*8.11am while the weary HM's are still soundly sleeping, Mario sneaks to talk to the Tree in the Bathroom. Moley is
surprised nobody has yet discovered the broken cigarettes and is reluctant to 'raise the game' but agrees all the
same. He is informed about the quiz they will participate in later that day and that Mario will win it as the T of T
will help him. He collects the earpiece and screwdriver from the drawer but is nervous that it will be noticeable.
Mario checks that passing the task will ensure him genuine HM status.
*9.11am and the HM's sleep on! Sunshine is stunned to see the word 'twist' spelled out by the side of the spa. She and Mario
surmise as to what it could mean. Mario mentions that it could be just that - a twist or a task, when in truth it was just 3
terrors being twits!!
*9.53am the girls are shocked to discover the deliberately snapped smokes in the bathroom. Rachael can't comprehend
why they would do that just to her. Shabby fills the bedroom brigade in on this and that the tobacco has been broken off,
just leaving the filters. John asks how many this has happened to and Josie exclaims 'you're joking!'
*11.15am the HM's are locked in the bedroom. John waves to Caoimhe so he comes to chat to him. John noticed she
didn't get much sleep the previous night and neither had he. She blames Stevo's snoring for keeping her awake as it is the
'loudest f**kin' noise I've heard in my life! ' and usually she can sleep anywhere! She also blasts Steve for his farting.
*Govan sings to Josie as she lays down in their double next to Nathan 'Josie, Josie, Josie, Jo the laziest ho you'll ever
know!' Josie adds 'all the way from b-b-b-bristol!!' Then wonders 'do you think I'm getting known outside for
being lazy?' Nathan 'f**king' hopes so.
*John questions Ben on whether he is 100% straight but Ben doesn't think anyone is. John presses 'have you ever been
with a guy in any shape or form?' apparently Ben has 'dabbled!' at school.
JOHN: What's a dabble? How have we dabbled?!! ..Nuh, I was being serious.. (he continues after Ben defines
dabbled' to Simpleton Sunshine) Did you get a cheeky dip in .. or just a cheeky mack on? .. how far did we dabble?
*Sunshine asks for Ben to determine his dabbleage in baseball terms. Ben had a slow walk around the pitch before he had
changed direction ;) John jumps up and away as Sunshine gossips with Dave on whether he can see any relationship
blooming between Ben and Mario.. she wants to know if he would marry them in his capacity as a minister. He wouldn't
marry a mole to a man and Ben has decided that he will marry Rachael!
*12.12pm HM's are taking part in a 'getting to know you' quiz. Mario must win the quiz in order to continue
his secret mission. He is being fed the answers through an earpiece by the terrible Tree of Temptation! Jose takes part
with a towel wrapped round her (with bikini underneath) The first question is 'which HM's worst ever job was chicken
chopping?' and the tree tells him it's the 'religious one.' John boldly boos when the answer is revealed to be Dave.
Josie had incorrectly chosen Nathan.
*Which HM once drunk rum from a gold stiletto found outside a charity shop? Before Mario is fed the answer he
voices out loud 'Josie!' Josie is dumbfounded as to why everyone thinks it is her!! It is actually Nathan aka 'the Oasis
reject!' When Mario gets this right too John announces with astonishment 'the mole is on fire!' some HM's are
suspicious that he has the answers written on the back of his card – Mario pretends to be upset at the accusation. Shabs
susses that he has an ear piece under his hood and Nathan tells them all to lay off. Caoimhe counsels him to laugh it off and
'f**k them!' and I'd assume that wasn't meant in the literal sense of the expression :D
*Which HM uses an anti-aging light to stop wrinkles? The tree whispers to Mario 'It's John James – so dumb
they named him twice!!'
*Which HM was caught in bed with a dog? Tree 'it's that gobs***e Josie!!'
JOSIE: Can I just say it was a cuddle!
Mario feigns fortune and John gives him the thumbs up and tells him not to worry about it.
