange juice, pineapple juice, orange juice ..  

JOSIE: Yeah, orange juice.  

JOHN: You want orange juice?  

JOSIE: Yeah, you can have my packed lunch.  

As he turns to head out, he spots Sunshine hidden under her duvet. He politely asks her if she's coming, she sooks 'nah!' 

JOHN: You don't want nothin'? 

SUNSHINE: No. (So John jogs on to get Josie her juice) 
John returns to the table and declares he doesn't know what it is but he'll eat it. The cameras zoom in unkindly on Dave digging into his din dins. Shabby sighs pleasurably 'eating is SO good!'
After the break, Shabby has come to sit with Sunshine and apologises that things have been getting 'ratty' as they've all been so hungry. She doesn't think it should have kicked off the way it did and admonishes her not to feel like some sort of hate figure in the house. Sunshine reminds me of a sulking child waiting for someone to come along and pay her the attention she is craving. A wounded walrus expression is scribbled all over her face.   

SHABBY: Josie, do you want your crisps? 

Josie doesn't, 'I'm alright thanks, mate' so Shabby asks if she wants them put in the cupboard for later. Josie laughs for Shabby to share them out.

JOSIE: I've learnt .. (they all laugh as Shabby launches her body on top of Josie!)

SUNSHINE: Josie's learnt from my mistake! 

JOSIE: I think I've learnt from Sunshine's mistake that ..that's not the thing to do. 

Shabby checks if either of them want anything or are they 'just having a little lay down?' 
Josie decides to get up and go in the pool but she thinks it's time she had a wash. 

JOSIE: Dirty cow! (in reference to herself) 

Sunshine suggests she have a bath in the pool and pretend she didn't realise she wasn't allowed to. Josie expects people will be looking at her like 'Jose, sort it out!' 

JOSIE: I've been walking round the house looking like a tramp! Not had a wash! Humming! 

SUNSHINE: You look nice. 

JOSIE: Aw thanks, Sunshine. 

SUNSHINE: You looked really nice last night, all done up. 

JOSIE: I don't feel it.. 

And with that leaves Sunshine alone in the room. She tells John when she reaches the kitchen 'it was nice that orange juice!' (Did Johnboy forget to fetch her carton?) Josie goes out to the garden, Corin calls after her to entice her with cake but Josie's not really hungry. 
John has to know what's going on so yells 'what's up, Jose? What?' out to her as he rests against the open kitchen door frame. (SC) And seconds after BB announces 'the garden is now out of bounds.' Josie is irritated 'that' so annoying! I was just about to get in the pool!!' 

Josie goes back into the bedroom as the shutters are closed down. Cameras cut to Sunshine still under the covers. Josie tells her 'don't feel hated, Sunshine ..' Then immediately the cams go back to the hungry horses resembling HM's. 

John spots sweetcorn in Sunshine's salad 'she'll be bleeding!' Shabby fills them in on how Sunshine told them to eat it but she thinks they should save it for her, John nods 'let's save it, yeah.' Ife notes that they've had this before where someone ate her food.

BEN: (smirks like a jerk) That was falafel gate! That was me as well!

They say they don't want a repeat of that incident (where Ben had eaten her food on a previous occasion) 

SHABBY: I could eat and eat and eat and EAT!! 

Corin bets the England team wouldn't eat any of the spread they have just devoured. Ife adds 'no, they wouldn't dream of it!'
Nathan claims they are given 'Jaffa cakes and jelly babies!' (Possibly for energy?) 

Back to a Stormy Sunshine with her face peeking above the covers. John comes back in to see Josie who has now returned to her bed :D   

JOHN: Alright Jose?  

JOSIE: Alright love?  

JOHN: You alright?  

JOSIE: Yeah .. (Sadly)  

JOHN: What's up? You missing little Gov?  

JOSIE: Well, obviously!!  

JOHN: (Tuts, then SC as John knocks on the bedroom toilet door before entering)  

SUNSHINE: I miss Govan. (nobody pays her any heed)

Ben comes in and distracts Sunshine while John continues to ensure Josie is really ok.  

JOHN: Is that why you're not eating? Is that why you're not eating? 
JOSIE: No. I'm just not very hungry today. You can be my new Govan if you want, John James? 

