I could not find any afternoon live feed from E4 only 2 brief DM clips - apologies!
*Bob Righter has just come to life and the card told HM's to sharpen their tongues for nominations. Josie asks Mario if he's ever seen the movie 'Big' - Bobby R must remind her of the fortune telling machine in that. Mario thinks he will give out secret tasks and if you complete them Bob Righter could grant them a wish. John walks past flirtfully asking Josie what she thinks she's doing.
JOHN: (Has an arm around Mario but cannot take his eyes off Josie) You're looking very pretty today aren't you, Josie? (wiggles his eyebrows)
JOSIE: No, I'm not! No, I look like a scarecrow!!
JOHN: (Extracts himself from Mario's embrace) You look like a scarecrow? (he walks past)
JOSIE: You're not looking too bad yourself, Becks. Actually, you're looking a bit ..alright! (giggles)
MARIO: Time for baby number 2!
JOHN: Are we having another baby?
JOSIE: Could do!
Mario jests that he hopes that look after the next one better as they don't even know where their first born is! John saunters back past up close to Josie whilst enjoying the view ;)
JOHN: Are these real Ray bans? (They are Josie's) Are they really? Are they really yours? (She applies lip balm and tells them they belong to her) Can I have 'em?
JOSIE: Yeah.
JOHN: No, I mean keep!
JOSIE: If you want.. (he replies he was joking) No, you can .. cos I sat on 'em!
He was going to bend them. Josie jokes 'bend like Beckham!' and that he can have them when she leaves. He pulls an 'awwwww' face and heads to the garden saying for her to let him know when she's washing clothes.
John is now helping Josie in the bathroom with the washing. SC -
JOHN: (Cutely)Aw, thanks Jose!
JOSIE: That's alright.
JOHN: That's what you do for me!
She asks if it has gone and he says it'll be fine so I suspect she is scrubbing at his clothing to get rid of a stain.
JOHN: It's like you're in the olden days!
John and Ife don't reckon BB will give them a clothes horse to dry their clothing.
JOHN: They will care when I'm putting a piece of clothing on each camera! (Josie chuckles at his cheekiness which makes him as well)
Sunshine loves the way John thinks 'it's just SO funny!' SC
JOHN: And that's when I'll get up to my most mischievous behaviour too, when that happens!
Josie ask if they reckon there is a washing machine hidden, John does! Sunshine and Ife dismiss it. John walks by and Josie tells him that she thought he was quite skinny but he's not.
JOHN: I am skinny!
JOSIE: You're not, you're hench!
JOHN: I'm quite, what? HUNCH? (Laughs but he is off camera so can't see his facial reaction) Are you trying to put me off?
He can't wait to see who is up whether it is him or not. Josie plans to just enjoy her time as she might be gone Friday. John assumes the eviction will be on Thursday because of the World Cup fixtures. Cut to Mario and Shabby clowning around in the kitchen.
Josie thinks it is not so bad going out first week as people don't really know you. Ife agrees it would be worse to stay weeks and weeks when they really know you and then discover you are disliked. John thinks it will be so random that whoever goes first shouldn't take offence to it.
JOSIE: You can't ever predict this show!
John completely concurs with that and asks if she wants him to throw in another 'soap thing.. soap tablet' in the tub. Josie tells a hand-on-hip holding John that she's already put in 4. Nathan comes in and wants Josie's Raybans and takes them off John. She'd bought them in Turkey (so hadn't had them long and they are already bent!)
JOHN: Do you wanna just leave that for a bit, Jose and then we'll come back and do the whites? (wanting Josie's attention back and to schedule another dirty-linen date with her!)
Josie stays behind to tidy the bathroom. Ife and Josie agree that 1 week isn't long enough for them to get to know 13 HM's.
IFE: I don't really know myself!
JOSIE: I don't know who I am anymore either.
And now we skip to the late night E4 feed :)
*At the Carousel John tells Govan he knew Corin had a girl that's why he handed her the lighter. He thought it would make it a bit awkward between them but he didn't care. Govan tells him Corin's 'really easy-going.' They move to the snug and John bashes his foot as he makes his way in. Govan worries 'OMG have you cut your foot? Is that blood?' Before John even checks he ahhh's and then laughs realising he hadn't inspected his foot 'I went aahhhh! I didn't even know yet!'
Govan considers John to be very astute -
JOHN: Once something does p**s me off – that's when I've had it!
John was noticeably p*ssed off with Josie on twitter to the point where his blood was boiling so much he couldn't even tweet her directly. Especially if his rage had been simmering and bubbling away like a volcano .. he tried to keep the eruption at bay - but it was inevitable.
They both feel that the group has divided but John doesn't want to have to choose a certain group but thinks he is going to have to.
JOHN: (Sighs) Cos I love the other group as well, I do. They've been nothing but kind to me ..
A lot of people feel they have been made to pick sides since the split - I do not have this mindset. I am my own person and will not choose one camp over the other - I disagree and agree with both John and Josie from time to time. I'm aware that a few feel that John has turned his back on past joint supporters of himself and Josie in favour of his own. From his perspective, I can understand why, as they are going to be unquestionably loyal to him and won't cast any hate his way .. even if some of his followers fling it in Josie's direction .. and vice versa.. I understand that some of Josie's do the same to John. So it is 'safer' for them to trust those who support them exclusively perhaps. I totally see why they may be wary of those who continue to like and support both (of which I am one!) even if they may not agree with all the actions of their most zealous ubers.
