9.00am Sunshine and Mario have been awake for 39 minutes. Most of the other HM's are asleep. Mario felt
guilty lying to everyone as the mole and lets Sunshine know he has her back. Sunshine doesn't like people telling her how
to treat her friends.
MARIO: Last night, I finally achieved my dream.
As he was granted fully-fledged housemate status.
9.59am John James, Josie, Steve and Dave are in the bedroom. Tomorrow HM's will nominate for the
first time.
JOHN: That was an award winning performance last night, Stevo ..
STEVE: What snoring?
JOHN: Be going in the record books I reckon!
Steve threatens that he could increase the volume that evening and Dave plays along that he hadn't heard him so he should
'pull your finger out!'
Damn you John – are you responsible for the increased ferocity of SNORASAURUS?!! Which made it so incredibly hard to hear your
whisperings with Josie at night – even with headphones!!
Shabby thinks the trick to get to sleep is to go to bed early before Steve's snoring starts up. She believes that if it continues
it will begin as banter but then result in things like nominations because they can't sleep.
SHABBY: If people hold it in they explode!
It seems to me that John has held onto his feelings and kept a tight lid on his emotions now he is back in Australia .. UNTIL
something causes him to snap and then all hell breaks loose! Where as Josie doesn't hold back on what she thinks of the
situation she spells out exactly how she feels WHEN she feels it - so the eruptions while more constant they are usually less
11.34am Mario and Nathan are in the kitchen. Mario is giving Nathan the background and meaning behind a dark
painting he'd created that creeps out his friends. The symbolism is his fear of ageing.
Govan and Rachael smoke on the bench and agree there are 7/8 people they would be upset at leaving. Govan lists - Rachael,
Caoimhe, Josie, Corin, Nathan, JJ, Josie (again) and Steve.
Some of the others are at the sofas speaking to Steve about what actually happened when he was bombed. He recounts how
he was on foot, patrolling through an estate with a few other guys and there was a beer barrel full of explosives. Sunshine
asks if they could see him and had they specifically chosen to set it off when he walked by. It was deliberate and Ben asks if
he can remember it all.
STEVE: I remember it .. I can even remember the flash before the bang.
He remained conscious but answered Ben that he was not in utter agony. He'd busted two fingers on his hand and that was
causing him the worst pain - Ben flinches as Steve describes the events. Steve straight away had complained about his
fingers and his friends had shouted for him not to move as they literally didn't know what was going to fall off his body.
STEVE: It was like being in a war film, the dust flying around and all the crap.. and then some f**ker set a dog on me and the dog was trying to bite flesh off me! :(
BEN: A dog?! What b**tard would do that?
Dave asks why the soldiers were hated and Ben puts it down to politics. Steve elaborates that they think they are interfering.
He'd been in hospital for a year and his right leg was blown off at the scene so couldn't be saved. The other leg was there
initially but had to be removed 2 weeks after the blast. His head was swollen and half a house brick was wedged in his eye
which is how he lost it.
The main thing for Steve was that he'd wanted the military career to be his life. 'That was my path for 25 years - wiped
out, gone.. which is pretty harsh.'
BEN: What you went through.. most people would be depressed, bitter, in a constant mood and they would
have given up on life .. and you're charming, you're lovable, you're happy, you enjoy every minute of
your life ..
This puts everything into perspective for Sunshine as she'd been moping thinking someone didn't like her (which they did
not) and Steve gave her a hug. Steve thinks he just has a positive attitude and that the militarian inside him wants to strive
forward. He thinks it must have been a shock for them if they'd never seen anybody without legs. Ben admits it was for the
first 15 minutes but that it is testimony to Steve's character that they forget his disability. Sunshine says it would be
discrimination if they treated him any differently.
12.53pm Sunshine, Caoimhe and Ife are in the bathroom cleaning. Sunshine loves cleaning as it is like a piece of
art and you feel a sense of gratification when you achieve something.
Steve, Shabby, Dave and John James are in the living room. Shabby is excited for nominations as 'it will f**k sh*t up - and
that's fun!' but she's also concerned about it. John thinks that those nominated for eviction the next day will be 2 people
that no one expects. Dave is fully prepared to be nominated by 6 or so HM's which shocks John. Dave has been finding it
difficult and struggles every day 'this isn't how I am.. they brought me in here cos I get very, very drunk -
sometimes for months at a time and I'm really, seriously, seriously intoxicated on the Holy Ghost'
(this makes John tip his head back and laugh)
DAVE: I mean, dude .. I'm seriously crazy ..
JOHN: I love it!
Dave has really struggled to adapt in the environment - Shabby asks if he wants to stay or go home. Dave would like to stay
and hopes it will break at any point and that he'll settle. He knows his friends will wonder what's wrong with him as he's not
being his usual self. Shabby tries to make him feel better by saying she's spoken to various people who are worried about
being up.
