9.15am most of the HM's are asleep - Think this is the second HL show in a row which has started with a sleeping Aussie
Corin and Mario are in the bathroom. The early bird worm catchers are preparing for the day going about their
morning ablutions. Mario asks Corin what her family said when she told them she had a girlfriend. Her family had been
really good about it as she had been straight before meeting Rachel. She was attracted to Rachel the same way she was
to guys. Mario feels apprehensive that some of his family will now know he is gay.
Corin chats more about her Mum and how she is 'proper cool' and that she is a clone of her 65 year old mother. Mario
misses his Mum as she has lived in the States for 4 years. She yanks her eyebrows off and proclaims it doesn't hurt with
her sun-damaged, skin of steel.
11.06am all the HM's are eating breakfast in the kitchen.
Mario asks Josie if she enjoyed her breakfast.
JOSIE: Um, yeah, I almost licked the plate! (that's my girl!!)
Shabby asks what they are going to do about the washing up liquid situation, Josie suggests using shower gel. When Ben
upsets Sunshine at the table teasing her that she has a verruca - Josie tells no one in particular 'I had a verruca once ..
I've had a few of them, when I was younger I did.'
Steve makes his way to the Diary room to request washing up liquid and clean tea towels 'as washing plates with
shower gel is not the way forward.' You mean to say that bubble bath doesn't do the job either? DAG NABBIT!! Will
have to come up with an alternative method for washing the dishes in my household. :D
Sunshine takes Ben to one side at the sofas as she's finding it a struggle to get along with Govan and now has him giving her
grief too. She doesn't want people thinking she has an infectious condition on her feet. Ben apologises for saying this and when
Sunshine repeats what he'd said he laughs. She is irked that he is still finding this funny and she's nearly crying. Ben tells her he
has a black sense of humour and it would be like her saying 'let's use some of Ben's pile cream.' She doesn't think that would
be the same for her to do on TV as it is not infectious.
Josie tells Ben that Becks is gonna help her with the washing if he wants any doing. John is hot on her heels – ready to give
Jose a hand. He was always so quick to do anything she asked him to, wasn't he? That's what happens when *sings* You're in love
with a beautiful woman!
Sunshine sternly makes Ben promise he won't do it again. He apologises more profusely and she just doesn't want him to do
it any more as it's not supporting her but 'isolating' her. He hugs her and gives her an apologetic peck. John and Josie can
be spotted in the distance getting down to it in the bathroom ... I'm talking about the clothes washing, you dirty-minded
mongrels! :P
11.57am Dave has come to the Diary room. He talks about being distant because of being away from his family and
due to the pressure and scrutiny of Big Brother. He insists he does not feel any animosity or lack of love towards any of his
HM's even Govan who he feels there is a massive barrier between. He's in 2 minds over whether to address this with Govan
as he feels that he (himself) could potentially be gone on Friday anyway.
Josie, Govan and Ife are in the bathroom. Today HM's will nominate for the first time. Govan grills Josie if
anyone who doesn't usually approach her has today, being extra nice. Ife doesn't see why Dave hasn't to her and Josie
and Govan say it is because she is seen as sweet, lovely, little Ife. Govan also puts it down to Dave being confident that Ife
already likes him.
Govan talks to Mario and Ben in the bathroom about being really irritated by Sunshine playing the hard done by act. He
goes as far as to say he'd rather chew on his big toe than re-connect with her. Didn't we see a similar tweet from Josie about
how she would sooner eat her own toenails than visit Australia?
GOVAN: People like that scare me. I think they're dangerous. She twists everything to her advantage.
He can't help but feel if she wasn't there he would be having the ultimate time of his life. Govan believes that everything she
says when it comes to other people and conflict is contrived. He doesn't want anybody to spoil his experience as he'd wanted
it since he was about 12. When who should stroll in at the inopportune moment in true soap-opera fashion? .....
*SUNSHINE*!!!! EEK! Govan doesn't stop his slander and voices how his Mum would be so angry to see what's going on.
She seems to remain oblivious that the conversation revolves around herself. Mario urges him not to go in to a shell. Govan
admits he'd done that yesterday but sings 'I won't let no one bring me down!'
