Sunday, 13 May 2012

Live Night 15

The live feed begins out in the hut where Mario dispenses some diamonds to Ben. 

MARIO: No situation is irreparable.

A lot of people probably wouldn't agree with those 4 small words.. but with regards to relationships, I would say they were true. After all it is sung that 'perfect situations must go wrong' and this situation began in the most beautiful way, even John James described their relationship as perfect.. it is a tragedy that the situation has now become torn and tainted.. to the point where it looks as though it is broken beyond repair.. without a fix or resolution. 

I say POPPYCOCK!! If John and Josie both wanted to be back in each other's lives and to regain that friendship - they would find a way to make it possible.. whether that be in June/July this year or in another 20 years time. I strongly believe that they have not reached their final destination and will one way or another find their way back to each other.. in some capacity. I just wish they would get a wriggle on!! :D
Ben is beside himself that Dave thinks what he has done is so bad. Mario beseeches him that Dave believes being gay is morally wrong but he still loves him and doesn't judge him for it.. and that Dave still loves Ben as a person too. The food stuff doesn't bother Ben because 'when all's said and done, we are playing a game!'  

Mario considers Ben's problem to be that he dwells too much on the game, whereas a lot of the HM's view it as real life. 

BEN: Well, are they deluded? 

Mario reminds Ben that reality has many different levels and that it IS reality for the period of time they remain in the house even though it is a TV show. Mario finds this the hardest thing Ben has had to accept. Ben asks if this means he is deluded or them.

MARIO: We're all deluded in one form or another.. It just depends on what level of delusion.. I think it's because being here was never a massive dream or ambition for you. 
Some of you may already know that the term 'deluded' has become one of my most detested words in the English vocabulary! Especially because it is thrown around so much by the opposing sides about the other supporters. You are deluded if you think John and Josie ever miss each other or even think about the other. You are deluded if you believe a word that comes out of Josie's mouth! You are deluded if you eat up everything John says! Etc etc etc etc etc this is what we are told repeatedly!

To an extent, we are all somewhat deluded, aren't we? But I would much rather be deluded with a dream that one day peace and harmony will reign in JJJ Land.. and that happiness will dwell amongst the fractions.. and that John and Josie could possibly be good friends once again.. I'm sorry if that offends anyone who despises one or the other.. but I would prefer to be deluded for that and wish for the best rather than desire that this ugliness continues to simmer for the foreseeable future..
Dave joins them in the hut to break the bad news that they have no more hot water. Mario doesn't think it is really a surprise as they have all been talking about it all night.  Dave jokes that it might be better altogether for one of them to go on Friday. Ben  takes the opportunity to apologise to them both for putting them in 'this' position. They tell him he doesn't have to say sorry; Dave is over it and past it. As far as Dave is concerned, it doesn't change his relationship with him as he loves him and wants to enjoy the next couple of days. 

Dave hopes that Ben will be able to pull himself out of it and be himself the rest of the week. 'I've missed who you are!' Mario tells Ben "you don't have to justify yourself to anyone."

The break up shouldn't have really come as such a big surprise to us.. what with all the maggots and sharks they had to contend with in their life! These despicable excuses for human beings are probably the biggest reason John and Josie found themselves in this position. But now they 'pretend' they are over it and past it.. free and can finally be who they are again!

I miss THEM together and I don't have to justify that to anyone.. just as John and Josie shouldn't have to justify their actions to their detractors.. but hopefully someday they can apologise to one another.
Dave notifies Ben that he had spent time in the Diary room appreciating him and his personality and that none of this will change how he feels for him. All he wants to do is have fun with Ben and eat chickpeas and lentils with him!! :D Ben understands why John is angry with him but is interested in Dave's view on why John is spending time with those who drip poison in his ears. 

BEN: What happened tonight is exactly the same thing that happened with Shabby a few days ago! He half-hears a conversation, gets so paranoid that it applies to him, that he forces the person to give a warts n' all description of what they've been talking about and then that gets me or you and anyone else in trouble.

