Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Live Day 23

From WHATM thread - 
9.39am "Josie says 'where's my little man?' John says 'I'm bigger than you!' She thinks he looks younger everyday. 

9.54am "John saying that if they thought for one minute it was intentional he would be out. So they let him stay and must see that it was playing. Josie and John talking. Josie jokes that Sunshine is upset because John didn't flirt back in a nice way but by play fighting. John and Mario repeat that Sunshine was laughing about the whole thing before deciding to start. Dave saying that John goes too far and is rough. John just said he isn't bothered if he doesn't speak to Sunshine again (it was a joke that escalated out of control)" 

10.03am "Sunshine to Dave 'I started it but......' soundcut, Corin's shocked face as Sunshine shows her the injuries. Sunshine asked for antiseptic wipes to clean them up."

10.11am "BB asked if John could resolve the situation with Sunshine. John said no problem he would never talk to her again. BB said Sunshine is very upset. John told BB to watch the footage from the incident to the moment she entered the diary room to see she milked it."

10.17am "Sunshine telling John that she is upset as BB said they will show it to be seen as fair to both housemates. Sunshine told BB that she started it, not to call him in but she doesn't want it shown, now showing John her carpet burns. S/C. Sunshine explaining to John that she went in to ask about something personal to her not to get him into trouble. 

John still feels wronged. Sunshine tells John that the best thing would be to forget about it and just get on with it. John saying that she was laughing at the time S/C Sunshine says that she was laughing at the time and didn't go into the DR to get John into trouble, she likes him and wouldn't want to get him into trouble. Corin saying that John didn't mean to hurt you. S/C Corin telling Sunshine and John that they need to stop their behaviour. That they both wind each other up. She asks everyone in the bathroom if they thought John meant to do that to Sunshine's leg. A chorus of no!"
10.22am "John taking umbrage at how Dave relayed it. Making it sound as if .....SC. Dave now justifying his position. Corin has her penny's worth. Josie saying she flashed her minnie mouse yesterday too."

10.28am "Sunshine saying that they need to be careful this doesn't get blown out of proportion. She and John should just get along and that will show that things weren't too bad. She reiterates that she fully accepts she started it all, that John retaliated and it then got a bit out of hand. 

John approaching Dave and telling him that he had heard Dave had made the situation out to be worse that it actually was. Dave says that the two girls (Shabby and Keeva) have it in for him and don't like him, they are going to say stuff against him. Dave says to John that he said: I hope she is saying the right stuff for John or else it would look bad (John deeply unsettled and desperate to defend himself even though none of the HM's were on the attack)"

10.33am "John says that as long as his friends know that what happened wasn't intentional then he's happy. He says Sunshine didn't say she had a carpet burn at the time and there was no blood gushing from her leg. He says if Sunshine had told BB that he physically restrained her and intentionally hurt her, he'd have been booted out of the House by now. John reiterating that Sunshine was laughing both during and after the incident and people saw her do it. She didn't get upset until later, then people crowded around her and she milked the situation for attention."

10.38am "Josie saying she's started talking in her sleep and she's worried she'll say something embarrassing....................I wonder what??"

10:48am "John James is having a shower. Josie and Corin are keeping him company in the bathroom as he does #BB11 Josies just said 'wow' John is in bathroom with his top off going for a shower."
10.53am "Josie becoming worn down by John. He is sapping her positive energy = she said "his head is a mess in here" "he is so worried about who he can and cannot trust" She tells John to buck his ideas up she does not want to be around miserable people today. He doesn't care what it looks like on national TV, he cares what people think in here."

11.12am John is now in the bedroom after his shower. Josie tells him that he's getting it "all out of proportion" Josie telling John that maybe Sunshine was upset about the incident because John was lying in bed with Josie. Josie has only just been told/realised that Sunshine has a massive crush on John.  

"You must realise how this might be portrayed to the public" John is quoting what BB? has told him. "What does the public have to do with anything." Still ranting on to Josie. 

JOSIE: Whats it like to be a wanted man John James?"

11.30am "Josie just said to John, 'shall we just have a laugh today, and, try not to worry about things.'