12.38pm most of the HM's are in the garden.
John James and Josie are in the bathroom doing the laundry. John quizzes Josie some more.
JOHN: Have you got heaps of friends? (She has!)
JOSIE: I've got some really good friends actually.. you'd like them.
JOHN: Why? Are they all like you? (suggesting that if they were like Josie he probably would)
Josie tells him her friend would love him; he asks why.
JOSIE: Cos you are just her type!
JOHN: Why?
JOSIE: Um.. pret.. cos you're quite a pretty boy, aren't you?
JOHN: Um .. yeah, you could say that! (giggles bashfully)
Josie thinks he'd like her as well.
JOHN: Why's that?
JOSIE: Um.. cos she's gorgeous!!
JOHN: (repeats gently) Cos she's gorgeous.. (we all know who Johnny James thought was gorgeous!!)
She decides she'll have to hook them up. (Yeeeeeah that didn't happen!)
JOHN: You wouldn't do that for me, Jose?
JOSIE: I would!
JOHN: (Happily) Would ya? I don't think you would.
JOSIE: Oh yeah cos your my baby fadda! (he was the one they pretended got Josie pregnant!)
JOHN: I think .. (just realises what she'd said) 'You're my baby fa.. I think you'll be out a long time after me.
JOSIE: (disagrees) Nooooo! I don't think .. honestly I'm alright now but I'm just worried what I'm gonna be
like a few weeks in .. when I start getting bored!
When Mario enters the Bathroom Josie asks him who he'd take on a romantic meal in the house. Predictably he picks Ben
so John jokes that he may have to swap beds with Ben – but takes it back as he couldn't sleep that close to Steve.
JOSIE: (Keen to know) Who would yours be, Becks?
JOHN: While we're in the house? Oh definitely you, Josie!!
JOSIE: Oh, thanks mate.
JOHN: (coyly) That's alright.. that's alright, mate.
JOSIE: I'd go with you actually.
Mario pre-empts 'so there could be a budding romance between you two.'
JOSIE: Could be, could be!
More than that Mystic Mario it wasn't just a romance they fell in love. And it was beautifulllllll *sighs dreamily*
12.50pm most of the HM's are in the garden.
The girls are sat round the spa talking about cars while the fellas do the laundry GLORY! Josie asks Sunshine if she has a
convertible. She has a Peugeot 206, which if I'm not mistaken is the car Josie first bought when she left BB. Shabby
strikes a deal with Caoimhe that she will hire her to be a chauffeur for her so long as she doesn't spy on what's going on in
the back seat!!
John James and Govan are in the nest talking about Dave. Govan thinks he's fake and wonders why. John asks
him if he honestly believes that which Govan absolutely, wholeheartedly does. Govan felt that he was working rooms in
order to not be nominated and paying attention to people he hadn't normally. He'd 'accidentally' let this slip and Rachael
had gasped this was the exact thing happening to her. Govan is sorry but 'how can that be a coincidence?'
After Ben refuses to make Mario a drink of water Josie asks 'is your husband being rude to you already?' Mario
supposes it is time for marital discipline and Josie agrees he needs to sit him down. Nathan shrewdly suggests that he
'spank him til his eyes water!' Josie tells Mario that he and Ben would make a 'handsome couple.' She then asks
Dave if he would marry them – Dave explains that he wouldn't but he loves him.
MARIO: Well, thanks a bl**dy lot!
JOSIE: How come?
Dave explains his religious views on same-sex marriages when Josie asks if he agrees with it. He says he isn't judgmental
towards it as he thinks they are all really, really loved but it's not something he would be happy doing before God.
JOSIE: If God did love everyone and want them to be happy, why wouldn't he let them get married?
Dave doesn't want to get into it any further as he knows how controversial it is but his interpretation of scripture shows him
that homosexuality is wrong to God. Josie tells him she hasn't read the Bible; Dave again states that God loves everyone.
1.42pm today HM's will nominate for the first time. Ben is the first HM to be called by Big Brother.
