Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Day 22 HL's

10.34am, Caoimhe is going to sit in her towel for 2 minutes to prepare herself for that cold shower! Sunshine walks out and Josie asks Mario and Caoimhe if they think Sunshine fancies John; they do!! Mario also captions that Josie fancies John which she does not thank him for.   

JOSIE: Seriously I don't. I would probably say if I did. (shot of John jogging around ze jardin) He reminds me of like.. an 11 year old brother sort of thing. I think he's a sweet boy but.. I think he's a little sh*t as well (thumb straight inside her mouth) And I can't be around him for too long as he does my f**king head in! (laughs)  

Do you think she really didn't fancy John at this moment? Or didn't realise she did? Or just didn't want to own up to it, realising she could be hurt or look stupid if he didn't feel the same? 

A quote from Muddy when I asked for her perspective on this: "I think she knew but didn't want to admit it! It's an interesting comment about him doing her head in though! They have always done each others heads in, it's always been fiery and they have always been too opposite and yet too similar....but they loved each other anyway and probably still do."
Ben is vacuuming in the living room!! Some of the other HM's are in the garden. Ife finds it hilarious that Benny boy is vacuuming with 1 hand in his pocket; she loves him! Shabby has come to the Diary room. She had been told to come back this morning after thinking about possibly vacating the BB house. Shabby found BB's advice of 'sleeping on it' very good advice as it would have been a rash decision. Ultimately, it should really be people who watch deciding who leaves - not herself! 

Shabby feels that staying longer could help her harness her incredible rage in the long run. She thinks Caoimhe was very right in saying that the show strips people back to their bare personalities. Shabby surmises this is probably a good experience for everyone to have as you can't hide behind your style. She suspects a lot of people in there could learn from that. 

11.15am, one of Ben's favourites.. (well not favourites he was a terrible man) was Jean-Francois summat summat who had declared himself Emperor of a centro-African empire. He fed all the foreign dignitaries on children that he'd slaughtered in about 3 orphanages. Mario hopes he is burning in hell for that! Ben wouldn't wish that upon anyone but hopes he won't do it again. 
Mario is impassioned that this man arbitrarily, deliberately and willfully slaughtered children because they had run out of beef! Ben agrees it is an evil thing but that Mario needs to get away from his Medieval stoning mentality! Mario really is starting to doubt Ben's intelligence as that is about as evil as you can get. Ben grants this but it doesn't mean he wants Jean-F's limbs forcibly removed and things; he believes in rehabilitation. Mario has to walk away before he beats Ben with a bag of oranges, not knowing why he bothers with Ben sometimes!

Ben finds it weird that Mario is into Capital and Corporal punishment. Dave wonders why Mario is behaving like this and if it could be down to Ben retracting his advances. Dave laughs that Mario might be expecting a bigger slice of the Benny cake. He's just NOT that into you, Marioooooo :(

Not realising how transparent he is to Ben, Mario reports back to Caoimhe that all is not well in the land of paradise between him and Ben. He keeps getting narky with Ben as he is p*ssed off with himself for flirting with him when there's absolutely no point doing it. In the background, John joins Josie in bed and they share some flirty banter that I can't hear properly.  

JOSIE: At least I put my hands up and say.. 
Dave decides that Ben needs to draw a line somewhere with the kissing when Mario has a ding-dong for him! Ben is particularly stupid when it comes to boy love.

DAVE: You've gotta draw a line in the sand and say 'this far and no further, my friend!'  

Ben tells Dave what is 'interesting' is that Mario gets the hump when he expresses an opinion that Mario disagrees with. He lists Mario getting really upset that Ben doesn't believe in aliens or UFO's. Back in bed, Caoimhe checks if Ben flirts with him which Mario answers in the affirmative. Caoimhe confounds that Ben is definitely gay but Mario dispels this; she urges him not to worry about it too much and to put it out of his head.  

CAOIMHE: Did you really come in here to fall in love?  

MARIO: No I came in here to rediscover myself, to reshape myself into someone I could be happy with.  

Do you think Josie entered BB for that (to fall in love) reason?  I know John didn't as he kept saying throughout the show he didn't come in with any intentions of starting a relationship. I don't doubt the 100 grand prize money would have gone astray for Josie and remember her saying she went to the auditions for a laugh. But was she looking for that romance? One she could cash in after leaving BB? I know the cynics on CT believe she was always after a fauxmance. 
I don't know if I subscribe to that party line of theirs because after her relationship history, she was a massively damaged girl so I think even the prospect of falling in love with another man before millions of watchful eyes, is something that would have filled her with terror. It also seemed to be something she tried very hard to resist from the start even when John was dropping out feelers left, right and centre for her. She did tell John that he had healed her heart and he had given her more self-confidence. So was she treating BB at the start as a type of therapy and detox from her drink and drugs?

