GOVAN: (mocking in John's accent) You took my Action man home and the dingoes ate it!
JOHN: I remember everything! Everyyyything! I've got the best m..(SC)
JOSIE: 'When I was 2, you stole my dummy!' I can imagine it! (this makes John chuckle heartily)
JOHN: (turns back to Sunshine) But yeah, everything you do.. you pick the hairs off my legs! (Govan continues to mimic John in the background)
Sunshine blames this on John's childish ner ner ner-ing.
JOHN: (Bored brainless) Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!!
SUNSHINE: (Turns all Valley girl teenager) Whatever! Talk to the elbow, cos it ain't worth the extension!! (she thinks she's funnier than Ben's headnods but John just pffffff's!)
JOHN: All I'm saying is you can't walk around with hair like that and sparkly crap ... and a name like Sunshine and not expect to cop it!
He and Stevo share a snigger at Sunbeam's expense! :D Sunshine sasses him back about something he can't change.
JOHN: That's right! But you can change the sparkly crap, your name and your hair! (he giggles - Sunshine protests she doesn't have any sparkles on today and she's not wearing any make up either)
SUNSHINE: Where's the sparkly stuff?
JOHN: What do you mean that sparkly crap? (She again reinforces that she doesn't have any on) Oh really, well what's that ring? You could blind me with.. (SC Steve chortles)
STEVE: You talk out of your bl**dy posterior, boy! You really do!
JOHN: (Interrupts) Hang on.. hang on a minute.. let's back up just a litttttle bit there! What does it say on my passport, Missy?
Sunshine presents that on one it says British but on the other it says Australian! John buzzes like Simon Cowell pushing the button on BGT!!!! ;) (SC and Sunshine looks to be 'singing!') My suspicion proves correct as John asks her 'what are you singing there?' She answers 'The Royal Anthem!'
JOHN: Really? Really? Has England got a National Anthem? (She tells him Britain does) Does England have a National Anthem? (*buzzes* again as Sunshine has to confirm with Steve) Uh, we're asking somebody else? No, you do not! No.. no it is not the National Anthem!
Sunshine snivels that this is what the footballers sing. Which John agrees 'it is! But you technically don't have one! Because the rugby players sing something different!' Sunshine spars that Jerusalem is a British song and John again re-iterates that the rugby players sing one song while the soccer players sing something different.
Sunshine smiles that she does claim to be Mrs British 'Mrs because you seem to think I'm married!! To you, probably!!' Oh Snowstorm, that would never be possibly even in Fantasia land :P
JOHN: Yeah, that's a big mistake, isn't it?
Sunshine requests that John sings the Australian National Anthem for them. John declines because he doesn't know 'that crap!' Just about make out Josie asking what they'd have as the colour scheme for their wedding. Sunshine replies 'grey to represent how I feel on that day!'
John turns his head to face Josie, for clarification purposes of what she had just asked. SC. John CAN imagine that Sunshine will wear something like *that* .. translation: butt ugly and ludicrous!
JOHN: You'll come out looking like Tinkerbell or somethin'! You would. You would be the sort of person..
She concedes that she honestly would think about wearing a Tinkerbell costume to her wedding. Which does NOT surprise him! Steve asks Johnny who he'd be. Sunshine wishes 'Peter Pan!'
JOHN: What? If I was .. married.. if I was coming to hers! I'd come as the Invisible man .. I'd just not show up! .. Imagine that! Ohhhh! (grimaces)
Sunshine asks if he's finished (tormenting her) he instructs her 'don't get angry!' which she replies that she's not.
SUNSHINE: (Saccarinely sarcastic) Nothing angry about my tone of voice, 'darling!' (John oooooh's)
She mentions that her dog eats well as her Dad feeds her dog, chicken and stuff all day.
Sunshine's father feeds her chihuahua chicken! She guarantees her dog is eating better than Steve. Whenever her dog stays with her Dad she gets really fat. John doesn't understand why she can't 'feed it veggies!' She did but it stopped eating so she had to give it what the dog would eat. Govan suggests she give it dog biscuits but she only gives her the best.