DAVE: (Defends his boy) I think John finds it hard to trust people .. And he's trying to work out where he stands with people and I think for him it's a longer process than it would be for me.

MARIO: But I've told you before, sometimes people have to learn to make mistakes.. you can warn someone a million times about doing something but they have to find out for themselves!
DAVE: I think there's 2 ways of building a relationship. 1 is a quick way and 1 takes a little bit longer (he connects with people really easily to my detriment as he finds people are not who he thought they were) I think John's the other way round, it takes him longer for him to find that trust in people ..but then once he does you've got a friend for life who would do anything for you!

I truly believe this is the case with John and he would have been there for Josie forever.. had they not lost that precious trust between them. Trust is essential to John and once it has been broken, it will take a HELL of a lot to re-build that.. probably a lifetime! So if John and Josie were to ever become friends again, that would be a huge hurdle for them as they will be exceptionally wary and cautious around each other. 

Dave thinks he and John are totally different in how they approach that. Ben is saddened that even before today John was already not trusting him over all sorts of 'bizarre things..! Do you know what I mean? He's obsessed like a dog with a bone!' Dave doesn't see why he's so concerned over it. Ben thinks it comes down to loyalty and he deems John to show 'a version of disloyalty' although knows he's probably overreacting to it over the food thing.
BEN: But it should be a natural rule of a friend to want to shield your friends, it shouldn't be to sort of .. out them publically!

What Dave is saying is that sometimes you have to build that friendship first, by asking questions to find out where that person's at (and to determine what level of relationship they have) Dave perceives that the HM's are still forming friendships.

Mario laughs as he had the most insane thought for a second there 'I wish I was the mole now so I could just scurry into my mole hole!' Dave would have liked to have been in there with him and the red ants! Mario's sure it won't be the worst place he'll ever sleep in his life! What Mario analyses that Ben is struggling most adjusting with is that he and Dave are the only 2 in the house who haven't had a 'real, real burning desire to be here!' He assesses that everyone else in the house has tried many, many times to get here.. which isn't true as Josie only auditioned the one time and so did a few others. 

Mario mulls over that it is so real to the other HM's (and not Ben) because they have been waiting to do this adventure for so long whereas Dave and Ben wouldn't have dreamed of auditioning in a million years! Ben wishes he had gone with his instinct but Mario is glad he's there and Ben is in a way too. Ben didn't understand the reactions to the manky leftover curries as he knows they are in a situation where BB will do all kinds of things to screw with their minds.  
Mario has started to think Ben is not intelligent at all! As he'd just told him that with the exception of Ben and Dave, it is a reality for the rest to come into that unique space. 'Unless, you can adjust to that.. then you're always going to have problems!' Mars puts the days events down to people being hungry and tired in need of a good night's sleep. Mario mentions that 1 day is a very long time in the house. 

Dave can see how favourites and least favourites change within a very short space of time. 

MARIO: It happens all the time -a hero becomes a villain and the villain becomes the hero! (much the same way that Josie left the house a hero and has now become a villain in the eyes of some people! Or John left the house as a villain but quickly turned opinions around.. and then back again for others) People that went in the house odds on favourite to win.. are out within a few weeks or their popularity peters out very quickly. 

Dave decides that a HM only has to make one bad decision on TV 'and that's you done!' the public then can't wait to vote you out. 

MARIO: That's when everyone constantly says to me 'oh you're universally liked Mario' it's.. you don't know what they've shown! But I don't think I've done anything horrible.. at least not to my knowledge!
Ben can't believe that Shabby brought the conversation up, considering what he was accused of with her! Mario reminds him that "people in here will latch onto any excuse to create drama! If anything, just for the voyeuristic sense of watching it!" Mario moans that it has been so difficult to stop Ben from constantly offering himself up as a sacrificial lamb "he's like a bl**dy lemming! You're programmed to throw yourself off the cliff!"

