Saturday, 26 May 2012

Live feed Day 16 P2

Garden greed grumbling goes on...

JOHN: See if I'd have had your attitude, I would have just gone in there and not even told you's that there was any food! But I didn't, did I? As soon as I found out there was food I came out and said 'hey guys there's food!' But if I had've done it your way and took a chance and said good luck to me and took some food and I could've just had 4 people sitting in the hut without any food and I would have got extra, wouldn't I? If I had looked at it your way.

Ben gets his point but is simply making HIS point that he didn't have any food last night as he wasn't hungry. He argues that if he doesn't have an egg for 3 days, then has 2 in the same day 'what's the problem?'

JOHN: AGREED but in a society like this, you've got to have certain..

DAVE: You're not guaranteed an egg everyday, that's the thing!
JOHN: That's the thing. You've got to.. basically.. People eat in here .. I'm not.. eat at times that I'm happy with. I eat just before I go to bed, normally at home. But because I'm not cooking and I've gotta (SC) cos if you don't, then you don't eat at all so I wasn't (SC) I wasn't hungry at that time either but I ate because I knew that if I didn't might not eat for another .. do you know what I mean? You might not eat for another whole day! So I wasn't necessarily hungry either.. Pretty much just forced it down your throat.. because you don't know when you're gonna eat again! (shrugs) So, may as well.. to save any arguments and to save any fuss, you may as well eat at the same time everybody else does. That's it.

But Ben isn't hungry now so there's no point forcing himself. John deems 'now' a bit of different situation as Nathan isn't cooking for them (he is poorly) so 'it's pretty much there for whenever you wanna grab it. So different situation!' Silence descends as Ben chews over John's words and John chews his toast. 
Shabby rests her head on Josie's lap as she' berates herself 'my legs are getting fatter by the day! So chunky! They've got to go!' :( Shabby can smell her face mask on Josie's knee?!!

JOSIE: I need to get running again in the gym. I got into the gym but lost it again..

Back to John and his boys, he is under the impression that 2 HM's have normally left by now (in past BB's) and he and Sunshine discuss how HM's have even had to nominate on their first night before. 

In the kitchen, Ife is giving Steve a neck and shoulder massage. While Mario stirs the chickpeas while talking about how the UK was '3 weeks away from total starvation' during a World War. They didn't see fruit or sweets for years and were very lucky to have oxo cube soup which was considered a luxury! Mario is bemused that the HM's think  they have it tough there on basic rations. 

Ife mimics and mocks Mario's one-liner 'look at it as a magical adventure' as it is something she really hates him saying. He made it up one day, under the false illusion that it was 'the catchphrase to end all catchphrases!' While Ife likens it to something you read on the back of a cereal box!!! :P My sentiments PREsactly, Ifiooooo! Mario hopes everyone in the country is going around using it.. UH YEAH RIGHT!!!!
 Back to the chit chat in the garden, Dave asks how a new HM might turn up -

JOHN: They can come in any way, shape or form! We could be doing a task.. and we complete the task and they can bounce out of the treasure chest, they can come through the mole door, they can come through any door! They can just rock up in the bath room!

Ben puts forward that BB won't put any HM's in during an eviction.. John is insistent they won't (despite having done so several times!) but then changes his mind that 'they might.. but I doubt it.' Ben had been under the impression that Davina would make an announcement. Sunshine says this was done with the Golden Ticket thing but John rubbishes this as 'a bit of a fail, wasn't it?' John doubts it'll happen again but thinks there's no point continuing the conversation as they'll get in trouble. 

JOHN: They'll probably wait until 3 or 4 people have left before they bring in any new people. 

Dave directs that they need a new attractive female but Sunshine opts for a man. John agrees they need a new female (SC)
JOHN: .. Corin and she's got a girlfriend (her being the only attractive female? He looks deflated!)  Corin and she's got a girlfriend (Laughs and leans back to stretch on his deck chair) only joking, Sunshine! (SC Sunshine sulks that she won't share her crisps with John again) You just sat there and told me that there were no attractive men.

