*The live feed begins with the group taking part in a quiz (the Tree of Temptation is feeding the answers to Mario through
an ear piece as he MUST win!) Some of the other HM's have possibly been ribbing him and/or accusing him of cheating
(which he is!!) so Moaning Moley lives up to his name and mopes to Caoimhe that he doesn't want to play the game.
*He feebly fakes tears so the others feel sorry for him. He receives hugs from Nathan, Sunshine and Dave in quick
MARIO: (To Nathan) How can you forget you were in a porno?
Nathan protests that it wasn't a 'proper porno' so it was a seedy orgy videotaped or something then!
*BB: Which HM was tied to a lap dancers pole and covered in cream?
MARIO: (Laughs) Jooooosie!!
The Tree whispers for him to get this answer wrong (as they are already onto him) so gives him the correct answer of
Steve so he'll guess an incorrect HM. Mario 'that's the sort of thing Josie would get up to!' but he holds up
Caoimhe's card. The next question is 'which HM has a secret fetish for ginger boys?' John bets he knows who that
is while the tree enlightens Mario that it's that 'Beyonce wannabe!'
JOHN: Is it definitely a girl? (and after the answer is revealed as Rachael) I would have never picked that in a
million years!
*After the break, another question has been asked ..
JOSIE: (To Mario) You said I slept with you!! (SC)
*The correct answer to the question is Josie and the group cheer when they discover this. She happens to have been John's
guess (as shown in the picture of him holding her photo up in front of his face)
*The anti-aging light question is asked and Josie is confident that she knows this one (though she guesses wrongly with
Mario). John tries to suppress a smirk when the question is asked but isn't overly successful.
JOSIE: Mario, I really thought that would have been you because you've got no wrinkles.
John admits he has had one for years but they are mainly for women after Nathan mocks him 'how old are you?'
*BB: Which HM was once caught in bed with a stray dog?
Tree prompts him that once again Josie is the answer and he 'better go with Josie .. or you and me are gonna fall
out big time' (as Mario had deliberately guessed the previous question incorrectly) When the HM's have to hold up
their cards Josie wants to justify why 'can I just say, it was a cuddle' so they don't suspect her of doing anything
JOSIE: They'll phone up Animal Farm, it wasn't like that!
She feels a bit humiliated (but not really) with the questions that she is answers to :D
*Caoimhe drags Mario into the kitchen so he can have a 'big cry' as he turns on the faux water works about not trying to
win. Shabby comes along and reassures him that they are not picking on him even if it seemed that way. Josie and Corin
come in shortly after to console him too.
JOSIE: I think you're overtired, mate. I get a bit tearful like that.. come next week, I'll be in a pool of
tears waaaaaaaa!!
*Corin wants to convince him to try as he may get a prize to cheer himself up. Josie suggests that he gets an early night
tonight. Corin and Josie give him more cuddles and make him smile :) Josie congratulates him for doing so well and
cheekily asks for 'halves' if he wins 'a slap up meal' or similar. Corin wants in too!
*They return to the lounge, where the other HM's assure him they don't mind if he wins a treat and promise they are not
picking on him. After a break, Mario (as winner) is being forced to select a HM not to go the party he has won. The Tree
urges him to be smart and pick who he wants to frame. Lots of the group say he can choose them as he head scratches ..
Mario checks that John is sure after getting the head nod from him.
*Mario decides upon John and reasons that he doesn't want to go. The HM's clap and thank John for stepping forward.
They are free to go in the garden as the task is complete and the party will commence in due course. John hurries after
Mario the Mole to give him a much-needed hug. The Tree tells Mario he did 'really good' and that he can now remove
his ear piece.
*Once John has been selected to miss out on the Hawaiian party he hopes that BB 'don't make me cook!' A guilt-ridden
Mole escapes to his hole for some respite away from those who attempt to make him feel better .. while actually pricking
at his conscience 100x more. The others deduce that BB gave Mario the mole role as they knew it would upset him. John
has a lounge on the lawn and listens to the other conversations around him.
*John does feel sorry for Mario and understands where Dave is coming from (where this is, we shan't know as the sound
was cut throughout) but he doesn't think there's a need for 'pussyfooting around him .. especially the girls!'
Dave kisses John's head in a fatherly fashion 'you're so precious!'
*Ife and Josie agree that someone (seemingly Sunshine) is a nice girl 'deep down' but 'it comes out wrong.' As
apparently during the task she had said that the group don't 'care if Mario wins' the quiz but meant don't mind.
The girls plan to make a conscious effort with her as she means well.
*Ife is excited at the prospect of piña coladas at the party which causes Josie to 'ooooooh' too!
*Caoimhe grumbles as she has come on her period but manages to find a bright side 'at least I'm not pregnant!' The girls
imagine having to ask Big Brother for a pregnancy test if they were late. Ife asks Caoimhe what she'd call the baby if she was;
Josie recommends 'Mole' as an alternative to Caoimhe's 'little baby.'
*Mario thinks the house will turn him straight after checking out Caoimhe's cleavage (or Mary-Kate and Ashley as she calls
them) as 'there's too many nice boobs on display.' He often remarked how much he liked our Josie's chest :D
*Ife explains how funny Ben's reaction was to being chosen on launch night was and Rachael demonstrates him posing for
the press while he was being booed. The girls tell Josie how hysterical her entrance was as she was waving to the crowd
while walking along; Rachael gives her a demo. Josie reveals she was in 'such a state of shock.. I didn't know what
I was doing!!' and that she will watch the entrances when home as didn't see anyone's!
