Jenni Trent-Hughes the behavioural psychologist had been watching to pick up HM insecurities. One of the first she noticed was Josie's thumb-sucking and worried she'd been mortified as she is unaware she is doing it. Same with Ben twirling his hair, she labels these things as security blankets and the kind of behaviour they unconsciously slip into when they feel threatened, insecure or are looking for something safe.
She has a bit of a soft spot for John James 'me and the entire female population of the world!' She didn't like what Dave had done to John James yesterday as it was quite spiteful. Because she deduces that despite John James' bravado he is quite insecure and anyone sensible can see that.

4.39pm Ben appears to be locked in a room with a tea cosy. There is a theory
that no-one can sit in a room with a tea cosy without
giving in to the temptation of trying it on - Ben may be the first
person in the world to disprove this theory...
"Experiment Human Nature is the name and it involves the noble, seemingly inconspicuous, yet rather iconic, tea cosy.
"Experiment Human Nature is the name and it involves the noble, seemingly inconspicuous, yet rather iconic, tea cosy.
The housemates are being taken into a small task room one by one where
they find in front of them a tea cosy. Without any prompting, Big
Brother will time how long it takes for each housemate to put the cosy
on their head!" (from BB website)
4.43pm Josie has gone
into the nest, John sitting whistling, Sunshine looks miffed and walks off, John
has now joined Josie in the nest. John doing an impression of the BB
commentator, "Day 21 in the Big Brother house, John and Josie are in the
snug". He's leaning on her legs, she's got his cap on. He must have
touch her boob because they are laughing and John says in Marcus Bentley's voice 'at
2.45 John James' (then it cut off.SC due to adult talk!!)
4.52pm John James and Josie are bantering in the Nest. #bb11 (twitter)
5.04pm Caiomhe complaining that BB has called her when she looks like a state. Um. Love. You do know we can see you all the time, right? She ignores the tea cosy and primps her hair in the mirror then she turns round and looks under it.
Dave telling Sunshine that the only way she will go is if the public like
seeing what 'those two are doing'....he then says 'I don't think the
public will get what is going on in their relationship, it's weird,
strange and unusual.'
JOSIE: You're soo calculating,.... I can have my opinion just as much as you say your opinion all the time.
They're talking about their opposing views on walking out - John likens it to him wanting to play for Man U - which millions of others would want to do but after playing a few games he realises it's not for him. Josie is still of the opinion you're a loser if you walk.
They're talking about their opposing views on walking out - John likens it to him wanting to play for Man U - which millions of others would want to do but after playing a few games he realises it's not for him. Josie is still of the opinion you're a loser if you walk.
JOSIE: You get on my nerves so much [laughs]
JOHN: It's because you don't like people working you out!
JOHN: It's because you don't like people working you out!
JOSIE: John James thinks it's fine to go round messing with peoples heads.. arguing with them all the time.
JOHN: Explain how I do it.
JOSIE :.I can't explain it in words! He tries to have a convo with you and twist it round and then get a me a
bit argumentative and have a love it. You get off on pushing
people's button.
JOHN: Push what buttons? (recites his analogy again abut why it's wrong to lose respect for walkers) Don't over analyse everything!
JOSIE: Oh pot kettle black!!
"John's argument is flawed. He's comparing choosing a footballing career at Man Utd and then walking out is similar to a walker in the BB house. A career choice is a completely different ball game (forgive the pun) than wanting to be in a tv show for a limited period of time and one which is about to finish. Josie says maybe she's spending too much time with him and JJ said that maybe she is.. (WHATM)
"John's argument is flawed. He's comparing choosing a footballing career at Man Utd and then walking out is similar to a walker in the BB house. A career choice is a completely different ball game (forgive the pun) than wanting to be in a tv show for a limited period of time and one which is about to finish. Josie says maybe she's spending too much time with him and JJ said that maybe she is.. (WHATM)
Josie has just walked away from John, he raised his voice, but I wouldn't
say he was shouting. Josie in bed saying she has been hanging around John too long.. oh dear she looks upset whilst talking to Caoimhe. Josie says she's going to keep
her distance from John from now on; she isn't going to stoop to that
level. Josie saying he is always talking about game playing but he is
probably the bigger game player of them all.