JOHN: Don't f--kin' (slipped through on live feed) call me 'new Govan'! Yeah I do that a lot.. They gave you a salad, Sunshine. (She says she is alright) They were gonna put it in the fridge but I said leave it as maybe you'll wanna put in in your drawer or something (cheekily chuckles) 

SUNSHINE: John! (SC)  

JOHN: I harked up the least about your crisps.  

She concedes that he did but was 'waiting for your opportunity .. Waiting until I was really upset and then just  jabbing me with your blow!'  

JOHN: I didn't say it in front of everyone. At least I only said it in front of us! 

Ben gets in to the double with Sunshine saying she should have the salad as it looks really nice! John laughs that it has 'a bit of corn in it though!' and we see that John has scooted into bed with his Bristolian babe.  

JOSIE: The most amazing thing about today is that we get to see John James in his football kit! (She giggles and John's smile could illuminate the whole national grid)  
JOHN: Shut up! (He endearingly ruffles her hair and bashfully puts on her voice) 'stop it!' Stop it!! 

JOSIE: I don't look at you as a little brother when you're in your football kit. You do realise that, don't you? (John looks like he could explode with glee)  

BEN: You look at him as a little lover! 

JOSIE: In a football kit! 

JOHN: I love Ben's hair under the covers like that .. every day!! (SC - as Dave too clambers in bed next to Ben)  

Josie and John are giggling but the focus is on Sunshine's crew. Can make out Josie saying 'do you think you'll ever be satisfied with anything?!' 'But when you get out of here..' 'Can't imagine it takes you very long to..' But not much more than that as Dave is divulging the dilemma of all the different food gates they've encountered: crisp, onion, potato, egg, falafel.  

SUNSHINE: Why does everything revolve around food in this place? 

DAVE: Mostly your food! (out to the kitchen for a split second and then back to the bed)

JOSIE: You should go into modelling when you get out of here! 
Dave is so glad the Lord has extended their stay together! Ben finds it hilarious that he has been at the centre of all the gates. Sunshine elaborates that the 3 of them and Mario have caused all the food disputes but Ben believes none of them have kicked off about them. They have hiding food gate going on at the moment, in the glory! :D Dave decides they need the Lord to instruct them where it is. Someone had hidden rice crackers amongst Sunshine's shampoo and conditioner - she thinks it was Steve.
JOSIE: Have you got a hard on?  

Mario comes in the bedroom and shivers because the room is always arctic!

JOSIE: You've got a portfolio?  

JOHN: Because the thing is it doesn't matter what um .. Like.. (Can't hear much more)  

NATHAN: (Laughs derisively) Have you got a portfolio, John James?! Ha haaa!!  

JOHN: I don't any more but .. I've had one (SC)  

Sunshine requests that Mario passes her the bottle of her bills which have fallen beneath the bed. (Ad break) While Nathan wheels around possessively he asks what John is looking at under the covers 'my wife's nipples?' attempting to dress it up as a joke. He is jealous as hell when John responds that he's looking at something and shouts at Josie. He just can't stand them being in bed together so makes inappropriate comments in order to embarrass one or both out of the bed! 

JOSIE: He's not!
John and Josie giggling in her double bed as she says John's name is also John like John Terry. 

JOHN: Oh it is, isn't it? I'm glad you worked that out on the 17th day here! 

JOSIE: I've got to boost the football team's morale!

John asks if they know football teams aren't allowed to have sex a week before a game. Josie sadly asks why he has to go back to Australia. John tells her it depends as some of his friends might try to come down for his eviction. Josie doesn't even know if her friends will have her back. (SC)

NATHAN: (Passive aggressively trying to nudge John out of the way) JOSIE!!! 

JOSIE: It was just 1 night!! I'm sorry I can't help myself! (John goes to the toilet)

The lads ask her about the straighteners etc. she won. Josie plans to wash and make herself look a bit alright tonight to get the old Josie back, when she used to have a laugh (SC) Nathan wows that he nearly did a 360 on the wheelchair. John returns to his rightful place in Josie's bed. 

NATHAN: Bed still warm Josie, is it?? Bed still warm? 

