Sunday, 22 January 2012

Day 8 HL's

9.33am Most of the HM's are in the bedroom. 

Ben blurts his belief that the bitching is going to get worse 'I'm retiring.. I'm going to be smiley and happy now!' There are several suspects I desire to retire from bitching but .. can only see THIS getting worse too. The saddest part is, that the majority of it comes from middle-aged women who are IN or approaching retirement! Sure would be swell if they could grow up.

MARIO: Are you going to hang up your bitching hat?
Ben believes he hasn't bitched but was distraught and traumatised by events yesterday.  He pats his back for never saying anything bad about anyone .. although he'd wanted to the day before! 'What's Sunshine doing? She looks like a Rastafarian?'
Rachael, Corin and Shabby are in the living room. Rachael asks who is in the shower so Shabby has a squiz from the sofa to answer 'um Josie .. and John' so Rachael decides to wait. No good in wanting to RSVP when you did not receive an invitation in the first place!
John James and Josie are in the shower .. sudding up!! The foliage decoration on the shower gives the scene an Adam and Eve feel. 

JOSIE: Are you and Rachel alright now?

JOHN: Erm .. I don't really care to be honest with ya .. but if she wants to .. but I'm not going to talk to someone who stares at me like that .. (while washing his bits right before Josie's Bristolian eyes!) .. do you know what I'm saying?
JOSIE: Do I know what you're saying? .. I don't know you're a weird one!

JOHN: At the end of the day it doesn't even count so don't know why everyone's .. everyone's stressing way too much! 

JOSIE: Yeah! I can't be bothered with stress .. you do that enough at home don't you?' 

JOHN: Mm. (More of this soapy, steaminess when I do my live feed blog. Sorry for you smutty John pervos that all the shots were of his back or side .. I think he turns around in the live feed for a frontal view!)

Mario understands how Shabby is feeling as his incarceration as mole could have ended at any time .. at least Shabby has a possible time frame. Dave is discussing with Mario and Ben in bed, that he feels 'Johnny James' conversation with Rachael last night probably didn't help things things for her' with her being up for eviction. Mario had missed what the conversation was about so hints for the scoop. Ben thought John had just wanted to get something off his chest. 
BEN: He's a very sensitive person and he's very honest.. much more honest than any of us.. and he just doesn't like her type of person. (WORD!)

Mario takes offence to not being viewed as honest as John. Dave also declares himself to be honest but not as 'particularly forthright' as John. 

10.55am Josie, Ife and Rachael are in the garden. 

IFE: It is a bit like a playground in here! (and twitter)

Rachael explains that she'd tried to tell John that she liked him last night and that she thinks he's hot. 

RACHAEL: But he just said that he thinks I'm arrogant.  

IFE: Isn't he having a bit of a Brad Pitt moment in Friends?!

Josie laughs 'that's what I call him!' and she thinks this is what it is. Rachael refers to it as the 'I hate Rachael White club instead of the I hate Rachel Green club!' 

John James has been called to the Diary Room. BB grills him on how he is feeling about 1 of his HM's being evicted which makes him chuckle. 
JOHN: Um .. (long pause) obviously I have people who I would be more upset than others .. like .. I would be pretty upset is Sunshine leaves .. and I like Shabby as well.. but Rachael I only spoke to last night, really um probably for the first time properly, since we've been in the house.. so we'll see how that goes .. I wasn't really too phased that she was up. If she wants to (snickers) wipe that look off her face then I'm quite willing to give her a chance .. but I'm not definitely not gonna put in time with someone who looks at me like that constantly .. it's not just once or twice .. it's constantly .. and just walks around the house looking at me like I'm .. like a piece of gum on her shoe or somethin!

Meanwhile, Rachael tells Josie that she doesn't feel like she knows John that well and they haven't clicked (like she has with most people). Josie is complimentary of John 'he is funny, mind!' 

wish she could remember how funny she used to find him and how much he used to make her laugh. Vice versa with John for Josie. I can't think of even one single occasion where another housemate was able to make John giggle or roar with laughter the way Josie could. They both used to say it was one of their favourite things about each other that they made each other laugh every day.

