10.50am Nathan, Sunshine, Mario and Ben are in the bathroom.
The rest of the HM's are in the bedroom. When Big Brother wakes the HM's up and asks them to gather on the sofas
immediately, John yells 'NUH!' reluctant to arise from his slumber. The usually, blessed-with-beauty babes are looking
less so this morning!! :D
John grudgingly comes in to the living room to join the others. Nathan tells him (in an appalling Australian accent, I
hasten to add) he looks like 'John Cena -wrestling champ of the WWE!'
DAVO: Looking good, Johno!
JOHN: (Crankily)What the f**ks going on?
Mario admires Rachael's 'cute pants!' as she parades around proudly in her panties.. Beyonce might call her jelly
bootylicious :P BB reveals the results of the first round of nominations much to the distress of the nail-bitingly
nervous Housemates.
The nominated HM's areeeeeeeeeeeee:
Big Brother then blabs that the nominated HM's Dave, Shabby and Sunshine will take part in a task. The winner will save
themselves from eviction (but does not divulge yet that they will be replacing themselves with another if they win!)
Shabby can't be bothered to take part; she doesn't see the point and Josie softly rubs her back. The nominees are called to
the Diary Room and Shabby is sad 'that means one of my friends nominated me!'
Those escaping the vote had to stay put on the sofas, while the CHEESED OFF chosen trio collect their mice costumes from
the Diary room.
John correctly susses that whoever saves themselves will have to choose someone to take their place!! (Clever fella, ain't he?)
11.51am Today the 3 nominated HM's will compete in the Hickory Dickory Dock task. Shabby, Sunshine
and Dave must each transfer 4 pieces of cheese from one side of the clock to the other - by crawling over
the rotating cogs. The HM that completes the task in the quickest time will save themselves from possible
eviction. If a HM drops their cheese or falls off the clock, they must begin that part of their attempt again.
Dave is the first HM to take on the course. At the sound of a screeching cat he chucks himself onto the clock!
The HM's who have not been nominated cheer on the competitors. Josie laughs and 'whooooos' on Dave and John
encourages 'Go on, son! Keep going!' Dave soon gets the feel for it and lets himself be carried up the clock as it spins.
Squealy Sunshine struggles massively but the HM's cheer her on to show their support encouraging her not to quit. After
persevering a while longer 'the lady from Leicester' with a 'lot of heart' (as Nathan commentates) gives up.
On Shabby's turn she tumbles off a few times but does well to stick it out. Nathan commentates throughout in a crappy
American accent with John 'she's very unlucky there, John!' (I think Nathan did like John at the
start) She runs across as the crowd chant her name and is shattered at the end but did a very GOUDA job!! (knew there
had to be a CHEESY joke here somewhere)
John with his imaginary commentator's microphone
Dave completed the course in 1 minute and 32 seconds. Sunshine failed to complete the course (Josie calls out 'well tried')
and Shabby in 3 minutes and 45 seconds. With the fastest time, Dave is awarded with a special privilege, not only of
saving himself but he must replace himself with a HM of his choice who is not currently facing the public vote. John pipes
up that he 'KNEW IT!!'
NATHAN: (still in silly commentator mode) That is a f**king turn up for the books there, John!
Shabby advises him not to think too much about it and just to do it. Josie and Steve mention how horrible and harsh it is.
Dave says he is going to pick who he thinks is probably the people's favourite as he doesn't think they will get voted out.
The others tell him that is a massive risk to take.
DAVE: (Dismally downhearted) What else can I do?
Corin cites that she would pick the person she least gets on with. Shabby wishes she had won as Mario bites his nails. Dave
declares that he doesn't want to do this but BB beckons for him to make his decision. He finally rests upon Rachael and she
instantly starts to cry. and Shabby is most audible with her shock and fury 'NOOOO!! Why are you doing that?' He
points out that he had to pick one.
Her friends rush to her side to comfort her but she says she knew it would be her. Dave apologies over and over as the
others condemn the nasty, evil twist.
RACHAEL: Bring it on!
STEVE: That's it! That's the attitude, girl!
She runs away crying that she's not going to win and Govan races after her.
Rachael cries in Govan's arms as she knew Dave would pick her for the swap. She is resolute that her fate is sealed as she
got booed on the way in.
12.27pm all of the HM's are in the garden. It's been 4 minutes since Dave picked Rachael to go up for
eviction in his place. Rachael continues to cry at the carousel with the smokers as she'd been saying all week she
isn't ready to go. Govan reassures that the public will have been watching and Shabby is sure it will be herself or
Sunshine that leaves.
