Friday, 30 December 2011

Day 5 afternoon live feed

John tells Steve, Sunshine and Dave about the questions BB had asked him yesterday about his cooking abilities. John had 
said he'd like to know how to make an omelette and BB had cheekily asked 'would you consider yourself to be a good 
cook?' Clearly, John does not consider himself to possess any skills in the kitchen and thinks BB must turn their mic on and 
off like a walky talky to answer HM's in the Diary room to stop them laughing through the mic. 
DAVE: That would have made the best TV ever yesterday, man! We're all in there goofing round, the mole's 
running round the tunnel, he's in the Diary room and the mole's smashing everything up..
STEVE: You can imagine that to cartoon music! 
John asks Sunshine how she knows they'd asked him what his pièce de résistance was.. he had cracked up laughing at the 
way they pronounced it 'taking the absolute mickey out of me!' John explains that when he saw the devastation 
yesterday he burst out laughing and laid on the floor thinking 'what the hell?' 
JOHN: Then I saw all the pizzas outside, cos there was no way I was cleaning all that up.. I was laughing 
but I thought I'm not doing all that! 
Once John had heard the group talking he yelled to them and that's when BB let them out as they were communicating. He 
thought it was funny as it was made to look like he'd done it but wasn't sure if it was to set him up. 
STEVE: It was very funny! A twist in the tale!!  
Sunshine thinks they will cut clips on the HL's of John shouting 'I DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!' to Mario smashing the 
pizzas. John had seen Mario struggling and knew he was going to pick himself so put himself forward. John thinks it was 
good that he was chosen as caterer as Nathan would have worked a lot harder only for it to all be ruined. 
JOHN: I think they wanted me to try harder.. they wanted to frustrate me more (SC) for the telly. 
Sunshine's multitude of manky multi-coloured lipsticks
When he'd opened the store room there were 88 (exaggeration!!) pineapples and when he was using the machine to open it - 
it had kept breaking. That was when he thought there was something going on. He couldn't open the pineapple or chop it 
PLUS he had to chop up the rolls of ham and grate the cheese but hadn't been given enough. BB had provided 8  cans of 
tomato sauce and he'd only used 1 or the bases would have been pure tomato paste. 
John maintains that whoever had made the pizzas they would have been cold from the time the first to last was put in unless 
there had been an oven to fit them all in. There had been 14 pizzas in total for each HM to have 1. John told BB he cooks 
chicken and pasta for his dog, toast and bl**dy scrambled egg! 
Josie, Sunshine and Steve sit and talk in the garden. Josie never thought BB would be saying her name on launch night. 
JOSIE: I just did not expect it in a million years!  
Steve says if he were a smoker he'd have had to bring in 1000 fags. He asks if they win a luxury shopping budget are 
cigarettes available to buy on the list. Josie thinks it is lucky 'we have some carers and sharers!'
Ife, Shabby and Caoimhe have put together a keep fit course around the house and garden. They invite Josie and Rach to join 
them on their exercise circuit – who politely decline. 
JOSIE: Cos I ain't been doing nuthin' I got no energy!.. I quite enjoy doing nuthin' though..
RACHAEL: It makes a change from normal life. 
JOSIE: I might have a little walk round the garden in a minute.
RACHAEL: I might come with you. 
Josie suggests doing 50x around the garden as 'it must be a little bit' of exercise. They want to wait for the girls to 
complete their course to avoid being booted in the face. After the break Caoimhe and Ife do some yoga and ballet 
stretches before showing each other moves from their jazz dance classes. 
CAOIMHE: (Imitates BB voice) This is Big Brother, would Caoimhe and Ife stop acting the maggot. 
Corin is convinced that aniseed balls make teeth really white! Dave isn't buying it but I have googled this and supposedly 
aniseed or anise IS a natural tooth cleanser and mouth freshener. 
Govan, JJJ and Rachael are in the living room and John begins 'anyway 2 birds ..' but BB chooses to cut the sound 
straight away as they consider Shabby's conversation in the garden more interesting - on how she takes food from bins 
after supermarkets throw it out. Clearly, whatever is said makes Josie and Govan laugh so it seems like it would have 
been something juicy! 
