John comes into the bedroom and approaches Josie's bed 'what are you doing, our Jose?' Mario tells him that she is
asleep - when we come back to the bedroom we see him cheekily tickling her toes.. he clearly wants Sleeping Beauty to
arise from her slumber. Then he quickly drops to the floor hiding with a smile all over his face. As she doesn't react he
repeats this until she sits up to respond to his pranking. His wish is granted as the princess is woken by true love's tickle!
JOSIE: Think you're funny, do you?
JOHN: (Evidently does judging by his giggles) What you think you're doing?
He makes fun of her sleeping with her thumb in her mouth 'how do you sleep like that?.. aw, our Jose!' With more
hyperactivity than a toddler on Sunny Delite he continues to climb over beds - Josie asks him if he is tired. He is! There is
a SC and Josie has said something to consummate more chimp chuckles.
Not content with awaking one woman he plays the same sneaky toe tickle trick on Sunny. He is dismayed that Sunshine
doesn't do anything. She only wakes up once BB asks HM's to gather in the living room.
JOHN: I was tickling your feet for about 10 minutes.. I even pinched it!
Still she had not felt a thing and he can't believe she didn't feel anything at all. NO, this is not a princess and the pea type of
thing :P
Later on Govan and JJJ are joshing around in the bedroom.
GOVAN: He's a joker! Are all Australians as funny as you?
JOHN: I don't know..
JOSIE: Yeah, they are! They've got a good sense of humour.. every Australian I've met has..
JOHN: (Bristolian and flirty) How many have you met? How many have you met?
JOSIE: I've met a few and I fall in love with them.. I fell in love with a New Zealander as well!
JOHN: Oh, really? Yeah, they're alright.. what did you say, Gov?
Govan says that every Irish person he's met is really funny and bubbly. John nods 'yeah, Caoimhe's like that as well
isn't she?' Sure she was at the start maybe .. until we saw she was Satan's seductress! ;)
And Rachael is NOT happy that nobody is paying her any attention!!!
John joins Josie in the bathroom as she runs her bath. This part of the live feed is the missing parts of their conversation
from the HL's - so the transcript will exclude any parts on the previous blog. He plonks his feet in the tub as she asks him
if he uses sun beds which he has. (SC)
JOSIE: So you're not missing out on any good weather?
JOHN: No, definitely not. I hate baths.
JOSIE: Do you?
JOHN: No, there good but I have to have a shower afterwards .. cos as smelly as you guys think I am, I'm
not (they both laugh) I'm actually very hygienic..
JOSIE: (Jokes) It's just your breath, innit?
JOHN: And uh.. I can't sit in dirty water .. so ..
JOSIE: Try and make it all bubbly for me then!
JOHN: How am I doing that?
JOSIE: You've gotta go like that!
John bellows to Ben if he's only just got out of the shower now.. and how if they'd been in the Australian BB they'd have
kicked him out for the water restrictions. Josie thinks they'll get that soon so she's taking advantage while they don't.
Nathan comes in to use the toilet and says his head will be on the chopping block if they don't have tea.
JOSIE: I think 1 good meal a day's alright, innit? (John agrees) Cos we're not doing nothin' so it's not like we
need it, is it?
JOHN: Yeah, yeah. How come..
JOSIE: You're not very hairy, are you?
JOHN: Not very hairy? (He examines his arm)
Nathan says they can have as much salad as they want.
JOHN: I might just munch on that then. I might even carve out 1 of them pineapples.
JOSIE: Their good deto.. (struggles to find the correct word) detoxants? Detoxifier, yeah..
Nathan tells them he has some great bogeys as he stuffs a tissue up his nostrils and then goes back into the toilet. John asks
why she's not with anyone.
JOHN: I mean out of here ..
JOSIE: I'm just really unlucky with men.
JOHN: Why's that?
JOSIE: I just always go for the w*nkers..
JOHN: What do you mean?
JOSIE: Um.. the bigger.. (they cut off her)
Back to the bathroomers -
JOHN: As fun as that task just was, I wish it went for ages!
JOSIE: Yeah, I know .. OMG.. didn't you feel so bad yesterday when you had to read Sunshine's name out?