BEN - SHABBY ('she's somewhat too volatile .. you know shouting 1 minute, crying the next') and he also
chooses to nominate his friend with a heavy heart - SUNSHINE as (she's proved to be a divisive figure in the house')
CAOIMHE - SUNSHINE (as she thinks she looks down her nose at them) and DAVID (as the whole getting drunk off the Holy
Spirit p*sses her off and thinks he does it for attention)
CORIN - CAOIMHE (as she's not seen her pull her weight and she's not mingling as much) and SUNSHINE (as she carries on
conflict for a lot longer than she needs to)
DAVE - GOVAN (as for no apparent reason there was a total disconnection. Today he'd tried to give him eye contact and
talk to him but Govan turned his back on him and thinks he's playing the game) and RACHAEL (as he finds her pretty
insensitive in the way she dresses as she mentions she hasn't been wearing pants. Someone had seen her parts when her
legs were open and he certainly doesn't want to see her bits!)
GOVAN - SUNSHINE (as she's the main source of contention over petty things and she spoils the vibe of the group) and DAVID
(as he likes to get involved when there are bits of drama .. thinks he's playing some sort of game which he doesn't enjoy so
would like him removed)
IFE - SUNSHINE (as she doesn't ever seem to want to back down and she's very irritating) and STEVE (as she feels like he
doesn't like her and she's tip toeing and walking on eggshells around him)
JOHN: RACHAEL 'because I think she thinks she's a little bit better than certain people in the house .. just the
looks that she gives certain people like 'who the hell do you think you are?' I think she believes she has maybe
a little bit more of a right to be in here than certain other girls because of what she looks like and.. it makes
me feel uncomfortable and I don't like it.'
John then nominates SHABBY 'I guess Shabby.. I didn't like that it when she was told off because she was
discussing nominations .. I didn't really know what she was discussing but it seems to me as though..
I don't mind people discussing nominations because everybody does it including myself but .. I don't
think there's any reason to discuss names.. obviously it was worse than what any other HM had done
because she got warned.. so I got the feeling that maybe she was trying to influence her group into
doing something that she maybe doesn't want to do.'
JOSIE - DAVE 'I'm gonna nominate Dave because we don't really have a laugh, we don't have a lot in
common and we've got different views on different things. I believe if you're in love with somebody
you should be able to marry them and erm.. he doesn't.'
Josie then nominates SUNSHINE 'I've had conversations with her and they don't feel like real conversations ..
she's talking to the mirror behind me. and er she's always going on about how intelligent she is and I'm
not the shiniest tool in the toolbox and I feel a bit inadequate.
MARIO - SHABBY (as her personality is so strong he feels others are suppressed and pushed aside a little bit) and CORIN (as
they haven't bonded on an intellectual level and he likes stimulating conversation but hasn't had that from her)
NATHAN - SUNSHINE (she gets on his t*ts and is always 'me, me, me' and it grates on him) and BEN (found it hard to have
lots in common with him and like he's not interested and vacant)
RACHAEL - DAVE (as they haven't spoken since they got there but then yesterday he sat next to her and tried to have a
chat .. she doesn't think that was genuine) and SUNSHINE (as they both think they are right all the time so probably never
going to get on and finds her difficult to be around)
SHABBY - SUNSHINE (as she believes she is intellectually superior and Shabby doesn't appreciate the 'whack' assumption
that the rest of them are thickos) and DAVE (as they are at different stages of their lives - she is young and brash and they
are 2 separate people who will never get on)
STEVE - SUNSHINE (as she's 'quite irritating with her Lady Gaga songs and running around the garden like a pink fairy and
playing with the cameras!') and SHABBY (as she really plays up and has tantrums and the way she goes about things is fake)
SUNSHINE - GOVAN (as during the Mole guessing task he voted her knowing if she was she'd be evicted and since then he's
been avoiding her and not talking to her) and SHABBY (as she'll walk into a room and you'll smile and she won't even
acknowledge that you're there which makes her uncomfortable and think does she not like me?)
Sunshine received 10 nominations. Dave and Shabby each received 5 nominations.
4.51pm All of the HM's are in the kitchen. Nathan has cooked lunch for the house and has prepared some
onions for a curry he intends to make for this evening's meal. Rachael realises that Ben has some of the onions on
his plate. Nathan near hits the roof when he notices that onions have been eaten.