Ben, Nathan and Shabby debate best before and use by dates of perishables. Shabby supports that they have been given 
senses 'if it looks off - it's off!' Ben, Ife and Nathan discuss how 'diarrhoea' is a hard word to spell. Nathan seems to have 
some relative intelligence when it comes to spelling when Caoimhe considers 'queue' to be difficult.'Bovine spongiform 
encephalopath' more commonly known as mad-cow disease; reels off Nathan's tongue with ease. Try saying that 10 
times in a row!!! :D 
John  and Rachael's chat at the couches about relationships and marriage -
JOHN: .. that would make me a hypocrite because I don't go to church on a regular basis or do anything 
even remotely religious.. so I would feel as though I was being a hypocrite and not respecting um.. 
religious people.. for me to go and get married in a church, I think would be disrespectful to the people 
.. who actually do believe that it represents that .. I respect that so.. (clips skips a few seconds of the convo)  
and for that reason. the only reason I would .. would be because I wanted to show that level of 
commitment.. I would do it for that reason but it wouldn't have anything to do with .. cos that's what I 
wanted but.. I would really have to like her ..
To my knowledge, Josie is the only woman John has considered marriage with in his life. This is based on comments made from 
his own mouth - things obviously have changed since then and maybe he is now thinking about taking these steps with someone 
else.. or wondering what could have been had he married Josie..
RACHAEL: You'd have to love her!
JOHN: Yeah, in order for me to.. I wouldn't take it lightly..
Rachael doesn't think marriage is necessary and neither does (did) John.
JOHN: What's the difference? To me.. it's more about looking like a princess at a ball these days rather than 
actually valuing the true meaning of it. 
Rachael knew she wouldn't marry her ex-boyfriend but she'd rather elope than have a big show wedding to show off to 
everyone. Let's see if she and Nathan elope as they are currently engaged or if she does the princess for a day thing :)
RACHAEL: It's not about that, is it?
JOHN: I don't think so.. no. Yeah, but then you've gotta think about it the other way .. and people wanna 
celebrate that day with you because you're making a big decision in your life .. if .. If I was to get in a 
relationship now.. I wouldn't bother unless I thought .. that it was gonna last forever..
RACHAEL: What you wouldn't get in a relationship now?
JOHN: (Repeats) Not unless I thought it was gonna last forever and so..
And since Josie was the relationship he started up first, I suppose he hoped and believed it would last forever. I remember on the 
web chat they did they were asked where they saw themselves being in 5 years time and John said he hoped to still be with Josie :(
Rachael asks how he would know that.
JOHN: You don't know that .. but you've gotta.. if I was just with some girl and something didn't .. 
something I didn't like about her .. 
When John pursued a relationship with Josie he had already seen some of her less attractive qualities but still loved and 
wanted her enough to be with her. As time went on, I'm sure they both discovered sides to each other that they disliked and 
grew to resent.
RACHAEL: You wouldn't bother.
JOHN: (Shakes his head) nah, I wouldn't pursue it for 2 years just for the sakes of having.. 
RACHAEL: Splitting up? 
JOHN: Just for getting sex for 2 years or whatever your motive is. I couldn't be bothered.. I'd rather have 
no sex at all .. and actually find someone that I DID love and wanted to spend the rest of your life with .. 
I think I'm too old now..  (SC)
We heard that John had told Josie several times that SHE was the person he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Now it 
appears they are NOT the people they want to be with and are hopefully happy and closer to finding that person for them.
Though Josie will always be a tough act to follow in the quest for John's heart - as Josie was the first woman he was ever in 
love with. Is anyone ever able to truly measure up to a first love?
JOHN: Yeah, well I've had another one that went for a while but .. it was very on and off so I wouldn't .. it 
depends on what you classify as a relationship really, doesn't it? .. like some people would say it was a 
relationship probably, some people would say it wasn't. I didn't because it wasn't exclusive.. so you 
weren't just with that person..
RACHAEL: So you knew that she wasn't the one, that you weren't gonna be with her forever?
JOHN: It wasn't that you didn't know she was gonna be the one .. it was just that .. many a girl, I've done 
this with.. but um..
