John sits out in the garden shaking his head furiously and scowling. Corin congratulates Sunshine for washing her hair in the cold water as she couldn't have done that. She asks John if he managed a shower and when he looks up his glare says it all! :D That'd be a no, then!
JOHN: (Shakes his head, yawning) Nuh! I refuse! (SC)
CORIN: Don't be soft!
JOHN: I saw Davo going in there and he was like (mimics him squealing like an old woman!) I didn't want to go in there doing that! (Sunshine laughs that he went in screaming and crying) Yeah, I saw you Davo! I was about to hop in until I saw you!!
Sunshine wishes (out loud) that John had watched her as she was singing in hers! (ONLY in your dreams and John's nightmares!!) Davo thinks obviously you have to hop around in freezing cold water 'it was enjoyable!'
JOHN: It was enjoyable?? I went in there and whinged .. and he thinks he's smart! BB goes.. 'BB suggests that you got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning and maybe a cold shower would help!' (throws back his head in exaggerated mock laughter, SC) He thinks he's a comedian! I wouldn't leave until he went 'good bye' so then I just sat in there for ages and went to sleep! Until he told me off for sleeping in the Diary room and I said 'I'm not leaving until you say goodbye!' and he said 'BB wishes you a good day' or something.. and I said 'No, no!' I said 'you can say good bye or I'm not leaving!' I waited there for about 5 minutes before he said (huffy voice) 'Good bye John James!' (laughs)
One of the things Sunshine is most looking forward to about leaving is watching John's DR entries because they wind him right up! John asks everyone if they've had a shower (SC)
JOHN: They've made every room like Antarctica! So when you hop out of the shower.. it doesn't end there!
Sunshine suggests he showers outside and Steve opts for the pool as it's warmer than anything. John dips his hand in to test out the temperature of the water.
JOHN: Hey, it is too! Why's that so warm?
Sunshine believes they've turned it up as they want girls to sit in the bath together but as there's no hot water girls will sit in that together instead.
JOHN: (hands on hip) How do you know they didn't just want me, Steve and Davo to sit in there? (SC) .. than watching you in the spa! They wanted me, Steve and Davo to heat it up in there! (Steve sniggers) Hee hee heeeeee!
John had also asked them if they have unlimited supplies of bread and milk. They'd told him 'Big Brother will always provide' which Sunshine disagrees with as they ran out the previous week.
Later on, Josie is talking to Govan about stinging nettles in the bathroom. John is still not a happy chappy about the cold water situation.
JOHN: (Yells at the camera) Don't you be following me around? .. You already think it's funny enough as it is!
Sunshine not so secretly 'whispers' to Josie (right in front of John!) 'I want to see him in the shower, don't you?' (and makes out it is because he has been moaning about it all day.. but really means that she wants to gawp at him and imagine she was giving him a good old grope!)
JOSIE: Not really! (laughs)
John walks away mumbling something about 'The Vegan!' after a sound cut he turns right back around giggling 'you could have at least waited til the door closed before you said that!'
John braves the cold, with the intention of taking a shower much to Corin's uncontainable ecstasy when she asks if he's having a shower outside.
JOHN: (Dripping with sarcasm) Well looks like it, doesn't it?
CORIN: This'll be fun!
Steve too, thinks this will be hilarious and confirms that it is warmer outside. Corin challenges John to do it without screaming, as he tests the water temperature with his thumbs.
JOHN: Where do I hang up my TOWEL??? (then laughs it off)
In a tiny video clip, John seems bored but mischievous, he walks over to Josie (who is sunbathing) and shoves a towel in her face. Anyyyyything to get her attention, eh? :D
JOSIE: John, you're like one of those horrible kids in the playground .. that really..
Can't hear what the rest of her sentence as Govan bellows that he thinks they'll get the bubonic plague!!
The next video clip begins with Shabby and Dave talking dirty .. about POO!!!! :P Josie reckons the essential maintenance is to sort out the hummin' smell in the house.
JOHN: I don't think they care about the hummin' smell in the house!
Shabby thinks BB like the smell in the house! John thinks they like ANYTHING in the house that gets the HM's whinging! Sunshine banters with Steve about the smells that emanate from him.
JOHN: (Leaps to his defence) Don't you start, Sparkles! You're not exactly the most hygienic person going around!!
Sunshine thinks she is!!! The HM's in the garden start reeling off alternative nicknames for Sunshine like: moonbeam, rainstorm, scumshine and sunburn!