"Josie is giving him good advice - telling him to drop things and making light of his concerns.....but the only problem is that John is not receptive to it and it has the potential to wind him up even more - and yet she persists with the same 'lets just have fun' technique, when it's clearly not working. She either needs a different approach; or she needs to find a way of listening to him without getting irritated with him because he won't take her advice; or she just needs to distance herself from him altogether." (Siobhan JJJAT)
"Josie is being supportive the only way she knows by trying to make him smile and calm down,otherwise he will go on and on and on and alienate other housemates. I think shes the best thing for him to keep him from blowing his top."

"I agree that she has good intentions and that it would be in John's best interests to take her advice - but he's just so locked into a cycle of mistrust and paranoia that I feel she's wasting her time and energy. He is an emotional vampire - just like Mario said - and Josie is going to end up being dragged down." (Siobhan JJJAT)

11.57am "Ben says Sunshine flirts with John in a sexual way, Sunshine jumps down his throat. She reiterates she does not fancy John. Sunshine and Ben were talking about it in bed. Josie asked if it could be dropped now and to stop talking about it, Sunshine said but John just threw her jewellery down by the bed and won't talk to her. 

Josie said 'wait til he comes to you' which is sound advice because Josie knows that John doesn't want anything at all to do with Sunshine at the moment. On the other hand it's obvious from Sunshine's conversation with Ben and Dave that before long she'll be approaching John again trying to get him to interact with her. Sunshine says that she was horsing around with John the same way that she does with her brother. Forbids Ben to use the word "sexual" in relation to her behaviour with John."

12.03pm "Even Ben and Dave were ripping into Sunshine just now that she flirted too much but she just won't accept it and is moaning that John gave her back her jewellery. She's still attention-seeking. Josie said 'wait for him to come to you.' Lets hope that's never.

Corin and John talking about Bob Righter, they think it's been a bit of a let down and will come into play later in the series.

JOHN: I'd really like to see what that bird does......

STEVE: But what god only knows.

Shabby can apparently see cracks in Josie's positive facade. 

SHABBY: I'm not joking I could literally sit and bitch about every single person in the house right now including myself and yourself."
12.14pm "Josie is sorting out her clothes, John says she's going for the farm (or barn) look today.

JOSIE: I've got an orangutang down there."

12.19pm "Mario educating John on the topic of Paris Hilton's Best Friend. 

JOSIE: Who wants to be a freebie? (Josie isn't a fan) 

John asking if people buy each other drinks over here."

12.25pm "Josie says her mum breaks in Horses for a living, and explains to John and Ife what that means. Josie talking about being a child...'when you go to school looking like that and your mum comes and picks you up in a horse and cart'...

John's mum used to be a horse massager. I had no idea there was such a thing. Josie's mum used to pick her up with a horse and cart and everyone at school though she was a traveler because of it and laugh at her and say 'you cant afford a car!' She never had any normal clothes either and everyone used to think she was a tramp. Then her auntie got a big farm house and people and people didn't think she was a traveler anymore. 

JOSIE: I would never ever goes back to those days. (It was during secondary school, sounds like she had a difficult time) 

John's school was the best ever.

The feed begins with Josie fixing her hair in the bathroom. The alarm blares in the bedroom, waking up a yawning Shabby who can't hear what Caoimhe is saying to her, on account of the Russian hat she is wearing and the alarm ringing! Caoimhe schemes to ignore the alarm until Shabby announces that is vaguely irritating for everyone else. 

SHABBY: Are they actually trying to drive us mad today? (SC)

Ife imagines what BB would do if they didn't get up all day and if they'd just keep the alarm ringing. 'Imagine the conversations we could have!' (SC) She sticks her tongue out at the camera because it keeps staring at her!

JOSIE: (comes into the bedroom to shout) HELLO!!! I'm annoying. When I'm bored, I turn into an annoying.. 

Caoimhe proceeds to punch a door in the bedroom. In the bathroom Corin is telling Ben not to worry about his task if he doesn't want to do it. Ben is fearful that if he doesn't, BB might chuck him out! Corin doesn't think they would but that he might get in trouble for it (SC) He hopes that people will understand why he hasn't done it. 
CORIN: Right.. cos it's really bad? 

BEN: .. Yuh..

