9.24AM "They've been talking in the bedroom with Shabby and Corin. Josie said he was playing footsie with her under the covers. Teasing each other a bit. Shabby and Corin teasing JJ and his repeated, "Jose, Jose, Jose!"
10.03am "Nathan complaining about noise in the bedroom last night. Although
Shabby ran in and tried to spray John with shaving cream it seems that
John's whispers are too noisy for Nathan. More of a telling off from
Nathan then a row really. John then moans to Josie about Nathan's comments!"
10.33am "Josie says to Mario she fancies John in his football kit but not otherwise."
11.09am "Josie comments that she used to be the angriest person in Bristol and the only person she was hurting was herself so now no longer gets angry.
And that throwing hissy fits knackers you out!"
11.24am "Josie tells John that when he's in a football kit he turns into a completely different person, saying he's like a different person, cool as a cucumber.
He asks her why she doesn't date a real footballer.
She says she doesn't want a real one.
JOHN: You want a fake one?
JOSIE: Yeah a John James one! (giggles)
John is lying with his arms up behind his head on Josie's chest. She had
her hand stroking the inside of his upper arm...he then made a slight
movement of that arm and she stopped stroking and slowly moved her hand
11:27 "Josie is teasing John by saying he was actually born a woman."
11.40am "Mario tells John jokingly that he's going to start flirting with him
instead of Ben. Mario says it is his fault, not Ben's; John disagrees. He
says Ben shouldn't flirt with Mario if he doesn't feel anything for him.
John saying that if he was really pushed he could do cheese on toast. Josie said that John was hardly whispering last night, he takes that as he
was being really loud."
11.47am "John quizzes Josie about why she thinks she has put on weight. He is the only one who is losing weight. Josie says he must have a very high metabolism and if she ate as much McD's as him (SC) John says he is really hungry all the time. Josie interrupts that he looks like some woman. He says "A girl!!??"Apparently he is her twin, just like her friend Mia. John not impressed."
11.54am "JJJ and and Mario discussing leaving the house and seeing what other people have said in the diary room.
John reckons Ben's hair is just bed hair. Josie wants to know what attracts Mario to Ben....we don't get to hear!
Interesting that both Mario and John said that Ben left the sexuality
question unanswered on his application form. John reckons BB assumed Ben
was bi-sexual and Mario agreed. They're totally cuddled up in bed talking to Mario right now. Cute! Josie lying on John's chest."
12.06pm "John, Josie and Mario talking about Govan's eviction and how shocked they
all were. John said Govan was without doubt the funniest guy in the House,
but maybe the public didn't get to see that aspect of him. John
speculates that maybe he was voted out because Govan wanted to go home.
Mario says the public would have kept him in just to make him more
"I think you have to think about what you would do in that situation, if I
were in there I would be doing exactly what Josie is doing flirting
with him and then denying that I fancy him to everyone else, because who
wants to get openly rejected on tv if he doesn't feel the same.Wouldn't
most people be the same? Someone needs to light a fire under John James
so that he will give her an absolute no doubt sign he is interested in
her romantically because I don't ever think that Jose will make the
first move under any circumstances!" (hrdearest JJJAT)
12.16pm Mario is asking Sunshine why she doesn't want to go out with John. She says "Why doesn't he want to go out with me? Because he said."
DAVE (to Sunshine): John said that lipstick is terrible!
12.27pm DAVE: Look at them precious lips their the best lips in the world their so sweet.
Dave announces that if his wife was wearing that colour of lipstick then he wouldn't let her kiss him. Dave is putting a jewellery choker around Sunshine's neck. She's making a
big deal of pretending it's too tight and she can't breathe. Dave tells
her she's been too dramatic. Once the choker is on, she announces it is
too loose and it gets tightened again. Dave wants her to remove the
black lipstick.
12.41pm Ben, John and Josie debate the morality of stoning as punishment.
Sunshine says she has less chance of knowing what's going on because she's not seeing what the public are seeing. She suggests they all get up and do something anything that doesn't involve lying down....she is not met with any enthusiasm. She gets up anyway. Josie says to SS "Oh you're going for that look!"