JOHN: I'm sticking with the Scumshine.. I like that! That'll go down nicely! Suits you to a Tee!
Shabby asks if she can actually call Sunshine, Sunstroke :D Sunny agrees that they can call her whatever they want so long as it doesn't have the word scum in it. Somebody suggests 'Yvonne' which she refuses!
JOHN: How dare you call her her real name! How dare you not make one up!! Or some crap like Scumscreen or whatever!
Josie really likes the name 'Yvette' and John is going to call her that to which Sunshine responds 'Don't!' John argues that it is her name or she should change it by deed poll. She sarcastically states that she can't as they don't have any contact with the outside world.
JOHN: That's right so you cop it, Yvette!
Sunshine keeps demanding that John be quiet as he lists her options 'Scumscreen or Yvette, which would you prefer?' Reluctantly she relents to Scumscreen and then swigs back her juice (no, not JOHN juice!!!)
John's antagonising continues as he chides her for not changing it properly if she likes the name 'Sunshine' so much.
JOHN: Why just make it up and decide that people are gonna call you that?
SUNSHINE: I had a holiday booked.
JOHN: What in the bluest of blue hells has that got to do with anything??
Sunshine retorts 'what do you need to go on holiday, John? What do you take to the airport?' Shabby witticises (I know it isn't a word but I'm using it!) 'a suitcase?' Then she blathers about how she wasn't prepared to pay £80 to change the name on her passport and why can't he just call her by the name she wants.
Josie believes it is a bit disrespectful to Sunshine's parents to change her name as her Mum and Dad (Sunshine's that is) chose it.
Shabby adds that she changed her name but Josie claims that was due to different circumstances (because of her acting) John chimes in that he thinks you should be able to change your name to whatever you want.
SUNSHINE: Exactly! Then call me what I want!
JOHN: No!!! Change it.. not make it up! The difference between changing it and making it up .. I didn't just wake up one day and decide that I want to be called (SC then Sunshine says something would have suited him better) Maybe it would've.. but if I changed it by Deed Poll (long SC and stock footage)
Sunshine says she's asking him nicely not to call her by her birth name.
JOHN: That is your name! Ask BB to change it by Deed Poll (she glares at him) He's done it before, I'm sure he can do it for you. (silence ensues) What's so about it anyway?
Josie joins in the conversation about how nobody outside calls her by her name Josie. John asks what they call her and she replies 'Missy Moo!'
JOHN: Yeah but you didn't come in here as Missy Moo, did ya?
JOSIE: No but when people switch on the TV .. they'll be like.. if they say 'Josie' .. they'll be like that's Missy Moo.. they wouldn't say that's Josie!
JOHN: But there's a difference, when they said 'BB chooses you' and Josie flashed up on the screen .. hers actually flashed up 'Scumscream!'
Shabby laughs that this is what she wants to be called, followed by a SC. John giggles 'Lobey won Kanobi' but then returns to riling up Rainbow as he wants her to explain what is wrong with the name Yvette. Josie checks that Sunshine wouldn't ever change her name that her parents gave her and Sunshine informs them that she wants to graduate under her professional name.
John points out that Sunshine is just a nickname but Sunshine retaliates that she wishes to be called by this nickname. She orders John to be quiet as she doesn't want to answer anymore of his silly questions!
JOHN: Right, Yvette it is then! (SC) You get Yvette until you explain to me (SC) Alright here's the deal... I'll call you Sunshine, if you call me 'Great One' (which she instantly gives the okay to)Done! Done! And everytime I hear John.. you get Yvette, that's the deal!
JOSIE: Oh my God you think you're The Rock!
Sunshine says she has no problem calling him this. They shake hands on it.
JOHN: Cos that's what I've decided to be called! (SC) You too Missy Moo! (SC)
YVETTE: Well, I call him The Great One now.
JOHN: Not 'The' .. just 'Great One!'
SUNSHINE: The Great One is really draining.
JOHN: Dad, used to say that 'You think you're The Rock.. you're more like the pebble!' How rude!
Govan banters in the background calling Josie a heifer so Josie keeps chanting 'you what, you what?' He then calls her camel something..
JOSIE: Picking on me again.. I can't believe you sometimes!
John is reconsidering what he wants Sunshine to call him as he thinks there has to be something better. He wants to think of a good one but Sunshine says that they shook hands on it.
