Sunday, 29 January 2012

Day 8 live feed final part

Govan, Ife and Shabby join JJJ in the bathroom. Josie is frightened to step foot anywhere in the house as there are 4 spiders on the loose!!! EEEK!!

JOHN: (Lying down watching his woman wash in the tub) You didn't even see the third one in the toilet!

JOSIE: It was just about to run into my mouth! 

John promises they'll win their (his and Ife's) part of the task tomorrow. Shabby then wants the £50 to be spent on alcohol and Josie asks for hair dye. 
JOHN: (scoffs) You're not getting any hair dye! (Josie persists that she IS) No you're not! I'm not getting in a rubbish bin so that you can get dye!!

Ife guesses it will only be to win 50 pounds and that they could split it between the HM's for luxuries. Though she does suspect that hair dye may cost £50 or something ridiculous as a disposable camera is £100 on the shopping list! John, ever the chivalrous gentleman, who would do ANYTHING for his Jose, offers Josie her his £5 to get hair dye. Josie thanks him.

JOHN: (so so so sweetly) That's alright!
Josie can't understand why anyone would spend £100 on a disposable camera from the shopping list 'it's being filmed 24/7!!' Ife's alternative is sky-plusing it, pressing pause and then taking a photo with their phone :D 

John reckons he and Ife will go alright tomorrow and thinks it will be fun.Ife is worried about the questions and Josie is so hot she's about to pass out! Their game plan: not to overthink it, just choose the obvious and then they WILL win and get their clothes back.

JOHN: (After Ife skips out) I love Ife!! 

Josie wants to take Ife home with her,John makes out that he's not happy Govan had a go at her and sticks his nose up. HUH? Govan maintains he hadn't shouted at her just had his say .. though over what, I know not!!
JOHN: Me and you are very similar .. I think I'm a little more vocal! 

Man, you and Josie could BOTH be vocal! They knew how to go, don't you worry!! 

JOHN: I don't think you would go.. (WRONG! She showed you how hard she could go) 

JOSIE: Not in here I wouldn't .. I'd try not to. 

JOHN: I would go, but no one wants to go me! 

JOSIE: Yeah I know .. because .. you're just cruising for an argument, aren't you? Is that what you're doing? Do you just want to have a row?

JOHN: No. I'm not a row-y sort of man! 

You can be a row-y sort of man, Johnny!! Josie can be a row-y sort of woman too! 

JOSIE: But really what you should have done is started hating me.. cos I'd have given you a row! (Govan slinks in to share the tub) 

JOHN: I called you Lobey Lobes for about 10 day straight and you didn't do nothin'!

JOSIE: I've got a sense of humour, that's why.  

JOHN: I do too.  

JOSIE: Yeah, I know that. You wouldn't be our mate otherwise.
JOHN: The camera wants in on this! (noticed the camera has swivelled round to zoom in on the bath action)  

Do most of you think they hate each other now? I don't think they hate each other .. I think they would like to hate each but I don't believe they do/can/will. I think they both hate things the other has said and done. Clearly, they don't like each other very much.. which is pretty standard in such an intense break up - I don't know if they will hold on to such angry feelings for each other .. not forever. Hopefully it will dispel into indifference at the very least as that is not AS self-harmful. Over time I do think they could regain some form of friendship .. it's a case of whether that's what they want and if they are willing to take any steps to let each other back into their lives by offering some olive branch??
Govan warns the cameras to f**k off as he doesn't want his belly on telly! Josie wonders if anyone is watching as she  feels really self-conscious now and tries to conceal her body with the towel/flannel. 

JOSIE: You'd have thought the simple fact that I was gonna be on TV, I'd have made a bit more effort with myself.

JOHN: You know what irritates me .. you play dumb, but you knew exactly what she says ..  

GOVAN: That'll make you mad?
JOHN: Yes, so you know what I'm talking about .. you just choose to ignore it and that's fine. Cos you  looked at me straightaway .. and as soon as she started talking, you knew that I was gonna erupt (Govan is distracted with Josie) .. you listen when I speak, Govan! (Govan blames Josie 'it's HER!!') Stop interrupting my conver.. are you trying to make me look like an idiot on telly?  