12.51pm "John loves Greece and list everything he loves about it such as the little
villages and beaches. He spent 3 weeks there after traveling around
Europe. But isn't a fan of museums! Ife talks to Josie about Sunshine looking like Blossom...more than Lady Gaga."
E4 Live afternoon feed - Ben complains that he takes ages to fall asleep because of people yakking! Through the windows to the garden, Ife and Sunshine can be seen singing and dancing like little girls singing into their hairbrushes. BB declined from allowing the audience to watch as they didn't think it would be something humans would enjoy! :D Ben tries not to sleep in the day but lies on his bed out of boredom which means he's not tired at night 'and so it's a vicious circle, isn't it?' Dave carries a pan of water into the bathroom, Ben follows him explaining he's really pleased he's got to know Nathan a bit. Ben actually thinks Nathan is one of the most interesting people there!
DAVE: He is! He's a cool guy!
Ben wants to use fabric conditioner on their laundry this time to make it smell nice; he congratulates Dave because Dave has already put some in! Ben pops to use the loo but pledges to help when he comes back. He hopes he's not suffocating Dave but knows he clings to him but Dave's one of the few people there Ben totally relates to.
Dave's glad his mate is here and believes it would be difficult for him and the Baron without Ben being around. Ben is fond of the Baron too but is particularly close to Dave and finds it interesting that he's getting along with most people.
BEN: Nathan and I now sorta like each other, so that's great!
It's the boredom thing that is worse than ever for Ben and he's not saying that to whinge because he's 'not in a whingey mood!' He wishes BB would do a quiz or something. For Dave, his wife and kids are his life.. so to be in there and be bored stupid then opens up a door for him to start thinking about them. The last week or so he's been pretty good with regards to this but he does miss them.
Ben arranges to see Dave back there in about 3 minutes so he can finally go perform his ablutions! There is a close up of the Tree of Temptation chest of drawers in the bathroom indicating an impending speech. Dave wrings out socks while waiting on his wing man.
Sunshine publicises the 'paradigm-shifting' news that she only has the underwear she put on in the suitcase task! Josie asks 'have you got a bra on?' the answer to which you'll be overjoyed to learn is a yes!! Apparently it is a nude one which Josie thinks is wicked; Ife thanks her for the microphone.
John asks Sunshine if she's going to (do something) or not but Sunshine doesn't want criticism. Corin suggests Sunshine makes a song up. OH MY SWEET BIRD OF PARADISE!! When Sunshine is shown on screen you'd be forgiven for thinking it was Myra Hindley turned Goth! Or Marilyn Manson as Steve had compared her appearance to earlier in the day.
Josie whispers to John for him not to give Sunshine any criticism.
Josie whispers to John for him not to give Sunshine any criticism.
JOHN: I can promise no criticism, I can't promise..
During the break, the Tree told Ben to organise an arm wrestling competition and that he must beat at least 1 girl! The T of T wants Ben to grow a pair and use street slang. Ben leaves the bathroom and engages Nathan with his good idea!
BEN: It's not really my cup of tea, but a thought's just come into my head.. what about doing something like an arm wrestling competition?
Nathan's reply is SC but he seems more intent in borrowing a nail file from 'Caoimhe darlin!' Ife wants to start up a game of Charades but Ben won't join in because he has to help Dave with the washing. He says that he will watch while he waits for Dave. For being such an intelligent man, Ben's not a very bright boy is he? He begins pulling at his hair haplessly.
Ife sets the terms of the game, if she wins against Mario she wants him to fold up all her clothes and make her toast whenever she wants it throughout the day. She snaps at Mario for being really childish!
Johnny joins Ben in the bedroom asking what he's doing in there. Ben squints that he just felt like a bit of time out as there's nothing really going on that he wanted to do. Come on Ben, time's-a-wastin' for the task but no, no just sit there and grouse about Mario being a bit funny with you to John!
Ben returns to bed seemingly already given up on the tree task. Caoimhe is catching a cat nap but Ben is pensively preoccupied with the Tree's threats.
JOHN: Oh really? Why?
