Although the HL's shown are from Day 16 this is my write up including the eviction show of day 17. Where gossip-loving Govan was given the grisly goodbye!! Govan received horrific boos when Davina first announced all the prospective evictees to the BB crowd. Mario got rapturous cheers and whoooo's!
9,46am, yesterday as punishment for HM's repeatedly discussing nominations, BB removed all food from the house and replaced it with basic rations. Due to a further rule break from Ben, BB has also turned off the hot water supply to the house.
A lip-glossing Corin, asks Sunshine how she feels about what happened yesterday. Sunshine shrugs that she doesn't know but it's happened. Corin is then startled to screaming because a crittery creature that was coming right for her!! :D Sunshine stresses about how they will cook things without oil but they do have salt.
Their 'lose-some-weight-this-week' menu consists of:
BREAKFAST - Dried toast
LUNCH - Chickpeas
DINNER - Lentils
Corin croons that it 'could be worse, coon' it babe?' she is then left to stroke the lavendar buds that she quite likes!!!! In the bathroom, Mario muses that they will all be Vegans this week apart from the milk they drink.
DAVE: Such an intelligent boy, mole! Put things over in such a beautiful way!
Mario likens his words to 'a crock of sh*t more like!' he slaps Ben's behind and states that it's not the end of the world but will feel like it by Day 2 or 3. They feel the fireworks are really gonna fly when the cigarettes run out.
In the bedroom a sleepy-looking Josie calls out to Corin.
JOSIE: Cor, in't there.. is there no hot water at all, Corin?
CORIN: No, babe. There's nothing!
JOHN: (Irate) Well f**k 'em! I'm not getting up then!!
CORIN: Don't be so soft, John James!!
JOHN: Don't start with me, Corin.
Corin exclaims she'd had a lovely cold shower.
JOHN: Ah, you did not!!
Josie asks what the weather is like, Corin comments that it's not that bright. Which only causes John to groan like a grumpy Grandpa.
10.10am while Josie cleans the bathroom and Govan brushes his teeth they do their groovy little 'Mooooooom, Mooooommmmmmmm! I can't hear the music but I can't stop dancing!' routine :D
Ife chides Mario for not swapping into her bed last night. But in the commotion of all the incidents he had forgotten as he was too caught up in keeping Ben from 'walking off a (metaphorical) cliff!' They discuss that it seems to be part of his nature for him to put his foot in it and constantly get into unnecessary trouble.
Caoimhe doesn't think Mario ought to have to fight Ben's battles. Mario considers some people to have been ganging up on Ben and he is his friend, so has his back. He doesn't think it's fair that everyone was giving Ben a super hard time for maybe nominating Sunshine.
Sunshine braves a cold shower and whooooo's and flaunts her body over how INVIGORATING it is!!!! :P
John is having a whinge in the Diary room.
JOHN: (Nikki Grahame Mark 2) Ah, this is bullsh*t! The rooms are like 3 degrees, there's no hot water, we're eating like lentils and rice.. I don't see what the point is in even getting up! How are we supposed to shower with cold showers?! And then not only that, but we've gotta come into an air-conditioned room that's got icicles hanging from the roof! The food's sh*t!! And everyone's p*ssed off.. I'm not happy about it!!! Never in my life have I ever have a cold shower.. I refuse to have a cold shower.. it was fine until the hot water went off.. like the lentils and rice, you could probably deal with for a few days, but the hot water? May as well walk around stinking up the joint, cos there's nothin' to get up for anyway! So may as well walk around and not even talk! And people are sh*tting themselves now, that they don't even wanna talk, they don't wanna talk about anything because they think they're gonna get in trouble for eveeeeeeeerything! I don't even know why I came in here, cos all you're gonna say is 'stiff sh*t' and 'it will come back to you in due course, if that is all now, the diary is open!' Meh nah na!!
During this Diary room entry, John comes over as a very spoilt little boy.. who has been pampered and never gone without his whole life. He is definitely a man of privilege now but I'm not sure if his family were also wealthy. Did their financial circumstances only come about because of his father's tragic death? Or were their fairly well off even before that?