And on twitter and internet forums there are those who look for ANY reason to vilify John and/or Josie :( They get off on the drama it creates and sit back with a big, fat smirk on their grubby faces! Sometimes it seems like John is programmed to throw himself off the cliff .. like he wants to be hated and doesn't understand why he still has so many who like and support him. Fortunately, he has lots of people who love him, on hand with a parachute to save him and help him land without any physical injuries.. until the next time!! 

They leave the nest after being informed that there is food in the kitchen, forcing the not-even-hungry Ben to interact with the group.
Caoimhe is making Josie's hair purty which Josie thanks her for! Caoimhe calls it a little messy one but thinks it is SO cute :) Ife is toasting naan bread under the grill which she had rescued from the bin! (It was in tinfoil don't worry!!) They think it is the best food BB has ever given them and John is enjoying shovelling it down immensely. 

Josie grimaces at Govan's large glass of milk 'I couldn't drink milk like that!' she likes it in cereal but not that much on it's own as it turns her stomach. I'm with Jose on this one, sorry John!! I think it is because I have traumatic memories of milk.. ones I tried to repress.. at Infant school because they didn't think I was growing properly they forced me and 4 other small kids to give up one of our playtimes to drink the most vile milk!! We were not permitted to leave until it was gone and I hated every second of it .. I would knock it off the counter, tip it away when the dinner ladies were not looking or demand chocolate powder was poured into it! I don't mind drinking a swig every now and then but stick to milkshakes for my milk consumption!! 

We hear Josie ask John offscreen "have you got asthma?" (John must have been Darth Vadering!) John replies "Yeah, I do, actually. Nah, I used to have it when I was a kid!" 
John tells her that when he's concentrating he breathes deeply and demonstrates by wheezing heavily. Josie asks if BB even took the chutneys from them (when they removed all their food and replaced it with basic rations) John is struggling with something at the kitchen counter and yells "ah you f**ker!! How am I gonna get that out? Ahhh that's stuck in there! Have we got tongs or something?" I'm tipping that John's toast got caught in the toaster!

Josie gets up to take a look and have a laugh at John's predicament!! Then she returns to her seat where Mario is discussing his knowledge that he has gone insane as he is eating naan bread with salt! The HM's think it tastes actually amazing and Ife goes as far as 'best food I've tried in my life!' 

Mario asks if they've been told if this food has to last them all week. The others believe it will keep being replenished. 

JOHN: They would have to! 
Ife thinks it is so good and nice of BB to give them bread. Shabby roars with laughter and this is followed by a SC. 

GOVAN: It's not nice, babes!

Ife maintains that it is kind of BB as they were only meant to have rice and lentils. But Shabby settles that they have to provide them with that sort of filling sustenance.

JOSIE: I've been eating like a queen since I've been here! So I think it's only right isn't it? (out comes the catch phrase) You've got to take a bit of rough to appreciate the smooth, haven't you? (Shabby agrees that Josie is quite right) 

GOVAN: But I'd rather take the smooth without the f**king rough let me tell ya that now!

John yells again 'F**KER!! .. sorry!" after burning his fingers and then leaves the kitchen with his grub.
Mario bewails being underweight and how he needs to gain weight not lose it! Dave and Johnno scoff toast at the sofas. Ridiculously long soundcut while they chomp and chew :S (and I'm talking over 5 entire minutes - that's right I sat and watched the wholeeeee thing. Going slowly insane at the wittering birdy and wailing wind sounds)

Nate sits closely (too close for comfort) beside Jose on the sofa (to the point where she is near hanging off the edge) and rubs her shoulder. John shoots him something of a filthy stare for getting up close and personal with the woman he wants!! May I point out John was wearing LONG khaki trousers in the summer!! Not his peter pan ripped shorts or rolled up tracky bottoms!!!!
At the sofas the sound is cut because the HM's are talking about people outside the house, whose privacy needs to be respected. Nathan tells 'darlin' Josie that something will make her stronger and that she's really going through something, making a crude comment about 'sp*nk jobs!' Josie rebukes "there's a time and a place, Nathan! I've told you that!" Nathan doesn't think it looks that bad but Josie says this is because she's been using the cream all day "you should have seen it earlier! It looked like crusty 'roids all around my mouth!"