Dave explains to Josie that he honestly thought Rachael would be one of the favourites as 'she's so pretty!' Which causes
Josie to joke 'I'm so glad I'm not pretty!' She laughs loudly the way she does to cover her insecurities as we so often
heard. Dave sweetly puts his arm around her and tells her she is pretty.
DAVE: You're gorgeous!!
JOSIE YOU'RE A FREAKIN' STUNNER!!! And to those who think John is better matched aesthetically
with the girl who may or not be his girlfriend .. I BLOW RASPBERRIES AT YOU!!! :P John never
felt like Josie was out of his league. He once found her 'beautiful!' and 'the whole package.'
After the tears stop flowing, Rachael approaches Dave and they share an awkward hug. They both apologise for the
predicament the are facing - Rachael is sorry for making the situation worse by crying but it was a shock. He just didn't
know what to do when put on the spot and decided it was either her or Steve (for favourites). Rachael resolves to make
the most of the next few days and just enjoy it.
12.44pm Shabby has come to the Diary room.
She is upset for Rachael that she is now up for eviction as she is in absolute pieces. It is fair enough that she and Sunshine
are up as they got the nominations so have to face it. Shabby doesn't like seeing her friends upset and doesn't think Dave
made the right decision. It was assumed that he would go for Govan due to the issues they'd had throughout the week.
As far as Shabby is concerned Dave was game playing as he went for the most vulnerable member of the group. 'I think
it was a rubbish choice' and reveals she would have replaced herself with Ben in Dave's shoes.
Mario, Ben and John are in the bedroom talking over the task. Mario is glad Shabby didn't win as he knew she'd pick Ben.
Ben is aware of this too and that it would be for revenge.
JOHN: (confused to hear this) REALLY?! Where the hell am I when all this stuff goes on? Why do I miss out on
eeeeeverything? All these big conspiracies, I miss out on. I miss out on the onions, I miss out on the mole
talks, on the Shabby talks!!
Supposedly Shabby had shouted out that she wish she'd have won as she knew who she'd have chosen.
BEN: It would have been curtains for me!
Shabby states that it is abundantly clear that there are 2 groups within the house. Two of 'her' group are facing eviction
now and she feels they will now be picked off one by one.
SHABBY: I didn't realise the power that group had.
Shabby lists: Dave, Sunshine, Ben and Mario as one group. Steve and John are in the middle as they 'get on with
everybody.. I think' and then everybody else forms the remaining group.
SHABBY: But don't you worry! Things are gonna change around here.. I'm gonna keep my close people
really close in here .. but I'm gonna keep my enemies even closer.
This mouse means business!
1.22pm Rachael and Corin are in the bedroom talking about hair. Govan, Dave and Ben are in the kitchen.
Govan is aggrieved over the results of the save and replace task 'what was the point of nominations?' He and Dave
laugh over Govan's gut feeling that Dave would put his name up. Dave wants to get along with Govan. Ben bores us all
about how he has very good taste in his friends and how generous and big-hearted Dave is.
Dave was surprised that Shabby was up and slips up that he certainly didn't vote for her. The guys shush him but he had
not known they couldn't say this even after the event.
3.13pm Rachael, John and Steve are by the pool.
JOHN: Are you sh*ttin'?
Rachael admits she is worried and John postulates that it's a hard position to be in but doesn't know what the public think.
Rachael believes there is still a big chance that she'll go and John agrees. He says he wasn't counting on anything but didn't
think it (the task) would be that simple.
Shabby and Ben are in the kitchen almost bonding .. but not quite..
BEN: In some ways, I think we're quite similar people but temperamentally we're quite different.
What confused Ben about Shabby is that sometimes she's so sensitive, lovely, interesting and calm but at other times she
flares up so easily. I can think of another 2 people who can also fit this description! Shabby sees this
as an integral part of her - she is manic and up, down like a yo-yo and that is exaggerated in the confines of such a
stressful environment.
SHABBY: One minute I could tear the place apart and the next I just wanna have a snooze and hang with
my friends.
Then Ben makes a bigggggg boo-boo bringing to light that he doesn't know when she's hamming it up as she's an actress.
Shabby is hugely offended by how unfair this is. Ben didn't mean it to be hurtful or negative but it IS to Shabby. He
apologises but Shabby gets off her chair to walk away.
SHABBY: Just because I do something as a job, that has no bearing on my life, man!
She wants to go and chill as she's starting to become angry but promises to come back to speak with him once she has
cooled off. And the camera crew await the impending explosion.
3.21pm it's been 6 minutes since Ben called Shabby an actress. Corin invites the girls to come play Hide and seek.