I think a lot of viewers would have got the wrong impression from this Moaning Mickey!! John might complain and grumble but he was not boastful or prideful.. this is the only example of him exhibiting these attributes that I can recall during his entire stay in the house.. perhaps there were more but I didn't pay much notice of them as I'd gotten to know his character in a lot more depth by that point.
12.25pm, in the kitchen Shabby asks Dave how he is feeling about tomorrow. Dave would like to stay but he's ready to leave too. If it's his time to go he'll just move on with his life but is having a really good time. He feels he's coming more into who he is after an initial 10 days of crap and missing his kids. He's not about to start playing the game and make out he's someone that he's not.
Ben and Mario are in the garden playing word association. The scene changes to John attempting to shower (see previous block) there are lots of 'F**K's and 'F**king hell's' exclaimed in the process. He has to retire from his rinsing as he can't hack it .. so he gets his .. ja.. TOWEL! Missus Moo is 'invited' in to join him, this is where she tugs at his towel determined to squirt him with the icy water. John squeals and is that his little bottom we see pressed up against the glass, mooning us?? Get your binoculars out!!!!! :D
Predominantly nice, kind-hearted people sometimes do or say some not-so-nice things! It doesn't mean that the 'darker' part of their personality is the "REAL" John or Josie.. just that every once in a while it is tapped into because they have been hurt or angered! They won't ever hiding or suppressing some loathesome, devil side of themselves and have now decided to hell with it, to stop 'pretending' .. but whilst they were each able to light the match (so to speak) to this 'dark' side of their partner.. they also on numerous occasions made their candle of compassion grow stronger and brighter.. what a shame the flame burnt out :(
GOVAN: You should know me by now.. I'm honest! If you were a dog, I'd say 'listen love, you've gotta lower your.. I just wouldn't mention the fact!
Josie thinks Govan is only saying that because he's her mate. Nathan showers her with compliments 'you're not a dog at all darlin'.. you're a very pretty girl!' Govan exclaims that she is! She sucks her thumb insecurely.
JOSIE: (Flirts) Thanks guys! Stopppp it! Look at you looking at me like that!
NATHAN: Cawwww! Sexy lady!!
Ben and Mario are in the garden playing word association. The scene changes to John attempting to shower (see previous block) there are lots of 'F**K's and 'F**king hell's' exclaimed in the process. He has to retire from his rinsing as he can't hack it .. so he gets his .. ja.. TOWEL! Missus Moo is 'invited' in to join him, this is where she tugs at his towel determined to squirt him with the icy water. John squeals and is that his little bottom we see pressed up against the glass, mooning us?? Get your binoculars out!!!!! :D
Word association continues between Ben and Mario in the back garden before the break. Davina thinks Mario needs to have a cold shower - not John after the words he was using in the game 'need' and 'urge' etc.
1.56pm, Shabby and Caoimhe are in the kitchen. They are still hungry, but there's 'f**k all' in the fridge.. Shabby keeps looking in the hope that something might have appeared. Out in the garden, John and Sunshine have their spar (from previous blog - see it for all the details) but it begins on the HL's with Sunshine "singing" our National Anthem.
JOHN: You just think about your poor dog at home!
STEVE: Eating horse meat!!
This is where Sunshine reveals that her Big Bob Dad feeds her chihuahua with chicken.
JOHN: No, you just felt uncomfortable with the question, cos you knew you couldn't answer it properly!!
He gets up to make Madame Muck give him his shoe back.
5.11pm, Today HM's will be taking part BB science experiment, It's a stick up! HM's will be tested the relative stickiness of tape and glue. Ben will be stuck to a wall with tape, by Caoimhe and Ife. John James will be stuck to a wall by Josie and Dave, using glue! Each team will have 45 minutes to stick their guinea pig to the wall :D
Mario, who has taken the role as the BB Scientist, will attempt to predict the result of today's experiment. John asks what they are doing first, just before the klaxon blasts.