RACHAEL: Seeing them? (BB announces for Shabby to come to the Diary room - making Rachael heart race and she 
jumps holding her hand to her chest) OMG! Did you see me jump? That scared the poo out of me! You jumped 
JOHN: Yeah.. but um.. I've been with girls probably seeing them for 2 months ..(then the cameras focus on 
Shabby going into the Diary room and the garden before coming back.. we miss a chunk of the conversation)
RACHAEL: Sounds like just seeing someone.. where you know it's not going anywhere you're just seeing 
JOHN: But to me that's not .. (SC) even though I've been seeing them a few months .. I wouldn't say.. I've 
only had 1 serious relationship.. the rest were just ..
Nathan doesn't deem a relationship serious unless it lasts over a year. John thinks it is serious if it is exclusive. Nathan and 
Rachael perceive that exclusivity in Australia doesn't seem to be the same as exclusivity in relationships in the UK. Camera 
cuts to shot of Steve lying by the pool and then back to the talk.
JOHN: So you just leave it at that .. I wouldn't say you were in a relationship with that person because 
you've probably stopped talking for months at a time sometimes.. like I've been seeing a girl and then not 
spoken to her for like 8 months and then.. (SC)
NATHAN: That's just casual sex, innit? Bad casual sex.. 
The chat is brought to an abrupt close as Shabby comes out of the Diary room fuming. BB has told her she'll be punished 
over discussing nominations with Ife and Nathan that morning. She storms out to the nest - where she proceeds to rant 
and have a melt down! Josie joings Ife, Caoimhe and Shabby in the hut. Shabby retrieves the rule book from the kitchen 
as BB has told her to read over the page regarding nominations. 
John has followed Govan into the bedroom to have a chat. John tells him he doesn't mind something and wouldn't get cut 
about it on the outside. Shabby unleashes some sound-cut venom on BB much to Caoimhe's chuckles and Josie smiles on.
Josie tells Caoimhe and Ife that she has people that she's gelled with (in BB) but 'you can't gel with absolutely 
everyone, can you? I don't dislike them or anything like that .. just haven't gelled with them.'  
Caoimhe agrees that it is human nature and they haven't had the time yet to get to know everyone. Govan, 
John and Corin are in the bedroom. Govan says he doesn't dislike Dave but can't trust him in the slightest. This 
surprises John 'YEAH?!!' Corin thinks Govan needs to give him a chance as he's nice and a 'proper giggle.'  
Apparently Govan's reasons are that he believes Dave relayed a conversation to Sunshine that was about her 
when they'd discussed nominations earlier and he doesn't understand why he'd do that if he was as nice as she says. 
John wants to know what happened but Govan tells him he was there as they were telling John that they couldn't 
talk about nominations. 
JOHN: No names were mentioned though.
Govan doesn't think that's the point and Corin thinks he's stressing his head. 'are you stressing?' John wishes that he 
could be like Govan as he voices that he is struggling to decide who to nominate 'I'm back to square one again now. 
I've got absolutely no idea! ABSOLUTELY no idea.. so I wish.. I do see the good in people you're right.. 
but I guess part of me wishes that I didn't..' as it would make it a hell of a lot easier to nominate.
I wonder if John can see any good in Josie at all now or Josie can acknowledge any of his good traits?? Doesn't seem so, hey? :( I'm hoping that they can again, someday .. 

Govan doesn't have any contempt for Dave despite his distrust for him as he can see that he's a good guy 'but that       doesn't mean he's not capable of..'John tells him that at the end of the day Govan has his opinions and people respect that 'as you said, we've gotta play the game - that's why we're here.. we've gotta do it!' John knows he has his reasons and if they all had the same opinions there wouldn't be a point having them all in the same house together. 'That's why we're all here, cos we think differently.' Previously Govan had hoped Dave sailed through this week without being up for eviction so he could get to know him 'as everyone else in here I can call a friend .. bar 1 .. bar 2 people.' 
John feels like he's the one not hanging around with everyone; Corin also thought this of herself. 
JOHN: I love you guys and Jose and Benny and .. I'll just say that group.. but I can't.. can't and I like Ife a 
lot and I like Shabby and Caoimhe as well but I don't feel as though I know them well enough.. I can't go 
up to them..  
He had approached the 3 in the spa the other night to see if they wanted to do the bed swaps and had stood at the door for 5 
minutes as he didn't want to interrupt. They'd looked at him like he was an idiot so eventually he butted in and asked as he 
was only doing it as they'd whinged about Steve's snoring. He was quite happy with his original single bed next to Govan and 
Josie but did it for them.
