Sunday, 20 November 2011


Josie is in her double bed sucking her thumb while John is laying down in the single next to her. She giggles as Govan has to leave the room to 'let one off!' When he comes back she wants him to lay the other side so she won't smell it. John tries to converse with the twosome saying he's been given a hot tip that Ben will pipe up (if they are noisy)
Meanwhile mole man checks the coast is clear and real live birds are tweeting away (not on twitter that would be ridiculous 
cos birds do not have thumbs!) as opposed to the bird sounds that cut out juicy conversations! 
Josie reckons the bed is 'the comfiest bed ever!!'  
John calls over to the Wizard and says how funny it would be if Mario has to dig up a hole under the house and then just 
pops up! Dave jokes "what if he likes it so much that he turns into a mole??" As John ponders if they'll feed Mario 
grass 'well not grass .. but like coleslaw or something?' John admits he nearly cried when Mario told him earlier 
that he would do more than sleep on dirt to be in the house which causes Josie to 'awwwwww' 
Dave decides that if Mario continues in his mole role they may as well pack up now as they'll only be one winner! John 
and Josie chuckle while Govan exhibits empathy for Mario 'I feel a bit sorry for him..' John loves how everyone             
'feels a little sorry for Mario .. not the FULL sorry! .. well he IS sleeping on a pile of dirt, so I do feel a 
LITTLE sorry for him ..' Josie laughs raucously :D  
*Dave laughs at how cushty Mario has it as the mole with his own en suite. John comments about him having to wear 'a 
permanent neck lace!' Govan hopes Mario won't have to eat worms. Josie mimics the way John pronounces necklace 
as 'neck-lace.'(I love how he pronounces it like it is 2 separate words!) while John is comparing it to Mr T's necklace saying 
that the size makes Mr T's look small! Caoimhe and Ife share their first bath in the tub. 
*Mario attempts his first throw of the graffiti-ed beach ball .. it fails abysmally, hitting a fixture right above the door of  his 
mole hole! He gives it a bit of a roll along the grass and it lands by the spa - so he scrambles across the garden like a  fly in 
a velco suit .. no wait, that's later in the series!! Giving the ball a spin it reaches the kitchen door and Mario returns to his 
'en-suite' having successfully accomplished the feat! 

*John credits Shabby with definitely being 'entrance of the night' on account of her 'duck n roll down the stairs'    
(it is so funny watching how animated he gets with his stories in the soundcuts)and how she was like Flash Gordon 
when she flew up the stairs. 
Then lets Govan know how girls was WHOOOOOO-ing him then they fell silent (presumably when he announced how big his 
penis was in his VT) Davina told him to 'get in that house, you naughty boy!' then the whooooo's started up again .. 
as John said they 'thought about it 'yeah, that's still good! YEAHHHHHHHH!!' This made Govan 'want to die!'
*Mario inspects his fingernails, ensuring they are clean and don't show any evidence .. before settling in like a mole in his 
hole heated by coal :D They all hear the first visit from the Snoreroarsaurus (Stevo) and Josie isn't sure whether she snores.  
JOHN: (quashes her fears) It's not gonna outrank that it's like the A train! 
They think it is Nathan .. (he  snored too!) John wants to know 'so what are we doing about this?' - the snoring 
situation! 'I'm actually glad he's asleep cos he's the sort of person, who if you keep him awake I reckon he'll 
DAVE: I can see us 4 goofing around night after night.. sooner or later it's gonna pop! (of him, John, Govan 
and Josie) 
*I know what this looks like (Caoimhe doing a poop in the bath) but actually her and Ife are sniggering at Sunshine's 
expense.. they find it laughable that she thinks she looks like Lady Gaga (there is a more than passing resemblance so 
I'm not sure why they find this so ludicrous!) Ife apparently told her she looks more like Blossom from the Nickledon 
show (as  pictured below)
*Josie joins Govan and Shabby in the garden for a smoke. Bursts out with: OMG! Where's tonight gone? (as it is now 
actually morning and daylight outside) 
*John and Dave discuss sushi and takeway food in the bedroom. (Pictured below John's scrunched up face when Dave asks 
if he likes sushi) John says he wouldn't go out and buy sushi but that he eats a lot of takeway 'a lot of take away .. 
anything really! Which is bad because it looks like I don't eat anything' and has a fast metabolism. Dave loves 
Indian food but it isn't as popular in Australia. John claims that Chinese food is very expensive in Oz (but good - he 
especially likes chicken skewers) John wants to know what Dave's big obsession is with America so Dave gives a ginormous 
spiel on all his reasons for loving the States. After Dave inquires whether John has traveled much, John then tells of his 
travels round Europe briefly - that he went to Italy, Greek Islands and Greece but didn't spend too long in each place. 