JOHN: Well, I didn't feel too bad at the time and I didn't feel bad afterwards ..cos she was fine. I didn't feel
bad until I saw her crying.. cos she was fine. Sunshine .. she was fine. And when I found out she was
crying I went 'oh' if I'd known it meant that much to you I wouldn't have wrote your name. I would have
written someone elses name.
JOSIE: Yeah, I did feel bad. Let me get my shaver a minute. I do feel really bad. But as much as I haven't
gelled with her I wouldn't like to see anybody upset.. but I'm trying .. I'm trying to gel with her now.
JOHN: Yeah, did you think that she was the mole?
JOSIE: No, not at all.
JOHN: Nuh.
JOSIE: I knew who the Mole was.. did you hear me say to ..
JOHN: Yeah, you said it was Mario ..
JOSIE: Yeah, I said to Mario but I seen his face..
JOHN: That's why I shook my head.. I went don't write Mario..
JOSIE: No, I wouldn't have done that anyway. But I seen his face and he looked so worried. And I went
'you've been a naughty little mole, haven't you?' And he was like and then he just looked really worried
.. I went 'well technically you are the mole so I'm gonna write your name cos you are the mole!'
JOHN: Yes, I heard you say that cos I went to write his name .. but then I thought hang on a minute, if he
really is the Mole - he'll go. That's why I changed it to Sunshine, cos chances were he was the Mole .. and
I thought there was gonna be some sick twist or something ..
JOSIE: (Shaving her legs) Yeah .. but he said 'no, no it don't work like that!' and I was like .. but I'm so glad
he's here now, are you?
JOHN: Yeah, yeah..
JOSIE: Well, I know you are you've got your um.. you've got your um bed companion!
JOHN: Bed companion!
JOSIE: (Playfully teases) I just hope he don't smell your breath!
JOHN: That's right! (sticks his tongue out) I nearly got him this morning.. yeah, he turned around I went
(exhales and Josie laughs) just a cheeky one! I hate it when people breathe on me, that's why I brought it
up cos when I was there.. I was right next to him and I hate it when people breathe on me .. yeah I
HATE it! That's why I don't close to any .. and then cos we were in the bed I was like 'if that's me, I'll
be f**kin' fuming' and it was!
JOSIE: Do you miss your Mum yet?
JOHN: Nah, not really..
JOSIE: You seem like you're really close to her.
JOHN: I am, yeah .. Nah, not really cos you're gonna go home eventually, aren't ya? (Josie agrees) It's just
like a 3 month holiday you just don't know when .. you might make a return home a bit sooner .. it's not
that bad. As long as she prepares herself for me going 3 months .. it'll be good when I get out cos it'll be a
surprise .. not a surprise, cos she'll know ..
JOSIE: She'll be out there, won't she?
JOHN: Ummm.. I'm not sure what my mates will do.. if they can predict my eviction I'm pretty sure they'll
fly down.
JOSIE: Yeah, but imagine if you got put up for nomination ..
JOHN: Exactly! This is why I said.. this is what I said .. I said um .. 'if you do fly down' I said 'well, I would
hate for you to think that I was going to be evicted and then I didn't.. because then you've gotta spend
another week, at least without me here.' I said .. but um.. (SC) 'but you'll be able to sense whether I'm
going or not, you'll know more than me by the internet sites and that how I'm looking .. like whether I'm
hated or whether I'm liked or whatever' so just sort of judge it off your own sorta back.. yeah..
Josie hopes she's not hated and John tells her he gave her the pizza with the lot. BB sensed he has a soft spot for Josie.
JOSIE: Is that what he said, cheeky monkey?
JOHN: Yeah, something like that!
He admits he has and then they talk about him not normally liking girls with bolt-ons.
JOSIE: Your last girlfriend had bolt-ons though.
JOHN: Yeah, she did but .. yeah, I don't normally go for girls like that .. but she.. she had a really good
personality that didn't.. you know how some birds .. some birds .. some girls just get bolt-ons because ..
and they think they're the sh*t?
JOHN: Well she wasn't like that and neither is Corin.
JOHN: Well, when I saw her ..
JOSIE: I bet she was really pretty, wasn't she?
JOHN: Um.. who?
JOSIE: Your ex girlfriend.
JOHN: Umm .. (scrunches his face up) she was alright, yeah ..