Rachael thinks he's funny too, but whenever she's in a room he doesn't seem to want to talk to her directly cos she's arrogant!

Back in the Diary Room, BB asks 'how do you think Rachael feels about you?' John  laughs at the personal probing. 
JOHN: Well she told me last night, that she thought .. I think she said that I was attractive and that she.. liked me. Um  probably more than .. er .. um friends .. and Gov also told me that um .. (scratches his neck) yeah that she .. I don't know what you guys say here .. fancy, I guess..  fancies me .. but I don't really care to be honest with ya .. like whether she fancies me or whether she doesn't .. at the end of the day if you're gonna walk around with a face like thunder then..  I don't really care!
To be honest, he doesn't think Rachael is as attractive as everyone is making out. 

JOHN: She's not a supermodel or anything like that .. and even if she was that wouldn't make a difference! If she was like .. Corin is very, very, very, VERY attractive and there's no doubting that .. but she hasn't got a personality like she's been slapped by a fish. She's probably one of the nicest people .. probably is THE nicest person in the house and probably one of the most attractive women I've seen in real life ! But you don't have to be a d**k about it .. and she's walking proof of that!
One of the less flattering shots of Corin BB interspersed with John describing how attractive he finds her.

I had forgotten how very very very very attractive John initially found Corin in these earlier days. It's funny how he found her less and less attractive and not so nice as time went on and he got to know the real Corin. Also, as time went on he became more and more and more and MORE attracted to Josie and fell in love with her personality as well as her prettiness. 
12.30pm, HM's have been gathered in the living room for this week's shopping task. Some cheer when George Lamb's mug appears on the plasma screen (most likely Josie!) and he explains the favour that he is after. Interestingly, John's knee starts a-knocking in a similar style to the way it did when Josie waved to Postman/stripper!  He appeals to the very fine bunch of HM's as Channel 4 will be left with hundreds of hours that need to be filled with brand new TV shows. THAT'S WHERE THESE GUYS COME IN!
Georgie boy thinks he has 3 amazing ideas for game shows that he wants Channel 4 to commission that he wants the HM's to pilot to see if they are any good. If they are successful at completing these game shows they will win money for their shopping budget  during their task named Commission Impossible – John doesn't look overly impressed!! 

12.58pm, all the HM's are locked in the bedroom whilst Big Brother prepares the first TV game show .. in which two knowledgeable HM's will compete in a quiz. Sunshine and Ben have volunteered to be the contestants. 

Govan generously offers out his bread crust to John as he wants it but Josie grabs it before he is able to (they are laying in bed next to each other in Josie and Govan's double) She then tries to give it back to John who refuses.
JOHN: No, no! You snatched it!! (as she attempts to put it in his mouth) No, no.. you snatched it, NO! 

Govan rebukes the children to stop them from fighting over the crumbs! 

JOSIE: (flatters John) You're quite strong, aren't you? (As he had a boa constrictor grip on her wrist) 
Govan berates Josie for being greedy and John tell tales like a child to his papa 'yeah I know, she didn't even ask she just put her hand out like that!' (and replays her grabbing) Josie placates him that he can have her bit but he again turns her down petulantly while taking the mick out of the way she snatched it from him!
Rachael praises Ben for looking smart, even though he thinks he is dressed for the Gallows as he may not know any answers in the quiz. He envelopes his arms around her body and Caoimhe is correct when she tells Rachael it was sufficiently uncomfortable looking. The second Rachael was released from his clutches she literally shuddered. 
John and Josie are still in bed (John with one of his caps over his face) chatting with Mario. Josie is curious how things are going in the 'Benjaminge department.' Mario sighs 'bit like the Titanic sinking without a trace!'  

JOSIE: He looks really handsome today, don't he? (laughs)

Mario is staying away as it's too much temptation for him adding 'I thought you'd given up on men!' 