Ben doesn't know but goes on that sometimes Mario talks about things he's not really interested in like UFO's, he forgets what he's talking about! John asks if Mario had actually said this. He hadn't but it's just a feeling Ben gets; he accepts that he should make more of an effort over things he's not interested in. He relates to John how earlier he and Mario had been talking about notorious dictators, Ben had brought up an African tyrant (John is yawning already) who made himself an Emperor and had a big coronation, inviting all the World leaders. (SC)
Mario had said that the dictator should burn in hell but Ben isn't as emotive about that sort of thing as Mario and Josie. He thinks Mario thought that when the 2 of them first came in, they were very similar in a lot of ways. But Ben's truth is that no one's that similar to anyone!
Ben adores Mario and applauds him for being a loyal friend to him since Day 1.
BEN: You've never ever heard me say anything but lovely things about him, I absolutely love Mario!
But he thinks maybe what it is, is that Mario likes him in a way that Ben doesn't like him back. John doesn't think this is Ben's fault because Ben has his breaking point. John feels that if he'd said the same thing to Mario, he probably wouldn't have taken as much offence because (SC) John continues that Mario has maybe been more sensitive as Ben doesn't say things like that very often.
JOHN: But overall, I don't think it was the worst thing in the world to say!
So Ben doesn't understand why Mario is then so miffed with him. John does think that what Ben said could be partly true (that Mario does have feelings for him) and how Mario may like to believe he has more in common with Ben than he actually does because 'he does maybe like you in a way you don't like him back!'
John assures that Mario hasn't honestly said anything. Ben knows Mario would never bitch about anyone but seeks John's advice because he can see in Mario's eyes that he's really hurt. John just thinks that Mario really likes Ben and he guesses that it's a little bit frustrating for him. This is the John, I know and love .. that thoughtful young man who is kind and considerate of feelings.. he talks a lot of sense and is at his best in moments like this..A true blue sweetie :) But John can't confirm that because he's never been in that position really, he's never felt attracted to a girl that (SC)
JOHN: Like I would only sorta feel that way about a girl.. or if I felt the feeling was mutual and then I would get the.. like you can normally work it out in a couple of days if (SC) and your feelings grow..
"OMG JJ's just admitted to Ben he's never been in a situation like Mario's and Ben's where he finds someone attractive and they don't like them back, and he can usually tell in a couple of days if someone likes him and then the feelings grow from there. It seems maybe his feelings for Josie are just platonic as he thinks she doesn't like him so he hasn't let himself feel like that about her." (Sofette JJJAT)
"I take it all back, its so up and down! In JJ analysing his flirting behaviour with Ben he said he's conscious of not behaving too touchy-feely with SS as he doesn't fancy her and doesn't want to lead her on and he was the same with Rachel and thats why he totally backed off from her as he could tell she was 'becoming a fan'. Conclusion: as he's not holding back on touching and flirting with josie by his own standards he must want to test how things will develop with her." (Sofette) (This must have been during the break)
Ben is really fond of Mario in a platonic way although he likes him a lot. He thinks John is right; Ben's only been lucky enough once or twice in his life to have friends that he's really had lots in common with. But Mario has kept repeating the last day or so that maybe they don't have that much in common .. and that he may not know Ben that well.
JOHN: Well me and you don't have that much in common.. we do have common things but there's a lot of things about us that are completely different! It doesn't mean you can't..
Ben interrupts to tell him something interesting about the house in general, he feels he's had a good week as he survived eviction so the public can't have hated him that much! He hasn't really fought with anyone except his little tiff with John and in many ways has had a much easier week than last week. John mm-hm's along as Ben gets to the 'interesting' part that he's becoming more liked but with his good friends - John and Mario (apart from Dave) he feels things are now more distant. Ben is interested in John's view and wonders if it is something he's doing wrong.
John breaks it down that it's not something Ben is doing wrong, but more that as time passes people are finding out more and more about each other and are connecting more as a group.
JOHN: Like a week ago, I don't even think Mario was talking to Ife at all! Now look at 'em! They're sleeping in the same bed, they're with each other all the time!
John thinks the dynamics can change just like that. Quick flick to Mario and his new bezzie mate Ife. John answers that he and Josie were pretty close before but now that Govan has gone 'me and Jose hang around each other a lot more.. like even more now! Do you know what I mean? Like we have chats at midnight and that now.. I guess we were doing that before but I think everyone sorta wants to..'
John thinks that this is where Ben will struggle because he's not a group person, he likes 'this sort of stuff and I don't mind it every now and then..'