1.14pm, some of the HM's are in the garden. Shabby feels she must inform her HM's that she is excellent at cunnilingus!! 

JOSIE: What's that?  

SHABBY: Oral sex.

Shabby's chatter is not helping Josie decipher a single thing 'what? What is it though?'
JOHN: (As though spelling it out to a 5 year old) Oral sex! Cunnilingus is oral sex! (Josie has a light bulb moment) What else can you do to a girl?  

Caoimhe doesn't really like it; Shabby is sure Caoimhe would like hers but she simply scoffs. Caoimhe knows what oral sex is like and that it's not really different with anyone. 

JOHN: (if you strain your ears can be heard to say this) Jose, listen to this.. 

Ben is in the bathroom. The Tree of Temptation pssst's for the attention of bright head 'with 4 different haircuts!' and warns that he has been watching Ben. Ben is sure it's true that he needs to man up a bit; he nods that he would like to be a hero for once. He'd love to win back all the remaining suitcases. The Tree wants him to organise an impromptu arm-wrestling contest with them lot and tell them he's a champion. 
Ben is told to take on everyone and must beat at least 1 girl. Tree wants him to say 'innit', 'you know what I mean?' and 'you get me?' and requests a blast of Ben's street lingo. If Quiffhead doesn't do it or tells anyone what he's up to at anytime, he will endure the full wrath of the Tree. 

BEN: I'm sure that's true. Well I would never dob on you, cos I would never do that. Okay? But I can't promise I'll succeed, I'm gonna see how the day goes.

After hearing Nathan say he is bored he follows him into the bedroom suggesting an arm wrestling competition (even though it's not really his cup of tea) but Nathan can't be arsed with that. Apparently he can't arm wrestle and has tiny, thin arms! 

1.59pm, Josie and Ife are in the garden. Josie asks Ife if she reckons that Nathan likes John James. Ife finds it a bit of a weird question but doesn't know. 
IFE: Why? Does he think that he does? If there is any reason why he don't..  it's because maybe.. if I were Nathan, this is.. I don't know what Nathan's said.. I know he's not bothered really, is he? But he most probably likes you and as you're always with John James, it's kinda like you saying 'he's better than you!' You could look at it in 20 million different angles but boys are boys! And if they both want the same woman, there's always gonna be that animosity. 

Gussiecat aka Vicki's view - "I think he genuinely liked Josie as he could mess on with her and was upset at the easiness of John and Josie's relationship. Plus John didn't treat Rachael nice but she still fancied him as did Sunny so there was probs a bit of sour grapes as he thought he was a stud yet John was a lot more unassuming but the girls liked him better." 
Before Josie really has a chance to respond, who should come along to wind her? Only her honey boo boo!! He squashes her stomach as he sits on top of her making her laugh, until she can take it no more and shouts for him to get off! 

Some of the other HM's are in the bedroom. Shabs is boofreakinghoo-ing in her bra about how BB really need to give them a f**king task now! Come on, Shabbadabbadoo, you're on a gameshow - why would they want to do something nice for you?? Ben makes believe that it had been suggested to him they have an arm-wrestling contest, which would be setting himself up for more public humiliation.

Ben pleads apologetically for Mario to tell him what he has done, knowing he's p*ssed him off. Mario just doesn't like Ben anymore but then brushes it off as Ben being ridiculous. Not content with this, Ben wants to hear why he has upset him as he would never intentionally do so. Mario maintains that it isn't Ben as the punk-ass elf drones about how he can be a bit thoughtless sometimes. 
Ben wonders if those welcomed to the grave yard of ambition are disappointing, Mario doesn't think so. Ben believes that normally by now there would have been 2 walk outs, real sexual friction between people (which he doesn't think there is between anyone in there in a major way) 

3.37pm, some of the HM's are in the garden. Sunshine has to interrupt the pleasant chat JJJ are in engaging in, to steal some of the focus onto herself by tipping water from her bottle directly into John's face. He springs to his feet and soon has a Vulcan death grip on the girl even aliens didn't want to beam up! Rainy tries to flee like Bambi from a forest fire.

JOHN: (grapples with her to retrieve the bottle) Now why would you do that? (pours the remaining contents all over her) 

Despite glowing like a lava lamp that John has just made body contact with her, she can't stop herself wailing to BB through her mic that he has gotten it wet! John makes it known that Sunshine started this and Josie cackles as he pushes the pilchard into the pool!! :D 
Ife and Mario are in the kitchen. Ife doesn't care if it's resolved, but she would like to know what happened between him and Ben, as there's nothing else to talk about! Mario confirms that he's annoyed with himself for flirting with Ben; Ife asks if he really thinks Ben is gay or straight. Mario puts it this way 'I think he's 90% straight.' Ife feels that Ben is in denial and that his homo-hetero ratio is more like 70/30%

Mario just thinks it's in Ben's nature to be really flirty whatever the sex. He now asserts that he doesn't really fancy Ben and that it's more the chase he likes. 