*Ife and Rachael compliment Josie on the colour of her eye-liner.
JOSIE: It will look beautiful on your skin!
The girlies want to borrow it the next day. Rachael wonders with a rhyme 'what will day 4 have in store?' she is
gagging for crisps! They hope that BB will provide them with grass skirts and coconut bikinis for the Hawaiian party.
*The girls say how it is so normal now to have showers with other people (as Caoimhe and Shabby do their nasal 'oh
yeeeeeeah' while showering together)
IFE: Isn't it weird, how you can adapt like that?
But Josie doesn't understand her tactile behaviour in the house as outside she is 'not a touchfeely person at all!'
and how she felt awkward when the children of her Mum's boyfriend used to try and give her a hug and she thought
'weirdo!' Rachael feels uncomfortable with Ben's body contact but doesn't know why as he's a 'lovely bloke.'
*After Govan waltzes in the bathroom and seemingly says something unsavory to Josie as there is a soundcut she shouts ..
'you better get your ass back here and stop talking to your wife like that!' Josie wants him to acknowledge
that she is wearing 'THE TROUSERS!!!!'
*Ben and Dave tell John in the bedroom that he has to give Rachael some time to get to know her (HL's convo) John thought
at the start Sunshine was one of the people he spoke to the least. Dave foresees some of the 'leading ladies'arguing and
ending up hating each other as there is already tension. John recounts how Sunshine had a long chat with Bob Righter and
he felt like 'ohhh God, just STOP .. cos it was getting embarrassing.. and I was like ah, just stop it!! But I
honestly think Rae Rae looks at it differently.. she looks at it as if .. I think she thinks she's better than her..
and therefore she doesn't deserve the right to do that.. I don't like it because .. er.. like I said, she's probably
doing it to fit in.. but she shouldn't have to.'
John is adamant that Sunshine shouldn't be excluded or bagged by anyone. Dave believes Sunshine is just genuinely like that
but that others in there know what they're doing and are trying to win people over and to get attention.
BEN:What you've got to remember about Sunshine is - she's clearly a little bit bonkers!! (spot on Benny!)
John DID think Sunshine was guilty of doing that at the start but the more they get to know her he thinks 'maybe she
really does do things like that!'
JOHN: Like I know who I am.. so you know what you do.. do you know what I mean?
Dave can see why they put particular personalities in the house 'you can see with Josie, I mean.. she obviously
likes the attention and is used to that .. in her setting, that's what she is..same as it would be with Rachael..'
John agrees but thinks that people are paying Rachael a lot of respect because of what she looks like. He asks Ben if he has
honestly spoken to her that much and he admits he hasn't. John puts this down to being 'because of the way she
presents herself.. she is a difficult person' he feels as though he 'probably was given the chance to get close
to her but ...' he feels she singles out HM's.
*After the break their conversation continues ..
JOHN: We're really Mario's friends .. he'd come to one of us 3 if he really wanted to talk.. but the girls don't
put in that much effort with him .. they only do because they feel sorry for him ..and that's the wrong reason..
I feel sorry for him as well because he's in there but I like him.. I genuinely like him! Whether he was in the
mole hole or not, I would like him.. whereas, if he was in here the girls .. he's getting attention from the girls
for the wrong reasons .. and they're not legit .. they're doing that because they want people to think 'aw we
care about the mole (and seems to say 'but they don't give a f**k' in the sound cut)
Ben says that groups have already formed and that he, Mario and John gravitated towards one another and adore each
other. John claims that they want to look nice in being kind to Mario. They are all aware it is part of the game but John
considers the girls to be 'milking it and trying to get attention through him. I know who I am .. I know that
I'm genuine!' (in his motives for friendshipping Mario)
*Govan jokes that he thinks Josie has given him fleas!! (as has a big bite on his arm) Josie scrubs her twinkly teeth and
gleaming gums at the sink.
Scary shot of Corin cleaning out her nostrils with a cotton bud!
*John talks with Ben in the kitchen about how he words things 'I wish I had the education to pull that off! And it suits
*Josie asks Govan if she should put on her earrings for the party. Govan 'no, you don't wanna draw attention to
yourself! He accidentally prods her chest and claims that he can as it is his 'property.'
GOVAN: I don't want you going around whoring with all the lads! (He had seen her minx-ing with the mole)
JOSIE: Alright, I'm not gonna be that girl any more!
*Sunshine is in the kitchen constantly smiling at herself in the mirror. She is incapable of holding a conversation in front of
the mirror without staring at her own reflection. We can hear John talking in the bedroom as the sound is picking up his
microphone while the camera remains in the kitchen. He jokes with Josie and Govan in a Bristolian accent asking 'are you
coming back to me joint?' and asks if they use this term too. He asks Mario to save his seat at the table and then races
back out of the kitchen (seconds after he shoots off, Ben swoops in to occupy his seat) John laughs with Josie in the
background about her imitations of him sounding like he has a 'nasal problem!'
*Nathan reveals that Josie is his ideal woman as she's gobby, likes to party and is outspoken.
*John and Josie stroll side by side out of the bedroom; then as Josie overtakes to leave the room first John is walking
closely behind her. Josie squeaks slightly and John says 'sorry' so it seems as though he bumped into her or trod on
her foot!! He then climbs and clambers over Dave's back as he has claimed his chair.
*Poor Jose burns herself on a pot of food in the kitchen then tells John 'do it yourself!' this makes him smile but he then
has to dish up his own beans!!
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