Ife is going for a poo. Shabby seethes that she knew Ben was a game player and found it a deliberate attempt to sabotage
her. Caoimhe insists that Ben talk to her in the bathroom as she's really upset.
Straight away, Shabby snaps that 'now, is a really bad time Ben!' Ignoring her (in an ill-advised manner) he presses
that she had misinterpreted what he'd meant.
SHABBY: Well, maybe you should think about what you're saying, Ben! Maybe you should perceive how
things are gonna sound when there coming out of your mouth! (she quotes his words back to him)
He didn't consider this a criticism of her or her profession. Shabby yells that this has 'f**k all to do with me as a person!'
He thinks she ought to give him the chance to explain but slinks away due to her 'f**king temper problem!'
4.08pm, most of the HM's are in the bedroom.
Dave, Corin and John are sat on Corin's bed while Dave tells them of a realm beyond this realm which he claims to have
been experiencing for the past 18 years. He chats about the crazy stuff he has seen and physical healings of people with
cancer, sight being restored to the blind etc. And how he had performed a healing on a woman stricken with a throat
tumour the size of a golf ball. He placed his hand on her throat and commanded it to go in the name of Jesus. He'd seen it
start to vibrate and she'd returned the following night and it had totally gone - he had video footage of the whole thing.
Corin is astonished and eating up his every word while John sits listening with his arms folded across his chest.
Ben and Shabby are in the bathroom trying to resolve an earlier argument. She'd felt very belittled by Ben's cutting
comments and had run them past a few people to see if she was being irrational. Nathan, John, Josie and Sunshine all
come in simultaneously, making noise around them. JJJ are flirty around the bath tub but we cannot hear what they say..
Shabby calls the implications of his words 'f**king heinous' as the term 'actress' implies faking emotion. Sunshine is
standing so closely over them she may as well have been straddling their bodies!
Ben apologises again, as he did not mean anything maliciously but judges things according to what his friends would do
(and what they would not take offence to). Shabby is still hurt but chooses to believe Ben now that he has explained that
in his life that's an acceptable thing to say to someone. She thinks he appreciates that his timing was really shoddy. When
he leaves Shabby realises she'd had the mouse hat on for the whole conversation :D
7.11pm Ben, Steve and Dave are in the living room. Shabby and Caoimhe are at the carousel. Caoimhe sang
some Irish song. Dave has been called to the Diary room. BB tells Dave he must be punished for breaking the rules
regarding nominations earlier in the day. As part of his punishment he must read a speech written by BB's top team of
speech writers, word for word. Dave chuckles heartily before he has to change into a suit. The HM's are immediately
gathered to the sofas, to which John yelps 'I'M HERE!!' (as he ties his laces)
Dave then appears on the plasma screen to address his fellow housemates on Bad Boy TV. With great sadness he delivers
his presidential style message. He apologises for the mistake which he deeply regrets and admits he has flaunted the rules
and regulations. He then stipulates the time the incident took place and what was said.
DAVE: (reading his address) I now realise that my behaviour was wrong .. and I hope that you, my fellow HM's
can forgive me this indiscretion and welcome me back into the bosom of the house with open arms.. I am
now a changed man, a better man and a bigger man..Thank you, my fellow HM's.
They watch his address with amusement and applaud afterwards but Shabby thinks it is stupid. Rachael doesn't get it; she
doesn't think it's even a punishment!
John laughs meanly while pointing at Rachael after she does her snide look 'thereeeeee's that look!' and takes great
delight in showing her. His derision for her could not be more detectable and Rachael's scornful smirks and sneers seem
set to become sobs and tears at any second.
7.36pm Rachael is in the Diary room (after a short cheery rendition of cockles and mussels by the HM's seated on the
couches) she feels drained, upset and cheated over her day as she was not nominated by the HM's. Then she becomes tearful
as she wants a big cuddle and doesn't want to go. She feels Dave was 'dead unfair' and sniffs that she'd miss everyone loads,
'probably won't miss Dave' in the event of her eviction. She especially would miss – Shabby, Caoimhe, Ife, Govan, Josie
and Nathan.
She expresses an interest in Nathan but she doesn't know why as he ISN'T her type but he's a lads lad and she likes him (and
would miss him) She's finding it hard as she has lad mates and is used to flirting and having fun with her mates but she feels
dead horrible as..
RACHAEL: Like no one fancies me and I find it dead weird!.. not being big-headed..
She likes to have a cheeky flirt but is sad that there's nobody to flirt with. She thinks John is good-looking (which even
Stevie Wonder would have sussed) as he's probably more her type. But it's making her feel really down as John has no
interest in her whatsoever!