5.33pm, She
asks Caoimhe if she intimidates anyone in there, Caoimhe says 'God no!' Josie
reckons John knew the cameras were rolling up when they were in the snug
and that's when he said she was intimidating. Josie is upset because John
is trying to goad her into a reaction and
make her react emotionally. And Josie said she wouldn't rise to it,
because only people who she cared about could upset her ...yet he
succeeded in really upsetting her.
'John loves to go on about the game and i don't want to be warped into the
game. Obviously people get on with people but some have favourites. We
all still have to nominate but that's all he goes on about. He knows he
can get me angry and he knows he won cos I am angry. Do you see how he
goes to everyone and pushes their buttons?
CAOIMHE: Well he better not push mine.
5.36pm John comes in the bedroom, round 2?
JOSIE: You said that I over analyse thing, that I'm paranoid!
JOSIE: You said that I over analyse thing, that I'm paranoid!
JOHN: You said that about yourself Josie!
JOSIE: That's because you made me think I was, my head is straight now!
"No coincidence that this latest Josie/JJ 'argument' comes after JJ has been 'play fighting' with Sunshine again this afternoon. You can tell that he really cares what Josie thinks of him, particularly if he feels that she's misunderstanding him because his voice drops by several decibels when he's trying to talk her round."
"No coincidence that this latest Josie/JJ 'argument' comes after JJ has been 'play fighting' with Sunshine again this afternoon. You can tell that he really cares what Josie thinks of him, particularly if he feels that she's misunderstanding him because his voice drops by several decibels when he's trying to talk her round."
JOSIE: You keep asking why Dave didn't pick me? And then say it's because I'm
intimidating? Everyone nominates, you do the same as everyone
JOHN: Do I? Do I?
JOSIE: You do nominate..?
5.42PM Love Ife "you just need to say what you really want to say!"
"I don't have LF, but their arguing sounds like a venting for their
'attraction' tension. It isn't 'what' they are arguing about that's the
issue maybe.....just the fact that their respective pots are bubbling
over................................................." (Mintcar JJJAT)
JOHN: Do you just want to stop talking completely?
JOSIE: Why are you still going ...on and on and on ..and on..
JOHN: I can't ask Dave because it might be going into nominations
terrority but I think he didn't pick you because he thinks you're
favourite and Caoimhe not soo much.
JOSIE: Why are you saying those things if Dave is your friend?
JOHN: Let's leave it now..
JOSIE: Don't you tell me to leave it.
John says it's better if he doesn't hang around with her any more. It's better for him not to have a friend who is always trying to work out what is on his brain.
JOSIE: Don't you tell me to leave it.
John says it's better if he doesn't hang around with her any more. It's better for him not to have a friend who is always trying to work out what is on his brain.
JOSIE: When you want a laugh and talk come to me but keep the negativity away from me.
JJ doesn't want his mind probed and worked out.
JOSIE: Am I dumped then? Have you just dumped me on National TV? (John laughs)
Josie asks him again if he has dumped her on live tv. Starting to flirt with him again a bit.
6.04pm Josie hit the nail on the head
there IMO. It doesn't matter who nominates who and who is game playing
because at the end they will all meet each other and go for a drink. John
quickly tries to backtrack, he's just walked out saying he's going to
hang around with the others as he doesnt like not being trusted.
6.11pm John is sat outside discussing the Josie fallout with Sunshine.
IFE: I had a dream about you.
IFE: I had a dream about you.
JOHN: Sexual?
IFE: No.