Corin mentions to her mate, that it's up to him but if she was set a secret task she would follow it through 'whatever' even if it was really hard. She uses Mario having to break up the pizzas as an example and continues that if he feels he can't, he'll probably have to face consequences for choosing not to do it. 

Sunshine (sporting green lippy about as subtle as a demolition ball) sticks in her 2 cents, that she doesn't know what Ben's been asked to do but he doesn't want to regret what he's done. She cites that if they'd told him to rip up a HM's picture and he'd felt morally he couldn't do that 'then obviously go with your morals.' But she'd like him to go through with it if it'll lead to the house winning something. However, if it would make someone upset she says he shouldn't worry too much about that so long as it's not really, really morally wrong (like destroying Shabby's grandfather's hat!) 

Ben knows all that, he's just used to making all his own decisions in life. It's weird for him being told what to do. He stresses that if BB want to kick him out of the programme on the basis that he won't do something, then it's their problem. Sunshine supposes they'll just punish him with something silly such as bathing in cold water. 

SUNSHINE: If it's to win my suitcase back, I think you should do it. (guffaws) Only joking! (smiles at herself in the mirror)
CORIN: You do what you wanna do, Ben. Everybody else does in here! 

She scrutinises her face closely in her vanity mirror while blushering her cheeks, then lets Ben know that there is spaghetti bolognaise. She imagines the time is closer to 1 than 12pm. Ben finds the times they eat meals in the house very strange: 4pm for lunch and 10.30pm for their evening meal. Sunshine poses more in the mirror and I think she's liking what she sees!!!

Corin is going to try not to go to sleep now (SC) Ben compliments Sunshine's appearance as looking good; Corin likes the eyes but considers that paired with the green lipstick it's too much! Ben quite likes the green lipstick. I think it is most displeasing to the eye!!

SUNSHINE: I'm kinda working the alien theme today.

Smiles more (hoping that no John James' will rip her clothes off and expose her vagina!! PAH) as she explains she made the green lipstick with a blue one. 

BEN: You've got a good bottom lip, particularly. 

Sunshine was always embarrassed of that so tried to tuck it in and look really weird. She leaves to go and put something on her head and some jewellery.
The Tree harks up "What time d'you call this Brideshead?" and hopes he's calmed down after his hissy fit last night. 'Sometimes you need to learn when to button it and do what you're told!' T of T asks Ben if he wants to know what form his wrath is gonna take and that he'd given him a hint last night. 

He enlightens him that BB will set a shopping task later and that a special role has been created for Ben (who must make sure he gets it!) Ben must nab the part of stand up and Tree doesn't give a monkeys how he does it! He's then instructed to move around the bathroom like he's just cleaning his teeth (so as to not attract suspicion) Tree susses that they're onto them so orders Ben not to speak, only nod if he has to. 

Tree is being deadly serious and hasn't been in all his days but is then interrupted by Nathan who has overheard some of their interaction!! 

NATHAN: (grinning broadly) Who you talking to Ben? Who you talking to?

BEN: Just practicing something!

Nathan leaves him to it but not before cracking up with laughter! (ad break) 

From WHATM - (occurred during E4 break) "Tree says if he doesn't get the stand up role then the whole House will suffer the wrath of the tree.The tree calls him a prize idiot. "What I planned aint pretty" "Get out of my bathroom" "It's my bathroom" 
Ben is now entertaining the masses i.e CORIN with his Coronation Street impressions and she has to guess who he is mimicking. He imitates Norris and Sally Webster but Corin is more interested in examining the contents she has just extracted from her ear. Poor Ben he's a very misunderstood artiste! (SC)

Dave cross-examines Ben on whether he was talking to the T of T in the bathroom. Ben abysmally covers his ass with the line 'I was talking to myself!' Dave quips that Ben couldn't lie straight in bed and exposes that they'd heard the Tree, asking what was said. Ben instantly caves in but says he can't talk about it and that they're trying to make him do things he doesn't want to do. 

Corin comes to his aid that the Tree has messed his head up a bit! Dave laughs that he won't say anything (SC's) They've now started to talk about something he feels so strongly about 'this ridiculous green nonsense we're talking about! We've lived in Ice Ages before!' 

Fun fact courtesy of Ben: The Romans were able to grow grapes in Scotland 2000 years ago! 