5.04pm, some of the HM's are in the garden. Caoimhe is power walking. 
Josie and John James are in the nest. Josie asks John if she smells, but loving her like a farmer loves his blue ribbon pig means that he answers tactfully. 

JOHN: Yeah, you smell a little bit, yeah. 

JOSIE: What of? (she squirms as John edges in ever closer to poke underneath her armpit)

JOHN: You're not really, not really keeping them in shape are ya? Really, to be honest with ya.. (Josie asks what he means) Well, my pubes aren't even that long! (they giggle) How's Sherwood forest going down there? 

JOSIE: Oiiii, don't!
JOHN: Is Robin Hood gonna come galloping out of there soon or what? 

JOSIE: (illuminates with her mega watt smile) John, I feel really conscious of my lady garden now! Thanks a lot (!) 

JOHN: (Resting his head against her legs and out comes the Brizzle accent) My flower! What are we gonna do about your flower? 

JOSIE: Don't talk about my flower in such harsh ways! 

The banter is breezy as they both collapse into giggles after their flirtations.
Caoimhe croons that she is sorry and hopes she didn't upset Shabby. Shabby spews that she'd just been horrid to her so Caoimhe cuddles up to her under the carousel. She shows the extent of her sorriness by snogging her neck. Back in the nest, John observes that Josie gets really upset when HM's shout out their opinion that they wanna leave. 

JOSIE: What after they've been given this massive opportunity? And then they wanna leave? It's like saying 'thank you, but no thanks!'

JOHN: Well not really, sometimes.. like Benny described it sometimes you think that it's your ideal job, sometimes you might not like it. 

JOSIE: Alright well if that.. you are warned about everything before you come in here.. so I think all those people that could have had that opportunity I think.. it's really, really bad. 

JOHN: Yeah but people are um.. people are warned about sharks and drowning when they start up surfing but you still do it! 

JOSIE: Yeah. So what is your point?  You still complete the surf, don't you?  Exactly!

JOHN: Yeah but if.. a lot of people have stopped because they see a shark and come in contact with a shark, they will stop surfing. (he smirks at her triumphantly)
 I don't think John used the best analogy to compare with wanting to leave the BB house. Josie is big on gratitude and feeling obliged to those who have given her opportunities or been so kind to her. John while not ungrateful, doesn't feel the same sense of obligation. His own sanity and well-being is more important in the long run than some crappy contract signed with the devil (BB) and he has proved this when he returned to Australia. John was making a comparison about something that is dangerous that is a hobby/sport/passion for surfers not something they have contractual obligations for. This means that neither were really seeing the argument from the other J's point of view and only really considering their own. Something I'm sure they did time and time again out of the BB house too.Ironically, Josie has mentioned on several occasions how she originally felt like she was being fed to the sharks in regards to her management. 

JOSIE: What? Why are you trying to do this? 

JOHN: Cos you you you.. you got a little bit touchy when when you hear about the people who wanna leave and because you think it's a massive opportunity. I'm not denying that fact. 

JOSIE: What are you trying to get at? What are you trying to cause a row about? 
JOHN: You don't have to, you don't have to get angry.. I'm just keeping it on low tones.. I'm just keeping low tones..

JOSIE: Yeah, you are! I know what you're trying to do! 

JOHN: You're harking up, I'm just talking normally! I see where you're coming from, but you can't, you can't hold a grudge against that person because just because.. 

JOSIE: I didn't hold a grudge! I didn't say anything about a grudge!

JOHN: You can't lose respect for someone because, because it wasn't for them! 

JOSIE: I'm just talking.. saying, when I've watched the show before that's what's happened - I have lost respect for the people that have walked. That is my opinion and I'm allowed my opinion, the same as you've been shouting your opinion since you got in here!

JOHN: I didn't shout it I was just.. 
Did Josie often presume that John had ulterior motives in a discussion due to the atrocious ways she was treated by other exes? Maybe she mistook what John was saying in what he thought was a pleasant conversation through paranoia.. Could John understand that her outbursts and hark ups were stemmed from previous relationships? John and Josie can both either be extremely forgiving (depending on the person and the 'crime') or hold a gigantic grudge against anyone who had wronged them in a way they believe to be so deplorable and inexcusable.  

JOSIE: Yeah you have, you've had an opinion on everything. (John laughs) You're a little drama queen!