Jose laughs "He's on his own, in't he?" (Not sure who she's on about) but John doesn't look thrilled at all the smiles she is sharing with Nathan :( Mario has been given brown bread and eating salt on toast due to the food rations. Shabby poses the question whether BB could do this the whole week. John doesn't think that they could. 

JOSIE: (Aimed at nobody in particular) I could live on those chickpeas though, could you?
It's the no coffee that scares Shabby. The HM's call out to Nathan as the diary room door has opened for him. When he comes back in the HM's yay and clap him as he goes through the door. Back to the sofas where John is teasing his girl leaving her mouth hanging open in disbelief!

JOHN: You're on your last warning. You're on your f**kin' last warning! You've accused me enough this week!

JOSIE: I know..

Then his tone becomes serious as he looks down to his lap with his hands together on his stomach.

JOHN: You really disappointed me, you did. (shakes his head)

How many f**king last warnings did they dish out in their relationship? How many accusations did they fire during it and since they split up? And they KNOW! :(
JOSIE: (sincerely) Sorry. I do feel bad.

John sighs with a grumble "it doesn't matterrr!" and looks away from Josie. When clearly it DOES matter to him.. very, very much.. and a lot more than he would ever care to admit (as ever) but especially after not knowing her all that long. John probably couldn't understand himself why it infact DID matter so much to him.. why JOSIE mattered so much to him. 

John himself said that they apologise and things are fine for a few days but then it all starts again.. why didn't they learn from their mistakes? Why didn't they show how sorry they were instead of just saying those words? Instead of sweeping it under the carpet but harbouring the hurt and becoming distant with each other after making out it didn't matter to them.. when that is ALL that mattered - each other!
Shabby has gripes with people who sign on (the dole) She assures that she would never sign on unless she had to because she's had issue with all our governments. It really annoys her when a person signs on and then b*tch about it because they are then 'biting the hand that feeds you.' 

Josie walks out to the garden "he's potty, isn't he?" (presumably about Govan??) Within seconds of Josie leaving the room, Shabby and then Dave also exit, leaving John all alone at the sofas. Until Josie flies back in and off camera we hear her ask "alright, Mr James? Or whatever your last name is.. (He stays silent for several seconds) what's the matter?" 

JOHN: Um ..

JOSIE: (gently) What's going on? 

But as Nathan returns from diary room we don't get to learn the answer to Josie's questions. BB told Nathan, if he's not better in the morning he will see a doctor.
JOSIE: Have you painted your toenails have you? (Lying on the sofa beside him)


JOSIE: You know you're meant to get it on your nail, don't you?

JOHN: (again grunts) Mm.. (SC as Josie tilts her head towards the foot as though to imply that he didn't do a very good job of it!) 

Josie flashes her 1000 kilowatt smile at him! John seems down and a little off with Josie despite her attempts to cheer him up. Cameras chop to Caoimhe and Shabby getting into bed fantasing about the food they'd like tomorrow (This includes a Scotch egg, quiche, cocktail sausages and a can of coke, bottle of cider, vodka and whiskey) Then they plan to get out of the house, all dressed up and go on the p*ss!
The girls ask Dave if he is 'drunk' and he replies that he is happy and feels goooood! :D Dave asks Shabby to show them all how to forage through the bins is happy he feels gooood! 

Back at the sofas, Nathan tells Josie 'you're not so bad yourself, you spuff chops!'  Josie giggles "I think it's your voice" Nathan thinks it is because his voice is 'proper husky.'

JOSIE: (Flirts) I didn't realise you had a John Travolta chin, Nath!

John gets up from sofa and scoffs "a John Travolta!!" Nathan wonders "is that a good thing or a bad thing?" 

