*John, Govan, Sunshine and Rachael are sat on the girls bed talking with Nathan. Govan thinks that the HM's chosen this year are the 'best ever!' I would wholeheartedly agree with that, as a cast the BB11 HM's (even those I disliked in the house and those who I no longer like since leaving BB) were the most entertaining out of every series I've seen. (Hence why they are still so rated, hated, slated and evaluated over 18 months since BB11 began) John joins Dave on his bed to chat with him, Mario and Ben. 
*Mario struggles unlocking his trunk so has to ask those in the garden to help him (Steve, Corin, Ife and Caoimhe) - it takes 5x HM's to open the chest! They try to figure out how long they were in the sky and decide it was about 2 hours. Ife's feet had practically turned yellow by the time they were allowed back inside the house.
*As Rachael and Nathan walk out to the garden, John is hot on their tails eavesdropping on their conversation. As he passes Caoimhe and Mario coming back indoors he comments 'it's good when they're talking about ya.' Mario explains that they were saying how good looking he was. 
*Josie didn't realise that they have to wear their microphones in bed. Mario clarifies that they must unless they are actually going to sleep.
*Out in the garden, Rachael is reminiscing about when she met Beyonce before she became a look-a-like. Ife asks her what Beyonce had said to her. RACHAEL: She was like 'OMG, you're so beautiful' and I'm like 'so are you, so are you!' like a proper geek! She hadn't said that they look similar but Rachael had dark brown hair at the time. Lots of little kids ran up to her thinking that she was Beyonce. Ife also saw her for a second and Beyonce told her she was beautiful. Ife was totally star-struck and didn't say anything but kicked herself after as there was so much she'd wanted to say. IFE: You look SO much like her .. you look more like her than her sister! Strangely, Rachael can't see the resemblance other than the same hair and skin tone.

*After just over 24 hours in the house Ife already feels as though they've been there 1 week. Corin exaggerates that it seems like 3 years for her and probably like 6 years for Ben! Shabby and Rachael think a party tomorrow night would be good as special things should happen on Friday. Back in the bedroom, you can just about make out that John, Josie and Nathan are talking in the background but Ben and Caoimhe are chatting too loudly over the top of them.
*The HM's are booted from the bedroom after the break - presumably for essential maintenance. John is the last to leave as he didn't want to go without his jacket, not knowing how long they'd be out. Govan kept calling 'Come on, John James' in an awful Australian accent. BB announces for Mario to stay out of the Mole hole until further notice - the girls and Steve in the bathroom hope that BB is putting a bed in the bedroom for him. Rachael, Ife and Corin are chuffed that BB has given them bodywash, a make up brush and some expesinve-looking make up. 
Sunshine shows some of her angry cat faces
*Ben doesn't think that Corin looks like Jordan or that John looks that much like Beckham. The only person he DOES consider a celebrity look-a-like is Rachael for Beyonce. Mario mentions that Nathan has to teabag Josie when she's sat down and starts to explain what this entails. Nathan stops him as he knows exactly what Mario means and is 'familiar with the phrase tea-bagging!' I'm not sure why Mario comes out with this and as it turns out Sam Pepper is the only HM to tea bag Josie in the house!! :D Ben doesn't know what the term means so Nathan graphically describes the process to him 'basically you stick your balls in her mouth!' which repulses Ben. NATHAN: Day 3 in the BB house, Seahorse is tea-bagging Josie!
*John, Josie and Govan are at the smoker's bench and John confides that he doesn't even want to be sat on his own at the sofa. He points out that Shabby is in the kitchen alone now but he couldn't do that but she's 'pretty out there.' Josie forgets which girl Shabby is (which makes Govan giggle) so John jogs her memory that she wears the top hat. JOSIE: Oh yeah, she's got it going on! She's got a certain style. John wonders if there will be divides in the group. Josie reckons jokingly 'in an hour!'