NATHAN: B**tards! Can't leave f**k all, can I?
Josie defends the guys 'accident' to Nathan although Ben had shushed Mario that they weren't supposed to have them. Ben
says he didn't realise and doesn't understand people pointing fingers really loudly.
GOVAN: It's only onions! It's not the end of the world.
5.10pm On the couches Ben expresses how he feels people have been 'dobbing' on each other. Josie comes and lays on the
couch behind John, puts some lip gloss on and then moves away. Govan and Dave are having it out with each other as Govan
feels Ben made a genuine error and was jumped on . Dave saw Ben taking onions so thought they were part of the meal - he
doesn't think he's done anything immoral.
Govan doesn't think he is being disrespectful or accusing Dave of being the biggest monster in the world for taking the onions.
Josie comes back and ignores the elephant in the room by painting Ben's toenails. John is watching back and forth as Dave and
Govan continue to argue. Govan thinks Dave made the situation with Sunshine worse but Dave doth protesteth that he was
NATHAN: It didn't need mediating!
Govan tells him the situation didn't have anything to do with him at all. All of a sudden the scene switches to the girls in the
bathroom and Josie has joined them in the tub! A classic example of timeframe manipulation in HL edits.
JOSIE: Is it kicking off out there again?
Shabby can't believe this is all over f**king onions but knew it would happen after nominations. 'I'm glad we're in the
bath!' Govan shouts down Dave that he doesn't know him at all and why would he lie about his motives. He doesn't think
he needs to explain himself as Sunshine would have been upset no matter what.
SHABBY: They were really going for it just then!
Josie and some of the other girls try to call Govan in but he stays where he is. Ife doesn't like it :( Shabby says that Josie has
joined the bath crew now. Shabby states that it isn't about the onions but it is a way of venting their unresolved issues. Again,
this makes me think of 2 particular people!
6.35pm Govan and Dave are at the carousel. They've been talking about their earlier argument for the last
36 minutes. Dave doesn't want the bad blood between them to carry on he knows they won't be holding hands or taking
windy walks. Govan warns him to be careful with what he comes out with as it is dangerous to assume peoples motives
and then broadcast them 'as you'll never know for a fact, will you? You'll only know what I tell you.'
Which brings me to John and Jose - we analyse and speculate a LOT on here but we can never say anything about their lives now for
100% certainty as we don't have the same 24/7 access as we did on BB. All we can go on is the snippets that they tell us from their
own lips - maybe they are half truths, falsehoods, elaborations, contradictions, total lies etc etc. but we won't know for a fact. So while
there is no harm in discussing and sharing of theories - we have to be careful not to state things we do not KNOW as total truths. And
nobody can genuinely know what John or Josie's motives are for anything they do!
JOHN: Are they still going at it? (Stands to get a closer glance into the garden)Yeah, they are! (sighs and sits back down)
Sunshine has been in bed completely unaware of events. Sunshine wants enlightening as she's missed everything and Rachael
had said Govan and Dave were arguing over her. Ben begins that it started over onions and then kicked off a big argument
over her. She feels bad that she has inadvertently caused this. John stresses to her that she has done nothing wrong at all
and it is NOT her fault 'not even in the slightest'.
Dave doesn't like that there's been a disconnection between them. They shake hands and go their separate ways. Govan
takes Sunshine into the bedroom and they try to be quiet as Josie is sleeping. Govan expresses that he had been angry the
past few days and Dave had bought a few things to his attention. Govan doesn't think what he did was wrong but that he's
made himself look stupid. (I wonder if John and Josie ever feel like that .. they feel they are in the right but perhaps the way they
have gone about things has made them both look like children!) He swears on everything that is dear to him that he doesn't
want Sunshine to be removed from the house.. He can't call her for it as he'd have reacted in the same way as her.
Dave, John, Corin and Rachael are throwing around a sock or cushion in the living room to pass the time. Competitive
Corin rears her ugly head!!