JOHN: (chuckles) You get so wound up! (Josie 'no I don't!) Yes, you do!! You don't want to get wound up but you do.. you get itching inside, waiting.. cos you really wanna go, but you can't! 
JOSIE: No it's not at all! John, you cannot .. you.. we can have a shouting match but you will never be able to hurt me. You will never be able to hurt me, John! (he laughs loudly) Because the thing is, the only people that can hurt me is the people that that.. I really love and have taken advantage of your love .. so that's why you will never be able to hurt me.. 

JOHN: I understand where you're coming from because .. I understand that that's the way that you've trained yourself to be, that's the way you would like to be.. but that's not the way you are! And you know that. (closes his eyes then re-opens) Because you've told yourself something so much, that you begin to believe it.. 

JOSIE: (Laughs self-consciously as John hits jackpot) Go away! Can you stop hanging around with me now? You're getting on me nerves.. 

JOHN: Alls it is.. it's just a shield, to protect yourself! (Josie insists that it's not) You know and I know.. 
How wrong was Josie about John never being able to hurt her? And how right was John in saying that Josie had the power to devastate him? :'( Did they take advantage of each others love? Maybe .. or was it more that sometimes they took it for granted? Forgot to express the love and got bogged down by work, schedules and exhausted of all their diagreements.. 

I think Josie had trained herself to be this way in order to cope. She'd endured so much heartache and crap in her past that she had vowed to never let that happen to her again. And so she'd pretend she didn't give a damn when inside she was dying.. in not showing that she cared sometimes (which I think John needed to see) she came over as cold and emotion-less. John I think could see through her bull but it maddened him that she couldn't just let him in fully.. he wanted an access all-areas to Josie Gibson and her heart.   

A thought from Geordievicki -"He understood her and her shield even then? I think John understood her pretty well at times and tried hard to knock walls down. Also Josie gets impatient when John tries to look at the different side of things?"
5.24pm, Steve, Dave and Ben are in the living room. Ben feels like a biscuit but Steve has never felt like one! Ben thinks crunchy and chocolatey is himself all over!! Some of the other HM's are in the garden. Shabby asks Josie if she is alright, she says she is but her face like a bulldog's bum suggests otherwise. Josie reveals that John James (who is sitting right there with them) f**ks her right off! 

SHABBY: (Sarcastic) Good work, John James (!) (John smiles as Shabby tries to placate Josie's adolescent brooding) Um.. what's happened? 

JOSIE: Because he thinks he can go round messing up peoples heads and that.. and it's perfectly acceptable! 

JOHN: (Finds it a load of phooey and snaps) I didn't mess with your head! (lays down on the bench) 

Josie explains that they've seen the way he tries to have a row with people and he just tried to do it with her in the snug. Does she hear herself when she says these things?? Sexual innuendo!! John rubbishes this with a scornful 'I did not!' Caoimhe condemns him as needing a change of attitude, this is met by a full-flourished 'f**k off' courtesy of the Aussie and his attitude!
Josie warrants that he knows what he's done but John seriously can't even remember what the conversation was about. (Which is funny considering he prides himself on his exceptional memory being able to recall every detail about such chats!) Josie doesn't buy that old chestnut; John continues that he was just talking to her normally and wasn't up for an argument. 

JOSIE: I could tell you were!

JOHN: Hey? I didn't bite.. I didn't raise my voice..

JOSIE: But the thing is John, yeah.. I'm warning you - lay off my button because .. that that's a warning, yeah? 

JOHN: (Barks) What button? What are you talking about?? 

JOSIE: You do it to everyone! I've seen you. I've watched you!

JOHN: I was fine, I was fine.. well, keep watching! I was fine with it. Just because you had your opinion and I had my opinion.. 

Josie says it wasn't that; John raises his hands resigned to the fact that they aren't getting anywhere 'then what was it? Explain to me then what it was.' Josie feels John tries to twist the conversation into making somebody else look bad. 

JOHN: In front of WHAT?? 
Josie doesn't know why he's doing it but John defends that he wasn't trying to make her look bad, just explain the difference. Josie is adamant that she's watched him do this before; John justifies that he'd given her a situation which was the same. 

JOHN: Do you.. do you not want me to bring it up or what?

Josie lets him sweat that there's something not quite right about him. John knows that she can't lay her finger on what it is and doesn't feel it is his fault that she is paranoid. Josie pretends she doesn't care as she smokes. John knows this is just her precious pride talking 'you do care, you just don't want to care! Clearly you care! If you didn't care then it wouldn't be a problem! God, it's not a big deal! There's no need to over-analyse everything.'

JOSIE: Oh my God, pot kettle black!!! Bl**dy hell! Christ!

John admits that he does over-analyse things but he doesn't get like Josie. 

JOHN: Look at the state of you right now! You're f**ked off!

JOSIE: I'm not f**ked off!