BEN: You like it with Josie!
JOHN: Well, I don't mind it with anyone.. just some people just talk and I'm like (switches off) can't even be bo..(laughs) Do you know what I mean? Whereas there's some people that I don't talk to at all..
Ben isn't saying this to flatter John (because he doesn't think he deserves to be flattered) BUT he thinks John has connected with pretty much everyone now, with the exception of Caoimhe and Ife in a big way.
JOHN: Um.. I haven't connected a whole heap with Corin, but she's a lovely person. You've connected with her on a total different level to what I have.. I'm just.. I just talk to her (SC)
John doesn't find it difficult he just doesn't think that he and Corin have that because she's older. Ben makes the point that John has connected with Steve and he's 16/17 years older than John. John agrees that he connected with Steve right from the very beginning; he's always liked people like Steve that are very upfront. He likes the way Steve's been in the house 'he's very reserved, he's very black and white.. I've always liked people like that!'
John returns to the thinking that maybe Mario thought he and Ben had more in common. Ben had considered himself, John and Mario to have been a trio at the start. Dave enters, so John brings him into the conversation, demonstrating that even he is talking to everyone now but had struggled at the start.
JOHN: Eventually, as time goes on we're gonna connect more as a group.. rather than these divisions. Especially with the 2 people that have gone - Rachael and Govan! They were part.. you had your smoking group and your non-smoking group, now that 2 smokers have gone, the non-smoking group are starting to sort of feel as though there might be a little .. like they might be able to talk to the smokers a bit more because their group's becoming smaller.
Ben thinks this is true but where he slightly disagrees and Dave can pipe up, if he doesn't want to be tarred with Ben's brush.. he thinks that people like John (SC) He feels that he and Dave have gone the other way, having had more people they spoke to on a regular basis to before. He really feels that the only person who would always want to talk to him is Dave.
What's made it difficult for Dave is knowing that every week certain people would rather he goesm than other people around them and that then isolates him from those people. He's sure he knows who those people are so now he just connects with the people he wants to. These are the people he wants to invest in and spend time with, the others he realises there is a disconnection there but he might be there 13 weeks with them.
He finds it sad as it's certainly not what he wants! He thinks it is down to who he is, the opinions he's brought and the quirkiness has almost isolated him from these people when it didn't need to.
At the same time John thinks it's very hard because you don't want to go around talking to everybody because then it looks like you're being false. This is the problem John feels he has to deal with, he knows himself that he's not and he guesses that's all that matters.
JOHN: At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what people think out there, it doesn't matter what people think in here. You know what you've done, what you've said, how you are as a person.. your friends, your close friends will know.. and that's.. and really that's all that really matters, as long as you're true to yourself.. eventually people, like do you know what I mean? (shrugs)
Ben broods that he thinks John is right but where he is finding it difficult (but takes his hat off to John who has done really well) is that John has gone from being at times a slightly isolated, controversial figure to a now mainstream, universally liked person who engages with everyone.
But he thinks he and Dave have gone from having 5 or 6 friends who they all got on with.. Dave still considers that he has and would include the 2 of them, Baron, Sunshine and Mario as people who really like him and he likes them. These are the people he would ring fence if their names were on the board.
Again this isn't a criticism of John it is just the way things go, but Ben has noted that John now does spend most of his time with Josie. Which he can understand and knows he is doing it a bit for Josie as well, as she's sad over Govan and that John is too 'and that's really bonded you two together which is great!'
Holy cannoli, Ben can't stop harping on about how he and John once had lots of laughs and general discussions together.. but that's not really there anymore. He hopes John's feelings haven't changed towards him, it's just he's occupied in a different way now. Mario comes inside so Dave asks him to help wring out the washing in the garden.
John has seen in previous series how HM's can be very close with certain people at the beginning and absolutely haaaaaate them by the end! He gets Mario to back him up on this that it happens quite a lot.
JOHN: You've gotta remember we've only been here for 3 weeks, you can't get to know everyone in 3 weeks! And it's really that simple.
John asks Mars if he is alright before he leaves the room, Mario mumbles that he's cool. But Ben bleats that Mario can't even look him in the eye - get it together man! John credits Ben on being a very good talker who does make sense. But tells him if he were him, he would just sit down and talk to him, how Ben's talking to him because they haven't got a lot of time in there.