Govan doesn't want Sunshine to think that he is some kind of evil monster. She says she doesn't (I actually liked this
sweeter side to her character) but Govan worries he has been portrayed as such as Sunshine looks fragile. She wants him
to understand she hasn't done this deliberately and doesn't want to be perceived as a victim. She'd like to be a role model
for people at school as she was bullied, felt ugly, got rubbish GCSE's and her Mum died in her first year of medical school.
Sunshine opening up to him helped Govan feel more comfortable with her.
11.20pm all of the HM's are in the living room playing a game - *The lighter game*
JOSIE: Mario, who do you fancy most? (He passes the lighter to Ben and they clap and whoop)
Mario asks Ben who he'd like to share a passionate kiss on the lips with. John practically jumps with glee as Ben passes it
Rachael's way and she she does her utmost not to appear revolted.
Ben asks Rachael who she's thought about the most at night when trying to get to sleep - the lighter heads for Nathan's hand.
Nathan answers he'd miss 'little man' Govan the most in the house if they left. Then puts his graphic question to him 'who
would you most like to nail in the house?' His face brightens when he says he thinks Caoimhe is very beautiful.
Caoimhe picks Shabby as the person who makes her laugh the most. Shabby flings the lighter to Rachael in response to her
being the one she most wants to *sexual sounds* with! Shabby tosses it back to Caoimhe as she finds her the most attractive.
Caoimhe chooses 'Australia' as the person she'd most like to share a bed with and John is pleased to receive 'my first
Caoimhe asks him who he'd most like a snog in the snug with – without looking he throws the lighter into Corin's lap (who
is sat next to him and Josie to her – neither are watching. Josie definitely wasn't expecting it to go in her direction) They
ooooooh as John's cheeks redden and Corin fans herself.
Steve selects Josie as the one he'd most like to have a pint with. John asks Josie (so he must have selected her as one of his
answers. As the person who receives the lighter is asked a question by the person who GIVES them that lighter) if she could
snog anyone in the house who it would be (and immediately looks down with a sniff – was he hoping for the lighter to head
his way and wanted to act nonchalant?) The person who gave the lighter asks the question to the lighter receiver - so this
would suggest that John had chucked a lighter Josie's way .. and I WANNA KNOW WHAT IT WAS FOR!!!!
JOSIE: Because I think you'd be a wicked cuddler, Steve .. I reckon it would be you!
2.15am Most of the Housemates are asleep. Josie, Govan and John James are at the carousel talking
about a game the HM's played earlier.
Govan thought it looked awkward Shabby choosing Rachael over Caoimhe. Josie thinks was a decoy.
JOSIE: Cos if I fancied someone in here I wouldn't pick them .. heellllloooo!!
JOHN: (playfully smug) Didn't.. Is that why you didn't pick me? (she answers it is) Is it really?! B***h! That's
why I gave the f**king keyring to f**kin' Corin then!
JOSIE: Oh is it? .. alright then, well now we know! (They laugh)
JOHN: I just didn't wanna make s**t awkward!
Govan asks John who he really wanted to pick and Josie mumbles 'Corin'. John looks around checking the coast is clear.
JOHN: Look, I'm gonna be honest with ya, I f**king hate Rachael! I f**king hate her!!
Govan could tell but Josie is surprised! Govan knew 'but she's the one you'd wanna f**k the most, isn't she?'
JOHN: Probably yeah because of that reason.. cos I f**king can't stand her..
JOSIE: I don't understand 'you blokes!! I'm really shocked .. cos I think she fancies you.
John says this is why he f**king doesn't like her. Govan thinks he's actually angry because he DOES like her but doesn't like
her arrogance.
JOHN: (Looks to Josie and insists) No, I don't.. all my life I've f**king hated girls like that .. girls that are
arrogant purely because of what they look like .. and I think she thinks she's better than certain
people just because of what she looks like and that F**KING drives me crazy! I f**king hate that ..
all my life it's always p**sed me off.
JOSIE: Do you think secretly you quite fancy her?
JOHN: Seriously not at all, she's not my type! At ALL!
He also doesn't like her attitude and hates the look which he demonstrates screwing up his eyes.
JOHN: I f**king hate that! I will go. I'll go her!
Josie vows to never ask Becks to take his top off again. But John doesn't care 'if she likes me or not, I'll go her!'
GOVAN: He'll go her!
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