JOSIE: (Laughs) I hope she ain't watching!
JOHN: I bet she is, I just thought of that when I answered I was like I bet..
JOSIE: Well done, mate!
JOHN: Yeah! 'Thanks a lot, d*ckhead!' Nah, she was alright.
Conversations cut again.
JOHN: I couldn't be bothered banging girls or anything like that ..
JOSIE: What? So are you saying, you're not a player?
JOHN: Nuh, not at all.
JOSIE: Aren't you?
JOHN: Never have been. Never, ever.. oh.. I've cheated once.
JOSIE: You've cheated once? Have you ever been cheated on?
JOHN: I'm not sure. Well she says she d..
JOSIE: So you still see them all..
JOHN: Well, cos I still talk to her, so.. (SC)
Later on, Mario is chatting with John while Josie gets changed into her swimming costume in the toilet.
JOHN: You know how some people are.. I don't know how to say this word..
MARIO: What word?
JOHN: Starts with 'H' .. some people are like .. (gestures with his hand for Mario to guess the word)
JOHN: Nah!
MARIO: Are you not allowed to say this word or..
JOHN: You are! I'm not.
MARIO: Oh! Homophobic!
JOHN: Yeah, um .. some people are like that and I don't understand. I'm perfectly fine with you. I wouldn't
sleep in the bed if I wasn't .. I wouldn't have a shower if I wasn't.. so I'm straight, you're not .. I don't
understand the big deal.. I don't understand people that are at all! Especially, back in the day I probably
could .. but not now .. I paint my f**king toenails for f**ks sake, I don't care .. like I just do whatever I
wanna do and then .. do you know what I mean? You're born and that's what you are! I don't believe
that you should change who you are in order to be something that you're not.
Mario adds 'just to fit in!' and John doesn't see the point in that.
JOHN: So, if people think that I'm a weird unit because I paint my toenails and I'm brutally honest or
whatever else they're saying about me.. I don't really care to be honest. I wouldn't have come on a show
like this if I cared. You can't come on a show like this and be caring about what people think.
MARIO: Being different is what makes you great.
JOHN: Well, I don't even care if it makes me great or not, really.. I really don't even care! I'm not different
in order to please other people.. I'm different to..
MARIO: It's just who you are.
JOHN: I hate following people! I HATE being a clone of .. of someone else. I just don't wanna .. as funny as
that might sound.. because obviously I love David Beckham so obviously I do my hair like his and stuff
like that .. but I don't wanna .. be a clone of like society.. I don't wanna do what society tells you to do..
so it's not that um..clone's probably the wrong word cos people probably think I'm being a hypocrite
right now .. if society says that males shouldn't feel comfortable around other men and do the things that
you do .. then, I don't really care what society thinks!
Back in the bathroom Josie is having a soak in the tub and Mario is talking about God. Josie says she believes in science and
John does too. John laughs as he notices the camera has zoomed in on Josie's lady parts while she is trying to shave her
inner legs.
JOSIE: F**k off!
Mario gives a lecture on what he thinks ghosts are while John keeps staring in Josie's direction and enjoys an eyeful ;) Mario
believes that spirits are energy. Josie has made her bath too hot and thinks she might pass out. She invites Mario to dip his feet in.
JOSIE: Do you wanna dip your feet in, Becks?
He declines as he's just dried them and Mario's screeches on account of the temperature are not exactly enticing! Josie
complains that she doesn't feel clean washing in a bikini.
JOHN: That's because you're showering in a bath, you dirty b*tch!
MARIO: They've seen your butterfly on telly!
JOHN: I did not wanna see that! And you did it so realistically (he puffs and pants re-enacting Josie as a woman in
labour) I was just like .. you pulled it out of the bag too.. because you are a loud person (pants again) I was like
'Oh God, she's really doing this!' I thought you were just gonna go for a quick 5 seconds and then we could
all have a laugh and a ha ha ha.. but no, no, no .. when you made the full sounds I was like 'are we doing this
until the cushion hits the floor are we gonna ..' I was unsure!
MARIO: I love the way you went 'just joking!' Between that and me streaking ..
JOSIE: But you were always me baby fadda!
JOHN: They musta .. they must use some weird sh*t!