JOHN: If you don't fancy him in that way.. I don't know if you've had that chat with him.. just maybe .. just tell him everything you've just told me. Just say 'look, um I don't mean to flirt with you or or whatever or um.. ' just get his opinion..
Ben's problem is that this could be misconstrued as arrogance as he's assuming this is the issue. John probes that there is a fine line and he'd thought Ben came in originally as bi-sexual.. and he's pretty sure that's what everybody else thought as well. But now he doesn't think Ben is!
He likens his mucking around relationship with Mario but that Mario knows John is straight. Ben accepts this but the thing that is so ridiculous to him, is that it has nothing to do with gay/straight/bisexuality! He admits he had the hots for Rachael but would never presume she fancied him back. John understands and agrees this is right.
Ben still ruminates that this could lie at the root of some of the problems. He's also been stewing over Mario teasing him affectionately that he's always having to get Ben out of trouble. Ben could have got offended by these comments about cleaning up the scrapes because it is actually a bit patronising!
BEN: It's like 'I'm Mr Easygoing, popular - you're a nightmare who's always squabbling with people! I have to go round and sort out your problems!'
When on the whole he hasn't been fighting with people, Shabby and Sunshine aside. He muses that Mario likes the idea that he is some sort of Ambassador, so then when he doesn't need to be he feels surplus to requirements.
JOHN: What do you mean, ambassador?
Ben then concedes that the previous week when he HAD been getting into loads of scrapes, Mario had to go around the house representing him, as you would for a friend. (SC) Number 1 - Ben never asked Mario to do that. Number 2 - He is honoured and grateful that he did do that. His whole point is that none of them are exactly what they think they are. He uses John boiling over more than he does usually as an example.
Ben's friends had told him he'd be fine in the house as he gets on with every sort of people. Mario comes back in and John asks if he's okay but he's bored as hell. Ben speaks up and asks if he's annoyed him today 'you might as well tell me what I've done, so I don't speculate!'
Mario lays down in Josie's bed; John is concerned that he is intruding and checks if Mario wants him to leave. Mario doesn't, Ben takes the chance to beg his pardon for whatever he has done that he never intended to do. Mario doesn't see why Ben assumes he has done something.
BEN: Shabby you're dressed as if you're going on a Janis Joplin record! That's a compliment, I imagine you'd like Janis Joplin.
She guesses but not hugely as she rummages through a bin liner to spray under her pits with some deodorant. Shabby doesn't think she was very stable yesterday; Ben nods appreciatively that he doesn't think any of them are any day! As she wanders around in her bra, Ben jokes that she's giving the license-fee viewers something for their money!
After about 30 odd minutes since receiving his task, he tries to throw out the arm wrestling idea again. Shabby dismisses this as a terrible, terrible idea and resignation saps every ounce of strength from Ben's body! (SC)
Ben walks over to talk to Mario pleading to be told what he has done. Mario monkeyshines that he just doesn't like Ben anymore before telling Ben not to be ridiculous! (SC) Ben wants to hear why he's upset him and to say that he never would intentionally do so. Mario keeps repeating that it isn't Ben but Ben continues to ask what it was 'I'm a bit thoughtless sometimes, aren't I?'
Mario laughs that Ben is oblivious to everything in his face as well. (SC) Although Ben keeps saying he's not stupid, Mario is starting to think he really is because he has misread this situation. He insists that Ben stop stressing as he is one of his favourite people in there.
Dave asks if Ben noticed that he did all the washing and Mario wrang it all out and that Ben didn't help at all! He makes his excuses to his old chum that he was stressing with John that he was worried Mario hated him. Mario is dumbfounded that Ben would believe that as he doesn't even dislike anyone in the house, let alone hate them!
Ben doesn't understand why the water tastes nice when it is cool but once its warmed up, tastes like something out of the local swimming baths. He then despairs that he's never called into the Diary room and how he recognised that Mario had cleaned up after him last week. He describes everything as hunky dory as he's survived eviction but feels empty of stimulation and is really struggling without his recreational needs.