SUNSHINE: There aren't. Not that I can see!

JOHN: Oh sure there's not (!)Aah! (Sunshine lists the males) Stevo!! (laughs)

Cuts to Caoimhe caressing Shabby with Josie laying on the grass. 

JOSIE: Do you want me to get that big, long one? (tweeze a hair on Shabby's toe)

SHABBY: (Permits her to go for it) Do you want me to get the bogie out of your nose?
JOSIE: (Chuckles) Why? Is it still hanging out? 

Caoimhe co-erces her to stick the bogie on the grass before Josie checks 'do I have any more?' She sneezes with such ferocity it sounds like a seal being slaughtered! Caoimhe craving a spot squeezing sesh confirms with Jose whether or not she has any (as the resident spot squeezer who actually seems to like it!) Josie says she gets really spotty when she has baths but not showers

SHABBY: Well don't worry we won't be having baths for a while' (without the hot water) 

Caoimhe comments on Shabby's skinny wrists. Josie demonstrates how her wrists have been effected since she broke one doing a combat roll! They now don't bend all the way round. Shabby observes 'are your hands usually that shaky?' One of Josie's hands tends to be but not the other. 
Shabby scoops and scoffs a fistful of chickpeas in the kitchen.

SHABBY: (looks directly into a camera) We LOVE chickpeas! So if you think you're punishing us - you're not! (she then sprinkles salt vigorously all over to season the-peas-not-made-from-chicks-so-really-they-shouldn't-be-called-chickpeas-then!)

She returns to the garden where Scumshine wants to know if they are ready. 

DAVE: Are they bland, or bland??

SHABBY: They're salty!!!

Sunshine says this is good enough for her but Shabs wants her to try them and make sure they're done. Davo thinks 'that ginger girl would stir it up!'

JOHN: Yeah! Send her in!! (while Mario worries they'll have to eat this for all meals)
JOHN: (to Sunshine) You should grab your own bowl.. their down there! (laughs)  Get your own bowl after Mario's.. (SC) 

DAVE: I love you Sunshine!

JOHN: I don't! You get everything, don't ya?

DAVE: You've got a strange way of chatting women up!! (John laughs nervously)

JOHN: You whinge about pizza, you get your chip sandwiches!!

Dave demands that she go in there and whinge and cry for them.

JOHN: (Imitates Sunshine in a squeaky sooky voice) You're gonna make a special  Vegan pizza! (Sunshine throws a chickpea at him) Stop throwin' 'em in my hood! (gobbles it down) Idiot!
John continues to taunt Sunshine in the same shrill tones 'Nathan, I can't eat what everyone else is eating because I choose to be something different.. so you have to make me a separate meal.. after you're slaving away in the kitchen! I'll make you make a separate meal just for me because I can't cook to save my.. satisfy my criteria of eating!' 

SHOCKER - Sunshine can cook!!! John retaliates 'then why don't ya?' She turns to Mario seeking support about the meal she made yesterday.

JOHN: What did you make? Chip sandwiches?? (knocking back the chickpeas like popcorn)

Dave deliberates whether this has come about, because of the way they ripped Sunshine the last couple of days, for being Vegan. John thinks BB knowing Sunshine was a Vegan  was a massive part of why they deliberately put her in the house. 

JOHN: (Stands to brush off any remants of chickpea cannonballs from his clothes) They knew it would cause um.. conflict and annoy certain people! And it was something to talk about.

Sunshine smarts that they'll get out and find out she's not a Vegan but had thought it was funny! John thinks they were very smart putting her in 'to a certain extent!' 
Sparkles maintains they didn't know she was a Vegan until someway into the audition process. John reckons that might have confirmed it (her being chosen) but Mario placates her that it was more to do with her personality, why she was picked 'and the Vegan was just the icing on the cake!' Sunshine feels snubbed that someone had said she had a bad personality. 