Govan asks 'who do you feel has approached you today, that hasn't before?' John doesn't think anyone has to him 'nuh! Everyone's been fine with me! No one's approached me!' Govan wants to know who John was referring to earlier that he believed is playing a game. John checks that they are allowed to even discuss this. His buddy tells them they can so long as it has nothing to do with nominations. John does feel that Dave is and Govan does too as when he was speaking to him in the garden every reference Dave made was about the public. Govan told him he was being out of order as it told him that everything Dave does was in regard to the public will receive it.
GOVAN: I behave in a way that I think is acceptable.
He goes on to say he won't just jump in and attack someone but not because he thinks the public won't like it. But if he's having a row with someone that's a different story 'I'm not gonna think to myself 'oh sh*t - the public don't like arguments.. I can't say anything to you because the public might not like it!'
John really does think Dave has got a big heart 'but in saying that, you don't have to tell everyone that you love them every 5 minutes.. because I THINK.. I could be wrong and I could be looking like a right d**khead here .. but I think he's doing it purely for the fact that he wants to stay longer and that's what I don't like. If you are genuinely like that in real life i.e. Mario .. if you are like that..' (he stops his sentence as they hear a noise and open the door to see if anyone has overheard their chat though no one is there)
John really does think Dave has got a big heart 'but in saying that, you don't have to tell everyone that you love them every 5 minutes.. because I THINK.. I could be wrong and I could be looking like a right d**khead here .. but I think he's doing it purely for the fact that he wants to stay longer and that's what I don't like. If you are genuinely like that in real life i.e. Mario .. if you are like that..' (he stops his sentence as they hear a noise and open the door to see if anyone has overheard their chat though no one is there)
John doesn't know where he's been as he hasn't been around for these conversations that Govan has informed him about.
JOHN: Cos normally I'm pretty good at picking up sh*t up! I just mustn't be listening.
John feels guilty thanking Nathan for cooking their meals as he appreciates it more than he'll ever know.. but he doesn't want to go up to him like he's sucking up his ass. He wishes he could thank him more as Nathan doesn't have to do 'jack sh*t and I can't cook! So I really do appreciate that.'
It had p**sed John off how Benjy was directing what he thinks Nathan should do as from his point of view 'if you wanna do something different, then f**king step up!'
John says he isn't willing to either but he doesn't know how to so 'if he offers me sh*t on toast – I'll eat it!' EYEEEEEW! John thinks Davo keeps touching Nathan and being friendly with him as he senses there may be an altercation there. John thinks Dave is giving Nathan the time of day for the pure fact that the public are watching and someone is getting evicted.
JOHN: If there was no eviction, he wouldn't give him the f**king time of day!
They do believe that he cares for Sunshine but Govan guarantees that Dave has been pushing that to try to make himself come over in a positive light. As Dave had told Govan all he'd been doing was try to comfort her.
*Josie chats briefly with Ben, Ife and Caoimhe in the bathroom. Then heads for the bedroom where Nathan notices that she's wide awake now as she woke up at 9pm.
JOSIE: This is when I start getting my wide awakest! I'm a night owl, always have been.. it's a joke!
She is looking for something to do as it's driving her crazy not having a bit of responsibility in there. 'I'd love to be in charge of the batteries right now.' Nathan and Rachael smile in response to her responsibility-less-ness!
NATHAN: You're a darlin'!
*The conversation is cut off to show Ben boring the brain cells out of Shabby about one of the first feature-length lesbian films. Then Dave and Ben tell Mario how mega bright he is as his thesis on time travel won him a science award.
DAVE: Got more degrees than a thermometer! Look at Mr Mensa here, brighter than a button!
Dave becomes Ben's ventriloquist dummy in Ben's bid to be a source of entertainment. Ben's voice becomes unnervingly high-pitched! Dave predicts that he and Sunshine will cream such a high percentage of the votes there may not be anything left for anyone else. Ben believes the votes will be very thinly spread.
DAVE: Like Stevie's hair!
Another quip from Dave 'cyclone Steve, you now have clearance to take off!' He then unfortunately decides to enlighten us that he isn't very hairy and didn't have any rubix cubes until he was 16. Dave asks for Ben's perspective on his earlier battle with Govan.
BEN: The only thing that I disagree on with our Australian buddy .. is that neutrality should be preserved at all times. I think that's a good idea in theory, but you can't do that if you believe in something strongly.
He thinks Dave did the right thing and that it is a fact that (although he likes Govan a lot) Govan was aggressive towards Dave. Mario says he wouldn't over something as silly as that but if someone threatened his friends or family he'd be right in there (this is an attitude I think Josie shares with Mars) Dave didn't feel threatened in any way. Ben beholds that bed is a brilliant idea.
BEN: I'll see you on the runway! (regarding Cyclone Steve's snoring)
After almost 30 minutes of no JJJ action on live feed we find our friends in the nest with Govan. Something Govan had said had got John thinking 'sh*t, that could easily happen!' He has been telling them a personal story from his past that coloured his teenage years. John asks if he'd had to move but he hadn't. He was living somewhere that was filled with people who are not the best sorts in society 'people who will come out with disgusting things just to get the better of you in an argument!' We see this kind of scummy slander and persecution on twitter daily :( Too many personal snippets from Govan slip through the live feed when really this should not have been broadcast. No wonder, Govan was so flamin' furious with BB and quite rightly so!
He'd experienced 'this' since he was 12 and that has changed him completely. They have been listening to him intently but Govan breaks off to laugh at Josie's thumb sucking.
