No E4 live afternoon feed that I could find for this day :( sad face!! I have tracked down a couple of brief DM clips from the day.John and Josie share their shower of sexiness (as shown on HL's). John doesn't even try to disguise that he is scrubbing his
didgeridoo right before Josie's bright, blue, Bristolian eyes.
JOSIE: I just saw your widger!
JOHN: (Not phased even if she had) No, you didn't..
JOSIE: Yeah, I did.
Some of the banter is not very audible on account of the running water. But Steve appears to say that he'll have to be more
careful from now on.
JOSIE: You know how it is!! I've got to keep an eye on you, haven't I?John rubs some gel profusely all over his Australian appendages ;) While Josie shampoos and conditions her blondilocks!
Amongst several SC's, John enlightens Josie that the product he is applying to his face is what makes his eyebrows turn
lighter. She wants a look so he shows her the bottle and points out the chemical lah di dahs.
JOHN: Just in case you wanted to know .. you know now!!
He then asks Josie if she is going to dye her hair brown but she isn't as they don't have the money for it on the shopping
budget. Would you like her golden tresses to vanish? She could try out the chocolatey brunette
colour if she fancied a change though I don't know how it would suit her. Mind you, that girl
is pretty enough to pull it off!After the scrubbing and sensual showering, John struts through the living room with the towel wrapped around his waist.
JOHN: (Announces to the HM's congregated on the couches) I wasn't happy about that when she took my towel!She'll pay for that in a while!
Shabby is staggered by the sight of a semi-nude John 'he's SO skinny!' In the bedroom, John is after some scissors andJosie asks if they aren't allowed an iron.JOHN: A hairdryer would be good!
Josie sorts John out by finding him a pair of scissors.
JOHN: Don't think that gets you out of doing my towel! It only gets you half-off! :D
He complains about being cold .. but not to the melodramatic exaggeration extents of Nikki Grahame. Then proceeds to usethe scissors to cut off the dead skin from his feet. ICK!!Nathan and Shabby talk about the film A Clockwork Orange and this is why Russell Brand's book is called 'my booky wooky'
as homage to the way they speak. Josie considers Shabby's hat to be similar to one worn in the film. John shivers in the closet
so retrieves a larger sized-towel. John harks up about how Josie had stolen his towel.
JOSIE: Sorry, Becks! I'll never do that again!!
Nate and Shabs chat music (as Jose does her eyeliner in bed) and John's input is that he likes Calvin Harris. Nathan had
enjoyed a celebrity spat that Calvin had. I'd bet several people out there take a piddle and paddle in
their pool of pleasure each time John and Josie have a public spat.JJJ are in the closet - John putting on his trousers and then trying to tug Josie's down down to no triumph! In the sound gap,
BB must have asked HM's to leave the bedroom and John tells BB to wait a second while he does his face. Josie gathers up
what she needs so she can get out of the room.
JOHN: (Whines) DON'T!! (Wanting her to wait for him to be ready to go)
JOSIE: WHAT???BB asks again for HM's to leave the bedroom as soon as possible so it can be shut for essential maintenance.
JOHN: (Yells) Yeah, yeah .. just hang on two seconds!! I'm doing my face!!
JOSIE: (Cheeks) You're gonna need more than two seconds to do that face, John! :P
John can't stop giggling for several seconds afterwards and tells her it's gone beyond the point of (something as sound issilenced) Josie wonders if John's six pack will go after prodding his pecs as she walks past.
JOHN: You're too easy!In the lounge, Josie and other HM's are poking fun at Dave for having a snooze with his head in his Bible .. all the while
pretending to be reading the words of his Lord.
JOSIE: (Giggles) Getting some good reading in, Dave? Has the Bible made you fall asleep?
John asks Josie if she has his towel.
JOSIE: (Brazenly) Yeah! ON! (She is sat on the sofa in her bra with the towel around her lower body)
John doesn't believe it is but Josie assures him it is his.JOHN: I knew it!! You're such a liar! (Josie also has to confess she's got a bit of make-up on it too. SC)
JOSIE: It's nuuuuufin'!