JOSIE: I do like men, don't get me wrong .. 

MARIO: (interjects) You're just sick of your husbands?

JOSIE: I'm just ..not really .. I don't know .. 

Ben joins then after John asks him how he feels about this. Mario refers to himself as a love sick cracker. 

JOHN: We're saying how much Mario likes you but you give him nothin'!

Ben professes love for Mario and how amazing he is. 

JOHN: (kids) I haven't seen you get the mac daddy swerve on with him! He wants to get mac on! (Ben asks what mac is?) .. a bit of kissing action!
Josie is trying to discreetly let Ben know that he has a little snot situation 'you can't go on TV looking like that!'  She wonders if Mario still likes Ben after seeing that; Mario thinks it is more comical now but Ben is an ideal candidate for him. 

JOHN: I'm starting to believe he's not even a little bit gay.
2.03pm - Most of the HM's have been gathered in the living room for the first part of this week's shopping task. Ben and Sunshine are waiting to make their entrance as quiz show contestants. 
Sunshine is giving a sermon to Ben about how the group dynamics would change if she was evicted (or any of them). Ben is more concerned that he, Dave and Mario would be bored if she left. George Lamb introduces the first game show 'Old head hot topics' where the  lucky contestants will be shown 7 clips of pensioners describing mystery people or things. For everything they correctly identify they will win £10 towards the shopping budget. Cheesy music plays as Sunshine and Ben make their grand entrance. They wave like seasoned professionals as the HM's clap them in. 
The game is underway and the pensioners are describing the England football team. Ben answers correctly but Sunshine went for the shadow cabinet. Whoops! Caoimhe's cage is especially rattled. 

The next person they have to identify is Cheryl Cole. Josie loves one of the old men on the video who says 'she's got the kind of lips I like kissing – one at the top and one at the bottom!' What a randy rhino he is! Both contestants replies are RIGHT :) 
2.13pm HM's have been playing the quiz for the past 10 minutes. Lastly, the pensioners describe Davina McCall who one fella wouldn't say was beautiful but wouldn't kick her out of bed either!! :P Ben plays a blinder but Sunshine has a blonde moment and goes for Holly Willoughby who is blonde .. when one of the descriptions was that she has brown hair! This irks Rachael!! They are successful in winning £50 towards the HM's weekly shopping budget. And told they must wave frantically and grin until the music ends. John laughs as Ben looking like a mime artist! 
4.14pm Mario and Sunshine are talking in the living room. Mario mopes that today is a weird day for him; Sunshine observes that a lot of people are down today. Mario really doesn't want Sunshine to be evicted. 
Ben, Corin and John are chatting in the garden - Corin is pulling crazy faces at Ben.  John wonders if anyone tells Ben 'that you're very serious all the time?' Ben doesn't believe he is remotely serious as he is always laughing but finds it difficult to be constantly happy when locked in a box with 14 people. 

JOHN: Are you not happy is that why you're not smiling?

Ben blames it on  finding groups difficult despite having hundreds of friends. But doing everything together like eating meals etc. is not him. 
Sunshine has come to the Diary room. She seems to suspect that a lot of people have hit the wall and aren't as positive and happy as they would be outside. But she's happy! As she has curly hair because she'd plaited her hair the night before 'I've got glitter all over me and I'm wearing a great, big bow on my head! Like.. how can you not be happy when you have bows and glitter and curly hair?'  A sentence which puts her on par with Bimbo Barbie. 

BB asks if she's noticed any relationships forming. Sunshine says they all got a bit excited last night and were peering through the window as they thought John was making a move on Rachael and that they were both mutually liking each other. However, they were shocked to hear that this was not happening. 

SUNSHINE: So the first Big Brother romance is gonna have to wait just a little bit. 
It only took John and Josie another 40 days to get their acts together after many misunderstandings, much flirting and skirting around their feelings!! Boy, was it worth the wait!