JOSIE AND JOHN: (simultaneously) A good thing! 

Then Josie parrots his oz accent "I think it's a good thing, yeah! Just like my mums non-chip nail varnish!" Govan mimics him too "got it from Mum. Non-chip!!" 
John can laugh at himself "non-chip!" Then yawns and walks wearily with his head down to the ground. John waves with 1 hand over his shoulder and they exchange good nights with him. Nathan invites Josie and Govan to join him for a smoke but Josie doesn't think he should smoke like this (as he isn't well!) Nathan fights that he's normally a 25 cigarettes a day man and has only had about 5 so he's not stopping!!

John's nostrils are invaded by hideous smells when he enters the bedroom "ahh that is HUMMIN'!!"

DAVE: That's the waft that you get, my friend!

(Long SC while the HM's privacy is respected!)

Dave requests for Shabby to show them how to rummage properly through bins the next day (after retrieving naan bread to eat from the bins after it was accidentally thrown away) and a sift through the general waste. Cuts to Josie on the sofa as Nathan passes her by to sulk that he loves smoking!! 
Josie munches at some toast when a manly figure approaches to pat her head (all we see is his arm and hand - although his ring should be a tell tell sign) 

JOSIE: (Tells her mystery man) Look there's me and you there! (referring to a couple on her plate. Her hair is ruffled affectionately as Josie bids her boy) 

JOHN: (Sweetly) Night night Jose.

JOSIE: Night love! Me and you on the plate.

The camera reveals it IS Jooooohn!!! :) :) :) He inspects his own plate to see the picture and talks to her too quietly for me to hear  through headphones.

JOSIE: No, I'm going 'what do you want now?'  

Almost inaudibly he bids her 'goodnight Jose' again and then asks 'are you not coming to bed, Jose?' as she is laying down all by her lonesome in the lounge) Before leaving her after she tells him that her 'they've gone in the diary room' (which is why she'd been deserted)
Back in ze bedroom - John insists that the farting culprit 'stop waving 'em around, you're blowing the stink over here!' as it then gets closer to him. Not a lot of glory in the farts eh Davo? :P Shabby asks what's going on with the bathroom door being propped open 'loves?' we hear it closed shut.

JOHN: Isn't it weird how sometimes it's darker than other times? (in the bedroom)  

Not a single soul answers his rhetorical question. Shabby writhes in pain in her bed. Cut to Josie sucking her thumb while awaiting her homies to come back out of the diary room. As they show no signs of emerging anytime soon she goes to the bedroom through boredom. Upon entering she is struck straight away by the same stench as John as she exclaims "eurgggh it stinks in 'ere!'

MARIO: Smells like your Minnie Mouse!

JOSIE: Smells like someone's just taken a sh*t, right? And left it straight in the middle of the room!

STEVE: Nate did it! He did it for the glory!
John and Mario laugh at her loud exclamations as she doesn't censor anything she thinks!

JOHN: Night Jose!

Josie asks Dave 'can you get your God to help us with the smell?' John guffaws!

JOSIE: John James you've got such a big mouth! I was sat on the sofa minding my own business and all I could hear was 'F**K OFF!!'(In John's accent) 

John protests his innocence "what? I didn't say anything!" 

JOSIE: Yeah I heard you!

John again denies vociferously "I didn't even say nothin'!" Mario tries to shush her as people are trying to sleep. 

JOSIE: Why who's asleep? Aw, sorry mate.
Dave wants them to let Nathan rest as they'll be 'knackered without him!' as he's the only one who knows how to deal with lentils and chickpeas. But NO, Josie has 'got it all sorted' as she's already put them in soak. Josie 'has got it all sorted' as she put the lentils and chickpeas on soak.

Cream time as John sets about his nightly skin care regime. Shown a shot of the Diary room door for too lengthy a time. Silence has descended within the boudoir as the HM's settle down for sweet dreams. Ife and Govan dance and sing as they shake their booties once they emerge from the Diary room!!