JOHN: Not interested then.
saying Josie is fave to win so people are scared to disagree with her
in case they become unpopular. John telling BB to play what he said to
Josie on the big screen. Ben and
Sunshine think it'll just blow over, lets hope so but Sunshine is relishing in
6.30pm He's walked in and said WTF am I meant to do in here. Getting a teeny
weeny bit stressed and said right, let's rock n roll, gets on the floor
and starts doing sit ups
6.32pm Sunshine
is a little stirrer isn't she! She is going around the house telling
everyone about this John and Josie tiff. She'd like it to become a
permanent rift.
6.42pm Josie says she feels out of order. "I feel like I've over-reacted now" etc. You can tell she is now sheepish. He's just said 'if you think I'm sneaky, or deceitful or playing games then don't be friends with me. I'll make it easy for you.' She said nothing. Josie tells John he is negative. He's just said that he can't help it, that's his personality. John says he isn't the person he is in the house on the outside and that the house has brought this out of him. He's said that on the outside world he is like Nathan. Now she is in the diary room, he's gone outside to Sunshine, Ben and Dave.
"Josie is oblivious - and she likes it that way. She potters about not
really over thinking anything and just going with the flow imho. Nice
state to be in the BB house I think. She doesn't like John going on about
it cos she is happy being oblivious. They are actually quite good for
each other in that respect - he will help her think a little bit and she
hopefully will stop him winding himself into a hole in the ground." (Cornchips)
6.49pm Josie is in the Diary Room. She is only the second housemate to put the tea cosy on her head! #bb11 (twitter)
7.02pm Josie in the Yellow room...picks up the teapot cover, looks in the door
and tells BB she doesn't understand and puts it on her head....... and so sent back to the Diary room.
John extremely confused that Josie was in for a lot less time than he was.
7.12pm "Give it time..... she was fondling a pair of shorts a minute ago and
John had to point out to her they were his !!! She seemed embarrassed
and laughed....but FONDLING them she was..... probably wishing he was in
them !!Think of the make up snuggles" ;) (Conchie)
She's just shouted to him across the garden that she understands him more now and that she didn't realise how much he was suffering.
Caoimhe bitching about John James "going to the wrong group for mates."
Ife seems very intent on the John and Josie "coupling" not
falling apart.
She did not want Caoimhe to say anything negative to Josie about John at
the pool just there and wants them to patch it up or even get romantic.
Dave is explaining to John that the house isn't creating whatever is in
the HMs it's just exposing it. John listening attentively. Caoimhe and
Josie lying with feet in the pool. Josie told John she doesn't like talking about such things, so he talks to
the others and now she is asking Caoimhe why he is talking to the others
and not her. Caoimhe to Josie - "you do have a bond together." Josie and Caoimhe telling each other about their ugly when young stories.
Josie's saying to Caoimhe that John only has 5 numbers in his 'phone at
home and he finds it hard to trust people, and now she understands him
more, she feels sorry for him she hadn't realised how much he'd been
suffering in here not knowing who to trust etc.
She said she thinks he's latched on to her as a mate that he can trust.
Caoimhe said "as a love interest?" and she said "no as a mate. John
doesn't look at me in that way. and I don't look at him in that way. I
do when he's in a football kit."
"I wish Josie would stop saying he doesn't look at me like that. He sees her as a friend. HE DOESN'T YOU SILLY MARE, HE WANTS TO GET IN YOUR KNICKERS!!!
" (StacyG JJJAT)
"I wish Josie would stop saying he doesn't look at me like that. He sees her as a friend. HE DOESN'T YOU SILLY MARE, HE WANTS TO GET IN YOUR KNICKERS!!!
7.41pm Dave says that John has major trust issues (no sh1t sherlock) and Sunshine
explaining to Dave that he is making things worse by answering his
questions mysteriously.
Dave said he would never have put John's name on the board for possible removal from the house.
7.50pm Corin telling John that
'sometimes you have to let people in, give them the benefit of the doubt. If
they let you down nobody died.' John wants to trust people, John says Corin and
Nathan and Steve just chill and let it happen, he wishes he was like that.