JOHN: (Scolds softly) Because he's telling you a serious st.. the most serious thing that's ever happened in his life and you're sitting there like this! (he does an impression of how she is sat with her thumb in her mouth, smiling)
Josie (through giggles) insists she didn't even laugh. Govan doesn't see what she'd have found funny about that. Josie tells him she doesn't but it's how he's having a conversation and his eyes look like 'they're gonna pop out of your head!' They are all in hysterics as Govan's Mum takes the p**s out of him doing this too. Josie demonstrates how his eyes enlarge and John laughs in agreement as he'd noticed this too. John collapses giggling towards Josie's lap.
*Govan changes the tone back to serious and asks if they understand .. as he has enough to worry about outside the house with people hating him.
JOSIE: (tries to make him feel better) I've actually done a lot, lot worse than that.
Govan thinks there are only a couple of things that are comparably worse than what he had confided in them. Josie promises to tell him when they get out.
JOHN: Look, you got accused by a skank, man!
JOSIE: Yeah, she's just a skank!
JOHN: F**k it! I must .. it must have been a difficult time, no doubt about that .. but at the end of the day you've come out a better person because of it.
Hopefully the same will happen eventually for John and Josie and they will be able to learn many lessons that will help them in their futures.
JOSIE: What a cowbag!
JOHN: It's probably good that you don't trust everyone cos not everyone's trustworthy.
Govan threatens to sue if BB show any of their conversation – so they soundcut AFTER they have been broadcasting for several minutes!!
*JOSIE: (randomly bursts out with) There ain't no stars round here, are there? Have you noticed?'
GOVAN: (pretends to snap) We don't care about the stars!
John tells them he is looking forward to the final night party and that he will come back for it. 'I have to .. I'm contracted just like you.' (SC for 2 minutes and 57 secs!!)
Govan advises John that it would be cheaper for him to stay in a hotel (in the UK) until the party then fly back (rather than returning to Oz then coming back for the party) and that is assuming he doesn't go the long haul which he thinks he will. John jokes that he'd have to stay here 3 months implying hotel bills would add up considerably.
JOHN: (assures) You will see me again, don't worry about that!
GOVAN: You're mad, you! He clearly has money to burn. (John covers his face in his hands laughing but uncomfortable to answer the question)
John says how he has a mate's engagement party to go too(who is getting married in Cyprus) ..
JOSIE: Oh lovely! (the chat trails off as we rock up to the bedroom then back briefly for a blocked out conversation. Then to the bedroom again and finally returning to the hut.. I don't know about you but I'm exhausted running all over the house like that!!)
*Josie has fled the nest and Govan explains to John that Caoimhe is worried about something similar (to Govan) that could be going on outside.
JOHN: How has she found out that?
Govan reassures him that Shabby wouldn't be angry at John but just down ..
JOHN: But Caoimhe's straight, though?
GOVAN: Occasionally bisexual.
JOHN: Oh, is she?
Govan thinks Shabby picked Rachael in the game as a cover up. He'd chosen Caoimhe 'and Caoimhe chose you! And then post that was when ..' Shabby selected Rachael. He says Shabby isn't irrational and wouldn't be upset at John.
JOHN: If she wants to go, I'll go! If she wants to have a go at me, I'll go her .. but I don't feel as though (laughs) I've done anything to grant a go!
It seems Govan thought Shabby was being off with John since the game but that is just the impression he got.
JOHN: I'm not f**king repeating anything in here!
Govan plans to go and have a cigarette with 'that inappropriate b***h!' which I can only presume is Josie :D
*The lads join Josie at the smoker's bench as Govan continues 'think about it this way .. when you like someone and it's not reciprocated .. it's not exactly a warm feeling, is it?
JOHN: (agrees) Yeah, like when Jose picked um.. Nathan to go out partying with! (he laughs but Govan nods his head 'exactly!')
Josie tries to explain .. but John carries on ..
JOHN: And when she picked Steve to have a hug with at night.
GOVAN: Yeah, I know!
JOHN: (Teasing) I don't even know why we're friends with you, to be honest!
GOVAN: No, neither do I but..
JOSIE: (corrects them) No, it was a snog.. it was a snog. Because he got really massive arms!
Govan plays along with the wind up and they all giggle.
GOVAN: Now we know who means what to who in this house and that's fine!
Josie reaffirms that she'd only picked Nathan as 'I think he could keep up with me in the raving department.. maybe would be able to, I don't know..'
JOHN: (Mimics) In the ravin' department!
JOSIE: (flirts back) Oh, is it? Well now we know!
She is shocked when John confesses his hatred for Rachael (as previously blogged)
JOHN: She's irritating me to the point where I'm gonna snap.
JOHN: She's irritating me to the point where I'm gonna snap.
Josie thinks Rachael is really funny! Josie tells him she's really, really shocked about this and would never have guessed.
JOHN: I don't care how f**king good looking she is .. she's amazing, she's amazing.. there's no doubt about that!
When Josie reveals that she thinks Rachael fancies him he uses this as a reason why he doesn't like her.
JOHN: Because she thinks she's 'the sh*t! She thinks she is the f**king sh*t! I hate.. before I came in..
Govan gives a pyschology 101 class on how he thinks that because John likes her 'that feeling he gets of her being arrogant makes him even more angry!'
JOSIE: Do you reckon Becks, likes Rachael really?
Govan confirms he does think this which makes John scowl more.
JOHN: (vehemently denies) I do NOT!
He explains more about how he's hated girls like that all his life (see HL's blog) and how it is obvious that Ben really likes her but Rachael gives him absolutely nothing. Josie and Govan like Rachel and can't contain their shock.
JOHN: I'm keeping the peace but I f**king hate her! (Govan could tell) And I will go, if she wants to go!
Josie describes him as 'an angry little f**ker!' with tongue in cheek.