He is angry at the morons who tell us the world will end in 30 years because someone left their blow heater on! Dave agrees. 
BEN: Do-gooding morons, they're the bane of the Earth! Political correctness, environmentalism.. we're not allowed to tell jokes about Ironside.. it's all part of the same thing! Humour-less twits are taking over the world! It's true you can't make a joke about anything.. ghastly! 

The humour-less twit (when it comes to himself) apparently wants to live in a day and age where we can make fun of everything, including themselves. 'You should be able to put whatever nationality in the bin you want!' says he about the Anne Robinson debacle and her comments on the Welsh. And he says that as 'someone who adores the Welsh!' Ben then indulges in some knee slapping. 

Dave teases Ben for pretending he was practising something because they could all hear the Tree's voice. Ben blames BB for picking the wrong person. Nathan breaks up the chat to see if they are wanting some pasta. Corin will go and sit with him even though she's having a jacket potato later.  

Steve holds back, to speak to BB as they've sussed Ben already and he thinks they have to report it in the Diary room. There is a flash of someone sleeping in the bedroom, I guess it is John as the body is in his single bed but covered with the bedsheets. 

In the kitchen, Ben asks Josie what she would cook him if she had him over for dinner. She answers that he would be served pad thai which he oooh's is lovely, then requests to know what she'd make him for starter and dessert. It would be King prawns with a nice little dip for starter, non-battered. Not sure what the dessert option was as it shifts to the sleeper! 
Steve comes back from the Diary room, chuckling away to himself. BB had suggested Steve go and join his HM's for lunch. Corin is too caught up in coating her cuticles with clear nail polish. (Ad break) Corin is lounging in the lounge and lets Ife know she'll have her lunch in a bit once she's done some moving around.  

Steve sits down on the sofa to snigger about Ben missing 2 appointments with the tree (SC) Seemingly all the toothpaste had gone missing the day before and was found in Sunshine's drawer! Ife hadn't even noticed; whether or not it was Ben or not they don't know. BB had laughed at Steve in the Diary room when he'd revealed they had a rat amongst their midst. 

He worries that other HM's quizzing him will cause Ben to blurt it out and that's no good. Corin tells how Ben isn't even supposed to say the Tree has spoken to him. As soon as Ben had come out from the bathroom, Steve had known he'd been given something to do as he was 'guilty as sin!' (SC) 

Corin concludes that Ben couldn't do it and it could have been something like ripping up Ife's photographs of Terry. Ife replies that she can remember what he looks like :D She couldn't do it to one of the other HM's photos though and calls BB 'horrible!' Ife would like a giant assault course set up outside like on the TV show Total Wipeout. 

IFE: (Excitedly shares Josie's passion) What about Crystal Maze or something?! I'd love that!! (SC)
Steve spots Ben playing on a monitor through one of the mirrors as a curtain has been left open. Shabby, Corin and Ife all take a closer peak before Shabby runs in to tell Ben she'd just seen him on TV! (SC)

Corin had a little bit of that bolognaise sauce, 'it was quite nice you know.. couldn't taste no tomatoooes!' Ife is going to put on a tin of baked beans for her, Corin and Steve to have with their baked potatoes. Corin just wants salt on hers and Steve is just happy having butter as Nathan may want to use the beans for a meal tonight. 

Angry BB blows up at the HM's over not being permitted to look through any mirrors in the BB house! 

SHABBY: (answers back) Then maybe you should close the curtains so we can't see the bl**dy TV! Of course, we're gonna look - we're bored out of our brains!!

Steve can't see it now but reasons that they didn't even have to go up to the mirror as it could be seen from where he is sat. (SC) Dave wants Shabby to come and chat to him about her task but she couldn't possibly say as maybe it happened weeks ago! Steve bids him not to mention it as they're not supposed to talk about it. 

Ben is aimless now he has failed at being a subversive and now feels loathed for it. Steve urges Ben to stop giving things away (SC) if he catches him nicking anything he'll handcuff him and take him to the Diary room. 
Ben educates Corin about a chief from a 1970's detective series Ironside who was a super sleuth. What was interesting (TO BEN) about him was that he happened to be in a wheelchair and was an ex-military officer. 'The theme music by Quincy Jones was fantastic' (SC) should any of you like to have a listen, I have taken the trouble of finding it for you -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNS0u6USBT8 

Dave pesters Ben if BB had gotten him to make up some excuse to get rid of Dave (as he'd been called to the Diary room) Ben thinks they know that he and Dave are 'like ying and yang!' Mario wants to know what he is; Ben again offers up 'ying' but Mario mopes that there can't be 2 yings! 