5.01pm Caoimhe, Corin, Ife and Dave are in the bathroom. Some of the HM's are in the garden talking about this week's eviction. John says that obviously the girls are hoping it's gonna be Friday (he has a feeling it could be Thursday because of the World Cup) so that they'll have at least 1 more day. Rachael jumps in 'well if you don't want me here, you don't want me here!' John doesn't know what makes Rachael think that Dave would pick her as he never saw it coming. Rachael reasons that neither her nor Dave have made an effort to get to know each other and that she isn't the favourite.

She would have rather that he'd been honest and said he'd picked her as they don't get on.  She'd told her friends that she'd be out in the first week. John wants to know why she'd think that. Rachael jibes 'cos obviously John, some people think I'm arrogant and look down my nose at people!!' 
JOHN: (sarcastically) How dare they!!! Why would they ever think that?! 

Rachael says she doesn't know and John pretends he is as equally baffled about it. 

JOHN: (shoots) So it's not the first time someone's thought that?

Rachael was just saying what John had said to her and how people who know her don't think like that at all. 'No. You think that!!' 

JOHN: But.. oh! Am I the only one in the world? (Rachael's eviction percentage would suggest that he wasn't alone in thinking this way!)

She is aware that others will think similarly to him but she doesn't want to go. She hasn't done anything crazy, got her boobs out or in a romance with anyone so doesn't think there is a reason to keep her in. 33.3 (recurring) percent chance of being booted out is slim indeed. 
5.53pm BB has called some of the HM's to the task room for the second part of this week's shopping task. The rest of the HM's have been gathered on the sofas. George Lamb welcomes them to Munchermind where 6 contestants (Shabby, Dave, Nathan, Corin, Josie and Steve) are hoping to 'scoff their way to victory by answering 10 consecutive questions correctly.' They have to eat the answer from the plate in front of them which ranges from the 'truly minging to the decidedly delectable.' Only 10 of the foods are the correct answer and at least one of the HM's must eat all the correct answers in order to win £150. 

Should a HM eat the wrong answer they will be eliminated or if they fail to eat anything. 'It's gonna be a hard act to swallow!' Rachael whispers if they think Josie will be alright. 

The HM's watch on the plasma TV as BB announces the HM's playing, their age and where they come from - all to canned laughter. Josie gives her signature double thumbs up pose and Shabby wishes she could see her. They are permitted to uncover their plates and the game show begins. The first answer is a marshmallow that the contestants have to eat. In the living room the rest are watching on as the contestants taste the truth. Rachael remarks that she'd have savoured hers. 

JOHN: (snides) But then the longer they take eating, the longer the next person's gotta wait. So while you're nibbling along they've got to wait 28 hours for you to nibble on it!

Rachael looks hurt by his comment. 
The HL's do a montage of the eating to the music of 'Eat it' by Weird Al. As the HM's continue watching at the sofas (via plasma) Sunshine snipes 'Josie literally likes all foods doesn't she?' Josie particularly enjoys eating one of the answers and Shabby asks 'are you liking that, babes?' as she can hear Josie mmmm-ing away. Shabby spits out into her sick bucket following the garlic. 

Corin, Dave and Josie all remain until the end as they have answered all 10 questions correctly. Corin has a beautiful retching moment!! The trio celebrate winning £150 and then BB asks them to eat everything left on their plate at the sound of the klaxon, as a tie-break. 
Shabby cheers on 'go on Jose!' Josie complains 'I'm starting to feel sick now!' and the cams cut to Govan and John laughing as they watching her on the plasmas. Dave is pronounced the winner as he ate everything in the quickest time. While the others wave and grin for the cameras during the cheesy end gameshow music Josie pukes ferociously into her bucket. Poor petal!
7.57pm Josie, Shabby, Caoimhe and John James are in the bedroom – John is whacking himself in the face with a balloon animal! (Strange child) Meanwhile, Rachael is in the Diary room feeling dead embarrassed as she quite likes John and admits to fancying him a little bit. She doesn't know what she's supposed to do as she wants to change his opinion of her but doesn't think she can now. CORRECT!! 