JOHN: Oh, I can change it! You can call me.... Chills! (Sunshine confirms this) Chills! (SC) I didn't ask you why you changed your name.. you agreed to be called Scumscreen! Chills.. C-H-I-L-L-S.. chills! And remember that, Yvette.. Chills.. (they go to re-shake on it)
SUNSHINE: (Stops in her tracks) No.. remember that, who?
JOHN: Scumscreen.. um .. Sunshine! Chills... right you gotta remember that, CHILLS! So whenever you look at me.. (Sunshine automatically calls him John then corrects herself to Chills) Chills.. that's right! Yvette..
YVETTE: Shut up!
JOHN: Alright. Hee hee! I like this game. What do you wanna be called Davo? Pick a name! (Dave picks Beloved) Beloved? He wants to be called 'Beloved' What about you Mars, what do you wanna be called? (Mars says Nicholas Bolas) He wants to be called Nicolas Bolas .. are you noting these down? (giggles) Steve wants to be called 'Big Daddy Cool'
Sunshine asks to borrow Steve's crutch for a second so she can smack John around the head with it.
STEVE: In that case, no.. cos it would be classed as an offensive weapon! And I'd have gave it ya so I'd have conducted the ceremony.. I may as well have just hit him myself with it! (Long SC)
Sunshine asks John to please request her wish. John snorts and rubs his eyes at having to respect someone's real name! End of clippage :)
Next clip is where John triiiiiiies to have a cold shower but is irked by the cameras turning around to zoom in on his bod! Soundcut as he scrubs gel on his face, John and Josie laugh. He giggles then groans after another SC.
JOSIE: (Trying not to stare while she sits as spectator to the shower show!) Are you losing your six pack yet, John? (John doesn't know) Is it going?
JOHN: I don't know.. I don't even care at this point!
Josie has a gander.. only to form an objective opinion, mind ;)
JOHN: Ah man, that is so cold! That is like ice hitting your face! (winces wimpishly) I can't do it.. I only wanted to wash my face!
GOVAN: So basically that was a wasted exercise!
JOSIE: Jonathan James!!
JOHN: I'm going to give a bit of a cheeky.. (chuckles) just a cheeky under arm wash! (long SC) You're like this 'stopppppp it!' You didn't stop though, did ya? You didn't stop.. (SC)
JOSIE: It's not about leaving s..(SC)
Josie sucks her thumb and Govan gets up to turn his back on John in the shower. John throws in the towel unable to handle the arctic temperature of the water any longer!
JOHN: That's it.. I can't do it! That's me over! I've retired.. I'm defeated.. (SC as he tries to warm himself up) I don't now how you did it, Jose!
GOVAN: (Drops her in it) She didn't!
JOSIE: (Laughs) No! (she giggles gregariously, followed by a SC)
JOHN: It's like drinking them slushies but having 'em tipped on ya!
JOSIE: But I could do that easily cos I used to wash with the hosepipe as a child.
JOHN: Well come on then, Mrs Moo! Get in here!! (she makes a grab for his towel) No, don't .. don't! Do NOT put that on me! (SC as Josie reaches for the shower head with Govan's help holding John hostage. She squirts him and he screams then he returns the favour and she screeches too) Turn it off!
Josie tries to close John inside with the water on and appeals to Govan to let her out. John squeals again and squeezes past his squeeze-to-be (and thus triggering squees alllllll around the globe!) Then she demands that Govan go to switch that one off now as 'it's only fair!' John wraps his towel around him like a superhero cape before cuddling into it. Soundcut before John calls Josie a 'cheeky mare!' and then another dip in sound. John has a sniff under an arm pit.
JOHN: How do they get in those ice baths?!
JOSIE: I know! (SC before Josie launches into her 'The Rock' impersonation) I don't care what your name is!! (John must have corrected her in SC) Do you know what.. that's my pet hate when people correct me! I hate it!
JOHN: Aw.. don't say the wrong thing then!
JOHN: (Struts off smugly into the toilet) AH! What did you do in here, Govan?
Josie asks Govan if he saw the bit in the Inbetweens where a character was in the toilet and another is woah-ing and trying to swat away the stench. Abrupt end to clip.
In the garden, Dave decides to confide in Johnno that he's found the last couple of days tough and is not enjoying himself.
JOHN: I don't find it that tough, really.. I could do it for the whole 90 days easily! I bitch and I moan but I could do it easily..
Dave attributes this to John not having anything on the outside that he really misses (i.e his family) which John agrees with. Dave doesn't want to sit there moaning about missing his missus and kids because he knew he would when he signed up for the show. John just never thinks about the 90 days because 'I never.. I won't last that long! All's I'm doing is.. I have to put up with this for maybe a..'