Corin curls over cackling that Ben had not gone to the Diary room when called, as he was comfortable in bed. While crushing Mario into his man booby, Ben recounts how he'd been given a task so unlikely he knew nobody would believe him. Mario holds a hand up that he'd managed it! Ben feels he'd be a good spy as he knows what he can and can't get away with.. and establishes that what BB wanted him to do he wouldn't get away with. 

Corin's howling in hysterics again, betting BB had asked him to rob food or eat the risotto! (ad break) Dave again affirms that they had heard the Tree speak while Benny was brushing his teeth. Ben presumed they'd believed him to be so insane they'd have just thought he'd finally flipped! Then bluntly banters that if Shabby had been speaking to herself in there, nobody would have thought anything of it. 
Shabby is a good sport and jests that no one has been paying any attention to her talking to herself! (SC) Mario laughs that BB made it so bl**dy obvious that the Tree of Temptation is the chest of drawers 'no subterfuge whatsoever!' He reminds John that he'd told him the Tree was 3-dimensional and it could be touched (SC) 

JOSIE: Is everybody here? (seems all HM's have been gathered at the sofas in the break, ready for the imminent task reveal)

John is still adamant that the mirror comes down and the panel splits in two. Josie is speaking with Shabby in the background about how things are only going to get worse and that BB are pushing the boundaries. She uses a stair of hell analogy about how each time they are being taken one step down. But then do something to bring them right back up. (BB never said there wouldn't be casualties)

MARIO: I even told you to think outside the box!  

Josie is talking to the group about how they were moaning last week about being hungry for about 2 days! She uses the set of stairs simile again and that BB will continue to push their boundaries so they're going 1 step down every time. Then she predicts what BB will do is bring them back up with something like the shopping so they're constantly up and down. 

JOSIE: (turns all psychiatrist on the HM's) Cos it's more fun for the cameras! 

Ben believes BB must be shown all around the world for case studies as there's no better way of manipulating minds than this. Shabby accounts that psychologists consider the show to be 'evil!' as Josie continues to theorise about stairs. John listens to her intently bless his bleached blonde barnet!! Josie reels off her speculations that it will be worse with no shopping or hot water.  

The theories seem to be hurting Ben's brain as he itches away .. he's not the thinking kind, darlin'! Shabby feels it will be a different punishment this time. Sunshine wonders if BB will get rid of their beds and leave them with tents to sleep in or the Mole hole will become the main bedroom. Josie reminds them that when it does get really bad it's always going to be alright because there will be an 'up!'  

Nathan isn't buying her hypothesis 'are you trying to say that they're going to do something nasty to us now?' Josie's not but attributes that some of the HM's had thought they were in hell last week because they were so hungry!

BB announces for one HM to read the instructions from the hatch about this week's shopping task. Shabby collects them warning that the task outside 'better be huge, man!' she laughs to herself as she scans the laminate, before reading aloud to the group. Caoimhe snickers that there is a section of the task titled 'why did the chicken cross the road?'  
Shabby reads 'for this week's task, HM's will laugh along with the world as they celebrate International Joke Day!' (which sounds like 5 kinds of fun!!) The shopping list consists of 5 challenges; HM's will receive a premium shopping budget if they pass 3 or more (and economy if they fail 3+). Each HM will become a classic joke stereotype and the roles can be played by either gender.  

Challenge 1 – There was an Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman. The 3 nominees will take on these roles and participate in a joke hunt.  

Challenge 2 – Why did the chicken cross the road? 2 HM's will become chickens and take part in an endurance challenge. 

Challenge 3 – Laughter World record: 5 HM's will become a nun, a Scouser, a doctor, a waiter and a mother-in-law. They'll attempt to break an unrecognised World Record.  

Challenge 4 – The Dumb Blonde (Josie immediately laughs 'why'd everyone look at me?') will take part in a quiz.  