JOHN: But the best in your opinion isn't meat!!
JOSIE: (Pipes up) But in the dogs defence, it is a canine and they are meant to eat meat.
JOHN: And we're not? And we're not?
SUNSHINE: Josie, do you agree with me that my dog cannot make his own decision (SC) naturally eat.
Josie repeats that canines are supposed to. John says they (humans) are as well but they can live without it.
SUNSHINE: If we were supposed to, we would be able to eat it without dying. Not raw meat we can't! (Govan points out that the human race was able to before.. back in the BC times)
JOHN: We're carnivores! (SC)
GOVAN: That's what our wisdom teeth were probably for.
JOHN: Correct! (To Sunny) Do you agree with this?
Sunshine says she doesn't even know anyone with wisdom teeth that actually function correctly 'do yours?'
JOHN: I don't even know if I have wisdom teeth!
Remember his trip to the dentist when he had to cancel his PA??? :( Poor blokey!!
SUNSHINE: Open your mouth!
SUNSHINE: NO, I don't think I'M supposed to eat meat!!
JOHN: Ohh! Were you brought down by the Lord and he told you not to eat meat? Is that you, Joan of Arc?
GOVAN: No, that was Dave!
Sunshine doesn't wish to discuss it again as she's explained it so many times.
JOHN: (softens his tone as Sunshine's starting to hark up) No.. this is a different subject now. Do you believe that we're not supposed to eat meat?
Sunshine says she's made her own choice and everyone can make their own decisions.
JOHN: This is a yes or no - do you believe that humans are supposed to eat meat (gameshow style voice) yesss or nooo?
JOHN: (Interrupts) No, no, no!! Yes or NO!!
SUNSHINE: I don't run the human race. (Snoring cranks up a notch in the background but it ISN'T Stevo!)
JOHN: What's your belief? You've got your beliefs on being a vegan.
Sunshine expresses that her belief is for her as an individual 'not for the human race as a collective.'
JOHN: Well if you had to answer what would you say?
Sunny 'Delite' refuses to answer the question which just results in John cracking up!
JOHN: 'It's stupid' (!) How is it a stupid question? I'm just asking if it's.. what your opinion is. If you think humans are supposed to eat meat. I'm just asking for your opinion.
SUNSHINE: I'm sorry I wasn't listening. Must have been the tone of your voice.
JOHN: Ah! That's alright, I'll ask it again!!
SUNSHINE: My brain just naturally converted the sound waves into dust.
JOHN: That's fine. I'll ask it again. Do you believe the human race is supposed to eat meat? In your opinion, in your medical opinion! ..
Sunshine snaps 'that's just being stupid now!'
JOHN: (High-pitched) I'm being deadly serious!! I'm just asking..
Steve fake snores at the conversation. Sunshine says if someone was anaemic and came to her for give dietary advice, which would involve eating meat if they were not vegan or vegetarian. She keeps her beliefs completely separate to her medical practice and she thinks all doctors should. 'My beliefs don't effect my patients and they never will.'
John annoyingly repeats the question.
SUNSHINE: (Lifts up his legs, exasperated) Oh John, be quiet!! You're like a broken record! (SC as she steals one of his plimsolls. He signals for her to give it back)
JOHN: Give me my shoe back! (She refuses) Come on! Come on!!!
STEVE: You're such a bl**dy teaser, you are! Will you just take her in there, sort her out in the wardrobe.
JOHN: (Scoffs horrified) 'Sort her out?!!'
STEVE: Get it sorted! And out the way! Go and have a word with her in the wardrobe!
JOHN: Come on. Why do you make me get up? You know I'm gonna come over ..
Sunshine says he doesn't need his shoe on.