JOHN: (Snarls) What? Who are you trying to kid? What is there someone behind here watching? (gesturing to the mirror at the carousel, sighs) You're clearly f**ked off! (Josie insists she's not, John doesn't believe it) Oh, okay (!!) (Josie walks away) Cos you clearly don't look f**ked off on the camera right now! F**k me!! (closes his eyes)

Geordievicki "Josie was on an insecure trip here. poor John hadn't started an argument at all, it was Josie getting frustrated at her own inability to articulate her argument clearly. I think she couldn't handle serious discussions and John who was good at arguments. I think this was her frustration coming out."

Muddy "I thought Josie was being unreasonable and accusing John of something he wasn't doing. I think this scene is a really good example of the strange unexplainable dynamic between them. Like KT says they are both such fierce lions but they war over nothing, consistently misunderstand each other and yet it's intoxicating and fascinating to watch the interplay between them and they obviously felt drawn to each other even through all the mistrust and arguments."

"In my opinion, Josie may be saying go away, leave me alone, don't keep going on, but she doesn't really mean it deep down. In my much younger years, I used to behave exactly like this. You pick a fight, want last word, know you are pushing it, but want the guy to grovel. It's a power thing. They'll be snogging before the end of the series." (Mirage WHATM)

"Both being idiots and both still failing to hide the fact they so want each other." (Achtung babe) 
7.01pm, most of the HM's are in the garden. John and Josie are in separate quarters as John confides to Dave and Ben that he's not dealing with the situation as well as he thought he would.  

JOHN: I'm getting in arguments when I shouldn't be.. I'm getting angry when I shouldn't be.. I'm over-analysing things that I shouldn't even be over-analysing. It's just very hard being in a situation with um.. with people that you've only known for a short amount of time .. I've got problems with um.. not trust but I am constantly trying to work people out as quickly as I can so that I know who I can trust and who I can't.. and it's not necessarily doing me any favours. Do you know what I mean? Like..

Josie, Caoimhe and Ife laugh at him as Josie leads the imitations of his nasal 'do you know what I mean?

JOHN: (Overhears as Josie wasn't exactly making a secret of it) I'm talking to different people cos you don't wanna talk to me no more. 

JOSIE: I do wanna talk to you, John! (he laughs like an anxious hyena) I understand you a lot more now.. I didn't realise how bad you were suffering.. and I feel bad now.

Caoimhe questions if John was suffering and in what way. Josie has suddenly become highly intuitive 'it's made his head go a bit funny in here. He's an absolute paranoid mess!'
Geordiecat "I definitely think that John's research made him wary of people and also there was to a certain extent a cultural divide with Nathan and some of the others that made him wary and lost. I think Josie was originally baffled by him."  

" My take, this whole argument is about trust. Josie has major trust issues and self protective walls ten feet high and wide. John knows this, Josie hates that he knows this because she puts on this big self protective front about 'no one can get to her she's inviolate', John knows this is a bunch of hot air but knows why she is the way she is. It frustrates the hell out of him because he wants her to trust him and she doesn't completely. 

It's partly challenge and partly that he wants her to let him in behind her barriers. She on the other hand is afraid of being hurt and so continually questions whether he's someone else who is going to end up hurting her. The fact that John showed so much patience and a willingness to explain things out shows me how much he does care about her. The fact that she's now started to come back out of her self protected cage of defense says to me she did hear everything he said but needs a little time to process it. My view, they'll both be fine and again this misunderstanding will ultimately bring them closer as long as they both take on board what each other said which I think they will." (Aella JJJAT)
7.50pm, some of the HM's are in the living room. John is simply adorkable as he approaches Josie, not wanting the bad blood to continue between them. As she lays down outside the Diary room door he places his hands on her back, knocking the stuffing out of her! He lies into her side and she strokes his knee with a very gentle touch.

John sighs softly as he stares her way, seeking more validation from Josie. She feels like such a sh*t mate after having checked her emotional mathematics. Josie attempts to chide him as he crushes her carcass on the carpet, but he needs to stretch his back!! He eventually relents and gets up, allowing her to breathe again.  
JOSIE: I'm a crap mate, aren't I? 
JOHN: No. You just don't know how to talk seriously (giggles).. it's not a problem.. it doesn't matter 
JOSIE: No I am! I'm a sh*t mate.   
JOHN: No, it doesn't matter. You thought I was trying to wind you up, you got sh*tty - that's pretty much the end of it. (he laughs, Josie sucks her thumb) .. and I can see why you thought that so.. no harm done! 
"John has charmed the pants off her again and even got an apology." (Achtung babe)

"Thing is, any slight disagreement they have is going to become more serious than your average disagreement between two housemates who don't care about each other, because they do care about each other. And the fact that they can now be having a laugh with each other again shows it's all good really. Like the argument before, I reckon this is going to be a good thing. If they didn't care, they'd both just walk away and not bother trying to make-up, which it seems they have done now." (Shelleyj89 JJJAT)  