JOSIE: (Barks orders) RIGHT! Lie down, John! (he obeys with a reluctant sigh)
While Dave squeezes sticky icky glue all across the wall. Josie squirts some all over John's back body. John sniffs 'it smells like industrial glue!'
JOHN: If you put it on my arsehole, I'll be harkin'! (Cut to Mario watching and laughing) Do it more vertical! Don't get that sh*t on my f**king socks!!!
DAVE: Will you stop moaning! Get some of that gaffer tape over his mouth!!
Ben bemoans never feeling so confined. Govan grabs a cushion and shoves it under John's chin and is called 'you f**ker!' in repayment for his kindness!
JOHN: He thinks I'm part of the Matrix or somethin'.. Don't get under there! Jesus! My armpit hairs will be stuck together!!!
Immediately after Mario mocks Ben for being a miserable b**tard who needs to cheer up.. BB talks to him through the speakers. He is told it his job as the scientist to predict how successful the assistants will be at sticking subject 1 and 2 to the wooden walls. If he is correct he will pass today's task! Mario must guess whether 1 HM, both HM's or no HM's will remain stuck to the wall, when the assistants remove the blocks from under their feet. He predicts that 1 HM will be successful.
SUNSHINE: Put some on his mouth!!
JOHN: Sunshine, that joke has been done 10 times. 9 times by you! It wan't funny then and it ain't funny now!!
32 minutes later (5.52pm) Ben cannot bear it any longer, so Ife says they will just secure him now. He beseeches them 'no more!' as it is stopping him being able to breathe!
JOSIE: Um Dave.. John just said he's got an itch on his b*llock! (laughs dirtily)
Dave attracts all their attention to look at Ben and giggle. Govan doesn't see why he can't breathe as he has enough room to move back. Josie can't stop cracking up while Ife pleads for him not to undo all their hard work 'take shallower breaths!'
DAVE: Don't die on us, Benny!
JOSIE: (Squeaks) Oh, my stomach's hurting!
JOHN: Stop making me laugh!
Ben apologises as he is so sorry but he CAN'T do it as he gasps for air and struggles to break free! Govan has had enough of Ben's bleating and helps Dave cut him out. Josie continues to wet herself 'OH, that is so funny! That is so funny!! He's gone green!'
Ife isn't impressed that she's spent an hour doing another task for nothing! Josie nearly falls to the floor with stitches. Mario wails in the task room 'NOOOOOO!' feeling like every time he tries to redeem Ben with the group he bl**dy ruins it! Josie says sorry for laughing but Ben would have laughed too.
BB announces that on the sound of the klaxon, the assistants must remove the blocks from under Subject 2's feet. Josie checks Dave has hold of John before starting to pull the block out. John orders her not to go fast! (We'll go slow!) They all cheer as it works and John's legs are left to dangle, Josie breaks out in a little dance. Dave quips for John not to move!
The camera pans from his toes upwards, focusing on a particular piece of John's body, which Josie is also having a major perve over.
JOSIE: (Laughs) You have got a big package actually, John! Why do you keep telling everyone it's so little for? I can see it!
JOHN: It's a little bit of a surprise! (Sunshine bosses him about to keep his toes in the air) Ah, what the f** k am I meant to do?
Mario is congratulated for his correct prediction and told he has won himself a meal in the Diary room - sticky ribs followed by sticky toffee pudding. John is just hanging around in the garden with his friends.
JOSIE: Have you got a really bad wedgie now, John?
JOHN: Yeeeeeah! What does it look like?
Back to Davina and she just wants to pull the trousers out of his bum bum :P
6.35pm, as a reward for Mario correctly predicting the result of today's science experiment, BB has provided him with a special dinner of sticky ribs and sticky toffee pudding. Mario asks BB if everyone else has won something as well but is told that only he has because he got the prediction right. Much to his merriment, they will be receiving nothing!
Meanwhile, Dave is singing his praises about how the Mole will provide for them. Corin is certain he'll have had an Italian 5 course dinner. Josie poses the question (imagining it were possible) 'If you could order an Italian, what would you have?' Shabby selects her choices and then returns it to her.