He misses his friends, his freedom, his music more than anything! Mario impedes Ben's self-pitying monologue by telling him his eyes are two different shades of blue, which Ben never knew. Dave's black pirate t-shirt has disappeared and Mario helps him try to locate it from bed; Ben crawls into bed beside Mario.
Ben wants to go into the Diary room but they never bl**dy let him in but Mario jogs his memory that BB called him in at 2am. Ben back talks that it was only to get his views on why he wasn't evicted. As Shabby passes by he um.. 'compliments' her for looking like a young Charlie Chaplin even without her hat.
SHABBY: Is it the hair?
He says it is a little bit but she has also done her eye make up differently, which he likes as it suits her. She thanks Benjaminge.
In the garden Josie tells John off for hurting her some how (seems like he could have prodded her in the stomach with his foot) 'John James, I've just had beans on toast!! Why? Why??'
John jokes that Sunshine must have cobwebs up .. there :P She retorts with a snappy comeback that he's more likely to have cobwebs than her as he showers less!! John answers back that he showers every day but Sunshine gives him lip that he doesn't shower as well as she does. He is less than impressed with her hygiene humour as he washes 3 times a day back home.
Shabby has tied her hair with a pretty red bow and has a smile that the first couple of days there, Caoimhe had called her 'Shavvy' thinking the name was Spanish. Apparently they've all been pronouncing Caoimhe's name wrong; Ife asserts that she's never corrected them as she'd told them it was like 'diva with a K!' (SC)
Ife lies on her towel and works out with some unenthusiastic-looking sit ups.. which are more head ups, as she just lifts her head up and back. Talk then turns to how HM's say Josie's name, most pronounce it as Jos-C but Josie imitates her favourite is Nathan's Northern 'Jose-ayyyyy!!' (Jose rhymes with hose and rose) He raises the monobrow at her!
JOSIE: I was named after a Jack Russell!
Ife snickers that she was named after a dog; her brother Charlie was also named after a dog they had. Her brother Harry was named after their Mum's first horse and Ruby was named after another one of their horses. Shabby is glad Josie's Mum does that as she very much believes that pets should have real, human names. Ife's dogs also have human names - Sophie and Phoebe.
Josie's first dog was a Doberman called Tanya. Shabby's cats are called Sophie and Bonny but Bonny is not very bonny 'she's a hideous little creature!' Shabby loves her for her ugliness :D (SC) In bed, Ben is stressing his belief to Mario that is rare to meet someone that adores you.. or for the person you adore to adore you back 'it doesn't often happen!' Awww John and Josie had that for a little while.. they really did adore each other in BB :( Ben tells Dave he is lucky with Donna.
Dave is fully satisfied with his wife and doesn't lust after anyone else or need anyone else! Mini cut back to those in the garden cooing over their cats. Nathan puts his in socks and shoes - like Puss in boots! :D Josie abruptly cuts in that she was just thinking about all the people who have been horrible to her. Shabby asks who they are and Josie comments that there have only been about 3!
Ben makes a joke about John giving him a hard time and John replies with a Josie-ism 'who do you think you are??' (SC) Mario decides the Pink Panther music will play for Ben on his eviction night. John thinks it will be funny if they show all the things Ben has taken that they don't know about! Ben thinks it will be more interesting to see who has stolen things they wouldn't suspect, as he's already been outed as a minor thief!
JOHN: (mopping up his bread in his bowl of spaghetti) They seriously went through about 5 litres of milk and I didn't drink a drop of it!! I didn't even know, I went to get a glass of milk and it's all gone!
John seriously can't believe how much milk the house goes through as he hadn't had any, not even for tea! This is something Ben pleads not guilty to as he doesn't like drinking milk on its own and will only do so for variation. Mario laughs at who would push Ben to drink milk; Ben quips 'my dark side, my inner soul!' Before telling them something he does like which is a brand of Swiss drinking chocolate.
BEN: (To Mario) You're being a b*tch today!!
JOHN: He's turning into me! I didn't even have to say anything; Mario's doing it all for me!
Mario moans that he's not and will be devastated when Ben goes! Dave asks if John has seen his black T-shirt with the pirate skull and cross bones on it. John knows the one 'with the silver spots on it?' but seriously hasn't seen it; Dave had only worn it once in the house before losing it. (SC) John mentally battens down the hatches as Sunshine stalks through the bedroom 'here, she comes!'