"Josie always did this. Reacted strongly then reflected on her behaviour and kind of apologised and John always tried to smooth things over and move on. He tried the same tactics after crabeyes argument but wasn't the right time." (Geordievicki)

She got her knickers in a knot because she wasn't LISTENING to him or just couldn't understand what he was saying .. because he wasn't always outright and spoke cryptically which would have been confusing for Josie. Not the brightest bulb! And he was always patiently waiting to de-tangle the knickers and warm his way back into her heart.
Nathan and Corin are in the garden talking about John James. Corin can't figure out if his temper is a genuine one or because John masks things not wanting to get close to people. All Nathan knows is that John is at the centre of a lot of sh*t and he distances himself from a lot of people. Corin thinks John has probably been hurt in the past because he seems like he could be alright but she can't work out the anger thing. 
CORIN: Is it because he's built barriers up for people? 
NATHAN: Yeah, what is his f**king.. what's going on? 
CORIN: There's just 2 sides to him, in't there?
This is what Nathan can't get his head round. 

I can sorta see where they are coming from. John had barriers just as large as Josie's and I think if he COULD have, he may have stopped himself becoming close to Josie to spare himself any potential hurt. But maybe he decided he'd just have to chance it because it was just as likely that he'd hurt Josie just as much if he didn't pursue this relationship. He'd said he hadn't been in love before her so I don't think he had been hurt romantically but his Dad's death would have been a deep emotional heartbreak.

I think Josie was the only person he initially connected to. I think he liked Dave and JJ but there definitely wasn't that same dependency on them. Even when Govan was there it was Josie who made him feel comfortable and that was part of the attraction for John. I don't think he ever wanted to break that emotional connection they had.
11.25pm, it's been 3 hours and 16 minutes since BB provided HM's with some booze. Caoimhe is gamesome in her rollicking with Shabby which Shabs jokes is violent and aggressive behaviour. Caoimhe clasps Shabby in a clinch against the mirror which is far from PG stuff! 

Caoimhe merely chucks her head back in hysterics when Shabby accuses her of being a lesbian. I find the practice of Caoimhe toying with Shabby's heart a little revolting, exceedingly so when she had a boyfriend watching on the outside too. They are let in the Diary room where Caoimhe proceeds to lie to BB over how Shabby is bullying her and using violence. 
Shabby concludes that she is literally a love-struck fool, she genuinely believes that she is falling in love with this girl who is a massive embarrassment. She swoons that Caoimhe is just great, beautiful with no make up on, usually quite cool but quite geeky at the same time which is charming. She knows it sounds like a complete load of b*llocks but Caoimhe makes her want to be a bit better than she usually is. Then she gags for BB to pass her a sick bucket!! 

After BB asks if she feels the feelings are mutual, Shabby examines that she hadn't thought so but now thinks they might be. She knows Caoimhe loves her boyfriend but does think there's a little something going on

12am, Ife and Caoimhe are in the garden. Ife chastises her babes that she's got to be careful. Caoimhe is unconcerned about what she's done as she's just messing! Ife demonstrates by giving her a bust buckle and warns her that she'll come across as leading Shabby on. Caoimhe is going to go to bed now as she can't be arsed with this sh*t!
Ben is in the bathroom. It's been 10 hours and 5 minutes since he was given a secret mission by the Tree of Temptation. Tree terrorises Quiffhead for doing absolutely nothing to prove he'd manned up as he'd bottled it. Not that Ben cares, he doesn't care, he's done caring and croons that it was his choice. 

T of T blasts Ben as his balls have retracted instead of growing. Ben testifies this was his decision and he disagrees that he's been boring the socks off everyone. Tree wanted an arm-wrestling championship which is hardly the trials of Hercules!! Ben calls the Tree stupid as he's the last person in the world who would want such a competition so alleges that if he'd asked his HM's they'd have known something was up. 

Tree doesn't care what Ben thinks and has had it with him! As a clue for what lies in store, T of T tells Ben he is a joke and to come back and see him first thing tomorrow morning where he will learn his fate. Ben doesn't take kindly to bullying and he won't do tasks that won't work. T of T wants the 'posh git' to get out as he's boring him now.  
12.27am, Corin has come to the Diary room. She's been dreaming that she's going out with Nathan but he actually looked like Dave! Some of the HM's are in the garden. Sunshine has just thrown a bottle of water over John James. John handles her roughly and Sunshine thinks Christmas has come early :D After Ife hears of Sunshine's antics she tells her she deserves it. 