8.02pm Dave telling John he may need to talk to someone when he gets out!
John lying on Josie's back trying to do sit-ups, she tells him that he's
heavier than he looks.
LF Day 22 11 video (Diddididi)
John has boarded Josie's backside and is holding up her legs as though they are the gear sticks to his car.
JOSIE: Can you just.. ahhh.... OWWW! Your ass is bony! John!!
He's quite comfy where he is and shows no signs of shifting!! John sits back and shoves his feet in front of either side of her face.
JOSIE: (Through giggles) Your ass is bony, John! Your ass is bo..
John takes hold of Josie's feet and makes car noises which has Josie laughing harder. "LOL @ John pretending Josie is an airplane/car :P
He's a big adorable kid!" (BBCaity JJJAT)
Josie continues to owwwww and chuckle while John has his child-like fun and messes with her hair.
JOSIE: I'm not a car! I'm not a car, John!!
JOHN: Put the headlights on! You gotta lift those headlights!! (Josie's laugh is pure filth, John giggles and revs his engine further)
JOSIE: (Her cursing is beeped out) F**k off! Don't mess with my legs cos there a powerful.. a bit of powerful kit!
His ride comes to an end and he exits the 'car' but it is obvious how much they both enjoy each other and their play time ;)
John keeps slapping Josie's bum! "It doesn't take a behavioural/body language expert to see that these "play fights" have sexual undertones." (TomDaOne JJJAT)
LF Day 22 11 video (Diddididi)
John has boarded Josie's backside and is holding up her legs as though they are the gear sticks to his car.
JOSIE: Can you just.. ahhh.... OWWW! Your ass is bony! John!!
He's quite comfy where he is and shows no signs of shifting!! John sits back and shoves his feet in front of either side of her face.
JOSIE: (Through giggles) Your ass is bony, John! Your ass is bo..
Josie continues to owwwww and chuckle while John has his child-like fun and messes with her hair.
JOSIE: I'm not a car! I'm not a car, John!!
JOHN: Put the headlights on! You gotta lift those headlights!! (Josie's laugh is pure filth, John giggles and revs his engine further)
JOSIE: (Her cursing is beeped out) F**k off! Don't mess with my legs cos there a powerful.. a bit of powerful kit!
His ride comes to an end and he exits the 'car' but it is obvious how much they both enjoy each other and their play time ;)
John keeps slapping Josie's bum! "It doesn't take a behavioural/body language expert to see that these "play fights" have sexual undertones." (TomDaOne JJJAT)
8.17pm He's just poked her
again which seemed to hurt, and she shouted at him -
luckily he listened and stopped - then she said 'come on John be nice to
me now.' Snuggling up again on Josie's bed and all is right with the
Just look at the way, for instance, JJ and Josie were BLATANTLY flirting in a we-don’t-fancy-each-other-we’re-just-messing-about-but-we-want-each-other kind of way ;) JJJ nuzzle in bed.
CAOIMHE: Stop pushing his willy, Josie!!
JOSIE: (Wanton sex goddess) Oh, John Jamesssss!! Not there (sexual groans as she wraps an arm over his torso)
JOHN: (reciprocates and pulls Josie closer as he twists his body into hers) You just put your boobs in my face! That's what you want!!
JOSIE: Oh YEAHHHHH, John James!! (John joins in the sex moans while Mario shouts that John has got the wrong hole) Stop it, oooooh yeahhhhh.. whoooooooo!!
JOHN: (Swiftly turns his body away having been too turned on) Stop that! I'm getting a hard on.
JOSIE: (Her smile shows she's secretly flattered that she aroused him) Oh, sorry.
(taken from this video clip)
Just look at the way, for instance, JJ and Josie were BLATANTLY flirting in a we-don’t-fancy-each-other-we’re-just-messing-about-but-we-want-each-other kind of way ;) JJJ nuzzle in bed.
CAOIMHE: Stop pushing his willy, Josie!!