JOHN: Look, I like you's so you can take the p*ss out of me, all you want .. but when someone takes the p**s out of the way I roll up my pants or anything like that .. or asks me to f**king take off my top or vests 550 times I'm gonna be f**king hookin'!'
For maybe the 1000th time he shows them the look he hates Rachael doing as to him this says 'I'm f**king better than you! You're the sh*t on my shoes!' Govan guffaws that no wonder they'd picked him as there's a lot more to him than you'd think. John says he'd said something similar in his audition video which he thinks 'f**ked me up!' Govan supposes this is why they've put him in.
JOSIE: (Jokes) I've asked you to take your top off about 3 million times, haven't I? and Josie tells him 'that's what you do to us! The Brad Pitt look!'
*John expresses his forthright views on arrogant girls (see HL blog) 'Cos at the end of the day, you're born, this is what you are .. if... you don't get to choose what you look like! I think she looks down on people who aren't as .. I think.' Govan wants to know why it bothers him so much and he answers that it is just something that has always p**sed him off.
John doesn't think they understand but adds that he likes Rihanna. Govan grimaces 'with that forehead?!' So John changes his mind to maybe in the earlier days of Rihanna. John considers Rachael to have the same attitude as Beyonce and Mariah which Govan counters as Beyonce is a 'good little Christian girl.' John admits he would know more about Mariah Carey.
JOHN: She's not my type at all! She's seriously not. I don't think Beyonce's good looking at all or Mariah Carey! (Josie thinks he's joking) I s**t you not! I swear on my life!
JOSIE: (astonished) You are so weird!
JOHN: She seems to look more like Beyonce but to have the Mariah Carey personality and (seethes) I f**king hate that!!
GOVAN: (To Josie) He f**king hates that!
Josie vows to never ask him again to take off his top. John doesn't give a f**k if Rachael likes him or not he'll 'go her!'
JOHN: I can only take so much .. and whether she's gonna treat me differently cos she wants me to take off my top or ..
JOSIE: No, I think she really does genuinely like you!
John and Govan think so too. They all move inside to the kitchen as Josie is thirsty. Josie and Govan tell John that when he moved beds (from beside their double) they were sad about it.
GOVAN: I was like unless he's after some arse .. what's his problem? I really did! I was like what's his beef?
JOSIE: Yeah, when you moved beds I was like .. (shows him her expression although she is facing John with her back to the camera)
John didn't even know they would care. Josie tells him they did 'we were really put out when you moved!' Govan hams it up further 'I didn't want to see your face for the rest of the night!'
JOSIE: Like 'who do you think you are?'
JOHN: I'm out of the group or something? I'm gonna have to roll Shabby out of it! (as he had given up his bed as a favour for Shabby)
GOVAN: I didn't want to look at your face, you traitor!
JOHN: I've always hated people like that, always..
Josie offers 'Becks' a drink but he declines as he hasn't done venting and ranting his roots off!
JOHN: Nah, I'm still going! I haven't finished yet! (Josie apologises but continues to pour her juice) I'm still going! I hate that look .. I'm not happy about that!!
JOSIE: (Josie can't understand what Becks is on about)Every time I look round you're always doing the Brad Pitt from Friends! (She does a spot on impersonation of this which makes them all laugh)
JOHN: That's cos I'm annoyed! She really p*sses me off! I hate the .. (does the screwed up sucking a lemon face) I f**king HATE that.. (SC) I would really go her but because we have to live with each other.. so I have to make some sort of an effort ..
GOVAN: (laughs)You're .. you're a really .. you're a vicious little turnip!
Josie jokes that she thought Govan was!
JOHN: If someone gets me going .. especially like that..
GOVAN: (feigns offence) What do you mean 'I thought you were?' OMG! You make me feel so bad about myself!
GOVAN: And why would you feel bad about that .. if she goes?
JOHN: (misunderstands) What do you mean, if she goes home? No, I don't care about that! Like if she wants to have an argument with me!
JOHN: Okay, I've got that hint as well .. so in that case, so why be nice ..
JOSIE: (Half kidding) Do you hate everyone that fancies you? (Imitates his Brad Pitt pose) You fancy me? You fancy me??
John reckons Ben thinks the sun shines out of Rachael and that he 'would seriously lick her arsehole!' He seriously thinks the sun shines out of her arse, right..' Josie finds Rachael beautiful and Govan changes the subject 'do my ears stick out too much?'
JOSIE: (laughs and points out her own pair) Well, I didn't wanna tell you .. hello? Lobey one Kanobi!! How the F**K can you complain about yours?
JOHN: (like a pringle has popped and cannot stop) But no.. and he genuinely likes her and she's giving him nothin'! Why give me something? I'm an arsehole to her and she gives me everything! I hate people like that!
JOSIE:(explains) It's all part of being a woman! (Govan giggles that if his friend had been there John would have got it a long time ago and there would have been a scrap) Becks .. if you ever don't like me and I p**s you off .. will you just tell me straight?
John laughs but says he that he would tell her. 'I'm on the verge of telling her if she keeps going.' Govan thinks he's so intuitive as he could just tell but Josie says she's not 'why am I so oblivious?!' (Cut to Ife hangin' in the hammock until she goes to the Diary room)
Josie reveals she can't stop looking at Rachael 'she's so pretty.' Govan thinks she is too but urges Josie not to get too carried away.
JOHN: (paces like a panther on the prowl) She's not f**kin' Megan Fox let's f**king settle down a little bit here!
JOSIE: Megan Fox? OMG! She is so stunning!