JOHN: Alright then! You know I'm gonna get up and you're gonna whinge! (Tickling her sides) And you're gonna go in there and tell everybody that you've got a red mark on your ribs where I poked it.
She's loving it as she writhes on the floor like a wiggly worm but her words contradict her actions as she tells him 'go away!'
JOHN: You don't need your sunglasses on now, do you? (Snatches them off her face)
SUNSHINE: (Moans) Yes I do!
JOHN: Why?
SUNSHINE: Cos there's sun in the sky!
JOHN: Ohh! (Places the shades on the grass beside him)
Shabby announces that BB reminded them in the diary room not to bathe in the pool (whoooopsy Ife!)
JOHN: Big Brother is reminded that he's an idiot and should turn on the hot water!! (Laughs)
BB is refusing to give them their coffee back and has offered some Nurofen as an alternative.
SHABBY: Even though our apology was very heartfelt. (SC as she goes back inside)
JOHN: We have certainly learnt our lesson .. Well I hope we have! (Sunshine sniggers) Something amusing?
JOHN: What's so amusing?
SUNSHINE: I just looked up and saw your face and it reminded me of ..
JOHN: Are you sure it wasn't your reflection?! (She's sure) I don't know why you're in a rut.. alls you have to do is go in the diary room and CRY! Say you didn't get a bit of cheese on something and I'm sure he'll fix you up!
Sunshine tells him to be quiet (in a Marge Simpson husky voice) and puts her hands over his face. He mimics her when she says to be careful as her sunnies are vintage 'ner, ner,ner!!'
SUNSHINE: Do you remember Steve when John first came in? And we all thought what a nice, young man this is!
STEVE: No, we never!
JOHN: Steve never thought that!
Sunshine asks what Steve would do if 1 of his daughters brought John home one day.
STEVE: I think I'd chuck him out of the house! (John's jaw drops)
SUNSHINE: Out the window, probably.
JOHN: Come on Stevo, don't be like that.
STEVE: No, I wouldn't. I'd entertain the young man for a while. (John and Steve giggle)
SUNSHINE: What if she said she was going to marry him? (Steve says it's up to them)
JOHN: Don't try and get Stevo on your side! Don't try and make out as if you were his daughter.
Sunshine says he is like her Dad, Big BOB. Steve thinks if this were ever the case he'd say 'fair enough!' although I'm sure all his daughters were farrrrrrr too young to marry John.
JOHN: Don't try and.. don't try and suck up now!! Have a listen to her! Thought the grass was greener on the other side now all of a sudden you're a floater! (Steve guffaws)
Sunshine starts to pose a question about a guy on Dancing with the Stars but is cut off to Caoimhe and Shabby. They have a little bicker in the kitchen about the water levels in the kettle. Caoimhe complains about her head and if BB aren't even going to give them a task today. Shabby would bet any money that they don't! That guess proved wrong as later they have the sticky science experiment. Where John is stuck to a wall with glue and Josie gets a surprise ;) and Ben is nearly murdered!!
Shabby spoon feeds something she has concocted and was slurping down. They inhale in the coffee aroma from the container that it used to be in, craving their caffeine fix! BB bounces back to the garden.
JOSIE: (sunbathing) I can't wait for those chickpeas.
For those of you who were curious, Corin has not changed her toe ring as Steve suspected(!!) But now he's mentioned it, she thinks she will :D
Josie is annoyed that the container Govan used to tip on her hair had milk in it.
JOHN: Uuuuuuuuuuuh! That's been in there for ages! It had lumps in it and stuff!'
Back in the kitchen, Caoimhe and Shabby want to put on good outfits if they're going to escape. They plan to put on outfits as if they are going to break out of the compound and then 'see if we've got the bottle to do it!' They raincheck because Caoimhe wants to snack on more chickpeas. And outside once more...
SUNSHINE: That's what happens when you have 2 cockerels and you shut them together and you come back and there's like a bloodbath with feathers everywhere! That's exactly what it would look like but with less feathers!