RACHAEL: He wants me gone tomorrow and that's sad cos I like ..  thought he was fit!
Josie and Govan are discussing who they think will go on Friday. Govan believes Shabby could be under threat if her tantrums are shown though he thinks she is cool .. not realising that she is laying down in her bed and can hear what they are saying!! OOOPS! John has his say that Sunshine won't go and he thinks it is between two (Shabby and Rachael) 

JOSIE:Rachael's a nice girl! (Govan also adds his tuppence worth that she is lovely and really sweet)
John concedes that she is nice to him too 'but that doesn't take that look off her face though, does it? How can you not see that? She doesn't DO anything else!' 

Josie doesn't think Rachael does it to her as she's never seen it. Govan teases 'you LOVE her!' but John is insistent that he doesn't. At this point Shabby leaves the room and Josie thinks she has just started crying. Govan didn't realise she was there but John and Josie knew she was there all along. 

At the smoker's bench Caoimhe is aghast that John had done an impression of Rachael flaunting herself. She can't believe he'd said that if he was onto her the public will be too. 
Caoimhe CANNOT believe that John is so against Rachael and Shabby seethes over Govan's  words! John doesn't think Caoimhe would be f**ked off just Shabby and that she has 'cracked it' because of what he said about Rachael. Govan feels bad as he sees a for and against for everyone. John leaves the bedroom when Rachael comes to chat with Josie and Gov. 

They laugh that BB can't exactly tell her John had come in yesterday and said this! 
JOSIE: He's a weird little chap in't he? (an understatement but that's half the reason why we like him so much!) 

Rachael has recognised that 'he literally leaves the room when I come in.' Govan  laughs that he doesn't know what's wrong with John and asks the obvious 'are you really into him?' 

RACHAEL: Well, you know .. 

Josie doesn't understand it or why Rachael likes him. Josie puts his behaviour down to sexual tension with Rachael. Rach doesn't think there is in the slightest. 
GOVAN He's THAT into you that he doesn't know how to deal with it. 

Rachael dismisses this as she gets the feeling when a guy likes her in the real world and doesn't with him 'he hates me with the hate of hell!

I hope John doesn't hate Josie with this kind of hate or Josie, John … I hope they don't hate each other at all ... just the things they've done, but they sure seem to sometimes ... 
Shabby comes back in and Josie asks if they had just p***ed her off (as Govan thought she was sending him evils through the window) Shabby admits it had a little bit. She doesn't think Govan should really be talking about whether her bad edit is going to effect anything. It incensed her as she was lying right there when the discussion took place and is trying to forget about it being in two days. Josie and Govan say they are sorry.

9.09pm, all of the HM's are at the dining table. Some of the girls are talking about what they hope to gain from their time in the BB house.

RACHAEL: So are you just going to try and get as much money as you can after?

Shabby agrees this is the case and knows how terrible that sounds but she needs to get to LA. Was this her original plan to pursue an acting/singing career in America? 

RACHAEL: I'm gonna be a slut .. every f**king paper, every magazine .. anyone that wants me .. I'll be there!!
And it turns out that she wasn't really wanted .. with the exception of Nuts magazine and any other lads mags appearances that I'm not aware of .. since I don't actually buy or look at any. I shield my eyes when I come into their proximity on the shelves!!!!

SHABBY: I'll even be in Nuts with my t*tties out!

CAOIMHE: Oh yeah!

John overhears from the other end of the table and he ain't a happy chappy and is not shy in expressing it. 

JOHN: Oh, this is a f**king joke!! I'm f**king p*ssed off! (high pitched, whiny, girly voice ridiculing them) Ohhh how is my life ever gonna be the same? Oh what are we gonna do rrrr rrr rrr! Oh, I'm gettin' angry .. I'm getting' REALLL f**kin' angry! I'm getting' real F**KIN' angry now!!
BEN: Can you see why I was upset yesterday?