JOHN: I didn't say you had a bad personality! And just because you have a bad personality that doesn't.. (SC) that doesn't mean you're necessarily good for the show, now does it? (SC)

Mario thinks their personalities would have been very closely looked at 'to see who would clash with who.. who would gel with who..'

Did the producers cotton on that John and Josie would have gelled? Or were they hopeful that they would clash constantly? It's probable that they had detected from their characters that there could be a hell of a humdinger(s) between them! And weren't there just?? :D

JOHN: They knew you were the sort of person that would hide chips!! (she lobs another lentil at him) They knew that you were the sort of person that would throw a ball at someone, hit em on the head.. and when they throw it back, moan more than what the person you originally threw it at!
MARIO: And just attack innocent people like me!!

JOHN: They knew you were a a whinger in other words!! They knew that you were the sort of person, that would wait.. 

SUNSHINE: (guffaws) You can't ever shut up, can you John? (She knows what he's trying to do - wind her up!) But it's not 1 comment and I'll see if I can wind her up .. It's comment, comment, comment, comment UNTIL you DO wind me up!!

JOHN: You are the sort of person who when we grab a bowl, so we can eat, you have to go and grab your own separate bowl so that you can just eat your own chickpeas in your own (SC) Hey, hey? Why d'you have to grab your own bowl? Why did you have to hide the chips like they were yours? Why do you have to ask for a separate pizza that hasn't been invented yet? ..That is the question I'm asking..

SUNSHINE: (Whacks him on the arm) SHUT UP, JOHN! Shut up!! (John chuckles as cheekily as a chimp, chuffed to have succeeded in winding her up. SC)
JOHN: DON'T!! (Sunshine irritating him in some way) This is what you do! They must have known you had this sort of personality. I can't see that being normal on the outside! You pegged a ball at me, from point blank 5 times, FIVE times, you hit.. THEN you hit me, then I threw it back once and you went round and told the whole house that I hit you once after you threw it at me point blank 5 times! And then you just put a CHICKPEA DOWN MY SOCK and said 'don't throw it at me me!!'

SUNSHINE: You can throw a clean 1 at me but I don't want 1 that's been in your foot!

JOHN: But who put it in my foot?!

MARIO: Love makes you do crazy things, doesn't it? (John laughs anxiously)

OH #WEKNOW that!!!(only John didn't love Snowstorm!);) Seen it, heard it, got the hoody! The loss of love also makes you behave barmily... hence the indirect tweets, rebound relationships, continual digs in magazines and threatening warning youtubes! 

STEVE: I'll sit on my own in the lounge I think, have a little kip!
John thought they would ring the bell. Mario reminds them BB are only allowing Nathan to sleep as he is unwell. Sunshine tries to weasel round John 'I'm being sweet and kind to you.'

JOHN: Don't suck up to me, vegan!! (Giggles gleefully) Go in there and whinge for something, Sunshine.. Come on. They give YOU what you want. Go in there and ask for some chip sandwiches! Say that they've (chickpeas) got some  sort of.. or form of animal in 'em and you can't eat em or somethin'!! Tell 'em that you're not into eating plants any more cos they're a living creature! They might give you chips and bread!! (SC and a small silence)

JOHN: You polished off that whole bowl by yourself! THE WHOLE BOWL!!  You got a bowl for yourself, we shared it between 4 people.. and you polished it off! (Sunshine suddenly has a desire to share) You've already finished now! No, no! Don't back pedal! You took that whole bowl and ate it by yourself!

In the bathroom, the camera closes in on Corin cleansing her cuticles and chinwagging with Ife in the bathroom.. over whether tomato ketchup counts as food! Ife explains she gave BB an earful earlier and likes to have a moan every now and then.  

IFE: I like the comfort of living in my own misery.