*John asks if the cameras can see them in the dark as he had just picked his nose!!! ANSWER = A BIG FAT YES as you will see 
clearly in the photographic evidence underneath :P
*Talk then turns to how Dave was so confident that he would be picked. He puts it down to his spiritual man knowing even 
before he went to the first audition. John asks him if he has always believed so strongly in God. Dave believed in God as a 
child but converted when he was 21 (after his life experiences turned him to God - the sound is cut as they share personal 
*The garden gang (Govan, Josie and Shabby) are laughing away. Josie jests that she reckons 'we should actually make 
it our job to terrorise the mole!' Shabby says that 'his life is bad enough already!' :D Caoimhe comes out to ask 
if anyone wants a cuppa. 
 *Hilariously, they all walk into the kitchen utterly oblivious to the beach ball's existence directly beside the door they 
walked through!! (Mind you it is 5AM!)
*Josie and Govan decide to head for bed realising that BB won't let them have a lie in! WHAT DID THEY THINK THIS WAS - 
A HOLIDAY?? That's what Ife tells them it is :) Ife and Caoimhe think there is a nice mix of people in the house .. and  that 
it hasn't been set up for couples to get together - just a group of people who want to have fun. 
*After Shabby's discovery of the beach ball, John, Josie and Govan come out to see what the commotion is about. Shabs 
pleads for them not to tell Dave that it says he is the most hated as it is horrible. Caoimhe and Ife seem more concerned 
that Big B may lock the doors not allowing them to have another fag!
*Big Brother asks for 1 HM to deliver the ball to the Diary room - John and Govan both make a dash for it but give it to 
Shabby to take in. John repeatedly asks 'why? why?' when Shabby commands them not to read it and tries to get a 
quick glimpse as she walks by. 
 *John announces that it definitely had favourite written on the ball and looks in Josie's direction.  
JOSIE: They must have had a hell of a throw! 
Govan is angry that people are already trying to ruin things but John has his suspicions that BB set it up. Dave predicts that 
it was the mole. Josie thinks Mario seems to be enjoying himself; John doesn't think that's the case. John had gone to say 
good night to him earlier and Mario thought he was dreaming! 
JOHN: He's actually turning into the mole! (goes back into the bedroom to inform any HM's who are still awake)
JOSIE: He makes a cute mole though :) 
*Josie has not been let in the Diary room yet making her feel 'like an unwanted child.' Govan too feels 'shunned.' 
Out of seemingly nowhere Josie wonders whether 'they'd give you a free eye test in here' She rebukes Govan 
'you're so naughty! I'm not gonna hang around with you .. you bring me down!'
*Back in their beds, John brings up the ball and how he just wanted to play with it - 'I asked Big Brother for a ball as 
soon as I came in!' Govan tells Josie how he has dreamed about being in the BB house so many times and now he's 
actually here! John wished he hadn't gone out to say good night to the mole 'cos I didn't wanna know it was light 
out there!' Josie jokes at the prospect of Mario being behind the beach ball as he was 'asleep' in his mole hole!!! :P John 
finds it funny that one minute Mole is dreaming that John is there and the next there's a ball in the garden!! John  expresses
that if he was Mole man he would dig and dig his way through until he got to the bedroom. They hope BB will let him change 
his mole outfit and have a shower! 
*Josie laughs that she's been calling Govan 'Kohan!!' John refuses to call Mario the Mole unless BB makes him (he soon 
changes his mind on that and was still calling him Mole in the final week!) John blames Dave that 'mole' is rubbing off on 
him and wants to try and get out of calling him 'wizard.' John emphasises that Mario is a 'man in a mole outfit!' as 
Dave keeps repeating he IS a mole!  
JOHN: He has a necklace that says he's a mole. He might have the snout and the gloves and the glasses, 
that doesn't mean he's a mole! 