JOHN: Oh, I f**king went off in there! Don't worry about that!! This is a f**king joke. You CAN'T be f**kin' serious!! They were talking about it (sneering) 'oh, I'm gonna get in every magazine that I can .. I'm gonna do everything that I can!' We're in the F**KING Big Brother house! You're jack sh*t!! (Sunshine says there's nothing wrong with it) We've got jack sh*t, we're NOTHIN' .. we're just a bunch of people in a f**king house! F**king joke!! F**kin' hell!

Shabby tries to appeal to John who is mouthing off. Rachael has been oblivious (dreaming up her rockstyle life) and asks what he's saying. Shabby storms out in a fire of fury. Rachael gets up to follow her but turns around as John hasn't finished raging.   
Rachel gets up to leave too but STILL John hasn't ended his enraged eruption. 

JOHN: F**K ME!! We're a bunch of f**king people in a house! We're not getting jack sh*t when we walk out.. we're not gonna walk out of here f**kin' rockstars and get f**king magazine deals and sh*t (you and Josie did!!like that! We're just a bunch of normal people f**king people chilling in a house .. if you think you're gonna be some sort of f**king rockstar when we walk out of here.. (not so sure normal is an appropriate adjective for most of the BB11 HM's!!)

CORIN: (Interjects angrily) No one asked you for your opinion!

JOHN: F**king hell! F**KING HELL!!! I don't give a F**K!

CORIN: No one asked you for your opinion!!!
Rachael starts to sob and runs to the bathroom to escape the tyrannical tirade. 

I think some people forget this part of John's character with regards to how brutally merciless and aggressive he can be with his words (because of how soft, gentle and loving we saw him become towards Josie .. so the other 'side' of him is often overlooked or forgiven because he has this kind side too). He might not have liked the girls opinions (I didn't care much for them either), though these were mostly tongue in cheek .. but I think he came down FAR too hard on them here. The ferocity of the explosion, the remorseless words and intimidating tone were undeserved. It would have been fine for him to say he didn't agree but the way he went about this dismayed me. It didn't take a LOT for him to blow either .. he disagreed with what they were saying and delivered devastating diatribe. 
JOHN: I don't care!

CORIN: So, no one was talking to you! Therefore we're not interested in your opinion..

JOHN: I don't care!!

CORIN: Well, I care cos that was my conversation. 

Nathan doesn't want this taking place during their meals. 
CORIN: My conversation was not with you!

JOHN: I didn't say it was about you.

CORIN: We'll talk about what we want .. and if we get the opportunity to do a Nuts magazine, if that's what the girls want to do..

JOHN: I wasn't saying anything to you.. I wasn't talking to you.. I wasn't talking to you!!

Rachael is in floods of tears in the bathroom so Shabby comforts her. Rachael tells Shabby she was only bl**dy joking and hadn't even realised what he was saying. Shabby says it doesn't matter what John had said.

SHABBY: He's a f**king absolute BELL-END!! Babe, for some reason.. he just really has an issue with you. But that's not your problem!

Rachael is utterly humiliated it had happened in front of everyone at the table and choking back strangulated sobs. 
Corin apologises to everyone for shouting across the table as there was no need for John to be shouting.

JOHN: I wasn't talking to you even in the SLIGHTEST! Not even a little bit .. you jumped down my throat! I wasn't even saying anything to you.

Nathan tries to break it up as he's not having this behaviour at the table.

Corin thought he was so that's why she bit back. Nathan again asks them to conversate outside and not to ruin his tea. 

Caoimhe and Shabby cradle Rachael as she cries harder and are perplexed as to what his problem is. Shabby hopes people are telling him what for in the kitchen and is happy that Corin has given him a mouthful.

SHABBY: Good! Cos he's a c*cky arsehole!! He thinks everybody loves him here and they f**king – DON'T! They F**KING don't!!

In reality, John actually seemed to believe that everybody would hate him .. and even after BB to this day, he doesn't think he is hugely liked. He knows he has supporters in the loys and hopefully can recognise that he has others who support him outside of that inner circle. 
9.17pm, John James and Corin are in the bedroom. John explains why he got so irate at the kitchen table.