JOSIE: It's not what it looks like! (SC, She turns to John and confides that now Govan's gone she can't handle any more of her friends going)

NATHAN: Listen Josie, you promised me you were a good Bristol wife! (SC) 

JOSIE: Imagine if you went..  
JOHN: (Laughs) Ooh.. I would be getting that through your head cos it's a very likely possibility.  

JOSIE: Nooo! (SC) I used to have a laugh (John laughs that she will have a laugh) I used to be somebody! Don't feel like normal Josie anymore.. (John smiles and ruffles her hair) I wonder if I've got my hair dye, John!

JOHN: They will! You'll be alright.. (Long SC) Govan would wanna see you win! So you gotta keep on being yourself! (SC) Because.. because that's what he woulda wanted!

JOSIE: I know.. he risked a lot to be in here! (SC as she tries to explain about Govan's sexuality and Nathan falls out of the wheelchair)  

JOHN: .. a little bit of stuff.. probably not as much as what he told you though.. (SC) 

JOSIE: You know how Mario is.. (John mm hm's)  

JOHN: What?   

Nathan apologises for interrupting their whispering as he had called John's name. Nathan getting disgruntled at Josie's admiration for John and maybe starting to get the message! Josie teases for him to stop getting jealous! Nathan asks John if he reckons James Milner would have been playing. John thinks it depends on who they played on the left but decides he would have.
Camera choppage to Caoimhe giving Shabby a sensuous back massage and zit squeeze.  Caoimhe calls it quits in the hope that it is enough; Shabby sighs that Caoimhe is so lazy! Shabby is promised that the swelling of her spot will go down and not come back.

Then we are treated to the trio of  Shabby, Caoimhe and Corin trying to sleep at the sofas for several minutes. Shabby wants to be in bed but the HM's are being very noisy in there! BB startles them announcing that the store room is open for HM's to collect their costumes for the kick off of the footie task, just as they were about to drift off
Shabby leapfrogs over the setee to ensure she is first to the cupboards. They now have their kits in hand and Shabby wahoo's that she doesn't even like football 'but I like kits!' The HM's change into their fit kits and Caoimhe is buzzing about her green Irish football Jersey which she thinks is 'great!' 

Josie struts (not exactly struts) around in her black bra before putting her red footie shirt on. Sunshine discovers an alien (toy) has surprisingly been put in her task box and asks if anyone else had one in theirs. More SC's as the HM's tie their shoe laces and put their sunshades on.

Mario thinks the Germans may think they are cheating, believing John to actually be David Beckham 'it'll look bad now if you miss!' 

JOHN: I'm not missing! 
One of my favourite moments which only lasts literally a second or two. Josie approaches John bashfully and just stands before him gazing, totally dazed at how dreamy he looks! John catches her in the act and his euphoria lights up every atom within him like a billion stars twinkling. There is a definite sparkle in his eyes as they giggle and he ruffles her hair as she walks by. (SC) :) :) :) And yes, it is safe to assume that hundreds were squeeing their ovaries off!!!!! :D
DAVE: What do you do for warm ups, Becks? 

Corin plaits Josie's hair and wooooos at Ben's appearance in his kit 'even Ben, look at ben strutting his stuff!' Even Josie has a 'WOOOOOW!' Ben claps his hands and nods towards them in gratitude :) He loves that they use leave-in conditioner instead of washing their hair now. 

JOSIE: Look at Nath! (wolf whistles as he walks past)

He even seems transfixed by his own reflection when he looks in the mirror and is having the time of his life. She seems a bit giddy as he puts an arm round her. 

JOSIE: No sex before the match, guys! 

NATHAN: Tell that to the team mates! They're all still sweating it off! (SC)  
Josie does some majorette style twirling with her bottle of leave-in conditioner! She then lusts after John (not giving Nathan even a second glance as he goes by) we can hear JJJ giggle flirtatiously off camera.
NATHAN: (Is not happy about it, he growls with a voice coarser than sandpaper) I don't need you, Josie! I don't need you!! (John laughs uncomfortably, SC) 

When the fellas leave, Josie touches up her make up .. So she looks her most pretty before Becks? 