Challenge 5 – Stand up routine: 1 HM will become a stand-up comedian and will write and perform an original routine. HM's are given 3 minutes to allocate the roles using the blackboard and chalk provided. 
(SC) Mario asks straight away who doesn't want to do the endurance task.  

JOHN: I don't mind being a chicken (SC) I don't wanna be the um.. I don't wanna be a stand-up comedian!  

Shabby scrawls down Dave and John's names for the chicken challenge. Ben offers to be the stand-up (on back of the Tree's threats) and you can just make out a mirror reflection, Josie and John have cosied up together on the couch. Tres cute!! Aww he thinks she's made of candy <3

JOSIE: I'll be the dumb blonde then!  

Corin casts herself as a nun while Mario checks Ben can actually do stand-up. Ben doesn't know but will endeavour to try! :D SC's frequent the air as Ben fiddles with his face. Josie can't believe someone didn't know a punchline to a joke, so turns to her little man 'did you know that one John?' The content is clearly too crass for daytime viewing as the sound is muted once more. It always astonished me how BB continued to fixate on the trivial but would silence anything juicy!

Mario (casts) as the mother-in-law and Ife is left with the waiter as the other roles have been taken. She's miffed that she is given no choice; Mario welcomes her to democracy! 
Shabby plans to be the Scotsman as an ode to her ex-girlfriend but can only do the accent if she sings a song. Josie pulls out a belter of a Scottish accent, so much so it is undecipherable to my ears! Shabby doesn't like doing accents for this show and her justification is cut out. Ben doesn't think it is her fault! Mario messes with Ben that his stand up better be good!  

BEN: Stop bl**dy bullying me!

Shabby doesn't really understand what the computer monitor has to do with jokes. Josie and John are being their now standard supremely sweetiehearts with one another on the sofas. So cute that you could melt just watching them with your eyes. (SC)

Mario really needs to find something funny in order to laugh. Look no further than Sunshine's lime lips for laughs. Yes, yes she is wearing that in public! :D It's just all a little too Madonna for my liking. Too mean? I apologise. But when life is unfunny, she can make it SUNNY by allowing me to make lemonade out of the sour lemon head!  Aw John looks like a lost lamb when Josie gets up and leaves him alone at the sofa. I hope he finds himself an angel (that he's maybe looking for) one day. 
Corin tucks into her jacket potato, loaded with salt. The lads wonder where she puts it all as she supposedly packs a lot of food away. Oops there's a slight panic that she has switched off the oven which is cooking more potatoes, but she thinks she left it on. Ben admits to shouting back to the Tree and having a little strop. I know it's all very exciting! SC's prevail.  

JOHN: (has escaped to the bathroom to chat to Josie, she paints her toenails) I know that, Jose but there's certain things that I have to suck up because it's not her that's telling me – it's them! There's certain things that I ha.. had to admit to if I wanna continue being in the house.. I didn't necessarily agree with it, but you.. I wouldn't have been allowed back! So I had to had.. pretty much just suck it up and..  

Maybe this is what John does to this day.. suck up certain things. He knows that things are still being said, only now he doesn't need to admit to anything as he isn't trying to come back. It doesn't mean he likes that his name is slagged or that he agrees with comments made.. just that he maybe doesn't think it is worth getting drawn into a war of words on twitter before countless eagle eyes. He is just quietly continuing to live his life (for the most part, unless he does have something to say!) I say stick them both on Oprah - get it all out and then be done with it :D :D 
Josie lets him know that Sunshine just wants to make it up to him before she goes. John starts to tell Josie what 'the thing is' but the sound cuts he continues that Sunshine was carrying on and laughing (after the incident!)  

JOHN: (has seen the light with Sunshine) She made me look like a complete idiot! I wasn't up for laughing any more, I was being serious um.. I said 'do you wanna talk about this?' She said 'no, I wanna talk to Corin!' and um someone said something and then she goes 'ah, you never listen to me John!' Or something like that, I'm like 'I just was willing to listen to you and you told me you didn't wanna talk to me' and then when I started walking away she goes 'you never listen to me!' She just wanted..she was seeking attention, it was so obvious! 