JOSIE: Um.. I like carbonara, I like the way it sounds as well.. car-ba-narrra! (For starters) Prawn cocktail! (and dessert) Pavlova, strawberry.. (grins like the cat that got ALL the full fat cream.. and for Madame's drink) Probably just get bladdered on wine through the meal.. a nice rose.
7.18pm, Caoimhe and Shabby are in the kitchen. Caoimhe claims that Dave is gonna go but Shabby doesn't know, man! Caoimhe f**king hopes so but Shabby suspects that the playing field has opened after the past couple of days. The only person they know for sure isn't going is Mario.
In the bedroom, Mario and Ben are cuddled up in his double. Ben asks if he's the most disastrous HM in BB ever. Mario doesn't know about that but finds him 'by far, one of the funniest!' Ben believes he has gone from one argument slash accident to another. Mario thought he was going to be catapulted and had visions of Ben flying through the air, with his floppy hair.. and him doing a little head tilt! :P
Mario had tears in his eyes, just at the thought of it! BB asks Ife in the Diary room how she feels she did in the task that day. Ife tried her best despite Ben protesting he couldn't breathe.. she couldn't find it in herself to be sympathetic. Ben is bearing his soul to Mario and Dave about having some ups and downs in the house but great times with them. He's made some dreadful mistakes but is proud he was game to give it a try.
8.47pm, As a reward for taking part in today's experiment, BB has provided HM's with alcohol, soft drinks and nibbles. Ben requests Josie give him a manicure with clear nail varnish for tomorrow and it all has to be perfect and buffed!
BEN: I may even let you put some guyliner on! It's gotta be perfect! If I'm going to be crucified by the mob, I want to be in good nick. You understand that, don't you?
Don't stop breathing but Ben is actually drying up the glasses after Josie washes them!!!!
In the garden, Govan gabs to John that for the most part he feels as though he has behaved in a way that he has no reason to be ashamed of. 'So if I'm unlucky enough to go, then it's like.. well, f**k you all then, because I don't think I've actually done anything wrong!' He thinks there are people which are much worse, trying to cause ruptures in the house and to further themselves. If he was at home, he'd be more likely to vote out Ben than Mario.
If John had to put a fiver on it he would have to say Ben, but he's not sure how people would view 'the whole religious bantering and all that stuff going on!' Govan's Grandad would find Dave's getting drunk off God so offensive and John believes a lot of people will do.. but he might also have a lot of people in his favour.
Shabby joins them and announces she thinks she's knows who is going. But she adds that they can't trust her judgment as she'd thought she was going the previous week.
JOHN: I think everyone here would have to say Ben.
Shabby and John praise Govan for having dealt with being up so well. Govan just has to take it as it comes, he doesn't want to go but won't ruin whatever time he has left there by being upset about it.
JOHN: To be honest with ya, you're in a bad position.. but you're up against the 2 best people that you could have been up against.. in my opinion!
10.07pm, Most of the HM's are in the living room. Where Mario takes it upon himself to declare to the universe that he used to be able to self-fellate himself when he was younger.
JOSIE: (Puts it in the prettiest way) What? You used to be able to suck yourself off?!
MARIO: (Drops him in it) So can Johnny!
JOHN: I can get pretty close.. not the whole way.
Ife wonders if it's enough to get him excited which he absolutely refutes 'no, I don't do it in that way! I just know that I can..' Mario's spine has stiffened up which is why he is unable to do so now.
JOHN: Mind you, I wouldn't.. yeah, you probably wouldn't know now.. but I know at one point, that I could!
Steve is utterly disgusted!
JOHN: I didn't say I did do it.. I just said I could do it!
JOSIE: Don't lie! You've just told the whole nation you've sucked yourself off!
JOHN: That's true.. it's true.
Out in the garden, Govan thinks that there are only a few solid 1-1 bonds in the house and that Caoimhe and Shabby are definitely one! 'And me and Josie are one' Caoimhe also picks Ben and Mario but believe the bond has come about because Mario fancies him.. and Ben takes advantage. Govan just doesn't want Mario to get dragged down by the sh*t storm that Ben leaves in the way sometimes.