Mario thinks between that and him streaking they have sh*t loads to show on the HL's. Josie doesn't think anyone has ever
had a birth on BB (in the UK) and that it would be wrong to put in a pregnant woman for that reason. She tries to make more
bubbles in her bath.
JOSIE: I'm so jealous how Dave keeps getting b*llocksed and that.. cos I love going out and getting on one ..
and he's on one all the time.. I think I want some of that!
John thinks Dave is so funny, Josie asks him if he's ever been to Wales but he hasn't. When Mario says that he is half-Welsh
and half-Italian she thinks it is no wonder he stays out of the sun.
JOSIE: You feel lovely when you're brown!
Mario says he is paranoid about the sun for his own vanity. Josie had flown back from Turkey just a few days before the launch.
Later on in the lounge, John pokes fun at how everyone takes the p*ss out of him.
JOHN: It's not my fault! It's not my fault I wipe my ass back and I've brushed my teeth once.. I've copped
it 7 days for that! (SC)
JOSIE: I do it as well!
JOHN: Don't copy me, Jose! (Brizzle accent) What you doin'? Are you trying to make me look like an idiot on
JOSIE: Who am I? Who am I? (she does an impression of John covering his mouth to check his breath doesn't smell)
John laughs and Govan wonders if they've even shown that.
JOHN: Out of the 77 times that I've copped it! .. If you's want.. say that I am able to get some sort of girl
when I leave .. you's can stop saying it if you want!
There never was any need for the teasing to stop as John was able to get more than 'some sort of girl' he got the one that he
wanted - JOSIE!!
Steve suspects John of being the Tree of Temptation.
JOHN: I would have got him to steal your knickers, Jose!
JOSIE: You what? (so he repeats his cheekiness)
JOHN: Yeah, all 4 pairs..
JOSIE: It's not my fault they took 'em all off me!
JOHN: Skiddies and everything, I would have taken! (laughs) 'Are you trying to make me look like an idiot
on camera? Are you trying to tell everyone that I've got skiddies in my 4 pairs?'
JOSIE: WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?? Showing me up on camera like that! Saying I've got skiddies in
my knickers, how dare you!
JOHN: How funny was it her giving birth in the Diary room?
Govan and John huff and puff like the Big, bad wolf in Goldilocks.
JOHN: "Congratulations, you have given birth to a beautiful baby cushion!"
Josie says BB had wanted to know who the baby's father was and how she had shown the pictures of the ..
JOHN: Culprits! It was like that episode off South Park - 'who is Eric Cartman's father?'
Josie asks if they reckon it would be shown, Steve thinks it is a certainty for comedy value.
JOHN: It'll be the highlight of the night! They'll say we'll leave this to the end just to keep people watching!
Gov nearly got an upskirt of the year .. taking a cheeky peek!
GOVAN: Scared the life out of me!
Shabs had told Josie that she had a flap hanging out when she gave 'birth!' Govan thought she was just being crude not serious.
JOHN: (teases) I thought it was just 1, wasn't it?
JOSIE: Well, that makes it alright then, Becks!
Govan calls them all gross and leaves to have a mouthful of Special K.
JOHN: You've got the hairy designer vagina! (SC) I think everyone's talked about sh*t since they've been in
here.. I'm doing alright .. would you be sad if I went?
I can't make out Josie's reply but Steve says he would be.
When we return to the lounge, Rachael has joined them on the sofas. They talk about John's 50/50 ratio for the Diary room
as he thinks he has the record of going in about 8 times and waited to go in about 20. He knows that just because they go in
the Diary room it doesn't mean it will be aired as most of the time he goes in to ask a simple question like 'can I have a
f**king towel or what?'
JOHN: And he says .. Big Brother will post.. what does he say? Big Brother will note your request.. and I'm
like well.. when is it possibly gonna be noted on this note book and when is it gonna be .. actually happen
and he goes 'in due course' and I go 'what's due course?' and he was getting real sh*tty and he goes 'in due
course, just in due course John' and I said 'well, what's the meaning of due course? Is it tomorrow? Is it
gonna be in 2 hours? Cos I need to know if I'm getting a towel cos I need to have a shower cos I'm
hummin'! (Josie shrieks with laughter) and he goes 'it has been noted and you will get it in due course, is there
anything else, John?' 'Yeah, I wanna know when I'm getting my towel!' I even went (lifts sleeve of jacket to
sniff) cos I'm hummin' .. yeah because people have been wiping their ginies and .. I don't wanna rub
someone's ginie .. he does the front wipe as well, imagine if I went like that and got sh*t on my face as well!
