Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Day 2 HL's part 1

*7.44am whilst most of the HM's are asleep, Mario is in the Diary room. Mario yawns that if the consequences were not so dire (in that, he could potentially be evicted) it would be a lot of fun. He thinks the other HM's are enjoying his role as mole but waiting for the 'opportune moment' to plant the ball was difficult. He found it a struggle having to wait up for everyone to fall asleep and can barely open his eyes through tiredness. 
*BB asks which HM's he likes. Mario thinks he'll get on 'amazingly well' with Ben and likes his accent as it it interesting to listen to. It also made him happy that Ben has already opened up to him and that he 'looked past his conspicuous shroud' more quickly than anyone else. Mario answers BB's question on how he thinks his sabotage will go today  - he thinks planning is the key and patience is the name of the game. He really wants to be a fully fledged HM 'not a HM on borrowed time.. there's no room for failure.'
*9.09 am Some of the HM's are in the bedroom. Josie jokes with Govan 'when you woke up and saw my face .. did you think "Cor, I'm a lucky boy!" Govan banters back 'to be quite honest, I wasn't sure if it was a nightmare or a punishment!' which makes Josie   cough through squeals. JOSIE: Imagine, if 1 of us wet the bed.. would you make a big deal of it? Another of Josie's classic hypothetical 'what if' scenarios :D Govan decides it would depend if she peed over his leg or not. JOSIE: First night and I already look like a complete munter in front of millions :( Do you know what, I've gone past the worst now? 
*Ife, Mario, Dave, Corin, Steve and (a bleary-eyed) John James are in the living room. Mario makes out that he is a red herring being used deliberately to distract them from something else that will happen. Talk turns to the ball, John tried to read what was on it but Shabby grabbed it. Ife says she read 'something positive, something nice .. someone to win.. and then something nasty' John jumps in that all he'd seen was the word FAVOURITE. Mario gets into character about how worrying it is that someone could manage to throw a ball over. 
*10.19am Josie and Govan are in the bedroom talking about Ben and Mario. GOVAN: The mole is lusting after Ben .. but Ben likes boobies! Josie had clocked that straight away. Even Govan originally believed  Ben was gay and was convinced he'd been lusting after John but realised he was just being friendly. They agree Ben (Josie - the posh one?) didn't deserve to be booed as he's an amazing guy. 
*Ben is in the Diary room (boring Big Brother!! Not that Marcus Bentley would say such things!) He finds everyone really lovely but is finding it tricky adjusting as you could never fully prepare for such an experience. He just wanted to relax, calm down and go to sleep after his dramatic entrance last night but the others wanted to 'keep on going.. I suppose that's just the way it is.. that's communal living, right?' The house is much smaller than he'd anticipated and there are less places to 'escape .. that's something I'm going to find difficult.. I guess I'm someone who's quite used to doing my own thing, doing what I want, when I want, having my own way.' 
*11.03am Ben and Mario are in the closet (were BB hopeful that this would be the first gay romance in BB?) They discuss whether the task will be something fun or humiliating. Mario wants it to be worshipping the mole and for him to become the Mole King. 
*Ife and John are in the bathroom. John questions 'is everyone showering nude?' Ife thinks not and asks if he had - he did NOT .. much to the disappointment and dismay of young ladies all across the land! John thought that they had to. 
*The rest of the HM's are in the kitchen - Josie asks Sunshine what she will be eating (as she is vegan) Sunshine apologises as she has already had her breakfast not realising they would be having 'a communal breakfast.' Mario asks her if she would eat honey - Sunshine replies that she wouldn't (even though Rachael remarks that it is an animal by product) and that she tries not to eat honey in keeping with her vegan morals. 
*The garden has been out of bounds for 1 hour while BB prepares today's shopping task. As the blinds come up the HM's are excited to see what lies before them and think it is some kind of bizarre roller coaster ride. Shabby and Ife are particularly psyched while Sunshine states how petrified of heights she is to Steve. 
*12.37pm the HM's are gathered in the living room. BB informs HM's 'in the garden there is a dinner table attached to a crane. HM's will be eating a very special lunch, 40 metres above the Big Brother house' While the rest cheer, Sunshine's heart practically stops with extreme terror. 'One HM must stay on the ground.' Sunshine immediately puts herself forward as she has to take medication to even get on a plane. John checks that she is sure as he doesn't mind staying. 'Will the HM who has been chosen, stand up and state their name.' (Sunshine does so and Josie applauds her) 'The store room is now open for HM's apart from Sunshine, to collect their costumes and further instructions.' They are given 15 minutes to change into their costumes. 
*2.04pm, as part of this week's shopping task - HM's will eat lunch suspended 40 metres above the BB house.. Sunshine will remain on the ground (which is strange as usually the sun is in the sky!!) They wave farewell to their friend on the floor. As they're gradually lifted higher and higher Josie squeaks 'stop it now guys, it's not funny anymore!' Conversation is repeated on the HL's which I've already blogged on the live afternoon feed. 
*The task kicks off (for details see previous blogs) but Govan compares Sunshine's painting to frog spawn! John reckoned the answer was 'big boobed piglet.' Shabby reveals that she is the squatter the headlines were referring to in clue 2 much to the surprise of some. John sympathises with Sunshine as she doesn't get time to prep (between each clue) Answer 3 is 'hunky trio' - some of the guesses they try out are: Muscly monk, fitty Mc3, (Josie offers) Hunky footballer!! JOHN: Is it anything to do with Australia at all? After the buzzer sounds John asks if it was hunky trio.. just 1 second too slow. 
*Clue 4 is for 'wannabes' and they shout out: Bad dresser, English Australian, colourful, hookers, (JOHN: This is a lot for 1 word!) Sound of music, Spice Girls before successfully answering with - wannabes. The task is over and the HM's are happy to have won £200. Corin slaughters 'ain't no sunshine when she's gone' when BB bids Sunshine to go back in. 
*5.12pm HM's are given 1 hour to compile their shopping list. Rachael announces that she cannot cook and suggests that someone who can thinks up menus so they can get the ingredients needed. Sunshine says they need 1 person who is good at maths to calculate everything. One of the dimmest sentences Rachael utters 'where's a calculator?' Josie laughs when Sunshine smashes this hope. Rachael is proud that she received a grade B in GCSE maths so takes on the mathematics. It sinks in that £200 is not going to stretch very far between all of the HM's. 
*Mario poses the question whether they will be bulk buying for the group or having individual budgets. Shabby reasons that they won't be able to afford individual luxuries despite Sunshine imploring that she will need a few bits. Sunshine is not over the moon at the prospect of spending 10% of their allowance on alcohol - especially as they could buy 20 kgs of rice for the same amount of money. 
*5.25pm in the kitchen Nathan, Rachael, Shabby and Govan plan to have a Sunday roast as one of their meals. Shabby runs in to tell the others but Rachael says she shouldn't as it will just rile up 'the vegan' and offend her. Rachael is rather put out that Sunshine had said they'll go through the list and then get her vegan products 'what if I had said, we'll go through the list and then we'll get all my beautician stuff?' and sensibly makes the suggestion of 'spending a little bit more and buying vegan-friendly stuff and then we can all eat meat as well .. rather than her having a separate budget cos none of us are having a separate budget.' 

2nd chunk will be put up soon :) 

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