JOHN: To come in this house and expect for something to come out of it .. or to think that you can't go back to your normal life because we've been on this  television show for a week is just ridiculous!

I think it is safe to say that John wasn't expecting ANYTHING to amount from his time in Big Brother. Least of all, to fall in love and then be thrust into the murky waters of the media world.But he was initially appreciative of the bonuses that did come his and Josie's way. I recall him saying in one of the JJJ OK interviews that it scared him to think this could not be his life if he hadn't auditioned for our BB (as he wouldn't have met or been in a relationship with Josie). 
Corin placates that this is just how they feel and he shouldn't let it stress him out. She assesses 'you get stressed over everything, John!' John apologises as he didn't want her to get involved and seriously hadn't heard her or Sunshine talking and likes them both.

Josie WAS the person who could soothe John's stresses like no other. She could take his mind completely off whatever was boiling his blood and distract him with kisses, cuddles and head stroking. Since Josie soon became a cause for his relationship stresses .. perhaps he sought out a substitute and needed someone else to sustain and succor him in this manner .. which could account for why he started up another relationship so suddenly after Josie. 

JOHN: I like everybody in here .. but I just think that some people are in here for the wrong reasons .. and it really annoys me .. and I might be wrong. 
Corin pledges that she won't be going to slag him off to anyone. He appreciates this and she cheeks 'nothing else to get off your chest?' 

JOHN: I don't care if they're upset .. I really don't .. or I wouldn't have said anything .. but I don't want to fall out with you cos it wasn't directed at you OR Sunshine. I've got no problem with you.. no problem at all. But certain things annoy me .. and if they wanna talk about it, they can come and talk to me .. (shrugs) it's just as simple as that. 
Maybe when John outed Josie's e-mail he didn't care that she was hurt over all the hate she was receiving .. or that her sisters were being threatened. (Although, I DO think John would have cared about the safety of her sisters as they seemed besotted with him.. and as much as he joked about them being the mini Josie's he appeared to be fond of them) He has already fallen out with Josie so was not 'afraid to take a stand' about it. If she'd wanted to talk civilly and had not insulted him or his fanbase, he COULD have been more receptive to helping her out. 

CORIN: We're cool? 

JOHN: Okay, fine. 
Most of the HM's are in the kitchen. 

NATHAN: Josie, darlin' are you gonna have some of this sugared pineapple?

JOSIE: Yeah, I am mate!

Rachael is happy that she hasn't relinquished her appetite after the earlier incident and is tucking into the pineapple. 
Shabby's only issue with John is that Rachael is her mate and John makes her feel bad and she doesn't understand why. 

JOHN: If I didn't care, I wouldn't have bothered having the conversation last night .. I wouldn't have dragged her out .. if I didn't care at all I would have thought 'just f**k it .. just leave it!

I guess some people still feel like John does care about things Josie does and says now as he hasn't just left it. He HAS been commenting indirectly sporadically… although he hasn't for almost a month now – let's hope this continues! And maybe if it didn't ignite any sort of emotional reaction at all and he remained silent, it would prove that he didn't care enough to publicly disprove or counter-attack what was said. Even if he just responds out of anger or exasperation .. it shows FEELINGS exist to some degree .. but they are predominantly antagonistic feelings (at least on the surface) .. 
Shabby thinks that he and Rachael are 'a massive, massive case of clashing personalities .. and at the moment, nothing gonna rectify it.' 

Once upon a time, Josie and John's personality seemed to complement one another .. over a period of months and clash after clash maybe their personalities became a cause for clashing. I don't know how they could even begin to go about rectifying anything now and re-forging a friendship .. particularly while they are not in the same continent! 

She knows that him shouting down the dinner table won't resolve anything and it makes people feel uncomfortable. It makes me feel uncomfortable to see John and Josie comment on each other now .. it's like seeing two of my best friends fighting.. I (and I realise how ridiculous this is!) feel torn and stuck in the middle, not wanting to side with one over the other but see where both are coming from. 
SHABBY: If you don't like the conversation, don't listen to it!!