SUNSHINE: (Screeches) Got me back for that one, Mr-I'm-gonna-jump-ON-the-table-grab-you-furiously-rub-your-eye-makeup-out-put-it-all-over-your-face and then I'm gonna squeeze it while you're lying on the ground all over you!! I think you've done more than I have!
JOHN: Yeah, well I was just sitting there eating my lunch and you had to throw the sponge at me!
Sunshine squeals that he was standing by the dishes! Ah, so that makes it alright then?? Dave demands that she gets the ridiculous black lipstick off her face as she looks like the Joker off Batman. Ben likes it as it turns him on.
JOHN: (Appalled) Really?!! That's what I said.. you look the cross between the Joker and Marilyn Manson! (SC)
John asks what Charades is and then remembers it is a game that someone had been trying to explain to him.
JOHN: Have you got a butler, Ben?
Ben answers with a vehement 'no!'; Dave and Mario tease Ben about Dave doing all his washing! Steve then asks whether he has staff at his Mother's house, again the reply is negative. Ben's always looked after himself but concedes that his family have always had someone who have helped them out a bit.. but that's all!
John slurps up the remains in his bowl like he's chugging back a drink. Sunshine queries if Ben washes his own clothes and he says 'sort of' as he washes them but then 'the woman irons them!'
JOHN: I never iron my clothes! (Mama Parton/Josie did it for him!)
Steve chastises Ben for being a lazy boy but Ben resents this; he acknowledges that he is really slow but credits himself on being a good cleaner. At home he even goes round with newspapers and vinegar to clean all the mirrors! 'I like polishing things!'
JOHN: (horrified) Don't tell me you're actually re-applying that ridiculous look?
Steve laughs that John had helped destroy it. Which was John's way of hinting for Sunshine to take it off! John gets under the covers of his single bed and grins that he can't believe she's re-applying it!
DAVE: Even Corin told her it looked terrible and she's still putting it on!! (SC)
Ben desires to know if he and Corin are going to play this Coronation Street game later, in the style of charades. Corin feels that the day is dragging as it is only half two (in the afternoon) John assesses that it doesn't look like they are going to get a task (as it is so late in the day) and that their shopping one may last for 3 days. John was wondering if BB were going to give them another shopping budget today because BB had already given them shopping. Sunshine whines that John had to get her bad eye too!
JOHN: I love the way you don't think things through! She sat there, went to throw the sponge at me and I said 'think about it!' and she still threw it at me anyway!! And then when I throw it back, you have a cry!
SUNSHINE: I threw the sponge lightly as a joke.
JOHN: My face was covered!
CORIN: If you can't take it, don't give it.
2.36pm "JJ just pushed SS out of bed when she tried to get in the single with him!" (Sofette)
2.41pm "John asks Sunshine if she's happy/ok. Sunshine says she's not talking to John and he's not in her good books today, and that she's not happy. John retorts that he wouldn't be happy with that lippy on his face!"
2.53pm "Dave snogs the lippie off of Sunshine's lips....she is not happy and recommends that no one ever does that again...DAVE! He has got the lippie on himself now. She shouts at be to get off and asks for Steve to tell him to get off her, get him with the stick!There is a pile on and Steve tells Sunshine to get out quick and run..John lifting Sunshine up over his shoulder and throwing her down on the bed again after trying to make her getaway. John ruffling/ticking Sunshine's head and hair.. Sunshine's head inbetween Dave's legs!" (WHATM)
3.04pm "It helps to remember they're just people. They're going to be at turns
contradictory and capricious, they'll say things that could mean a
little or a lot, they'll get tangled up and make mistakes and can thrill
each other and hurt each other but that's what makes them people.
People rarely shock me but every so often they manage to surprise me and
these two so far have managed to do just that. We're all just people
and we rarely say exactly what we mean or wish to say, we protect
ourselves and wander in the darkness and every so often we take a chance
and follow a light. Who among us is perfect in these situations? Nobody
has a textbook on life...we learn on the job." (theirishgirl JJJAT)
3.20pm "Shabby questioning what Josie and John talk about in bed at night, Josie says they just snuggle. Shabby says she's jealous she would like to snuggle.