And although the thought worries and saddens me very much.. I think John also finds a sense of comfort in his misery. He doesn't go out and party to release .. he'd sooner stay at home in his room, with a carton of ribena while playing FIFA. On the other hand, I think Josie has phases where she feels sorry for herself but she tries to suppress that and go out raving so that she doesn't have to think those thoughts.. We all have different outlets and coping mechanisms, I guess we know which work most effectively for ourselves and which do not.. 

I just reeeeeeeeeeeeally don't want John becoming ultra-reclusive again like pre-BB.. perhaps returning to England will be just what he needs to give him more zest for life :) 
The camera switch back to the garden -

JOHN: I thought as much. Poor Josie.. wanted some chickpeas! (ever concerned about his Josie Jo!) While Sunshine's just munching on her own bowl!

SUNSHINE: I did offer them!

JOHN: No, no!

MARIO: When we sleep at night, I can hear John going (creepily whispers) 'Sunshine! Sunshine!' I have to say shut up!

SUNSHINE: Doesn't surprise me!

JOHN: (plays along) I have to get you back but you keep going 'Benjy! Benjy!!' (Sunshine again uses the chickpeas as weapons of mass destruction) Hey! That's it! Why don't you waste em as well?? People that aren't eating them .. You should throw them and really rub salt in the wound (!) That's what you should do (!) You idddiot! People are starving, whinging about having no food and you're throwing 'em! (SC)
Sunshine loves chickpeas with salt 'that's all I ate when I was in Morocco.'

JOHN: You woffed them down like they were going out of fashion, so that doesn't surprise me!

SUNSHINE: I'm bigger than other people so I deserve more food. (lays down)

JOHN: You deserve less! (SC) come in here, prancing your beliefs and not willing to do nothin' for it!!

Shabby has mashed up her chickpeas on toast and extends her bowl to Josie to try some. Josie enthuses 'that is lovely! Mm! Really nice!' Josie asks Shabby if she's done a 'doubler check'  if BB has left them any olive oil; they wish they could make houmous (like my Nimzy loooooves!!) as 'houmous on dry toast - (is) beautiful' according to our Jose. 

Shabby suffers from salt burn (which Josie hates) and runs inside for water, squealing. 

JOSIE: So I just sit here thinking, are they totally never gonna let me in here forever orrrr.. (Caoimhe claims she'll definitely be allowed in now) D'you reckon?

Shabby demands to know where. Josie fills her in that before she came on BB she was chucked out of 3 bars/clubs. (Ad break)
JOHN: .. Conditions like this - no task, no food!

STEVE: I don't think the hot water's an issue at all.

JOHN: You don't? I had a shower (SC) (Sunshine poses un-sexily in the mirror in her skimpy shorts and shades) You get better food in prison. Hey Govan! What did you put in that? 

Govan had put chickpeas in it and mushed them up, which causes John to shudder. (After suggestions of how to make the food taste more tasty!!)

Ife is enjoying a dip in the spa as it is warmer than swimming pools. Shabby rolls up her trousers to dunk her legs in the water but worries that she is going to die from lack of caffiene!

The camera shows a shot of Jose and Gov are laying down on the big cushions chatting on the grass. But then follows Shabby into the bathroom, where Corin is STILL painting her fingernails! Shabby scrubs her teethypegs.

Ife proceeds to wash in the pool using a scrub and shower gel - to clean herself.
JOSIE: You've never been to a festival, have you? (SC)

JOHN: (Calls over from the comfort of his deckchair)It's NUFFFFIN!! Nuffin'!!

JOSIE: People who go to Glastonbury don't wash for a week sometimes. (SC) It's only a bit of soap and water!

GOVAN: Look, love.. bacterial infection is not my bag!

Ben asks John if he hopped over the garden wall would he be able to climb down the other side. John is confident he could and would love to do that for a bit of entertainment! He knows there isn't anything up there, just the studio (as they had seen over the wall when they had their dinner in the sky) Caoimhe and Shabby are let in the Diary room. 