JOHN: Yeah, guess which 1 you would be!
JOSIE: My Mum yeah, has got 2 Jack Russells and they always got on really, really well and then 1 of em.. (Cuts back to kitchen)
Shabby says her Mum wasn't entirely sure whether she'd enjoy BB or not. They think BB was rude laughing at them when they gave a formal apology in the diary room (not sure what this was for) BB calls Caoimhe to the diary room. She worries that she's said something bad but hopes they'll have a cup of coffee waiting for her. Shabby roars 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!'
Gardenness -
Corin asks if Josie had some toast today and had she put salt and pepper on it. She had some of Govan's and doesn't know what he did but it was nice! :) (SC)
GOVAN: The first bite that she took she demolished half of the sandwich.. and then I put it down for a second as I had something in my hand and she ate it again! There's a word for people like you!
CORIN: She's done what Ben does. Only joking, Ben!
JOSIE: Ben the second! But if I had any chickpeas, I would have given you some, Govan..
SUNSHINE: Well Josie's slightly bigger than Govan so therefore she requires more food.
JOSIE: Yeah!
Camera cuts to Caoimhe out of Diary room happy to have been given pain killers but doesn't like paracetomol only nurofen. She can't fathom why they bother asking which tablets they want only to give them another type! Shabs believes they wouldn't give her any 'as I'm supposedly asthmatic.'
SHABBY: We might as well go to sleep, dude!
They are silent as they lay sleepily on the setees.
Scene swaps to John swiping at Sunshine's culinary skills in the sunshine :D
JOHN: That's no good is it? That's as good as punishing 'em!!
SUNSHINE: (Arms crossed across her stomach) When you've tasted my vegan cakes then you tell me that they taste bad.
JOHN: What can you put in them? (She says egg substitute which repulses John) Ewwwwww!! And what do you use as the icing? (Sunshine - icing sugar) Ewwwww! What sort of icing sugar? (she starts to explain that it is powdered which John chuckles at as he turns to Steve) I love how everything is powdered or a bean or (laughs lots) a leaf or somethin'!!
Sunshine questions what he thinks icing sugar is made of.
JOHN: No, I thought you were gonna say chocolate or something but obviously not.
SUNSHINE: Yeah cocoa, margarine and icing makes chocolate icing.
JOHN: Has margarine got anything in it?
Sunshine's doesn't as she uses Vitalite - a normal dairy free spread that can be bought at the supermarket. John scrunches his face up with laughter. She assures him he wouldn't know the difference as it tastes like normal margarine.
JOHN: Eurgh! So anyway, keep going. You bake cakes for them and you clean, yep.
SUNSHINE: And I buy them gifts and make them things.
JOHN: Ahh! You're one of thooooose girlfriends!! (giggles)
Sunshine continues to sell her admirable attributes at attracting a suitor. She always pays half, if they go for a meal she buys the wine and the guy gets the food. If they go to the cinema, he gets the tickets and she pays for the refreshments 'which cost significantly more than the tickets.. cos I get all the Ice Junkies and the popcorn. Oh, I get everything!'
JOHN: Vegan? (She nods, SC)
E4 live footage finishes but I will also blog about some of the live videos captured by the joyous James32 :)
HM's have been congregated at the sofas and ordered to 'sit properly' by a won't-take-no-nonsense BB. Nathan is entranced as the blonde Bristolian beauty passes him by to take a seat next to the awesome, but little bit angry Aussie.
JOSIE: Alright love? (John plays it cool and looks away though his heart is no doubt racing ten to the dozen)
JOHN: (Sings sweelty) It's Josie Josie! (has a small nose scratch) I'm alright, love. How are you? (SC as he sniffs her skin)
JOSIE: Do I smell? (she had just finished cleaning the bathroom)
JOHN: (Smiling) Nah. (Josie becomes paranoid and smells both her under arms) Like bleach! (sings again) And her name was Josie Jo! :)
John rests his head on Josie's shoulder while they await further announcements from BB. He closes his eyes, completely content .. Josie looks breathtakingly-beautiful which may be why John is finding it harder to breathe!