JOHN: But any one of them I could talk to one on.. I find it hard to go up to a group of 3 girls and just 
start banging in.. I just find it hard.. because I don't smoke either so I'm not one of the..
He jokes that he should probably take up smoking to integrate more with the smokers group and part of him wishes that he 
did so he could go out and talk with them. Corin invites him to come out and sit on the bench. Govan says even though he's 
known Corin since 'the thing we're not allowed to talk about' (auditions/lock down?) if he was horrible to her even 
though he'd be angry about it he would keep his nose out 'as I think that's quite a childish thing to do.' HENCE WHY 
John asks 'does everyone know whose towel is whose?' he's lost his own and asked Big Brother for a new one but they 
wouldn't give him one. John had asked BB if they wash towels in the laundry and was told that 'towels are housemates 
responsibilities.' Nathan says they'll have to put them in the baths and stamp them like grapes. The bedroom is stinking 
due to the feisty towels! 
Realising the camera is on Bob Righter John and Sunshine race over expecting something to happen.
JOHN: Tell Bob Righter to get writing!
SUNSHINE: (Sickly voice) Big Brother, can you ask Bob to give us some wishes please?  
They realise BB won't do anything as they won't get a genuine reaction so instead switch to talking about how they like 
shreddies i.e - with honey etc. 
Corin tells Govan that she wouldn't let it spoil his experience (his issues with Dave and Sunshine) she wouldn't just sit there 
and let it do her head in she would address the problem with the person it concerned. Govan doesn't think he can say it to 
the person as it doesn't always resolve things and he doesn't want to do anything that will make him get angry or upset 
his mood more. 
JOHN: Why are you letting it get to you, Gov? All's you should do..You've got your views, you've got your 
opinions of what you're gonna do.. don't let it upset you, man .. cos that way, the people that are getting 
to you are affecting your time in the house. You've got your opinions and then just leave it at that .. cos 
otherwise you're gonna be sitting here and you're gonna get frustrated and mad at the people that you 
don't like ..
Could this be similar to him being frustrated and mad with Josie? Does he kick himself every time he takes to twitter and lets it 
get to him?
JOHN .. WHY would you let them get to ya, if anything?
Take this advice now John and Josie! If you really don't care or are totally indifferent to each other why let each other have that 
effect on you?
Govan doesn't want to speak to Sunshine he thinks it is best to avoid her. He's not interested in it as he knows that type of 
person and thinks the issue will re-arise 'I don't mean, just pretend they're not there as I don't think that's 
very nice.'
Sometimes I think John and Josie try this tactic .. albeit not very well.. but having several continents and large oceans between 
them can help them forget the other exists ... although that will never be totally possible as memories will prohibit this - your 
mind cannot block out everything.. no matter how much it may desire to. 
JOHN: Whatever, man just make sure you have a good time!
Govan thinks they can draw a line under the situation but doesn't believe there is any way they can be friends.. and yet they 
were for some time after BB until Sunshine was mean about Josie. Now, he has no love for Josie either I'm not sure if the 
sunshine has been restored in his life or whether Govan will be left resigned to a life of rain clouds and thunderstorms. 
Ironically Govan states 'what made it worse is that everyone decides to get involved!' How true is this is of John 
and Josie's current situation. Without the outside interference of so many people (some fans and supporters included) … the ugly 
situation may not have reached this angry, bitter, resentful stage we see now.
John respects that and Govan says he's not fake (after Corin is honest with him, as his friend and says some viewers may see 
him as slagging off Sunshine. Govan replies 'I am!' Corin thinks he should say what he's said to Sunshine but Nathan thinks 
by keeping his mouth closed he's not creating more friction without causing any ructions.John understands where they are 
both coming from and Nathan adds 'it's like putting salt .. and opening old wounds.' 
Similarly every time John or Josie react to something the other has done old wounds that were hopefully starting to heal are being 
re-opened and not given that chance to heal fully.. 
John thinks Govan shouldn't let it affect his fun 'you've gotta do whatever is making you happy .. as long as what 
you're doing is making you happy, don't worry about anyone else, man!'
I do agree with this attitude to a point that people should do what makes them happiest (it is their life after all) but not at the 
expense of hurting others or making someone you once cared for so miserable.
 JOHN: Just do what you normally do and whatever you do.. just make sure you're having fun while you're 
doing it, that's it. ..