JOSIE: No, never! (She spots something on John's body and ewwwws) You need to have a bath! 

John wants her to help fix whatever it is that she has seen. Then wants to get back to his discussion with Govan which annoys Josie as she yells 'why do you care so much?' John jokes for her not to listen.  
JOSIE : I've never known someone who doesn't like someone go about them so much! (John holds a finger up to shush her from the interruptions so he is able to hear the advice Govan is shelling out)

Same applies for you and John again this past (almost) year - you constantly say you don't care or like each other any more but have both mentioned, spoke about, tweeted about, been interviewed about each other over and over!! Hmmmph! If you truly do not like each other or care even a little bit for the other, then say NOTHING about each other at all!
Govan suggests that John comes to him or Josie to have a vent if Rachael makes him that mad 'but don't take it out on her, as not only is it really unfair .. as it really upsets her but also .. I know you're not bothered .. it makes you look like a different type of guy .. not the guy that you are .. you're just honest and real .. you're not a complete prick!'

Some of their comments have been so forthright that it does give the wrong impression of them as people – neither are malicious or evil. They are just two proud, straight-talking humans who have hurt each others hearts. Some people need to go easier on them and remember how they felt through an acrimonious break up. Maybe they aren't bothered about people changing their opinions about them as they think they are just being honest. John isn't an utter prick and Josie isn't a complete cow but they are both capable of being prick-ish or cow-like because of the way the other has treated them. 
JOSIE: Whatttt? (pretending that she doesn't believe Govan's last statement) 

JOHN: Who do you think you are?? 

Govan informs John that Rachael didn't think it was only directed at her, and he'd let her carry on believing this as he did not think she needed to know. John didn't hear anyone other than Rachael at the table having the conversation.

JOHN: Who was the one that said – (imitates scornfully)'how am I ever going to leave the Big Brother house after this .. how can I ever go back to my normal life?' who was the one that said that?!
GOVAN: (Gasps) But that was you being a biatch!!

JOSIE: But you don't ever tell your true feelings to Big Brother, do you?

JOHN: Nah, she is very good looking .. but that doesn't mean she can f**k people off!

GOVAN: You're into her, John .. you might not like her but .. 
John hopes they remember this conflict when they get out and see all his Diary room entries. 

JOHN: So because she's good-looking that automatically makes me into her?

JOSIE: No because you hate her so much! You're paying a lot of attention to someone you don't like! (sound familiar??)

GOVAN: She should be insignificant, really!!
Lots of the loyettes take great delight in crowing over how insignificant Josie now is to John

and his life.. yet if this were really so, why would he be following what she says and does 

STILL? Nearly a year on, your ex partner supposedly should hold no significance to you.. but 

they DO and maybe always will as you once loved them so much. 

JOSIE: Think about it!  

GOVAN: No offence Josie, but you're a girl you don't know what you're talking about. (Josie insists that she f**king does as she's more of a man than he is!) That doesn't take a lot! 

JOSIE: I bet you don't know blokes better than I do.. got 5 brothers, yeah .. 2 best male friends .. 
Govan winds her up about being rude 'if we weren't mates, I'd have really laid into you!'

JOSIE: Yeah, cos you're telling me I don't know blokes! OMG .. I'm turning into John James!! :D 

John says he'll wait and see what happens tomorrow. Govan hadn't liked how everyone had seemed to get involved, which John didn't realise.

This always seems to be the way with JJJ.. if it hadn't been for the interference of so many outsiders they may have had a chance of salvaging a friendship, at least, by now. 

JOHN: Corin's lucky she apologised.. she was about to cop it! (Ad break)
Govan lets John know that Rachael doesn't want him to hate her. 'She wants you to like her .. she likes you for whatever reason.' (essentially, she liked him for the way he looked as he didn't exactly treat her very kindly) John doesn't get WHY she likes him 'you think I'm being harsh, don't you?'  