John guesses that whoever has gone to the Diary room has to dress up or something (because they have taken some time) Shabby supposes it could be Bad Boy TV.. but BB hadn't asked for a specific HM. John was correct about the dressing up part because the next thing we see on screen is Mario looking like a mad scientist (in the small task room)
Shabby races to collect the task instructions and smiles as she reads ahead.
JOHN: See ya, Mario! (then baby talks in a squee-fully sweet tone.. YES THAT'S RIGHT GUSSIECAT, I DID USE THE SINFUL OUTLAWED WORD.. AND WHAT??? :P) Hello.. hello my Jose. (chuckles) Hello Jose!
These little gems of gorgeousness make me want to shake their peanut and pumpkin-heads together SO harrrrrrrrrrrd!!!!!
Needing some more Josie body contact, John lays his head on her lap. Josie strokes his head softly :)
SUNSHINE: If I do it, can John not be on my team?
CAOIMHE: Would you not want John sticking you to a wall?? (John chortles)
SUNSHINE: I wouldn't mind if John was under a wall!!
IFE: (Innuendo-ises) And you were on top of the wall!
Sunshine means if the wall were to collapse on John. Ife doesn't believe that for one second!
STEVE: How much more of this angst of love can we take? Get in the wardrobe with John, for God's sake!!
John nestles closer into Josie's knee and parrot's Steve's comment with scornful disregard. (SC)
BEN: They can use your stick for erotic activity!!
STEVE: NO they can't! (more SC's)
The unbelievable thing in this moment was that John wasn't even showing an ounce of interest in Starscreen!!! This shows how clueless the other HM's were to the cuteness that was JJJ :) Here John was snuggling into someone the others saw as his 'sister' yet it is as obvious as a slap in the face!!! They needed to pay a trip to Specsavers :D
Sunshine curses herself for not getting Rachael to cut her hair to get rid of her split ends! Josie thought about cutting hers really short before she came in BB. Govan warns that Sunshine shouldn't say that as she'll wake up and John will have done it for her.
JOHN: Yeah!
Sunshine threatens that if John touches her hair he might as well say goodbye to every part of his body that he appreciates.
JOHN: Do you actually like the look of your hair? Do you reckon it's a good 'un?
Not wanting to be niggled by a hair-raising duel about her straggly hair she smirks for John to shut up!
JOSIE: What do you reckon I would look like with short hair?
JOHN: Roadkill! (Laughs) Nuh, I'm joking! How short are we talking here? (she tries to show him by pointing to her forehead) What's that? Steve? (as in bald?)
GOVAN: Like Caoimhe's?
JOSIE: Shorter than Caoimhe's.. a lot, lot shorter! The side bits of Caoimhe's!
JOHN: You'd look like Pink!
JOSIE: (Puts herself down) You've got to have a nice face to do it, haven't you?
GOVAN: You haaaave!
SC as Corin has a small snooze.
JOSIE: No.. joke, no.. joke! That was a joke!
JOHN: You touched my .. (SC so I'm tipping it was a saucy part of his anatomy!! They giggle) You're getting a bit.. (SC)
Josie starts laughing to herself, Ben noses 'what are you thinking about?'
JOSIE: (Laughs louder) What John said about your hair!!!! (Ben does his signature 'what what?') What John said about your hair :D
Ben is sure he's said many things but prompts 'what did he say?'
JOSIE: 'You don't know anything about 1930's fashion, John!' That was a funny one! (John teeters)
Ben confirms that John had commented that his hair looked like it was from the 30's 'but the point is in the 30's, people had very flat hair!'
JOSIE: No, he didn't! He went (Aussie accent) 'So um.. where'd ya get ya haircut?'
BEN: (Imitates John too) 'It's like somethin' outta the 30's!'