Josie agrees but thinks that if Sunshine goes and trails off when John explains that he has certain limits. 

JOSIE: You've drawn a line now, have you? Well, I'll just tell her that.. cos she doesn't want to make herself look like a bigger idiot again.. by coming up to you and then you telling her to 'do one!' 

John has cottoned on that all last night was about was 'her, her, her!' and that Sunshine didn't care who she hurt in the process or about what happened. This is why Josie did feel so sorry for him last night. He noted that when everyone was paying Sunshine attention, she'd 'milked it for every drop it was worth, she seriously did!' He is onto the chess moves in her little game and lists how she'd milked it in front of BB, Mario, even getting to the point where she asked Mario into the Diary room with her.        

JOHN: Just massively blew it out of proportion and everybody got on the bandwagon.. and gave her exactly what she wanted.. not everybody but people were giving her exactly what she wanted. And now.. now people can see what she was doing and fair enough.. I can accept that.. but not from her!

John won't be swayed that Sunshine knew what she was doing and is intelligent enough. She wanted attention and it's as simple as that! 'She was getting it and she was loving it!' This is why John believes she was laughing while saying she was going to leave as she had everybody around. He could see that there was no way Sunshine was going to leave but wanted everyone to think that for more attention. 

JOHN: (not one to be vague in the extreme)Who does that? In a situation that could be as serious as me being ejected from the house. 

Josie will tell her as she knew Sunshine didn't want to speak to John, only for him to turn around and tell her where to go. John thinks Sunshine got the hint from him in the bathroom that morning. But Sunshine had a word with Josie when John was asleep she'd told her that she hadn't meant to get John in trouble. 

John's sure she didn't and is regretting it now but at the time she was loving it. And he could see that she was loving it - this is what was annoying him the most! He also adds that if Sunshine hadn't gone in the Diary room having the fit she did, he wouldn't have been brought in in the first place. She could have simply gone in asking for plasters for the scrapes on her knee. 
JOHN: (unafraid of his own opinions) She was silly to even go in there and ask them not to show something, after we've signed 9 million, 55 thousand contracts to say that anything we do in here is at our own risk. Why would you even bother going in there and asking them not to show a certain clip on TV? Of course, they're going to show it! If everyone could do that, everyone would be in there every 5 minutes!!

It was so unfair for Sunshine to have John interrogated like he was some sort of criminal by BB! She'd do well in life to remember "if you can't stand the heat, don't tickle the dragon!" John is exceedingly open that he feels Sunshine has double standards because she had tried to pull his towel off him, when he came out of the shower the other day. But the difference is, he had not gone to the Diary room to whinge about it!

In the living room, Ben presses the Diary room buzzer to ask for a paracetamol but Dave senses that he is not sincere. Ben goes off about how Dave is meant to be his closest friend but gives him a hard time when he is put in awkward position of 'having to take Shabby's hat!' (BLATANT LIE)

He sits on Dave's lap and embellishes some more that BB wanted him to take Sunshine's lipstick and glitter to. The lies are rolling off his tongue!!!! He jokes that Sunshine is all about lipstick and glitter and likens this to taking away Dave's stomach 'you'd have nothing to do!' Then he hits his buddha belly quite hard which hurts Dave's sunburn :(
Ben bluffs that BB had named his friends and those he's had difficult relationships with. Sunshine laughs that she can live without lipstick and glitter then purses her lettuce-lips. (SC) Sunshine leaves the room, Dave asks Benny how long this has been going on. Basically since yesterday, which is why he's been a bit off colour - is his response. 

After Dave asks how many times he has spoken to the Tree, Ben stamps out any further inquisitions as they could get into trouble. He meanly mocks 'when are you going to have your skin tags removed?' I wonder if it is Ben's 'sensitivity' that makes him 'super popular' with the ladies!! Payback truly will be the B-word Benjy!!!!  

FUNshine frets and fusses about being covered in bruises, yet again. This is where I would normally make a face and say something snotty.. but I shall refrain. Dave enquires if Sunshine and John have made up and Ben wonders if he will get pen and paper for his part in the task. He hopes the routine won't have to last too long. 

Josie offers to make someone some soup. Then we zoom from the bathroom to the kitchen, Josie calls 'good night' to Ife as she is going back to bed. 