Some of the lads are in the lounge, enthusiastic for the task to kick off. BB made Sunshine return the 'illegal alien' much to Sunshine's annoyance as she considered it like taking sweets from a baby! Nathan wows and one of the guys whistle at Josie, Nathan's 'farmer wife!' Dave calls her a WAG! 

NATHAN: She's everyone's WAG! Everyone's been through my wife! 

MARIO: Ben's my WAG!

NATHAN: (swigging at his water bottle) She's had more players than Old Trafford!! (SC) 
JOSIE: Got a bit of a problem! 

BEN: What's the problem, darling? 

JOSIE: For the first time ever in this house I've proper got the horn! (John looks over at her - sitting opposite and giggles) 

BEN: That's alright, it's only over him (John) and you sleep with him anyway! 

JOSIE .. And the captain! (John leans back but gives a chuckle) 

MARIO: She can't make up her mind! 

NATHAN: Do you want us to duke it out? 

JOSIE: All of you look really, really, *really, super, super handsome! 

Dave asks what she thinks of the Welsh. 

JOSIE: Er.. yeah, they're alright! (All the guys laugh) (SC as Sunshine twirls with her plaits)  
NATHAN: (screechily) Woooooow Corin! As right winger! (SC) 

Minnie the minx, Ben refers to Sunshine as 'Pippi Longstockings' Nathan wowwwwww's again opening his mouth so wide you can practically see his tonsils! He pretends to be piqued when BB reminds HM's to wear their mics outside their shirts. He grunts 'you're ruining my look as England Captain!' but he obeys BB all the same.  

JOSIE: I feel really proud today.

NATHAN: So do I! Massively! I love parading round in my little England kit. 

JOSIE: So you should! 

Nathan wants to keep his kit (if they allow him to) and have 'Seahorse' printed on the back (SC) He reckons that the Germans will all be very large in stature.

SHABBY: Do you think there'll be any fit girls in Germany? Cos football isn't really my thing but fit girls are!!'(SC as HM's are singing)  
John ties up his laces, Sunshine is still fiddling with her mane. Shabby says it is 'very easy to make yourself cry' SC but that she'd have to go and prepare first for five or ten minutes. 

JOSIE: Have I told you, you all look really fit, mind? (John laughs)  

STEVE: Only briefly! You don't look so bad yourself, gal!  

JOHN: (Teases) Stop iiiiit!!  

Overhear Ben despicably criticise that Josie looks like 'Ma Larkin' this comment makes me see redder than their England footie shirts. Sunshine cleans out her cuticles with what looks like a needle, sat away from the group isolating herself! Josie checks that not all of them have to do the penalties 'cor, that's so much pressure, innit? That is a lot of pressure!'  
Steve states that it is big playing against the Germans! Ben thinks they could be beamed over to the commercial break of a real match, as they often do during novelty things which are done for fun! So during the warm ups or hour of commentary they could be shown.. not that Ben watches sport!

JOSIE: You do look like John Terry!  

NATHAN: Aw, but you don't want me you want Wayne Bridge! (SC)

JOSIE: (cackles) I don't know what you're on about you've got my headband on your wrist! 

E4 feed ends
2.37pm, Ife runs into the bathroom babbling like a bimbo Barbie about like how much John looks like Beckham! The green-eyed monster rears it's ugly head in Nathan as he sneers 'Peckham Schmeckham!' We see Josie, John  and Ben huddled closely together in Josie's double bed.

JOSIE: I know you're in my bed, Ben.. but I can't believe I'm in bed with (higher-pitched) David Beckham!! That's what I feel like!

JOHN: (Shy but secretly somersaulting inside) Stop ittttt! 

JOSIE: (As they giggle) That's what I feel like! (John scrunches up his nose laughing) I've gone a bit giddy! (giggles more)  

BEN: Why don't you have your wicked way with him in the cupboard?? 

JOSIE: I've never gone a bit funny like this before! I feel a bit star struck!! (they both chuckle happily)

Josie says she has never felt so (deliriously) happy, she has the England team in her bed and an odd Welsh one!  Major flirting going on! Josie saying she can't believe he looks like that, she can't even look at him, then he starts to tickle her.  
JOHN: (Has a bit of an ogle at her chest then points to her boobs) Where are these coming from?  (Josie what's?) (Prods her boob cheekily) Where are these coming from? They've just blown up like beach balls!