You can't have that!
He'd had to guess which towel was his as his towel had a tiny bleach stain on as they wouldn't give him another.
JOHN: So your designer vagina could have been on my face!
JOSIE: (Winks) You wish!
JOHN: I could have been wiping it with Mario's ball sac. Have you seen them? Their big dirty ones aren't they?
Josie cackles and elaborates that one is massive and the other is .. John laughs that she'd had a GOOD look.
JOHN: I asked, why are your balls so big? (SC) So someone asked me if I've got big balls or not - no definitely not.
Josie can't believe it is their 4th/5th day there and 'we've had 1o sets of tears, right .. we've had a streaker, right ..
we've had a pregnancy, we've had tantrums, we've had sh*t sandwich breath ..'
JOHN: Why does that always get mentioned? I don't know why I'm friends with you..
JOSIE: Only joking!
JOHN: No, I'm not having that any more.
JOSIE: I've seen you brush your teeth now!
JOHN: You dirty b*tch! (Mario comes out of the bedroom in his boxers) You're not going in there with your balls
out, are you? Oh! I would give you my meal if you go in there naked!
Mario thinks it would be a bit too much on the same night. John imagines him sitting there with them hanging over the
Diary room chair.
JOHN: Two big grapefruits! 'Big Brother would like to know what they are, Mario.'
John refers to them as 'aggots' and Josie tells Rachael in the background how she had washed but not her hair.
JOHN: Go and have a bath, you dirty b*tch! I told BB that I was hummin' but he just noted it!
Josie gets off the sofa after BB announces a reminder about wearing mics.
JOHN: Are you going to bed now, Jose?
JOSIE: No! I'm a night owl.. I'm not a chicken.
John thinks he's been pretty quiet today but 'I'm like a bat.. I come out at night! Night's the best time to shine!'
Rachael rebukes John for pointing at her with his dirty foot.
JOHN: Oh, I'll be pointing! My feet don't smell. My feet are lovely they've got non-chip paint nail on!
Josie comes back out and walks past asking a very perplexing question that has been on her mind.
JOSIE: Becks, have you been sniffing my pants?
JOHN: Yeah! Am I not.. am I not allowed? Are you trying to make me look like an idiot on camera?
JOSIE: It's a good job they smell alright!
JOHN: Are you trying to make me look like an idiot on TV?
JOSIE: Show me up on camera!
JOHN: I said, are you trying to show me up on telly?
JOSIE: The other night we were in there they fell out of his pocket!
JOHN: Am I not allowed to have 'em?
JOSIE: These Australians!
JOHN: Don't they do that over 'ere?
JOSIE: You what?
JOHN: Don't they do that over 'ere?
JOSIE: Not to me, mate. Especially with like the biggest pants in the South west! (Holds them up like a flag)
JOHN: Are they yours?
JOSIE: Yeah.. whose did you think they were?
JOHN: Are you proud to wear them? (they giggle) Their like Grandma knickers like that!
STEVE: You nasty man!
JOSIE: I know, cos I like 'em like that. I ain't brought ..
JOHN: Have they got skid marks on them?
JOHN: I think they do..
JOSIE: No, I 'ant brought any thongs!
JOHN: Pardon? (sc)
John visits the Big man. Jose & Govan laugh at how they've noticed John stares at them sometimes when they turn to look
at him. Josie likens the stare to Brad Pitt in the Friends episode where he hates Rachel! Shabby finds 1 hair from her cat on
her clothes – Josie 'awwww lovely! What .. does your cat squat as well?' Nope her cat lives with her ex but she gets
access to the cat all the time.
Josie reminds Corin to wear her mic at all times.
JOSIE: I feel lovely in here now. This is when I start livening up on the night time .. night owl, see!
They are unable to guess the time as all the bright lights throw their sense off. Corin tells them it is ten to twelve. They think
they are good as it isn't so late .. but decide not THAT good as they aren't actually in bed. John comes out of the Diary Room
happy as he has been given his razor. Shabby asks if that means she can now shave 3 lines in her eyebrow.