GOVAN: But at the end of the day.. there's nothing wrong with having a dark side .. I'm not saying a dark side .. but a darker side.. we've all got them!
Those who have 'sided' with John or Josie over the seem to see the other as being this big 'baddy' .. who can do no right, only evil!! Of course since the split they have BOTH said and done some dreadful things, mostly about each other.. but does this mean they DESERVE be public enemy number 1, where some people are concerned? NOOOOO!
Predominantly nice, kind-hearted people sometimes do or say some not-so-nice things! It doesn't mean that the 'darker' part of their personality is the "REAL" John or Josie.. just that every once in a while it is tapped into because they have been hurt or angered! They won't ever hiding or suppressing some loathesome, devil side of themselves and have now decided to hell with it, to stop 'pretending' .. but whilst they were each able to light the match (so to speak) to this 'dark' side of their partner.. they also on numerous occasions made their candle of compassion grow stronger and brighter.. what a shame the flame burnt out :(
Corin comes to the Diary room, she is grinning like a loon, rambling about how they haven't had any arguments today and how mint the words she comes out with now are! Such as: controversial, vocabulary (which she 'probably said a bit wrong', heated (and she knows this is not a 'thingy word' but she 'can't really think!) They all now just roll off her tongue without her really thinking.
11.1opm, in the living room John has brought back the 'controversial' topic of Sunshine's name and if she likes her real one. It is bound to get 'heated!'
JOHN: Why don't you change it by Deed poll then?
Sunshine explains snootily that she doesn't want to graduate with all these medical acclaims and prestigious prizes as 'Suuuuuuuuunshine!'
JOHN: So you do understand how ridiculous that sounds?
Yvette doesn't want to have 'Sunshine' on her name badge because nobody will take her seriously in a hospital.
JOHN: Which is what I'm doing right now! I'm not taking you seriously! Right now, because your name is not Sunshine!!
Josie is goofing around with Nathan in the kitchen.
JOSIE: (Geezer bird voice) Alright, yeah? I'm Jose! Having a good time, yeah? Yeah, mate?
JOSIE: I'm doing it for the big girls!
Govan 'whatever's' her and Nathan wowwwwwwws with welly from his willy again!
JOSIE: (Bashful baby voice) Stop it, Nathan you're really embarrassing me now!!
Govan firmly believes that she will be shocked at all the guys who will be interested in her. GOVAN: You should know me by now.. I'm honest! If you were a dog, I'd say 'listen love, you've gotta lower your.. I just wouldn't mention the fact!
Josie thinks Govan is only saying that because he's her mate. Nathan showers her with compliments 'you're not a dog at all darlin'.. you're a very pretty girl!' Govan exclaims that she is! She sucks her thumb insecurely.
JOSIE: (Flirts) Thanks guys! Stopppp it! Look at you looking at me like that!
NATHAN: Cawwww! Sexy lady!!
Back to the 'serious' dispute at the sofas. Sunshine stresses that her name has been such for 2 or 3 years or maybe even longer.
JOHN: Your nickname has been Sunshine, not your name!
John understands why she is using this alias whilst she is in the house but not how can she introduce to people she's never met before as that nickname! Ife asks if she can be called 'Bubbles'
JOHN: Yeah, Bubbles! (asks Dave) What do you want?
Dave opts for 'Love' and John remarks over how ridiculous it is that they are now choosing their own names too. 'It's ridiculous! In here, I understand completely.. but out there, to actually refer to your name as Sunshine, is ludicrous! What do you want Mars?' Mario asks if they are changing their names.
JOHN: Yeah, why not? Apparently, you can just wake up one day and be called what the f**k you want!
SUNSHINE: (Squeals) Are you trying to wind me up? Because you're starting to get on my nerves now! I can be called any nickname I want!
Nathan asks if she's only invented this guise for BB. John likens it to Nathan being called Seahorse, Sunshine asks what the problem with that is.
JOHN: He doesn't introduce himself as 'Seahorse!' He introduces himself as Nathan, cos that is his names!!