JOHN: I'm glad I snapped your toothbrush and flushed it down the toilet now! (Josie asks if he really had)Yeah! I was feeling a little bit guilty about it but not now.
JOSIE: You're such an angry kid!
BEN: I think you two will end up getting married. (Most of us thought so, once upon a time)
SUNSHINE: I think so as well!John had told BB Josie had annoyed him stealing his towel as he'd had to walk in the air-conditioned room. Josie calls John
a little grass! (long SC) John mimics Josie 'I didn't do nuffin or nuffin'!'
JOSIE: John James..
JOHN: What?
JOSIE: You're like an angry man .. an angry, angry man!!
JOHN: Don't start! Don't get that lobe out at me!!
JOSIE: (Pretends to be insulted) Oh, I'm off! I can't be bothered to talk to you lot, no more.As she leaves her seat, John and Govan discover a bogie on the sofa and make out that it was Josie's and that they are
JOHN: No wonder you've got no friends!
John isn't sure it is Josie's but it is a BOOGER and he warns Govan not to flick it on him. Then barely 30 seconds after Josie
has gone to the garden he follows her outside saying that BB had kept asking him about himself and Rach. Josie doesn't
understand what John could be chatting about to be in there for so long. John reveals they were quizzing him about
JOHN: And they wanted to quiz me on who I thought was attractive in the house and who I didn't! (Moves
his deck chair into the sunniest spot)JOSIE: I hope you said me! (while rolling a ciggy)
JOHN: They tried to trick me (SC) and they asked me if I found anyone attractive in the house .. well, Isorta would have been contradicting myself wouldn't I? (Nonchalantly) But yes, I did say you.
JOSIE: (Giddy baby talk) Awwww, thank you John James!!
JOHN: That's alright, that's what I do for my good friends. I don't embarrass them on the telly! (sprawls
back in his chair)
JOSIE: I'm gonna go in there and tell em how attractive I think you are as well!JOHN: No, you just tell them that my breath smells!
JOSIE: No, I'm not.. I WON'T!
JOHN: You will..
JOSIE: I'm gonna go in there .. I'm telling em.. I'M TELLING THEM!
John also told them he found Ife very attractive. Followed by a looooooooong sound cut, Govan comes out to the garden to
join Jose at the bench.
JOHN: Why did you steal my towel?
JOSIE: (Flirts) Cos, I wanted to get a bit closer to you!And that concludes the daytime clips so let's commence with the night time action :)
Rachael, Mario and Nathan are in the bedroom discussing whether the pool is a hot tub and whether bubbles can be put init. John tuts at people using his towels (after wiping his nose with his hanky) which he hates! he lays down on his bed. Ben
hands round glasses of water while offering to tell a story (if they're very good) about 3 little rats. John passes up, it seems
like he has a headache.
Delightfully, it cuts to the bathroom where Sunshine sheds some light on labour to Corin.
SUNSHINE: Did you know that when they say 'push' they actually mean 'poo'? Because you use the
same muscles!
Back in the bedroom the lights are out – John, Mario and Dave are in John & Mario's double bed. Mario and Dave ask John
if he lives in the city centre of Melbourne which he doesn't but isn't far away. And laughs that Sydney is about 9 hours away
by car and 2 on a plane. I hope John is still in touch with Davo and that they'll be able to meet up
soon as they shared a special bond.The scene swaps to Sunny soaking in the suds of her tub while staring at her
reflection in the mirror.Josie comes out of the Diary Room and 'fesses up to Govan that she'd been told off. The sound cuts so we can't hear why.
Shabby is called in shortly after her and she worries she will be told off. After a while we are shown John, Josie and Gov
in the closet. John jokes that one of them is rude as Josie undresses.
We come back from the break and they have moved into the living room and Josie tells John that she told BB 'I just said
that you was a bit handsome.'
JOHN: (laughs) I'm gonna miss you guys, I tell you what.
Govan comes out of the Diary room having been reminded about 'unacceptable language.' John moans 'does he know
I'm waiting?' as BB seems to be calling HM after HM in for a reprimand. Josie lies on top of the sofa and is surprised they
haven't chucked any of them out yet!