JOHN: (Smugly) Nah, that just means he likes me!
JOSIE: (Calls out as he makes his way to the bedroom) Do you mind if I use that for my ass?
JOHN: Who do you think you are? Yeah.. yeah you might need to use it, eh Jose? For your fanny!
JOSIE: Better believe it, kid!
John is pleased to discover it's been charged too when he goes into the bedroom toilet.
Back in the living room we learn that Josie's ex was mixed race and had sat her down to explain how it happened. Then
Govan cheeks 'have you scrubbed your teeth today?!'
Steve wishes BB would go to KFC and get them a few family buckets. Govan farts and Josie's not impressed and covers her
nose and mouth with her towel.
JOSIE: He just cocked 1 leg over me and had his ass there and farted straight in my mouth – dirty little pig!
He corrects her that he'd farted as he passed by but apparently he'd done so as her mouth was open.
JOSIE: I'm getting a divorce. We're getting a 'divorce'!
Govan doesn't know what's happening as he's not normally a 'gassy person.' and shares that he has only done 2 poos in a
week when usually he's a regular 1 a day bloke. Shabby and Josie call each other lesbians in the background.
JOSIE: Little bit, I reckon!
John returns clean-shaven and Josie pretends to squint as though her eyes have deceived her.
JOSIE: Is that .. is that, John James? Don't you look different!
Most HM's head off to bed for an early night. John props open the bedroom toilet with a flip flop to allow light into the room
so he can undress. John asks if anyone is doing washing tomorrow, Govan says he is.
JOHN: Are you gonna do mine, Jose?
She says she will for him and Govan as she's 'gotta look after my husbands!'
JOHN: Have you got TWO?
Govan corrects that she has about 5!
JOHN: (imitates) 'Who do you think you are?!!' .. Having 5 husbands?
JOSIE: I've even got a wifey! (in the form of Shabs!)
Govan is called to the Diary Room, much to his annoyance as he'd just jumped into bed. John reckons he should go in and
say 'Who do you think you aaare?!'
John climbs in bed with Mario is again puts on his Brizzle accent.
JOHN: What are you doing over there, Jose?.. (can't make out her answer)What are you doing with my photo
over there?! .. You go get him!
We leave the bedroom and follow Shabby and Caoimhe as they go for a ciggy at the carousel. They have a mutual liking
of cupping their boobs. Caoimhe says she'd been speaking with Mario and he's really in love with Ben. Ife and Rachael
have concocted Shabby's dream girl and Shabby wishes that she'll enter the house. Shabby talks into her mic listing more
specific requests for BB that her future girlfriend will be called Lily Rose.
After a long period of no bedroom action (where JJJ were) the cameras return – Josie quietly muses 'I don't reckon
anyone in here really likes me' but I'm not sure anyone heard her. Mario remarks for her to think of people farting on
her as them 'marking you with our love!'
JOSIE: OMG after creaming my legs up and that bath they are soft as a baby's ass!
John repeats 'soft as a baby's arse' while laughing.
JOHN:I can't imagine a baby's arse being that soft!!
JOSIE: Yeah, course it is.
JOHN: What ..what about the hair on your beaver?
JOSIE: The hair on my what?
JOHN: The hair on your beaver!
JOSIE: Oh! How do you know about that? (she'd told him the night before!!)
JOHN: (admits) I've been watching!
Josie is sorting it out tomorrow.
JOHN: Are ya? The cameras are gonna be zooming in on that!
JOSIE: Oh noooo! Why can't they leave me alone?
JOHN: They'll be watching you shaving your beaver!
Josie giggles and Mario tells her to think of it as a magical adventure.
JOHN: What what are you gonna do with it, Jose? What style are we going for?
JOSIE: Um, what do yo want, Becks?
JOHN: Are we gonna give it the short, back and sides or..?
Camera cuts to Caoimhe the teaser. Ife crawls in beside Josie in bed and tells her she might use her body for heat.
Then we quickly return to Caoimhe, Shabby and Govan who is slating Sunshine to the girls as he thinks she was trying to
sh*t stir. He thinks she is either the 'source or involved in a series of contentions.' Govan doesn't want to be
around her and they think she may have been bullied at school. Caoimhe doesn't think she is evil.