JOSIE: Basically, Rachael likes you and you've just shown her right up on TV! 

John laughs and asks how he's shown Rach right up. Josie clarifies it is because Rachael fancies him and he's said he hates her.
Govan imparts more pearls of wisdom 'be true to yourself and they can't call you for that!' Those on twitter can and do everrrrryday - nothing will ever stop them no matter what John or Josie do or say. That was an unintentional rhyming sentence!

Day 8 live feed night part 2

Shabby discusses with Govan how today seems to be the day for BB to tell them off! She protests that the word she had used had been in context.  

JOHN: (returns to Josie's side still eager to find out if she'd been saying lovely things about him in the Diary room) Tell me what you said!  

JOSIE: You'll see when you get out!
JOHN: (Giggles, then flirtatiously) Are you saying I'm going next week? (Josie protests 'no!') Is that what you're saying?

Josie is adamant she means in a couple of months. 

JOSIE: Or however long we're here .. however long they keep your moody bo****ks in the house, I don't know!  

JOHN: (asserts) I'm not a moody man! (Yes, you are sometimes Mr Parton!!) 

John confronts Govan on whether he is p***ed off with him but Govan frowns and says he's not. John thought he'd been avoiding him 'after all that sh*t!' Govan says that he hasn't and they are both his friends and he's not a child; he does not agree with John's opinion but believes he has the right to it. 

It makes me sad to see formerly good friends on twitter falling out over all this crap just for having different opinions. Why can't we just respect that we all have different thoughts and be kind and civil? John and Josie are the ones who brought us all together in the first place, after all. I won't let them rip us apart!
Josie pipes up 'I think it's stemmed from your childhood.' Govan hushes her in the middle of his serious speaking. 

JOHN: (mishears Josie) What? You think I'm a child?

Recently, both John and Josie have fired that the other needs to grow up .. yet, without acknowledging their own moments of childishness post-break. Most adults tend to be prone to immaturity after break ups get particularly nasty and resort to juvenile jibes and behaviour that you would expect from a baby! Why should anyone expect John and Josie to handle theirs with class, tact and maturity?
Josie repeats her comment and Govan guarantees that he is still John's mate. Gov had told someone not to exasperate the situation as it had made things 10 times worse. He didn't see why she (so the suspect is female!) had to come to John.  

TOO many meddlers and interfering busy bodies have become involved in the mess .. instead of helping relations they contributed to making everything 100 times worse than it probably would have been if twitter didn't exist!! Without all the crap, John and Josie potentially could have been friends again a long time ago. But NO some people take it upon themselves to doll out unwanted advice, to stick their nose in and stir up more hate for both parties (though perhaps unintentionally!) .. YES, some of their relationship may have been played out before our eyes and we have opinions about it - doesn't mean our opinions need to be thrust down the throat of John or Josie!
JOSIE: (banters) John you need to cream yourself up a bit, love! 

JOHN: (takes it with good humour) Yeah. It's getting a bit dry isn't it? 

Govan confirms that he's not annoyed but doesn't like people coming in like that. A wolf whistle pierces the room which appears to be directed at Josie so was most likely from Nathan .. as Govan and John are talking at the time. 
Govan had sensed the episode of enmity was inevitable as he could see John raging.

JOHN: You know what comments p**s me off! 
Govan had poked Josie to alert her attention to John's approaching angry acrimony but she'd been oblivious to it. 
JOHN: Did I just fire? 
GOVAN: Yeah .. you just lost it!

On numerous occasions, we have been onlookers observing John and Josie fire (from blank-point range!) and the burning hot hurt and fury burns and bubbles up like molten lava. Then it tends to extinguish (mostly) quicker than a lit match in a bucket of ice .. though some embers continue to flicker. Surely, they knew which comments could p**s the other off? Did they use this type of comments deliberately knowing they could invoke such reactions? That they had the power to make their partner 'lose it'?
Big Brother calls Caoimhe to come to the Diary room which annoys John. He stands up to yell at the camera 'what? Why don't I get a shot? Why does everyone get in before me?' (as they keep calling other HM's in before him when he had been waiting) 

JOHN: And just for that I'm not even gonna bother telling her .. so you can go get her yourself, cos I'm not doing that! I'm not waiting out the front for half an hour .. nuh, NUH! And that's just too bad!