JOSIE: I'll lend you John James for a snuggle he's great!
John says he's not some sort of rag doll you can throw around! John asks Shabby if she thinks Sunshine(?) is attractive! Someone asked if John ever snuggled with Sunshine and he said no, Steve said he wants to though - and John didn't say anything. Josie says Sunshine looks like Edward Scissorhands today."
3.29pm "Ben and Corin do a Corrie re-enactment of Hayley and Roy! Dave thinks he's been kept in because he's good at the tasks. Sunshine thinks people prefer to watch those who fail the tasks.
Ben saying John and Josie have almost a secret language...." (WHATM)
15:34 John James just poured a bottle of water bottle of Sunshine then pushed her in the pool #BB11(Twitter)
3.44pm "John and Josie are doing that animal mating ritual of sniffing each other
it's only a matter of time before they bite each other and get it on. He was looking at her roots, and then lay with his legs across her, while she played with his shorts and linking his arm." (WHATM)
3.47pm "OK. Regroup. Fact: J likes JJ - why all the talk of him being out of her league otherwise?
Fact: JJ likes J - why the threatening to leave when they fought (feels
like years ago), snuggles, and recent increase in boob mentions?
I think they're almost getting too comfortable with each other - almost slipping into "definitely just friends" territory. BB needs to shake it up a little. Set an all-nighter task. Throw an
amazing party - something, anything to snap them out of the rut. Come on BB - get your cupid on! (please
)" (Vaun JJJAT)
"Josie and JJ are both young, good-looking, plagued with insecurities -
and bored. There are slim pickings when it comes to romantic
possibilties with the rest of the HMs and so they are naturally
gravitating to each other....there's an attraction there, for sure - but
I swing backwards and forwards in terms of how I interpret what's going
on. One minute I think they've really fallen for each other and are just
circling each other before going in for the kill; the next minute I
think they're simply passing the time of day engaging in harmless banter
and playfighting that allows them to feel wanted - and thus better about themselves - but
without feeling any of the normal pain or fear that goes along with
actually allowing yourself to fall for someone - if you'll pardon the
analogy,it's a bit like the sanitised-for-television (ie. without the
sex) version of a one night stand, albeit with someone you really like.
I would really like them to get it together - but because of their
personalities - and the environment they're in - I don't think we're ever
going to see any outright declarations unless something happens to get
them both off guard and forces them out of their comfort zones - this
could be something as simple as a task, a row between them or one of
them having a really low day and lowering their defences...or even some
new HMs coming in and shaking up the dynamics.
My fear is that all this playfighting, squeeworthy though it is, will
eventually just get really tiresome for everyone in there, including JJJ
themselves, and unless things move to another level in the not too
distant future it will just eventually fizzle out - and much as I am
loving watching them I must admit that I'm starting to find it just the
teensiest wee bit tiresome myself (if she uses that 'football kit' line
one more time I think I may have to go into the back bedroom and have a
scream)" (Siobhan JJJAT)
3.55pm Sunshine admits that he looks good in shorts - but then adds that fortunately, she was given ears!
Sunshine has decided to stay in the pool with her clothes on.
JOHN: No wonder you don't have any friends. (to sunny)
SHABBY: I'm your friend.
4pm "I concur they've kind of got a routine now and a catalyst could be
needed to take to them to another level if that's what they want. It's
still them in control though. JJ doesn't drink a lot because I believe
he wishes to stay in control...both of his temper and his feelings. It
may take time for him to loosen up.
I'm definitely interested to see how the dynamics change when they bring
in the two new mooted HMs. I'm betting on one girl and one guy. If
they're both bisexual it could stir things up for both Shabby and Mario
too as well as the other single HMs like Nathan, Ben, JJ, Josie and SS.
If and it's a big if any of the respective parties are attracted to each
other...fireworks. But I think it would be the easiest way for BB to
stir things up. That said I don't think either of them would just 'drop'
the other, JJ's said as much to Josie but it might make them up their
game a little if challenged." (theirishgirl)
Thanks Cheeky...Lol Sunshine got teased a lot,poor girl,but it was funny to watch...Oops
ReplyDeleteBen is just indescribable,never knew anyone like him,fortunately:p
Not a good look Shabbs,in the first pics of hers eeek