*Mario is the only person Govan doesn't feel he has meshed with as much as the others. JOSIE: Oh, he's funny! John confesses to Govan 'You're a hard person to talk to though' which has Josie in hoots! John believes 'no, I'm alright' (with respect to people being able to talk to him) Josie mimics 'I'm alright! It's not me – it's YOU!' Govan asks why John feels that way, so John explains that he doesn't really approach him.. and muses whether Mario may believe Govan is homophobic as he'd questioned John earlier to see if John was. Mario had been talking about having his heart broken and John had asked 'who was she?' Mario told him the she was a HE which led to him asking John if he was homophobic. 
*They wander back in as Govan wants a drink. John continues to cheek Govan 'so yeah, he thought you were homophobic!' Govan growls 'no he thought YOU were, you pr*ck!'Josie joins Shabby in the kitchen and Shabs offers Josie her chips as she is 'so over them!' Josie, being too good a friend to decline helping out someone in need, lays across the table and tucks into them. Shabby suspects that they will all become so fat by the end of the show and determines that they need to devise some exercise routine. 
*As they ordered so many potatoes on their shopping list they list all the things they can do with them: potato soup, potato curry, jacket potatoes, mashed potatoes, potatoes dauphinoise, potato gratin, rosties! Josie suggests they could make a potato each of themselves and is slightly scared that all they have to eat is carbohydrates. Shabby supposes that they could all do with bulking up a bit. JOSIE: No, not me, mate. SHABBY: I'd love it if we could be the fattest housemates EVER! A prospect which fills Josie with horror!
*Caoimhe cuddles John to thank him for fixing one of the fittings above her bed as she would have been dead during the night. This is why the bedroom was closed so that BB could check it had been mended correctly. Quite the handyman around the house was ol' Johnny James :) 
*In the bedroom Ben and Josie plan to make up a song the next day after Josie asks him if he can sing. He acknowledges that he cannot but has timing. and Josie tells him she's good at making up songs and that she does a bit of MC-ing but she needs a bit of music. Nathan wants to be involved with the project tomorrow too 'we'll go all gansta, yo!' JOSIE: I've had my tuppence elbowed, I've seen your todge (Ben's!) flashed my tuppence .. Ben puts on a West Country accent as he turns out the light! 
*John doesn't do much to put Mario's mind at ease when he reports that in Australian BB someone had to sleep in a van and shower outside. They hope that he'll only be in his hole up til the first eviction. John had felt sorry for Mario last night when he and Govan had fun in the bedroom 'me and you were going RIGHT off.. we didn't speak all day, then at night - BANG!' Govan and John chat in the Living room about how they hadn't laid eyes on each other during the lockdown period until they walked down the stairs into the house. John makes a point that he'd never seen Josie until the house either!
*Josie is reluctant to go to the Diary room when she's called as she is in bed. Ben grants her permission to borrow his dressing gown so that she is decent. The lads in the lounge are talking about Joey's (baby kangaroos) and concede that Josie is in no rush to make her way to see BB. John beams the instant the Bristolian appears from the bedroom 'what did you do? Where did you get that robe?' Govan pretends to be put out when he grills her on why she is wearing Benjaminge's robe. JOSIE: Look, I'll never ever cheat on you. It's alright! It's nothin' alright, it's nothin! 
*GOVAN: How can you treat me like this? Steve is chuckling his chops off as is John. GOVAN: She's brilliant, isn't she? I've told her I think she'll win, you know.Steve thinks she is very funny. John thinks that she will too as Govan goes on to say that she would be a worthy winner Mario reveals that when he was the last to be chosen, Davina asked the crowd who they wanted to win and Josie received the loudest cheer 'so did Nathan.' John voices 'today, I thought that!' (about Josie winning) The compliments continue as they can't sing her praises highly enough:that she is genuinely kind-hearted and funny even without having to try. Lot of love for Josie is bubbling up in their bellies :) 

*John thought that the HM's being chosen by BB the previous night had gone quickly. Govan viewed it as the complete opposite and that it had taken ages. John further explains that 4 HM's had gone in before an ad break and he thought only 1 would have so they could have dragged it out. John and the other hopefuls had been able to sit down only 2 or 3 times during the live launch. He hadn't seen Mario until they were lined up in the group of 81 as he was pretty much straight in front of him. Mario had Sunshine directly to his left which makes John exclaim 'yeah?! What are the chances of that??' BB then scolds the naughty boys for discussing the audition and selection process. JOHN: But I stopped!