JOHN: Is everyone going to sleep? (SC)
In the lounge, some of the HM's thought Davina McCaw was about to speak to them. Mario can't wait for the bird to do something. (SC) Back to the kitchen, Josie thinks she's got the right title (in the task) as 'ze dumb blonde!'  

Ben is going to have a lay down and get Sunshine to give him a hand massage. Mario is sternly called to the Diary room. JJJ are engaging in domestic bliss as they wash the dishes together like an old, married couple. Josie tells John how she and Govan used to argue over a certain side of the bed. 

They laugh as she blows raspberries to demonstrate how Govan would fart and they were so wet!! 'Do you know what I mean?' (I love that she didn't suppress her silliness even around John.)

JOHN: Yeah! I have an indication of what you're talking about, yeah. 

Josie gets soapy suds up her nose; Steve is scrubbing down the sideboards. Josie wishes she'd done the stand up routine one now as she has a really good joke. Steve informs her it has to be a whole routine but Josie's joke is really long, she asks if he wants to hear it. 
JOSIE: Right, this bloke walks into this newsagent, right? He said 'mate, mate I've just run out of toilet roll, I'm gonna be needing some toilet roll!' And the newsagent said 'yeah, yeah we got.. we got er.. Andrex.. we got.. (what is it) quilted velvet (whatever)' .. he said 'we've got various ones, but we've got our best selling crappy brown stuff (wipes her face with her arm) He said 'um.. what?' He said 'yeah, our best selling crappy brown stuff!' He said 'I'll just take the crappy brown stuff', he said 'give it here, I've gotta go' (Steve chuckles despite it not being funny yet) So he took the crappy, brown stuff, come back the next day and he went 'that crappy brown stuff ' he said 'it reminded me just of John Wayne!' The bloke behind the counter went 'eh?' he said 'nobody's ever said that to me before!' He said 'yeah, it reminded me just of John Wayne!' He said 'it was rough, it was (the punchline is too rude for us to hear) 

Steve laughs out of politeness. 

JOSIE: Did you not think that was funny? (Steve had) Why didn't you laugh then? 

STEVE: Not hilariously funny! But funny, yeah nevertheless cos you told it!!

John's amusement is unbridled; Josie thinks it is so funny! And maybe it was Jose, but because BB cut the end, you could colour us disappointed!!
In the bedroom, some of the outcasts can't get their sleepy little bums outta bed. This means you: Nathan, Shabby and whoever else was in there that we didn't see!! Commuting back to the kitchen, Johnny James is drying glasses yawning. John points out something residing on Josie's nose, which she doesn't think is a bogie but a bit of dry skin. 

JOHN: (he says this with nothing but her best interests at heart!!) I'll say bogie!

Josie inspects it in the mirror and giggles but realises it's just the bubbles from the washing up! 

JOHN: (not buying that) Oh yeah, yeah.. I bet it was! Where have you rolled and flicked that? 

It's alright, Josie has a hanky now and she uses it liberally during a SC. John is proud to proclaim that he has a hanky - the common handkerchief is woefully underused these days! Josie giggles at how she has the sheer audacity to point out John's crusty ones after having one smeared right across her nose!! He whips her playfully with the dishcloth, a wicked glint in his eyes.

JOSIE: Who do I think I am? Thanks for telling me, John.. but how long did you see it there for?

He only just saw it, seriously (because he was supposed to have known retroactively). She thinks it's so embarrassing right on TV!! :D                       
Ben blows a kiss over to Dave and Sunshine in the bathroom, then lays on the settee and places his cotton wool patches over his eyelids. He wants darling Corin to sit and chat with him, to confirm that he was right not to take Shabby's hats (not that he was even asked to) he felt it could have taken her over the edge!

Corin starts some step ups (SC) Do you know what Ben would love now? A bit of custard tart! Steve likes some of that; Ben also makes syrup sponge at home, which Steve also likes with custard or ice cream. Ben folds his flapping hands just under his chin, as Mario descends from the room where diary entries are made. 

Steve evaluates that BB are getting everyone paranoid now by calling HM's into the Diary room. Dave asks Sunshine if she reckons the Tree growled at Ben; she laughs that they maybe played a sound clip (live feed finishes) 

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