*Govan farts and wafts it to Josie. She shows her disgust 'he farted and then wafted it!!' Govan claims he was                 
'checking the potency.' They laugh with John about what their best bits will include. John says Josie's will 
include (and imitates her) 'he wafted it on me!!' Josie hopes not and feels like she has drawn the short straw 
sharing a bed with Govan the farting machine! Govan says the way John pronounces 'neck-lace' will be played on 
repeat during his, like a rap song re-mix 'nnnnnneck lace, neck lace, nn-nn-nnn-nn-neck lace, neck lace!' 
..well anything's better than the Biebs! ;)
*John discloses that his beard grows like a 'Moses beard' and when Govan asks who that is John responds that 
he doesn't know but thinks Moses is 'from the ark or something!' (NOAH is the name you're looking for there!!) 
*Govan proclaims his love for Josie's accent and states that it's 'such a friendly accent.' However, John 
believes they sound 'exactly the same!!' So Govan jests that John's sounds like South Africans.
*Ife loudly announces that BB have taken all her socks (on top of her wig!) John worries that they have taken his too. Ife 
thinks they've done it purely to annoy them and John mentions that he doesn't like his feet! John asks if they like the 
Diary room chair, Govan laughs that he did until he broke it. John banters that this was the reason BB wouldn't let him 
in there for FOUR HOURS!! (slightly exaggerating as ever) Josie thinks BB did their shoppin at Ikea to furnish the house. 
*John considers that the Mole is that tired he can't even be bothered to find the energy to get up and tell BB he can't find 
his light switch in the mole hole. 'that's how tired he is! He'd rather sleep on that dirt mound and in the 
daylight .. than get up and tell Big Brother that he can't find his light switch!' 
*John lays down but checks with Josie and Gov how they say Mario .. as he pronounces it Mar-e-o. 'So you say, 
Ma-rio or MAR-e-o?' Govan then starts quoting from Muriel's wedding 'you're terrible, Muriel' (this confuses 
John as he hadn't said Muriel!) Govan states that Toni Collete is one of the best things to come out with Australia - Josie 
agrees that she is brilliant. 
*John makes Josie chuckle when he says how the paps were going crazy and he had to be dragged back for photos  
'left  side, left side!! RIGHT SIDE! Right side!!!! I nearly walked back to my spot (with the other hopefuls)
 I didn't know what to do!' John asks if they'd seen Davina do her electric air guitar but they hadn't.  
JOSIE: I hope they think that they've got a good set of housemates this year!  
I would go as far to say that they were the best line up EVER chosen :) 
*Govan describes Josie's entrance 'well put it this way when they had you as the first one in, you were 
clearly the little secret weapon - like the grand opening!' John adds 'anyone that humps the air is gonna 
be a  goer!' They both agree that Josie's VT was amazing. Josie thinks they edited it so well. John is glad that he was 
one of the last HM's in so not many saw his own VT. He forgot what he said as it was filmed so long ago but knew he'd 
said some 'bad stuff.'
*Govan is concerned about disrespecting his Grandma while in BB with his crudeness – John admits that's 'not cool' 
then asks “how do you know she wasn't at home going 'That's me Grandson!!' (in a creepy Grandma-y voice)  
she wouldn't have said it like that in an Australian accent .. and giving a fist pump in the air!” 
JOHN:I haven't exactly had a measuring tape out lately but I'm tipping it's not!!  
Form your own smutty/unsmutty conclusions as to what he could be measuring as there were too many SC's) 
Could be related to Dave declaring that all he can hear is Oz (John) saying how 'surgically challenged he is down 
there!' and pointing out that the mics can pick up on everything they say - followed by more lengthy SC's. Dave hopes 
that sometimes they'll be woken up in the afternoon. John dashes Dave's dreams 'put it this way, if they let Mole 
sleep on a pile of dirt, they're definitely not gonna worry about US .. waking us up at 6 'clock in the 
morning - 100%'  Govan plans to nap and steal the girl's make up and draw eyes on their eye lids!
*Caoimhe, Ife and Shabby return from speaking to BB and make it known that Big B recommended they go to 
sleep. Josie states that her body is 'knackered but my mind's like nr nr nrr.' E4 feed ends even though 
some of the HM's are still wide awake!

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