NATHAN: Well said, surfer dude!
John understands what Corin's saying but he believes it doesn't really matter what the viewing public think so long as you're 
doing what you believe to be right. Corin didn't mean for Govan not to be himself as people are watching but the Govan she 
knew was always giggling. The person she'd met was about laughing and she's telling him as a mate to be himself and not let 
this grind him down. 
JOHN: Just have your opinion, Gov and carry on having fun - that's it! 
I thought this was John's recent attitude but he doesn't want to be perceived as wrong or have people believe any of the 
accusations that have been thrown at him. Understandably so. But in doing so, he also seems to return accusations at 
Josie. I hope all the accusations and finger pointing and character assassinating has stopped from both corners now - 
PLEASE let it all finally be out of their systems!
GOVAN: Although, I matter to me.. there are other people here that I call friends and I've got to take them 
into consideration as well.. 
Josie tells Rachael of her goal to go to Africa and help out raising awareness if she can 'I've always wanted to do it.' 
Steve had been speaking to her about how when he sees this on the TV he thinks he's so lucky. Josie thinks Steve is lush 
(for all the good he is doing in his line of support to those who have experience similar ordeals to himself) and Rachael 
also does she doesn't treat him differently. Josie relates an example of one of Steve's funny one-liners after she had asked 
him if he was alright – he'd replied 'I'm smiling inside!' 
Rach loves how Steve calls her swanky pants and today came out with 'ratchet' too. Josie doesn't mind sleeping near Steve 
if anyone wanted to move beds with her. Josie must have called Govan 'Johan' accidentally in a sound cut as her and Rachael 
are cracking up when the sound returns. Rachael 'we've got a new housemate! Who's Johan?!!' Josie laughs that she 
doesn't even know her husbands name but he does crack her up.
JOSIE: What we can do, we can rotate husbands! (SC) 
Rachael is down with this proposition but doesn't have a BB husband so Josie offers to get her some. 
JOSIE: So one day I'll be married to.. I wanna call him Johan now.. Govan and you can be married to Becks..
RACHAEL: Do you think Becks is fit?
JOSIE: In a big brother, little way .. um a little brother way!
RACHAEL: (Delves) So you wouldn't kiss him.. like you were with (motions how she was making their pictures kiss) 
JOSIE: No, no.. 
Oh reeeeeeeally Miss Gibson!! Cos you totally did 43 days after this very conversation!! But who's counting? ;) 
They agree to the husband rotating and Rachael says they'll run it past the guys to make sure they're up for that. We cut to 
Sunshine who suggests she does an impression of a hummingbird - fortunately the crew spared our eardrums and do not 
subject us to such savagery!
RACHAEL: Obviously, Becks is the best looking guy in here, I think.. 
JOSIE: He's too much of a .. he's a hunk! He's a pretty boy, isn't he?
Rachael is also really liking Nathan at the minute.
JOSIE: It's his cooking, innit! 
Rachael does find that attractive and that they've had a few little heart-to-hearts. 
JOSIE: Come a couple of weeks in, we'll start fancying them all! I know I will. 
Rachael thinks she will as she likes having someone to fancy 'I'll fancy you next!'
JOSIE: And me! I've always fancied you, Rach. 
RACHAEL: Aw, thanks.
JOSIE: But that's what I mean, stick you with someone in a house for long enough .. you get to know them .. 
RACHAEL: Then it's not so bad what they look like!
JOSIE: You can understand why so many .. well quite a lot of  relationships are formed..
RACHAEL: Because it's intense .. so intense.  
Had John and Josie not been in such an intense environment, would they have fallen in love? I still feel that if they met under any 
other circumstances and spent time getting to know each other that it would have happened at some point - inevitably. It would 
have just been a slower simmer but it was bound to 'be' for them some day.. Some of you think it will BE again.. others hope it 
won't .. who knows what the rest of their lives have in store? I hope it is HAPPY things :) 
The girls pile praise upon Nathan's cooking abilities, Rachael loves how he can rustle up a delicious meal from such meager 
ingredients in the fridge. They discover a mutual love for MASHED POTATOES! Josie can't allow herself to go in the kitchen 
'cos I'm, dribbling!' and realises in the house she's been 'smoking like a trooper' Rachael entices her to have another 
with her and provides her with a menthol. 

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