JOSIE: They've made me look like I'm into all that animal farm and that. It's not like that! It wan't what it looked!
*After Mario puts on crocodile tears, Steve realises that Mario believes they all think BB has set it up for him to win (which
they had)!! Nathan gives the reasoning that Mario has done so well as he takes the time to talk to everyone. When BB
informs that the quiz is over – Josie screams 'Yeeeeeeeeeeeahh!!'
*Mario is proclaimed the winner with a grand total of six points and the group chant 'Moley, Moley, Moley!!' as they
applaud him. The group are excited when BB says that 'Mario and most HM's will be treated to a party in his
honour' – Mario must choose the party theme from the 3 options of: Hawaiian, Cowboys and Indians and VIP. He
instantly rules out Hawaiian and opts for VIP but Tree insists upon the Hawaiian theme so Mario has to back track and
change his mind. Mario rationalises that they'd worn nice outfits for the dinner in the sky so should do something fun
which the group are gleeful about. Josie is delighted 'aaaaaariba!!' and dances on the spot.
*Big Brother tells Mario he has 1 minute to pick a housemate who cannot attend the party. Josie cackles at BB's beastly
streak whilst John attracts Mole's attention motioning for himself to be chosen. Mario had originally tried to exclude
himself but BB was having none of it - so he keeps asking if John is sure. John nods 'yep' several times showing the
sweeter side of himself. Mario apologises once BB confirms John will be the caterer.
*1.26pm A black, pouty-lipped Sunshine asks if she can swap with Mario to be the Mole as he is getting upset and she
doesn't think it is very fair. BB will not permit her to take his place.
*In the bedroom John, Ben and Dave are talking about Sunshine and Rachel. At the start John would have said that
Sunshine was the person he'd get on with least. And that 'Rae Rae is amazing, don't get me wrong .. she's a
very, very, very attractive person everyone in here knows that.. but I honestly don't believe ..she's
the sort of person who wouldn't give you a pot to p**s in!.. she wouldn't give you the time of day
because of the personality that she's got.. because she thinks she is the absolute f**king bees knees!'
John doesn't respect that as 'she can look the way she looks and still be a genuine person and still give
people like Sunshine .. whether she thinks she's better than Sunshine or not..' He considers them all to be
equal in there, even the Mole 'the only difference is that he's sleeping on a f**king mound of dirt which I
totally disagree with.'
*It also 'sh*ts' John that they were the original 3 who looked out for the Mole and he feels that everyone is getting on the
bandwagon with that. John has backed off him a bit because of this. He says he's not talking to him 'cos he's in the
mole outfit or because I think he's the main attraction of the show' but generally thinks that's why mainly the
girls are trying to talk to Mario. 'Not all of them just certain ones in particular .. are trying to get attention ..
THROUGH him.. that's what I think!'
*4.45pm most of the HM's are in the living room in their Hawaiian attire. As all the HM's (except John) are told to make their
way into the task room for the party – Ben and Steve hold back to say bye to John and wish him luck. He tells them 'have a
ball, boys! Look after Mario!' The HM's ooh and aah over the decorated party room and Josie thanks Mario :)
*John mimics BB's announcement in a childish but funny manner 'this is big brother mahh meh mah ..' as the store
room is open for him to take out the ingredients for his party catering. then reads the instructions on how to make the
Hawaiian pizzas for the group.
JOHN: Me making Hawai..? (Scoffs and snickers)You gotta be sh*****g me! Have I got to do this on my own?
You gotta be fl..ippin' out, don't ya? I don't know how to make pizzas .. I don't even know how to boil an egg!!
JOHN: (looks at the pizza cutter) how the hell am I meant to know how to use that? What the f**k is that?
Seriously! What the hell is that? I've never used 1 of them in my life, ever! So you're gonna have to tell me
how to use it. I don't even know how to open the F**KING sauce!!!