I would also add to the argument that if you don't like what is being said in other mediums i.e in magazines or over twitter etc.. don't look at it or read it! It will only get your boxers in a bunch or your panties in a pickle!! (just re-read how rudey that sounds! PAH!) 

She also advises John to stay away from her which he understands and is cool about.  

SHABBY: But just don't shout at her again!
Mario hopes it will 'blow over now' and Caoimhe hates this situation! Mario grants that it isn't pleasant!

This pretty much sums up my feelings since John and Josie split – it hasn't been at all pleasant! I hope that it is NOW all finally out of their systems, the situation will diffuse and all the nastiness will stop.. but I realise I'm dreaming out loud .. 

10.19pm, Nathan and Rachael are at the carousel. Rachael hates herself for being so girly and crying but Nathan tells the kid that she'll be alright and that it shows she has a heart. 
Mario, Dave and Ben are in the nest. Ben feels that John was wrong to home in on Rachael the way he did but that his overall view was the right one. To which, I completely concur! 

BEN: I support John with all this today. As I would, you.. as I would, you. My support goes unquestioned. That doesn't mean I'm going to start crying, arguing, huffing out of kitchens. It's pathetic! They're like a bunch of washer women!!

John and Josie have my unquestioned support.. I am NOBODY to question them on anything they do or say. It is their lives even if I am disappointed with SOME of their actions or choices - my support won't be withdrawn (not that John or Josie would mind!) 
Rachael interrupts this session to bring the boys caramelised lollies that Nathan has made. Ben brands the trio of Ife, Caoimhe and Shabby as disliking men then changes this swiftly to BEN 'the 3 witches!' He and Dave chortle that they are stirring their Celtic cauldrons pondering whose b***ocks to boil next - Johnny was the chosen casualty that day.
12.46am, most of the HM's are in the bedroom. The 3 boys are now in bed having a little love-in!! Govan, Josie and John James are in the bathroom. Govan and Josie are in the tub whilst talking to John. 

JOHN: Guys just seem to be different – they don't b***h! (A gigantic generalisation of his gender!) 

Govan tells him that they both do and Josie agrees. But John seems to think there is a difference and that it is more acceptable from them as  everything they say they would say to their faces! (or indirectly over twitter!! Which could be construed as a more cruel course of contact) 
Shabby has come to the Diary Room. She confesses that she is terrified about the looming eviction and that today has been DRAMA CENTRAL in the house. She really doesn't want to go but never came in the house to be everybody's best friends. Shabby doesn't think you can help having a conflicting character with someone but you can help 'shouting aggressively at someone from the end of the dinner table in front of everybody else and making them look stupid!' 

Since the split, John and Josie have been shouting at each other from their end of the metaphorical dinner table .. 

SHABBY: I don't actually think John James is a nasty guy, to be honest with you. But I think whatever is his bee in his bonnet about Rachael he needs to keep it to himself!! As he's making her feel like crap .. and nobody deserves to feel like that!
I have no doubt that John and Josie shouted lots at each other in the rough times of their relationship and made each other feel unloved and small .. but we are all capable of hurting the ones we love/loved like this – it doesn't make us nasty people. It means we have emotions that make us do nasty things when tempers flare or when we have been hurt ourselves!  

It would have been wonderful if the grievances John and Josie had/have with one another were never aired .. at least not in the harsh ways they have been. The bonnet of bees have been buzzing around for the best part of a year since the break up.. someone must have kicked over the honey hive!! The bummer about bees is that even though they make sweet honey from pollinating flowers .. they still are equipped to STING! The only two being stung and stinging in these circumstances are John and Josie. They are making each other feel like crap because they feel crap themselves .. and neither deserve to. 
Please excuse the mixed up spacing and formatting issues with this .. I couldn't fix them :( From now on, the picture quality will be less clear and a little blurry. This is due to the source I previously used to put together my blogs being deleted!!!

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