Sunshine is lifting up her own night dress near flashing her f*nny (see photo proof) - which she accuses John later of doing!! She asks John to stop and calls upon Mario to help her. He lifts her legs higher further exposing her falafel, even people in Belgium (SHOUTOUT TO SARAH AKA BBLOVER) flinched ;)

Then she hitches up the histrionics screaming for Mario and John to let go as they try to throw her in the pool. She shouts that her underwear is showing, hits John with the empty plastic bottle then laughs before screeching more. She talks to John like she is a dog trainer scolding a naughty puppy 'John, no! NO!' John lets go so Sunshine escapes while shrieking shrilly. John counts her as lucky that Mario was out there. 
Mario comes clean to Ife that he was just about to roll both Sunshine and John in the pool, until she'd shouted about her underwear showing! Ife doesn't think it's a big deal as she wears a bikini. Sunshine returns and squeals that she's not alright 'and it's funny, yeah..'   

Mario reminds Sunshine that they are right there and not in the mirror (the direction Sunshine is looking as per ALWAYS!!) She lists that first of all John hurt her, secondly she did all her washing that day so was wearing her only clean pants that don't cover her completely. She doesn't want this going out on TV because it is her profession. Ife argues that it doesn't matter as she's worn a bikini but Sunshine's point is that it doesn't cover her as much as a bikini would.

She won't laugh as Ife suggests, because John really hurt her. Mario hits the nail directly on the head with 'you loved it though, didn't you?' This she does not deny but feels throwing water over John isn't the same as 'getting me naked on TV!' Then she stands with a weasely smile announcing she's going to walk out. Ife tells her to stop overreacting and groans that she's such a drama queen when she makes her way to the Diary room. 
She presses the buzzer and forbids John to come near her. He ignores this warning and tips the remaining contents of his water bottle over her head. Dave aww's and Sunshine is ready for tears as she shouts that it's very funny after she's just said she's leaving. Yet she's too busy mooning over herself in the mirror.

JOHN: (wants to be kept out of her damn soap opera)Well don't pour water on me! I warned you. I told you not to pour water on me.

Corin is still in the Diary room assuring BB they'd be laughing if they were her mate. She has realised she must be constantly picking her nose through the night due to the air conditioning 'how embarrassing is that?' She also inquires if they'll be getting more tobacco tomorrow but BB tells her the door is now open. As she enters the living room she asks what's been going on.

JOHN: Can, can I just ask.. why, WHY do you do that? Why do you do the things that you do? Seriously, I'm being serious. 
Corin again checks what all the screaming was about. John straightens things out that he had told Sunshine if she poured water over him, she'd be going in the pool. Mario had stopped him from chucking her in so he returned the favour and now Sunshine has cracked it. John had been in bed minding his own business when she tipped a whole bottle over his head. 

John understands Sunshine gets upset but he hasn't. Sunshine is a pitiful existence personified as she answers back that she's NOT upset! 

JOHN: You are upset! Look at you. (Mickey takes her) 'I'm going! I'm leaving. Thats it! I've had enough. I'm going home.'

Sunshine grins gaily like a one woman carnival of crazy. John requests that she cuts the sh*t from now on

JOHN: I don't wanna play no more. 

SUNSHINE: Okay, we won't play. 

JOHN: (using a stern voice and facial expressions) No. Not 'we!' You! You start everything. 
She says she won't and thought they were both having fun but obviously weren't. This is not a perfectly satisfying or plausible reason for throwing water over his head to John. Josie comes out to warm up the arctic atmosphere between the polar bears and suggests they both just apologise to each other

They obey Josie immediately - Sunshine says sorry for throwing water over John and John apologises for dragging her over to the pool. But then she again returns to how she thought they were having fun but John obviously didn't. 

JOHN: No, you obviously didn't cos you're the one going to the Diary room! I'm not. 

Sunshine simpers that she needs to talk about something, as the whole time she'd been shouting for him to stop as her underwear was showing! John has his arms crossed like a terribly gloomy wooden Indian as he had entreated her to stop in the first instance. The complete hag, suffering from what is also known as full blown liar liar pants on fire syndrome, screams that her leg is bleeding.

Josie inspects her body more closely and Mario shouts for her to just get in the Diary room (and away from them!) Corin comforts her before she thuds inside that BB won't show her with her underwear showing. 
She goes in with a smile fastened on and tells them she is okay (so WHAT was the need to resort to the cheap theatrics then??) and that her and John just had a little bit of a laugh and it was funny, but then she had to stop him dragging her. She just doesn't really want her underwear showing to go out on TV for her future profession. 

BB suggests she try not to worry about what will or will not be shown but assures her no gratuitous will be shown. This is where she turns zero-jackass in 0.3 seconds and uses her sobbing powers for sympathy. 

SUNSHINE: Me and John play but I just.. 

Boring predictable her, cannot complete her sentence as she is TOO 'upset'  but not upset enough about her underwear showing that she is sat so that it is in full view for viewers!!