*Josie enjoys herself at the party as she shimmies inside the circle as the group dance to the Hawaiian music.
*Back to John trying to prepare the pizzas -
JOHN: Grated cheese, alright we'll give one a go .. Oh have I got to grate the sh*t ?! As well? How's this bloke?
Doesn't even grate the cheese for me! You can buy that grated ..already grated! Why would you do that??
Steve shakes it in the centre
*John begins grating grouchily and grrrr's 'ahhhh' .. 'aaaah!!'
*6.21pm John goes to the Diary room to blow up at BB: I don't understand why you would give me a task where
you've gotta cook 48,000 pizzas and then .. but you can only put in 2 at a time and they've gotta be in
there for 15 minutes! So by the time I put in the others.. the other ones are gonna be cold! How am I
meant to do that? I couldn't even do that if I was Jamie Oliver – let alone me who hasn't .. who cooks 2
minute noodles and boiled eggs! (Although I thought John had said an hour earlier he couldn't boil an egg!!)
*The T of T summons Mario into the task room toilet where he has to unscrew the vent (cunningly BB plays a loud track in
the background to cover any clanging noises) all the while, John is chatting to BB.
*BB asks John if he is proud of how he has done so far with the catering.
JOHN: Ahh the cheese didn't add up, the ingredients didn't add up.. you gave me like 8 cartons of tomato
paste and I don't even know why! I thought the cheese would have been already grated .. all the ham was
already chopped up ..Don't even get me started on the drink cos I had no idea how to do that!
Big Brother pesters – Who normally does your cooking? John's delivers his famous one-liner 'I don't eat cooking!
I just eat take away!'
*Meanwhile a Mole is crawling through the vent out through the wardrobe bedroom. He runs into the kitchen to trash John's
pizzas while he is ranting away at BB! Mario chucks the bowl of booze onto the floor, smears a pizza on the patio window,
throws 2 pizzas like frisbees in the garden, pulls the tablecloth off the table and makes an utter mess trashing the remaining
pizzas. A final act of destruction - takes a pizza and throws it in the shower while smearing more windows on the way. Mole
then aborts mission to make his way back through the tunnels to the task room.
*BB: What do you consider to be your piece de resistance?
JOHN: (giggles) my WHAT?? My pizza resist-arnce?! What the hell's that?!
*Steve is slightly concerned about Mario has he has been in the 'bathroom' for some time now. He comes out and has to
pretend he has done a stinky poo to stop them from going in there!
*John leaves the Diary room and discovers the destroyed pizzas, cracks up and drops to the floor! 'I'm not even .. NUH!!'
laughssssss as he surveys the damage 'FAR OUT! I don't even know what to do!' So he calls to the group in the task
room that the pizzas have been thrown into the back yard while he was in the Diary room. They come out to the garden
shocked and dismayed professing their innocence as they were locked in the task room! Rachael pesters him 'John, John!'
he snaps 'I know, I know.. I can f**king see it!'
*6.49pm it's been 8 minutes since HM's have discovered their ruined party food. Hilariously, Nathan and Josie
start munching away on any surviving scraps of pizza! Josie picks off the ham as she doesn't eat it. Corin thinks they should
just pick it up and eat whatever they can. Steve suspects Mario as he was in the toilet a long time but tells him he's not picking
on him. He is certain it had something to do with him but believes Mario when he swears on his life it had nothing to do with
him. Ife takes Steve aside and whispers that if they don't figure out Mario did it they may win a task.
*Sunshine is sharp and screechy as she points out the toilet doesn't smell of poo and shows Shabby and Rachael the vent. As
Steve and Mario hug it out, Sunshine storms out to confront Mario of crawling through the vent. Mario is sick of her
accusations and turns it around on her as no vegan food was destroyed! Shabby tells him it is cool as he claims he would be
covered in mess if he had been behind it.
*7.48pm The HM's are lined up in the garden, John and Josie next to each other giggling .
BB: HM's should listen very carefully, There is a mole living amongst you.