Josie's favourite BB is the one bringing HM's into the Diary room for a bum spanking! Even though he'd told Josie, that her word could have caused offence.
JOSIE: What to my family?
Govan tells her that the connotations stretch further, to other people and asks if her Mum is Irish. She says she'll explain what her Mum is when they get out (of a travelling background?) When Caoimhe comes out, Govan guffaws that she's 'in for it!' Long SC. John only wants to get in the Diary room to ask for his shaver.

JOSIE: I can't believe how much they let you get away with!
JOHN: Are they just gonna let me walk around like this or what? (unshaven) what do you mean how much they let me get away with? If I'm ringing the doorbell, you answer the door!!
Josie is disappointed that she 'won' the task 'and they won't even claim me as the winner .. as the rightful winner!' Govan grunts disbelief that she's still going on about that as John reminds her she wasn't the winner, Dave was!

JOSIE: (not having it!) No, listen to this, yeah .. they said eat EVERYTHING on your plate.. everything!
JOHN: Yeah but Dave won though. They said the winner is Dave and he gave a little dance!

Govan also feels Dave was an undeserving champion as he hadn't gobbled down all the food on his plate. John agrees but they had announced Dave as the winner. Josie feels cheated as she had eaten everything including the skin of the lime and Dave had not!

JOSIE: Dave didn't eat the skin of the lime!

JOHN: They did declare him the winner though, you know that don't ya?

JOSIE: They declared him the winner but they're WRONG!
JOHN: (cracks up with laughter and takes delight informing her) So you got no prize to collect, honey!

Dave was shocked at how well Josie was doing in the task but finds it hilarious that 'Wales beats England again!' Josie was worried that they might disqualify her if she hadn't eaten the skin.

JOSIE: I put my heart and soul in that! I was the rightful winner!

Dave says there's no denying that. John complains 'ahhhh, good work Caoimhe! You can't even close the door properly .. now I'm gonna have to wait forever!' Dave declares that everyone knows you don't eat the skin of a kiwi fruit or lime.

JOSIE: (Boasts) I nearly ate the plate! (G

ovan concurs that technically she had eaten everything, as asked. Josie thinks BB should present her with a prize (ad break)

Govan, Shabby, Ife and Josie are in the bathroom. 
JOSIE: I can't stop flirting with everyone! At home, I'm like one of the lads, but in here I've got loads of husbands!(
Shabs doesn't think she flirts with Govan. Govan blames this on them being married)
You don't flirt with your husband … I do flirt with John James though!

Shabby reckons this is because she wants to *makes clicking noises with her tongue suggestive of sex*

Shabby asks if Josie is quite dirty but Josie uses her Aunt's bath facilities but she isn't one 'for having a shower every 2 minutes!' They think it's okay so long as 'you wetwipe your bits!' Josie realises she hasn't even put the plug in the bath as the water wasn't filling!! Govan laughs that she's a 'f**king moron!'

Shabby is a bit scared that tomorrow could be her last night. Josie just hopes the edits have been true to Shabby and not only shown her tantrums. 

Josie felt she looked like a child in the Diary room (when they wouldn't divulge something to her) and had sighed huffily. 

SHABBY: Well they infuriate you until you end up acting like a child! They basically treat you like a child anyway.

IFE: So we act like children!

Could this be some small justification for why John and Josie have acted like children? In that, the other had infuriated them SO much they reverted to child-like conduct.. 

Govan leaves the bathroom with Ife and Shabby speaking about how he finds it hard to let go of grudges but isn't full of hate. He just can't trust those who may cut short other people's opportunities because of their own game playing. They go for a smoke in the garden and speak of SOCKS!