*Govan guesstimates that they've only been in there for 25/6/7 hours when Steve says that the launch etc is all they have to chat about at the moment. John concludes that it will wear off. Steve also describes the experience so far as feeling like a week. GOVAN: They tell you that it is an intense experience and you're like 'nuh!' but it IS! John agrees how past HM's have said that "you don't know what it's like until you've gone in here" and you think they're talking sh*t .. but you don't!'
*When Steve woke up that morning reality tv was put into perspective for him seeing John yelling at a camera (as it had been following John around the room) "GET OUT OF ME FACE!"Steve thought he was sleep talking at first. Govan teases John 'have you been taking your pills?'
*John thinks it would be funny if they didn't speak but moved their lips like they were talking so that BB thinks the mics aren't working. Govan adds or if they all just communicated for 5 hours in sign language which John doesn't think they are allowed to do!! NOTE: This does not stop him from engaged in sign language secret conversations with Josie in future weeks :) John feels like a 'd*ck' as he wants to keep asking BB if they are allowed to talk about certain topics so resolves to 'keep talking about them until they stop me now' He is surprised that BB didn't stop him when he was speaking about BB in Oz 'because I've said it a few times, they must be cool with it!' Then throws in another story about Australia's 3 strikes and you're out system for their version (similar to the UK formal warnings) e.g for saying the 'C' word (NOT Caoimhe!!!)
*After Josie is released from the Diary room she expresses to John and Gov that she doesn't like going in there. She is okay in other areas of the house but not having the camera right in front of her face. Josie apologises as she forgot to ask for Govan's plaster 'oh sh*t, sorry. Is that what you wanted?' Josie didn't like being put on the spot answering questions. She was asked the generic 'what friendships do you see forming?' etc which make her stammer with nerves. Josie wonders why they take so long when they ask questions, John answers 'because they'll be typing it up, everything you say.'
*John ends up laughing when BB take more than 5 minutes to answer as they know he is impatient. Josie feels alright talking to the HM's but less comfortable with BB 'I'm better in certain situations.' She thinks maybe she'll be more at ease after a while.
JOHN:Did they ask you uncomfortable questions?
JOSIE: No, but I felt really nervous.. I don't know why.
*The camera then changes to the cackle of Corin, Caoimhe, Ife and Shabby washing their clothes in the bathtub. Ife bought so much underwear in with her to avoid having to do so much laundry. Shabby is used to hand-washing as this is the way she normally washes her clothing. They think they have discovered a revolving door where the panel with the tree is behind the bathtub. 
*After the break, John and Govan laugh at something Josie has said/done and imitate BB calling her to the Diary room to rebuke her. She takes it all in good humour and says that she'd nearly got in Ben's bed. Mario labels her a 'man-eater' and John exclaims that he feels like he's already been there 'for about a year! Every hour is like 10 anywhere else!!' after Govan banters that it's only been 1 day. 
*Corin comes to chat with Mario and Steve at the sofas. Mario informs her that she just missed the first love row of BB - between Josie and Govan! It was just a pretend argument as Govan made out he was jealous that she'd got in bed with Ben. MARIO: And then Josie got annoyed and tore a chunk off the couch! Then she got called in to the Diary room and now Govan has .. it was quite hilarious to watch! Corin gasped thinking BB had called them in to chastise them when BB was only after a chat. She confides that she was ages and ages on the toilet to have her first number 2 'it was awful! I thought my eyes were gonna bulge out!!'
*Corin goes into the bedroom to sit with John and Josie in bed and fill them in on her poo encounter. John divulges that he hasn't had to go yet but thinks that will be easier 'I couldn't even p*ss in there! I've been sitting down since I was 12!'Josie has also managed to have her first poop. She'd been worried about it as she'd held it in and started to get pains (sorry for too-much-information info!) John is more worried about another HM walking in on him using the toilet than it being filmed (In the Australian house they have locks on all the doors thus preventing such humiliation)
*Corin continues to give details about her toilet ordeal - as not only did somebody walk in on her but she'd had to pull down her jump suit. CORIN: We thought the ordeal was over after the audition process but now we have to sh*t and talk about it!
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