*Juicy, Satsuma and Clementine (I mean... Josie, Steve and Caoimhe) are sat on the sofas eating segments of orange because they are fruity like that :D
*Nathan is called into the Diary room and Shabby sends her requests a doily and some glue .. goodness knows why!!!
*Josie compliments Shabby on her stripy shirt 'here, that's a nice shirt, Shabs.. I like that!' she likes the wings on the back. Govan also likes Shabby's style and compares it to the Artful Dodger 'she's a bit of a trendy cow!'
*A starry-cheeked Sunshine suggests a game of word association in the nest with Dave, Corin and Ben which mostly revolves around food and animals. Not the most engrossing game of word association ever, it's gotta be said! Especially since Sunshine steals all the fun with her strict rule enforcing!!! Boooo. 'You can't name brands in the game!' after Ben uses Kettle chips on his turn.
*Josie and Rachael are crouched down peering through the tree wall (which some HM's are convinced is a revolving door. Rachael can see (or so she thinks.. OR is this one of the tunnels Mario has to furrow through as the mole??) a crack on the floor for someone to crawl through.
JOSIE: I've told you there's tunnels!
Ife says she is right and how she'd been filling BB in on all the conspiracies theories they've thought of. She'd told them about Shabby's belief that there is a secret house and Josie's tunnels. Rachael points out twigs which look broken off due to someone crawling past/through.
JOSIE: So what's all this about? OMG! We're sooo clever!
JOSIE: I've told you there's tunnels!
Ife says she is right and how she'd been filling BB in on all the conspiracies theories they've thought of. She'd told them about Shabby's belief that there is a secret house and Josie's tunnels. Rachael points out twigs which look broken off due to someone crawling past/through.
JOSIE: So what's all this about? OMG! We're sooo clever!
*Ife wants to search out where the other exits are. Rachael susses that there is one in the nest and Josie had told Mario this. He'd replied a little abruptly for her to look and they asked how he'd sounded 'honest and really sweet.' Rachael claims that Mario is a 'decoy' and Josie heard noises in the task room (as did Govan) Rachael calls John in as she doesn't think that he believes them and wants to sway him (not in the way that marimba rhythms start to play.. well actually maybe she did back on day 3!!) He comes in for a closer inspection as they've already established that the door removes but they want him to see the secret hatch (or 'hutch' as John calls it) He too spots that there is a crack at the trunk of the tree which could form a 'tunnel door' (as Josie titles it!)
*They think that the grass is 'trodden in' and John says this is how they got to Ife's make up bag (as Mario put the empty potato bag in hers!) unbeknownst to them Mario had simply waited up til the butt crack of dawn for them all to fall fast asleep .. and then tippy-toed into the bathroom - no tunnels required! John congratulates them for working this out with cheery cheekiness 'that was pretty good for you guys!' and then legs it sharpish as they repeat his back-handed compliment with playful umbrage.
*The babes high 5 and are determined to find more. Josie exclaims 'OMG!! In the bedroom .. in the wardrobe!' as the girls follow her like the rats to a Pied Piper.. they pass through the living room which sends a lightning bolt to Josie's brain that one could be at the bottom of Bob Righter! Rachael instantly dismisses it as Josie taps away (a woman on a mission) seeking out evidence. Ife thinks it must be another tunnel as 'the big back bit is unneccessary!' although Steve explains that it will be so someone can put things into it. With immense pride, they reveal their findings so far to Mario and Steve. Mario plays along with their suspicions. (and we head to an E4 break)
*Mario is afraid of the first eviction as the public won't have had enough time to get to know them as people. Ife concludes that they won't care and it will judge them on their VT's. Rachael has grabbed Caoimhe and Shabby from the garden who are excited to see the tunnels!
*While they stick out their bums having a looksy,..
... John gets down to business sudding up his armpits in the shower!
*They are pig-in-poop pleased with themselves as Shabby sounds off 'WE ARE ON TO YOUUUU!!' And then proposes a game of hide-n-seek as she wants to see how well it will work in the BB house. She then takes up Caoimhe on her suggestion of playing sardines instead. *Josie announces that she's 'getting used to Bob, he's alright!' Govan thinks he looks evil and has the 'Michael Jacko look about him!' Some of you may remember, Bob Righter freaked me out every time he appeared on my screen - to the point where he tormented me in nightmares!!!!