BEN: What? The boobs? That's cos she's on her period!

JOHN: Yeah, look at em! (quick cut to Steve and back) 

Ben blathers that Steve was loving them all together in bed last night; he loves Steve as he's coming more and more out of his shell. John laughs that Josie had joked that Steve was talking too much earlier, as he hadn't said a word for 2 hours! Josie sucks her thumb. 
JOSIE: It's a good job we don't dress up like this every day or I'd have a serious problem here!

John says that Govan was actually named after the town in Scotland but just pronounces it differently, Josie gushes to John that he looks so sexy and fit and she had he never looked at him like that before. Next time we see the room John has gone :( the excitement at touching a particular part of Josie's body probably gave him trouble controlling a certain part of his own!!! ;) ;)

Josie hadn't realised that everyone would look so sexy! 

IFE: Who in particular? 

JOSIE: (swoons) John James!

IFE: (Giggles) I knooooooooow!

Jose wishes she made more of an effort so she applies more make up and thinks she should brush her teeth. Ife asks her if she thinks she'll get a kiss but Josie doesn't even contemplate that she would be that lucky!

IFE: Who do you fancy more out of Nathan and John? 

JOSIE: Well, its close but today I'd have to say John

MARIO (I think): What about normally?

JOSIE: None of them really..

BEN: I think you and Nathan are right together!!
3.01pm"Nathan takes the trouble to unkindly refer to John's temper again - even though John is perfectly cool and calm. Nathan always makes an effort to undermine John to the rest of the group, he either calls him kid, refers to his temper or makes inappropriate comments about him and the female hms." (quote from poster on DS) Ben is being nasty calling Josie Miss Trunchbull from Maltida because of her high ponytail, trying to make her feel self-conscious, fortunately it seems to have fly over her head.
Later on the task is underway in the garden. The English greet the Germans gaily and wave wildly at the plasma screen, where they are able to communicate with the German BB House via satellite link up.  The HM's sing the British National Anthem. Badly! Caoimhe does not sing; then Steve delivers a rousing reading of Shakespear's Henry V speech to rally the troops. 
John is first to step up for the penalties and he shoots but does not score. Dave manages to get a goal but Nathan hits the cross bar. Corin and Mario miss on their attempts. It goes to sudden death with everybody failing to get the ball through the hole until Ife by sheer fluke shoots and wins the task for England :)  

The team mates all cheer and celebrate, with JJJ having their own lovely little cuddle while the others are getting ready for a group hug behind them. They really were in their own little love-in land half the time and it was gorgeous and very sweet to watch :) 
Josie blushes that she couldn't handle it if the football gear had to be worn more often. 

JOHN: (Brazenly) I know what to wear round to yours at weekends then!  ;)

Shortly after Josie confides to Caoimhe that today she had just wanted to rip John James' clothes off... "but the rest of the time he's just John!"

4pm, Josie in bed looking sad with her thumb in her mouth. John joins her and they chat in bed for a while. Josie doesn't care if she gets booed anymore after hearing the crowd's reaction when Govan was evicted. John assures her she won't be. She is sure that the public will love John as they like people 'who have rows and that..' The whole house seemed so subdued considering they had just whooped the German guts!!
Josie doesnt feel as comfortable as she did before Govan was evicted. She tells John he is alright because he gets on with everyone in the house really. Even though there are some people she isn't keen on she does try to get on with them. 

JOHN: This is how I really am though.. I don't want to come across as though I'm playing a game.  

Josie gives her opinion that he does come over as paranoid about things. John laughs that it was her and Govan that were making him paranoid. They then briefly discuss their argument from the previous week. It had hurt John that Josie had questioned his trust.  

JOHN: I'd rather leave than not be trusted.

Josie explained that she had only doubted him in the heat of the argument, and they then quickly change the subject. 
4.46pm John notifies Josie that he's not like Nathan when it comes to sex but their general attitudes are similar. The same goes for him and Steve. John finds the flight between the UK and Oz very boring so he usually just watches Friends. 

Josie doesn't sleep at home much as she is usually up by 7am for work. She has traveled all over the UK for her job and even went to Morocco for a conference. John asks if anyone has tried to settle Josie down. 