JOHN: If I wanted out and he wouldn't let me out, I'd jump the fence.. yeah.. Cos they don't let you out straight away. (SC) 

Ben asks where John would climb up from. 
JOHN: Straight up. I'd go up.. put my hand.. put 1 foot on the camera, go up over.. on the merry go round and hop over the fence (SC) If you whinged enough in the Diary Room they would let you out. The only reason they take so long is because they really want you to think about your decision. They don't want you to make a rash decision! (SC Josie calls something to him) I wasn't yelling AT her!! 

Sunshine thought he was yelling at Rachael in the bedroom on the very first conversation he had with her. John explains it was the third one, in the bedroom on their own and she walked over to her bed while he was on his bed. 

JOHN: So they're opposites.. so I was yelling so that she could hear what I was saying.. I wasn't yelling at her!  but he explains that they were on opposite beds so he yelled so she could hear him speak)

SUNSHINE: You've been yelling since you got in. You're pretty much yelling now!

JOHN: Yeah, I am a loud talker though. Mum always says I talk too loud on the phone. (Closes his eyes and rests head on side of deckchair) I really yell on the phone.. 

Sunshine was tested for her hearing as her parents were worried she was deaf, since she spoke so loudly!

JOSIE: I've never met anyone that could talk so much.

SUNSHINE: As me or him?

JOSIE: Him! (John tries to conceal a tender smile)

JOHN: Huh?

JOSIE: I thought *I* could talk! But he can TALKKK!

JOHN: I've been pretty quiet, I think.

SUNSHINE: Josie , you've missed it right. Basically he's sat here and he's wound me up - comment, comment, comment, comment, not just 1 comment to see if I react.. Just enough comments until I react.
JOSIE: How long did you go out with your girlfriend for, John?

JOHN: Nearly 2 years.

JOSIE: (Half-laughing) How did someone put up with you for nearly 2 ..

JOHN: Well because she wasn't a vegan and then fed her dog food horses! (Corrects himself)Her dog, horses...

SUNSHINE: So she didn't do anything that annoyed you? Cos pretty much ANYTHING annoys you!

JOHN: She didn't claim that she was a vegan and then feed her pet dog, horses! (Josie: 'oh right!' SC)

Sunshine wants the best for her dogs so she feeds them expensive dog food that she finds in a supermarket. Govan incriminates her as 'horses have been slaughtered to provide' that expensive dog food! Sunshine persists that they need to stop bullying her (for their discrimination against vegans), while the screen shows the scary clown face .. suggesting this is what Sunshine is? :D
JOHN: (Turns his attention back to Josie's question) No, she was a pretty good girlfriend. No I never had any.. Never had any rows with her at all. (Steve asks if she just took him to McDonalds but he ignores this)

See I cannot imagine this to be the case, unless he just didn't care enough about her and she about him.. or they didn't see all that much of one another! It makes me think they just did their own things, went to work, chilled with their own friends and then came together for sex and not much else. It doesn't sound that his feelings for her were very deep, just that she was around and she was a nice girl so they got together.. 

A relationship needs to have more substance than just sex for it to be truly meaningful.. but I think he lasted longer with his ex-girlfriend because it was easier and they knew they weren't destined to be together forever - he never loved her the way he loved Josie. So BECAUSE he not only DID care about what Josie said/did/felt etc and LOVED her (in spite of all her flaws) they did have these arguments because of their PASSION and depth of emotions for each other.

JOSIE: Didn't you? (John shakes his head)

SUNSHINE: But you can't start a row with a girlfriend because of the dog food they feed their dog!
JOHN: Nuh but I start a row over a lot of things!! (Laughs at himself)

JOSIE: Did you try and have a row with her but she was just too laid back about things?

JOHN: Umm.. I never TRRRY and have a row with anyone. I never go out of my way (Josie giggles) No really, I don't.

SUNSHINE: Do you agree with that, Josie?