Ife calls the BB they spoke to 'the good looking one' because of his voice and wonders whether he's black! Govan is adamant that he is 'Caucasian' and has a beard! (Did he meet him during the audition process? Or know which producer he was from being an uber fan?) Govan puts it this way 'I know all the ones I need to know!'  They head out to the garden for a smoke. 
Govan imitates Marcus Bentley "Govan and Ife are at the carousel smoking roll ups" and punctuates the end of his sentence with a squeaky fart! Ife thinks she must be the only one who hasn't farted in front of the other HM's. SC Govan would never leave as a lot of hard work goes into it but Ife thinks his Mum would tell him to get back in there. He knows she won't after he explains to her what they did to him. Govan is convinced that BB don't like him because they are mean to him all the time and he swears that he heard one of the BB voices snigger at him when he was sad. 

Govan could feel the rage building inside him and had to get out of the Diary room. Then he becomes paranoid and thinks he better shut his mouth as he bets they'll be really horrible to him now. 

Ife doesn't believe Govan is going. Govan is worried because he feels that this sniggerer has 'such blatant disdain' for him. He KNOWS which BB it was and one had called him back to assure him that 'Big Brother was not laughing at you." Caoimhe comes outside to join the duo. 

No wonder John and Josie are so reluctant to swallow their pride and talk.. probably believing that their actions since breaking up shows blatant disdain for each other.. and that they are being laughed at :(
Govan knows he can be "a little b*stard but my Mum always taught me to initially treat people with respect." Ife advises that when someone doesn't show you respect "sometimes it's better if someone isn't respectful to you, just to not say a word."

We know and John and Josie know that they can be a little cowbag or tosser too!! But we love them all the same :) They really haven't shown any respect for themselves, each other or their relationship this past year and a bit.. so is it better that they are now not saying a word at all? 

Would we rather they were constantly at each other's throats but communicating? Or that they never spoke another word, showed some restraint and respect and one day remembered their fond memories together?

Govan is aware that he has been a bit naughty but Ife thinks he has just been himself. Ife and Govan had told BB that they were furious with them!
GOVAN: Thing is, I don't like people disliking me sometimes.

Ife honestly thinks BB don't not like him but Govan can tell. 

IFE: No they're just playing a game with us! They know what buttons to push and we're  all just responding!

Govan put on his form that he doesn't respond well to what he sees as disrespect! "Treat me badly and .. Well you know.."

I don't know anybody that likes to be disliked - only pantomime villains. John and Josie are not villains, no matter how some people try to paint them as such! As much as they shrug the comments and tweets off from those who dislike them.. it does hurt.. it stings.. and these are both 2 very insecure individuals as it is! Words are so so so damaging.. especially from a person you love (when in the relationship) or used to love (once it is over) 

John and Josie have played too many games in order to ignite a reaction from the other. They know exactly which buttons to push so that they receive a response!! Vicious circle, isn't it? They were both treated badly not just by one another but by those who were meant to have their best interests at heart.. by management who they trusted.. the weasels!
Govan feels so privileged to have been given this chance to be in the last BB (so they thought!) and wants to express his gratitude "but it's very difficult when someone's slinging sh*t at ya!"

IFE: Sh*t is falling on our heads!

Govan doesn't mind as he knows 'it's the name of the game!' Maybe John and Josie needed to be more media savvy when it came to the cut-throat industry they were thrust into? Not even realising that their own agents were the ones slinging sh*t at their heads! So now the relationship has long ago eroded, we have witnessed John and Josie frequently fling this sh*t back and forth.. and it has not been a pretty sight :(

Caoimhe has no clean knickers. Ife asked how they are supposed to wash their clothes, BB responded "cold water and soap should be efficient or.. sufficient!"