JOSIE : He's a nice one, that Big Brother … yeah, I quite fancy him!![]()
Govan was appalled when BB had repeated back to him what he had said. John (and Steve) apparently hadn't been pulled
up yet for any bad words (which is a little strange as he swears so much!) 'I haven't copped it yet for the at 4.33am
you said …' However, thinks he may have been brought up for a particular word he'd said but went in the Diary room
before he could be pulled in. Govan thinks Shabby is the top scorer on that front.
JOHN: Did you put in a good word for me? (She had!) .. what did you say when he said .. about our
relationship? (SC but whatever was said, she is rewarded with a hair ruffle)
My eye spied the hair stroke in the corner of the screen. Look closely and you can Stevo SPOT IT!!
Josie reveals she was like a little girl giggling, John again asks 'what did you say when he asked about our
relationship?' as she is question dodging and the boy is demanding answers!
JOSIE: Relationship with what?
JOHN: Me and you! Does he say what was our relationship or something? .. did you say we've had a baby?![]()
*Sighs* I'm still slightly sad that there will never be any little half John half Josie's
running around .. they would have been the most beautiful Bristralian babies on the planet!!
And the most stubborn, potty-mouthed rascals taking after their mama and papa!!
JOSIE: (Reluctant or embarrassed to tell him) I'm not telling you! I can't tell you everything!! (they laugh)
JOHN: Did you say about our baby though?
JOSIE: Oh no, I forgot to tell him about that!
JOHN: I don't think you need to tell him .. you gave birth to it in the Diary room!
DAMN YOU BB WHY DIDN'T YOU EVER SHOW US THE LABOUR SCENE?!!! Josie lets Steve know that she'd told BB he
makes her feel safe. John calls him 'Big Daddy Cool!' Quick cut to Sunshine who is wondering whether Josie would like
her dirty water - yeeeeeeeesh!!![]()
Back to the lounge, Josie jests that Steve has a new housemate on his nose as he has a spot! John kindly offers Steve his
cream as it is pro-active and it will help dry the skin out. He dashes off t fetch it for Stevo. He asks Steve if it is hurting and
says that ice is the best thing for it as it will numb it. If there's something troubling you with a spot, John
is your man!! In fact, he's the SUPERMAN of spots :D
JOSIE: (Teasing) How do you know if you don't get spots?
John laughs that he'd never said this and Josie giggles goofily!! Steve is concerned that BB will 'have' him for his remark
'you can't kill a Housemate!' when referring to the zit taking residence on his snozzer. Josie chuckles that whenever
she goes in the Diary room she forgets everything she was meant to say. John hands his cream to Steve and Josie teases
John for his metrosexual ways 'look at him with his nail varnish on giving Steve a refining mask!'![]()
John assures that it will help the swelling go down; Josie asks if you have to rub it right in. John says his 'face is white
every night.. I look like the Joker!' Josie repeats with astonishment 'you wear it every night?!' but John says
he hasn't since he's been in there. Steve has only squirted a small blob out so Josie and John urge him to use more for
'that beauty!'
JOSIE: That's the name of the game!
John tells Steve he's being serious that he needs to put more cream on and not to rub it in. Steve feels silly with the big
white blob dangling on the end of his nose - especially after Govan had likened the way it looks to chewing gum.
JOSIE: Steve, is no metrosexual!![]()
JOHN: Just leave it like that, I would.. I'll wear it with ya if you're embarrassed! I don't mind. Well, what
would you rather?
John is waving his arms to the camera as he's waiting to go in the Diary room.. when his waving proves fruitless he drops
his arms wearily.![]()
JOSIE: People read far too much into things these days, it's STUPID!!
Those who dislike Josie are champions at reading too much nastiness into her comments .. and
twisting even the smallest thing into an act of pure evil! And that, my friends IS stupid ..
but Josie is actually talking here about the bad language they have been chastised for. Govan
had apologised to 'Sir' for any potential offence he may have caused and promised not to say (whatever the word was) it
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
Day 8 live feed - part 1
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