Corin confirms to John that she was just trying to have a laugh with her. John understands but doesn't know why she turned serious because after they dragged her out in the pool she came back outside (so was fine then) 

Meanwhile Tiny Tears parades her loserdom for all to see. She stares into the camera then sits on the floor, looking all emotionally fragile and weepy. BB is concerned about her and wants to call one of her friends to the Diary room, they ask who she'd like them to call. She chooses Mario through faux whimpers and blubs.                            
Now her tune changes totally, that it wasn't funny because she wanted John to stop but gets that it was her fault as she started it. All it looks like to Mario is 'two young people flirting!' He consoles her that nothing was shown and he knows as he was standing right in front of her. In his mind, there is no way John would deliberately hurt her. 

Mario doesn't want her to go over a perceived slight that she may have received from it. He heartens her that it won't affect her career in the slightest and that she has to stop worrying that it will make her a bad doctor or unprofessional. She promises Mario she'll wait it out until Friday and he has to fight her for a hug. 

1.44am, Shabby is by the pool, sitting in silence and splashing water with her legs. BB has called John James to the Diary room reluctant to take the wrap after his crapfest of a day. BB patronisingly informs him they just want to talk to him about what happened this evening and asks him to explain in his own words what he thinks took place. 
JOHN: We were just mucking around um.. she threw a bottle of water at me.. um on me, after I asked her not to, I said if she throws the bottle of water on me I will throw her in the pool. And then she put it on me anyway.. so I picked her up and tried to get her in the swimming pool.. and then Mario was like.. just sorta mucking around and Mario was like stopping her from going in the pool. I was smiling, she was smiling but then she said that she was gonna leave.. but she was laughing at the same time. I said um.. 'are you alright?' But she said 'I don't wanna talk to you!' and then I said.. and then she was smiling, so I thought it was all good. Everyone in the house knows that she's an attention seeker.. everyone seems to think that she has this crush on me.. I'm not.. I don't wanna confirm that cos I don't honestly know. She does play with me a lot, sometimes it can get a bit exhausting but.. if she's gonna get upset, then we need to stop because she's the one that's getting upset. I'm not upset at all.. like if you warn someone, if you say to someone 'if you put that bottle of water on me, I'm gonna chuck you in the pool'.. I would think about it, I wouldn't put a bottle of water on someone unless I expected to be going in the pool. It's as simple as that.  

BB reminds him as he is aware before he entered the house, he was told BB would talk to him about language or behaviour they deemed inappropriate. BB informs him that they do not deem this to be acceptable behaviour and ask him if he understands this. John understands and BB appreciates that his intention was not to cause upset however this situation has caused upset and in addition injuries have been incurred. BB is quite happy for John to apologise to Sunshine if he wants to do so. 

JOHN: If I've hurt her, I'm quite happy to apologise for that. Of course I would. I won't do it tonight cos I think she's upset. I'll speak to her in the morning if I'm.. if you guys are happy to let me back in the house. Um.. I'll apologise, I'll apologise once and once only and um.. that'll be the end of it.

Grrrr Sunshine uses tears as a weapon and John gets it in the neck for her own stupidity! I was disgusted that night as people on the main forum on DS were speaking like John had raped or abused Sunshine because of her hissy fit throwing!!
2.02am, Ife, Josie and John James are in the living room discussing Sunshine. John thinks it has hit a nerve with Sunshine because she feels as though she hasn't portrayed herself in a positive light.  
JOSIE: She feels silly.. she feels really silly. 
JOHN: AND because she thinks she's walking out Friday.
Ife is bemused that in this case, why she would want to spend her last few days being a drama queen and making a tit out of herself. 
JOSIE: No I think she does seriously feel really silly. 
JOHN: Silly as in what? 
JOSIE: She's just tried to have a flirt with someone and it's backfired in her face basically. So she just feels really really silly. 
IFE: She's a massive attention seeker, Josie!!
JOHN: She is.. massive, massive!
JOSIE: I know that.. but just allow it cos she just feels so stupid, she just feels silly. 
Some of the HM's are in the bedroom. Corin whispers to Sunshine that John James is one of those people who can't really take a joke.  She knows Sunshine wants to have fun with him and lark about. Sunshine confesses again she found it funny a minute ago when John poured the whole bottle over her head. Corin reminds her that while Sunshine may consider this amusing, John doesn't.  
Corin starts saying she thinks Sunshine does fancy John but Sunshine can assure her she does not. Corin concludes that she should stop all the bantering and winding each other up then
SUNSHINE: He always has to go like a hundred times above whatever you do
Corin agrees that she knows this and everybody in the house already knows John is like that, yet Sunshine still goes back for more. Sunshine admits it is her fault but Corin believes they are both as bad as each other

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