Govan liked her Pre-Transformers as she has had everything done now so sees her as artifical but concedes that she is gorgeous. Sorry to pee all over the Megan Fox parade but I just do NOT see this even a little bit .. I don't even find her slightly pretty! Josie states that she isn't a lesbian but can appreciate her attractiveness.
JOHN: And if Corin had an attitude like Beyonce, she'd be f**king copping it as well! (Josie blows a raspberry) It's because she's a genuine person ..
GOVAN: Do you dig her (simultaneously)
JOSIE: Do you fancy Corin?
JOHN: (Gushes) She's an absolute stunner (sorry John but I don't see the stunner in Corin either!) but she's not .. and she's SO genuine .. (he turns to Josie and adds) (and you're genuine as well.. (was he too shy here to tell Josie he thought she was attractive to her face?) just because you're both..
Govan cuts him off mid-sentence .. it had sounded like John was going to say how BOTH Corin and Josie were attractive.. BEFORE bozo barges in to voice his view that Corin isn't what he'd call stunning but people have different interpretations. Strangely the camera then swaps to a sleeping Steve throughout the conversation that follows - as we can still hear JJJ and G's voices in the kitchen.
JOHN: (Emphatically) EXACTLY! Exactly! So why can't f**king .. um ..why can't Rachael be like that? She would be so attractive if she had a normal personality and she didn't look down on people she would be .. She is attractive there's no doubt about that, but her personality to me is ..
Govan tells Josie he thinks she is playing a bit of a game sometimes (for some reason)
JOSIE: Oh, f**k off! I'm too .. old for games! This is what I'm like, if you don't believe it .. then why are you friends with me?
YES YOU ARE JOSIE!! YOU TOO MR PARTON!! Unless you'd like to play a nice civilised game of Monopoly or Sonic :D
JOHN: You can be good looking without being an f**kwit!
JOSIE: Do you fancy Corin?
JOHN: (Gushes) She's an absolute stunner (sorry John but I don't see the stunner in Corin either!) but she's not .. and she's SO genuine .. (he turns to Josie and adds) (and you're genuine as well.. (was he too shy here to tell Josie he thought she was attractive to her face?) just because you're both..
Govan cuts him off mid-sentence .. it had sounded like John was going to say how BOTH Corin and Josie were attractive.. BEFORE bozo barges in to voice his view that Corin isn't what he'd call stunning but people have different interpretations. Strangely the camera then swaps to a sleeping Steve throughout the conversation that follows - as we can still hear JJJ and G's voices in the kitchen.
JOSIE: And do you know what makes her even more beautiful as well? Her personality? JOHN: (Emphatically) EXACTLY! Exactly! So why can't f**king .. um ..why can't Rachael be like that? She would be so attractive if she had a normal personality and she didn't look down on people she would be .. She is attractive there's no doubt about that, but her personality to me is ..
Govan tells Josie he thinks she is playing a bit of a game sometimes (for some reason)
JOSIE: Oh, f**k off! I'm too .. old for games! This is what I'm like, if you don't believe it .. then why are you friends with me?
YES YOU ARE JOSIE!! YOU TOO MR PARTON!! Unless you'd like to play a nice civilised game of Monopoly or Sonic :D
JOHN: You can be good looking without being an f**kwit!
The live feed remains on Snoring Steve but still allowing us to hear JJJG in the kitchen. John explains that he was trying to
make an effort with Rachael 'but she's like - why do you roll your pants up?!' he doesn't understand what it's got to
do with her!
GOVAN: But why do you care so much?
John reasons that it is 'because she's f**ked me off .. I'm trying to ignore her but I don't think I can anymore ..'
That seemed to be what John was trying to do with Josie but seemingly she has angered him greatly
he's finding it difficult not to snap.. albeit through indirect tweets.
GOVAN: (Predicts the future) It's gonna kick off with you two at some point, I can see it!
In my mind, it was fatally foreordained that things would kick off on twitter between John and
Josie too. There is only a certain measure of goading that a short fuse can take before it
ignites.Both John and Josie have lit several matches on that time-bomb.
JOHN: I'll f**king go, don't worry about that! (He again remarks) I hate people that are f**king obsessed with
their looks like that!
GOVAN: (cheekily) Don't you moisturise every night?
JOHN: (Maintains) But you don't have to be an arrogant f**k about it!John is adamant that 'you can be good looking without being arrogant!' Josie tells Becks that she's never met
anyone like him before, nor has Govan.
JOSIE: He's so quirky!Govan considers John to be 'quite principled' and that he had expected someone as handsome as John to be quite conceited. JOSIE: To be a tart around town! (John declares that he is the opposite! Josie shares that she hangs around with a lot of blokes on the outside (and again) how she's never met one like John) JOHN: What makes me so different? Josie doesn't know but 'you're not like a normal bloke!' which John could have taken the wrong way - as hugely generalising here, a 'normal' bloke is a bit of a man ho! The audio feed to their chat is cut and the snores resume. After about 15 minutes of snoring in the bedroom (and no I was not quite silly enough to listen to all of it, I kept fast forwarding!!) HARPS PLAY, ANGELS SING HALLELUJAH and humans generally shouted acclamations! :D Josie says she's talking to everyone but they've only been there a week so they 'don't know people yet.. No one knows anyone yet.. I f**king know you two, f**king hell!'
