*Dave is distressed and has become paranoid that some people are being off with him for a comment he made earlier in the day when playing a game. (I'd noticed he was being uncharacteristically quiet) He puts the comment down to tiredness but believes it was offensive. DAVE: It was totally out of character, I'm a minister, I love everyone! Steve tells him not to worry about it but Dave thinks someone has obviously said something believing him to have been disrespectful. Mario senses that Dave feels down but Dave just wants to talk to BB to put his mind at rest as he's freaking out. MARIO: You're the happy man, you're not supposed to be sad.
*John is concerned about Dave when he leaves the bedroom so puts an arm around him to comfort him. He demands to know who's being funny with him 'do you think I am? You do! You hesitated!'
*Dave's in a daze as he re-iterates that when they were goofing around earlier in the day making up a story - he'd said about a girl having 1 eye without realising. He puts an arm around Steve as he'd not intended to offend him in any way but Steve thought it was funny. Dave had been beating himself up wracking his brains about what he'd said to cause the HM's to be 'off' with him, Mario and John assure him this is not the case 'nuh, nuh, nuh! 100% I'm being deadly serious, I would tell ya'and for him to 'relax!' John reassures him 150% nobody is being funny with him and he hadn't even given it another thought. Dave is let in the Diary room to talk things through with BB.

*Steve speaks up again that he'd laughed straight away as he thought it was absolutely hilarious. They all think he's just tired but hope that airing his views will help him feel better. According to John only 3 people heard what he'd said in the first place. John relays the story to Corin (as she was there at the time) and how Dave is feeling that people are now being funny towards him and have spread what happened to others. Corin hasn't said a word about it. MARIO: This house makes you paranoid! John thinks if anyone would have had a problem it would have only been BB. Steve says it is Dave's own psyche which is playing on his mind. Steve has no issues with him whatsoever and would have told him if he had. CORIN: As long as we keep talking and not holing it up as that's when people start having breakdowns! She comments that if she walked into a room and it went silent she would ask why as she's wanted to be in there for so many years that she won't walk around being sad.

*Govan and Corin feel like they've known the group for months when in reality it has been approx 28 hours!
GOVAN: And Josie, she's my b*tch!
MARIO: Have you two resolved your marital issues?
Govan will talk about them later with her :D Govan giggles as they'd asked him about his relationship with Josie in the Diary room (which John is particularly interested in). Govan knows it's silly but these games keep them occupied and they find them fun in the house. Steve sagely advises that laughter is the key as Govan doesn't want the house to get too serious (at least not yet as they know it will at some point). They realise things are bound to get unpleasant when nominations and evictions kick off so want to enjoy their time right now.
*John wonders whether they ever show their nominations on the plasma. Govan explains that BB will if they're 'feeling particularly twisted!' Then he asks if any of them have noticed the revolving door mirror. They haven't so he takes them in to the bathroom as Josie told him about it (which is why he'd come back out of the bedroom) John shows them where they suspect it is but the others aren't convinced. JOHN: Yes! See! It is a revolving door, look! Govan discredits the theory as you can see inside it 'I think it's purely for decorative purposes .. I don't think it's a secret room or anything.' The guys discuss it further at the couches but don't think it will be accessible to HM's.
*JOHN: Do we have to vacuum or hoover? Clearly, not cartwheeling at the concept of completing any chores around the house!! John is surprised that Bob Righter is not doing more. 'I thought he'd be going right off!' Govan imagines that he will come into play for sinister reasons. They can't believe it is 1.30am as Mario tries to entice them to bed by announcing that he is off to his mole hole. Steve and John decide they will wait up to make sure Dave is alright.
*They join some of the others in the garden and realise that they have survived on 2 hours sleep. Corin's certain they'll all be looking like zombies in the morning. John climbs on the carousel horse and then runs over to say good night to Mario in his mole hole.

*Rachael, Corin and Josie are freaked out in the bedroom as they saw a torchlight through the wardrobe (especially as Rachael has seen the Big Brother Dead set). They are suspicious that something is going on like a secret room being built behind the wardrobe as the camera crew are not being quiet. John and Govan come in and blind themselves flashing the bedroom light on then off. Rachael summons John over to tell him as they'd seen people walk around and a curtain has been left open. The cameras cut to Mario alone in his hole, he doesn't mean to bore us but he 'shan't be doing b*gger all for another hour!' Not wanting to bore viewers they return to Josie who is particularly certain that 'something big's going on! I smell a rat!'
*Corin checks if the girls are too excited to sleep, as she'd been meaning to go to bed at 9pm and it's now nearly 2am. Rachael and Josie just can't believe they are there. Josie tells Rachael BB told her off for chewing her mic!
JOSIE: I'm gonna sleep like a log tonight.
*Dave leaves the Diary room and goes over it all again with John, Govan and Shabby in the bathroom. He's finding it 'really flippin' difficult' as he needs 8 or 9 hours sleep a night. Really if he was as exhausted as he wanted everyone to realise then he should have stopped beating his brains out and gone to bed! John takes him away as he knows it's getting to him and understands why he is being sensitive but tells him not to stress.
*Ife feels spaced out on so little sleep and has no recollection of changing her mic battery the second time during the day. Like Josie, she found speaking with BB really intimidating as there is no eye contact. Caoimhe and Shabby have a chuckle at Ife's confusion about time in the house. They talk about their enormous respect for Steve and how emotional it is for them too when they think about his story and experiences. Shabby thinks he should be looked after the same way as those who are injured now as he put his life on the line for his country.
*Back in the bedroom after the break, Rachael manages to irritate Nathan when she turns on the light to prove some point to Govan. NATHAN: Total f**king d**khead! John pees himself with laughter at Nathan yelling at Rachael's inconsideration to the sleeping HM's. Other pleasant phrases he calls her as include - gob on a stick and gobsh*te.
*John thinks the funniest thing is how Nathan refers to his monobrow as an 'eyebrow' (singular) 'you almost made me raise my eyebrow!' Govan hadn't even noticed that he had one or as John puts it that it 'has more hairs than on Stevo's head!' Josie reckons it really suits him and John agrees. JOSIE: He wouldn't look right without it! (Possibly one of the first of Josie's useless facts) 'You know what they say about blokes with monobrows though ..they've got a really bad temper!'
JOHN (Laughs): Is that a scientific fact?
JOSIE: I don't know, mate. (camera switches to the trio in the tub)