Back in the bedroom John is saying that Mario's balls are huge!!
JOSIE: They are proper BALLS aren't they? You've got the balls of a bull!
JOHN: (Sighs) So you can refer to it as the 7 inch d**k now instead of the 2 inch! Are you trying to make me
look an idiot on telly?
JOSIE: Oh, sorry.
JOHN: What are you trying to do to me? (Josie apologises again)
JOSIE:(reassures) 7 inches is alright.
JOHN: You.. you apologise to the fans .. and tell 'em tell 'em!
JOSIE: I'm sorry that I slated Becks for having a 7 inch willy!
JOHN: No 2 inch willy you said! You said I had a 2inch willy .. and small nuts!!
We cut to the garden where Nathan has now joined the group. People (ahem.. John, Josie and Mario) talking right across
the room have woken him up as he was fast asleep. Shabby thought they'd agreed if they wanted to talk at night they had
to do so outside the bedroom.
NATHAN: There's balls talk and m*nge talk! All the usual stuff I like talking about ..just not now!
Govan continues gassing to Shabby in the garden how he now has Sunshine's card marked. Ife and Caoimhe come out to the
garden and start Sunshine slagging too. Shabby and Govan are convinced she plays the victim card. Caoimhe was given the
dirtiest look by Sunshine when she'd hugged Mario .. as though she was invading her turf.
Josie joins the garden gigglers (while the others sleep – again there is a considerable length of time between the above
conversation to Josie coming outside) Ife didn't want to be a sheep and had been trying hard to justify Sunshine's actions
.. but from today she can't. She'd tried to see the best in her. Josie ignores the conversation around her and asks Ife if she
has oriental in her. Ife doesn't think so but it would be cool for her to find out if she did.
JOSIE: You've got lovely eyes!
Ife fills Josie in on her adopted background. Josie bets her birth mother was beautiful. Govan shushes Josie and Ife as he is
trying to listen to Caoimhe who he calls 'softly spoken' and 'these two are like FOGHORNS!!'
Josie has tried to have a conversation with Sunshine and Ife pipes up 'I'm ON the bitch wagon!' Govan takes offence to
this statement as he doesn't think he is treated Sunshine badly. Shabby doesn't want to be perceived as the bitching group
which Caoimhe considers was bound to happen - as they won't sit out there and stick up for Sunshine as being
misunderstood when they don't think that! Shabby says that Josie is entitled to feel sorry for Sunshine if she wants.
JOSIE: It's only because it must be horrible to be the one to get on everyone's nerves!
Govan grants that he is NOT part of a gang mentality as he's had that sh*t done to him before 'and that's not how I roll.'
He does NOT want to be branded with the bitchy stick and disassociates himself 'if that's what you guys were doing'
and says he was not. Ife was trying to work Sunshine out as there is nothing else to do and see where she's coming from.
She can get over her talking in the mirror but Josie would like her to have a conversation with HER!
Shabby knows she has a short fuse so has to avoid people instead of having a confrontation with them.
After a while of the group chatting and smoking Josie heads inside and the others quickly follow. Much to Josie's dismay
her hair has frizzed into an afro 'considering there might be people watch you'd think .. ' she says something
about her having her hair done. Govan sprays Josie at the sink while rinsing his cup and runs off. She and Govan bust
some moves :)
Not long after most of the night owls had been chatting about Sunshine in the garden – Shabby says she was genuinely
amused by Sunshine earlier and impersonates her doing a fake rehearsal of her eviction. Sunshine had laughed that
Davina would say 'you've been a rubbish housemate – now F**k OFF!!' Caoimhe and Josie finds this funny!
Sunshine had laughed that they'd show 2 clips in her best bits.
SHABBY: And then I kind of liked her briefly. No, I did!
Shabby digs people who can take the p*ss out of themselves. Josie says she doesn't dislike her though, that's the thing.. she
just hasn't had a proper conversation with her. Shabby doesn't KNOW her enough to dislike her.
CAOIMHE: She just needs to cool her jets!