SHABBY: Because this environment amplifies things you look at traits in your personality or this or that ..
or maybe this hasn't come through.. or maybe this has come through too much .. this kind of thing ..
and you go 'f**k! That's such a reason why I might be nominated this week!'
She thinks that this nomination will be scary for everyone and that they will become more obvious. John agrees that this
first one is more random and that as time goes on people will have a feeling that they may be up for eviction. 'But I've
seriously got absolutely no idea' who will face the vote.
1.38am Ben, Sunshine, Ife and Mario are in the living room. Sunshine and Mario perforn a ghastly rendition of Lady Gaga's
'Bad Romance'. Rachael, Govan and John can hear this from the bedroom. Rachael is quick to insult 'I can't wait to get
my voice back cos I will sing the s**t out of her!' She slates Sunshine for being so aware of the cameras she knows
people are extroverts but believes BB would rather people be natural and not act up. Sunshine had said yesterday that she
doesn't fit the BB mould as most of them are extroverted and crave attention - Rachael thought 'you're describing
yourself!' Rachael is honest that she loves attentions but won't run and talk to the cameras all the time.
GOVAN: You command attention without asking for it!
It disturbs them that numbers are going to be dwindling but it's the aim of the game.
2.25pm Mario, John James, Josie, Shabby and Govan have come to the Diary room. Josie is 'pregnant' :D
JOSIE: Basically, Big Brother I'm up the duffer and I don't know wh it is . Could be any of these! (She shows
the HM pictures of Nathan, Govan, Shabby, Mario, Ben & John) Just wondered if you've noticed any funny
business in the middle of the night (groans)..due any minute! Did you see any of these the other night Big
Bro? (the others are laughing away as she continues to wonder if anyone had crept into her bed) cos look at the state
they've got me in!'
I so wish they had shown the labour scene instead of switching to Ben and Corin discussing barn cakes and Coronation Street in
the kitchen.
3.42pm John James and Rachael are in the living room. She wants to be a young parent, John asks her what she considers
young and she responds in her twenties. Shabby is called in the Diary room as she passes through the lounge, Nathan can
be heard asking John and Rach if they are talking about sex.
RACHAEL: We're talking about relationships, actually and marriage!
Shabby is rebuked by BB for her earlier chat about possible reasons for nominating Steve. BB reads back a transcript to her
and she protests that she isn't nominating Steve. She shakes her head as BB sounds off about how this could be considered an
attempt to influence nominations and that she has broken the rules and will be punished. BB suggests she study the rules
regarding nominations in the Welcome pack carefully.
Shabby is furious and instantly notifies her chums in the nest that she will be punished. Ife and Caoimhe swear to God they
don't have a clue who she will nominate. It really upsets her that BB think she would do that 'a f**king slap on the wrists
would have done!'
In the living room, John feels that if she misread the rules it's not really his problem. Rachael (as ever) relates with John
that it's 'her fault.' Mario defines Shabby to Ben as a 'firecracker' as she is so quick to fly off the handle.
Caoimhe is trying to teach Ife and Josie how to pronounce 'hola guapismo' when Shabby has another flip out that she
doesn't understand and throws the welcome pack to the floor!! As they are able to say who they dislike she deems this
to be influencing too.
4.42pm Rachael and Josie are in the nest ..alone. Rachael is upset that there isn't anyone in there that she really
fancies. Josie doesn't either.
RACHAEL: Bring on the hunky trip – wherever they are?
The rest of the chat I have already transcribed in the afternoon live feed blog.
Govan tells John and Corin in the bedroom that he doesn't want to speak to Sunshine – he thinks it is best for him to avoid
her. Govan is willing to offer her a drink if he is making them but isn't interested in being her friend. Again, this is continued
on my previous blog.
Shabby is stressing to her bathroom buddies as it has really affected her. Rachael recommends that she explains to
everyone at the dinner table what happened and everyone will support her.
At the dinner table as they are serving up their meal -
JOSIE: I just turned around to catch Becks going (and does an impression of him checking his breath)
This makes John smile and Corin realises they have run out of mouth wash. Shabby then confesses to the group that she is
being punished by BB later for her noms discussion. She wanted to get in before BB told them and explains that she was not
influencing votes and puts her side across to the group. She calls herself a bell-end and expresses that what they think of her
means more than what the wider world does. Steve puts a fatherly arm around her and tells her not to worry about it.
Josie is slurping up some of the leftover gravy with a spoon and asks 'OMG Corin! Are you a gravy girl?!' Corin is a
gravy girl like Josie.
JOSIE: OMG, Nathan! He's so clever, in't he?
CORIN: He's gonna make someone a great husband one day!
Steve is sure there's a lot of women out there thinking they could do with a Nathan! Rachael and Josie are already feeling it.
JOSIE: .. Every meal he cooks I'm getting to fancy him more and more!
Rachael claims him as she wakes up next to him.
Ben, John James and Mario are in the bedroom. Mario has told Ben to be careful as he never drinks the milk left at
the bottom of his cereal bowl. He is now worrying that a couple of the girls will hold this against him and see it as a reason
to get rid of him.