Some of the HM's are in the bedroom. JJJ are alone talking across from their own beds.
JOSIE: I've never met someone like ..
JOHN: (completes her sentence for her) Someone like you?
*Sits on hands to stop self from serenading my readers with Adele's sad song :(
JOHN: But what do I do? I don't know what I do that's so different.
JOSIE: I don't know it's so weird.. you've got your weird, little quirky ways.
JOHN: Cos I don't do anything for f*nny?
JOSIE: Er.. yeah, there's that..
JOHN: It's funny the way women think because.. it works in the reverse .. the more you don't like
someone the more ..
JOSIE: (Now finishes John's trail of thought) The more they like you.
JOHN: YEAH!' (Josie says that is so true) I.E .. (motions with his head to indicate Rachael) .. her! It's working
already and I haven't even done anything. But I guarantee if I'd come in here and been all over her
like a rash – it wouldn't have worked. But the difference is I'm not playing a game, I'm being serious.
(as he really, genuinely despises Rachael)
JOSIE: You're a funny little b*gger in't you?
Josie repeats that she's just never met anyone like him and John doesn't understand.
JOHN: Alright for arguments sake, she probably thought I was good looking in the beginning, right? But
it's getting stronger.. when really it should be getting worse because ..
Josie wonders how he knows Rachael's feelings are becoming stronger. John knows because Govan had told him and
they giggle.
JOHN: But.. and it doesn't bother me, if she did like me .. it bothers me the fact that she um .. doesn't pay
everyone respect. That annoys me! I don't believe we know everyone enough yet .. so to look down on
people this early in the game and to give people filthy looks like .. if I do that, that's just the way .. I do
frown a lot .. but hers .. hers, hers isn't a frown – hers is a (does the look) and if you don't see it you've gone
crazy .. she did it like 2 seconds ago!
JOSIE: Who to?
JOHN: Um David.. when he walked out. She said it was hardly a punishment though, was it? (replicates the
repugnant scowl he so resents) I'm not in for that sh*t! I hate that sh*t .. you don't understand how much I
hate that s**t! The thing is I tend to protect other people more than I protect myself .. because I can look
after myself. I know what I can take and what I can't take..
He gives this as the reason why he stuck up for Mario a lot at the beginning.
JOHN: People that I respect .. I'll, I'll .. I will be loyal to. (Mario has sat beside him and Josie jests at the way he
pronounces Mario)
It is sad that the respect John and Josie once had for one another seems to have entirely eroded.
I remember in their last OK magazine interview before the split article - they said that they
hoped they wouldn't ever be a couple who slagged each other off if they split .. as they had
too much respect for each other. Where did that respect disappear to in a matter of weeks??
John respects Benjy too but thinks he's pushing the whole Shabby thing too far. He believes he's trying too hard to get
people to like him when Shabby is 'obviously F**KED OFF!'
JOHN: So just drop it! Do you know what I mean? Some people you just can't talk around and Shabby's
one of them! And if you can't see that you've got f**king rocks in your head! There's no point trying to
be friends with everyone – you just .. you can't!
I don't view John or Josie as being people you can talk around either. So when they fought -
they fought hard and it got nastier. Both may have wanted to talk the other round to 'fix'
their relationship problems but in turn, been unwilling to make any compromises in their own
behaviour to help matters. Josie said soon after the split that she was happy for them to have
remained friends and John that he hoped they could be friends eventually. Now neither seem to
want this friendship back.. believing it is broken beyond repair - pointless.. and so have
dropped any attempt to revive a friendship they feel is no longer attainable.
12.04am Ife, Caoimhe and Shabby are in the bathroom. Caoimhe gyrates in her towel like a tooth and talon-less
tigeress's Grandma.
Most of the HM's are in the bedroom. Ben and Rachael are talking in the closet; Ben is feeling really isolated as he
doesn't 'find it funny talking about farts and snot the whole time' (Come on Ben, they discussed other
tantalising topics too such as: burps, bogies and BJ's!!)John overhearing while kneeling on the floor
looking for something by his bed is amused to ask Ben 'you don't find farts funny?!'
Rachael now aware that John is listening reaches out for a sympathetic reaction from Ben.
RACHAEL:John James doesn't like me so I'm finding it really hard to mingle with that group, cos you
don't like me.
JOHN: Says who?
Rachael responds that it's obvious. John sneers 'Really? Maybe it's cos you look at me like I'm a (some Australian
word which I can't decipher but it sounds like nanger) every 5 minutes!' Rachael doesn't know what the term is so
John repeats the word and laughs – he explains the meaning is 'idiot' but she says she doesn't. Ben gives him a hug but
John is more interested in finding his ring.