JOSIE: (Wanton sex goddess) Oh, John Jamesssss!! Not there (sexual groans as she wraps an arm over his torso)
JOHN: (reciprocates and pulls Josie closer as he twists his body into hers) You just put your boobs in my face! That's what you want!!
JOSIE: Oh YEAHHHHH, John James!! (John joins in the sex moans while Mario shouts that John has got the wrong hole) Stop it, oooooh yeahhhhh.. whoooooooo!!
JOHN: (Swiftly turns his body away having been too turned on) Stop that! I'm getting a hard on.
JOSIE: (Her smile shows she's secretly flattered that she aroused him) Oh, sorry.
(taken from this video clip)
8.27pm Josie and John saying that Sunshine looks nice...and she then has to go on
that it's because John threw her in the pool and she's had to do her hair
and make up....
Ben's talking about John liking him but also criticises Ben for every
thing. Ben says that John is judgemental - it some ways he's smart, some
ways he's stupid; he doesn't look at things in the round. Ben: John
James is very quick to jump down people's throats over things. *Living Area*
JOHN: She wasn't happy about how she's being perceived...she
feels as though she hasn't come across as a very professional person. (Talking about Sunshine)
10.13pm Steve's glass eye is £1400 an eye. Josie says she was going to get a
turquoise eye for him when she got out but not now. Mario wonders aloud
why everything is so expensive nowadays. Sushine comes in for the
bathroom. Josie says Sunshine looks very pretty tonight after she's
gone. John makes the BB eye out of beads. Josie telling a charming story
about a condom with crap on it being flung at her when she was swimming
or something.
10.25pm Eww Mario to Josie: 'Has the mini mouse come out...' (That Mario's word for vagina)
Josie's reading a quote from Mario's t-shirt: 'It's only when I walk
that I run into things 7 days a week'. She asks what it means but he has
no idea.
10.32pm Josie intends to breast feed, Ife
says she won't, she wants to share the responsibility and a friend tells
her it's awful. Steve said he's done loads then laughs when he realizes
how it sounds, and says he's done lots of feeds with 8 kids.
Corin would love to do a photoshoot for Nuts.
10.49pm Playing a drinking game one interesting fact before they have a drink.
Steve lost his virginity at 13.
Josie lost
her virginity when she was 12! Then says it's a joke. Caiomhe says she
pisses her pants. Ife says she was born with extra fingers. Ben used to
walk around with his choir coat with nothing under it until someone asked
him to remove it and he was seen as a perv. Corin got caught shoplifting in Topshop.
Nathan's fact is he had sex at a party in front of everyone....and he
doesn't seem slightly embarassed...
Josie threw her knickers at a bus driver who tried to
overcharge her!
11.06pm Steve tells a story when, in a
party house in Germany, he tied a Union
Jack around his c**k and ran around the house to impress a German girl
he called Madonna that he liked. Josie tells him he's a dirty b*stard!
Nathan cuddles into her and she is straight up to go for a smoke.
John James doesn't want any affection from Sunshine. Sunshine asks John
James where the bracelet is she gave him - he says he took it off
because it came loose. John's not feeling well, he slept throughout the
drinking game and awakes to Sunshine pawing at him! Ben just said he
wants to put one of Josie's boobs in his mouth. She told him to jog on.
SUNSHINE: Josie, music!
JOSIE: What?
SUNSHINE: Josie, music!!
JOSIE: What, what, what?
SUNSHINE: Josie, music!!!
Ah, the eloquence of the English language.
JOSIE: What?
SUNSHINE: Josie, music!!
JOSIE: What, what, what?
SUNSHINE: Josie, music!!!
Ah, the eloquence of the English language.
11.23pm, Ben would shave his hair off for 1 million pounds for a task. Josie wouldn't as her Aunt lost her hair with cancer.
11.30pm Shabby has drawn a broken heart on the bathroom glass in either toothpaste or shaving foam
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