JOHN: (chewing his inner cheek) And the thing is .. it's not that I don't like good looking girls; I just don't like good looking girls that come with a f**kin' attitude like that.. and you'll find that a lot of 'em do .. because of what they look like.. doesn't that s**t annoy you, Gov? Govan isn't too hung up on it but respects where John is coming from. JOHN:I just think looking down on people for what you look like is the WORST possible insult in the world! TAKE NOTE LURKERS AND PLEASE RESPECTFULLY OBSERVE THIS IN YOUR LIVES AND ON TWITTER! John does not condone this kind of abhorrent, deplorable behaviour - so if you truly support him (regardless of your personal standing or feelings towards Josie) please be SUPPORTIVE of his views and morals. Govan can't believe it's nearly 3am and leaves John and Josie alone as he presses the DR buzzer. JOSIE:It's not! They're messing with us AGAIN!' No way is it! John takes the opportunity to ask Josie if her friends like that. JOSIE: What? Like what? JOHN: Like look down on people and that? JOSIE: Noooo! JOHN: Exactly! JOSIE: (As she sweeps) I've got some wicked mates! You'd like 'em actually. JOHN: (keener than cucumber) Are they like you? (Josie says they are) And there's nothin' wrong with that.. and you said half of 'em.. most of them are stunners .. and they're still like you! So why aren't.. just because they're stunners it doesn't mean they have to be f**king.. they don't have to have an attitude like you've swallowed a wasp..(as Josie continues Cinderella-ing) So he complimented her that she is a good person but doesn't mention her being good looking too.. did he not think she was at this point or was he just too afraid to voice this? As Jose swept he stared away as though he was nervous to face her for part of their 1-on-1. Josie hadn't picked up that Rachael was like that. JOSIE: I'm not trying to be fake but I'm oblivious.. I'm probably the most oblivious person! JOHN: I'm not on to everything either! I'm only on to what I wanna be on to. I missed a lot of conversations when Sunshine was trying to accuse Mario of being the mole, cos I didn't know about that.. So I'm oblivious to a lot of things as well. I didn't even know what the f**k happened with the onions! So I only listen to what I wanna listen to (laughs) and right now .. I thought Rachael was legit and now I've done my homework and I don't think she is! JOSIE: Well you've totally totally shocked me! I thought you had a little crush on her. JOHN: (puzzled) What the f**k would make you think that? I've been trying to avoid her most of the time! Josie has never noticed it. John reveals that he only talks to Rachael (at all) because she is friends with 'you guys!'
JOHN:(rants)What? If it wasn't for you guys, I wouldn't have given her nothin' at all!
JOSIE: Are you sure you don't fancy her, Becks? I can't get my head around it.
JOHN: Why? Just purely for the fact that she's good looking.. so cos she's good looking, I have to wanna
bone her? (Delightful Johnny!)
JOSIE: Yeah, that's what men are like, aren't they?
JOHN: (refutes) NO!
JOSIE: You're a different breed! You honestly..
JOHN: I don't give a f**k how good looking she is! What the f**ks that got to do with anything? (Govan guffaws
with toothpaste glooping out of his gob) Cos she's good looking and she has a f*nny that means I have to ..
JOSIE: I hope you don't start fancying me cos I'm ugly! (laughs) It seems like you only like ugly girls.
JOHN: (Shocked that she feels like that) No! Because you can be good looking and not have that f**king
personality! You said that your friend is good looking and has a good personality, so there you go! So you
know that you can be good looking and still have a good personality!
Josie reveals that her friend Trotters would love John. John quips 'Your friend 'trotters?' What, are they related to
f**king Delboy and Rodney?'
Josie explains why Trotters has been given this nickname. As when they get in from a night out her feet 'go all mangled
like a pig trotter!' She takes her shoes off after raving and her feet take on the appearance of the trotter of a pig. John
makes her repeat this and then giggles 'I think she'll appreciate you mentioning that on national TV!' Josie doesn't
think her teeth are white as she's had so much coffee and red wine.
John and Govan go the bath room while Josie goes outside for another smoke. Govan says he knew John was off with
Rachael but that it wasn't prominent enough for him to think John hates her.
JOHN: It's hard because I don't know.. and I speak to you ..and I could be wrong .. I don't think I am
though! (Glorious sound of Govan gagging at the sink)We'll wait and see. And .. and.. and for the
same reasons that you didn't wanna confront certain people, remember how you said you didn't wanna
confront anyone about your opinion? That's the same with me.. doesn't mean I'm not f**ked off! If it
keeps going.. and I know for SURE that I'm right, which I think I am .. I will attack! (laughs)
Just as when John lays low and keeps quiet on twitter after Josie has mentioned him in a magazine
or somewhere .. some assume that he just doesn't care.. when really he could be FUMING but can't
be bothered with the aggro of a confrontation. He DOES go on the attack every now and then -
either when something has been bought to his attention, or perhaps he's had a bad day or just
generally had enough of it!
Josie comes in the bath room asking for the lighter (which is in Govan's pocket) and Govan suggests she smoke in there but
she obviously won't as she'd get kicked out.
JOSIE: I don't think I've ever been so obedient in my life since I got in here.
JOHN: What you think you're doing? (in Josie's brizzle accent)
JOSIE: Are you going to bed now, Becks?
JOHN: (Sweetly) Yeah. Good night, love.
JOSIE: (Walks away while replying just as affectionately) Night love.
Govan joins Josie at the smoker's bench smirking 'oh my gosh, he's so vicious isn't he?' Josie knows but she'd never
have thought it of John; she reckons Rachael is alright. Govan can see what John means in certain ways (ad break)
Govan tells Josie it's obvious that Rachael is 'slightly conceited' and that she is 'very looks oriented' and that's
what John doesn't like. Govan doesn't think it is as bad as John was making out. They think he may have been bullied by
good looking girls at school.
JOSIE: He just comes out of nowhere, doesn't he?
GOVAN: Did she say she really fancied him?
Josie claims that she hadn't said 'really fancied him' but that she does fancy Becks.