Corin raves in the Diary room about how good the task was but can't believe that her face on her picture (on save and
replace board) 'looks like it's been ironed!' She extends the exaggeration that a layer of her sun-damaged skin could
be pulled off (Face Off style) to reveal her orange face. And even goes as far as to imagine how horrifyingly embarrassing
it would to have a picture of her face on sunbed shops to prevent people from going in.
When Rachael goes to her bed, John chats alone with Ben telling him it's pretty obvious that Rachael doesn't talk to him
JOHN: So why do you give her the time of day?
Ben likes her but knows she doesn't particularly like him. To put it bluntly, Ben desires to ravage Rachael but knows he
doesn't stand a chance!
JOHN: Exactly! Exactly .. and it doesn't take a brain surgeon to work that out so .. so why do you bother?
To be honest with ya, she doesn't give a sh*t .. She cares about 1 person and 1 person only! (admonishes)
If you know that, don't lower yourself to their level!
Did John believe this to be the case with Josie? Did he start to feel that she didn't give a
sh*t about him anymore? Did Josie feel the same about John's feelings for her? Did they stop
considering how they were making their partner feel in their relationship? When you become
more concerned about your own feelings than putting your partner first and sparing theirs ..
it is a tell tale sign of trouble. So the sparring and spats continued until neither could
take it any longer.
Ben believes girls like her are believe everyone is in love with them anyway and thinks he should let her delude herself
that he believes her.
Immediately after John calls to ask Rach, if she has a second as he wants to talk to her in the living room.
JOHN: (Impatiently) Oi, Rach! Have you got a sec? Well, hurry up! I'm not gonna stand at the door all day!
Rachael makes out she didn't know he was talking to her.. though that doesn't wash as at this point in the series second
Rachael hadn't entered! She comes out in only her skimpy knickers and shrunken vest top on edging closer towards him
'what's up, babe?' John tells her he just doesn't understand the looks that she gives and how he didn't want to approach
her about it. Rachael says she's not being horrible and doesn't not like him but sometimes he looks at her. John takes the
authoritative stance by sitting above her on the sofa.
John doesn't thinks that she doesn't like him but that she sometimes looks at him like he's some sort of idiot and has done so
more than once. She points out she already knows as he's said it to her before. He wants to know 'is that just a look that
you do to everybody or ..is it.. it's fair enough, if you go..' if it's a look that he shows her he can take that as then
she's mucking around but when she 'gives the full (screws up his face) ..' Rachael replies that she really is only messing
JOHN: Well it's not that I don't like you (not what he said the previous night!!) but it does annoy me ..
I'm not gonna lie! It annoys the sh*t out of me.. cos I don't like being looked at like that by anybody!
She says she's really sorry but he hasn't finished his rant yet and considers it to be a 'degrading stare.'
JOHN: I see you use it a lot.. like that (demonstrates) it's not the first time I've brang it up with you .. I've
told you do.. it does annoy me do it a lot!
Rachael begins to realise how much reproach he has for her. He says because she does it a lot he assumes she is serious and
that because he hasn't spoken to her that much, he can only read a certain amount when she pulls that face.
JOHN: Obviously, there's a disliking there.
RACHAEL: (Shrieks) There isn't, babe! Not from my side.
Rachael reveals that she feels so stupid but guesses she probably does the horrible face to hide what she's really thinking a
lot of the time. John asks if she's confused when she does it.
RACHAEL: No.. like when you walk in a room, I'll look at you, erm because I think you're a really good
looking guy .. and I think you're dead hot and then you'll look at me .. and you'll probably catch me
looking at ya .. so I'll quickly like (change the look to) 'I don't like you!' but I DO! .. Do you know what I
John knows what she means but it doesn't matter as he'd rather that than for her to be looking at him like he's an idiot.
Rachael feels embarrassed but John hasn't caught her doing that ever 'it's just a very, very arrogant face because ..
it seriously is!'
Rachael thanks him for bringing it to her attention and swears to God that she'll make more of an effort if he'll give her
another chance. He agrees to and leaves it at that as she insists she wants to be his friend.
RACHAEL: So tomorrow's a new day, yeah? And you'll give me a chance?
JOHN: Yeah. (gives her a half-hearted head rub before heading off to bed)
Rachael shoves her sunglasses over her eyes to shield them from exposing her emotion. She passes the bathroom crew
(Caiomhe, Ife and Shabby) pretending that she isn't crying when the girls ask but clearly she is! She has a weep alone in
the toilet with her bumcheeks exposed :(
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