John yells 'you're a liar!! You're the mole!!' Josie pretends she doesn't believe it!
BB: This mole has been performing a series of dastardly deeds amongst you. It is now time for you to
identify this person. When instructed to do so each of you must write down on the card the name of
the person that you think is the mole.
John solemnly swears on his Dad's grave that it wasn't him. Josie has Mario on her right hand side and mumbles softly that
he is the mole. When they are told that if they correctly identify the mole with a majority of 8 or more people the mole will
be evicted – the HM's are horrified and don't want anyone evicted.
*If 7 or more do not guess correctly nobody will be evicted but they must not confer or reveal their names before BB says so.
Govan wants them to be honest as he won't jeopardise his position for someone who's been lying to them. They are told
several times to be silent as they murmur under their breath.
*As more and more HM's cast votes for Sunshine she moans 'why do you all think it's me??!' John retorts 'if you're
not the mole it doesn't matter.' He votes 'Suuuuuunshine!' (with a sickly sweet singsong voice) Josie votes 'er ..
Sunshine?' hiding her face behind her card which makes John chuckle.
MARIO - SUNSHINE (Sings 'I've got sunshine on a cloudy day')
*10/14 votes were for Sunshine so if she had been the mole the sun would have set on her stay in the house. When BB asks
for the real mole to step forward John does straight away and then jumps back!
*As most voted for Sunshine, Mario is successful so the group cheer and embrace him in a tight squeeze. Sunshine shouts
that she hates 'all of you!' They clap and cheer more as his impossible task is over and he no longer has to wear the mole
suit or sleep in the Mole Hole.
*8.12pm it's been 1 hour and 38 minutes since Mario successfully completed his impossible mission.
JOSIE: So have we gotta call you Mario again now?
*Mario says he can keep the nickname Mole and how guilty he'd felt after throwing their food in the pool and didn't want to
eat. He confirms he really did have to sleep in the hole with the red ants but the guilt had been eating him up. Caoimhe and
a few others genuinely believed it wasn't him.
*Sunshine is having a paddy as she maintains that those who voted her wanted her to go as she logically knew that Mario
was the mole. She had voted Ben to ensure her friend would not be evicted. Govan genuinely feels awful and Sunshine says
she felt so scared when everyone wrote down her name and cries. She insists she's not upset that she was voted for but that
some voted in the knowledge that she would be thrown out if they were right. Govan argues he didn't know this as it's not as
straight forward as that in BB but continues 'I don't really click with you, I've barely spoken to you and if that's
the way I felt I would just say.. I wouldn't sit here lying to you.' Govan is sorry and explains he was annoyed when
he found out Mario was the mole. Sunshine sobs harder..
*11.05pm Shabby, Nathan and Josie are on the sofas. Playing a game of snog, marry, shag with pictures of the HM's
(from the quiz) Nathan chooses to snog Ife, shag Rachael and marry Josie! He reasons he'd 'have a right laugh with her'
and you'd never get bored married to Josie :)
*Sunshine, Dave and Govan are at the carousel. Sunshine wants to draw a line under the situation and give each other a
chance to see if they do click 'if there's something standing in the way of that .. then that needs to be resolved.'
*Mario and John are in the Diary room. Mario tells BB that he will now enjoying the friendships that have been created
without any duplicity. He is looking forward to going further with Ben in particular (or wtte)
JOHN: I didn't need to know that!' (Mario thought he already knew) I'd only heard rumours!
*Mario is happy that he'll now have more time to get to know everybody as before he was on a tight rope and could have
been cast out any time.
*3.28am Shabby, Govan, Ife and John are in the living room. Shabby and Govan chat about neither of them wanting to be
the first HM evicted. Govan is wary of Sunshine as he knows she will play the victim 'but when she sat there sobbing, I
felt sorry for her .. that unsettled me. ' He believes that all the conflict he is aware of happening since they've been
there 'has surrounded her.'
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