JOSIE: I reckon it's just got to that point where everyone's fancying everyone.. cos there's nothin' else
to do!
GOVAN: No one's fancying me or you you.
JOSIE: (admits) I just wanna be fancied.
They both express that they feel insecure in the house.
JOSIE: It's all the mirrors in here! Every time I turn around and look in a mirror, I hate it! I can't stand it!
I think 'slimming world!'
Govan wishes he could 'be taller and a bit more handsome.'
JOSIE: I wish I could have gone on a diet before I got in.. about 100 years before I got in! And do you know
what I struggle with? Having a bath, with my fat f**king ass hanging out! :'( Knowing that people are
watching my fat, cellulite ass! It makes me cringe.
Govan also struggles with this and tries to be as quick as possible in the shower. Josie confesses she tries to hide behind him
in the shower and she has to try not to think about it r she would seriously 'have a heart attack!' Govan also tries not to
let it get him down but it makes Josie feel sick knowing it's been on TV screens. Josie notes that the cameras are meant to
add 10 pounds as well.
JOSIE: Look what I've got to contend with, you've seen everyone's figure in here .. they all look like
something off Hollyoaks!
Govan gushes about Becks toned stomach and how he has a nice face.
JOSIE: Yeah, but he's a b*tch! He's funny!
Josie asks Govan 'How do you think I feel? I'm the fattest one here.' She tries to laugh it off by planning a serious
diet when she's out. Govan wonders why they put themselves through it. Josie confides 'I feel sick inside when I get in
the bath' so Govan then complains about the stretchmarks over his arms.
JOSIE: At least your ass don't look like a volcano!
Govan points out the aspects of his appearance that he hates.
JOSIE: It's better than hearing you've got a nice face! .. It's better than being constantly told you've got a
'nice face!' Face like Baywatch .. body like Crimewatch!
As the DR door opens Govan hisses for Josie to come quickly. John at this moment comes out of the bedroom and Govaninforms him that he and Josie are 'going to the Diary room to complain about how unattractive we feel.'
They decide to go to the Diary Room. Watching this back, especially after seeing the Daily Mail bikini
pics makes me feel so upset for her. Those insecurities never disappear.Also on TSAJ, John told
Josie that he had said she had an attractive face. While that is praising her appearance, it made
Josie feel like crap - whoever she heard it from. John may not have realised that him saying that
made her feel so low. He may have thought 'why is she getting soo angry about this? I'm paying my
girlfriend a compliment and she kicks off!'
JOSIE: (Extends an invitation) Do you wanna come, Becks?
He doesn't need to be asked twice! Govan pretends he doesn't want John to come. They are in the Diary Room quite a while.
After they come out (John goes straight back to bed) and Govan tells Josie that BB had told him off for a conversation he'd
had in the hut with John. Govan had joked that he'd wanted to smash Dave's face in!
JOSIE: You don't wanna go home, do you? (He says he was kidding) Good! Cos you ain't going nowhere! Is it
all getting a bit much today?
He doesn't want to go home but admits it is getting a bit much and that he gets scared. He's started to miss home but would
never seriously consider going. He's worried that BB are making him out to be something he's not.
JOSIE: Yeah, but the more you went on .. the worse it looks. (He asks what she means) Well the more you rise to it.. cos I
know .. he's older he knows what he's doing (about Dave) The more you rise to it the more (she trails off)
I think if Josie had mentioned John just a few times after the split when the wounds were fresh,
her detractors would have been forgiving. Since they have continued they gradually see her in a
worse light as time goes by. My opinion of Josie hasn't changed because she mentions John .. I
see this as pretty standard break up feelings of resentment .. only difference is she is in the
public eye and how she feels is being broadcast to more than say someone who dislikes their ex
and puts it out on facebook to their couple of hundred friends.
Also, I believe that both John and Josie have attempted not to 'rise' to the bait thrown out by
the other at one time or another.. Josie when John followed Billi B etc. and John through his
period of silence on twitter. Eventually, they have each succumbed and retaliated to retaliations
and not been restrained with it.
Govan asks if he looked really bad today. She says he didn't but does feel that he and Dave blew it out of proportion asthey're trapped in a small environment. Josie thinks Dave ought to remember Govan is a 21year old and at 40 Dave hasmore life experience 'so he shouldn't have even rose to it himself.' Josie believes that Govan is being real andhimself so he wasn't going to take it lying down.JOSIE: I think he knew he was winding you right up and you retaliated a bit back!She tells him how she just wants to 'come in here and have a good time. Let's not let things like that get tous again then, shall we?'Josie tweeted John that she'd played right into his hands. As though she thought John KNEW hewas winding her up and expected her to bite back and she did.. and she resented that she had letit happen knowing John would feel like he'd won. I pray that all the retaliating is now throughand that they can both finally just enjoy their lives and not let anything get to them anymore.For Josie especially, I think this trip to Bali will do her the world of good. I am hoping thatbeaching it up in beautiful locations will give her time to take stock and get some perspectiveon everything that has happened over these past 10 months.Josie says she knows when she feels down she can talk to him and he'll perk her right up.JOSIE: You don't realise what an influence you've got on everyone in here.
Sometimes, I get the feeling that Josie doesn't realise how many people read the things she
tweets,writes or says in magazines. Her words DO have a massive influence on her following
and the people who champion her. Not in a blindly obedient way, contrary to some beliefs but
whenever a person puts out such strong views on someone/some situation it will have effects -
good, bad or indifferent.
JOSIE: And to be honest, I'd rather be a laugh than boring! I'd rather be ugly than boring!