DAVE: Couple of weeks?
JOHN: Max, yeah. That's what I'm thinking! I've got a couple of weeks left.
Mario loves his optimistic view. After a SC, John realises he might be surprised and stay for the 90 days which he thinks he could handle (SC)
JOHN: This week ain't the big week. Next week is the big week! Not with you causing ruckuses! (John walks away)
The live E4 afternoon feed starts with Corin doing her lippy and John sunning on a deckchair crunching his toast!
JOHN: What an odd day!
Isn't it? Really, when you think about it? (Sunshine asks what the time is) Who caaares?
(Giggles) I don't even care anymore!
John is astonished when Corin pulls their leg that it is 4 o'clock.
JOHN: WHAT? Noooo!! I've only just had
breakfast! What time did they wake us up? What time do you reckon we got up? (HM's are reminded to wear their mics at all times)
Corin carries on fibbing that it wasn't until 1.20pm.
JOHN: Why did they let us sleep so much? I knew it was later
because when I woke up..
Sunshine spoils Corin's fun and lets him
know Corin is making it up as they were woken at 9am!
JOHN: So it's not 4 o'clock? (Corin just cackles) .. B*tch!!
SUNSHINE: John get angry at her, like you get angry at me!
CORIN: He don't get angry at me! (John mumbles that he doesn't) Do you, John?
JOHN: (Shakes his head) No, I don't. It's cos..
SUNSHINE: Have you got a soft spot for Corin?
JOHN: Yeah, she's nice!! (Pulls silly faces when BB announces for Sunshine to check her mic is switched on) Yeah cos she's nice and doesn't dance like a FOOL!!
CORIN: Awwww! (SC as Sunshine looks wounded while laying on the grass)
Quick glimpse of Govan and then back to the garden where Jose has an announcement -
JOSIE: I was just heaving like a pig in there! (Smell in garden toilet?)
JOHN: (Disgruntled) Whooo.. NUH! I'm not having that!!
Corin compliments Josie on her hair.
JOSIE: (Surprised) My hair?!! (SC -Her hair is piled high in a messy bun and looks hawwwwt as she takes out the trash)
Josie had been cleaning the garden toilet and just has the floor left to do "It smells nice in there now! I might have a little go at the bedroom in a minute" as she's finding it hard to sleep with the smell.
JOHN: You're not really that worried about going are you, Benny? You talk a lot about it, don't you, really .. For someone who's not that worried about going or not.
BEN: It's something to talk about.
JOHN: What are you interested in?
BEN: I'm interested in the psychology of .. Why people .. What people think before they do this and what the outcome of it is.. Do you know what I mean?
JOHN: (Has a head scratch) There IS no outcome ..
BEN: No, no .. But what both Dave and I were saying to each other is .. we thought wrongly because we're both fairly strong characters and stuff.. is that the whole psychology of things wouldn't really effect us, that we'd be ok. But we were both admitting that we were finding it really difficult.
The psychology side of BB isn't necessarily the issue for Dave.
JOHN: Nuh, I was gonna say..
DAVE: The issue is the boredom and being away from my family ..I can handle all this other stuff, no problem at all.
JOHN: Yeah, I think that's what's affecting you. (To Ben) You're a different story .. you're not the same as him. He's (Dave) suffering because of the boredom and that, you're suffering because of the psychology and what's happening around with the people.. You're suffering with peoples reactions massively! You're not dealing with the way people react to certain situations, you're not adapting to the whole group, you're not adapting to the way people get in the way, you're not adapting to the sleep, you're not adapting to the way people talk at night, you're not adapting to certain peoples sense of humour, you're not adapting to a lot of peoples personalities.. I don't think he's not adapting to that, you're just not adapting to the surroundings, to the actual house..
DAVE: The confinement and stuff..
JOHN: Yeah..
Dave says he's never bored at home and is always out shooting or fishing. Ben agrees with some of John's general assessment but thinks he's doing pretty well regarding the sleeping "Of course it's not nice when people talk late at night but I never really try and stop people" (IS THAT SOOOO?) Ben thinks in that area, he's adapted to that pretty well considering he's used to doing his own thing. Where Ben thinks John is more right is about reactions "I wouldn't get upset and offended by some of the things that other people do and that's where I've got it wrong!" (SC)
To me, it isn't nice when the characters of John and Josie are torn apart.. I try not to look in such places where I know these opinions will prevail as I'll only get angry!!! But then I also give myself a mental kicking because I never try and 'stop' anyone by offering an alternative point of view. Probably due to fear that my opinions will be ridiculed or rubbished..