*This shot was on screen for 15 seconds after Josie left the lounge lizards to lounge .. like .. lizards .. in the .. LOUNGE (vividly described, I know!) :P WHO THE HECK KNOWS POUR QUOI! The remaining foursome try to spur Bob Righter into talking to them.
*When Nathan comes out of the Diary room he calls 'Josie bear' as she wanders back in and tells her he was asked to imitate her face when she does something with her tongue. It seems he was trying to explain to BB a comical facial expression she does but couldn't.
NATHAN: Generally, I re-iterate she's got an amazing face! She's got a TOP face!
JOSIE: When we were 30, 000ft in the air .. so I thought .. (and we'll never know the end of that sentence! WILL you be able to sleep at night?) :D
*Apparently, when Nathan attempted it his eyes weren't going in the right place?! Caoimhe and Steve scheme to chill Mario right out (through her massaging) so that he is soothed and the secret twist will slip out! Mario jokes that it is for him to kiss all the girls in the house. Nathan is adamant that the mole suit has to come off at some point or it will stink.
JOSIE: Yeah! I've forgot what you actually look like!!
*Mario would prefer to walk around the house naked than wear that damn thing (the HMs's would really really REAAAALLLY prefer that he did not! Apart from Josie and Caoimhe who want him to riot around the house with only a banana skin to preserve his modesty!)
*Mario and Caoimhe chat about Dublin and whether Caoimhe wants children some day. She doesn't think she is very maternal despite having a 9 year old god-daughter. We learn that children are scared of Caoimhe but Mario is scared of children and he gets frightened whenever someone wants him to hold their baby.
*Mario laughs that he has already touched Josie's tuppence (so Govan and Mario got their hands on it way before John did!) and he calls her a 'man-eater' but she doesn't think she is.
MARIO: You're just naturally flirtatious!
Which is a surprise to Josie's ears 'am I?! ME?? I think it's cos I don't treat men and women any differently.' Then she can't decide whether she has 2 or 3 or 'I've got 4 actually' male best friends who she goes out with every weekend as she loves male company.
*Rachael and Ife are showing Ben their discovery in the nest of another tunnel. They are soon scolded by Big Brother and told to get away from the mirrors. Ben leaves Corin alone to paint her talons pink - she finds nail painting soothing.
*Josie had lent Ife her bobbly hat and then found it on the floor. Ife is apologising although Josie doesn't mind in the slightest - Ife would have if it had belonged to her. JOSIE: This can be a communal hat! Ife wishes she'd seen Josie's face when she'd noticed it lying on the floor. Josie had been puzzled if it was her hat.
*John's ligaments eventually get some screen time after his shower as he lays beside the Diary room door. Whilst Ben categorises the HM's as he's noted they've already formed groups. One is titled 'the crazy brigade' who run around in the garden, 'Dave is a father figure who gels us all together' he refers to himself, Mario and John as the 'gentle subversives' as they sit around 'watching and laughing and analysing, we like to talk .. and then there's Sunshine.. who's in a league of her own' (as she has sat beside him) He classes Steve and Nathan as the practical duo as their days are formed around the kitchen.
*Sunshine asks who the 'girly girls' group consist of after Ben says they are led by Rachael. Then she supposes with sarcasm that Mario, John and Ben could make up the hunky trio.
*Mario is called in the Diary room and fiiiiiinally we hear from John as he'd been waiting to go in for half an hour!
JOHN: He's got a free pass!
Something maybe John would like to possess as he wasn't pleased that Mario was called straight in.
*Shabby and Dave plan a visit to the Diary room to officially state their belief that there are other HM's present. Sunshine asks where Josie is and John (I think) sweetly repeats Josie's name.
SHABBY: She's been stolen!
Then offers more sensible suggestions that she could be in the snug or on the toilet. Sunshine seems concerned 'on her own?' (is it abnormal to go to the toilet alone??) as she hasn't seen her in a while but Shabby points out she was sat at the sofas not long ago.
*Some of the HM's boo Mario as he comes out with a new microphone. It isn't shown on screen but John raced in to try and speak with BB. I'll never know if BB turfed him out on his heiney or not as the live feed ends!
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