*Ife says she won't ever judge another contestant from the house again after having a taster of what they've gone through. Ife admits she doesn't think before she speaks and that the house brings out an 'extreme version of who you are.' Shabby concurs that your character is 'magnified and then EDITED which is not a good combination.' Ife naively believed a producer who assured them they wouldn't be edited to be portrayed as bad .. so what the hell was the stunt they pulled on John during the final week?!! But Shabby is switched on and knows that they will do whatever they have to in order to make the episode the best they can. She continues to state that because conversations will be cut down and certain snippets could be taken completely out of context. She gives an example of how her VT had been chopped to say 'I take myself really seriously' when Shabby had elaborated that she does in certain situations but that she's a joker. BB asks them not to talk about this 10 minutes after the discussion had started.

*John asks Rachael if she seriously felt like she wasn't liked. Rachael had spoken to some of the girls as she doesn't know where to fit and doesn't want to butt in to conversations. John empathises as he sometimes feels like that too. Rachael wonders if everyone is taking the mickey out of her or if they all feel similar as everyone she's spoken to has said the same... Josie says that she doesn't.
RACHAEL: Yeah, Josie cos you're the leader of the group!
JOSIE: (surprised) Am I?!
RACHAEL: The leader of the gang!
I'd disagree that Josie was the leader of the group as Steve titled himself with that position. Although, all the HM's were led towards or drawn to her as a person even by day 2. There's something about Josie :) (and John but I don't think people are drawn towards him in the same way)
*John tries to wake up Ben when Rachael tells him not to as then he'll struggle to get back to sleep. JOHN: Well, that's the trouble I'm having!! Rachael relishes to retort him to 'take your vest off then!' as though this is some sort of mystical sleep deprivation remedy. She sniggers in spite of herself; John laughs uncomfortably and pipes up 'it's funny cos I've not heard you talk apart from today.' (when really he may have simply been uninterested in her or not paying her any attention) and she has the gall to order him to strip off! The last time they'd spoken was when she was saying how she was a look-a-like. She pretends she doesn't talk to him as he's a weirdo trying to ignite some flirtation perhaps?? Then admits it is really as he is always in the middle of a group talking but he says that he's not really saying anything.

*JOHN: I just stand there and listen. I haven't really got any stories.. everyone's got all these stories, but I've got nothin'! He gets frustrated as he wants to comment about something they aren't allowed to mention.
RACHAEL: They obviously wanted you, babe .. for whatever reason. They saw something in you.. I mean maybe you took your vest off ..
John throws his head back in laughter and then is startled when the door opens and Shabby and Caoimhe come in. Rachael complains about the living room light staying on all night and that the bedroom should have been made more blacked out. The multi-coloured lightswitch has had towels put over it to eliminate the flashing.
*John wishes they could go out into the mole hole so he could play pranks in there. Caoimhe says how badly it smells and she thinks he's on a downer so they decide to cheer him up tomorrow.
*Rachael doesn't know whether to sleep with ear plugs in or shove them up Steve's nostrils to put a stop to the incessant snoring. She continues 'he's just upset because John won't take his vest off! It's a noise protest. I know how he feels..' Caoimhe can't believe that he won't take it off. JOHN: What you reckon he's snoring because I've got my vest top on .. if I took it off you reckon he'd stop? Nathan gets in on the act saying he thinks he should take it off too 'I want to see some pecs!' John jokes that he's asking the wrong person to take it off then - only Nathan and Rachael are in favour of the proposition. Nathan doesn't sleep with his on so Rachael revels in informing John that Nathan's 'a real man, you see.. that's what real men do!'
JOHN: I'm not a real man!
*Rachael asks how old John is - when he answers that he's 24 she remarks 'no, not quite.' He wants to know what the age is that he has to get to in order to be a 'real' man. RACHAEL: When you take your vest off! Govan requests that someone removes Rachael from his bed and accidentally touches a half-asleep Josie's tuppence.. Josie says 'he does it all the time!' Rachael finally takes the hint and returns to her own bed on the opposite side of the room.
*Dave farts making the men laugh and he holds his hands up to accept the blame. Josie and Govan sprawl out with the extra space but Josie wants to swap sides, Govan doesn't. The stench drifts over to Govan and Josie's region!!
*NASTY FACT ALERT: The longest Dave went without having a poo was 15 days! (he willingly shared this with the awake HM's!) <insert vomit smiley> And on that pretty note, silence descends upon the bedroom until the snoring cranks up a gear so Nathan implores John once more to take his top off.
*Mario is sitting in waiting in his hole praying that the HM's will be tucked up in bed as he is tired. Caoimhe and Ife are still up in the kitchen so he has to wait a while longer before accomplishing his mission. Miserable Mario lays in bed restless and weary for agessssssss and him completing the dirty deed can be seen on the HL's :)
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