Monday, 28 November 2011

Day 2 live afternoon - part 3

*The group gasp as Shabby elaborates on exactly what the task entails. And that the words and phrases have been taken from that morning's press (typically sensationalist headlines) and they will have 2 minutes to guess them correctly as a group. Josie doesn't get it! For each 1 they get right they will £100 towards their shopping budget. If all 5 are answered correctly they will receive the premium £500 or an economy shopping delivery if they fail. Steve selects himself as the spokesperson as he has a loud voice. Rachael is particularly reluctant not to hear further reactions to the reception she received. 
*Unfortunately, the next 10 minutes of video clip I watched had no sound :( Poooh! But Sunshine is now in the garden ready to art attack!
*Sunshine is told to lift the lid to the chocolates and read clue number 1. She must begin painting at the sound of the klaxon. HM's are looking for a 3 word phrase. Josie and Shabby shout down encouragement from the sky once the Klaxon has sounded. Here are some of the guesses as she paints the first 'Big boobed sperm bank' (courtesy of Shabby) 'big boobed Beyonce' (Josie's guess) which John repeats seconds after. Sunshine then paints a piglet hoping they will guess Babe (like the movie) but this only confuses them more and the big boobed guessing add - pig face and swine, lady boy and she-pig!!
*John yells down 'WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!' I would not want that boy on my Pictionary team! :D The buzzer buzzes (as most buzzers tend to do!) as their time is up. Sunshine screams that the answer was 'big boobed babe!' BB informs them that they failed to guess the clue correctly which springs Shabby's mouth into action as she shouts at BB 'You're a big-boobed pig!' Rachael reckons the headline was about Corin, Mario suggests that it could also be Josie which Josie dismisses 'I haven't got big boobs, babe!' 
*Clue 2 is 1 word - Sunshine starts to paint a square.. John offers 'big head' or 'big box' and finally 'skinny house' before Shabby susses that it is SQUATTER! Josie praises the painting skills Sunshine possesses 'she's good, in't she?' The HM's cheer :) 
*Clue 3 - HM's are looking for a 3 word phrase. Shabby and Ife complain that they can't see from where they are sat and John wants extra time. JOHN: Is that the worst cigarette I've ever seen? (he later tries) Two faced and boring! Josie contributes 'boring, moany, old blob!!' Then someone correctly guesses - boring, old one after Sunshine gesticulates. The group then bicker between themselves as the bell has not rung to show that the answer is right. John doesn't think they have it but Sunshine says they have 'I don't know why they're not ringing the bell!' Dave determines this headline must be about him. Corin comments that some of the press will be really horrible, Josie presumes she will be vilified 'I know I'm going to get it!' 
*The group wave to more passersby and chuckle as Shabby calls down 'what are we doing? We're eating dinner!!!' Ben jokes that a mother of one of the children will be on the phone to The Daily Mirror about the wannabes in the sky.. Shabby surmises 'with the boring, old one!' Josie chortles as John is incredulous 'why, boring old one? I wonder why they wrote that!' Sunshine heads inside as they have now finished (the rest is shown on the HL's) to wash her hands. Shabby begs to be let down and Govan has a headache as 'not much sleep is distressing.' 
*The HM's are in limbo - swinging and swaying from side to side. Shabby is disappointed to twig that they are not being lowered as they had desired. Sunshine scurries back into the house again and shortly BB commands that she returns to the garden. BB announces 'the task is now over.. although HM's correctly guessed 'boring, old one' Sunshine broke the rules by giving gestured clues. Therefore the HM's answer was disallowed.' Since they correctly answered 2 further clues the HM's win £200 for their shopping allowance - nothing to sneeze at! Sunshine is summoned back indoors. 
*Shabby proposes spending £100 on food and £100 on alcohol which goes down a storm with a selection of the HM's. The school kidlets are on the loose again, Josie enthuses over how clever she thinks they are for 6 year olds! 
JOSIE: I could eat that again now! (now that her food has gone down) 
*BB admonishes HM's to remain seated and adhere to the instructions of the safety advisor. Rachel retorts with scornful sarcasm 'actually, I was gonna get up!!' (after she has made Steve's day letting him know that some of the school scoundrels were chanting his name) The kiddiewinkles are making a raucous racket! STEVE: I've got enough of my own! 
Sunshine sits silent and subdued .. 
*Only Josie can be cute and charming when she can't believe 'I ate dinner at 40,000 feet!' before the amused HM's correct her. John sweetly says 'that boy just said he "loved you" to you!' which Josie finds flattering. (He was the first but it didn't take MUCH longer for John to follow the little lad's footsteps - when he found himself falling head over heels for our Jose) John can't resist ruffling an aww-ing Josie's hair as she waves and smiles back to the little boy. 
*Again, they try to figure out HOW the ball was 'thrown' over the fence! Josie reckons 'they just had a wicked throw!' As they approach the garden they thank the staff for their meals and must await unstrapping! Josie thinks it's such a shame it wasn't a nice day as it was a good experience. Shabby is eager for a smoke and to put her hat back on. Josie believes she is stuck to the seat then realises she hasn't yet been unfastened. Some of the HM's fear that they may have to go straight back up .. which they wouldn't mind if they could layer up first. 
Apologies that this is not the most riveting read and that the pictures are rather poor quality (as they are screen caps) .. but I thought I'd put it up all the same for your perusal :) xx

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