Josie asks if they'd all offended Sunshine the other night over the Mole task when Govan says he had. Then she burps and
gets the giggles. Govan and Josie horseplay in the kitchen squirting water at of their mouths at each other. Josie warns
'don't mess with the best!' She retaliates by throwing a kitchen roll at him so he tries to throw some sort of missiles
back. Then chases after him with a mop; Govan runs into the bath room and pushes against the door so she can't get in.
JOSIE: You're 'avin' it! You're 'avin' it! Who do you think you are, showing me up like that?
After accidentally hurting him with the mop in his face she apologises. Shabby tries to control the kids as she wants to
brush her teeth.
JOSIE: You're in trouble!
GOVAN: You're in the sh*t house!
JOSIE: I'll put the mop back, I promise. I don't wanna play these games! Cos I've just had a bath.
Govan tells her she is so entertaining.
JOSIE: Me and you - all over! You just got my mic wet. No one's gonna be able to hear me now.
She arms herself with kitchen cleaner to spray at her attacker.
GOVAN: Don't ever spray me with kitchen cleaner again! I will f**k you up!
Josie squirts him once more and then wants to call it quits 'do you want bathroom cleaner in your eye?' She repeats
'I'm sorry' x3 and they each want the other to put their 'weapons' down as they don't trust them not to use them.
JOSIE: You've never been so clean have you? You better sort yourself out!!
JOSIE: Look what you've done - you've given me a black eye!
Govan calls Josie and she pretends she doesn't want to speak to him. Ad break.
The tirade of merciless mocking continues, all completely tongue-in-cheek.
JOSIE: With a face like that! Everyone will feel sorry for you :P
Govan says that they know the score now and should just carry on having a good time.
JOSIE: Get on your bike, I'm not a ..
Josie wants to know how they'll fit it all on a half hour show. Shabby has to tell her it is actually one hour showing
'sh*t- loads of sh*t!'
JOSIE: Hour long show? I've never seen an hour long show of Big Brother in my life! Are you sure?
Shabby talks her through how the live feed works - 24 hours on the internet and then some on E4.
Through the sound cut it is noticeable that Josie is performing her MC-ing! Shabby 'please tell me that was just a
mad-lib!' Josie says she's been practising that for years!
As Josie looks into her cosmetic mirror she announces that she hasn't stopped looking in a mirror since she got in.
JOSIE: But every time I look in the mirror I'm like … DIET .. DIET .. DIET!! So I try to keep looking in a
face mirror now! :(
Govan and Shabby remark that she has a really pretty face.
SHABBY: I'd bone your face!
The compliments keep flowing that she has beautiful eyes and she really suits blonde hair despite not being a natural blonde.
JOSIE: How can you tell?
Govan jibes that the roots are a bit of a give-away.
JOSIE: My hairs the same colour as my eyebrows, alright.. is that alright with you?
Josie wants to keep the Hawaiian dress BB had given her to wear to the party – for her eviction outfit as she'd hardly bought
any clothes. Shabby doesn't have an eviction outfit eitherand thinks she must have thought she wouldn't be there very long
or that she was never going to leave. Josie jokes that she'll be the first BB squatter. Govan offers to make Josie a toga out of
a bedsheet.
Josie realises why Shabby spends so much time the bathroom now as it is 'bl**dy lush!' She is sad that her jeans don't fit as
the jeans are a bit tight. Shabby kindly comments 'they look like their falling down if anything.'
JOSIE: (Enthuses) I'll tell you what guys, I am bl**dy enjoying myself! Are you?
After coming back from the snoredom of the sleepers, Josie chides Govan to get away from her as he knocks her make-up
case into her side. Shabby wants the 'mangy toads' to go into the living room with her. Shabby belches proudly but is
filled with repulsion when a chunk comes up :S
Josie and Govan have maybe their millionth mock marital spat. He then imitates her snoring with his pillow so he'd been
prodding her but then lost patience and ripped it from underneath her head. She'd then woken up and asked him if he had
HER pillow. He felt something soft between her legs which turned out to be Shabby's pillow.. and he had to prise it from her
vice grip.
Live feed finishes.
Thanks Cheeky!
ReplyDeleteThank you Cheeky for these wonderful blogs. I lurk on the JJJAT but do not post on there. I've just read your post that noone comments, so I thought I would just to let you know that you do a wonderful Job and I love what you do. Please keep them comming xxxx