Like her or not, one thing I don't think Josie could ever be accused of is being boring. She still
elicits SO much interest even from the people who shout the loudest about how much they dislike
her! Instead of this having a detrimental effect to her career, it will actually have the opposite
impact.And Josie Gibson, you are a stunner love!
Govan tells her she is pretty but Josie thinks he's only saying that as he's her mate. Govan insists he isn't and that he just
wouldn't say anything.
GOVAN: I mean, you might not have what you consider to be the perfect figure but you know, at the end of the day..
JOSIE: That's me, isn't it? At the end of the day.
GOVAN: And I think you're alright.
Govan is certain he will get grief when he gets back to Leicester.
JOSIE: But you're just being yourself. You're being real! And that's what they want, people being real!
This is one of the big similarities that John and Josie share - that they are always real and
themselves. They will not hold back an opinion in fear that someone might not like what they
have to say. They say what they honestly feel and think at that moment in time and do so at
full throttle, whether that makes them loved or hated.. they stay true to themselves. I know
they are both given crap over lying and changing their tune at times when really they may just
see things differently from day to day. Ask them something on a good day and the response may
be more positive but ask them the same question on a bad day and venom could be unleashed.
Govan knows people are going to call him names and that sort of thing never bothered him before but now everyone will
know his business. Josie wishes they could talk properly. (ad break)
After the break, Josie has relented and gone to the bench with Govan. He was in desperate need of another cigarette
despite having just brushed his teeth. Josie tells him she's always worked hard since she was 14 but she's 'never
been a 9-5 girl!'
JOSIE: I've always felt not normal.
Govan says that is one of the things he loves about this as it is kinda alright NOT to be normal there and he feels
comfortable as everyone is different. But now it is dawning on him that he will have to go home. Josie urges him to
just enjoy it as he won't have to face reality for another 3 months (in her mind).
JOSIE: If you go, and I'm left here .. I'm gonna go into serious depression mode.
She really struggled the first night Govan was evicted. If it hadn't been for her friendship
with John and the tight bond they'd formed I don't think she would have found her stay in BB
as easy or enjoyable as she did.
GOVAN: (teases) I love how you always make this about you!
Josie rebukes herself for being 'so self-obsessed.'
Govan divulges that he has battles with himself about his bisexuality. Josie worries that 'will tear you up inside.' Govan
says it has been as one side of him wants to preserve himself and the other thinks 'f**k that, I should be able to do what
I want!' She counsels 'if you lived your life worrying about other people all the time.. how the bl**dy hell are
you meant to enjoy yourself? Hello! Just move to London where everything's acceptable!'
This makes him laugh but he thinks he shouldn't have to. She wonders whether his friends already know; Govan thinks some
might have thought this but it isn't the point. He's not worried about his family finding out as his Mum, Grandma and
brothers are great. (SC)
JOSIE: They should love you no matter what .. no matter what you do .. and anyone that does (give him crap)
is not worth even blinking an eye at! Seriously! You can spend most of your life worrying about what people
think of you ... if you did, you'd be a very, very, very sad, lonely person.' (They walk back in to the house)
And if you really cared what people thought of you, you wouldn't be here.
This was John's argument too - but this is easy to say but MUCH more difficult to convince
yourself of this and put into practice)
Maybe this is something that John and Josie warred over. Both believing that if the other did
truly love them unconditionally they would just accept them for the person they were .. in spite
of any of their faults and failings, warts and all - FOREVER. Whether they wanted to go out
drinking all night, or play FIFA with a friend etc etc etc. If John and Josie now think each
other is not worth blinking an eye out - PLEASE STOP BLINKING AND GET SOME BLINKING EYE DROPS!
I do have concerns(sometimes)that Josie is now beginning to worry what people say and think of
her. She is a strong woman, but no matter how tough or resilient her exterior may be - inside
she does have these insecurities and such hurtful comments can hurt even the most independent
and fierce of people.
She acknowledges 'this is a big thing you've just come out with' and they laugh that it isn't just in front of his friends
but to the millions watching too. She tries to reassure him 'do you know how many people will be thinking well
done to him?' She continues in her big sister role that you can't live a lie all your life or go on like that. And that if people
treat him with contempt they are not worth bothering with.
GOVAN: You can't just stop caring about people. (He has tried)
JOSIE: (counters) Why would you care about someone who don't care about you?
Govan is right, it is the hardest thing to stop caring for someone that you had feelings for -
especially deep feelings of love. Emotions cannot be turned on and off like a tap.. they flow
freely, sometimes they trickle, sometimes they gush out .. but time enables feelings to fade
and water to stop pouring. It is not an instant switch off at the moment of a break up even
though you experience a plethora of emotions alongside. The angrier ones can outweigh the
compassionate or overshadow them but they still exist .. until they stop.
Although, if someone has made you feel like you do not matter or that they couldn't give a damn
about you - then your walls fly up and you want them to think that you don't either.
Govan says that as selfish as he can be he's not that selfish. Josie thinks she has issues and Govan asks her jokingly to 'keep
me away from the razors.' Josie suggests spoons as an alternate wrist-slitting weapon and rubs his back as they go
into the bedroom.
They whisper in bed for a little while though we cannot hear much.
JOSIE:There's obviously something special about you, otherwise you wouldn't be here.
(Govan gets out of bed and huddles on the floor in the bath room)
Josie gets up to find him as she is worried about him. She cuddles him tightly and consoles him as he sobs. Josie kisses him on
the head. The cameras cut to the bedroom to allow him some privacy and then we see Josie return to bed while Govan has a
final cigarette. He then lies alone in the nest with his sunglasses over his eyes :(
The live feed finishes on a sad note :'(
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