BEN: Mario suspects that after what happened with what's-her-chops.. (Mario maintains that he was giving him
an overview)
JOHN: Who's what's-her-chops? (while removing food stuck in his teeth with a pick)
Mario mentions that things which wouldn't ordinarily bug you in everyday life soon become a reason in there.
JOHN: He's right because.. let's face facts, what else can you nominate for?
Ben asks if there is anything else that he does but would never get resentful over anything like that.
JOHN: Don't even worry .. the worst thing you can do is worry about it.
6.04pm Big Brother has gathered all HM's in the living room for today's task. The HM's compete in the
Competitive Brainfreeze task battling out to win back their suitcase. Josie, Mario and Dave don't take part as they
already have theirs and Shabby is not permitted to participate as punishment. Nathan is called in first and Josie cheers
him on his way 'Nathan!! Nathan! Your number one fan here!'
They have to consume as many shots of an ice-cold frozen drinks (a possible 10) as they can in 60 seconds. HM's have to
wear safety glasses and put their hands inside the protective glasses and begin on the sound of the polar bear. Ice Ice
baby plays on the HL montage. John grunts like a caveman and bangs his head to the table as he struggles.
STEVE: You're a sadistic bunch of people!
JOHN: NUHHH! Nuh. That's it!
Sunshine states the obvious that it would have been so easy if they weren't ice cold. Govan has a coughing fit causing BB to
cheek 'you were supposed to empty the glasses not fill them back up again!' Nathan is declared the winner as he
downed all 1o shots!
8.37pm Dave and Nathan are in the living room. They talk about travelling and their love for the States.
Josie, Corin and Steve are in the garden -
JOSIE: Steve, I don't know what it is.. but whenever I'm around you I feel really secure. Even your
snoring I find comforting.
10.22pm Rachael comes to the Diary room. She says that she thinks the group will become more segregated and
become more obvious as time goes on. And that things have become a bit tense as they've realised nominations are
around the corner.
John James and Josie are in the bathroom -
THE CHAT that for many started it all (well the edited HL version of it anyway - missed out segments will be on the
evening live feed blog) JJJ are together in the bathroom.
JOHN: How come you're not with anyone back home?
JOSIE: I'm just really unlucky with men. I mean the horribler they are to me .. the more I go for them .. I
don't know why.
JOHN: Do you try and control them or something? Or do they try and control you?
JOSIE: No. Not one tiny little bit. I don't know what it was. But sometimes in life you make mistakes don't you?
JOHN: He cheated on ya? (she nods)
JOSIE: He started cheating and cheating, taking the p*ss!
JOHN: I knew you were gonna say that.
JOSIE: Yeah, I don't think he ever loved me.
JOHN: Well, it wouldn't sound like it, no. (they giggle)
JOSIE: (As she shaves her legs) I hope I'm not hated! But then again ..if they hate me they hate me .. there's nothing ..
JOHN: I highly doubt they're gonna hate you! You haven't done anything.
JOSIE: I have!
JOHN: What have you done?
JOSIE: I called Summer .. er .. Sunshine a dry lunch.
JOHN: Like boring?
JOSIE: Yeah.
JOHN: (Laughs) I described her as a plain pizza. They asked me to put HM's in different types of pizzas.
JOSIE: Oh right.
JOHN: (Bashfully and unable to look her way) You.. you got the pizza with the lot!!
JOSIE: (Happily) Did I?!
JOHN: He goes 'Big Brother senses you have a soft spot for Josie.'
JOSIE: Did he? (she laughs)
JOHN: Yeah. (and laughs also)
JOSIE: And what did you say? 'Yeah I have?'
JOHN: (Raising his eyebrows) Yeah, yeah I did yeah. Then I had to explain myself.
JOSIE: I remind you of your Mum?
JOHN: (Giggles) No.. nuh. Corin does more.
JOSIE: Does she? They say that you go for people that remind you of your Mum.
JOHN: I didn't go for Corin!
JOSIE: Yeah, but they say you go for people who remind you of your Mum.. (John is biting his nails) .. not
that you fancy me but ..
JOHN: (Chuckles & flirtatiously wiggles his eyebrows) um .. I don't normally like girls with bolt-ons and that. I'm
not really in.. I don't really go for like .. um .. stunning, stunning girls like ..
JOSIE: (Surprised) Don't you?
JOHN: Nah. I just don't see the point.
JOSIE: So you're saying there's a chance? (the IMMORTAL WORDS also implying that she isn't stunning)
JOHN: (Mumbles shyly but sincerely) Of course there's a chance!
12.57am Most of the HM's are in the bedroom. Caoimhe comes to the Diary room asking for earplugs as Steve's snoring is
spectacularly satanic.
Shabby and Govan are talking at the carousel. Govan has noticed that Sunshine is very good at manipulating people into
thinking they are attacking her. He thought with her intelligence that she'd be able to see another point of view and he
won't go out of his way for her again.