I guess maybe all it boils down to is that I get upset and offended by some of the things that I see said about them.. and those saying these (what I sometimes consider VILE things) things are offended by the actions of those they speak unkindly of. And I don't doubt my views offend people too.. in particular quarters!
BEN: It upsets me that other people are upset about things that I wouldn't be upset over.
Ben isn't particularly bothered that they have to go without better food this week although grants that it won't be as nice. His general philosophy on life is 'if it's there it's there.. if it's not, it's not!' Ben just doesn't understand John's desire for complete equality within the house. Ben believes that sometimes everyone gets there biscuit.. sometimes they don't.. cos that's just the way the cookie crumbles!!
John does get what Ben is saying but points out 'that where people are arguing is .. The fact that it's.. everyone's got.. you've got the least consideration in the house .. so therefore, fair enough it evens itself out, I get what you're saying there but if .. You were to get away with the things that you wanted to get away with.. it would never even itself out - unless you got evicted and I was in here til the end of the programme ..
BEN: How do you mean?
JOHN: Well, because you would have got everything! You would have got the onions, you would have got the extra egg, you would have got the extra towel, you would have got the extra milk, you would've got um Ife's toast.. Like the list goes on. So you would have got all those things that NO ONE has done yet!
Ben accepts that but says that people do have extra portions after dinner.
JOHN: I would agree with that. But that's given out fairly, that's not taken on the sly! That's asked by the person who's cooked the food has said 'do you want anymore?' So whoever puts up their hand first.. Do you know what I'm saying? That's a generalised group.. that's completely different to taking something when the group wasn't aware of it.
BEN: (Shrugs) Fair enough.
JOHN: (Squints while chewing his cheek) You disagree?
BEN: I understand what you're saying but I disagree with your analysis .. but I understand what you're saying..
JOHN: (Munches more toast) The only reason it looked bad .. If it just had've been the egg or JUST had've been the towel or just had've been the onions.. Like Dave, Dave took the onions as well but no one gives him crap for what they give you crap for.. Because it only happened ONCE!
Dave murmurs that he hadn't known he wasn't supposed to but John hasn't finished his spiel.
JOHN:But you keep appearing, appearing, appearing, appearing, appearing! Like you took the garlic bread before anyone even saw what was on the plates. You were very.. you were onto everything first so therefore of course your name is gonna keep firing forward because it's always you! If it is was just 1 instance then people wouldn't even pay any.. They'd say in credit to Ben he hasn't done anything wrong. All he's done is asked for an extra egg, he hasn't done anything else! But because you had constantly been taking things and constantly been given extra things - the extra egg was just the icing on the cake..
Ben sees that.
JOHN: But you said you're not used to an environment wheeere .. If you want it you take it - that's pretty much what you're saying, in a respect, isn't it?
BEN: (Nods) Within reason.
JOHN: Alls I'm saying is.. And in a perfect world I would totally agree with ya, if you want something, you should take it ..BUT (swallows) then you've gotta argue when does it stop? Cos like you said Steve is probably 1 of the biggest eaters and I'm sure you are too (Dave) I can eat .. (SC) but where does it stop? If you don't make everything even, where does it stop? If Steve wanted to eat what he really wanted to eat - everything would be gone! Steve could just sit there like you and say 'it was there! So, good luck to me!' I took a chance and good luck.. so.. but no one's got any food then! But you have to have a certain level of re..and that's where people are getting cut because they feel as though you haven't got a certain level of respect for them, by taking a smaller amount of food in order to share it around evenly, so the whole thing about respect comes into it (SC) so I .. But you get angry because I laugh .. but I do think it's genuinely funny! (SC) but that's the way you were brought up and that's your way of thinking so there's nothing wrong with that. But the problem is when like .. no ones got any food instead of just arguing with 1 person you're gonna be fighting against the whole group, do you know what I mean?.. Cos it's not just 1 person missing out it's the whole group.
Ben understands John's point but illustrates his own - when the group were hungry last night and had toast and food he didn't take any as he couldn't eat anything. TBC..
loved it cheeky - is'nt john a big wuss lmao
ReplyDeleteben is still not getting that he's a greedy sod
Lol,not sure Ben is someone i want to share a room with,he literally doesn't think of anyone but himself!
ReplyDeleteLol at the pebbles part:D
Poor Sunshine:p