Ife had been flirting with BB but thinks they must have thought she was a munter! Govan tells her it's alright as they have his photograph on a dartboard!
The smoking trio return inside the house. Ife and Govan are feeling sick. Ife swigs some water from the tap and decides"that is disgusting!" Govan plans to scrub his teeth, vomit and then go to bed - in that order! They go to the fusty-smelling bathroom to clean their 'teggies' and check their is definitely hot water. Ife thinks it is still early to be going to bed as it is only 1.30am!

Govan discovers they have definitely turned off the hot water when he runs the shower! (long SC) Govan is so glad he didn't go home. Shabby gets back out of bed to be told by Ife that she'd had to wash the dishes in cold water. Ife feels dead so wants to go to bed (now that just calls for a poem!!) Shabby wants to stay up as she's never been up in the house by herself. Ife recommends that she could clean the kitchen which is what she normally does when she's up alone. 

Govan thinks the house does funny things as there he has 'felt uncontrollable rage, inconsolable sadness' Ife and Shabby add 'complete confusion' and 'paranoia, happiness, distress, frustration" to the list of emotions. Govan relays his fears to Shabby in the bathroom "I'm convinced they hate me." Shabby feels that BB hates her too.
John and Josie experienced the full rainbow of emotions with each other too. I doubt that there is another person in existence who will make them laugh as hard as each other, cry waterfalls, or ever be as frustrated, angry, paranoid or that on-top-of-the-world happy with another person again so long as they live :( And the worst part is, they *think* that the other hates them! 

They don't believe BB will broadcast footage of them eating the naan bread they retrieved from the bin. Ife exclaims 'is that what I've actually become now?' alarmed when thinking back to her rummaging to get the bread like an urchin! Ife was incensed that BB had made it sound like they had an option to NOT eat the bread and starve on an empty stomach!

SHABBY: Poor us!

They believe the likelihood is that this will not be broadcast on TV because 'The Health people will get involved!' They don't think it is a coincidence that the second they started to eat it they heard the store room fill with food. Shabby makes the most of her own time by slipping and skidding on her socks around the kitchen and  having a cigarette!
The bedroom lights turn on and the cockerel alarm sounds to awaken the sleeping HM's signalling the end of Backwards Day. Josie screams, Govan nearly pees himself, Caoimhe pretend sobs. John rages with sleepy eyes and bed hair "don't make me come in that Diary room!!" Josie cockerels louder! HM's exchange "good mornings"

Shabby tells Caoimhe she's discovered a new good game putting socks on and sliding around in the kitchen. Govan gets up to switch the lights back off, John cheers him on 'Go Gov!' Ife realises this is why BB had been trying to get rid of her and Govan in the Diary room! 

JOHN: Don't pull your camera back! (Warning the camera me)

Josie and Govan giggle in bed as they peer through the mirror. John asks his recurring question of Josie in a Bristolian manner "what do you think you're doing?"
Steve thinks BB are taking the p*ss as Backwards Day is over and they've already lost the task. 

JOHN: (threatens) We'll see who's taking the p*ss when I knock the f**kin' diary room door down!

GOVAN: (Cautions in an Aussie accent) Don't give it large, John or they'll have you in the diary room for unacceptable language! 

Govan plans to pull the covers over his head if BB pulls the prank again 'don't give them any..' Ife finishes his sentence with "satisFIcation!" (Getting her words muddled when she meant 'satisfaction) Govan laughs 'Ife! What is wrong with you tonight?' as she kept getting her words confused. 

Steve whispers to BB "bit too obvious that one, BB.. Bit too obvious!" Live feed ends after a few minutes of stirring in bed. 


  1. Ben in the nest..blahblahblahblahblah mememememememememem blahblahblahblah...

    Any why he was bit off with Jose,although he came later,to say goodbye again:p

    Despite his big potty angry mouth,he's such a sensitive guy:)

    Nathan looks handsome in some of the screenshots,or am i too tired lol?

    I blame you for missing bb11:p:(

  2. agree bb ben is very self motivated and i think john was wise to be weary of him and sunshine what is she like huh

    as for nathan i agree you must be tired lmao