JOHN: I don't! I don't go out of my way.. Ah (SC)

I think lots of rows began out of the smallest, most petty things and were just blown up because of the stresses they were under.. magnified because their whole lives had changed within weeks and missing their loved ones. So many nitty gritty things under their nails could have been the catalyst for an explosive row. 
I don't think they ever TRIED to row or went out of their way to hurt or upset their partner.. but their extreme personalities and all the other obstacles they were facing in their strange, new world meant that they only really had each other .. to vent to, comfort each other and to take things out on :( They needed a freakin' Diary room!!!!!

GOVAN: She harrasses him!

SUNSHINE: What do I do? I just take it.

JOHN: I don't. I don't wake up in the morning and think might have a bit of a row, like sex. I don't think like that ..


JOHN: Um.. I'm honestly not sure why.(He didn't even know himself!!!! She didn't excite him, inspire him, challenge him, make him want to be a better person or crazy with love that he couldn't bear to be apart from her for more than a minute!) Maybe because she was just really, really nice, maybe.. (Turns to face the other direction)

JOSIE: You've let a good one go there, John!
JOHN: Pardon?

JOSIE: You've let a good one go.

JOHN: I don't mind if I'm alone.. (Josie sticks her thumb up at him) Seriously! Is there a rule that says that you have to have a partner?

I think John has tried to program this into his head.. but when it comes down to it and he finds himself alone (not with a girl) he DOES mind! Well.. at least he did after he and Josie broke up.. soooooooooo much that he jumped into a rebound relationship to try and console himself from not being with Josie. Sherrie was a substitute for Josie.. he couldn't have his Jose.. so he settled for someone who could give him sex when Josie couldn't (being broken up and living on a different continent and all!) 

I don't believe he needs a partner to make him happy .. but sought companionship and solace in the first pretty girl to come along and show an interest in him.. in order to help nurse his broken heart.. although I don't know that it actually helped his heal.. or if it made it hurt a hell of a lot more. Either way, it crushed Josie :(
JOSIE: No, not at all. I like being on my own.

Josie too probably tried to convince herself this was a true statement in her life. And she maybe liked being single because she knew that a man couldn't devastate her if she wasn't in a relationship! But she definitely couldn't cope after she and John split.. the way she dealt with it was to go out in large groups and to drown her sorrows.. so that she didn't have to confront those heartaches until she returned alone to their John-less apartment :( 

STEVE: You should have as many partners as you possibly can. (John stifles a laugh)

JOSIE: But then again I've got a lot of mates.

She surrounds herself with friends who will go out with her and take her mind off whatever is upsetting her.. and spend all night making her pee herself laughing!

JOHN: Yeah! I've got a lot of mates too!

John holed himself up in his room, calls his mates over, so he can whoop their asses at Fifa to stop him thinking about Josie every single second..
GOVAN: (Jests) Tell us another one (!) (John faux upset. Pouts bottom lip)

JOSIE + GOVAN: Blah, blah, blaaaah! (Sunshine throws her head back with laughter)

JOHN: Don't 'blah, blah, blah' me! I do! I don't care if you believe me. (tucks his head in, like a SEXY Turtle in his shell!) 

JOSIE: I never said I don't believe you..

SUNSHINE: I actually wonder if he considers us his friends cos then he might realise that..
JOSIE: All I hear is 'I don't care if you don't believe me!'

GOVAN: He says that at least 10 times a day 'I don't care, I don't care'..

JOHN: Cos you look at me like you don't wanna know! (Laughs) I'm not gonna sit here and try and prove something. Why would I need to?

GOVAN: You don't need to keep on saying it!

Now Corin is onto treating her toenails to a very meticulous lick of varnish! She must have spent at least 45 minutes in the bathroom exclusively on her nails!!!!!! 


  1. hes a right windup merchant is'nt he - i wonder if john has spent the last year useing i dont care as his mantra

  2. Omg........Imagine living with John and Sunshine under the same roof?They'll make me go insane!