Ife can't believe they are actually having a conversation about this. After Sunshine whines more she advises her not to let John push her buttons.
STEVE: That's sexual tension, darlin'! That's what it does to ya.
Ife also thinks it is.. John just laughs with derision.
12.24am, Ben is in the Diary room. He is worried about tomorrow night but there are many reasons he would like to both stay and go. A lot of the tasks haven't been catered to his interests, capabilities and lack of capabilities in other areas. He's better at quizzes or creating or composing musical things. He requests Shirley Bassey's 'Diamonds are forever' from the original soundtrack 1971 to be played tomorrow morning.
The rest of the HM's are in the bedroom, discussing tomorrow's eviction. John asks Sunshine who she thinks will go, she says he knows exactly who she thinks will go.
JOHN: No, I do not!!
Corin wants to wait until tomorrow comes as nobody knows and it will make people feel sh*t.
JOHN: Sunshine does! Listen Corin, Sunshine just said that she knows!!
Sunshine banters that she thinks John is going 'and if not, I think he should!'
JOHN: You'd miss me, Sunshine! You would so.. you pretend that you wouldn't but you would! (Sunny pretends she wouldn't) Oh don't lie! 'John, you fancy me, don't you?' (cracks up)
Caoimhe quizzes Sunshine if it is true. John loves how Caoimhe gets in every time 'with a cheeky (impersonates her Irish accent) 'do ya Sunshine?' Caoimhe giggles moronically. Shabby feels the girl has a point 'do ya??'
JOHN: Don't give her fuel, Corin!
Sunshine confesses that she last week but now that she's got to know him better, doesn't!!
JOHN: (Is surprised as he'd only been pulling her leg, sits bolt upright) Did you really, Sunshine? Did you really, Sunshine?
SUNSHINE: It was just before you started opening your mouth!! (John laughs) To be honest, John.. I'd rather kiss Ben!
Caoimhe claims Sunshine is gagging for it. Mario makes it manifest that if anyone is going to be kissing Ben it will be HIM! At the end of the HL's, Davina is convinced that Sunshine SO totally does fancy John. She'd been watching them in bed together, earlier in the day and believes they were definitely flirting for sure! And that Sunshine was trying to look all sexy while pretending to sleep.
Some photos from the eviction night -
One of the last snaps of JJJG
Davina talks to the house
Mario is saaaafe!
Hearing the boos after Dave is safe!
Nerves kick in
They hear the booos and Get Govan Out chants
He realises he's a goner!
Govan's name is called
Horrified gasps resonate
John breaks down :(
Govan tells Josie not to cry but she doesn't want him to go :'(
Saying their final farewells
From Govan's best bits
JOSIE: (on VT) I really love Govan! I think he's really funny. He makes me laaaaugh til it hurts!
Govan tells Davina that he wants Josie to win and she informs him that she is really popular on the outside.
JOSIE'S MESSAGE FOR GOV: Govan, if you're watching this.. then, I want my little man back!! So try and break in through the back door, I'll let you in! It's not a problem! Just come back.. come back to Mummy, quickly!
A viewer asks Govan if he really has a big willy, but he answers not according to Josie!! Then Govan chooses Josie to have something good from Bob Righter (even though his vengeful side wanted to pick Ben to get something bad) as he loves Josie more! Davina thinks this has redeemed him a little bit.
When the creeeeepy Bob Righter whirrs into action, Corin and Sunshine both predict it will be something for Josie. Sunshine reads the card aloud which reveals through rhyme that Josie will have 'her heart's desire' the next day :) Shabby takes the card into a crying Josie curled up in the bathroom. She sobs 'thank you' and then weeps more :'(
The second the cameras return to Govan and Davina, Govan breaks down in tears too at the sight of how upset Josie is :( Davina grabs his knee to comfort him while closing the show. As the end credits roll, we see and hear Josie crying her heart out :( She sweetly thanks Govan right at the end.
I know he goes on for ever,but it was funny watching his DR rants lol:D
ReplyDeleteGov wasn't popular,he did stir it a bit in there,gosh i remember the MF on DS,there was not one Gov fan eeeek