JOSIE: He said 'I haven't seen that haircut since The Titanic!' I was creasing up in the garden! (John joins in the jolliment)
Sunshine insincerely reminds Josie that John 'never says anything bad about people's looks!'
JOSIE: 'I haven't seen hair like that before!'
BEN: He said, if you go to Australia like that, you'll get lynched!
Josie asks what 'lynched' is and John insists he hadn't said that as he doesn't even know what lynched means! Ben describes it as 'garotted' but isn't sure if that's a term! Corin calls to BB for them to hurry up and let them out. John tells his friends that he would miss anyone there who left now.
The HM's have now changed into their boiler suits for the task and Josie is quick to compliment John, as he adjusts his.
JOSIE: Some days Becks, you look super handsome!
JOHN: What? (He knew full well what she said but wanted to hear it again!)
JOSIE: Some days you look super handsome! :)
JOHN: Awww, Jose! (Pulls her in closer for a cute cuddle and back rub, then sighs) Aw! Is that.. is today one of those days?
JOSIE: Yeah!
John giggles like a giddy school boy as they watch Ben's team trying to figure out a method to stick him to the wall. John hitches his suit higher.
JOSIE: It's.. I think it's the outfits!
JOHN: Is it? (laughs) In white overalls?
JOSIE: Yeah, cos I like.. working men. D'you know what I mean?
JOHN: You've got a thing about working men? Do ya?
JOSIE: Yeah! I couldn't go..
John HAS to make Josie aware that he used to wear one to work.
JOSIE: Is it?? I couldn't ever go out with a pen pusher! Yeah, I like.. like plumbers, electricians.. (she walks away to the carousel, leaving John watching after his woman)
Looks like Josie landed herself a plumber.. sorry but Luke is not even close to being as 'super handsome' as John!
John turns around and beams at the Bristolian :) :) :)
JOHN: Stop ittttt! Stoooooop it! Looking alright until what?
He lunges on top of her limbs, while Ife tries to loosen Ben's swimming cap. Josie can be heard squealing while John wrestles with her in the background, then a ping as Ben's cap snaps!!! Ife thinks he can still wear it and goes to his rescue :D
JOSIE: (Swigging down a bottle) This water's lovely! (John chuckles) OMG!
BEN: He looks like Duncan Goodhew!
I had to google Duncan and it turns out he is one of the most respected and instantly recognised athletes. He was Captain of the GB swim team in the 1980 0lympics :) Oh and he's BALD!
JOSIE: It actually makes you look quite handsome!
JOHN: She's a b*tch, isn't she?? Stop drinking that water, you!
JOSIE: (Plays the innocent) It's mine, isn't it? (John grabs her head and pulls it back) Don't ruin my hair! (John has his bottle back and drinks thirstily) When you get up there.. when you get up there.. (swigs from her own this time) You see that ice in that bucket.. (giggles mischievously)
JOHN: If you so much.. (SC - He rests his arm on her head)
JOSIE: Imagine if we get like a 3 course a la carte meal and all that!
JOHN: Yeah.. well I suggest you don't throw anything at me while I'm up there. I will.. (SC and then they play fight) I'm the glue man!! (Josie knocks back more water) It woulda been better if we coulda done it the opposite way round .. cos then.. ah no, it's probably better this way actually.
JOSIE: So were are you proposing that we stick most of it? On your ass?!
NATHAN: Every inch of ya! (SC)
JOHN: They don't give you a lot to work with, really, do they?
Josie wonders what Mario's doing. Dave realises they'll have to hold John to the wall for a bit as well.
I loved the way they flirted throughout this task like teenagers :D Anything to allow a touch or get a grab of each other's bodies!!!!!!!! :) More to come from the live feed later .. will add it onto the night live feed so that I can move on to the Day 16 HL's xxxxx
another good one lovely
ReplyDeletethere seems to have been a lot of flirting that day does'nt there
Ben looks funny....but the Titanic haircut ROFL:D