JOSIE:  Why would anyone want to?

Then she shares a story about her worst date ever but BB cuts the sound. She doesn't see the point in just staying at home as she likes to be out. Josie admits to john that she finds it hard to meet men because all her friends are male (well obviously not ALL but a lot) so when she is in need of male company she just hangs out with them. Josie discloses that her ex was so bossy and impersonates him shouting her name aggressively :(

She thinks it's a good job John won't be in a football kit all the time which makes them laugh :D

JOHN: You really get that bad? (surprised that his looks have the power to reduce a confident young woman to jelly)  

Sunshine leaves to have a dip in the pool. Josie and John get out of bed too and make an appearance in the garden. 

5.02pm Out at the spa John teases Sunshine about her crisps, and asks if she has a salad stashed in there as well. Josie asks John if he was going to settle down after they get out of the house. He answers 'probably.' Little did she know that she would be the one he wanted to settle down with for the rest of his life.. although it didn't work out in the end. Josie and John followed each other around everywhere that day in the house. They seemed to have days like that where they would be like magnets and then the next they would pull apart. 

The spark was lit from the start with the candles inside their hearts <3 Cheese on toast!! Not sure if their minds had twigged to that effect by Day 18 or not but they certainly circled each other a lot! More so since Govan's eviction, that was one of the best things to happen for JJJ.. as it enabled their relationship to progress. Govan being evicted really was for the greater good :) 
6.03pm John reveals that he's not a fan of dining out. Sunshine has a penchant for blokes films and she quite likes Quentin Tarantino.  

6.23pm Shabby narrates the plot of 1985 to Josie and how it really means BB is evil. Josie is shocked as she had believed BB were nice, although she had noticed them deliberately messing with peoples moods. Josie drools over how John is like a different person when he puts on a football kit. Caoimhe considered him to be really sweet during the auditions. 

6.36pm John struggles to defend Sunshine over her crisp stinginess, when someone is coming out dying and falling over and asking for something to eat. He is frustrated that he constantly  saying that he is constantly supports her but she is consistently proving him wrong. 
6.38pm JOHN: (Quizzes Josie and Caoimhe) Have any of the girls shaved anything yet or are you just gonna let it grow?? :D 

6.41pm John had thought the house was fake when he entered because it was so small. So did Josie! She finds 2 sponges from the task in the pool vent and jokes that she had a task to do all the washing yesterday. She is very proud of her whites, John agrees they came out good. HM's are gathered on sofas for the You Vs The Housemates challenge. They debate between Josie and Dave to be the person to represent the house. 

6.55pm John and Nathan ask BB if they can eat the pies. 
7.07pm Josie explains that it is a nightmare being on her period. Some of her friends even refuse to go out with her at those times of the month! She thinks she is handling it reasonably well in the house considering. A few minutes later it looks as though both Nathan and John are waiting on Josie's bed for her.. vying for her heart. 

7.48PM - Josie announces that she is so tired! John is too 'so am I Jose, I could go to sleep!' The thread was willing them into bed together for a nap and a cuddle but they had to make their way to the living room for Dave's task instead!!

Sunshine went to sit next to John but Corin was already there. Josie comes in the room and Corin kindly budges up to make room for her to sit next to John! The group admire how brown she is with her  lovely golden tan. John and Josie are laying in opposite directions with their legs touching each others :D
7.50pm Dave takes on the pies in his flies task and successfully stuffs 38 pies through his flies. The viewer crammed in a grand total of 33 through his crotch :)


  1. Lol at Dave,teaching John how to shower:DThe things John come out with sometimes are funny:D

    Nathan was always trying to have a dig at John,and he liked calling him little kid behind his back,other than that,he was boring as fuck.

    One thing about the BB11 housemates,they shared so many topics,even the intimate ones,like shitting and periods etc lol,and they were very cuddly,especially the men:p

    Sunshine,so dramatically funny:D

    I think i might start watching BB11 from the start,as i am struggling to like anyone this year's series.

    Those pies looks delicious,until Davo started stuffing them down his crotch lol

  2. cheeky i really look forward to your blogs they are brilliant love ye xx
